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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1900)
l 1 I j A- tt e 4- s sW onleffcthhih J Itll El i Range Duck Lake JdKJ 7 - -31 VOLUME XV PS ItOTJSCIIE Postofilcd address Brownlee 2sTeu On left side or any jjuix oi animai jnr mark right ear cut off horses branded same on left hlpAlso has stock brandea H on side or shoulder or JE or w orO or JFZ oto VL Also STEftS t the following the first one being on side and hip K3S JmE33iS sS Postoffice address GEO HIGGINS Broivnlee Neb Branded on left Side some H side and tnlgli and Postoffice addres Brwnles Nel On rtg t aide Range Horn Valiejr CLARENCE K SMITH Postoffice address Whitman Ncb On left side horses same on left shoulder on left side anywhere on animal OuRl hip or thigh 9M Range north pronge9 Middle loup river and Buffalo Lake J n STEELE Postofllce address Cody Nebraska P PULLMAN Postofllce address Pullman Neb Branded as on cut Also p on shoulder on side 1 on hip also w side P hip also P on snoulder V on side P on hip Range north prong of North Loup On left side also LO or W L on left side oi somecaltleej3 Alsoilftef on left liipfEgl and horses oneaSsS left oulder Sj auiupe flioiun oi ear Creek - DAN ADAMSON Postoffice address Chesterfield Neb Br nded as on cut some 5 on left hip some just one brand like on cut on left thigh Range between Bordman and Snake DAWSON BALL Postofllce address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut also V lelt neck and Z left hip some Vlett neck v left shoulder and Z left hiuhorses VZ left hip Range Snake River313233 CHAMBERLAIN CO Postoffice address Brownlee Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws WILLIAM FERDON MANAGER Postofllce address Valentine Neb Like cut on either leftside Or hinals Wm TG OO Horses like cut on sSm EfSg mm r T t J y4jDi left hip ami Cleft shoulder 250OO REWARD for sufficient evi dence to convict any of MASON COMPANY DUwhEj Postoffice addrens Gregory Neb On left side also CO L E on side Range Stevenson Lake v LBS AMD SONB PostofQceaddrcr Brownlee Neb On rlarht side o LK oa same sld also LEJK on U side Kang north rovftilee 2 to miles Postofllce address IS1 H Y DOWNING HianniK NhIi On right hip T L either side On right side left J P nor- it s right shoulder Range seven miles north of Hyannis mm fiKPSr -d - on right side horses same on left shoulder JULIUS PETERSON Postoffice address Gregory Neb Branded as ou cut Range two miles north of Gregory J A Rauge south west RM ferd Hyanuis on B M SdK Cisf vs rv f4 rSHwS if- jt e j ygggsa F ADDIS - - SAULTS C F COOPER Postoffice address Postofllce address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Valley and Snakr fM Kennedy NebgMt Cattle branded on left side same as cut Mock over one year om pv oi Hackberry Lake and Curlew Also some brande on eft leu TACOBSON BROTHERS Tostofiice address Gregory Neb On left side some same with I on ltrf t shoulder horses left shoulder IJnnco Gor Hii don and Goose Lake DAN WEBSTER Postoffice address Harlan Nebraska On left side or hip horses branded same left shoulder Range between Nio brara and SnaPe riv ers south of Merri man A Iteicavtl of 100 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle or noises with above brand O J KELLAR rfe rostoffice address jdlLu Iffl R HANSON Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left hip horses the same Range sn Dry Val ley e addres Brown Nebr On eft side Range betweei Goose Creek ant Louu 8iJss Q JENSEN ostoflice address GallOD Nebraska SjaSk2SiSu m mi LjnSwS Postoffice address Pass Neb Range Nor ill Loup Riyer ALBERT NENZEL Postofllce address JSenzel Nebraska On either side of cat tle horses same Kange northeast of Nenzel RICHARDS CAIRNES CO tiTVMln A pg - Cattle branded on any part of animal also the following brands torses bntnueu itie same Range between Gordon on the PE M V R R and R R in Northwestern iNebraska Address Baiitlktt Chadron Nebraska GEORGE N Postoffice address Simeon Neb uranaeu on right side or hip g93j Also Hgifc on left hip gfj Hordes on right houlder as on cut Range Gordon and Snake DAVIS RlCHAltDS faVfe S - Leftside on private stock and right side on cattle heldfi also ii on left side of cattle left side S3sg8wK53 Humes C J on left shoulder Range Eight miles south of Gallop H RICHARDSON Postoffice address McCann Neb Branded on leftside Hinge McCann I gyvwwvwwwwv I PTAPV I OlJV WKJIEO 1 On January 8th the following bill H 11 5481 was introduced into the lower house of concrress by F W Mon- dell of Wyoming and was referred to the committee on public lands where it now isk For the information of our readers wo will say that the bill if pas sed will affect all public land in this state west of a line drawn north and south about ten miles east of Stuart on the Elkhorn road Be it enacted etc That to aid the public lands states and territories in the reclamation of the desert lands therein and to preserve the native grasses ana enable settlers ana occu pants to lease limited tracts of grazing lands each state and territory accept ing the provisions of this act within two years of the passage thereof is hereby authorized to lease not to exceed two million acres of the vacant non mineral public lands not otherwise re served west of the ninety ninth merid ian of longitude west from Greenwich and to apply orre lialf of the rental so received to the survej supervision and construction of irrigating works in cluding storage reservoirs and the re maining one half to defray the expenses of leasiug and to the support of the public schools in such manner as the legislatures of the several states and territories may provide Sec 2 That all such leases shall be under and subject to the following con ditions and limitations The title to all lands so leased shall remain in the United States as a part of he public domain subject to entry under any of the laws now in force applicable to such lands and subject to rights of way for any and all purposes to which the public lands are now subject Pro vided That any person filing on such lands pay to the lessee for all the im provements placed thereon by him the value of which to be determined by agreement or arbitration under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the secretary of tha interior -Owners and occupants of patented lands and legal settlers and entrymen under the public land laws shall have a preference right to lease lands contiguous or near to the lands owned or occupied by them No individual or company shall be permitted to lease more than five sections of land A lessee shall- obtain no rights by virtue of his lease to cut timber or wood growing on such lands The leasing price shall be fixed by the state or territory but shall not be less than one cent nor more than five cents per acre per annum All leases shall be for a period of five years and in re leasing the lands in this act described preference shall be given to those who have made substantial improvements upon the land leased by them Sec 3 That any state or territory desiring to avail itself of the provisions of this act shall by law provide for an irrigation or engineering department or bureau of the state or territorial gov ernment for location preparation of plans and estimates of canals and i es ervoirs to be constructed from the pro ceeds of this act and to supervise the distribution of waters so made avail able for irrigation they shall also en act laws for making water so stored or distributed public propgrty and re stricting the rights thereto to that of use and attaching inseparably to the lands reclaimed sSec 4 That the moneys received from rentals shall be deposited with the state or territorial treasurer and be subject to appropriation by the state or territorial legislature for the purposes hereinbefore designated bee u That each state or territory shall keep a separate account of the re ceipts and disbursements of such rent als and furnish the secretary of the in terior with a copy thereof when re quired Mr Jacobson one of the firm of cobson Bros of Gregory Avas m the Tillage Monday and paid this office a very pleasant call lie informs s that on or about January 21 eighteen head of cattle were misspd from his feed ards and although he has searched the entire country for them they have not yet been found and he is of Ue opinion -that they hrave befen tstolen ThejT bear his brand which appears elsewhere in this paper and were in very good flesh Considerable stuff has disappeared from this county lately and an impression is growing that an or ganized band of rustlers its work is getting in Subscribe for the News Democrat Cape Colony and Natal in South Africa have suspended their duty of four cents per pound on fresh meats Remember that the state brand com mission will meet in Lincoln again the middle of next month If you havent your brand recorded yet send it in at once or some one else will be ahead of you This is a matter of considerable importance and suitable brands are be coming harder to secure every day A special dispatch to the World Herald from Sheridan Wyo says that stockmen in that section are con siderably worried oven heavy losses of late and from a peculiar and unusual cause During the past few weeks many calves have been dropped prema turely and on some ranches the losses is 50 per cent Efforts will be made to have the state veterinarian come here and investigate the cause of the trouble The cows seem to be in good health and no one seems able to explain the mystery o Stockmen as well as farmers in this section are lioping that we will receive a heavy rain or snow ere long The sand hill country is dry as a bone and if moisture does not fall soon the grass will be very late in starting if it starts at all The country immediately south of Valentine has been grazed very closely and the sand is in good condition to blow thus killing the grass All our stockmen seem to have plenty of hay and as cattle are in good condition a snow would not be of dam age to the industry Later About two inches of snow fell Tuesday From an exchange we learn that a chemical dehorner in use in the east ern states and successful in all cases is made of caustic potash the application being very simple Any calf under one month of age may be successfully operated upon Remove the hair from over the budding horn with a pair of scissors moisten the spot with a few drerfe of ammonia to remove tjje oily secretions of the skin moisten the stick of potash with water and rub carefully It will make a slight sore but if carefully done no horn will ever grow - For several weeks we have published extracts from President Springers ad dress to the national association and this week we present these sentient re marks No stockman will prosper who does not read and liberally advertise in stock journals papers and magazines The stockman who gains the greatest reward will be he who places quality above quantity in all of his dealings iu live stock No state can realize a heavy immi gration that is not liberal with the live stock interests No railway management will prosper long which turns a deaf ear to the comnlaintsof stockmen The live stock editor of the Alliance Grip says he has received the following remedy for itch from Washington Flowers of sulphur 7 1 2 pounds avoir dupois unslacked lime 7 1 2 pounds avoirdupois and 00 gallons of wafer prepared as follows Tiace your un slacked lime in a kettle or pail of some kind add enough water to form aMime putty sift into this putty your flowers of sulphur stir mixture well Place the sulphur lime paste in a boiler with about 12 1 3 gallons of boiling water and boil for one hour Pour the mix ture into a barrel or tub Allow it to settle for three hours When fully set tled draw off the clear liquid into an other barrel and add enough warm ter to make 00 gallons the sediment under no should it be used for dopin J Throw awa circumstances ft rvvoi w - - This can be used like any other lotion ap plying to the afflicted parts with swab Of course it can be made in smaller quantities than the above Use common sense in the amount applied Dr Salmon recommends this prepar ation Dr Alayo of Kansas suggests the following First the isolation of ani mals second the disinfection of all posts mangers etc against which ihey may Jiave rubbed with a moder ately strong solution of concentrated lye in water- third the giving internal ly of sulphur and salt in a ration of one pound sulphur to four pounds salt fourth the external application of one part zenoieum mixed with 70 parts water and applied with a sponge cloth or brush cjj - JMesrs Farm ana stbcR Journal VALENTINE NEBRASKA FEBRUARY 15 1900 few NEWS DEMOCRAT Mens Cotton Flannel Underwear Mens Heavy Fleeee Lined Mens Winter Underwear Ladies Winter Union Suits Misses Winter Union Suits Childrens Winter Underwear 49 49 49 49 49- 49 49 49 49 49 49 I I it mmki Frequently accidents occur in the household Avhich cause bums cuts sprains and bruises For use in such cases Ballards Snow Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy Price 20 cents and 50 cents Quigley Chapman druggists Tnken Up At my pliicefive miles nortneastof Arabia One brown mare three white feet branded Ton left shoulder one buvkttkii mare black maue and tail branded V on left shoulder W E W LKVEE Taken up at my place about 4 miles east of Fort Niobrara May 2 one sorrel bald faced geiuing 5 years old and one bay marj J years old both branded on left shoulder EliNEST Skaks m Strayed One iron gray mare 3 years old half blood Branded SF on left shoulder Please notify Max E Viertel Crookston Neb Strayed or Stolen Three work mares 1000 pounds each One bay brandedDjjy on left shoulder One bay ana one brown branded DS on left hip D Stinakd Valentine Nebraska Liberal reward v- Liberal Reward Strayed or stolen 18 head of cat tle from our range between Jannary 21 and 23 cattle brandedE35ion lelt side and some I ou leftyggjshould er Jacobson Beos Gregory Nebr Strtiuetl ov Stolon Several head of horses and cat tle ojaded AmosStrong Valentine Xeb if c 1 NUMBER 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 SALE FOR NTER GASH were 50c now 35c i c u 0c 35c 35c 20c oOc Joe 85c 25c 5c to 15c ALL WINTER DRESS GOODS AT COST DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants II SCnULTZ wk r li ftl 1 i Postoffice address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on lelt hip Range between the xiobrara and Snake mp i fcfr a a- h - i 0 2 3 J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keepa a supply of RAMI In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meata Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStettets Old Stand on Main Stress VALENTINE NEBRASKA GLEARIN n ii OMLL SHOES AT HALF PRICE BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AM gents furnishings practical tailoring f AIjIj ojju work guaranteed D STINARD No question is ever settled until it is settled right CLOTHIER Kennedy Neb x Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left shoulder N S Rowley Kenned yNebr Same as cut on lef side and bin anil on left shoulder of hor ses AisoBfon jpib iue m to an BK - t on right hip and V on left side C on left hip of hors X es y 1---- - iEBKASIvA Portolhcc address McCann Neb Stock branded as on cut Kange ortn and south of Georgia WILHELM ANDERSON TBI Prideaux San ford Marguardt Bowlus Otto Stuube Manager rw tca BM MerrimanNeh Cattle brand OM on left t houlder bonto of rattle have v riji Oldfr brand OS im left hip Horse brad A onleftshouldei IIhiisp Formerly GeoWMonnier raiieh 5 TiiiIca jnjt nf iSMerrimanfrom FE M V R E south to Leander Creek Mar tfuardt oriboertSrrttau c a f ii fr