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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1901)
tte lALZERJ tm UC V mmm MMm - fc vnrimltzc MEDIGAIBUMINEB 01 Hie U S Treasury Recommends Peruna typ s fHl Dr Llewellyn Jordan Dr Llewellyn Jordan Medical Examiner Of U S Treasury Department graduate of Columbia College and who served three years at West ioint has the following to say of Peruna Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived from your wonderful remedy One short month hasjbrought forth a vast change and I now consider mysef a well man after months of suffering Fellow sufferers Peruna will cure you Catarrh is a systemic disease curable only by systematic treatment A remedy that curs catarrh must aim directly at the depressed nerve centers Thi3 is what Peruna does Peruna imnvc diately invigor ates the nerve eenters which give vitality to the mucous membranes Then catarrh dis appears Then catarrh is permanently cured Peruna cures catarrh wherever located Peruna is not a guess nor an experiment it is an absolute scientific certainty Peruna has no substitutes no rivals Insist upon having Peruna A free book written by Dr Hartman on the subject of catarrh in its differ ent phases and stages will be sent free to any address byThe Peruna Medi cine Co Columbus Ohio V4 H n fit W 3 M W tS i3 W Kt rii Kfl M WELL HAKE YOH R8CSJ This 13 a daring statement bUGsoi zcrBBecdg bear it out evtiy tlms Snrri GitHvtcJtcoruonKirthVliipoEilively roToiutjoiUzo corn growing Piliion iirtltarCrass GrctasS marvel ottlie opro IStonsoCliayperacrc lirss cropelx weeks after Bowing What Is It im Catalogue tells FOR BQcSTAIaPS onj this NOTICE vo sUl blr -ed catalor 10 Grain Samples Incl udincabove also topoiu isu uu per A uaa i W ISM bushel tr A Rim D3rJwya73toperAlwai etcWorth10togaeiSrt John A Salzer Seed Go La Crosss lis e 8MMsgftiniarfFasfe3i EOSF m wssm WMmeM TOSKSsa g waa m M B gHftl132 WITHOUT FEE BIS cl m EM la 8 s unless successful Mr M 1 K Mm U J Send description m are Oi 1vt and eet free opinion MILO R STEVENS CO Estab 1864 DiT 2 817 Kth Street WASHINGTON I C Branch offices Chicago Cleveland end Detroit A IBM m THE WORLD by Yooe owi fsressoe The JStoddard Illus trated Lectures tAtTen JSupcrb Volumes 4 OOQ Vietvs This work has had an enormous sale sold on easy payments Geo LShuman Co 315 Dearborn Street Chicago FREE EUGTO BELT QFF1R - Ill Vslilkilfi 0jmHHB9VM9S yayaspvea csaigarnsm lVKBb KN jT iUtW WITUTtH Dai 5FREE WEfiHIHB Cuiu TCIAI n vnnr own hnmn w furnish the cenulno att only 11KIDKLBEKU ALTERS AT- ISO CUUUKST ELCCTBIC BELTS I to any reader of this paper Kotcoaey In adranee rm or Ji - flnPT HVV ALMOST HnTHIHQ compared vith most all other treatments Cures when all otter dco trio belts nppUuees bd1 reaedlci fall QUICK CURE for more than 50 ailments OSLYSURECIinK Xor allnervoni diseases weaknesses and disorders For complete sealed confidential catalogue eat this ad ont and mil to us SEARS ROEBUCK CO Chicago IN 3 OR 4 YEARS AN IMBEPENSEgE USSORES If you take up your homes in Western Can ada the land of plenty Illustrated pamphlets giving experiences of farmers -who have be come wealthy m grow ing vheat reports of riAlftfrnifts etc and full liiiorm uon as to i educed railway rates can be vrt n nrilntnn tn thf SnnRrintPid nt of Immigration Department of Interior Ottawa Canada or to W V Bennett 801 N Y Life Uldg Omaha Neb - TRADE MARK yWk MJ MAKE5 COllARS CUFFS STIFF NICE as WHEH FIRST BOUGHT NEW -- y The job of police court judge is cer tainly a trying situation Your clothes will not crack If you use Magnetic Starch Exemplifying duty is batter than ex plaining it Try Grala OJ Try Graln O Ask your Grocer to day to show you n package of GItAIN O the new food drink that takes the piece ol coffeo The children may drink it -without injury as well as the odult All who try it like it GRAIN Ohas that rich seal brawn of Mocha or Java but it is madefroni puro grains and the most delicate stomach receives it without dis tress t the price of coffee 15c and 25 eta per package Sold by all grocers In order to live long it is necessary o live slowly Millions Uso Carters Ink vrhich is sure proof of Us excellent quality Is made chemically accurate Therefore the best A girls lover is a poor suitor if he does not suit her If you have not tried Magnetic Starch try it now You will then use no other Dont run if you want to catch 1 your breath GARFIELD TEA IS AN HERB MEDI CINE It is of inestimable value in all cases of stomach liver kidney and bowel disorders it promotes a healthy action of all these organs An event is a circumstance that sel dom happens A woman is never satisfied so long as there is anything she cant get The Champeny Creamery company a syndicate that operated seventeen plants in Wisconsin Iowa and South Dakota went into bankruptcy A receiver was appointed by the United States court No statement of assets and liabilities were filed Try Magnetic Starch It will last longer than any other Many a married man who isnt ex actly smart is shrewd In the game of life clubs are always trumps in a policemans hand Talk is cheap especially if a man patronizes a 5 cent barber shop The baker may not want for bread but he has his hour of knead After nine days of wonder the puppy gets his eyes opened TOTJE OF ALL MEXICO In Pullmans finest Compartment Drawing Room Library Observation and Dining Cars all Vestibuled with the celebrated OPEN TOP CAB CHILILITLI for Observation in the Mountains and Canyons and Dining Car in the Trop ics A delightful trip of 38 days with Three Circle Tours in the Tropics of the South of Mexico and a visit to the Ruined Cities All exclusive features of these itin eraries of leisurely travel and long stops The Special Train starts Tues day January 22 from Chicago TOTJE OF PTJEETO EICO Special Pullman Cars leave Chicago Thursday January 17 and Thursday February 14 at 930 a m connecting with the splendid new steamships Ponce and San Juan sailing from New York the second day following In dividual Tickets sold for other sailing dates alternate Saturdays TICKETS INCLUDE ALL EXPENSES EVERYWHERE These select limited parties will be under the special escort and manage ment of The American Tourist Asso ciation Reau Campbell General Manager 1423 Marinette Building Chicago Itineraries Maps and Tickets can be had on application to Agents of the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul rail way Oriiilrs Cures all Throat and Lung Affections Qmm syrup Get the genuine Rcfusesubstitutea Solvation Oil cures Rheumatism 15 so eta For Top Prices Ship Yonr GA1IK AKD POOlTItt To Headquarters G tV icUru Company Butter Egga Veal Hides and JTura Potato Onlobs In Carload Lots Omaha XeUraska m Sim 3b7 mm eta s m uosa FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS NEW DISCOVERY gives quick relief and cures worst cases Book of teBtlmonlala nnd 10 DiTS treatment rUEU DR M H GREKSS BOSS Box K AUacta Ga fA1JtlAAAAAiAAAAAAAlAtAiAi1AlAlAlAlAlAlAl fcjgySjffijMBw mp m ffi 57 A47 fr -5 8 a Silt Requires no Cooking CHE FOUND OF THIS STARCH VIILGOASFARASAPOUND ANDAHALF0FANY0THER PRJPARED FOR LAUNDRY PURPOSES ONLY MANUFACTURED ONLY BY MAGNETIC STARCH MANUFACTURING CO OMAHA NEB tA NewMivsii Leader ana Repeater laskt sgs3 fexving them take no others and you wUl get the best shells that money can buy ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM - III I Ill III I III I II III I II I III1 yVVfyyVV1 ynnAiivvriwrirV wyyy yyy - - w - A Clean Shirt well laundered is a thing of beauty but you cannot do good laundry work with inferior starches SUM is prepared especially for use in the Home and to en able the housekeeper to get up the linen equally as well ai the best steam laundries Try a package All grocers sell it at 10c A6NET1 1 5SSSSSS3SS 555SSS 2355 15he Sondirk FL By HALL CAINE i A Continued Story 3x3xsk5 CHAPTER VI Continued from Last Week He was thinking that he had for gotten his great vow of vengeance lulled to sleep by his vain dream of love he was telling himself that his vow must be fulfilled or his mother who had urged him to it would fol low him with her curse from her grave For some minutes this feeling grew more and more powerful and more and more his limbs and whole body quivered The poor woman in the crape saw that he trembled anu leaned towards him and asked if he was ill But he only shook his head and drew back in silence into the corner of the pew I must be going mad he thought and to steady his mind he turned to the book thinking to follow the old parson as he lisped along It was a reference Bible that the woman had lent him and as his eyes rambled aver the page never resting until they alit on the words then will I slay my brother Jacob he shuddered and thought How hid eous All at once ne marked the word slay in the margin with many references to it and hardly knowing what he was doing he turned up the first of them From that moment his senses were in a turmoil and he knew nothing clearly of all that was being done about him He thought he saw that through all the ages God had made man the instrument of his vengeance on the wrongdoer The stories of Moses of Saul of Samson came back to him one by one and as he read a chill terror filled hi whole being He put the book down trying to compose himself and then he thought How childish God is Xing of Earth and heaven and needs the help of no man But his nervous fingers could not rest and he took up the Bible again while the parson prosed through his short sermon This time he turned away from the passages that haunted him though Esau Esau Esau rang in his head Rolling the leaves in his hand he read in one place how the Lord visits His vengeance upon the chil dren for the sins of the fathers and then in another place how the near est of kin to him that is killed shall avenge the blood spilt and then again in yet another place hof if man keeps not his covenant with the Lord the Lord will send a faintness upon him and a great and woeful trembling so that the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase him Am I then afraid he asked him self and shut the book once more His head swam with vague thoughts I must keep my vow he thought I am losing my senses he thought again I am an Esau he thought once more Then he looked around the church and if he had spen Gvecba at that moment the fire of his heart would have burnt itself out and all thought of his vow would have gone from him as it had gone before He did not see her but he remembered her and his soul dried away The service came to an end and he strode off turning from every face but John Fairbrother tripped after on the road touched him on the arm looked up at him with a smirk and said Then you dont know where she fcj Who said Jason Then you dont know eh said John with a meaning look Who dye mean Greeba Just so Shes gone though I warrant its fetching coals to New castle to tell you so Hearing that Jason pushed Gen tleman John out of his way with a lunger that sent the dandy reeling and bounded off towards Lague Aw well muttered John youd1 really think he didnt know The woman in crape who had fol lowed Jason out of the church thinking to speak to him said Lave him alone Its the spirit of the Lord thats strivin with him And old Davy who came up at the moment said Divils maam divils in the head When Jason got to Lagu9 he found the other Fairbrothcrs assembled j there Asher had missed Greeba the j night before and on rising late that morning Sunday morning he had so far conquered his laziness as to walk round to his brothers houses and in quire for her All six except John had then trudged back to Lague thinking in their slow way to start a search and they began their quest by ransacking Greebas room There they found two letters in a chest clearly forgotten in a hasty leave taking One of them was Greebas abandoned letter to Red Jason the other was the letter of Michael Sun locks to Greeba The Fairorjthers read both with grim wonderment ana Jacob put Greebas Jettar in his pock et They were discussing the letter of Sunlocks as Jason entered and they fell back at sight of his ashy face and the big beads of sweat that dropped from it Whats this Whera is she he said and his powerful vuice shook Without a word the handed him the letter and he glanced it over and turned it in his hands like one who does not see or cannot read Wheres she gone he said again lifting his helpless eyes to the faces about him The devil knows said Jacob but see read Michael Suniocks running his finger along the signa ture At that a groan like the growl of a beast came from Jasons throat and like a baited dog he look around not yet knowing on whom his wrath should fasten Its very simple Its plain to see that she has gone too him said Jacob And then Jasons face was crossed by a ghastly smile Oh Im a woman of a man he muttered looking stupidly down at the paper in his hand A poor-spirited fool he muttered again I must be so God knows But at the next moment his white face grew blood red and he cried My curse upon him and with that he tossed back the letter and swung out of the house He went on to mounted the new mill threw down the roof rafters and every wall that they had rested upon until not one stone was left above another and the house so near completion was only a heap of ruins Then he went into the old hut took up his treasures and flung them out to sea Meantime the six Fairbrothcrs were putting their heads together President said Thurstan thats as good as Governor General The deuce said John Shell be rich said Ross I al ways said she was fit for a lady Hum Weve made a mess of it said Stean Well you wouldnt take my ad vice said Asher I was for treat ing the girl fair Stay said Jacob its not yet too late Well whats to be done said the others together Go after ner said Jacob Ah Hum Listen This is what we nad better do said Jacob Sell Balla craine and send her the money and tell her we never meant to keep it from her Thats good said John A Governor General has pickings I can tell you said Jacob But wholl go said Asher Go Hum What The deuce Well I mighttnt refuse to go myself said Jacob And maybe I wouldnt mind going with you said John And so it was settled But the other four said to themselves What about the pickings And then each W himself concluded secretly that if Jacob and John went to Iceland Jacob and John would get all that was to be got by going and that to prevent such cheating it would be necessary to go with them CHAPTER VII THE YOKE OF JACOD Jason paid the last of his debts in the Isle of Man and then set sail for Iceland with less money in his pocket than Adam Fairbrother had carried there He knew nothing of the where abouts or condition of the man he was going to seek except that Michael Suniocks was at Reykjavik for so much and no more he had read of the letter that the Fairbrothers put into his hands at Lague The ship he first sailed by was a trader between Copenhagen and the greater ports of Scotland and Ireland and at the Dan ish capital he secured a passage in a whaler bound for Reykjavik His double voyage covered more than six weeks though there was a strong fair wind from the coast of Scotland to the coast of Denmark and again from Denmark to Iceland The delay fret ted him for his heart was afire but there was no help for it he had to submit He did so with no cheer of spirit or he might have learned some thing from the yarns of the seamen All the gossip that came his way was a chance remark of the master a Dane who one day stopped in front of him as he lay by the hatches and asked if he was an Icelander oorn He answered that he was Was he a sea going man Yes Ship broken may be in some foreign country That was so How long had he been away from Iceland Better than four years Youll see many changes since that time said the master Old Iceland is turned topsy turvy Jason understood this to mean some political revolution and turned a deaf ear to it for such things seemed but sorry trifling to one with work like his before him They had just then sighted the Westmann Islands through a white sea vapor anu an hour later they lay tthree miles off a rocky point while an open boat came out to them over the rough water from the island called Home It was the post boat of that desolate rock fetching letters from the main land and ready to receive them from Denmark The postman was little and old and his name was Patricksen Well Patricksen and whats the latest from the old country sang out the master after two newspapers had been thrown down and one letter taken up Why and havent you heard it shouted the postman Whats that cried the master Theyve put up the young Manx man shouted the postman I knew his father he added and laughed mockingly as he bent to the oars and started back with his newspapers over his three miles of tumbling sea Jasons mind threw off its torpor at the sound of those words While the boat lay alongside he leaned over the gunwale and listened eagerly When it sheered off he watched it until it had faded into the fog Then he turned to the master and was about to ask a question but quickly recov ered himself and was silent Better not he thought It would he re membered when all should be over Late the same day they came for the first time in full view of the south east coast of Iceland The fog had lifted before a strong breeze from the west where the red sun was dipping into the seaN They were then by the needles of Portland side on to the vast arch which the heavy blow of the tides of ten thousand years has beaten out of the rock At the seas edge were a hundred jagged prongs of burnt crag flecked with the white wings and echoing with the wild cry of countless sea birds behind that was a plain of lava dust for seabeach farther back the dome of a volcano lying asleep under its coverlet of snow still farther a gray glacier glistening with silver pikes and beyond all a black jokull Wilderness jokull torn by many earthquakes seamed and streaked with the unmelted ice of cen turies and towering over a stony sea of desert untrodden yet by the foot of man Desolate as the scene was Jason melted at the sight of it for this is land born of fire and frost stood to him as the only place in Gods wjde world that he could call his home and little as it had done for him less than nothing as he owed to it yet it was his native land and in coming back to its bleak and terrible shores he looked upon it with a thnu of the heart and saw it through his tears But he had little time and less de sire to give way to tender feelings and very soon he had small need to steel himself to the work before him for everytnmg served to spur him on to it This was Iceland This was the new home of Michael Suniocks Vts was where his mother had starved This was where she had fled to who had wronged him sorely Early the next day they rounded the Smoky Point leaving the Old Man crag under its shocks of foam to the right nd the rock called the Mealsack under its white cloud of sea gulls to the left and began to beat down the fiord to wards Reykjavik It was not yet six oclock the Icelandic mid evening when they cast anchor inside the little island of Engy but the year was far worn towards winter and the night of the northern land had closed down And the time having come to leave the whaler Jason remembered that he had been but a moody companion for his shipmates though they had passed some perilous days and nights togeth er So he bade them good bye with what cheer he coould summon up at last and the rough fellows kissed him after the manner of their people show ing no rancor at all but only pity and saying among themselves that it was plain to see he had known trouble and though given to strange outbursts when alone was as simple and as gen tle as a child and would never hurt a fly To be Continued Seizure of M Zolas TVortin The seizure of Emile Zolas works in Berlin which has recently been re ported was not instituted by the Ger man government authorities or be cause the books themselves were ob jectionable The government censor had nothing to do with the matter It was simply the result of a quarrel be tween publishers emphasized by the judgment of a Stuttgart court It seems that the German library at Stuttgart and the Grimm library of Budapest had both secured from M Zola the right of translating his novels into the German language the one for Germany and the other for Austro Hungary It now appears that the Grimm library getting out its edition first immediately placed the books on sale in the Berlin book shops The publishers at Stuttgart on being in formed of the matter at once insti tuted proceedings and according to the judgment above noted an order was given to seize all of Emile Zolas works in Germany that had come from the Budapest publishers Sacred Siren of India The sacred fires of India have not all been extinguished The most an ent which still exists was consecrated twelve centuries ago in commemora tion of the voyage made by the Par sees when they emigrated from Persia to India The fire is fed five times every twenty four hours with sandal wood and other fragrant materials combined with very dry fuel The fire in the village of Oodwada near Bulsar is visited by Parsees in large numbers during the months allotted to the pre siding srenius of fire Wounded Seals Golden Deathbed A wounded seal led an Inoit hunt er and an American tramp to that won derful golden beach which fringes the precipices below Sape Nome The two men pursued the animal across the ice into an unknown bay and found it floundering in its death agony on a golden strand whereon up till then foot of man had never trodden There is a city there now peopled by 30000 diggers Answers What Is Fame I Ftaak Gilder is the elder brother of Richard Watson Gilder and is a plaialst and musical enthusiast He wao once traveling with a concert company in Canada when he was asked if he was any relation to Rich ard Watson Gilder Oh yes es a younger brother of mine he replied wearily to the curious person But he knows absolutely nothing about -music absolutely nothing Germany High Class Teaching At the recent meeting of the Connec ticut Valley grammar school masters held in Springfield Mass Dr Balliet delivered an Interesting address on the schools of Germany The high school teacher in Germany is a scholar a writer of books and often a teacher in one of the universities The aver age teaching in Germany is better than it is in this country and much of the teaching here would not be tol erated in Germany Spring Valley N Y is much in terested by the quiet marriage of Miss Belle Blauvelt and the Rev Dr D D Lindsly of Youngsville N Y Miss Blauvelt is SO years old the clergyman is 70 Miss Blauvelt taught a Sunday school class for him Submarine Trip to Enrope Holland the submarine boat man proposes to cross the Atlantic in a new craft which will live under water or travel like an ordinary respecta ble steamer just as the owner desires He has planned the itinerary and de clares there is no more to be feared II making this experiment than when he first took a dive in the orlgnal Holand boat His new invention will go first to the Bermudas thence to the Azores Lisbon and Cadiz Spam Much of the trip will be made under waiter he says Budapest Up-to-Date Service A new telephone service has been established at Budapest the object of the scheme being to supply subecrib ers with reports of all the important occurrences which are ordmariiy chronicled in the daily papers The service ha3 a main line 168 miles in length sand it Is connected with pri vate houses and various public re sorts Between 730 a m and 930 p m twenty eight editions of news are spoken into the transmitter by ten leather lunged individuals who work in shifts of two Virtue eventually manages to get the laugh on those who throw mud at her In 1890 the mineral production of the United States amounted to 619- 000000 and in 1899 to 97G000000 1 1i Sill v I 111 i iTiira 1 S j its w ilisl i IH Mmmf imi Lvfv yjnBi I 10 T8MawHBl m WM h III ABSOLUTE ECURITY Genuine Carters Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of See Fac Slmllc Wrapper Below Very small tuul as easy io take as sugar ICARTEffS lVEB I PILLS FOB HEADACHE FOP D1ZZ1HESS FDR BILIOUSNESS FOB TORPID LIVER FOg SQXSTIPAT1QM FOR SALLOW SKIM F0RTHECOMPLEXI0I Price I ojiiuxrtB mvstkay0iatuc 25 cafe I Merely- VeetsSevVeiw SXXKTZSSr CURE SICK HEADACHE WINTER TOURIST RATES SPECIAL Touts to Florida Key West Cuba Bermuda Qld Mexico and the Mediterranean and Orient HAXJT Rates for the round trip to many points south on sale first and third Tuesday each month RATES To Hot Springs Ark tfte fa mous water resort of America on sain every day in the year Tickets now on sale to all the winter resorts of the south good returning until June 1st 1901 For rates descriptive mat ter pamphlets and all other information call at C St L R R City Ticket Offlce 1415 Farnam st Paxton Hotel Bids or write HARRY E riOORES C P T A Omaha Neb W N U OMAHA BSKHIIEfeScVj 14 I1IIHFR No 2- -1901 MZzmtfzmm WHFR All CIC Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good m time 001a Dy arupcists X Dse t J