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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1902)
1 * ' . ; THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT * - THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER , OF-CHERRY COUNTY NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. FE B R 0"AR Y 1 3. 1902 , NUMBER 4 49 49 49 49 ONE DOLLAR toto 49 to 49 For a pair ot men's .overshoes toto 49 10-1 1-12 toto 49 49 in sizes - - 49 toto 4 ? toto 43 to 4 49 ? ONE DOLLAR toto toto 4 ? to 49 For a pair of men's Perfection toto 49 toto 49 Rubbers to go over felt boots in to 49 49 sizes 10-11-12-13-14 49 t 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 49 49 ONE DOLLAR toto toto 49 For a suit of men's or ladies' Foreign Wool "Underwear. 4 ? 49 4 ? ITtH RED SPEAKING OF Ladies' JACKETS , CAFES , COJLLARETTES and MUFFS "We have made prices that will sell them before V February 1st Lots of other goods also going at a sacrafice \ " to'make room for SPRING GOODS , Clothing , Hats , Caps , Boots and Shoes D. ST1NARD , CLOTHIER and MERCHANT TAILOR mwit MIW ill mm. Letter Writing , Cloth S .50 Excelsior Dialogues " 30 Oratory. Cloth & Young Folks' Dialogues " 25 Eloquent. Cloth W > Choice Humor * * 30 Good Rumor. Cloth 30 Little Peoples' Dialogues " 25 Young Folks' Entertainments , Tauer 25 Monologues and Novelties 30 Choice Dialect for Reading " 30 Drills and Marches it 25 Temperance Selactions " 30 LlttlelFolks'Recitations " 15 Select Speeches for Declamation ' 30 Young Peoples' Speaker " 15 Ho\v to Become a Public Speaker " 30 109 choice Keadings and Recitations 30 School Day Dialogues " 30 Easy Entertainments for Young People 25 Popular Dialogues " 30 Post Paid 5 Cents Extra O. W. MOREY , Old Reliable Jeweler. D / on OVERSHOES , ' ' UNDERWEAR and many other WINTER GOODS W. A. PETTY CREW , G-eneral Merchandise We are continuously receiving And can supply you with Best Grades and Quality of GENERAL HAKDWABK Our stoves are unex celled in beamy and Cj'iality. Call and get one of our new Calendars for 1902. Leave your orders for all kinds of COAX. ANDERSON & FISCHER , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA GET AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * : We Can Satisfy You in OualUv Price and Workaamhip Bates Seasonable Give a Tri A * Sclxatztliauer * Propr. TALK OF THE TOWN " * * Local Weather Kecord U. S. Department of Agriculture I Weather Bureau f Valentine , Nebraska , week ending Tuesday f ebruary 111902 Mean temperature , 11 degrees which Is 12 de. greesibelowthe average. Mean temperature for corresponding week [ 8 it year , 10 degrees. Highest temperature , 40 degrees on the 11 Lowest temperature , 7 degrees below zero Highest and lowest temperature for corres ponding week last year , 3D degrees and 31 do Krees respectively. Total snowfall .02 inches , which is ,13 inches Delow the average. Highest velocity of wind 28 miles from nw Percentage of sunshine. 64. D , C. GRUflOW , Observer. Weather Bureau. G. H. Q. Smith iis ; on the sick list this week. M. P. Jordon was a pleasant Valen tine visitor last week. F. H. Baumgartl of Crookston was in our city the first part of the week. J. H. Whillians of Sparks tarried n town a few hours one day last week. Mrs. E. McDonald was a visitor for a few hours in this city Monday of this week. Alex Charboneau , from over on the reservation , was in this city the first of the week. Rev. Cumb6w went to Chadron Sun day night to assist Rev. Clark in re vival meetings there. Elmer Bristol , who is teaching school near Crookston , was in town a : ew daj's the first of the week. Robert Good attended the meeting of the democratic editors at Lincoln , February 4th , and reported a good time , Mr. Meltendorf , Dr. Compton , Miss Donoher and others were out for a chase after coyotes Tuesday after noon. noon.W. W. Honey , W. A. Parker , J , L. . Me- Elderry , E. w. Levie and J. H. Day , all of Wood lake , were transacting business in our city Tuesday. Dr. V. A. Goodrich , dentist , on ac count of his business here will not be at Nordea the 13 , 14,15 but will be there the 20 , 21 and 22. 4-lt There was a horse buyer , W. G , Wendell of O'Neill , in town last week. We hear there are some local buy trs here , too. Ask the boys. They know. John Neiss , who is engaged in the stock business on the reservation , was transacting business and vbiting with friends in town the fore part of the week. TJ. G. McBride has returned from putting the finishing touches on the magnificent residence of Mr , Ballard , south of Woodlake. It is said to be the. finest ranch residence in Cherry county. The ladies of the Presbyterian church contemplate giving a High Tea on Saturday evening Feb. 22nd. More particulars will be given next week. Reserve that evening for the supper as it will be worth going to. Judge W. H. Westovercameup last Thursday evening on 27 from A ins- worth where he had been holding a short session of court , and on Friday held a special session in the Cherry Co. court house and granted J. W. Smyser a divorce from Edna Smyser. There was some shooting in town a few nights ago when some of the boys got bowled up a little. We think there were some pretty badly scared people in town about the time the popping began , especially those near est the bullets. It began with a noisy crowd and ended with a rough house. flW. D , Morgareidge one of the old pioneers -Cherry County came to town Monday and closed a deal for the Beers and Clark land near him and will now have a good ranch of 1600 acres. On this Mr. Morgareidge can cut about 500 tons of hay and can run a thousand head of cattle on his range which is mostly fenced. Mr. M has lived in Cherry Co. since the spring of ' 84 and is as well known as most any of Cherry Co. citizens , and now that he has a good ranch and has built up a nice home for his family he is ready to leave it and contemplates moving to town in the near future where he can further enjoy the fruits of his labors in the years when it was a hardship to live in a western fron tier. We bid this family welcome to our fair city and commend them to our citizens as worthy people of which any town or community might justly feel nroud. Mr. Morgareidge is still a democrat and proud tfi tb& same. Andrew Schalzthauer runs a livery stable and buys and sells horses. Elden Sparks spent Sunday with his family and returned Monday to Cody on 25. Miss Ada Anderson visited friends at Longpine several days last week , returning home Monday. < t Mr. Redfern came in with a load of hay Tuesday and took back some sup plies to his place near Simeon , yes terday. David D. Dunn of Britt was in town yesterday and called to have us put his name on our list for a year to * the VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. Wm. Franche and Henry Ballard went out on a wolf chase yesterday afternoon. We didn't hear how many wolv es or coyotes they got. Monday , Geo. Elliott began moving his mammoth stock of drugs and toilet articles into the new building just completed by Frank Brayton under the Fraternal hall building. The room is much more spacious than where Mr. Elliott was previously and there will be room for lots of custom ers and plenty of room for goods gen erally found in a drug store. Harry Hilsinger , R. S. Dennis and Geo. Hershey went out to theirihome- steads last Sunday. They're a jolly crew and undoubtedly enjoyed ranch life and getting away from the city's noisy din for a few days at home on a ranch. Tney didn't brin ' the editor in any spuds , turnips , cabbage or beets from last years crop , nor did they bring a sample from the hen roost to jolly the editor with. We like the good old fashioned farmers who has a cellar full of good things to dish up and a Jat hen for a Sunday dinner. . , . First Sunday in Lent Services at St. John's Episcopal Church next Sunday as follows : Holv Communion 7:30 : a1 m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Moinlng prayer and sermon 11 a. m Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 : p , m , All are cordial ly invited. A Small Fire Yesterday forenoon while Pete Sim ons was driving past the livery stable of Stnyser and Hammond he noticed smoke coming out of the office in the south east corner and also some com ing out near the roof. Stopping bis team Mr. Simons took a hammer and tried to knock off the boards on the out side of the barn but soon discovered that he could get to the fire better on the inside which was burning between the laths acd the Weather boarding having caught from the stove which was near by. Mr. Smyser was in his dwelling near by and hearing the ham mering of Mr. Simons ran out and soon had the tire put out which hadn't burned very long and did very little damage. As is usual in such cases there was no one about or there would not have been a story. The stove was full of ; coal that apparently wouldn't burn when it was needed and when it got started there was no one to shut off the draft. AA jf Educational Department. BY LETA STETTER , W "This learned I from the shadow of a tree Tha t to and fro dm sway upon a wall Our shadow selves , our Influence may fall Where we can never fce , " The seniors wish it to be understood tbat they do uot "pursue" stories. The rule concerning tardies seems to be having its effect upon the H. S. Many have been detained from school during the last week by illness. The members of the llth grade are remarkable for their Sunday school stories. We leain of the death of Miss Bixby , formerly one of the teachers in our school. Miss Alhe Cyphers visited in the H. S. and some of the gardes last "Wednes day afternoon. The students of the H. S. are at pres ent much interested in one of Miss Hess' class books. March 21st and April 18th have been selected as the dates for our next programs , the Non Panels having the first date. 49 49 49 LOOK 49 49 49 AT OUR BARGAIN 49 49 49 MIDWINTER SALE 49 49 49 Men's Perfection Overs for Felt boots all sizes $ .75 49 49 Men's Snow Excluder Arctics , all sizes 1.00 * to 49 Men's Winter Underwear , 49 formerly $ .50 to $1.00 now 2 for .25 49 49 Men's Hats " .75 to 1.00 now 25 and .50 49 Men's Mackinaw Coati " 2.00 now 1.00 49 49 Men's Pants " 2.00 to 3.00 now 1.00 49 49 Ladies' Winter Waists" 1.50 to 2.50 now 1.00 49 Children's warm Hoods and Muffs 49 49 formerly 81.50 now 1.00 49 49 Men's , Ladies' and Children's SHOES at one-half price. 49 to w DAVENPORT & THACHER 43 * * * General Merchants. YOU CAN BUY Fine aud Fancy Underwear , Hosiery , Handkerchiefs , Yarns , Em broidery Silks , Opera Shawls , Neckties and Notions , Point Laces , Battenburg Lraid , Sofa Pillows , WooljKnit Slippers and Center Pieces ; made to order at Prices that are EIGHT SHOES AT OST PRICE Maier Sisters WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries E. VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBRASKA THE DONOHER Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars - a-Day FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Kooms YAL.EHTIEE - HEBRASKA K U.G.MCBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENE RAL VALENTINE NEBRASKA HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska