Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1900)
X v V Lh 1 TV WBfr ifl LAMA ALLMAN FRANK SALWAY rostofflce address t 3 Allen 5 D As os cut also SS left hip half Sop circle FS en left side also 90 left side Horses left hip Range Corn Creek Tostcffic address PineRfclgeS D On side and hip Horses on right shoulder Rang Wolf Creek ALBERT LAMB Postofflce address Allen S D Cttle same as on cut borees on left hip same as cattle on left shoulder Range Bear Creek a JR CHARLES CUNY Josofflco address Manderson 8 D On left side Also clear around both hips Rke a breeching har dsb Horsss as cut on leftthighcounter VrandK right over pier GEORGE WHITE FACE rty 3TSp jjVrT r3gjxrfi ilprWwjSl Pine Ridge S D On lelt side horses aanieon shoulder Y jjRange Wounded jpiee Pi 4 jgS WILLIAM PROVOST rostofflce address Albany Neb On riRht side hors es left shoulder Range Head of StinkiDg Water CHARLES RICHARD SR Postofflce address Porcupine S D On left side horEes same without bar on left shoulder Range Porcupine District HENRY JONES Postofflce address Manderson S D On loft side Horses same on left shoulder Range Wounded Knee Creek 1 tHAS TWISS Pestoffice address Manderson t Sja left side Horses hdt shoulder Bange White River JJL HI riTfliii7 gririgirsTii K 7- JOHN GRAHAM SMSCSitfBwWl TiTiH ilTBrSrTrMTfl Postofflce address Pine Ridge S D On left side Horses same on hip Range Pass Creek ELNORE LITTLE CHIEF SPostofflce address Pine Ridge S D On left aide hones tame left shoulder Sange White river WILLIAM WALKS ON THE GROUND Postofflce address Porcupine S D Left shoulder or side Horses same on shoulder Range Wounded Knee PRETTY HIP JR fostofflce address Porcupine S D Left side and hip Horces same on shoulder Jtangd Porcupine Creek k Postofflce address Allen S D on left side also B W on left side Horses same on left hip SHGRT HORN Postofflce address Range Corn Creek dfelp JUDGE THUNDER BEAR V Postofflce address Manderson S D On Leftside horses same on left hip Ransa Woundsd Kjs irS3S Ki i iBrrirr GEORGE FIRE THUNDE3 Postofflce address Porcupine 8 D On left side Ah on left side Range Porcupine Greek Postofflce address Pine Rtdee 8 D Onlertside horses same lelt shoulder Range Near Pine Ridge Agency JAMES GRASS Postofflce address Porcupine S D On left shoulder and hip horses same on hip Range Porcupine Creek eMz JOSEPHFAST HORSE Postofflce address Postofflce address Pine Ridge S D Cattle same as cut horses same on left hip Range Spring Creek JOHN LEE Piue Ridge SD On left side Horses left thigh Range Wolf Creek PETE RICHARD NTjjpjJ Postofflce address Merriman Neb On left side horses PR on left thigh Range Lake Creek South Dakota JOHN FARNHAM Postofflce address Interior S D Left side or hip or both Horses same on left thigh Range Jackson Co JOHN POURIEU Postofflce addr t THOMAS TYON ggaswffipggfc f 1 f I Postofflce address Allen D On left side Horses same on left hip Range Corn Creek Manderson S D On left side on jaw V Eazsa 3 sfi Ka i 50 Kf I 5m 1 GEORGE HARV6Y rfiS Postofflce address Porcupine B D Onleftsld Horses same on lef shoulder Baage White rlrer and lIouth of Sprlnjj CrMk also Ksrst k n tP1 t Horses on leit suouiuer Range Mouth Wounded Knee and White river Postofflce address JAMES TWISS Porcupine SD On left side horses same on left hip Range Porcupine Creek pf Si m im Postofflce address Pine Ridge S D Anywhere on left side Horses same left hip CHARLES H GIROUX Postofflce address Pine Ridge S D On left side Horses same on lef 6houlder Ranze Wolf Creek sfee MANUEL ROMERO Postofflce address Pine Ridge 3 D On left side v Horses iOTi left shoulder fe rlfl Range Spring Creek gagSSSa 3J3 and Wounded Knee SAMUEL SMITH g2 liilUfUlTTTll JOSEPH BROWN JR Postofflce address Manderson S D Left side or hip Horses cT on left shoulder Ranges White river and Mouth Wound ed Knee JOHN MESTETH tBSSSs iBr ANTOINB HERMAW ipar hum 1 ni Pcstofflce address Pine Ridge Postofflce address Kyle 8 D On left BhonMer On left side Also Jiorses onleftthifirh SDB 115 and 55oa left side Horses 115 on left nhnvW also 5 en Bange Posatoa Creek R C STIRK R 4 Kange WhlteRive ES2S f WILLIAM VLANDRY fe 1 Postofflce address JULIA DAVIDSON 0VMMtfk X5v Vty t jr Allon S D On both sides NICHOLAS JANIS Postnfnci nrMr rfciJiVrA Kyle S D On left side Horses same en left hoalder fc Range Big Whit River On side and hip Rang Little Wnite River 1 11 mimfatnWiKIIBmimn BENJAMIN ROWLAND Wj flt3i fflSgiSSa Postofflce address Kyle S D On leit side and hip Horses jfS left thlgjr Range Bis White River CHARLES CLIFFORD Postofflce address Kyle S DI On leftside or hip Horses same on left thlga also J CO s left sidS Ear mark tip and under bit Range White River BEml2rir - CHARLES JONES Post offlco address Porcupine 8- D On left hip and Jaw Horses same or on left shoulder Range White River JOHN P BISONETTE Postofflce address Manderson S D On right side lorses P B on left iip Range Rock Spring 8 feV 1 il US 1 1 it aVfcfiv J Wi B aiiS Postofflce address Kyle S D On riplxt shoul der and nip Horses J on left hip Range White ELICK SALWAY Postofflce address Allen S D On snouldcr side and iip Horses S3 oa left shoulder Range Corn Greek B G BETTELYOUN lTryilniiiii iiniiimi itir mm igffl 7 iSBSl J ygigaU Allen S D On left side Horses sal no on left shoulder Range Bar Creek Postofflce address Pine Ridge S D Anywuuro nurses same Range Little White River C W ALLEN MANAGER Postofflce address Merriman Neo Stock branded as on eutalso A left shoul der B left side 0 left hip Range Little White river S D I will pay 100 for sufficient evidence to convict anyone of stealing catcle bear ing those brands WILLIAM SHANGRAN Postofflce address Cody Neb On left side Horses same Range Lake Creeft South Dakota ROBERT RANDALL Postofflee address b SfeL w V 1 -1 tSWJ ANDY -WILLIAMS i i r 11 mi iimii ri W J Festofflce addresn Merriman Neb MostiyoQleftalde some on righted Horses gmi5 left Sbejliaer MnffLskeCrsaX 8utifiJtfk BENJAMIN JANI8 Fo3tofflce address Kyle 8 D On left side horses K on hip Root Creek iBT Postofflce address Merriman Neb On lelt side and hip Horses same on left thigh Range Lake Creek South Dakota Postofflc address Pine Ridge S D On both siaea Horses same minus half circle on topon left thigh Range Little White river - Manderson 8 Dj Left side or hip on horses and cattle also 2 on shoulder O on side nnd O on left side of cattle Arrow reversed on all cattl sold Range Mouth Wounded Knee Raneft LaktfCreek fcLfttrSWhltarfTer EDGAR FIRE HUNDER Postofflce address Allen S D Hn lof cttt Also on left 1 bide Ear mark- T0 1 una ear split and hang ing Kange Bear Creek ROBERT WHITE RABBIT PETER LADEAUX Postofflce address Allen S D Left side and hip both Horses same on left thigh Range Bear Creek A W MEANS 1 UsV3HUiiI LisTiBWcP fclffiGjgSg WILLIAM TWISS Postofflce address Manderson S D On lelt side Horses on left thigh ELEX ADAMS Postofflce address Range Big White river EESfi5 wpl c2smsm t5fS1 ARTHUR ROFF SETH GARY Postofflce address Merriman Neb On both side and hip Herd mark dew lap Horses same on left shouldes Range Lake Creek and Little White river Postofflce address Merriman Neb On side also R on jaw Horses R O on thigh Range Lake Creek and Little White river cafes1 rji iT1 maggggK JOSErn KOCER Postofflce address Gordon Neb Left side and hip Horses left shoul der Range Little White river South Dakota E COFFEY AND SONS Postofflce address Gordon Neb On left side and E on1awsomeJCon right hip and J on jaw Horses FE and j c on shoulder Range Little White river South Dakota Postofflce address Cody Neb On both sides Horses CC on left thigh Range HeadPass Creek South Dak JOHN T GREEN Postofflce address Merriman Neb On left side Horses same on left shoulder waddle un der neck of young stock Range--Lake Creek JgfgMSin Little White river J J PECK eS8asffir8 C H LITTLE pM2Postoffice address Merriman Neb KT1KslSlir -ii UtJ Mlt t JOHN GRESH Postofflce address Merriman Neo On both sides some on right side and hip Horses same with out bar left thigh On either side Horses same on hip Also either We Range Lake Creek South Dakota WmSBMmm flrfi1 i s V f GARNER JSROTffl5Sr PojtoffloB address Cody Neb Anywherr on cattle t horses on leit shoul der Range north of El G O j ftzytirjv5smai FA1RHEAD Postofflce address Merriman Neb agiiffiswa snnninir sf Cattle on left sidsj ixrd hip some left side only Hoses 8 on left shoulder Range between Cottonwood Lake Leander and Bear Creek W R WHITE -- rosroince araress Merriman Neb v On either slde some SUE on leftside Range Southeast of Merriman T 1 11 MSI iT mL - wtim 1 yy nfts1 r mi iMmfWk t FRANK LTVERMORE Postofflce address Cody Neb On both sides or anvwhero on animal also e523 Lon hip or shoulder Range Little White River and Mouth of Cedar Creek S D 3 OROURKB Postofflce address Kyle 8D On left side and hip Horses J on left boulder Bange Big WhlU Klyer VETAL Postofflce address Cody Neb Cattle branded any where some with underneath th bmnrl Horses on left Ran ffe Little Wlllte River and Mouth of Cedar Creek S D v B F BOYLES Postofflce address Merriman Neb As on cut left side Range between Niobf Hlverand Reservation VLANDRY 13lHHBaaBirML mumaiBxzsismasA Wm wmml GEORGE COLHOFF g Postofflce address Pine Ridge S D Left side of cattle left shoulder of hor ses Range White Clay Creek GEORGE GIROUX Postofflce address - Alien s u On left Bide and thigh Horses on left flank Range Head of Pass Creek a Jio2gjfcj lPll giJL GUS CRAVEN Postofflce address Vri1 IT rr - T Manderson S P On left sida Hone j on -ft hip win o it DuT under neath T nrtoRify IVI i a BAPTISTE POURIER Postofflce address Mandersor S D On left side Horses same on left shoulder counter brand horse head on right shoulder Range White river and Wounded Knee CHARLES C MARRIVALL Postofflce address Albany Net On right side Horses same left hip RangerLlme Kiln WILLIAM L PATTON Postofflce address Manderson S D On either 6lde Horses same left shoulderlow Range Wounded Knee and White river fcgpyy - GEO R BROWN 22 tts J frytfiJ Horses ZS n left tnign TQ m R f7lolt Invcft Postofflce addiess Manderson S D On loft side also abound hip bone lett Side Horses same on left siO der Range Little Wilte river ana urown grSffrgrJsreiSSaa Lake LEWIS- SHANGRAN Postofflce address Kyle 8 D Pa left shoulder and sae Also on left side igytffc -- JDSN FAISIXSB P6it9tRC9tditt5S Kyle S D Ob left sldeef cattle left3hond2ron hors ts also 121 or 112 oa left side of cattle Range on Bljr White BJver ANTOINB JANIS Postofflce address Allen S D On Tight side Horses eft Bfvj zt on msm hip Range Eagle Nest Creek Postofflce address Interior S D Stock branded as on cut left side and Jaw xanje Potato Creek L B 23 29sBsfis9 Postofflce sddrcw Pine Ridge 8 Dv Left side on csttlo lelt thigh on hcrsea Range Wound 4 Knee Crees JOE RICHARD cgtimmRwkL ELICK RICHARD Postofflce id Ire Allen 8 D On left side ot catllt Hore high P52J leQ Range Eagla N4 Creek JOHN BWALLOWc Postofflce address Allen S D Left side on cattle Horses underlined H on left shoulder Range EltCa White Kiver - 1 1 t jf yTi 11 1 11 1 1 iiT inniSlHill XiEWia YEON J1Z9 Fostofflco address Pino Rides S Bt As on ous Ranjo on Laki Creek JENNIE SEARS Postofflce address Manderson S D n left side and Jaw Range oa Whit River J O ROOK Postofflce address I WISHER f iTTai 1 M iT ii1 ilrfSbS A nrriiii imn f Allen S 21 On left side Horse O on risfc thleh Range LltlS Wlilte niver 7 aaj Pas3 Creek J R FUGH AND SONS Postofflce yldress PlnelrllKe 3 DJ Tattle branded as on ut v Horses on left houlder Range Flint Butte Little White nlver JaWMJ1 DAVID COTTIER tfSS rostofflce addrqis Allen S a On left side ilsa ear split itange Lltae Whl8 aivcr BENJAMIN CLAYM0R2 Postofflee address Allen 8 D Inleftsido also 0 n shoulder B side on hip Horses C on shouV er and underlined iLonhip sange ittla White aiver LEWIS COTTTEB Postofflce address Allen 5 On left side also i underlined- DH eg left side cf soznsi right ear split Horsea on rlghf hip Range Llttto Whiss River KM9SSQkpKISSB IESSEBT Festofflce sddrssa iTrn J1 TiiTii Merriman Ne On left side also 09 same side 83 a derlltfed Horses raderBu M on left thigh- Ranga mOo White aivor JOSEPH KNTGHTi PoitofSte address Pine Eldge 3 D1 On left hip f watil anfleek Horses ssssa esleA ihooIAer V 11 Y - ir Li