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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1899)
Sick headache. Food doesn't di gest well , appetite poor , bowels con stipated , tongue coated. It's youi liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills , . easy and safe. They cure dyspep- J sia , biliousness. 25c. All Druggists , "Want your moustache or board a bcautifu torown or rich itlack ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE to CT . or pm-coi , 05 ft. p. H LL * co. t n. H PATABDU THKOAT.L-UNG.STOMAi I Rnnil Diseases. No fee until cured UH un l Hiltilll xow York Associated Sncclall It. EIIKIIHAIIUT , I'll. G. . SIMJ.V. , 301 L ingtou Av . , > "e\v York. Cut this out. MY W MARRIED "KfJS't 3 . , iox 1057 , Niuv York City. Write. I.TOHIV w. \VnHhIngtoii , D. < , 'Successfully Prosecutes Claim : I Late Principal Examiner U.S. Pension Suree I 35raiuci\il war CURES V/HtRE ALL ELSE FAILS , , Best CouRh Syrup. Tastes Good. Use ] In time. Sold by drupglsts. tmm&m Hasty Inferences. According to a recent book entit ' 'Orientations , " there was once a ratl obscure Englishman , Avho , after bei converted , read his Bible so assiduo .ly in preference to a London ne paper that his wife became concerr for his sanity , and he was subsequen examined by a specialist iu luiia with a funny and pathetic result. 1 doctor's first questions were "feeler "I mean , " said he , at length , slo\ and very impressively , "do you : things that other people do not see ? " "Alas , yes ! " was the patient's rer "I see FoUy stalking on a 'obby 'ors "Do you , really ? Anything elsi asked the doctor , making a note of fact. "I see Wickedness and Vice beat the land with their wings. " "Sees things beating with tl wings , " wrote down the doctor. "I see misery and uu'appiness eve where. " "Indeed ! " said the doctor. "Has dc Blons. Do you think -your wife p things In your tea ? " "Yes. " "Ah ! " thought the doctor. "Tlu Tvhat I wanted to get at thinks pee are trying to poison him. What is they put iu , my man ? " "Milk and sugar , " answered the tleut. "Urn ! " said the specialist. Then wrote. "Very dull montnlly ! ' How's This ! AVe offer One Hundred Dollars reward for raso of Citirrh that cauuot be cured by II : Catarrh Cure. V. J. CIIKNEY & CO. . t'rops. . Toledo AVe the undersigned have known F. J. Che for the list 15 years , aud believe him perfe honorable in all business transactions aud fir clally able to carry out any obligation madt their firm. \VEST &Titf AX. Wholesale Drugelsts.ToletU WAI-IUXO , KIVNAX & MAKVIX , Whole. Druggets. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , ac directly upoii the blood aud mucous surface the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold bj Testimonials free. Mmilnr but Different. Van Nosse Congratulations , old in I understand you married an Engl countess while abroad. Do Jones Yes ; she was cashier i : I/oudon restaurant Hlore Than He Hurjrainert For. Diggs What -was he arrested Cor ? Biggs Stealing au eight-day clock Diggs Was he discharged ? Biggs No : the judge gave him flays. Chicago Xews. "Without I'rcjmhce. A party of young tuea and -women were bicycling along u country road. It was a sketching class , and every one was wide open for an artistic subject Suddenly the whole party dismounted with various exclamations of delight and surprise. Just within the fence on the left grew Innumerable graceful stalks , each bearIng - Ing aloft globes of pale green that shaded into gray uud purple. "How enchanting ! " said a young woman. "How decorative ! " said a young man. "Just what we are looking for , " said the teacher , a full-fledged artist. A gardener was standing near at hand. "Do tell us , " cried a girl , "what those beau-oo-tiful things are ! " "Which ? " replied the gardener. "Why , those , ' 'said the girl. "Them ? " said the gardener , with a chuckle. "Them's onions gone to seed. " 'Ihe Kvidcnce. "What makes you think he has just started out to be an author ? " "His photograph. You see , he has posed with a far-away look in his eyea and a book in his hand. " Chicago Times-Herald. A SENATOR'S LETTER. Peruna as a Nerve and Ca tarrh Tonic the Talk of the World. HON. W. V. SULLIVAN , U. S. Senator Troi ir Mississippi. Hon. W. V. Sullivan , United Sta Senator from Mississippi , in a letter cently written to Dr. Hartmnn from ( i- ford , Miss. , says the following : "For some time I have been a suffe ; s from catarrh in its most incipient sta so much so that I became alarmed as my general health. But , hearing of ] s I it a f ru-ua as a good remedy , gave le trial and soon began to improve. Its it fects were distinctly beneficial , rem ing the annoying symptoms , and v i- particularly good as a tonic. "I take pleasure in recommend : your great national catarrh cure , Pena - e evertried. . na , as the best I have ever- "W.r. . SULLIVAN ; Peruna cures catarrh wherever loc ed. Peruna has no substitutes no rivj Insist upon having Peruua. Addr The Peruna Medicine Co. , Coluinb Ohio , for a free book on catarrh. iy How Bobby Achieve. ! Kis End. iyi " " the other d iy "Mamma , said Bobby > y when he came home from school , " 1 y. Irony anything to do with iron ? " "Nothing whatever , Bobby. Ire means that we mean the opposite of what we say. " ill Bobby thought a moment , and cent ued : "I don't love you just a cent's wor l. mamma. Is that irony ? " l.h "I suppose so , " replied his moth with a smile that she didn't attempt repress. "Then , " said Bobby with an air triumph , "wasn't it irony when 3 said the day before yesterday that 3 wouldn't give me a quarter to bu3 ticket to the circus to-day ? " Whether it was or not. he went to 1 cirrus that afternoon. Harper's Baz 'OMEN do suffer ! Even so-called healthy women suffer ! But they are not healthy ! The marks left by pain are on the young faces of itiEny of our daughters. Pain that leaves its mark comes from a curable cause. If that cause is not removed its influence reaches out and overshadows a whole life. The reason Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been so uni formly successful for over a. quarter of a century in overcoming the suffering of women , is that it is thorough and goes directly to the cause. It is a woman's remedy for woman's ills. Miss EMILY F. HAAS , of 148 Freem , n St. , Qreenpbint , Brooklyn , N. Y. , writes 44DEAR MRS. PINKHAM I wish testate state that I used your Vegetable Com pound with the greatest success. I was very sick for nearly a year with hysteria , was down-hearted and with painful nervous ; also suffered menstruation and pain in back and limbs. I often wished for death , thinking nothing would cure me. I had doctors , but their medicines did me no good. At last , by the advice of a friend , I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , and I am happy to say it has entire ly cured me. JENNIE SHERMAN , of Fremont , Mich. , Box 748 , writes : 4'DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : I feel that I must write you and tell you what your medicine has done for me. I had neuralgia of the stomach for two years , so bad that I could not do any work. I had two or three doc tors , but did not seem to get any ter. I began taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and- Liver Pills and improved from the first , had better appetite , and after taking three bottles of Compound and one box of Liver Pills , can say that I am cured. Your Vegetable Compound is a wonderful medicine- " &J-j' . ! m ) J STATE 01 MBBAS NEWS OF THE V/EEK IN A C DENSED FORM. Republican aiul Populist Cantlit J'or Court Clerkship iu Fro : County Decide a Tie by Dra Cuts , the Republican "Winning John C. Gainmill , llepublican , mad lucky draw and will be clerk of th trict court in Frontier County for the four years. The county clerk's ofllc < full of people Xov. 2u , friends of J Roach , Populist , and John C. Gar Republican , who had assembled tov the candidates cast lots for the ofi clerk of the district court , m compl with a notice from the county clerk , had received 076 votes. Six gun wads placed in a shot sack. On one of the "clerk " the c was written the word , dates to draw alternately till one s draw that one. The county clerk he sack , which was well shaken up befo drawing. On the third and final Gammill held the lucky wad. Durir drawing the proverbial pin could i have been heard if it had dropped , soon as the candidates saw the res the final draw Roach quickly exteudc hand to Gammill and said : ' 'Mr. Gar I congratulate you. " WOULD BAR THE OIL TRUJ Attorney General 1'rocceds Ag Standard Oil Company. Proceedings were begun in the sui court by Attorney General Smyth on 24 against the Standard Oil Company court is asked to deny the compan right of doing business in Nebraska ( ground that it , is a trust and that it i gaged in a conspiracy agaiiibt trad < business. The case is one in original jurist ! and is in the nature of a quo warrant ceeding. In the petition iiled by tl torney general is a copy of an agrei said to have been-signed by the i holders of the company in violation o The attorney general alleges that the tal stock of the corporation whei organized was $500,0 0 , divided into i of $100 each , and afterward increas the combination of different concei ? 1GOO,000. divided into shares of 5100 and that nine trustees Hold and conti but 4,995 shares and that by virtue holding and controlling these slran trustees are able and do choose am such hoards of directors as the } ' see 1 The petition names twenty com ] that are declared members of the Sta Oil trust. It is averred that the pi and effect of the trust are to creat carry out restrictions in trade , to in or diminish as it may see lit.the p ; petroleum and its products and to pi competition in its manufacture. F. C. HILLS DIES OF POISC Ate Breakfast Food with A1 Arsenic Had Been Mixed. F. C. Hills of Sioux City , general ager of the Sioux City , O'Neill and AY Railroad , which runs from Sioux C O'Neill , died Nov. 23 , as a result of i breakfast food in which had been powdered arsenic. His wife also p ; of the poisoned food , but it is thoug will recover. The food which cause Ilills sudden death had been poison the purpose of exterminating mice was served on the breakfast table th the dreadful error of a new servant Find Coal Vein at Jackson 'Telegraph advices from Jacksoi Saturday told of the important resu the discovery of bituminous coal HC that town several weeks a o. A vei struck in two places and from the ness of the vein and the fine "quality coal , it appears that Riley & Me owners of the land upon which tin has been found , may have stru fortune. The news of the rich rewa work done where coal indications c : excitement six weeks ago spread th Jackson and in the country around a large crowd had gathered aboi places where the drills were wo Several deals for leasing land for in purposes were closed during the afte and a score or more of options were s Express Companies Quit Hebi The Adams Express Company an United States Express Company withdrawn their office from the 13. 'and Chicago , Rock Island & ] depots , respectively , and quit the to' Hebron. This action was the ctilmii of a controversy between the e : companies and the city council. TJ little over a year ago the express panies had been paying but $10 a occupation tax , but at that time a justment of the levies had been whereby $20 a year was asked. Tii press people immediately stopped fn livery. The council tried to pur them to replace the deliveries. Fail this , an occupation tax of 550 was im and the companies quit the city. Fined for Selling : "Whisky. In the district court at Ainsworth days ago in the case of the state agai ] W. "Weyranch , the defendant pi guilty and paid a fine of $100. Wey was one of the persons indicted for i whisky selling. He jumped his bail was brought back from Omaha a few since and concluded to plead guilty i than stand trial. Arthur Not Guilty of Arsor Attorney J. B. Arthur of Omaha found not guiltyof arson by a jury district court at Tekamah. The fire Arthur was charged with causing occ at Oakland several years ago , where J thenliyed. His law office and s < other buildings were destroyed. Falls City's New Church. The cornerstone of the new Epis Church at Falls City was laid last Rain fell during the exercises , bu crowd was large. The stone was la Bishop Arthur L. Williams. There an address by the bishop and a histc the parish , read by A. C. Gantt. Board Must Pay Both Teachi County Judge George M. Spurlc Plattsmouth has rendered a decision case of Douglass "W. Shin against S District No. 28 in favor of the plaint $270 and costs , the full amount aske was shown that the old board of i directors employed Shin , but the new refused to allow him to teach the s and employed anyther teacher. Good Start for C's Armory Fu The fair and dance given by Comp ; at Nebraska City netted about $500 f ( armory fund/ ' BANK'S VAULTS ARE EMPT Head of Institution Jics and ICM 3To Assets Behind. Since the death of Samuel C. Sail who was president of the Farmers' Merchants' Bank at Butte , who in Omaha recently , the bank has bet the hands of the state banking board , week Assistant Attorney General G ( P. Corcoran , accompanied by Dr. ' . secretary of the state banking board peared before Judge Westover at J worth and filed a statement of the fina condition of the bank and asked that cciver be appointed to wind up its busi Judge Westover appointed AVi Standifred , who is a resident of Buttc ' at the present time the sheriff of . County. His bond was fixed at $10OOC as soon as this is approved by the judj will at once take charge of the del bank. When the banking board took clef of the banklio money was found , alth the books showed $1,800 cash on hand several notes are missing ranging $900 to $1,000. The deposits amour about $15,000 and the assets are practi nothing. It is said that Mr. Sample's was insured for $15,000 and that the pi urn on this was paid out of the depos the bank. Should this prove true an < will be made to have it applied to pa ; the deposits. LIGHTNING ROD SHARPS Getting Contracts at Sky-I Prices in Adams County. Adams County and vicinity are I "worked" by lightning rod sharps , long ago Henry Wengert , a fanner 1 northeast of Hastings , signed a contn have rods put on his barn and soon work was done. Thou a bill of $240 presented to him. Mr. Wengert refiu pay the bill and later another man , was connected with the lightning rod pany , called upon 3Ir. Wengert and ol to accept $ lo ! ) as payment in full. It s the scheme worked by the lightuinj agents is this. Their contracts cal rods at a certain price per foot , am have a provision for "coupling , ornan 'extras , etc. " After the innocent lot contract has been signed and the rod up , a bill , accompanied by the contra presented for about three times an the fanner had been led to believe it v cost. The trap is in the "extras , etc. ' SHIP GOODS TO HONG K ( Kearney Cotton Mills Furnish ample of Expansion. The Ivearney Cotton Mills are con ing their goods direct to the Chinese pire. A carload of brown sheeting recently billed from Kearney to J Kong and an or-ler lias jxist been rec from Shanghai , China , for a quarter million yards. The manager , Cl : Brown , says the quality of goods on is the very best. The cotton mills been running constantly since the ft 18 % and employ 223 operatives. Nebraska Short Notes. Horse thiees are again at work in I County. All the slot machines have been on out of Clarks. Thirty carloads of apples have shipped from Stella this fall. A little son of Rev. C. G. Murp Holdrege had a finger pinched off door. The board of education of Nebraski has decided to open a public kinderg Dec. 4. A * well digger near Diller struck a of well preserved wood ninety feet 1 the surface. All the towns in Knox County expi be connected by telephone Dy the 111 of December. The Krug Brewing Company of Or is figuring on putting up a beer vat Pender , of two cars' capacity. The corn crop in Boone County i : yielding as much per acre as was tin the forepart of the husking season. Burglars entered the harness sh Henry Crellin of Lyons last weel stole six fur coats , valued at about $1C At the meeting of the National I Makers' Association to be held in Liu Feb. 1'J to 215 , 1900 , about $4,500 in ] will be offered. The members of the Christian Chui Hastings have just finished paying oi indebtedness of their church and pa age and have considerable money left The best crop of corn reported to di Surpy County is that raisedon the farm near Sarpy Mills. The field yi on an average from fifty-eight to bushels per acre. Frank Kaura , a Bohemian farmer resided three miles southwest of Mars committed suicide by cutting his t with a razor. Family trouble and fina reverses are said to be the cause. The apple pat-king station at Barad been closed. Tins is the first seasoi apples were barreled and shipped Barada , and the fruit growers of that tion are much pleased with the result , The Catholic Church at Dawson , almost completed , will be one of the buildings of its kind in southeast braska. It is constructed of brick stone trimmings. It will be readj occupancy.about the first of the year. The Omaha Brewing Association erected a cold storage house at St. Pai At the next annual meeting of the braska Shite Historical Society , whict be held in Lincoln on the evenings of 9 and 10 , one whole evening will be voted to the subject of tiie old ovei freighting business lSto-1840. The sword which the citizens of Te seh and vicinity will present to Lieut Ihur Kavanagh was received from the : ufacturers this \\cek and is now on ex tion in J. S. llarman's show window is a most beautiful piece of work , co $123. John Wilty. the man being hel NeligSi for the theft of twenty-three of cattle from Huffman & Rolling i two months ago , broke jail a day or ago. A better time for the escape ( not have been selected , as a dense hung over the city ; making it impossil see more than two blocks. A carload of finewalmitlogs wasshi from Yerdon via the Missouri Pa They were billed through to Liver England , where they will be use cabinet work , and command a big pri < that market. About every so often some questi raised concerning the calling out estate state militia to quell the South Oi riots in 189G. During the last few me repeated efforts have been made to fin records and papers relating to the m < zatinn of the troops , but the only n found was a copy of the governor's < on the adjutant general and ths la order to the troops. . * 'S ICHfflS ! Delicate Machinery That Neei Constant Care. Absoluts Cleanliness and Regulation as N < Kind of Machinery cszary as for Any Other chinery How to Keep It In \Yorkinz Order. There's a screw loose somewhere ! One little screw In the big machine g < a trifle loose aud the whole apparatus cloj balks and refuses to work properly. A skillful engineer can tell by the "fee of his engine when there's a screw loose. Occasional constipation call It costliness needs prompt att < ness or biliousness tion. It clogs the whole delicate mechs ism of man , and must be removed sklllf ly without force or shock. Only a vegetal laxative should be used , and Cascan Candy Cathartic , which you can eat like piece of candy , are the most agreeable , u : ural and effective of all laxatives. Cascarets are the only antiseptic cath : tic , and not only make the liver lively , i move obstructions In the bowels , streugl en the intestines , but kill all germs of d ease in the body. Therefore prevent as w as cure. Buy and try Cascarets to-day. You'll fl that It's what they do , not what we s they'll do , that will please you. All drr plsts , lOc , 23c and oOc , or will mall for prii Send for booklet and free sample. Addrt Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago ; Montre Can. ; New York. This Is the CASCARET tabli Every tablet of the only genul I Cascarets bears the magic lettc "CCC. " Look at the tablet befc [ you buy , and beware of fraui Imitations and substitutes. and lieft Sighted. The assertion comes from Germa : that the majority of people are not or right-handed , but also riglit-sight < By this is meant that most persons s better with the right eye than with t left and habitually , though uncc sciously , employ it more. Some pi sons , however , make grater use of t left eye than of the right and accoi are said to be "left-eyed. " Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to trea mcnt by Ely's Cream 33ftlm , which is agre ably aromatic. It is received through tl nostrils , cleanses and heals the "whole BE face over which it diffuses itself. Druggie Bell the 50c. size ; Trial size by mail , " . cents. Test it and you are sure to contim the treatment. treatment.ATinoxmeement. . To accommodate those who are partite to the use of atomizers in applying liqui into the nasal passages for catarrhal trebles bles , the proprietors prepare Cream Balm liquid form , which will be known as Elj Liquid Cream Balm. Price including tl npraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or 1 mail. _ The liquid form embodies the me icinal properties of the solid preparation. Pliamrock Color. "Till me , " said Larry , "what t Unoited Shtates hos iver done fer I Oirish ! " "A good dale , " spoke up Dinny ; "sbj hod her paper money made grane wan soide. ' To Cure a Cold in One Bay Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. . druggists refund the money if it fails to en 25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on each to Couldn't Be Interrupted. "Send my typewriter girl in he Jimmy. " "I dassent interrupt her , sir ; sh < readm' a letter from her beau. " VITALITY low , debilitated or exhausted cu Dr. Kline's luvigoratiui : Tonic. FKEB $1. T by . . Kill containing 2 weekH' treatment. Dr. Bottle lo titute. 931 Arch Street. Miiladelphla. Founded 1 Why Not ? "There's a far-away look in 1 eyes. " "Of course ; they're sky blue. " Mrs. YFlnslove's SOOTHING STBUP Tor Chlldi teething : softens the crims , reduces inflamruati allays pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. Politeness is good nature regulat by good sense. Sidney Smith. Flrst-Clasn Scwlitjr Maqhlnca for $14.25. For those who are accustomed to send ing awny from liorm * for their goods It is of the greatest importance to know the character and reliability of the establishment families from cata ment selling 0nls to logues. The great emporium o the John M. Smyth Co. , located at JJ30 to ICG West Madison street , Chicago , has been estab lished for a third of a century , and has furnished over half a million homes in Chicago and vicinity alone. This firm enjoys the confidence of the public by it many years of fair dealing , It issues an immense illustrated catalogue that should be in every family , as it describes and gives the price of every article required for household use. A sample of the ex traordinary values offered by this firm , i shown in the illustration of the "Melba. " sewing machine in another column of thi paper for $14.2o. This Is one of the best sewing machines ever offered to the pub lic , and yet it is but a sample of tha thousand and one useful articles illus trated and described in the beautiful cat alogue of the John M. Smyth Company. . So Near nnd Yet So Par. Mrs. Jones Mrs. Brown says hea husband seems quite distant of late. Mrs. Smith Why , what's the trotfJ ble ? Mrs. Jones Oh , no trouble at alt He's In Europe on business. I shall recommend Piso's Cure for Con sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan , Plumstead , Kent , England , Nov. S. 1S95. After a man has caught his train with several minutes to spare he knows how the engaged fellow feels who won ders why he chased her so fast. It and Stick to It If you are sick and discouraged'with im pure Blood catarrh or rheumatism , take Hood's Sarsaparilla faithfully and persis tently , and you < will soon have a cure. This medicine has cured thousands of others and it < wut do the same for you. Faithfully taken , remedy for Consumption. Cores Coughs. Colds , Grippe , V f 0 O x Bronchitis , Hoarseness - * ness , Asthma , Whooping- cough , Croup. Smalt doses ; quick , sure results. Dr.BuirsPillscu.rc Constipation. Trial , 20fory. W. L. N' ° N S3 & 3.50 SHOES Worth S4to 56 compared with other makes. Imlori-ed by over 1,000,000wearers. . The genuine have W. L. Douglas' name and pncel stamped on bottom. Taked no substitute claimed to b as good. Your dealer . should keen them u" not , we will send a pair on receipt of price. State kind o f eatiier. size , and width , plain or cap toe. Catalogue D free. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Brockton , Majj. Our Northern Grown Stock. Best Wages. Pay Weekly. TIIE JEWELL MJKSKHY CO. . L Uc City. Ulna. Stakes writing a comfort. S. C. N. U. - - 48-99 or tid 25c. SAMPLE BOTTLE IOC. FOR NEXT THIRTY DAYS. ; er km hi i n , .QS BOB at ' flow long Have You Read Atom ! 5 B-aps" Without Taking Then ? hen , and suffered enough ? If Do you not think you have wasted precious time n- so , then try the " 3 Drops" and beomptly and permanently cured of your afflictions. "S Drops" is a speea. and Sure Cure for Rheumatism , iu Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ( lame back ) , Kidney Diseases , Asthma , ex Hay Fever , Dyspepsia , Catarrh of alt kinds , Bronchitis , La Grippe , ed Headache ( nervous or neuralgic ) , Heart Weakn'ss , Dropsy , Earache , Spasmodic and Cctarrhal Croup , Toothache , Nervousness , Sleeplessness , iy Creeping Numbness , Malaria , and kindred diseases. " 5 Drops" has cured , four of the a xjve-named diseases , than the , [ TRADE MARK.3 more people during past years ho all other remedies known , and in case of Rheumatism is curing more than id and batteries combined , for they cannot cure Chronic , medicines , electric belts all the doctors , patent " " and be iat Rheumatism. Therefore -waste no more valuable time and money , but try 5 Drops" ial CURED. "S Drops" is not only the best medicine , but it is the cheapest , for a$1.00 bottle promptly mail , or 6 bottles for $5.00. For contains 300 doses. Price per bottle , $1.00 , prepaid by or express sending 10 cents to pay for the FREE to the next 30 days we will send a 25c sample anyone as mailing. Agents wanted. "Write to-day. at . LAKE ST. CH1CACO. SWAMSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO. , 160-164 E. , inc c- S&M& * & & * > w JSt e- eth th or WEST MADISON ST as asm > e- ill n. The Best Sewing eid n.e IW5aehirten Earth At the Price , $14.25 for Our 11- "MELBA" Sowing Machine. 11r - A high-arm , high-grade machine equal rn - to what others are asking $25.00 to .00 nli for. Guaranteed by us for 20 years from liIt date of purclu ie , against any imperfec It tion in material or workmanship. The stand is made of the best iron and is nicely proportioned. The cabinet work is perfect and is furnished in your choice at of antiqueonk or walnut. It has seven drawers all handsomely carved and with id nickel-plated ring pulls. The mechan ut ical construction is equal to that of voId any machine regardless of price. All working parts are of the best oil-tem Id pered tool steel , every bearing perfectly 3 fitted and adjusted so as to make thjs 3to running qualities the lightest , most per fect and nearest noiseless of any machine made. Tliis Sewing Machine has all the latest improvements. It makes a perfect and uni form LOCK STITCHfcand will do the best work on either the lightest muslins or heaviest and rough places without skipping stitches. A full set of ic. cloths , sewing over seams best steel attachments , nicely nickel-plated and enclosed in a handsome plush-lined Jl , metal , japanned box , and a complete assortment of accessories and book of instruction in FURNISHED FREE with each machine. inn W this machine C.O.D. subject to approval , on receipt of two ) n fi fl n A Y < T RI ft ! ? P Jr s i n i a u. dollars. If. on examination yon are convinced that we are saving ' the balanca and freight charges then try yon$25 or$30 on agent's price , pay is the machine. If notsatisfied at any time within60days send the machine and will refund the full purchase price iie back to us at our expense we la h whlcrns Hsled af lowest wholesale prices , lis everything to eat wear and useis furnisb ie ed on receipt of only 105 to partly pay ( ird \postage or expressage and as evidence rd of good faith the 10 ? is 8llowe4on first er purchase amounting to $199 ordkov9.i ( " 3 OUS MONTHLY GROCERY PRICE. tJST fftlEJn j&fsA& &e&Ate *