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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1900)
t r t fr r Ts Kennedy Ncbr V VOLUME XV ItTetzger Bros T E J Pullman Neb lierry Co Brand on left side and thigh Earmark square crop right ear Southern branded cattle have but one half diamond K on left side Native cattle have throat wattle Itanee on Gordon andjSnake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Jtcicara of 50 will be paid to any Sersoii for information leading to the arrest and nal conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand EDWAKD BAD HAIR rostofllce address Allen 8 D On left shoulder and baron side horses same on thigh Range Bear breek fe J Parker Son E- ZP m jtNayisvW P O Address L W Parker Iteige Neb Brand same as cut Also ZP llange on Niobrara south of Crookston It A McQuade Valentine 2 eb Branded on either 510 ltange between inacnerana Swan Lake J R Charles 0 Tackett 1 Rosebud S D Range head of An telope near rt Marvs mission Horses branded on left thigh iPeter Vloiidray Rosebud S D - Lett side Left car ropped Horses branded VB Range Little White River at mouth of Dedar Creek JST S Rowley Same as cut on left side ami bin and on left shoulder or nor sis AlsoXPSH on left side WZZM an hip ji S on right hip and Jb f on left side ES9l Louis J Kichards Merrlman Neb E3 I i ii i Newton Nebraka Cattle branded s ou cut Some ft sidcorhii Range on Goraou Creek Gorsuch Bros lii ii mini imi Louis F Richards Tal Metriman Neb Henry Pratt Rosebud S D Left side Horses same on left shoulder - Deerhorn clip on some cattle John DeCory Rosebud S D JXD J Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JU on left hip Range in Meyer Co ou Antelope Creek T BP C on left hip of horses Teeter Bros mmmmmammmm rB Newton Neb Horses same on left shoulder Ranee between the Gordon and the Snake Joseph W Bownet P O address Merrlman Nebr Right ear cropped Hole in center of left car Range Lake creek SD W W ANDERSON J C BOUNDS Anderson Hounds T Bw I wvB Nenzel Neb Cody Neb DUn Either side Also EiS low on right Left car oi cattle Split Range head of nay Creek on left hip Horse brand V on left shoulder Range to miles northeast of Gordon N D Burnside and ADSnyder Hutt Brothers Gordon Nebraska Range14 miles north of Gordon riuc Ridge S D Ho ne ranch on head of Wounded Knee Creek in Sheridan Co Nebr rf W rBff m - tlffe A writer in the Alliance Grip com plains against the resolution passed by the National Live Stock Association TAlafivA in ttiA Ipncitifr nf flip sirifl Innfls lof the west and very justly too yet it mjjiuiu lu set xiuui urn itttiuiB luu uc has not read all of the resolutions which would fill a column and a half of this paper or more The resolutions provide that these lands shall be di vided into three classes and That the niesa and prairie lands with abundance of grass and water shoidd constitute the first class and not to ex ceed 50000 acres should be leased- to any one person copartnership corpor ation or association That mesa and prairie lands with good grass and without water should constitute the second class and the maximum limit should not exceel 75 000 acres to any person copartnership corporation or association The resolutions provide that all leased lands shall be fenced that all small land owners within the larger tracts should be required to fence their land that where two or more bidders are after the same tract or part Of the same tract the smaller bidder should be required to bid on at least one third the amount of the larger bidder and that all drift fences and other obstruc tions of the public domain be at once removed The foregoing in addition to the res olutions published last week covers practically all the points of the resolu tions and the more one studies them the worse they seem To put these resolutions into effect a committee composed of one member from each of the delegations interested which were represented at the associa tion was appointed to draw a bill for submission in congress harmpniousr with the resolutions and we are curiously waiting to see what the result of this cumbrous committees work will be While it is possible that they will pro duce a bill acceptable tq the majority --of-stockmen we doubt it Another thing to b2 taken into con sideration in this matter is the oppo sition of congress to any legislation which will affect the homesteaders in terests It is safe to wager that so long as homesteads are being taken as repa id Jy as they are now no action inimical to the interests of the settlers will be considered Many people seem to think that the homestead law is becom ing a dead letter but an examination of the following record of homesteads entered in this district last year will dispel such an idea MONTH XO KXTIUK8 February 35 March JK pillt t t ll It J il Jr a U June 43 July 41 August 47 September S2 October 31 November 30 December 35 Total 499 Ac tire B0C2 5128 4G05 10CG5 791G 71515 G03G G7G1 4U57 4759 t43GG 5001 73472 Entries this January numbet over 50 for about 8000 acres and prospects are that this rush will continue B M on Rates for Live Stock The B M railroad has tiled an an swer to the order of the state board of transportation directing all railroads in the state to restore the old carload rate on livestock In its answer the corn pan jr claims among other things 4 That the said state board of transportation is without right or pow er to designate the process or manner by which rates of compensation to com mon carriers within this state can be charged or collected 8 All commodities that are moved by carloads except live stock are charged in cents per hundred pounds Coal lumber iron gram etc while carried by carload lots are charged in cents per hundred pounds In all parts of the United States except Kansas Xebraska Colorado and Utah cattle sheep and hogs while carried in carload lots are charged in cents per hundred pounds 9 By the adjudication of the inter state commerce commission of the United States and by the findings and determination of every state board of transportation in the United States that has considered the question the carriage of live stock and the charge flSSjK i3 V C VALENTINE NEBRASKA FEBRUARY J 1900 Simeon Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut also 10 on left side ftvilh on left hip of some cattle also S4G on right side Horse brand rake and 1C on left shoulder or hip Mickel Boltz Brand registered NoICoj Range 254 miles east of NeDzel I T f ETi I Home ranch on Hewev Like Range on Niobrara River east of Fort Niobrara also between Snake River and Simeon known as the Felch range all in Ch couuty Nebraska Richardson Perch Nebr Some op left hip E3 pa Horse 8 on left shoulder William M Dunbar Lessee from Heine Kroeger W Ell I mm 1 Amelia Young I A Y J Cody Nebraska On right side Right ear split Range Little White river Peder Thorsen Gordon Nebraska On right side T on right hip e horse brand and T on richt shoulder Aleo cattle branded I on lefuside Range fowl miles south of Irwin It HI Im HI mmmMm Henry Young I H Y iMML Cody Nebraska Horse brand IBY on left shoulder Cattle right ear split Range Little White river S D Stotts Stetter Codyyebrasku linmdeil ouleltidc Range Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats W TU5 I F C Duerfelrlt Manager Tin Gordon Nebraska Cattle also branded 90 on right hip Horses and mules uranded same as cut on left shoulder Wm J Alien Ft Niobrara Neb Rraud registered OSTO Hores branded ou left hin Range Niobnira river 12 miles east of Valentine IIfeSS22JijM George F Damon ISO FD t - - ijjuiRjrEiva Gordon Neb Also 03 Albany Neb Cattle branded FIonleft ribs or right shoulder S I on right hip and left ribs 6on left hip Horses FD or SDou right shoulder ltange 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb Aorrit for Pastfiiir Black Leg Vaccine Jospph Fickel WVWWWWWW STOCK NOTES AAIAAAAUMAAAAAAAAMWMAAIUlAAAf The Land Lease Resolution therefor by weight is Held to be justl Only one is now- living It is healthy and equitable and appears the most economical for the shipper and the car rier t - 1 Respondent sets forth the fact that the United States interstate com uiercQ cotnmissioii declared after full investigation that the charge for mov ing live cattle in carloads was more in proportion to the service rendered and more just and equitable when the charge was made by weight and not by carload 13 Your respondent further says that it is of frequent occurrence uuder the old method of charging br carload that shippers Avould greatly overload and crowd the cars to save the differ ence in freight the result would be that the carrier would not receive the same compensation for the same serv ice from different individuals and would often suffer great delays neces sarily resulting from such overloading by reason of the stock in such over loaded cars getting dovnand requiring the stopping of an entire train frequent ly 17 Tour respondent further states that no increase of the live stock rates was intended or in fact made by tho change of methods and alleges tho fact to be that the rates m cents per hun dred pounds as now in force on its line are no higher and as near as can bo to those rates of charges under the old method and are just reasonable and fair and are not excessive unjust unfair or unreasonable And upon this showing the company asks that the order be annulled and not enforced If any of our readers have a reply to make to these arguments we will be pleased to publish it Snlxfribp for The Democrat--100 W E Waite has sold his brother-in-law Alf Morris sufficient hay to win ter his -100 head of stock and they were taken to the Waite ranch on the lioardman this week Foreman Rutherford of the Ihsham Cattle Co started from the 4P last week for Pine liidge Agency with 500 head of beeves These cattle will be hay fed in the vicinity of the agency and will be delivered on the Apia is- tsue Alliance-Grip- - - - -- - Dr Lambley sold a blooded calf to Charley Lear of Springview Tuesday for 100 spot cash Mr Lear also offered the doctor 500 spot cash for a white faced bull he owns but the tempting offer was refused It pas to misegood cattle Ains worth Journal For a long time the need of a state veterinarian has been felt in this state and cattle men should at once begin the agitation which will result in the ne t legislature making provision for such an officer As it is now Dr Pe ters does all he can in the matter of in vestigation of diseases but he is not prepared to meet emergency calls or Jo provide assistance in cases of need All oyer the west live stock owners are breeding up their herds of horses so as to get something salable and which will reflect credit upon the range horse In this connection it is interesting to note that more horses were shipped from the western states last year than ever before and the sup ply is becoming bhort especially Wyoiniugjind anu growing large starv Montana J Secretary of State Porter asks for the resignation of the secretaries of the board of transportation and makes a special stab at Jim Dahlman by saying One of the secretaries is not and has not been for more than a year past a resident of the cit of Lincoln but is engaged in business in South Omaha which requires his personal attention and makes it inconvenient for him to give the time to the performing of the duties of secretary of the board of trans portation Avhich the interests of the public demand Jim yon know is a member of the Flato Commission Co and his S2000 a year job is a soft snap for him Last February a cow on the ranch of Augustine Bros northeast of Chadron gave birth to three calves one of which lived If it had not been for the ex tremely cold weather at the time it is thought that all of them could have been saved On the 12th da v of this month on the same ranch the same cow now eight years old gave birth to five well formed calves Two of them were males and- three were females This mar look- like a but the truth oftlieVamo can be substantiated by the most re liable men in this county If this is not a cattle country where will you go 16 find 6uV Chadron Journal iv t teinKliw WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT rsresrs Farm ana stocR Journal f NUMBER 2 4 89 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 8 VI MIDWINTER SALE ffissmjaaaPissffcfc Cattle Cody Neb M J m tt3 Also K on right side Kange Chamberlain Flats and Snake Itiver Fo 1 iuaat4a3l0EHnH CASH Mens Cotton Flannel- Underwear Mens Heav v Fleece Lined Mens Winter Underwear Pine Kiclyc S I Cuttle branded as on cut and below on either side Kennk swallow fork on Icit and crop right Horse L rands as below on left thiyh or hip Horses Wheeler Jiros Newman Bros Nations Cody Nebraska On point left shoul der Also on 1 point left shoulder Also oon left shoulder Same on left hin m J A Adamson ValenUne Xeh On left side or hip A left side or hip i On leftside Uaiigeou Niobrara m Left side W 1 m 7 HI Strtneil or SfdJeii liirffN wnrK mares 1000 pounds e hay brandi d IS on left shou der One one browu branded K ou left hip sicJi Ofie bay ajbd U 6TINAKU VoIeuMrfe Ne a Ladies Winter Union Suits - - -Misses Winter Union Suits - - - Childrens Winter Underwear - -ALL WINTER DRESS GOODS were 50c now a u u 50 c Joe 50c a ooc c i u c to AT COST ESH - FRUIT - ID - G UJN 1 jft ill II m I il I I HI 35c 20c 35c 25c 15c DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants AM Marquardt Rowlus Otto Stkubk Manager r OM I M V R Ii south I gegggg h 5 a b o -0 i bh bh b of1 J 2 bh CITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET FR d W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of E In addition to a first class line of Steaks KokBts Dry Salt Meat Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At Stetter9 Old Stand on Main Street VALE NTI N E N E BR AS K fs Alex Marrivall CLEARING SHOES AT HALF PRICE SALE BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING - - AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING AIjTj VVU WOSK GUAllAXTEED D STINARD CLOTHIER s iKBEASKA Merrlman Neb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder borne of cattle have various lolderbrands OS on I left hip Horse brad A onieit smniiuei Kinee Formerly Ceo W Monnier ranch 5 inies east of IMerrimau from V E to Leander Creek Mar- Oiiardt lowhi STihncrNebnika Alfred Bordeaux and Bros Kosebud S D llange between Mmncchaduza and St Francis fllggaalfc Hugh Bovill Manager Merrlman Neb Also Esmm All on left aide or hip Range north of El Charlotte ID Bovill Merriman Neb Left side or hip llange north o Taken up at my place about 4 miles east or Fort Niobrara May UG buy sorrel bald fard gelding 5 yean old al one bay mr l Z years old both branded on left shotildei ElttfKST SKA1W mwm Taken Up k At my placefi v miles northeast of Arabia One brown mare three white fieibrauded T on left siwumer jne nuuHMcin mare black mane and 1 tailj branded O ou left shoulder I 40 B W LI VUE o II I r