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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1900)
i i t 3 t b I rj k ii I E i I k 3 S o Postoffice address Brownlee Neb Branded on left side some H left side and thigh and on left tlilch JlJLMM S5 WESTER VOLUME XV PS KOUSCUE Tostofllce address Brownlee Neb ua leit side or any part of animal Ear mark right ear cut off horses branded same on left hipAlso has stock branded H on side or shoulder orJKorWorOVL oro or FZ Also Bsasg the following the first one being on side audhip suss LBS AND JIOK3 GEO HIGGINS El Range Duck Lake 1 Efck A SSST3g S JESS LLftf 181 PoBtoffioeadlrei Brownlee Sb On rlxht side o LIS ob saiii6 eld also LEX on U side Hangs north rownlea 2 to mile fotrmco artdr j Sr whIpo NVl iy taide Range Hi vnUey CLARENCE K SMITE Postoffice address Whitman Neb On left side horses same on leftshoulder on left side fcHiywhero on ammai uum iinorthifh WJk Range north prongfeS and Buffalo Lake jWFifc finm iimiii ix STEELE P PULLMAN Postoffice address Pullman Nel Branded as on cut Also p on shoulder on sideP on hip also w side P hip also P on snoulder XV on side P on hip llange north prong of North Loup KSRlSkri Postoffice address Cody Nebraska On left side also XO or W L on left side ol somecaltlegSBKa on- left WpB2f and horses onsaSSs left shoulder v lwueerMojitbsQf J JWrfrrCregK - - iJJ fll9FII BAN ADAMSON Postoffice address Chesterfield Neb Br nded as on cut some 5 on left hip some just oue brand like on cut on left thigh Range between Bordmanand Snake DAWSON BALL Postoffice address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on leftoide as on cut also v leit neck andZ left hip some V lett neck V left shoulder and Z left Ud horses VZ left hip Range Snake Biver3l3233 CHAMBERLAIN CO Postoffice address Brownlee Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws WILLIAM FERDON MANAGER Postoffice address Valentine Nebr Like cut on either left side or hfpalsr eg m msM tg oo Horses like cut ou tRJS vtH X xwjf Baft left hip and C leftshoulder 8 E W A R D for sufficient dence to convict any fbpilnv branrin Of MASON COMPANY Postoffice address Hvannls Nfh On right hip if either side On rmbt H V DOWNING Postoffice addreas Gregory Neb On left side also COLE oil side Range Stevenson Lake side left ai mi ft Ses right shoulder Range seven miles north of Hyannisj J on right side horses same JULIUS PETERSON Postoffice address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut Hango two miles north of Gregory C F COOPER Postoffice address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side same as cut stock over one year om v on left shoulder llange south west MMBaafcMgfin n ffySiCitrflSj DAN Postoffice address Harlan Nebraska On left side or hip horses branded same leftshoulder Range between Nio brara and Snake riv erssouth of Merri man Nenzel Nebraska On either side of cat tle horses same Kange northeast of Nenzel f Xj Sfii GEORGE Postoffice address Simeon Neb Branded on right side or hip jgSgSt Also j on left hip gfBS Horses on right houlder as on cut1 Range Gordon and Snake JL J A SAULTS Postoffice address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Valley and Snakr ol Hackberry Lake and Curlew Also some brando on eft leg JACOBSON BROTHERS Postoffice address Gregory Neb On left side some same with I on left shoulder horses leit shoulder Itanee Gor WEBSTER im don and Goose Lake A Ittiwnrtl of 100 will be paid to any erson for information leading to the arrestand nal conviction of any nersoti or persons steal ing cattle or noises with above brand J3 O J KELLAB R Postoffice address Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left hip horses the same Range 2n Dry Val ley okio e nadir Brown br n ef Range betweei loose Creek an Loup i HANSON xifEEiPPnliil R M FADDIS Postoffice address Pass Neb Range North Loup Riyer ALBERT NENZEL Postoffice address HfB RICHARDS CAIRNES CO Cattle branded on any part of animal also the following brands torses N DAVIS MM branaea tne same Range between Gordon on the FE MArR R and Hyannison BM RR in Northwestern Nebraska Address Bartlktt Ricxiakds Chadron Nebraska C JENSEN PMHH MfcyqpwigE fsf B ostoffice address Gallop Nebraska Leit side on private stock aud right side on cattle heldnarai al6fc3ai on left side of cattle iipiu orj left side Horses C J on Ifcft shoulder Range Eight miles south of Gallop 3T RICHARDSON Postoffice address McCann Neb Branded on leftside RangeMcCann 1 rstews wvvvvvvvvvvvvnffnnwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvw O A KbJKjIS 1 i V X JQOs Live Stock Statistics The customary report from the di vision of statistics of the department of agriculture showing the number of the various kinds of domestic animals in the United States on January 1 1900 has just been made public The report is made up from returns received from 50000 correspondents all over the coun try and they show that oji January 1st there were on the farms of the United States 13537524 horses 2860027 mules 16292360 milk cows 27610054 other cattle and 41883065 sheep No estimate is made of the number of swine in the country nor will any be made the statistician preferring to wait for the enumeration to be made at the coming census According to the esti mate made of the number of live stock by the report there has been a decrease since the 1st of January 1899 of 127 783 horses 48186 mules 384171 oth er cattle and an increase of 302245 milk cows and 2768612 sheep Why Not liaise Skunks In Indiana there are now in opera tion six skunk farms and according to a dispatch in the Inter Ocean a new one is to be established near Auburn by the DeKalb Fur Co who are adver tising tor 100 females From a pecun iary standpoint the business is a profit able one the pelt of a black skunk sel ling at 200 and the striped kind at 150 up After once being established the animals can be raised by the thous ands with but little care and a small outlay for feed The kittens are verv docile and easily handled while the old ones are susceptible of trauiing and af ter becoming accustomed to a certain range and master lose their disagree able feature odor Why wouldnt it be a good idea for some of our people to establish a farm on the river hauling slops from the town for food It is worth a trial The Outlook isGood The present condition of the range throughout the west and soutlnvest is in fine shape The winter has been the mildest on record and all stock on the range ought to be doing well The prospects are good for an early spring with a good season in the ground all ranges should be flue the coming sea son All cattle where given sufficient range will get fat Prospects are fa vorable for a good lively cattle mar ket during 1900 The business con ditions of the country continue in a flourishing condition which will create a good home consumption for all meat products With the two wars going on one in the Philippines and the one in South Africa they make an extra de mand for canned and cured meats therefore we may expect fair prices for all we have to sell for some time to come it A Allen of Oklahoma A New Plan Some of our young men are arrang ing to put in their labor for the next seven years The arrangement is to engage with a stockman to work for a term of seven years and receive 15 per month the first year 20 per month the second year and a continual advance of 5 per month each year until the expiration of the seven years The employe is to have the privilege of- investing his monthly earnings in stock and run the same on the range and with the stock belonging to his employer without uny expense to the employe The stock owner by such an arrangement secures services of experienced help at low wa ges for several jears and the employe at the expiration cf seven years will have a large herd of stock of his own Crawford Bulletin New Sheep Law Sheep drovers who purchase stock in Oregon tl is year to drive through Wyoming will not have as easy a time getting through that state according to J M Williams of Moorcraft Wyo Mr Williams who is interested in sheep raising at that point says a new state law will go into effect this spring quarantining all outside sheep for a period of sixty days at the state boun dary and the stock has to be dipped and inspected and approved before be ing permitted to move on This law is ostensibly a quarantine regulation but is evidently aimed at Oregon and Washington sheep which recent pur chasers drive eastward to the feeding grounds An Emphatic Protest After voicing -their sentiments in a long preamble the stockmen atjlyan nis passed thesj resolutions against the proposed lease law Resolved That we are unalterably opposed to the proposed or any similar measure and earnestly protest against its enactment into law and be it llesolved That this meeting of citi zens take such action as will procure the dissemination of this protest throughout the territory affected and earnestly request the immediate co operation of its inhabitants and be it further Resolved That Nebraskjvs represen tatives in congress be and they are hereby instructed to work and vote against the proposed bill for leasing the public lands of the United states and agaicst any similar measure Didnt Run a Monkey Ranch It is related of Arkansaw Hob Gil laspie that while coining to town a short lime ago he had a breakdown while near the Niobrara and requiring a wrench to repair the damage to his wagon he went to a neighboring house to secure it The resident proved to be a Norwegian who did not under stand English very well but Bob asked him in his most distinct tones if he had a monkey wrench The Norwegian looked puzzled and finally replied No ay bane no monka ranch but dare bane a cow ranch yust over dot heel Rob collapsed Keya Paha Stockmen A meeting of the Keya Paha Riyer stock association was held at Brocks burg on Feb 17th and from the min utes of the meeting we learn that the following business was done Moved and carried that the OS brand on left jaw as allowed by the State Brand committee be adopted by this association as an association brand to oe used by mem bera of the associcition in addition to their private brands Moved aud carried that the executive committee procure 100 brands and sell them to the members at cost The supreme court of Kansas has just rendered a decision declaring of the lastles islature in requiring railroads to fur nish free transportation to shippers of live stock The court was unanimous and its decision reverses both the appel ate court and the Sedgwick county dis trict court The court holds that it was a deprivation of property without due process of law and therefore un constitutional and void under the four teenth amendment of the constitution Secretary Martin of the National Live Stock association has been ap pointed special agent in charge of the taking of the classified census of live stock Headquarters for this division embracing all the range country has been established at JDenverr This will be the first time in the historv of the country that a classified census of live stock will have been taken A special appropriation was made by congress for this purpose Aiiles City Journal Chicago Shoe and Leather Review says The packers have little trouble in disposing ol their branded hides but native steers and cows are dull and neglected The tanners find country hides are relatively cheaper and are neglecting the packer markets We quote native steers 13 l 8c and 13 l 4c Texas 13c Colorado steers and branded cows 11 l 2c and 11 3 4c and heavy and light native cows 11 l 2c Speaking of the meeting in Hyannis Feb 17 The Tribune says There was a goodly representation of stockmen from this and Cherry county and all were quite enthusiastic in their denun ciation of the measure There were a few and a very few we are glad to say who were willing that the land should be leased but the great major ity Avas ikfeniinst the bill from first to last- A Trinidad Colo report says F JD Wight will make the largest individual shipment of wool to Boston ever sent from the southwest rn country It ag gregates about 650000 pounds and represents the entire clip from his thou sands of head of sheep for the past three reare The crreater nortinn of the wool is scoured Chas Carver formerly of Pullman now of Alliance was a Whitman caller Saturday morning lie went out north to look after some stock interests there He has sold his ranch which is about eight miles south of Alliance aud will move to Colorado in the spring and try ranching there Whitman Sun SwSSSBi8S3i t8RJMILiJIJaJBJuiUllJJ WB - NEWS DEMOCRAT rarm ana stocK Journal VALENTINE NEBRASKA MARCH 1 1900 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 G NUMBER 6 MIDWINTER SALE FOR CASH Mens Cottou Flannel Underwear - were 50c now 25c Mens Heavy Fleece Lined Mens Winter Underwear Ladies Whiter Union Suits Misses Winter Union Suits Childrens Winter Underwear - CC a u CC 50c - a5e 35c 20c 50c 25c 5c to 15c ALL WINTER DKESS GOODS AT COST 1 DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants rrtrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT SaaSi2sSir2t0ccccctcocr0 to to to to to to to to to to to to to ht to 0 c 0 to to to to to to to to to to to TIZENS MEAT MARKET J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of H FRUIT -AND -GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Boasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At Stetters Old 8tand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA It ill ANNUAL Is This Plain Enough If you have a nagging cough and are losing flesh go to a drug store and get a bottle of Shilohs Consumption Cure Take two thirds of it and then if you are not benefitted return the bottle to the druggist and he will return your money Isnt that fair No one could ask more 23 cts 50 ctsand 100 a bottle s Liberal Reward Strayed or stolen 18 head of cat tle from our range between Tannary 21 and 23 cattle branded KSjSlon leit side qnd some I on leftOgJshould er Jacobson Bros Gregory Nebr Taken up at my place about 4 miles east of Fort Niobrara May 26 one sorrel baldfaed gelulng 5 years old and one hay mari 2 3cars old both branded on left shouldei Eunksx Skaks SUnyctl oy Stolen Several head of horses and cat tle oaded A n i ns Strong Valentine Neb P T Brackett JB 11 Mr 1 I H M 3Uk 13 Strayed One iron gray mare 3 years old half blood Branded SF on left shoulder Please notify Max E Viertel Crookston Neb Biege Nebr Brand Registered No woo Brand right side or hip Horses same on riuht shoulder Range Niobrara I C miles south of Kilgore LEARING SHOES AT HALF PRICE W2 T 7 m KeniiedyNebr Same as cut on left side and hip and on leit snouuiT of ses aisosh on leu biue f fc an iii 3 on right hip and F4 ouleftsfde OM I rB nMSj I aiaMBCg3SJ SALE BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING I AUD OVR 1FOBK GUARANTEED D STINARD Yalkntine In 1899 Montana marketed about 20 000t000 pounds of wool at an average price of 10 1 2 cents per pound and it is estimated that there are now in- the state 3218802 sheep n scnuirz Branded on left side horses same on leit hip Range between the Niobrara and Snake A CLOTHIER Nebraska Po tolhcd address McCann NeD Stock branded as on cut llange North and south of Georgia WILnELM ANDERSON Postoffice address McCann Neb Tin Prideaux Sanford Kennedy Neb Stock braudedon i left side - rtf Horses brawled on left shoulder N S Si r atfl C on left hip of horses Marquardt Bowlus Otto Stkubk Manager MerrimanNeb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder Some of cattle have various older brands OS on left hip Horse hrad A mleft shouldei Range Formerly Geo WMonniur iranch 5 miles east of iferriman from FE M VRK south to taander Creek Mar quardt Bowlus fcfcribuLTfNebrttska