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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1901)
tfl m I ii A i A 4 i it J Kw 1 2 THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT M RICE EDITOR JBeat Out of an Increase of His Pension A Mexican war veteran and promin ent editor writes Seeing the adver tisement of Chamberlains Colic Chol era and Diorrhoea Remedy I am re minded that as a soldier in Mexico in 47 and 48 1 contracted Mexican diar rhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an increase in my pension for on every renewal a dose of it re stores ine It is unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and is pleasant and safe to take For sale by Quigley Chapman 2 4 Taken Up Taxen up at my place C miles west of Valen tine Dec 1st 1900 one steer red and white branded Circle T on left hip also with reversed S 0 on left side and earmarked 49 ALBERT PIKE r mS S the Ak A Twenty Dollars tteivanl Will pay tho above reward for in formation leading to the recovery ot one black mure one bay mule and a work team of geldings one a black weighing1200 the other a sorrel with white stripe in face weight 1200 All are branded SOS on left hip in ad dition to other brands 48tf Jack Whipple Rosebud 5 D Gltl People Made Youny C Sherman the veteran editor of Vermontville Mich Echo has discovered the remakable secret of keeping oid people young For years he has avoided Nervousness Sleepless ness Indigestion Heart trouble Con stipation and rheumatism by using El ectric Bitters and he writes It cant be praised too highly It gently stim ulates the kidneys tonesjthe stomach aids digestion and gives a splendid ap petite It has worked wonders for my wife and me Its a marvelous remedy for old peoples complaints Only 50c at Elliotts drug store 2 4 MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk 65c per cwt 1200 ton Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 1300 tou Screenings 40c Chop Feed lUU Corn 90c Chop Corn 95c Oats 105 F 47 Ci 4t 1900 1700 1800 2000 M WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTER - Valentine Nebraska- Practices in District Court and II S Land Office Real Estate and Ranch Property bought and sold Bonded Abstracter Mutual companies pay losses in full No discount I M Rice Aent J - DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed VALENTINE NEBRASKA 4 M MORRISSET ATTORNEY lTLAW O O VALENTINE NEB A N COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office At Quigley Chapmans Drugstore Niffhts At The Donoher Hotel wvw www WW WATGH CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING I AM NOW READY VOR BUSINESS With a nice se lection of Watche na Jewelry All kinds ot Repairing al Lug raving done prompt 1 and warranted J F IXCALIiS AMNWOKTll 5 UAAA C M SAGESER ToraiAi ARTIST Hair rutting and shaving HOT AND GOLD - RAJHS Cody Neb IB - 31 Geo Li Coleman Cody Nebr On left aide Horses on left shoulder Kange 10 miles west of Snake River Falls r HOT 1 C Evenson w i Frank Li verm ore Codv Nebr On both W12 sides or wRf anywhere fsM on animal fc Also Ij on hip or shoulder Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek S D J Stotts Stetter Cody Fehraska Branded on left side Range Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats Also 15 on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River WSsMsM Codv Nebr On left side and thigh horses the same on leftside Range Between Niobrara and the Snake imprfiovvv Henry Young Cody Nebraska Horse brand MY on left shoulder Cattle right ear split Range Little White river S D Clarence Cutcomb Codv Xebr Left side on large cattle On small TX stock left JO side Horses AA on left shoulder Range- South east of Cutcomb Lake 1 M J A C REEMENSCnNEIDER m Fi ssj2 Postoffice address C r YYW9PQfftQ3ftJfefAn j3j5Y Cody Nebraska On right side jalsoX on right shoulder and 2 on jaw 3 3 on leit hip also 3 on jaw Range Old Poor Ranch on Niobrara frusj Wheeler Bros J P GARDINER Postoffice address Cody Nebraska On left side of cat tle horses O right arm Range north and south of Niobrara River12 miles south west ot Cody William AL Dunbar Lessee from Heine Kroeger Cody Neb DUfi Either side Alsc low Oh right Left ear ot cattle Split Range head of nay Creek ALONZO HEATn JESffir Pvstoffice address Cody Nebraska On left R2S sine llor apssiijatitu ises left shoulder Range north of Cm comb Lake FRED AND WILLI AM 3IAYBEE Iostofilce address Cody NeM On left side horses same left shoulder Earviark notch on underside of right ea liange east and S wth of Eli CS CHARLES GART3IDE Postoffice address Cody Neb Cattle branded on left side also C G on left hip of cattle and left shoulder on horses liaiiscon Niobrara 10 mi southwest Codv TOnN SHANGRAN Poito ce address Cody Nebraska On left side Also on left side norscs J S on leit shoulder flange between Cody and Lake Creek FRANK MOGLE Postofllce address Cody Nebraska On either de cattle licrdmark left ear clipped and ripht car iplithorses branded same on loft shoulder Runge on Niolirara anaMdiclueUanyou G H SEAGER Postoffice address Codv Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side hip and shoulder horses tame Range Snake Creek ody Nebr On left side Horses same Range -Lake Oreek S Dakota ROBERT I IIINES lllll M mm1 nMi Postofllce address Cody Nebraska Branded on left side horses same left shoul der Range on Snake south of Codv William Shangran V B L Heed George Hejne I J Sri Gordon Nebraska Nebraska Flutt Brotriors Gordon Nebraska Range14 miles north of Gordon Cody Nebr Same as cut on right side of cat tle Horses same as cut on right shoulder Clarence Cutcomb Manager Cody Neb Brnfl regileroi No 1027 Horscs branded on left shoulder Ranire north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co I James Goodfellow Cody Xebr Cattle branded on left side Horses J3 on left jaw Range Between the Niobrara and iMedicine Lake Claesteriael Kebzaska DAWSON BALL Postoffice address ChesterlieW Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut also V leit neck andZ left hip some V left neck v left shoulder and Z left hio horses VZ left hip Range Snake River313233 iiJffiiOTi P A Cooper s OO I J Chesterfield Nebr Cattle branded same as cut on lertsule Hoise same on left shoulder a Also on I f left side Gordon GalJop asul Gregory W U I I T8 l n U G W BEAMHR JWrAVffJ t -ret gw a S5l5S W tmmm llnind same as cut on left hip Range head of Gordon Creek foily miles southeast of ordon Bn ederof Hereford cat tie Gordon Nebr Cattle branded on left side as in cut 0 inch box and 2V2 inch circle Brand registered S75 floras BfefiM branded KfiriGvJ left si der SS inch cirele l ineh box Registered 87G Range C miles south ot liwmon Niobrara river F C DuerlVllt Manager Gordon Nebraska Cattle also branded ttOou right hip Horses and mules crawled same as cut on left shoulder Glii r ti m SasassssMsJ 00 IlnAItlS will be paid to any per sou loriiirormatiou leading to the arrest and final convi tion of anv nersou or peisous steal ing cittle with the above brand WILLIAM BEAMISH Gordon Nebr ditto branded sanitt aj eit on elt si e Horses i Dt tndeil efeab on eir Ikitl nt H Oiiirillt4i Range 6 miles Chesnut auii u iii iiniu jw Teder Thorsen It f Gordon Nebrnsk On right side r on right nip o horse brand and T ou right shoulder Also cattle branded t 4 on left side Rature fowl miles south of I r wiu - -- - i Gordon Neb Also EH efeis east oi uorduu e is Jospph Fickel on left hip Horse brand V on left shoulder Rauge 10 miles northeast of Gordon 45 - f jir iikJ i ir s MOREY HEWETT Postoffice address Gronloii Noli wMMi On leftside of cattle horses same left shoulder alsogSEfTO leftsid g Paa on lefta R3Qfcideof some ala Range soutl J A SATJLTS frm s lof Snake35 mi south- n V DOWNING Postofhce addrdas Cfe Gregory Neb On kft side also CO L E on side Range StevenhOD Lake ip S P ro Jtofflce address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Valley and Snakr JULTUS PETERSON Otolhce address Gregory Neb Iranded i on cut Range two miles north of Gregory C JENSEN ost office a thw 3 u W il JJC -5 - T fcrJ kli u 1 G COOLEY Postoffice address Hyannis Neb on right si Ie bor es same on right ihouldcr ir re six miles north west of Moth er Luko precinct U- 1 Gallop Nebrasku Left side on private stock and right side on cattle ueldfvjra alsojy on left side of eattle heldorgssgsr ii jfkTtKy rlY 1 V J m Postoffice address hvannsNeb On left Imi aiif left toft A m on hip md leftMde Wm iiorees same svn w brands on shoulders Range 22 mitos uort ot IlyatuiN r v r v ivaswy C J on JrSSSM Hurscs left shoulder Ksnge Eiirht miles south of Gallop C S WILLIA3IS Postoffice address Gallop Nebraska On left side also W I left side also J left hipalso W on side and S on hip horses S on left jaw Range Eight miles south of Gallop iSffljj Be WTffiSffgS7rif sc Sk2t XaStestftkiJ I2YAWSIS SfEB L L MORRILL Postoffice address Hyunnis Nb On left side also 5 on left hip horses g left shoulder Range 25 miles north of Hyannis SHSffia II A BUCK Postofllce aJdress Neb ra lelL s5de f8J5ilJBauetl ginorth of llvannis e W E STAN3I5TE AND I O BAUGU cSd Lsyjvr Ma E K AND II E WOODRUFF 55 roitotlice address njannis e Wt3rS53SsSE On left hip and let M1wBM SK B4mmi I left ride BjgJ fesfel and reveled 4 rfis siioitiiier aisorigin t 5 hip and lettNiue uange JlOilier iKe GENTRY ABBOTT MONVHAN rjNtofHcei duress H N I i22vpg Until on s lef site iwfd ome stock 522 1 m led lrfi slioul ii r left hip nlso S S mysvliere ii ft lto alo i left sto K o e bead Middle Ionp 82 A 1 PLUMER fS WWm siaeandhij IBjBSsg 5 a F5 PS rfl rfsS u f i 1ML L IZ lykLI HTIhl Jkfatvv to iOe tiiVctyuvii fcitiiiiiii - Also have stoeh bn ndrd on right side and hi IIori s on right Inn gF luirige soutnveatLvn Jien County 1K8S3 EKRSga v9tfjJiJ xijvjrir Tiitt JK3IOtKAT Ijrn thr western 3Tdrfttka 3 a yciir W I s tssa WM ER1CKSON Postoffice address Kennedy Neb On left side and hip horses f or A on eitjaw Range two mileg northwest Ken nedy Gfe w r Kennedy Ke1rnska N S Howlcy KenncdyNchr Same ji oat on left side and lup and on left shoulder of hor ses AteoWgSfeJon left hip l lill 3 on right hip and F on left side Q on left hip of horses p ou left jaw and left shoulder of horses LU q on left hip of horses Prideaux Sanford Kennedy Neb Stock branded on left side V b wvn Jl Horses branded shoulder WILLIAM WILSON fiWWWnrTffWMiaiSB3 Postoffice address Ivihfora Nebr Two half circles on left hip and leftsde of neck Horses same on left shouidr Some cattle branded JMii ViUML X I reaper hook on left hip Range- Southeast of Kilgore Neb J R Wallingford KennedyNeb Catte branded same as cut also some branded I on left hio s2 r w 1 cm Mrriiaan Xcbrasla Mostly oi left side Some on right side Horses same on left bhouhler R uige Lake Creek S V John Gresh KJfJzSi Meiuiman Neb On botli sides some on right side and hip Horses same with out bar left thigh RangeLake Creek luLe msmmmt Sandy Williams Merriman Nebr I tmfif ft 1 trvn n PMf I W -3 BO L B Lesser Merriman Nebr I OX sgmmmmmm On leftside al so on same side bM nndei lined Hoi ses umler lined M on left thigh Range Little White River George W Aloiinier Merriman N ear z9i r rmL iI tl MIUIIIUUL ituu icis inigu Some g on left Iif 1 HorMs same on left thigh Range East and southeast of Mer riman wm- 1 r w Tl - -- 2 J rS m IW IIMI W y rir fTWg3Kj Seth Gar Merriman Nebr ZP On botli side and A- hip Herd mark dewlap Horses same on leit shoulder Ranire -Lake Ireelc ltid Lttt e White Rfxer A w It im ii ii gggmmm8m T F Franks Merriman Nebr v On left side car marK miner siope Horses T 5 on left shoulder - j jvlllpu III llllira M V mn theast t iiiiii E18 1 a ii Lttio MciTimm Nebr On either side-Horse- tame on hip Alro Q on Ranc Lake Crock Charles Richards Menimaii Neb ccr Louis J Kickards Menimanteb Merrimaneb Cattle on left side and hip some on left side only Hones Gun left shoulder i Range Colton j wood Lake ucr anu jjear Creek G O Fairhead Postoffice address Merriman Neb On hip of cattle horses same left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and Niobrara ltiver 9 ml southeast of Merriman Merriman Neb Left side or hip Range north o Eli HSAvtfft Tlfiiii ii iriTin mmrrTfil McrrimanNpb Brand registered No 1037 Brand same as cut on left hide Also leftliip Range 10 miles south of Merri man on the Nio 1 brara Postoffice address Merriman Neb Branded on left side horses same on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and the Niohi ara river9 mi SE of Merriman A Sr V j3gl i 0 ff ii if ctm r i fin t MP M Atif baS52aea33Ssaas3a5y Louis F Eichards Merrlman Neh CHAS S NICHOLS aslgii Hugh TJovill Manager Merriman Neb c a 7 Atoo MILLS BROS Merriman Nebr G5 rc5 Cattle and e- ses hrsinfleii on All on left aide or hip Ran e north of El Charlotte E liovill Si Ip5 SELDER RROTHERS Postoffice address Merriman Neb On left side of cat tlejalso TS horsesJol on left MsholdrftSM fi Range nortii and south of Niobrara Ri ver9 mi southeast of Merrimau TJ G Criger fp zznije 5szrzzf6A tBftte iV GEORGE JESSEN sSs3BEIBK3H3B fm Postoffice address MerTiIranNe On either left side or hip horses same On left shoulder E F DEVINE H R nge East o Cot tonwood Lake C Geo Eowlus Kay Williams Manager Postofllce address M RICHARDSON w4E lem1 wLIPa WA5f 10U1UVC UUU1 CCO SrTi IcCnnn Neb Branded on lefcslde Rance McCann C l C fi jj v4iiL Merriman Nebr Stale nraml Cattle and horses C 1i Some Vilsi fous oder brands Far mark Left ear clipped RaiiL from K toLeander Creek C GEO BO V LUS Scribuer Nebr left side or 1 Elr3 der Brand register ed 102 Range 12 mles southwest of nuiiiiiiaii Ill ire Niobrara river gglgjgqg Si m Ecoffey Sons MerrimanNcb MV i Cattle branded MV on left Fide and E on left jaw ears clipped noth ends and JC on right hip andO on riirht law un- derblt on right fflSSEg5right ilLt sfde i I Horses branded J Con toft hip and FE on left houderaud T on lett hiu Ituig Between Creek and southern part of the reservation and Wakpitie Lake K3KVTTCroKAu V5A35sy 3f 53rt JrrZ t a - rrrtTq Gi riffi J J Peck Cmly Nehr Li VVi nn wu uomsiues Horses oil MtthigJi Range Head- Pass Creek S D SALE OlKVTKAY iec j I will sell lo Mm highest ldler at my pfcie in German precuiei nr Rn1 I O y lauuarv 11 lOiil at li oVloek n in ike mi urfiiiunt mill miwii 3seii Miiurav iiirit iz ers oiti nnuniiil on left shoulder and 2 on tighf stiuiihtor Wuiirhr aJHuit i pounds iW - WAVILSON -