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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1900)
I t a I i ft Br ih c M iSSv ano on left thigh BorseB like cut ou w VOLUME XV rs iiouscino Poetofflce address Brownlec Nebfcte vn xuit sme or any part of animal Ear mark right ear cut off horses branded same on left hip Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder orJKorWorOVL oro or FZ Also If Eango Duck Lake kJTE wm thp following the first one being on side andhjp Postoffice address SEIhB lee amd aorra GEO JIIGGINS Brovrnlee Neb Branded on left side somo H left slue and thigh PostofDoesddre Browclea Neb Oa rlcrht side o LIS co acme slri Also LBK en If side Kangt north a to miles J iVV T v J trrHbS PoHtofnce Hr iwnlee Neb un tlgt t side Rauge Hornr VuUoy CLARENCE K SMITH Postoffice address Whitman NeL On left side horses same on leftshoulder on left side anywhere on animal On bin or thicli fiance nortli prong Middle Loup river and Buffalo Lake j n C3MMaaMcaEia9vBL STEELE Postoffice address Cody Nebraska P PULLMAN rostofflce address Pullman Neb Branded as on cut Also P on shoulder on side P ou hip also w side P hip also P on snoulder XV on side P on hip Range north prong of North Loup On left side also 0 or W L on left side oi some cattle pi AlsoS nn lf lI1lI Uli 1U1U JlllliMMI and horses ontfcSaS leftshoulder Icance Mouth of ear Creek LAN ADAMSON Postoffice address Chesterfield Neb DAWSON Ss BALL PostofTice address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut also V leltneckandZ left hip some V lets neck V left shoulder andZlelthiojhorses VZ left hip Range Snake RiverSl32S3 Br nded as on cut some 5 on left hip some just one brand like on cut on left thigh Range between Bordman and Snake CHAMBERLAIN CO Postoffice address Brownlee Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws WILLIAM FERDON MANAGER Postoffice address t Valentine NebsJSnfj Like cut on either Mh left side or hinralso Rpii m Hi WSM TG OO MM 1L V OOWJTXG Postoffice addreas Gregory Neb On left side also C 0 L E on side Range Stevenson Lake xm TWm left hip and C leftshoulder ss 25UOU KKWAKDiorsufllcient evi dence to convict any f ho almvo hrannB Of MASON COMPANY Postoffice address Hvanuis Neb On right hip Tij either side Ou right FPEsms i r side ft left S hip ses ngnt shoulder seven miles north of Hjannisj IP flKr5ewnimYAflillll cagy y f stock over on right side horses same on left shoulder jfcasr JULIUS PETERSON Postoffice address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut - Range two miles north of Gregory J A one year oiu fa Range south west Postoffice address R HANSON Valentine Neb Cattle branded on lett hip horses the samo Range en Dry Val- lev iixi flJLaaJy SA1XLTS C F COOPER Postoffice address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side same as cut Postoffice address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Valley and Snakr sl ot Haekberry Lake and Curlew Also some brands on eft leg JACOBSON IPjWBjjyf3ffigj BROTHERS Postoffice address Gregory Neb On left side some same with I on left shoulder horses lett shoulder Kuifi Gor BlU don and Goose Lake DAN WEBSTER Postoffice address Harlan Nebraska On left side or hip horses branded samo leftshoulder Range between Nio brara and Snake riv ers south of Merrl man MwBBBJffEVf mJfpriNfii r A Itvicnrtl of 100 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons steal iug cattle or noises with above brand O J KBLLAtt 1osto o addrev Brown ebr On oft side Range betYeei Goose Creek anc Loup Mljfe R M FADDIS Postoffice address Pass Neb Range Norh Loup Riyer ALBERT NENZEL Postoffice address Nenzei Nebraska On either side of cat tle horses same Kange northeast of Nenzei RICHARDS CAIRNES CO Cattle branded on gsg any part of animal ciiiv uiiv luitu it luo fflBssm WZJt rSZJ m SS3 F P t CW xmr 2i rei rros ffiagffsj2KJkL2 torses bnindeu tne same Range between Gordon on the FE M VR R and Hyannis on B M R R in Northwestern Nebraska Address Bartlett Ricjuakds Chadron Nebraska GEORGE Postoffice address Simpnn Tflh Branded on right side or hip 9GjjT Also HBil on left hip HH Horses on right t houlder as on cut Range Gordon and Snake N DAVIS C JENSEN ostoffice ardress Gallop Nebraska Left side on private tocknnd right side on cattle bcldi also on left side of cattle npiuori left side lloracs CJn lfcft shoulder Range Eiaht miles south of Gallop M RICHARDSON Postoffice addreas McCann Neb Bninded on leftside Range McCann fiiiiP zJjS www J 5 i N STOCK NOTES Cuban Market for Cattle It was generally believed a year and less ago that as soon as order was re stored in Cuba that country would be come a great market for exported Am erican cattle but the conditions as they exist today do not fulfill the expecta tion of American stock raisers and dealers although the tariff on live stuff has been reduced from 7 or 8 a head to the merely nominal sum of 1 Of course here are reasons for this the principal one being that our cattle are too heavy for the Cuban trade Cattle are imported for work for breeding and for slaughter but in neither of these points does the stock from the United States fill the bill On the island the voke for work cattle is hitched to the horns of he animal and this requires that it be of large horn development and stout stocky body The Texas steer comes nearest answering the requirements but while its horns are large it is apt to be light in body For beef the Cuban does not like the large animals that this country produces and as our breeding stock is not developed along the lines demanded by our neighbors it of course does not And a ready sale Another thing that militates aga nst our stock is the cli mate it is estimated that 40 per cent of the breeding stock imported dies from the effect of the climate and change of food Mexico and South American countries have practical control of the markets but while they can raise cattle cheaper than we can they are hindered from making low prices by the large expnit duties their countries charge and the United States is now trying to get these export duties reduced for Cuba by promising a reduction in the tariffs on the reciprocity plan This is probably a good thing for the Cuban but it doesnt look like it is going to help the stock raisers of our own land 4J Scours and Its Remedy- For several years past losses in the spring calf crop have seemed to be on the increase Two years ago a very virulent form of scours that was called calf cholera was greatly prevalent throughout the West and it was as sumed with a good deal of observation to support the idea that it was a dis ease due to a specific germ and that it was malignantly S5 contagious The calving season is now approaching and as calves and cattle have grown to be unusually good property it stauds the farmer and cattle grower more than ever in hand to prepare for this enemy of the industry whether it shall appear in an epidemic or sporadic form This trouble may be caused primarily bjT in digestion but as the indigestion persists the fermentation going on in the undi gested masses becomes more active and finallv becomes a contagious disease Dr James Law professor of veterinary science in Cornell University says he hMs seen this epizootic diarrhoea start at the headwaters of a stream and spread clear to the mouth thereof con tammating the whole watershed When isolated cases are observed he says the treatment is simple merely a laxative composed of one or two ounces of cas tor oil to each calf but when the dis ease becomes virulent and it is shown to have reached the contagious stage he advises that in addition to the castor oil the following treatment be given Calomel 10 grains prepared caalk 1 ounce creosote 1 teaspoonful mix divide into 10 parts and give one part four times a day Or the following in same size d6sesand frequency Uovers powder 1 dram ipecacuanha 6 grains When the abdomen becomes tender to the touch counter irritants such as mustard ammonia or turpentine ma be rubbed on with good effect Good Property A good many horses have been win tered in Holr county on the range While hay is abundant it has not been necessary to feed many of the horses and a largo number of them have lived the winter through thus far on the prai rie The miid winter has made the wintering of horses easy The horses that have run out are in good liesh and in better shape than those that have boon kept up A friend from the conn try told us the other day that he found horses a paying thing to handle because they required so little feed and care ONeill Frontier x EWS DEMUCRAT feAs Farm ana stocK jrournai VALENTINE NEBRASKA MARCH S 1900 To Kill Lice W E Buckley a farmer and stock man of Floj d county has as he be lieves discovered a death blow to lice on cattle and says if used Avith proper care promptly destroy the pest The following is the recipe In two gallons of boiling hot water put a pound ot finely whittled bar soap and a quart of coal oil Stir and mix thoroughly Tie down the animal as you would in branding Apply the so lution with a rag rubbing the animal all over until its hair and hide are thor oughly saturated It is necessary to have the water hot in order to dissolve the soap thoroughly After applying the solution it is well to keep cattle pro tected from the cold winds and ele ments for a day or two Texas Stock Journal Market Notes The Drovers Journal gives the fol lowing notes on the Chicago market last week Hogs closed about 5c lower than a week ago Sheep and lambs gained lo and 23c during the week Canning cows have sold quite freely all week Exporters bought cat tle during the week at 450 and 540 Native beef cattle about 10c higher than a week ago Feeding cattle have de clined 13 and Hoc during the past week Colorado fed lambs sold at the highest point on record for this time of the year Middleman Gets Profit Meat is very dear in Havana to the retail buyer The price for beef is about 33 cents a pound and is very poor beef at that This is much or more than it cost when the Spanish duty pre vailed which cost was also increased by numerous consumption taxes Amer icans have discovered that there is little or no competition in Havana and that the reduction in the cost of importing has all gone into the pockets of the middlemen Times Herald Monday J M Ilanna closed the deal whereby he became owner of V L Bests big rjmch of 320uacres joining the Uraddy ranch some live miles south east of Ainsworth Mr Hanna is now in possession of over 700 acres of land there which ha will fence into one big cattle ranch Mr Best has not deter mined just where he will locate but intends to stay in this cattle belt Ainsworth Journal It is said perhaps with a grain of truth that sheepmen hang on to their flocks like grim death when the market is advancing but fall over one another to get to market vhen values are de clining An illustration of this is at hand now lleceipts for some time have been comparatively light though prices have been high enough to be yery tempting Drovers Journal George Coil who shot and killed Tom Ryan in Dawes county some time ago was found guilty in district court at Qhadron Saturday of murder in the second degree after a hard fought trial Coil was a sheepman and the quarrel which resulted in the killing arose over a controversy about Coils sheep which were trespassing on Ryans range Chadron parties announce that they will build a stock salesyard in that city this spring and claim to have a capital of 35000 available for the purpose If this proves true it will bo a great con venience to many small stock raisers who cannot afford to travel long dis tances for the purpose of buying stock for breeding nr other purposes 1 A buyer from Cheyenne was here a few days last week buving horses for the game of polo something like cro quet only played on horseback He purchased a number of horses here aud took them overland to Cheyenne from which place they will be shipped to New York Citv Kimball Observer Northwest Nebraska has been par ticularly fortunate in the matter of snowstorms this winter more so than other - - Western any range v country Kansas wis covered with two feet of snow last wcckiudthe storm extended into Colorado A nice fall of snow this week causes the stockmen to wear a contented look and say that several more storms just like it would be welcomed The stock are in excellent condition and are rang ing the hills as usual Hyannis Tri bune tjWBP Ja Always 9 49 49 COMBINE X Strayed or Stolen Several head of horses and cat tle jjtided Amos Strong Valentine Tseb gfia OE Wright hv88WfcCTfc is J Cs ma V T Urackett I 5SI ft iSSs fiLp fJ tsmmtfiwivm t IH1 Cooper Nebr Brand registered No 3T4 Brand anvwherc 0u riyht itc lliegp Nebr Brand Jtegistercd too Brand right side orlnp Hnrscfesame on riirht shoulder Uange Niobrara o miles south of EHgoro NUMBER 7 T annoflir Vah side and hip and on left shoulder of hor ses AbopW on Mt H JgJ nn on right hip and on left side PRING OODS b if ARE ARRIVING Latest styles in Ladies Ties Collars Shirt Waists Etc fc iSewest Datterns in all Over Lace i CORDETTE The best dress stiffening in the world j We have some odd sizes of Mens Shoes ranging in price from 200 to 300 All go ft I A r j to close out at n Q S Best Goods and DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants Lowest jPriccs J to to to to to to to fc CITIZENS - MEAT MARKET d W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of T AND GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Metti Smoked Hams Breakfast JBaeon and Vegetables At Blotters Old Btand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA F5f ANNUAL CLEARING SALE I Much pain and uneasiness is caused by piles sparing neither age nor sex Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment cures the most obstinate cases Price 50 cents in bottle tubes 7oc Quigley Chapman druggists T alien If p dcliornctl steer roan colored on lefthlioulder U left hip Above described ani mal was taken up at my place 3 miles from Chesterfield 1 A C001MSU 7 Ct Liberal Reward Strayed or stolen 18 head of cat tle from our range between January 21 and 23 cattle branded 32on lett side and some I on er Jacobsox Bkos Gregory Kebr Strayed One iron gray mare 3 years old half blood Branded SF on left shoulder Please notify Max 1C Viertel Crookston Neb SHOES AT HALF PRICE BOOTS snoES OLOTHIXG AjStI GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING ALIj OTTlt WORK GUAItAXTEJZB Yalentixk 0 STINABD CLOTHIER n scnuLTZ wZJ Nebkaska rostoflice address McCann Neb Stock branded as on cut Itange orth and south of Georgia WILHEL3I ANDERSON rostoflice address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on left hip Kange between the Niobrara and Snake Prideaux Sanford sez5 Kennedy Neb stock branded on left side Horses branded on left shoulder N S Rowley C on left hip of horses Marquardt liowlus OrxoSTKurK Manager 0M I fesHtBIJ - i r a - - r el- MerriinanNeb Cattle braud OM on left thoulder Some of cattle have various older brands OS on lefthiR Horse brad A on left sliouldei Itanire FonniTlv Geo W Mnnnier irauch 5 miIes easti or J - lilltllUUlllljll 1iiJ 1 M V R K south to Leander Creek ifer quardt Eowlusf fckuibDerKebraska r l