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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1899)
If * WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRA Nexvs , Farm and Stoclc ROBERT GOOI > , - Manage Valentine , Nebraska ALONZO HEATH Psstofflce address Cody , Nebras On left side ; horses leftshoulder Range norlJi ] Cincjintt Lake S A W INS LOW Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska Branded on cither iwl : horpcs same on left Rhoulder 3-ml. north- -f Ilr.age - - tfast of Eli and south of Nlohrara river , 13- inl southwostof Cody A C RIEMENSCUNE1DER Postofflce addresi Cody , iNeiu.t On right side ; al- on rijrht shoiih an 12 on jaw. : on leit bin alsoi ; iSlW Range-OM P Ranch on Niobn A D COLE Postofflee aildress Cody , Nebraska Same as on cut. left side and shoulder linnet * t' 8t ; inl south- and west of Cody CHAS. E ROBERTS Postoffice addresi Cody , Nebnis On either sit some It E E ; soi 12 K 11 Range north west Codj FRANK J. JONES Postoffice address Cody.Nebrui-Kit On right side : horses ses same on left shoulder Rangi . eight miles treat of Cody CHARLES GARTSIDE Postofflce address Cody , N hi muled eft side ; also C It-It hip of eat ml i'-it shoulder hordes Kniiut * onjMnbn 10 misouihwe&tCo JOHN SIIANORAN address Cody , Nebraska ! On left side Also on left Mi lo Horse.1 S on left .shoulder Range between Cody and Lake Cietjk J P GARDINER Pqstoffice address Cody , Nebras On 'eft side of a tie ; horses O rig arm Range , north ai south of Mo'orn Ulvr,12-tniles.son west of Cody FRED AND WILLIAM MAYBEE. Postofficc address Cody On left side : horses same left shoulder iCannark tiuteh on underside of right ear Range east and nitli of lili J H STEELE Postofllce address Cody , Nobrasl On left side ; also L or VV L on left sn Also on loft and horses left shoulder RaiiL'e-Mouth Bear Creek G II SKAGER Postoilice address Codv. N Caltlebranded as on cut on lefl side , hip at d shonl er ; horses lame- Kange , Snake Creek FRANK 3IOGLE 1'ostoflice address Cody , Nebrasl On either de catt herdmark left e ; clipped and riirht e ; splitborhcsbniud ; ( same on left should Range on Niobra and MtdieineConyt KARL COMSTOCK , MANAGER. Postofflce aditrehs Valentine. > Like cut on CHAS S NICHOLS Poo'offlce address . .MerrJnjan , Neb n i hi ] ' of cattle ; bin MS same lefl shoulder Kange between Bear Cieelcand NIobrara River , 9-mI Boutheast of Merriman SELDER BROTHERS Postofflce address Merriman , > On left side of on left Ringe. nortli a south of Mobr.i Kiver,0-mls nthei of Merriman Eta G H FOLS03I Posi office address Merriman , Neb Branded on left side Range noith or Merriman E F DEVINE Postoffice address Merriman. N Brarded on li side ; horses s i on left shoulder Kange betwp Bear Creek and t Niohiam river , ! ) S.E. of Merrimai GEORGE STOVER Postofflco addros Merriman. Neb On left side : horses same left shoulder Knnce Little AVhlte Klvcr South Dakota GEORGE JKSSEN Postofflee address Merriman , N On jither left si or hip : horses sai on left .shoulder ! R nge-EastofC tonwood Lake GENTRY. ABBOTT & MONAIIAN Po > .tofl'ce address Hyannis. Nebi Both tin . 5 left side 7 iome si ock * . - . . branded Clpiishoifi der A h'ft hip ; also N N N anywliei e on left side ; also V A left side Kange head Middle Loup C S WILLIAMS Postofflce address Gallop , Nebras ! On lolt side ; al W I left sid also J..lcfthipal W on side ana S1 hip ; horses S enl < jaw * Range-Eight in , south of Gallop ALBERT NENZEL Postoffice address Nenzel. Nebraska OiifithTsideof cai- tlihors"s sain1 cange northeast of Nenzel DAN ADAMSON Posloffice address _ Chesterfield , Ne Br nded as on cti - . ' . - - * . . some 5 on left hi " ' " ' ' -some just one brai * i"89 , . 4some i&Zv&S like on cut on li H&M thigh llange benvei and Mm ! W G SAWYER Postoffice address Oasis , Nebraska Butler & Quisenbery have charge of these : tttle ; horses OMOU ( ett shoulder ; some stock branded X mi ) where on Hiiiinal Kange , Snake river P.ICIIAUDS & CAIUXES CO. Cattle bmnded t any part of suuim : also thy followii brands : Lorses branded tl same Range betwei Gordon on the 1 < Y &M. V.R. R. ai i on B , & M. R. 1' . in Northwestei " Nebniska. Address , BAKTLKTT Chadron , Nebraska J W OSTRANDER I 'obtoffice-Ia d dress Rnshvillc , Neb Dn left thigh or hip ; liorsi s ! left thigh Kange-flead waters 3f Gordon Creek A Steirnrri Hf$4OO will be paid to ai iierFOii fur information leading to the arrest ar final conviction otanv person or persons stej ngcattle with above brand. MOREY & HEWETT Postofflco address Gordon , N ( On left side of catt bon-es same left shoulder ; a 24 ° leftUs"d ( on left V5jt _ _ Ide of some Range son ! if Snake 35-mi soiu WM ERICICSON [ 'ostoffice address Kennedy , Neb ) n leit side and hip ; lorses O or A on ait jaw Range twi lortliwest of DAWSON & B ILL Postoffice address Chesterflel' ' . Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut ; also V leit neck andZ left hip : some V left beck. V left shoulder and Z Ielthiihorse8 ; VZ h'ft hip. Range Snuke GEORGE G BOTIIWELL Postofficp address I'nllman , N Branded as on ci al > > i lef th Range south a east of Pullman P PULLMAN Postofflce address Pullman. Neb Branded as on cut ; Also P on shoulder on side 1 * on hi | > ; also w side hip also I * on snoulder , W onsidt I * on hip llange north pnmg of North Loup CHAS S IIOYT Postolficeaddre < s Pullman , N Branded on Ijftsl aljo CO on left si < . , IM > ' "between ej aJid n se Pkaiigo IMii of Pullumn J L ROSEBERRY Postofflce address I'ullman , Neb Branded on left bin ; horses same > d- mark-double dew-Iao llange south and east of Brush Hili DYE Postofllre'stildrcss Pull , -an , N P.randed on lefts ! A reward of § : will be paid for formation leading the arrest and lii conviction of a person for killii driving ofl orconci ing an > ot jny eat II A BUCK Postollice address Hyannis , Neb Branded en leit side llange eighteen miles north of Ilvannls L L MORRILL Postofflce address Hyannis , N On left side ; also on left hip ; hors 5 left shouldi Range 'J5-mil [ north of Hyannis H C MASON Postoffiee address Horses - [ Range-Mother Lake nuie-Bing- summer # - tiam , Sb.eridau.Co. A SAULTS Postofflce address Gregory , N < On left side or hi horses same on h shoulder Ilange-Arkans Valley and sjnakr JOE CULBEKTSON I'Oit trce Pullman. Neb Branded on leftside ; horses T' ! ' on r ght shoulder : a cmji < nd slit in left ear ole.ittle Ranjre 1'oiks of Nona Loui Ki\er C JENSE.NT oslofflce a dress < vS8 ? % & Gallop , Nebrasl ' * 3SZSS Leftside OH pnva * ? ; X' < < ? &Si > / i.fc , ? vV ? > J on cattle also on leftsIdMf JfegaSS Horses C J on It shoulder. Ran e-Eight miles south of Gulli JULIUS PETERSON Po t fllce.addn ss Gregory.eb Bninded as on cut Kango two miles north of Gregory D N GOUKLEY Postofflce address Ruslmlle , N On left hip : al 5O O on left side ; horses left shoulder Range-Cedar Lai OBE CHURCH Postofflce addres JlerrimanVh ! ni left Hide : : dee o o Con ri"ht si le * r ? V * * i. ir > es a left shoulder iJaiigeno th'und .niith of Men 1111:111 CHARGES LONE WOLF Postofflce address Allen 5 D On right side and shoulder , horses same on right thich Range-Bear Creek MORRIS JANIES PoEtofflce addrcsH Rosebud , s. Cattle branded left sitle as on rut on leff thigh , Krnge on * Kock Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postoffice address Allen , S.D,1 On left shoulder and hip ; some 1 on B l left shouldrandfjjj ; ! on left side. Ear mark-left ear crop'd Ilange-Bear Creek A OALLIGO Pos'office address Manderson , S. Left side and young stock. C stock ninL'udf left sine Horses ie thigh Knnge-Rock Sprii Basin JA3IES BUSH Postoiflce address Allen On leit side Also [ S" onl'ft side Horses on left hip Kange near Creek R M FADDIS Posloffice 'iddres : Pass , Neb Range , North Lo River CHARLES LONG THAN Postofflce address Allen S 1 > On left side of cattle llange Bear Creek GEORGE N DAVIS Postofflce addres Simeon , N Branded on rig side or hip * " " g Also t 35 on left hip "Worses on rig . lioulder as on c Jfantre-Gordqu ai Snake CHARGING BEAR Postoffice address Allen S D On left oiue rtiid thigh horses on thigh Kange Bear Creek STEADilAN BUOS Postofllce address PeA * Web Brand on I61t sit ] Horses and | some cattle ! br-mderi on . left aide and Re Mp Eange. BU and Wait ) ] C F COOPER Postoffice address Kennedy , Neb Cattle branded on left side same -is cut Stock over one year olden on right si horses sHine tut ictt > lioulii i Range south it west J &J2 ii lliickbi'iTV Lake and i in lew n eft lei JACOBSON BROTHERS Postofflce address Gregory , N < On left side ; S.HI same with I on It shoulder horses leit shoulder ] Kange Gordon - don and Goose Lai DAN WEP.STER Postoffice address Ilarlan , Nebraska On left side or hip ; horses branded same leftsh > uller Kange between Nio" hrara and Snal- riv" ert' . .sodth of Mern- man 4 Rciciii'rt of $ lKt will be paid lo ai person for information leading to the arrestai final conviction of any person or persons ste : ing cattle or hoises with above brand. O .1 K ELL All Po-toT e aridiet Hrovvn.ebr On eft side Rjinge , betwee Ooose Creek aaA Loup A T BRACKETT Postoffice address Riege Neb [ Jranded on left side Cange-Three miles Southeast of Georgia \VILLIA3I "WILSON Postoffice address KiUore Nebi Branded on left side Range-Southeast of Georgia H SCHULTZ Portolhce addrcsi McCann "N Stock branded as tut Range xorth a south of Georgia WILHELM ANDERSON rostofflce address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on leit hip Range betveen the Niobrara and Snake JOHN DUBRAY Po-itoffice address Merrhnan , 3 On left side , jaw hip Range Lake Crt South Dakota. A. B. CAP WELL rostoHloe addrrss Pullman Neb On Mr side of rattle It.'ilitre North I.oup JOE ROOKS JK , Posroffice address Allen S On left side ; hors suine on teigh Xange Bfar Cre iTervey Ranch Two miles east of Crookstou , in Cherrj coupty , Nebraska Cattle branded OC on left hip. on riglit hip , and on iwhtside with 3-inch letter Wm Cavanaugh Mgr CrooKs'.on Neb CHAMBERLAIN & CO ' , Ni . 'Branded on eith A l-f i. * * r -i side same as on cut also both Jaws H "V DOWNING Postoflice addreas Gregory , Neb On left side ; also CO L E on side llauge Steven-on Lake PIKE B110& fflce address Crookston , Nt BranQe/l on eitln side otartmal.r . - * brine n right hip Ifange On MI : nechadnza , 5- of E E AND H E WOODRUFF Postoffice address Hyannis. Nebl On left hip and loft side. Also stock branded on left pide und icversed 5 ? S on right _ shoulder ; also riiiht hiji ; intl left side Rnnge-Mother LaKe RICHARDSON Postofflce addreas BtcCann Ne Branded onleftsid Range McCunn A T DAVIS 'ostoffice address Hyannis , Neb On rinht side bore on left shoulile also cattle o < ) oi > ri ht si Range 16 miles north of Ilvannis R A WESTOVER Postoftice address Lakeland. Ne Branded on left hi and shoulder2 ? 3J"3 ; Some vZ&Zi on right side i Range in Brown ani j Cherrj' countie * ; ' r.t head waters of th Calamus river. R. HANSON. 'ostoffice nddresp V alentinc. Neb Cattle bnuuled on left hip ; horses the sume Kange jn Dry Val- ler * . . . Brand and Paper One 83.50 Robert Good , Valentine , PS ROUSCHE Postoffice address Brotvnlee , Nebj On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; branded same on left lilp.Also has stock branded II on side or shoulder , or.JKorWorO'VL , orO or FZ. Also the following , the first one being on side andhlp LEZ AHD 8OW8 BrowElea Jfeb On right nd . 01 LEOB S&K0 * id also LEK o lef side Kongo , north / roTTnloe , 2 to * mllcfl GEO IIIGGINS Postoffice .address , Brownlee , Neb Branded on left side ; some H. left side and thighand fl on left thigh Range Duck Lake JOHN J STKE-V Postofflce address Bniwnlee Neb On rlKlit fide Range. BorM Vallej CLARENCE K SJIITK Postofflce address Whitman , Nel On left side ; hordes same on leftshonlder ! on left side 'mywhere ' on animal. OuWl fi7p or thigh l > Range north prong * Middle Lonp river and Buffalo Lake S W Cbesnut Gordon. Nebraska Brand same as cut on left hip. Range head of Gordon Creek , forty miles southeast of Gordon. Breeder of Hereford cattle. J G COOLEY Postofflce address Hyannis , Neb m right side ; hor- es same on right shoulder nge six miles northwest of .Moth er Lake precinct A J PLTDIER Postofflce address Hyannis , Neb Branded on right side and h' p Also have stock branded > n right side and hip Horses on right hip lange-Southwestern Cherry : ounty. W E STANSBIE AND D O BAUGH ? ostofflce address Ryannis , Neb In left bin anc left side Also in left hip ind leftside lorses same _ > rands on slioulders Kange 2-5-rniles orthofHyaunis MASON COMPANY .Postoffice address Hyannis , Neb On right hip ; _ L either side On right side i lefc hip , . . * u > r- ses right shoulder Jge seven miles north of Hyannis. SWEENEY EKOS 'ostoffice address Pullman , Neb ' ttle branded as on lit : horses branded anie as cattle except eversed S. ! PB block Jange Stever nd SlephenRon -akes and South A HUMPHREY Postoffice address HyanniH , Neb Branded anywhere on right side ; horses ses same on left shoulder Range - . sixteen miles northeast of Hyana . .4 ROBERT I HINES 'ostoffice ' address \ Cody , Nebraska iranded on left side ; orses same left shoul er tange on Snake south f Codv. Charles Richards ml : Neb" - , ' ' 4 < /