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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1902)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XTII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JANUARY 30 , 1902. NUMBER 2 49 49 49 49 ONE DOLLAR - toto 49 tib 49 For a pairioi men's overshoes tibto 49 in sizes 10-1 1-12 49 49 to toto to 49 49 49 ONE DOLLAR toto toto toto toto to For a pair of men's Perfection toto toto 49 to 49 Rubbers to go over felt boots in toto toto 49 to 49 sizes 10-11-12-13-14 toto - - - - toto 49 to 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 49 49 ONE DOLLAR - toto toto toto 49 For a suit of men's or ladies' toto toto toto to 49 Foreign Wool Underwear. toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 FRONT toto toto 49 to 49 toto SPEAKING OF Ladies' JACKETS , CAPES , COJLI.ARETTES and MUFFS We have made prices that will sell them before February 1st t Lots of other goods also going at a sacrafice to make room for SPRING GOODS , Clothing , Hats , Caps , Boots and Shoes D. STINARD , CLOTHIER and MERCHANT TAILOR Letter Writing , Cloth S .50 Excelsior Dialogues 30 ) Oratory. Cloth 50 Young Folks' Dialogues 23 Eloquent , Cloth 50 Choice Humor 30 Good Humor. Cloth 30 Little Peoples' Dialogues 25 Young Folks' Entertainments , Paner 25 Monologues and Novelties SO Choice Dialect for Reading 30 Drills and Marches 25 Temperance Selactions 30 Little Folks' Recitations 15 Select Speeches for Declamation SO Young Peoples' Speaker 15 i'lo\v to Become a Public Speaker 30 too Choice Headings and Recitations SO School Day Dialogues 30 Easy Entertainments for Young People Popular Dialogues " 30 Post raid 5 Cents Extra O. W. MOREY , Old Reliable Jeweler. T T r\ on OVERSHOES , UNDERWEAR and many other WINTER GOODS > A. PETTYCREW , General Merchandise We are continuously receiving And can supply you with Hest Grades and Quality of GENERAL HARDWARE Our stoves are unex celled in beamy * and [ quality. Call and get one of our new Calendars for 1902. Leave your orders for all kinds of GOAL. ANDERSON & FISCHER , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA GET AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * Can SatJcfv You in Oitalt Priee and Bates Reasonable Give Me a Trial * % f , * - . * ? TALK OF THE TOWN O. Gallogly of Johnstown was in our city last Saturday , Aaron Grooms was in this city the fore part of the week. W , G. Ballard spent several days in our city during the past week- Wallace McDonald of Crookston was in our city the first of the week. Wm. Ferdon has been out on his ranch during the recent cold spell. J. H. Wbillians , of Sparks' made this office a pleasant call last Friday. U. O'Brien was in town from the reservation Tuesday and Wednesday ot this week. J. E. Thackrey started for ManhatW tan , Kansas , Sunday morning to be gone a week. E. M. Faddis caine in from his ranch the first part of theweek. . He says cattle are doing fine. Miss Kate Donoher visited friends m Chadron , Hay Springs and Gordon during her bojourn on her homestead. Wm. Barker came down from Rose bud agency Tuesday and remained over night , returning home Wednes day. day.Al Al Thacher spent several days visit ing friends in Chadron last week and returned reporting to have had a jolly good time. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whittemore and L. O. Paine made our town a pleasant visit last Sunday. They went to Ainsworth from heie. Services at St. John's Episcopal church. Sunday school , 10 a. m. Holy communion and sermon , 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon 7:30 : p. m. All are cordially invited. J. N. Brooks , postmaster , of Rush- ville visited several days with Rev. Cumbow and while here looked over some rancn property. Mr. Brooks went down to Omaha from here . * Owing to the railroad company putec ting up ice here , there are quite a number of strangers in town this week the company having shipped 35 or 40 men here from different points up the road. School report for the month ending Jan. 17 , 1902 : No. pupils enrolled 18. Those not absent during1 the month Lawnie Beed and Edith Hattan. Those not tardy Artie and Edith Hattan. Those absent but one day . Lulu VanNorstran , Artie Hattan , and Delia Burns. Cena M. Downing Dist. No. 10. Teacher. James Lawless and Mrs. Annie O'Sannan , of Sparks , Nebr. , were married Jan. 23 , 1902 , by John Foster. Mr. Lawless is an honored and re spected citizen who has honestly earn ed the pood name that he bears , and though he has seen the frosts of many winters which has bleached his hair silver grey and made him ripe in ex perience , vet hale , hearty and spry and good for many years of useful ness. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Joan Hoffman. THE DEMOCRAT ex tends good wisheb. Tuesday afternoon in company with Judge Walcott and E. M. Jenkins , In ternal Revenue man , from Chadron , the editor visited the men putting up ice from the lake just north of town. The ice is of excellent quality and is 1C to 18 inches in thickness. The F. E. & M. V. E. R. Co. have 29 teams and 105 men employed in marking , sawing floating , dragging up a chute and load to ing into cars which stand on a side track near the mill. The work goes on like clock work under the efficient management ofVm. . Spencer , J. W. Mann and other foremen of the work seem to understand their duties as though it were of continuous duration Later Supt ilarraon was a viewer of tto work. 38 cars were loaded that day and before the work is closed hun dreds of dollars will He spent in our town for labor aud scores of traiu loads of the best ice obtainable will be shipgo ped to towns along the road east to " Omaha and west to the mountains. Minnpohnrluza river f < d bv numerous springs feeds tho Ja.kts which bears itf by name and IB a sparkling dancing stream that flows very swiftly and is clear as crystal. At the upper end of the lake Major Anderson is to working a force of about a dozen and a half of men put ting np icn with which he will furnish w the city during the coiningear. . The , tii Major is nearly thiough , having sever- al hundred tons stored in hib icehouses fob tobf of fee Local Weather Record U. 8. Department of Agriculture i Weather Bureau f Valentine , Nebraska , week ending Tuesday , January 23 1903 Mean temperature , 30 degrees which is 31 de Krees.belowthe average. Mean temperature ( or corresponding week 'ast year , ssjdegrees. Highest temperature , 33 degrees on the 23 Lowest temperature , 2G degrees on the 27th Highest and lowest temperature ( or corres ponding week last Year , Go degrees and 5 de grces respectively. Total snowfall .24 inches , which is .20 inches aboVe the average. Ma'xmum ' velocity of wind 24 miles from nw i't-rcentage of sunshine. 62. ' D , C. GKUNOW , Observer. Weather Bureau. M. P. Brosius , of the north table , was in town Saturday. Frank and Dick Grooms were in our city the first of the week. Billy Bullis of Brit was on our streets the first of the week. Dave George irom the reserva tion was in town a few days last week. G. Shaw from up on the north table was in town the first of the week. Curt Callen came up from Sparks the first of the week af tar a load of supplies. v Frank Tompson of near Crookston was a visitor in this city the first of the week. Dave Fowler and John "Granger who reside on the north table were in town Monday. Wm. | 2pke came in from his ranch near Crookston last week to spend a few days with his familey. Fred L. Drake who has the novel ty repair works came to this town last Thursday and has been giving satisfaction in his line of business. The work of putting up ice by the railroad company is progressing very rapidly. Owing to the intense cold and , wind Monday they were compell ed to lay off but resumed work Tues day morning. Good Cooking niid Political Economy. I think it ie more thoroughly real ized day by day how much nutritious , well-cooked , well-selected food has to do not only with the physicial well- being but also with the mental. Many large institutions have learned this truth , and have set at the head of . their departments women with a knowledge of careful marketing , the properties of food , the best possible methods for cooking and serving that food. Every university , college and school would certainly give first choice to college women , yet they cannot al ways be found. And it is interesting to note that these women are gener ally teachers of political economy. As a result of their investigations they have recognized the truth that for the evils of drunkenness and dis content a very practical cure is cleani healthful , thrifty homes. Miss Wool- ley , Eres. of Mt , Holyoke College , in Good House-keeping , Aj&c ; Educational Department : . j > BY LETA STETTER , W Jk " Self reverence , self knowledge , self control ; these tliree alone lead life to soverJgn power. " ' Tennyson Mr. Sparks was absent Monday. Miss Hobson has been recently-added th < < H. S list of organists. The seniors may be seen any after noon n.ow a days "doing their sums. " The few books which were delayed for a little while after the general ship ment arrived last week Now and then the thoughts of the seniors turn wistfully backward to the hydrogen bubbles aud Toepler-Holtz i marhine of bygone days It is quite noticeable that on par- ticulaily cold aud wintry mornings someone insure to'sugge&t that we sing "Now j the Gentle Spring is Here. " Miss FIPSS was called home Saturday the death of her mother. In her absence Prof. . WalEou , takes entire charge of the classes assisted by Mr. Growden in regard to the Greek his tory. tory.Mrs Mrs Watson's sister , Mrs. . O'Kane who has been visiting here for some time departed Saturday for Creighton where she will visit for a week with friends and tljeu retttra to lier bowe 49 49 49 49 49 LOOK toto toto toto toto toto 49 49 AT OUR BARGAIN toto 49 49 MIDWINTER SALE toto 49 to 49 49 Men's Perfection Overs for Felt boots all sizes $ .75 toto toto 49 Men's , Snow Excluder Arctics , all sizes 1.00 toto toto 49 49 Men's Winter Underwear , toto 49 formerly S .50 to $1.00 now 2 for .25 toto 49 49 Men's Hats " .75 to 1.00 now 25 and .50 49 Men's Macinaw Coats " 2.00 now 1.00 toto 49 Men's Pants " . . . toto 49 2.00 to 3.00 now 1.00 to 49 49 Ladies' Winter Waists " 1.50 to 2.50 now 1.00 toto toto 49 Children's warm Hoods and Muffs toto 49 49 formerly $1.50 now 1.00 49 Men's ' , Ladies' and Children's SHOES at one-half price. 49 4 49 ? DAVENPORT THACHEP 49 General Merchants. YOU CAN BUY Fine aud Fancy Underwear , Hosiery , Handkerchiefs , Yarns , Embroidery Silks , Opera Shawls , Neckties and Notions , * Point Laces , Battenburg Lraiil , Sofa Pillows , WoolKnit | Slippers and Center Pieces made to order at Prices that are RIGHT SHOES AT COST PRICE Maier Sisters WE GARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX B. VIERTEL CKOOKSTON XEBUASKA. THEDONOHER Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars - a-Day FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms YALEHTIHE - NEBRASKA ssar U. G McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL VALENTINE NEBRASKA > e : Saa | w. HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - , . Nebraska -S * -