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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1900)
M ill 7- A y B lire About thirty years ago I bought a bottle of Ayers Hair Vigor to stop my hair from falling out One half a bottle cured me A few days ago my hair began 1o fall out again I went to the medicine shelf and found the old bottle of Hair Vigor just as good as when I bought it J C Baxter Braidwood 111 Sept 2j 1899 mivttvxwiurMMirrr2S2SgsssiiZti sttj Keep Thirty Years SS32jn2SSaIS52S3C2G3ICSE5S Ayers Hair Vigor is cer tainly the most economical prep aration of its kind on the market A little of it goes a long way And then what you don t need now you can use some other time just as well It doesnt take much of it to r 4- M 1 Al 1 - J oiup idiiiug 01 ine nair restore color to gray hair cure dandruff and keep the hair soft and glossy Theres a great deal of good and an immense amount of satisfac tion in every bottle of it SlGO a boltle All druggists tajatiajbicvasagagassMaygffia Write the Doctor If you do not obtain all the benefits you desire from the uso of tlie Vigor write the Doctor about it Address Dr J C Ayeb Lowell Mass QiBywffygawJiyyTJrTr tTVMj After the Proposal The Maid Yes George but you must ask papas consent The Man You ask him You know him better than I do New York Jour nal Florida and Cuba Write to J 0 Tucker G N Agent Big Four Route 231 Clark Street Chicago 111 for full information as to low rate excur sion tickets to all winter resorts in the Southeast via Cincinnati Louisville Aslie vllle Atlanta Jacksonville and east and west coasts of Florida as may be desired There are men too inoffensive to even strike a bargain Thirty Days Trial Absolutely Free We offer to each new student enrolling At the beginning of the spring term March 26 1900 thirty days trial FREE In either our Preparatory Normal Col lege Commercial Shorthand and Type writing Departments This offers a nificent opportunity to test one of the most thoroughly practical colleges of Iowa Board very low Address at once for particulars Presi dent J F Hirsch Charles City Iowa Bennty Is like an almanac If it last a year It Is well T Adams Btate or Ohio Citv of Toledo 1 Lucas County Ps Fkajtk J Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney Co doing business In the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and eTery case of Catarkh that cannot be cured by the uso of Halls Catarkh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Bworn to before me and subscribed in mypres ence this Gth day of December A D 18SC beat W GLEASON Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio l Sold by druggists 75c The region where no man hath ever BQt foot Is called to morrow THE NERVES OF WOMEN Jjydia E Pinkliams Vegetable Compound Believes the Suffering from Over- wrought Nerves Dear Mbs Pikkttam I am so grateful for the benefit derived from the use of Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound that I wish you i publish this testimonial that othei may know the value of your medicine Xwas suffering such tortures from j flv nervous prostration that life was a burden 1 could not sleep at all and was too weak to walk across the floor without aid The diseasehad reached a condition where my heart was affected by it so that often I could not lie down at all without almost suffocating I tool Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound end it worked like magic I feel that your medicine has been of inestimable benefit to me Miss Adele Wittta m BOS 196 K Boulevard Atlanta Ga Thin Sallow and Nervous Deae Mrs Pdhcttam 1 was thin callow and nervous I had not had toy menses for over a year and a half Doctored with several physicians in town and one specialist but did not get any better I finally decided to try your medicine and wrote to you Aiter I had taken three bottles of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound and three of Blood Purifier my menses returned and I feel as well and strong as I ever did and am gain ing flesh MisLenjlGtAixes Visalia Tulare Co Cal GOEBEL SUCCUMBS TO SINS BULLET THE END HAE COME fassed Away at 04 1 Saturday Night Alone with His Brother and Sister J C TV Beckham at Once Takes Oath as Governor Senator Goebel who was shot down by an assassin in the state house yard at Frankfort Ky early last week as result of the Taylor Goebel gubernatorial con test died Saturday Feb 3 at 644 p m Exactly one hour after the death of Mr Goebel J C W Beckham who was sworn in as lieutenant governor at the same time Mr Goebel took the oath as governor wasl sworn in as gov ernor of Kentucky the oath being ad ministered by S J Shackeford clerk of the court of appeals His first official act was to remove from office the Taylorite adjutant general and assistant adjutant general I Gov Beckham issued a proclamation to the people of the state in which he an nounced the death of Mr Goebel and paid a high tribute to his memory He stated he had qualified and assumed the duties of chief executive of the state He com manded all violent characters and the mili tia now in the city to immediately disband and return to their homes and invoked the aid and support of all law abiding citizens in the restoration of peace and quiet Gov Taylor has personally offered a re ward of 500 for the arrest and conviction of the person who shot Mr Goebel Arthur Goebel of Cincinnati and Mrs Braunaker of Ohio a married sister of Gov Goebel had been cmstantattendants at the dying mans bedside and were alone with him when the end came They had previously requested Dr LIumeto leavo them alone with their unconscious brother The doctor withdrew and shortly after while kneeling at the bedside of- their brother the wounded man gave a gasp and was gone Stricken with sorrow ard anguish the brother and sister did not move from their positions They remained in the same way with the door closed until 730 p m when their brother Justus Goebel who had just returned from Ari zona arrived He entered the room and the door was closed a few minutes Soon after Dr Hume was summoned and to him Arthur Goebel announced that his brother had died at 644 p m At 787 notice of Mr Goebels death was passed through the hotel corridors The physicians about 10 oclock Satur dad gave up all hope of recovery and in formed the relatives that they must pre pare for the end which would occur in a short time At Mr Goebels request Chap lain L G Wallace of the Kentucky peni tentiary an iutunate friend was sent for and the two had a short conversation Lew said Mr Goebel I wish to an nounce to the world that 1 dojiot hold my self in open violence to the word of God The sufferer for the first time in his long weary struggle tor me nau apparently lose his indomitable courage and soon relapsed into a condition of semi consciousness About 1 oclock he aroused himself again and calling Dr McConnack to his side said Doctor am I going to get well I want to know the truth for 1 have several things to attend to Mr Goebel you have but a few hours to live replied Dr McCormack Mr Goebel was silent for a moment then calling his brother Arthur Goebel to his side he asked that the physicians and nurses retire Then for twenty minutes the dying man was left with his brother and sister Soon after this he again fell into a stuper and at 2 oclock his con dition was considered so alarming that as a last resort oxygen was given in the endeavor to keep him alive if possible until the arrival of his brother Justus Goebel This treatment resulted in an im provement but the rally was so slight and slow that it was apparent that the end was not far off and Jlev Dr Taliaferro of the Methodist Church of Frankfort was sent for He came at once and after an earnest prayer he read a few selected verses from the epistle of St James but the dying man was apparently unconscious of what was transpiring about him Shortly after 4 oclock the dying man was again given oxygen and again a slight rally resulted but it was only temporary At 610 p m Dr riume left the dying mans bedside and the afflicted brother and sister turned to Dr McCormack and requested that they be left entirely alone with their brother who was fast sinking As the doc tors withdrew the grief stricken brother and sister knelt at his bedside pray ing that the life might be spared until their brother Justus should arrive Their prayers were in vain Even as they watched the pulsations became slower and slower gradually but steadily growing weaker and with a slight quiver of the eyelids one breath deeper than the rest a pause a gasp and the life that had been battling so val iantly against the assassins bullet since Jan 30 dickered out The First Telescopic Comet On the evening of Oct 1 1S47 the Mitchells were entertaining a party of invited guests writes Amelia H Bots ford of The Mother of the Stars In the Ladies Home Journal But Maria Mitchell was not to be deterred by com pany from following her custom of isweeping the heavens with the telescope every clear night She slipped away and ran up to the observatory Soon afterward she returned and told her father that she thought she lad seen a comet He hurried up to the observa tory to look himself and declared that it was indeed a comet This discovery entitled Miss Mitchell to the gold medai that had been offered some years before by the King of Denmark to the first discoverer of a telescopic comet and it was struck off and forwarded to her Woman Suffrage in Oregon A woman suffrage amendment Is to be submitted to the voters of Oregon in June next and an association of women has been organized to oppose it These women say in their protest that only a small percentage of the women in the state desire the ballot as Is prov ed by their neglect to use it in school elections and that therefore it should not be forced on the others with Its attendant privileges of Hitting od Juries and running for olHco TWENTIETH CENTURYS DAWN Friendly Islanders Will Be the First People to Hail It9 Advent The first people to live In the twen tieth 6entury will be the Friendly Isl anders for the date line as It may be called lies in the Pacific Ocean just to the east of their group writes John Ritchie Jr In the Ladies Home Jour nal of Where the Next Century Will Eeally Begin At that time although It will be already Tuesday to them all the rest of the world will be enjoying some phase of Monday the last day of the nineteenth century Dec 31 1900 At Melbourne the people will be going tobedt for it will be nearly 10 oclock at Manila it will be two hours earlier in the evening at Calcutta the English residents will be sitting at their Monday afternoon dinner for it will be about G oclock and in London Big Ben in the tower of the House of Commons will be striking the hour of noon In Boston New York and Washington half the people will be eating breakfast on Monday morning while Chicago will be barely conscious of the dawn At the same moment San Francisco will bo In the deepest sleep of what is popularly called Sunday night though really the early dark hours of Monday morning and half the Pacific will be wrapped in the darkness of the same morning hours which become earlier to the West until at Midway or Brooks Island it will be but a few minutes past mid night of Sunday night When Not to Keep Books She decided that the only way to run a house economically was to keep a set or Dooks so she made all necesst ry 1 purchases including a bottle of red ink and started in It was a month later when her hus band asked her how she was getting along Splendidly she replied The system is a success then Yes indeed Why Im GG ahead al ready Sixty six dollars he exclaimed Heavens Youll be rich before long Have you started a bank account No o not yet What have you done with the mon ey Oh I havent got the money you know Thats only what the books show But just think of being 6G ahead Dm yes But I dont exactly see And all in one month too Of course but the money What has become of that I dont exactly know she said doubtfully Ive been thinking of that and I think wTe must have been robbed What do you think we had better do about it He puffed his pipe in solemn silence for a moment and then suggested We might stop keeping books Thats easier than icomplaining to the police Womans Home Companion Teahouse Named America The Queen says a gossip Intends to add one more to the list of teahouses on the Balmoral estate Each of these re treats is decorated to represent some particular country For instance there is India which is furnished with bamboo and Indian matting while China is decorated with the celes tial emblems in beautiful colorings The new teahouse is to be America Few Private Cablegrams Only 1 per cent of the telegrams sent over seas are concerned with family or rivate matters The rest are commer cial journalistic or official 50c Thlsistutf cenulno tablet never sold la balk jMl 47l inVC - TVS3JfGfc 3 - 3T si - Born before United States was formed Saw 22 Presidents elected Pe runa has protected him from all sudden changes Veteran of four wars Shod a horse when 99 years old 1- 3 S- f - - - - - - - -1 r o X5FprTTTTTTWnWrrfTV The Million Dollar Potato Ifs marvelous Salzers catalog tells so also abtut Itape for cattle sheep and swine Ccsts 25c a ton to grow Send 5c and this notice to day to John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis for his big catalog Merely n Hint Mr Borem 11 p m My motto is Pay as you go Miss Cutting Well Im willing to lend you a small amount if It will help you out Chicago News To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure 25o E W Groves signature is on each box Thirty one Years War Spain has had thirty one years of war during the present century ndJmm v tr3SU t Mr Isaac Brock Born in Buncombe Co North Carolina March 1 1788 Says I attribute my extreme old age to the use of Peruna T A JUi A J JJS J AAJ4 3 AAA J A JA J AAAi VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAr Always conauered the srlone - with Witness in a land suit at age of 110 years Believes the great est remedy of the age for Ca tarrhal Diseases rTTrrTTYTTTTvyrirTTTTrrit Snake experts say that of all venom ous reptiles the rattlesnake is the most deadly Pisos Cure for Consumption Is an es pecially good medicine for Croup Mrs M R Avent Jonesboro Texas May 9 1891 Before 1840 men almost universally had their faces clean shaven VITALITY low debilitated or exhausted cured by Dr Klines Invigorating Tonic FBEE 31 Trial Bottla containing 2 weeks t eatment Dr Klines Institute 831 Area Street Philadelphia Founded 1871 After eating onions munch a sprig of parsley dipped in vinegar Mrs WInslovrs Hoothino Btbot Xor Cfcllaren tee thing sottens the Ktuns reauces Inflammation allays cain cares wind colic 23 cents a bottle Salt as a gargle will jure Boreness of the throat When a man gets one he becomes a slave to his bowels Every person ought to have control over trie different parts of the body and it is the easiest thing in the world to educate the bowels make them do their duty naturally and regularly and keep them from becoming a source of misery and a deformity as well Educate your bowels 1 Dont neglect the slightest sign of irregularity but see that you nave at least one natural easy movement a day Pls salts and black draughts are dangerous because they strain and weaken the bowels wriat you want is a mild but sure laxative that tones and strengthens the bowels and stimulates their movements Such a laxative is CASCARETS and when you try them you will find that it is the easiest thing in the world to make and keep your bowels clean and regular strong and healthy Be sure you get the genuine CASCARETS are never sold in bulk Look Tor the trade mark the long tailed C on the box By keeping the bowels clean all serious disorders are PREVENTED BY Get the genuine If you want results Tablet Is marked CCC Cascarets are never sold in bulk but only and always In the light blue metal box with the long tailed C Look for the trade marfc the C with a lone tan on me nai ALL DRUGGISTS To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will lend a box free Address Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or New York mentioning advertisement and paper A us 2fe Tells How He Escaped the Terrors of Winters by Using Peruna fajKJ ALZER1 EARED Corn dtc cj asBexsaessz i 0WE ISH BE r For a free book on catarrh address The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus Ohio tljkjm rim WILL KEEP YOU DRY Dont b fooled irttii mackintosh orrabbtrcMt If yea want a coat that will kMp yu try la the hard est ttom bay Fish Brand Slicker f aot for aat In your town writs for catilof u to A J TOWIR Boston Masx Tlicr9UtterB MsUMrx jrlc jUMIsg la Uniji UlamcioU100bsiper scr BIOrorKOATS jitliM JiO bet ft isrt tsl joa lUHUUttl SPE2TZ SO few 7 acrt Q tittit rralo 8idhijfl thnliltorthe sunt BABLET BEAKDLESIi JUI1 HI boa In N Y Wondtrfall BAPE 25c A TOX OttM rbi rrrea hod for cattle btta rriac paaJtrj etc at25e i 1 Us Va aall Bice ectt of tb Zaya tni In irt C3 BBOUrs 1XERMCS OrtaUit pan at carih Growt te j parreetlaa la Ancici Tsrjwter nunr varrsu hi THE MILLION DOLLAR potato U Ut sett taked of po int arta aai yalirr RIx Weeka Sail I1 mate 70a rich Largett pwr FoUWta u rtTB Siaci U tit TECETABLE SEEM Larrwt choUait Hit la US I Oalaa Bud SQe lb ZTtrjiblnr virruHa mtit ftpcga ear 1 Ht Taiatablct poatptld fl CO TOR 10a STAMPS Jad tUa notice i nail naat Scd Catalaf aai M tt Tana 8 Kortltlaa CaUlat alaaa 5 etaci CX JohnASaizerSeedCo LA CROSSE WIS AGENTS WANTED 1 any Isaac Brock a citizen of McLennan County Texas has lived 111 year He now Uvea with his son-in-law ai Valley Mills Texas ln speaking of his good health and extreme old age Mr Brock says ftAfter a man has lived in tb world as Jong as I have he ought to have found out a great many things by experience One of the things I have found out to my entire- satisfaction is thk proper remedy for ailments thai are due directly to the effects c4 the climate During my Jong life J havs known a great many remedies o coughs colds catarrh and diar rhtsa I had always supposed these affections to be different diseases but in reading Dr Hart mans books I have found out thai these affections are the seme as that they are properly called cai tarrh had several long sieges wlth the grip At first 1 did not know that Peruna was a remedy for thl disease When 1 heard that a grippe was epidemic catarrh ll tried Peruna for la grippe and found it to be just the thing As for Dr Nartmans remedy Peruna I have found it to be the best if not the only reliable rem edy for these affections It has been my standby for many years J and I attribute my good health andj extreme old age to this remedy v Very truly yours rUtlE DfiLU and OEEHAN COACHEBS Mares In F ml Yearlings and Two-Yea-Olds of All Breeds Acclimated and registered stock from S30C upward also Shetland ponies Oldest and largea establishment In tne Northwest ino miles nortf of Chicago Write for particulars and get bt best Established lseC GEORGE KLEIN Fort Atkinson VIi Importer and Breeder Th lireeit itookof EVE U K JGSN s m the IJS iaiionoi Hardi aurivrj erowa SprnoeiPinesArborVitae 10 to la Inn 4 nn tq i nn lHardr Prnits Ornamental Forest Trea rWrHine a TViji Three Plans Coaamloilon Liberal P HILL Prop ffIg Elgin III Stc 70a teitea t if o otb la Jait as coed iu33349E Wlw WaaMxiston BO successfully i Principal SxAbb rramcmlwar li4JaJ S C N U roscute9 uiaima lar u3 Penaioa Burtao Itl9za2ss airci No 0 1900 bd Best Cough Sjtbx 3tes Gooc Uso gg ggj n time Bold br rtroKista fa - A X L4 as T frfc 1 r 5 A l rtl t i I hi