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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1902)
To ProYeutSpreucl of Gerxua' Berlin a prospective customer In bakery , butcher's shop or grocery Is not permitted to handle the bread , cake , meat or vegetables , etc. It Is misdemeanor punishable bj a fine. A.BOON TO HUMANITYI ! ! St. Jacobs ! 0il euros the most difficult cases of Rheumatism after every other form of treatment has failed. SY. Jacobs Oil JVtrter Fails : IT CONQUERS PAIN Price , Zoo and SOo. gr for the Inevitable. A matrimonial club lias been start ed by 21 young men who live on Jer teey City Heights , TS. J. When a member marries , associates con- jfcribute ten dollars each to the Bene dict to assist in paying his wedding expenses. New members nro taken in to supply the place of the married iones. _ CITO Permanently Cured. KontsornerroHsneEMfci'ci 11 1 U first dayV use at Dr. Kline'a Great Ju'erve Ito- toror. grnd fo-I- KKKa.Orial bottin and lrfc Ltl e. OR. R. U. KLINE. Ltd..V31 A.'St. . . Philadelphia Pa. S ndny of Different Nations. Each day of the week is observed a Sunday by some nation. The first day of the week is our Christian Sun day ; Monday is the sacred day of the Greeks ; Tuesday is the holy day pf the Persians ; Wednesday of the ( Assyrians ; Thursday the Egyptians ; Friday of the Turks , and Saturday W the Jews. The poet's poetical license isn't enough when he wants to sell beer or f et married. Handsome people would suffer if rpfhotorgaphs were taken according to face value. Eighty-five per cent , of the quin- | lne product of the world comes from tJava. yrn. Wi .nlow'i ! SOOTIUNO TttOP for chtHren 'iwtlilnjr. softens Ilie curns. reduces Intlamation , IHye pain , onrei wind colic. 25e Uostl * . CANDY CA7KAJ3T5C All Dn stfit * . Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just a good. " isa ! In all its stages. ElyIn Cream Balm eleansea , soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives a cold t * x& ihsorted. fccilaf In 1m- mefli ! > : An * tnd Is Bieaiate and a cuttt follows. It la flat dry'jig < Joe not produce sncezlns. Large Size , CO cents at Drug- jUto or by mail ; Trial Size , 10 cents ELY BROTHERS , 63 Warren Street , New York. It Is a far t that Salwr's vegetable and flower needs are found in more gardens ami on mere fnnus tluin miy oilier _ 'In AniM-ir-a. T laws Js reason lor ltd * . We own and operate over COW aur * foe Uie production of our clioiee terd * . In ordgr to induce ] DU to try than we make tha following nupcfro- edeoted otter : For " 36 Gents Postpaidt SO ktndt of rnrvit l wlnn r ( U kt , I'l fnagoIflcMit Mtilett mclBBl , 10 taru plorimn toaiiUuM , 23 prrl M Mtue tiuteUw , 12 ; < lradld bert or1 , Ci toiyeooUbrautlfij COITW t * < i. . InnUaWkinis posJUT ly fHrulsliijis bnsh4n of olinrmias tiovfers tuxl lota and lots of choice vwretftbli-e toOTtlier with onr greot ctitslQgue tntiuK all atx > ut TeoRinta KDd I'rft Oat and Itrooius and Sieltronion teed al COc. a pound , etc. . all only for ICc. In * tamps.Trfteloda7. . JOHN A. SALZERSEEDCO. . La Crosse , Wis. Put Up In Collapsible Tubes. jl Substitute for and Superior to Mustard or MIJ ether plaster , ana will not blister the most dclients kin. The pain allaying and curative qualitie * of this article are wonderful. Itwill stop tho tooth- Ache at once , and relieve headache and sciatica. We recommend it as the bost an i safest external cunter-imtant kn wn , also as an eKterual rwmo- Ay for paint , in the chest and stomach aud all rheumatic , neuralgic and gouty compliant * . A trial will prove what w claim for it , and it will be found to be invaluable in ttie household , jlany people wcj "It is the bost of all jour prupa- fatious. " Price 15 cents , at all druggists , or other dealers , . er by sending this amount to us in postage stamps ' we will send you a tube by mail. No article should be accepted by the public un- tois the suiae carries our label , as otherwise it ia ot genuine. CHEEabUROUQH MANUFACTURING CO , 17 Sute Street. New York City. N.N.U N0.705 6. YORK , NEB BEST TIME TO MARBY , WHEN A REASONABLY COMFORT ABLE HOME IS AS3URED. Modern Tonne People Wait Until To < Late in Life-Neurly All "Self-Made' Men Wedded on $1OOO a Year o-i I/CBS. Why should lovers defer their mar riage a day longer than the time when sis far as we mortals can discern th < future , the prospect tof a conifortabU home is reasonably assured. ' : asks Cy rns C. Adams in Amslee's. It is sense less to wait for the coming of afllueni days. Their lives should be united and each in his way should help t ( bring about the advent of easier time * if they are ever to come. It is as fool ish to wait for a larger income than is really required as it is for parents tt slave and drudge that their childrer may enjoy a degree of affluence thej have never known. This is the rocb upon wh'ch the French nation has split They are a frugaland a thrift people. It is interesting to know thai many of the tasteful , artistic and cost ly products of France are made almosl exclusively for the foreign trade. Two thirds of the best chinaware of Llmo ges , for example , comes to the United States. A well-to-do Frenchwoman Is likely to use a preparation of rice flour as a cosmetic , leaving the delicate per fumes and other toilet articles of Paris for her American and British sisters who are willing to spend more money for such things. But the rich father , unfortunately , conceives it to be bis duty to leave bis children richer than himself ; if , on the other hand , he be a poor tiller of the soil , it is disgraceful not to educate nis son to a trade or a profession so that the family name may have a higher place in the social s -ale. This deplorable ambition fixes ! . - " > n the family a burden almost too greui to Inborne , and parents deliber ately resti i'-t the number of their chil dren. In large districts , particularly In Northern France , families of more than two children are rare. Many of the young people , seeing the hard lives their parents lead , defer their own marriages in order to better their for tunes , till at last even the desire to marry : s extinguished. Parents and children of all lands may well heed the lesson in sociology that France Is now teaching. Nearly all our self-made men , lend ers in the professions and in business , married young and on very moderate incomes. Many assumed , without the slightest trepidation , the responsibility of supporting a wife on $1,000 a year or less. These men usually have very pronounced views on the inadequate knowledge of the value of money and how to take care of it possessed by the majority of young moa and women. The views of these young persons as to the amount of income upon which they may prudently marryav. : . of course , according to ( he - -unistufPS in which they havo Ihed. Many : m intelligent girl who works in \ > \v York kitchens luis no whatever that she and thesteady , industrious fellow sue intends to marry will have a comfortable home oil § lii to § 14 a ( week. A penniless German school teacher who came to Philadelphia when a young man and vrho in his old age lives in New York on the rentals of apartment houses bought with $300- 000 ho earnd slowly in manufacturing assorted th * other day that § 1.000 to $1,500 a year in NCAY York would give to young married couples of refinement a comfortable home , books , mnsic and amusements and everything they might need for the rational enjoyment of life. This eentAfemau has the Ger man Irteas of tbr ft. Tti'v * I ? * c reely any doubt rhai any tu/m and ivlfe , gift- ed with an ability to disburse dollars to the very b.i3t advantage , would be able to realize his idea of comfortable married life on a small income. LEFT AND RIGHT HANDEDNESS. Explained by Anatomical Reason * for Same Quality ia Kyu- . It is a well-known faei that , the stronger activity of Uie nerves of the right half of rim body ( for not only the hand is concerned ) rniLjt be Jiscribed to a preponderance of the left side of the brain , whose lineo : development - pccially : is the seat of Vfce center of speoch , i < a. tunttor of common knowl edge , .says the Loudoa Optician , In a paper by Dr. Ludtleckwis i * tbe -Vllemeines Journal der Uhrmacher- lumst valuable information regarding the causes of the unequal working of the two hemispheres of the bralu is fur nished. A sketch touching oa tka his tory of evolution leads from tna orig inal symmetry of the organism to a subsequent disytnmetrieal arrangement [ > f the heart and the large blood ves sels , from which It follows quite nat urally that tiie two halres of the bead ire not placed on an equal footing as regards the distribution of the blood , ind consequently of the blood pressure , ind that , on the contrary , there must je , under normal conditions , a. stron ger pressure on the arteries of the left side of the head. This theory is borue out by well- mown experiences of anatomists and mthologists and a series of interesting > bservations. Of especial interest is : he effect of the higher blood pressure ipou the left eye. Dr. Luddeckens lound in the latter , as compared with : he right one , in surprisingly large lumber of cases , a narrower pupil In consequence of a more fllled-up coa lition of the vesselsof the Iris , and ipon closer examination a shorter con struction of the eyeball. This furnishes eason for the fact that In a > arge num- > er of persons the left eye is the bet- er one. Thus the finer development of the left half of the brain Is explaii ed very simply by the fact that n ! better supplied with the blood , ami th question why it is the seat of tht cei ter of speech , and why most peopi are right-handed is solved in the inos natural manner. It is striking how true a reflection c the conditions described is afforded b the examination of left-handed person In marly cases a redder color was n < ticeable on the right side of the fac < the right eye was built shorter , 11 pupil narrower ; In short , everytbln points to a better blood supply on th right side of the brain , which , in coi sequence , Imparts to the left side c the body the preponderance over th right one , a condition styled left-ham edness. In close connection thereto 3 the habit of most left-handed person to sleep on the left side in the uncoi scloua endeavor to relieve the rigl half of their brain , which Is mor charged with blood during the da : For right-handed persons the posltlo on the right side is the normal one fo the same reason. cience Tyndall says 50,000 typhus germ will thrive iu the small circumferenc of a pinhead or visible globule. The most wonderful astronomies photograph in the world is that whicJ has recently been prepared by Londoc Berlin and Parisian astronomers. I shows at least 08,000,000 stars. Plants with white blossoms have i larger proportion of fragrant specie than any others ; next comes red , thei yellow and blue , after which , and ii tho same order , may be reckoned vie let. green , orange , brown and black. Dr. G. L. Johnson , whose studies o the eyes of mammals have recentl ; been published in the Philosophies Transactions , calls attention to the fac that men and monkeys alone posses parallel and convergent vision of thi two eyes. On the other hand , the low er mammals possess divergent and con sequeutly very widely extended vision Squirrels , for instance , and probabl ] hares and rabbits as well , are able t < see an enemy approaching directly fron behind without turning the head. The Rev. John M. Bacon , the Eng lish balloon expert , insists that light houses should have warning bells un der as well as above water , because ii a storm sound travels farther uiidei water than through the air , and exper itnents both in England and America have proved that a bell struck undei water can be heard at a long distance in the hold of a ship. Mr. Bacon is ex ploring the air over London with bal loons , and he has made some Interest ing observations on the best methods of signaling by sound. By applying z parabolic reflector To a speakiug-trura p t he is able to send the waves 6l sound in a straight : compact beam , re sembling in its directness a ray of light It Is reported that an attempt is aboul to be made by the aid of Dr. Isaa < Roberts"celebrated photographs to de termlne whether internal movements occur iu the spiral nebulae. Miss Dor othea Klumpko , of the Paris Observe tory , will conduct the examination ol the photographs , her experience in tin measurement of the plates for the In ternatioual photographic chart of the tieavens having given her special fitne for the work. Some of Dr. Roberts photographs were made 10 or 12 yean ago , and by comparing these with la ter pictures of the same objects , it ii honed that any changes that have oc ctm-t'd ID the shapes of th tKibultif may bt detected. Tbe discorery w such changes would possess great In teivst and importance for astronomer * The astronomical instruments thai were'seized and carried away by th Germans after tbe capture of Pekir by the allied European , Japanese and American forces ranked aa great sci entific curiosities. There were two set * jf them , placed on and at the foot ol tho wall of the Tartar City. One set > f Chinese manufacture , consisted ol aid armillary spheres , and other out af-date instruments , of great size and strangely mounted oa bronze dragons The other set comprised a large azi muth , and other similar Instrument * ogother with a celestial globe of bronzi jorered with stars of gold. These last svere made under tho direction of thi Dutch Jesuit Verbiest , who was offl- iial astouomer for the Chinese ernpe : ar in the seventeenth century. Some jf the instruments were presents fron Louis XIV. Old A ? e Pensions in France. The proposed law for old a&e pension * neets with much opposition in Franca m the ground that the age at which thi > eusion falls due , Go , is far beyond th < irerage life of the French workman tfany labor organizations have protest- id and all on the same ground , thai lieir members have no mind to lay bj : rom their wages money by which thej ) eronally are little likely to profit. Sheer Nonsense. .loakley Queer tiling about that tal nan over there. All his Intimate frlendi sail him "Short" Coakley Just because he te so tall ih ? Joakley No , because that's his name -Philadelphia Press. They Didn't Dae to Notice It. Although the late ameer of Afghani tan was bow-legged , nobody dared tc | Jlude to tbe fact until after he was of- icially declared dead. This shows what it ia to be a Kteccss- ul autocrat Cleveland Plata Deafer. TH Vbn Tells How He Escaped the Terrors of Many Winters Pe-ru-na. by Using - - MR. IS VAC BROCK , BORN IN BUKCOUKE CO. , N. C. , MARCH 1 , 1788. His age fs 114 years , vouched for by authentic record. He says ; "I attribute \ my extreme oU age to the use of Pe-ru-na. " I Born before Un' 3 States was formed. Sw 22 Presidents elected. Pe-ru-na has protected him from all sudden changes. Veteran of four wars. Shod a horse when 99 years old. old.Always Always conquered the grip with Pe-ru-na. Witness in a land suit at age of 110 years. Believes Pe-ru-na the greatest remedy of the age for calarrhal diseases. T SAAC BTIOCK , a citizen of McL-ennnn L County , Texas , has lived for 114 years. For many years he resided at Bosqne Palls , eighteen miles west of Waco , but aow lives with his son-in-law at Valley Mills. Texas. A short time ago , by request , Uncle Isaac came to Waco and sat for his pic- ; ure. In his hand he held a stick cut from the grave of General Andrew Jack- Uufriendly Comment. In conversation , unfriendly com ments regarding the absent should always be avoided. In social life it is well to shun ill-natured gossip. Make It a rule , and let it be strictly observed , not to say anythiing about the faults of another unless there is absolute necessity for you to do so. This necessity may arise , and your own judgment can guide you about the matter. It is always rash to talk about the faults or evil doings of others. Why , indeed , should you do so ? You know yourself that you have faults , few or many , and that there are many things jou may have done which yon prefer should not be dia * cussedYeO. . then , exercise the same otiAJity u others that you would have extended to yourself. Another thing to bear in mind is that , if you talk of what is to the disadvantage of another , what you say will doubtless be repeated. Of course , you may preface your remarks by : "This is quite between our- sevles " ' ' do not it " , 'Pray , repeat , etc. But why should you imagine that the person to whom you are talking will be silent about that which you cannot keep to yourself ? She may forget her promise , or not consider it very binding. There are few horses over 17 hands high , but their is one in Doiiipbun county , Kansas , which measures 20 bands , and weighs 2,412 pounds. The uwner is a farmer named Stout. My Lungs " An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends said I bad consumption. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly. " A. K. Randies , Nokomis , III. You forgot to buy a bot tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral when your cold first came on , so you let it run along. Even now , with all your hard coughing , it will not-disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. Tkrw ibet : 25e. , SOc. , SI. AH tn&ttt. Consult your doctor. If ha ry take it , then do a * he says. If h tolls jon not to tako it. then don't take it. He knowi. Le&Yfi it with him. JTe are willing. J. C.ATER CO..Low rU Mass. son , which hns heen carried by him ever since. Mr. Brock is a dignified old gen tleman , showing few signs of decrepit itile. His family Bible la still preserved , and it shows that the date of his birth was writ ten 114 years ago. Surely a few words from this remark able old gentleman , who has had 11-I years of experience to draw from , would be interesting : is weil as profitable. A lengthy biographical sketch is given of this remarkable old man in the Waco Times-Herald , Dec. 4 , 1S08. A still more pretentious biography of this , the oldest living man , illustrated with a double col umn portrait , was given , the readers of the Dallas Morning Xi-ws , dated Dec. II. 1S9S , and also the Chicago Times-Herald of same date. This centenarian is an ar dent friend of Peruna , having used it many years. In speaking of his good health and ex treme old age , Mr. Brock says : "After a man has lived in the world as long as I have , he ought to have found out a great many things hy experience. I think I have done so. "One of the things I have found out to my entire satisfaction Is the propcf remedy for ailments that arc dis direct * ly to the effects of the cllmutc. F9f 114 years I have withstood the change able climate of the United States. "I hare always been a very healthj " man , but of course subject to"the Uttli affections which are due to suddem changes in the climate and temperature During my long life I have kncrwn great many remedies for coughs , col dm , nml diarrhoea. I had always supposed thec - affw u- > . ' < * o bo different diseases. Kor th hi > i ti u or fifteen years I have bei read ing I > r. rlartman's writings. I hav - learn ed much from his books , one t ! > in U particularthat these affections are th same and that they ure proper/ ! lle4 catarrh. "As for Dr. Hartman's remedy , Pt ru-na , I have found It to be ti e beat , If not the only , reliable remedy for these affections. It hns been my stand by for many years. und I attribute my good health and extreme old age to this remedy. "It exactly meets all iuy . It protects me from the cv * effects of sud * changes ; it keeps me ia good ap petite ; if gives me strength ; it keaps mj hluiid in good circulation ; 1 .1.1 v coma to rely upon it almost cntii > for th * many little things for whit h 1 lu-vil med icine. "I hi'lipve it to be va liable to oM people , although I hsive : ! 'limht it is just iirood for the youn- 1 -honld bi girt 1 it'my sincere ti tiir- : i > -uuilil ! be- co P the means of i > th > r * > < n 'his r ui- "Ij. because I bciiv. i i ; 'an great- c-t remedy of 'iii-j 'igf r r f.t.Hrrhal dls- " \Vhon ppiilpmifs r r , . , -riype first b rnn to make their ij , . .ranee in thJi miry I wa s : i M-fl n > r from thla diy : * ! . " / had fcveral : ong sieges with tha rip. At first I ciil not hnuw that P u-na was a remedy for this dlseast. When I heard that la grippe was epidemic curzrr.h , I tried Pe-ru-na for lu grippe and round It to be just the thing. "It hu.s saved me several times from : i i"gf > of the grip. I feel perfectly saffl from this terrible malady so lone as I nave Perumi nt hand. I hope that Dr. llsirtman may live to be as old as I am , to continue the good work of teaching. people the value of his great remedy , Peruna. Very truly yours , For a free book on catarrh , address The Peruna Medicine < " 'o. , Columbus , O. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna , write at onc-e to Dr. , giving 4 full statement of your case , and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. ITartman. President o * the Uartmun Sanitarium. Columbus , Ohio. VS87QRBA About lOmUcsnheadef D v. tusliiness , in vi > : or anrt nonriBliint ; fiart cattle nil over Amf rtra nt ic. a lb. it Is Salver's cataSox tell * . MSw * t&mW ForftferFtente Our c.talon9 Is brim'tv of thurt luUy ipstfi ! formIt } * Tt4E. . = ? such as TI iuzand U adeu Kale ; Teos.n'c , jiru-iin , ne iO . - of t'K " sreen foducr per acre ; rca.OBt : Spells , with : tu' " iUo'rhin i / ' r FRIfND r.nd 4 tcnB of hay per acre , HlUion Dollar Ore % etc. , IR. cH y ggg . _ SaSsara Grass t tatu ti taA { Aft < * .l ! uy fcod ba u&ru uumcn tn.'inrr * v t ej lorn ! a Br&tntJiii Jnrrs 6 ooa * of Way perSere : > ! " ' ntaiy , Ktwiujc vratfre * < r jioil la loaiid. Onr itfeat ramlosse , * fort/t 5iM to wide ttriika Act5r > can Kardenw or farmer , ia tnailid to veil with many farai s ed sampler , upon receipt of but 10 vests postsrgc. 3S CatMOK alone t cents for postajc- . JOHNA.SAL2ER SEED COMPANY , La Crosse. Wis. Ky Boston has fifteen churches which are maintained by colored people. The undertaker makes colllus for a living when be makes them for the dead. A British physician asserts that early baldness in men is largely due to the wearing of plug hats. A process for making artificial horsehair has been invented by a chemist in Frankfort. Germany. A strange hobby is pursued by Samuel Snell , of Holyoke , Mass. In his leisure hours he makes stone coffiins. and during the pnst twenty five years has sold over a hundred of them. Typhoid fever in South Africa has been spread largely by means which sanitation could not cope with , the Serrns being conveyed into food and water by flies , and by the dust nhich pervades everything. There are some astrologers in China , but not many , as astroiogy Is a very perilous profession. When one of shese so-called paophets predicts and jvent which does not occur , he loses ais head. There i s trouble ahead for some of } he married men of Minneapolis. Several of the old maids of that city aave conceived an atrocious system ) f blackmail , by threatening to pub- ish the names of all the men they ilted in their younger days. Many School Children Are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children , nsed by Mother Gray , a nurse in Children's Home , New York , break up Colds in 24 hours , cure Peverlshnes ; ' , Headache , Stomach Trouble , Teethins Disorders and Destroy Worms. At all aruegirts5 , 25c. Sample mailed FREE. A.ddres Allan S. Olmsted , Le Roy , N. Y. g Frnit on tbo Farm. There is no reason why every far mer , rich or poor , should not hav * all the fruit he wants , at little or nc cost. It takes , I am aware , businesi from the nurseryman , bub we an worknig for tbe benefit of the com- rnon , every day farmer , who is strug gling for the comforts of life , here and there , everywhere about tb country , and by grafting , budding and propagating vines , he can not only secure the comforts and luxuries for his own family , bul sufficient tc provide others and reap at few dollars to pay taxes. etc.--Agriculural Epito- inist. _ A Man A young man who seems 'deter. mined. to rise in the world is Edward Bean.- pre , of Assiniboine. Canada. He is- 20 years old , his height is seven feet lOyi inches , and he is still growing. He wears ISTo. 21 collar and a ! No. 21. shoe. shoe.WIT WIT WMTHIIH / GVrr v / SUCKEHS MAVS TMg