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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1901)
i H la i A f 1 1 I i it v l i i 15 1 If D M t M 1 1 lJ i S y i 4 X - A Tjr JL k - - ft - ---- - M T1 HE OWL SALOON 1 H f - We are after a Recor cMt will Pay you to Help us We are not ashamed to take you into our confi denca in fact are glad of this opportunity to own up just what we are trying to do Its just this way January as a rule is a dull month Every year we en deavor to make it a busy month by attractive sales in all departments Never since we have been in the business have we fail ed to show an increase of January sales eajh year We dont want to fail now and that accounts for such prices as these If you see a thing here that you need there isnt the least doubt that we an save you money on it 100 lb Granulated Sugar 650 20 lb of Prunes - - 100 1 gallon can Peaches So -- I Syrjip - - 40 y JV i - iM LJ B B STINARO B Jhpinh al National Hank New York 9 4 4 49 40 H R S DENNIS THE RED FRONT u rJMsr if riLym3Mm h Mll Hi U S CLOAKS CAPES For Ladies Missep i and Children ROOTS SJJOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING AIjL OUR WORK GUARANTEED GLOlHiER C H CORXKEL President Correspondents VALENTINE NEBR 31 V NICHOLSON Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A general Banking Business Transacted Bfiy x and SHIs Domestic and Foreign Exchange First National Bank Omaha Neb te 1PAINTING T- A- YEARNSHAW JAMES B- HULL 1 Sole Agents for HERALD PUEE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Vines and Cigars VALENTINE X NEBRASKA dymmk HHOHBMBHHHHI PRINTING YOUR OFFICE We Can Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND GIG S Of the Choicest Brands ftfr it PAPER HANGING g CALCIMINING g 2 4 Valentine Nebraska x All work well done fr 49 ht 5amaa Sft8g ttftftj2i m 4 4 4 4 4 49 4 THE PALACE SALOON t VALENTINE NEBRASKA g 4VZZtt 9VWVS I wv JUlJt Several fresh milk Inquire at this office ift3 Geo Cutler returned from Wood lake Saturday evening Henry Murphy of Steen precinct visited in town Saturday Pettycrew has the biggest and best line of mittens and gloves Almost your own price on overshoes and German sox at Farnhams 52 C W Bennett and family were in the city from Simeon Saturday Ina Flowers resigned her position at Sparks and returned home Mon day Sadie Dewey and sister Ethel were Saturday visitors in town from Woodr lake D Stinard and daughter Ada re turned from Council Bluffs Tuesday night v Jack Hooton has built a large greenhouse on the south side of his hotel The Democrat is the official paper of Cherry county Now is the time to subscribe For shoes that wear well and look well and fit foot and pocket well go to Farnhams 52 Three good rooms to rent over The Democrat office Suitable for small family Inquire I M Rice F K 3ivens was over from Rose bud the first of the week shaking hands with his old friends Tom Hornby made several radica changes in the arrangement of the interior of his store this week Mrs W A Pett3crew was quite ill with la grippe last Saturday but is much improved at present writing It is reported that a certain young physician well known here will soon establish a drug store at Woodlake Have you seen those fine pictures and frames in R Andersons window They go at 200 each during holiday trade 48 Dr Walter Tucker government physican at Rosebud visited his par ents in town a couple of days this week Andrews the photographer is fix ing up the old building on the corner east of the court house for a photo gallerj Buy a Woodmanse wind mill guar anteed for five years all repairs fur nished free of charge For sale by R Anderson 35 tf Clarke Tucker have moved their law office into the building recently vacated by Dr Holsclaw opposite the Democrat office Bryans paper The Commoner will be issued on January 23 We will send it and the Democrat to any ad dress one year for 175 Bryans paper The Commoner will appear about January 20th The Commoner and this paper will be sent to any address one year for 1 75 Sarah Simpson was taken suddenl ill at the house of Prof Watson last Saturday aud is threatened with ati extended attack of spinal menlngltus Every village is afflicted with a number of fossils male and female who always say This town has the worst lot of joung folks I ever seen Since we moved into a ground floor office where he can see things our devil has come to the conclusion that Valentine has the biggest lot of pret ty girls in the country Bob Good went down to Alnsworth Saturday night and visited with his family over Sunday He has severed his connection with the Ainsworth Herald and says he now feels like a common hobo printer We offer space on last page of The Democrat among stock brands to our advertisers 6 inch double col umn or more will be iriven exclusive right among stoctc brands if desired Also space on oth page for sale A card from I M Jones conveys the intelligence that he is in Laura Ohio and is happ He asks us where in is my paper by which we judge tbatlrv has not lost inter eit i Vajentine apd her people Z4 IHE VALENTINE VOLUME XT lwwwMWMWMMMMWMMMMMMMMMi ViTwrwiiii ma innnnnrwnnnnr Rice writes insurance New line of shirts and overalls at Farnhams 52 Good horse and Robert McQuade saddle for COWS sale tf for sale 51tf in DEMOCRAT The Official Newspaper of Oherry Oounty Nebraska VALENTINE NEBRASKA JANUARY 17 1901 yvwvww i TALK OF IHE TOWN nmii MiiiiiAiilrtyimftrtAiLAAAAAiLftflAJ AAMMAl CemmissioEaera Proceeding Valentine Nebr January 8 I90iBo3rd met ia regular session Present Cliairman L Lauf er Alex Burr and W E Haley On motion the following offlci 1 appointments were made J A Gee justice of the peace Kennedy pre cinct K N Bruce justfee of the peace Wood Lake precinct C C Thompson road overseer distri ct No 26 On motion F H Higgln was granted a refund of 3ji same being erroneously assessed On motion request of Barto Courtney to have tax assessed against them in Lavaca pre cinct for 1898 stricken from the tax list was ic jecled Oh motion the action of the board in reducing the claim of Geo Stannard was reconsiderea ami heariDg set for next meeting of the board Ou motion D Hanna was granted a refund of 240 same being double assessment On motion Fred H Itobi nson was granted a refund of 47 13 same having been paid twice On motion protest of C E Colty against pay iug distress charges was returned to him with out action Ou motion John F Hook was appointed road overseer district mo 17 On motion Uie report of county superintend ent for fourth quai ter was accepted f On motion request of J It Fee to have ob struction removed from public road was reject ed On motiou tax of Win Clarkson in Sparks precinct 1808 for breaking on school land was ckdered stricken from the tax list On motion a warrant of 1007 was ordered drawn on county general fuud in favor of W II Bearing superintendent of Institute for Feeble Minded Youth On motion the following official bonds were approved Henry auguston road overseur district 43 A0 ttnnri O Htarr James Hudson Henry C Bowring oJ Carey -John Borman John Urooins Jr Lewis dams J F Hook Aaron Grooms C F Long Assessor Joseph Wisser 0 John Ferstl CEVarnev JFYouig Henry Fowler JASauIts 1 K Leu Justice W a Wilson C B MuNamee J A Gee K N Bruce F W Xing J M Clarkson Steen Nenzcl i Hdilegel Plea8rt Hill Barley Minuecuaduza Ehlow Loup Georgia Merriman Kennedy Wood Laka Goose Creek Valentine 13 8 1 10 5 22 55 15 17 o precinct On motion the bond of Anchor bank for keep ing county funds was approved Whereupon the board adjourned to Jan t Jan 9 iiki Board metr as per adjournment members all present Communicationsiin regurd to Edgar bridge of W D McNall et al was received and on motion J J Owen was appointed road overseer of dis trict 50 to attend to same The request of E C Cole for refund of taxes was withdrawn on his request On motion John Simpson was granted a re fund of 789 same having been assessed by county commissioners without notice in 1 897 On motion petition of J A Adamson et al for new precinct was laid over until March meeting On motion request of John Hoffman for re fund of taxes was rejected On motion bids for county printing and sta tionery were opened and laid ever to Jan 10 at o am also bids for books and blanks The petition of E O Cole et al to incorporate the Village of Cody also remonstrance to same came before the Board and hearing was set for 1U0 pm and at that time hearing set for Feb c 1001 On motion tiie following estimate of expenses for the year 1901 was made County oflicers 93500 County Bridges COOO Court and Jury 4000 Precinct Officers 3500 Jail aud Board for Prisoners zooo County Koad Fund looo Mnmlies lor Poor 1500 Sinking Fund and Interct ir00 Itentfor CourtHouso eoo Bounty on Wild Animate 2800 Judgment Fuud 250 Fuel aud Repairs- 300 Books Blanks and Stationery soo Total G050 Ou motion the salary of the CoAUty Clerk was Hxei at 400 Salary of Deputy Co Clerk 7C0 Clerk was also allowed 30 for clerk hire in div trict court Salary of couuty superintendent was fixed Jit 3il0 per dty On motion contract wih county attorney for furnishing fuel for IiIb ofllce was extended for year loot On motion tile following clulms were allowed ami warrants less delinquent personal raxes or dt red drawn ou coilnty bridge fund Alex Burr recelvina bridges 12 75 -Oh county general fund Fremont Tribuue Book aud Cover 10 50 L W Daniels recording official bouda and certificate of electi 11 C8 75 Quglry iJliapinHti meMiciuc for poor 4 yo A M iMorrlsey salary and expenses 4th quarter UK0 17R 10 Ktta Bmwii expenses 4th quarter 1900 7 so hicKHOii Bntytu goods for poor 4 10 W A Pettycrew uootis for oo r 30 10 T P Spratt commissioners fees 7 -0 N Cunningham goods for poor 1C0O C fc Sherman livery 3 00 G h Hornby coal Mrs J G Gibsou county poor 4 40 G 11 Hornby supplies for county iooo 8 Jenifer commissioners fees 14 CO Ceo Elliott goods for poor 31 20 Alex Burr lumber 3 31 Fischer Ludwig coal fur county 13 05 Whereupon the board adjourned to Jau 10 January to Doard met as per adjournment members all present Hoard took up bids for furnislilnj books blanks for loot On motion the cerk was instructed to exclude from hifl annual estimates all blanks heretofore ordered not designated as ofllcal blanks to wit deeds mortgages real awl chattel leases bills of sale mechahic liens assignment of mortgages releaia of real estate mortgagee povrer of attor ney Whereupon the bid of the Fremont Tribuue was accepted and said Ann awarded contract for all books and stationery as pertheir bid with eiceptiou of 1000 ruled treasurers etatements records to be made of Crane Bros best linen paper All records to bu flat opening bouud with full Russian leather and covered with can vas covers with leather comers On motion W 8 Barker was awarded con tract for printing stationery for year 1901 as per UtsWd n 1 S NUMBER 52 IT1 SAMMIMMftMMftMftftftMft9 9 9 4 4 4 49 4 49 4 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 SHOES H O E S Not Cheap Shoes But DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants TOO BUSY To say much--we are invoicing You will hear from us next v eek Look out for it CROOKSTON KEBR I Sfr fr Shoes that are Cheap j LATEST STYLES LOWEST PRICES 2 fr Also SpeoialSafc at Q0 Per Pair I 2 o 5 2 rwMi LIVERY BARN WALCOTT LUDWIG Props Sucoessors to AL00TT STEVENSOH LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE XKKKKKK MAX E VIERTEL - MEAT - MARKET J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keep a supply of FRUIT - AND Game In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked llama Breakfast Bacon and Vegetable 4 1 Stutters Old Stand on Mam Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA TZSZJViTJTJrJ sZLscFfaLTsF GstfZrm LssZfsk SiTJM We Handle All Kin ds Leave orders withFrank Fischer or call at Ludwigs old stand m iwii fc i iiw i ii in Him in aw wwpMii 42 l 9 ine UUMUhliiJrl X 3 X I continually adding improvement and it Is now tilt bent equipped and tuofit comfortable KIRST CLASS xMODERN HOTEL IN NOKTUWEST NEUttASKA Hot arid Cold Wjtcr Excellent Bath Boom Tws Sample form vrvfff 9 W999 WWW v vv i