Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1900)
-WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT lUcwo Fcirm and Stack JROBBBT - Manager Valentine Nebraska COBY SE33R ALONZO HEATH rInT Fosioffice address 53 12 MEMSti c - - -S Postofflee add rc3s Cody Nebraska A D COLE Cody Nebraska Same as on cut left side and shoulder 2ange eass and south land west of Cody 4 On left side horses S A WINSLOW PostofDce address Cody NebraskatSNg Branded on either WS lgftslioulderjlglSj Range nortn of Cutcomb Lake elde horses same on Jeft Ehoulder Hange 8 ml north east of EU and south of Niobrara river 13 ml southwestof Cody gsgg JOHST SKANGRxVX PostCfnce address Cody Nebraska On left eide Also on left sido Horses JS on left ehoulder Range between Cody and Lake Creek g RiKSX PfiBW KAAVSf A C RIEMENSCnNEIDER dfe2iSilLM Postofflee address Cody Nebraska On right side alsoX on right shoulder and 2 on jaw 3 3 on lelt hip also 3 on J Range--Old Toor Ranch on Niobrara CHAS- E ROBERTS Fostoffice address Cody Nebraska On either side some REE some EEIt Range northwest of Cody FRANK J JONES rostofflce address CodyNebraska On rightslde hor ses same on left ehoulder Hange eight miles west of Cody liililiPlifil CHARLES GAItTSIDE aEflllHSHl Postofflee address Cody Neb Cattle branded on lert side also C G on left hip of cattle and left shoulder on horces llause on Niobrara 10 ml southwest Cody 3bS J r GAEDINER PostofOco address Cody Nebraska On left side of cat tle horses O right arm Range north and south of Niobrara Riverl2 miles south west of Cody TltED AND WILLIAM 3IAYBEE Postofflee address Cody Neb Oaleft Eldo horses game left shoulder Earmark notch on underside of right car Range east and uth of Eli FRANK 3rOGLE Postofllce address G II SEAGER Postouiee address Cody Ncoraska Cattle braude das on cut on left side hip and shoulder horses same Hange Snake Creek Cody Nebraska On either do cattle herdmark left ear clipped and riht ear split horses branded same on left shoulder Raiis on Niobrara and MedichieCanyon iillil ROBERT I HINES JBmJFT L li aLU TUStk f Wn aJM rostofflce address Cody Nebraska Branded on left sido horses same left shonl der Range oa Snake aouth jf Codv William 1 Dunbar Lessee from Heine Krceger Cody Neb DUn Either side Also bnl jlow on right Left ear ot cattlo Split lianra Jicad of Uay Creek jII3tel I Slotts Stellar l Cody Nebraska Branded on left sido Range Tin Can Lake and MorgatfFlats - Ranjre north o Eli Postofllco address ZMerriman Neb On left side horses same left shoulder Range Little White River South Dakota j 1 l UU J Amelia Young r2S A Y j MmpwsmMifki Cody Neb Cody Nebraska On right side Right ear split Range Little Whitf river Wheeler Eros Also B on right sido Rang Chamberlain Flats and Suake River tfssSgtsSP Henry Young Lh y 1 wsiaBafiSGeS Cody Nebraska Horse brand EOT on left shoulder Cattle right ear split Range Little White liver S D Newman Bros Nations Cod Nebraska On point left sboul gK point left shoulder Also T on left shoulder Same on left hip iH Leftside 32ERRS3I AW HEB g VKSaaqr 5VV M Hugh Bovillj Manager Merrlman Neb Also GEORGE JESSEN liiiwiilPi Postofflee aadres Postollice address Merriman Neb On hip of cattle horses same left shoulder Itange between Rear Creek and Niobrara Riverj 9 mi southeast of Merriman 1 1MExgZm PO address Merriman Nebr Right car cropped Hole in center of left car Range Lake creek SD rSsEf Ail on left side or hip Range north of El Charlotte E Eovill ilerriman Neb Left side or hip SELDER BROTHERS Postofflee address Merriman Neb On left side of tleaiso fS horseJ on leit Rsholui Range noith and south of Niobrara River0 mi southeast of Merriman GEORGE STOVER roslofflco address MorrhminNeb On either left side or hip horses same on left shoulder E F DEVJE E nge East of Cot tonwood Lako obe cnuncn Merriman Neb On left Bide also ejecon right side horses o left shoulder Rango north and south of Merriman jP t T SBdiwBBl Postoffice address Merriman Neb Branded on left side horses same on left shoulder Rango between Bear Creek and the Niobrara river9 mi SE of Merriman CHAS S NICnOLS gRH9pHKW3Buygfrs Louis F Eicliardi Mctriman Neb Joseph W Bownet JiiL gfi Postofflee address WG83 30111 BUBR Y Merriman Neb On left side jaw or hip Range Lako Creek South Dakota JSitfSl J Jjniaii io samsmfflm VvmSjSlix a Rosebud 3 D Range head of An telope near it Marjs mission Horses branded on left thigh lligrass3ifiiS JWgR m I 7vy o i Louis J liicliards Merrlman Neb fatTIgfrTaril Sffrit SffiSG ia Charles Richards aicrrlman Neb y vvil i ROSSSBU S I Louis Bordeaux Also have stock branded on right side and hip norses on light hip Range Southwestern Cherry County losebudSD norses branded Henry Pratt Rosebud S D Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerliorn clip on some cattle Alfred Bordeaux and Bros Rosebud S D Range between Minnechaduza and St Fiancis MORRIS JANIES Postofflee address itoseDuds D Si vt uloea OU rilftXtSJ ieic 5mo as n cut Sm xiuiTeB onleftthighg A c Ehil John DeCory Rosebud S D TjxlT wfTihlfTffJIflfNI Somo branded ID 417 on left siae Horses JD on left hip Range in aioyer Co on Antelope Creek Charles C Tacketfc Peter Ylondray Rosebud S 1 Left side Left car ropped Horsea branded VJ Range Little White River at mouth vf Jedar Creek JOTAIS KEB II A DUCK Postollice address Uyaunis Neb Branded on lelt sido Range eighteen miles north of Hvannls L L MORRILL H C MASON Postoffice address Hvannis Neb On left eide some same on left sido and hip Some on left hip TTi ivsns TT Rnnge Molher Iike summer Shendnn Co Postoffice address Hyannis Neb On left side also S on left hip horses Is left shoulder Ttango 2J miles north of Hyannia FNJKiJCVM A J PLUMER Postoffice address Hyannis Neb Brauded on right side and li p mam 15 rami and Paper One Yeai 350 KoJiert xoofl Valentine ebj 3 G C00LEY Postofflee address iryannisNeb on right side bor es same on right shoulder nge sis miles northwest of Moth er Lako precinct A HUMPHREY ra vta vt rfa vi wmzm yssM GgsSSgg Gordon Nebraska Postofflee address eaatot uorcloii Gordon Neb Also nA Postofflee address Hyanms Neb Branded anywhere on right side hor ses same on left shonlder Itange -- sixteen vr3 miles nortneast or ggaafeSvann W E STANSBIE AND D 0 BAUGn Postoffice address Bvannis Neb On left hip anc left Kirlft Also tW on left hip and left side horses same bw brands on shoulders Rango 2g miles orthof Hyannis atf E E AND II E WOODRUFF 03BsmK9v9R Wifc inn hi r in niii i umlikni rostofflce address Hvannis Neb On left hip and left side Also stock branded on left side and reversed on rieht M shoulder alsorigl u hip ami icic sine Rango Mother Lake GENTRY ABBOTT MONAnAN Postofflee address Hyannis Nel Both on left side some stock branded C left shoul der A left hip also NNS anywhere on left side suso C A left side Rangehead Middle Loup A T DAVIS rostofflce address S W Cbesnut Brand same as cut on Ml hit Range head of Gordon Cicek forty mills southeast of Gordon Bieeder of Hereford catie llushvillo Neb On left thigh or hip horses J left thigh Range Head watei s of Gordon Creek Ilyumls Neb On right side horct on left SllOUldCi also cattle o G on ruiht sirt liange 1G miles uorrh of Hjannis SHERIDAN CO George E Damon SD - FD Peder Thorsen H titi3KftVi hvnvrirwujvii M D N GOCRLEY RLTJgaSWEStSyMJ Posloflice address Jtushville Neb On left hip also 500 on left side horses left shoulder Joseph Fickel on left hip Horse brand i on left shoulder Range 10 miles northeast of Gotdon Priltfl Range Cedar Lake J W OSTRANDER islf535K3SE3sS A Reward or 100 will be paid to anv for information leading to the arrest and Eerson of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand MOREY HEWETT Postofllco address Gordon Neb On leftside of cattle horses samo left shoulder also 24fl ana gaieitsui fvgi on ieit 3 1 Kfiislfln nf KfimfV JaiS Range eolith QfSnake3S ml south- 3 Albany Neb Cattle branded Fl on left ribs or licht shoulder HI on light hip and left ribs Gon left hip HorsesFDordDon right shoulder Range 7 mi north rast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Black Log Vaccine HuttBn t hers Gordon Nebraska RangeU miles north of Gordon rg Gordon Nebraska On right side T on right nip e horse brand and T on right shoulder Also cattle branded Ii S on Ieftfslde Range Jfowl miles south of Irwin rj r F C Dnerfeldt Manager Gordon Nebraska Cattle also branded SO on riuht hin Horses and mnles uranded same as cut on left shoulder Sm B W h Pisie KiIsc Kescrvation 2sT D Burnsidennd ADSnyder PiucRIdgo SD Home ranch on head of Wounded ICoeo Creek in - buenuan uo rCDr is SM ur - m tfilimSSS 3 S esSS Af EDWARD BAD HAIR Postoffice address Allen S D On left shouider and baron side horses same on thigh Range Bear Geek tSfe gsmm i iS3SitefiHWiss8s SKwa 9 tiJ VslSESi s Alex Marrivall bsG5 W8Slfflsb CatUe Pine JMtlge S D Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side Eermk swallow fork on leit and crop right Horse Irands as below on left thigh or hip Eorses SSI PB -ITT fl ri i JAMES BUSn Ti s3iSS3a w cyj TSrtt Aln T ltMTJ wv S or left side jja 1 38 i fjwiirLi 8 i2Sl rostofllce address Allen S On left sido issffi RR L7ri Horses on left hip nange Bear Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postofflee address aj Allen S DSgjCTcwv On left shoulder and hip some 1 on Pp3 lelt shouldrandgJ on left sido mark left car cropd Range Bear Creek tt JOE ROOKS JR ffei UBxrMl J yjyAvYivS TggWgJ mmMm Si m so 5A On left side horses S5isamc on teigh Postofflee address Allnn C It 1 uanare Bear Creek CHARGING BEAU Postofflee address Allen S D On left and thigh horses on thigh Range Bear Creek CHARLES LONE WOLF nnn n m Postofflee address Allen S On left side of callln Range Bear Creek 25s wwmsBmsi Postofflee address Allen 5 D On right sido and shoulder horses samoonrightthich rtnuge Bear Creek CnARLESLONG MAN jSSt FRAXIC A GALLIGO rostoflice address lllllliiiiPilPil fft7iPifM5iwSS3 rosiojncc auuruss Pallman Nob Branded on left hit horscs samo dew lap Range south and east of Brush 1111 Manderson S D Lfft side and on young stock Oln stock niacedKS leftside ifcSl Jiorses thigh leit Range Rock Springs Basin Pullman and rcivton 5Tclx SWEENEY BltOS Postoffice address Pullman Neb Cattle bnigdel as on cut horses branded same as cattle except reversed S pjsj See block giT Range Stevei KlbjB and Stplienseu Lakes and South CHASS IIOIT Potjfllceaddress S s H DYE Pullman Neb Branded on lift side alio oo on left side also between eyes and nose Range 13 miles nest of Pullman J L ROSKBERUY Postofficeraddress Pullman Neb Branded on left side A reward of 5100 will be paid for in formation leading to thearreat and final conviction of any person for killing drIvineofforconeenl inganyof my cattle JOE CULBERTsON Postoffice address Pullman Neb Branded on leftside horses T Ton right shoulder a crop find slitinleftear of cattle Uange Forks of North Ionp River if JJlsVJg X jjV -7 nf if rnl Newton Nebrnka Catflu branded as on cut g borne ife tU ilv Ui i Ramre on Gordju Creek W BS Valentine Neb Nenzcl Neb Brand regist rd No 1C55 Range 2i mflf s cast of Noii l lVi A- A B CAPWELL Postofflee address rulhnan Ne On left side of cattle Range North Loup GEORGE G BOTH WELL fo itl pgfcrrrjT y j Postofflee address Metzger Bros Pullman Neb Cherry Co Prand on left side and high Earmark stiare crop iiht ear sioiuhcrn branded cattle have but one half diamond E on Irf i side Native cattle hao t Pullman Branded as on outf a533a Rango south and eastofPullmftn mm throat wattle Ranee on Gordon andjnike Creeks Hoises have same brand on left thigh A littrnril of SO ulll be paid to any person for Information leading to the arrest ani final conviction of any person or persons stew ing cattle with aaoe brand I Teeter IJros P Gorsuch Bros 37- Newton Neb 5 Horses sna8 a IctCaliouldor Raneo between the Cordon and the Snake X3 i J I gj 8fi er si f WILLIAM ft 1 asBKafia2fiPii SIiscii5Janeons w w axiersov J c roona Anderson liounds Simeon Nebraska Ctttle branded or v ifii siie as on cm P also it on left sld ri with on left hip ot some cattle xthf S16 i on right sido iiomo K brand rake and Iff JSon ltft bhoulder sue im gslidp ti 22SS35a ilome ianch oii n pv Lako liarire on N obrani JCivei past u Fort Niobrara also between Siako River ana Siii n known as the Ifulcli range all in Cherry County Nebiask J A Adamson Valnntme Neb On left side urlup left side or Lp On left side Rangoon Niobraia e aWsGeorg - It A McQuade Hiauded on cither side Range between fit I rimeheruiid RvanR Lake ft- MtVB m I KJa H WILSON PoVtOflio addies1 KSIoro Neb sldff Jj I Branded on left southeasC ol a gggg - f Xlcie f IP I fewiqwyaatw Jeorgo Hey no Hooper Neb wYi SSytj s5ga Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranee north and south ofCittcomb Lake in Cherry Co Mickel Eoilz Parker fc Son I ZP ilervpy ianch Two miles east of Crookston in Clierr csl5 Cattle branded OC on Jeft hip on right hip and on right side with 3 inch letter Wm Cavanaugh Mgr Crookston Neb 2S23 No 870 Horses branded on lelt hip Range Niobrara river 12 miles east ot valentine P O Address L WParker - Reige Neb Brand same as enr Also ZP Ranee on Nirars south of Croolrston vSS5 TfaSTrTiit m wirfgasS L T Richardson 7 is 1 Perch Ne Some on left fsgal Ft Niobrara Neb Brand rIsteed J Alien Horses on left shoulder - fcCg r