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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1901)
vn f M m h J i I I M f i 1 sLi v- It g J f Will nke jwoi Caltle V 1 8 - 1 c -Mm tfjgi SiiiSt54Sife2iia 1 RbMEMbtK THIS- J I NO DISCOUNT aFW DC 31 4 1 C - If if ii m - - it f - I1 L VVAAAJUUwAWCAAJAAAfc AAAAAAAAAAA AVAAAAAVKAAn IVAAax t f ik if i If i 49 fl - j imiwi it pecaayjr - Siaiaf5 -if Srf3T55tSS rfiyi Ifcrtrrf in wi Wc will make prices the samcfio all Just watch our ads for 1901 and you will be con f inced that we make all therices and are the Leader in Cherry County 1600 per ton for Rock Salt - J 225 per bbl for No 1 bbl Salt 20 per gal for Deadlight Oil 100 buys 15 pounds or Sugar ONT EzceUcfit RrhoMft J Tvt Samfe Coosu J v S S A A S Mfl ULUA5 - - n - -lf J i 111 IfT V For Ladies Misses and Children 1W7 Tn D ST1HAB0 CH CORNELL Provident AA 0OaO K S DENNIS Valentine Nebraska AJlaS ftsftfts ftftsftsss saassft ftftftftft nrv TrMMxjrrTi 1 11C JJUlNWlliH t c li continually adding improvements and It ii now th best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MQDJJRN HOTEL IN NOJRT11 WEST NEBRASKA Hoi tnd Cold Water ft BOOTS SUOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS practical tailoring ALZ Otlli UOJK OVAltAM b CLOTHIER VALENTINE NEBR V KtCUOLHOKRHhipr ANK OF VALENT Valentine Nebrask a - A eiicrnl SanSviifg ISnsiiscKS TrauKiUtcd ESuyM and Sells Donn stlc and Forciit liutnltta National Bank Nhw York CorTJpnliMi 49 First Nsifional Ilailk itnalin Nhi Apples and Oranges Cranberries Sorghnin and Syrup 1 Oider for MineePies Preserved Raspberries Cherries andTltnns Buckwheat Flour and Mable Syiiip Nuts and Gaud1 i Fresh New Stock Bfma m nim r v PAPER HANGING CALCIMINING A fcf 0 6I - All work well done 6 O ETH iNG T hARNHAMS AzafA jr 1 r 1 ri awl -2 ri Good horse and Robert McQuade saddle for salt tf Davenport Thacher began invoic injj their stock 3ionda3r E J McLaughlin was transacting b isiness in town Monday Pettycrew has the biggest and best line of mittens and gloves W H Boyer of Lead S D made a Hying visit toValentine Monday Lew Hollister from Alliance spent a couple of days in town this week Miss Inez Pettycrew is again assis ting in the county treasurers office Charlie Cooper ranch near Oasis week was in from his on business last w Sunday morning with his daughter I Myrtle Wm Ballard was up from his ranch last week spending a- couple of days in town ti i U G McBride was quite ill at the City Hotel with quinsj7 the first ofs the week H J Her6heJ returned to worth Friday considerably iraprovedi in health Port White the jolly old boy was Editor E L Heath of the Cody Cow Ooy was down from Cody last Friday on business tJ G MdBrlde and wife and Flora Hornback dame dcrwn from Rushviile Sunday mornings Alex Charboiiueau brought nis two children to town Sunday to resume their studies in school The quarantine against Valentine was raised by Indian Atfent McChes ney atKosebud Tuesday Geo Hershej j of AinS worth eame up to Valentine last Sunday return ing on Monday afternoon Three good rooms to rent over THE Democrat ofiice Suitable for small family Inquire I M Rice There waa a social at Hornbya 4 THE VALENTINE S Tfppms ciW E Waite and family are movimj fc 4AAAAAAAAWW 7J Siry a Woodmanse windmill guar- ntfeed f or fiveaarj all repairs fur- slied free of charge For sale bv o town from Chesterfield and will cupy the old Guth propertT ou 4i 3 ADERSON 35 tt errj street this winter yrs Chas Linebrink spent Sunday town on her way home to Chester- d from Ashland Wisconsin where e had been since Thanksjrivinir nn f MB lEwwn TH -- A M Mathieson returned from his -v fit in Omaha where he had been his parents Sunday f md a fine gold watch in his John stock y unristmas Stotts was down from Cody riday Mr Stotts recently re ed from a trip to Jackson County where he formerly lived near Piie Springs and out on the Sni JSrank Thorn accepted -the priuci pilsbipof the Wood Lake school and began teaching Monday E C Stev e1n the former teacher having work in C A Johnsons UMk at Wood Lake 1ft Misses Hattie and Cora Thackrey J C Pettijohn went to Lincoln nt down to their homes on Marsh Lake last week returning just ahead of the snow storm whicli began Sat urday evening They found the weather cool for a long drive We offer space on last page of THE Democrat among stock brauds to iour advertisers 6 inch double col umn or more will be given exclusive rjght among stocK brands if desired Also space on oth page for sale Wm Foster was in town last Fri day and paid his respects and aliiollar to the editor Mr Foster informs us in town a couple ot days during the that he lost red about three last week four weeks ago Anyone knowing of a stray witlY his brand will please no tify Kim Win F Morgareidge and wife re turned from Gordon the first of the week and reports a merry Christmas at the home of his wife father Mr Morgareidge began his school Wed nesday out on the Table after sever al days vacation Frank L Mathes and wife started yesterday for their home in Connecti cut but will visit in Chicago and in Cleveland on the wa They expect to be in Terxiville on Jan 8th when they will be given a reception by their friends - It was proposed to have the Ladies Cornet Band participate in the in auguration ceremonies attending the induction of Governor Dietrich into Hall for tue Ep worth Leaguers and oHce this week but proper conneo their lriends Unri8tmaa night - Lee Layport returned Saturday night f 1 om Omaha where he had been attending the state meeting of county sheriffs Misa Cora Thackrey returned yes terday to her school between Cirook 8 ton aud Georgia after several days vacation Regular services were held at the churches Sunday and Monday night Watch meeting was held at the Meth odist Church Wm F Ruilis and brother Charlie were down from Britt last Thursdoy William has become a regular reader of the DEMOOHAtf - Black Mickey uioved his bedroom the lirst of the week because some unfeeling person dumped a couple of tons of ice therein I M Jones left Monday for his old home in Laura Ohic to visit with his mother and other relatives and old friends during the winter Dr Holsclaw came in Saturday night from Omaha where he had been buying- a stock of drugs for his 1 new drug store at Merriman Lew Handy and Dr Lewis adminis trators will sell a lot of personal property at the Thompson place near the stock yard Saturday Jan 12 Lewis Ganow and spent the holidays out to bis home stead on the Snake and visited home folks before returning to Valentine Monday Ed Carey of Alliahce was in town tKe past week and returnedhome Saturday night to get his family and will henceforth make this his home We are in receipt of a neat and handspine calender from MaxE Vier tel the Crookston merchant- showing his store building and agroupof Ind ians around the front Thiaris a Win r f3 tions were not made with the trans portation companies and the plan fell through The state papers report that the commissioner of the general land of fice has made a rulihg that homestead entries can be made over the reser voir claims which created so much excitement a year ago last spring but lip to date the local office has not received any instructions to that ef fect The teachers of Valeutine schools returned Saturday niyht closing their vacation and begun school Monday moruiug with a good attend ance School wiiL continue later -in the spring to make up for the time lost during the last- two- months Send every child to school that is of gchoolage Let Education form the commonmind For as the twig is bent the trees inclined- Dave Fowler and Harry Harper had a f isticuf bout last Friday about one oclock but tliey were called down by the marshal and taken before Judge Towne who assessed them 500 each and costs The trouble was over some horses that Harper was trying to get possession of belonging to his brother-in-law to winter and which Fowler arid the Copswell b3V3 refused to give up Harper claiming that one of the horses was being worked Haff enburg Bros of Wlota Iowa have just shipped in a car load of young Thorobred aud graded Short horn bulls to Valentine and hold them at the stockyards They range in age from eight months to three years bodies and short legs They are said to bethe best Jot of thorobreds ever orought to Cherry count3r by several nf nur mnsh iirriTninpiif strsrlrmpn nnd 4 A KNTINE NKRRASKA JANUARY 3 1901 49 49 49 49 49 49 4 ffeS DEMOO oc WVW9WWVWWV r r RAT DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants crcror WW r4cv LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE - Ail - Exam ination Will Convince You - v - jfgjfeaiiwiiiLHJ ji i j viUyrijffitfwjm ir I ill II Mhll I II Ml III II lil II ill Hill W Hlllll III I UNIT III llilil rrtnrniTllHiirillUimi HIIWilHnll Mill IHlllillWHimiHlitMtiPHHfch il i miMIW iimwh himhii imm i in il m i WW SlUUM Yank Sundnv OBrvan was in town ove Vm Steudrnan Saturday was in the cit Miss Ida Stinard has been quite sicli this week IT1 TT UmimiTrfpl crtiat f fnnflav a ternoon in town 1 t i i hI I ih NUMBER 50 9 7 - S SiA ---- - - TAT Pf OP THP TOXXTISJ AiVAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiVS Rice writes insurance dW IWt I HANK 4 I OUR CUSTOMERS 9 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 For a nice Christmas Trade 49 And will have many Bargains 49 49 49 We will Commence Invoicing g January 1st to offer Watch our Ads hb lb h lb bb lb hb hb lb lb hb hb lb lb crcrcMccccrcxCfaiCCXimm YYTTPYWWWQT Li VERY BARN AAA WALCOTT d LD WIG Props AAA 3OW3 auu Successors to WALOOTT STEVENSON r2S5QSS2E52ESKSS2E money in your pocket to trade at Yiertels SaPS oaloke 13 pounds of Granulated Sugar ioo JO pounds or New California Prunes 100 s pounds of German Coffee lno 12 pounds of Mixed Candy iWJ Boys lelt Boots and Overshoes 140 Wen st ell Boots and Overshoes 200 Come and Sec ns MAX E VIERTEL CRQOKSTOX NEBR - MEAT - MARKET J WSTETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of FRESH T - AND GAME In addition to Brat class line of Steaka Roasts Dry Salt Meati Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStattars Old Stand oa Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA y Fsgaijsgsaa Uurns Uoils Sons Felons Ulcere TeUer Salt Rheum Fever Sore Skin Eruptions Iufalhablo for Piles Cure guaranteed Only 25c shipper Any one interested in af Elliotts drug store gradjngxip his hei d will do well - -to come in and see them before theyare 91 RicewfitesJngurange We Handle All Kiu ds s fc j Leave orders wither rank Fischer or call at Luuwiga old aland 8 gE25S2iagf W 1 INVJ YQUR IjxiN OFFICE Wc Can Satisfy Ycu in Quality Price arid Workmanship iSHktciia Avntca Snlvc J fas world wide fame for marvellous cures It surpasses any oilier snlvp lo- all good colors well built with heavy j lion ointment or balm fnr Cuts Corns i M - M Fife Iltuulrert lioHavs Wit I he Given For any case or ilicumaiisTn which oamsot I cured by Dr DrUhjmbndis Lilitnin The lroprU tors Co not hide tliisofTer but uric it in bold type on all Ibeir circulars wrapper prfntcdanaUpr and tbrougUtliclunins ofthe iiewepaiuirs evcriliere It will wofk wonders One -bottle wiil cure nearly dtse If the U jisKlSt las not gotit lie wilL6rilbrit at itwfl be address bypiprcca feceiplof pyico 3 Dn nniiGad Medicine Cjm Now iork Auciits vantcd W 40 joUpnnU Cill Q s V u - i A A