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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1899)
STERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT. F arm and stocR .Journal. VOLUME XIV VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , DECEMBER 7 , 1899. NUMBER 46. Metzger Bros. , Pullman Neb Cherry Co. Brand on left bide ; and thigh Earmark , square crop right ear 1 Southern branded L cattle have but one Hialf-dlamond E" on [ left side Native cattle have _ throat wattle Ranee on Gordon andiSnake Creeks Horses huve same brand on left thigh A /cirttra nf$25O will be paid to any person for Information leading to the arrest and final ciuiviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand EDWARD BAD IIAIK. Postofflct ! address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side ; horses * ame on thigh Range-Bear Cieek J ASHBURN Postoflke addres Valentine , Neb Branded on rhdit side ; horses same HaiJKe-lomlles east of valentine on the Niobrara Joseph W. Eownet I ( P. O. address Merriman , Nebr. Bight ear cropped Hole in center of lei t car Hnngc Lake creek S. D. Parker & Son PO Addresti I , . W. Parker Keige. Neb Brand same as cut. Also ZP Rantreon Niobnira south of Crookston t 11. A. McQuade. Valentine. Neb Branded on either side Kange between fhacher and Swan Lake Charles C. Tackett Rosenirl , . I ) . Range head of An- telovHfijearjSU Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter V Ion dray Rosebml.'S. D. Leftside. Left car cropped. Hordes branded VB. VB.Range Range Little White River , at mouth of 3edar Oreek. Louis J. Richards Merriman. Neb Gorsuch Bros. N'euton , Nebrnka Cattle branded ; LS on cut cutSome Some ft side or hi ] Ranueon Goruuu < Creek Louis F. Richards . r- Meiriman Neb Henry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side Horses same on left , .shoulder Peerlmrn clip on some cattle John DeCory * - Rosebud. S. D. Some branded JJ ) 417 oil left side Horses JJ ) on left hipKange Kange in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Thomas Farren llosebud.S. D. ID 1183 either left' jide or hip , . _ _ V on left Horses _ shmer ] , Range head of Antelope r. V W. A ND KU8 OX. J. C. BOUNDS Anderson & Hounds. Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also It ! on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also S4C on right side Horse brand , rake and 1C on left shoulder or _ ome ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east efFort Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake River and Simeon , known as the Felch range , all in Cherry County , Nebraska. t Marshall & "VVolfenden Kennedy , Neb. Some s on the left binHorses Horses on left shoulder Brand is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake I. T. Richardson. Perch , Nebr Some on left hip HorSes on left shoulder William M. Dunbar Lessee from Heine & Krocger Cody. Neb DUn Either side low Als < on right Left ear ofcattle Split Range head of Hay Creek Amelia Young. Cody , Nebraska On right side. Right ear split Range , Little White river Gordon. Nebraska On right sideT on right hip. < horse brand and Ton , right shoulder Also cattle branded I * K on leftTside Range , fowl mile.1- south of Irwin Henry Young , Cody , Nebraska Hdrse brand IIY onJeft shoulder Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river , S. D. Stotts & Stetter. Gody.yebrasku Branded on leftside Range. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats D. C. Nelson. Cody , Nebraska. On right hip. Range , Medicine Lake to the Snake river Uutt Brothers. 4 * Gordon. Nebraska Range,14 miles north jf Gordon. F. C. Dueri'ellt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle also branded SO on right hip Horses and mules urauded same as cut on left shoulder J. G. Jordan Gordon , Nebraska One bunch branded , as on cut on left side One bunch branded C i. on left hip Horses J on left shoulder Range. 10 miles southwest of Gallop , between Niobrara and Snake rivers George F Damon Albany , Neb Cattle branded W l > on left ribs or right shoulder ; SI > on right hip and left ribs ; G on left hip Horses FI ) or SD on right shoulder' Range 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine Joseph Fickel Gordon Neb Also brand .F on left shoulder Range lOmMes northeast of Gordon FWWWWWVWV > STOCK NOTES , - Receipts of sheep at St. Louis last week were the lightest for eighteen months. More hogs were received at Siou < Gity last week than in any week during the season. The average weight was 295. _ Ghicago will hold an international liye stock show nest year about Dec. 1 , and award prizes aggregating $50.000 in value. * As a'n argument against the automo bile , it is said that horses never blow up ; but in this country we often hear of bronchos being "busted. " If you have not already fixed your sheds for winter , the recent cold snap is an emphatic warning that you should no longer delay. Jt is a good plan , too , tcThaul in more hay just now. The third annual convention of the National Live Stock association will meet in Fort Worth , Texas , on June 16. We hope some of our readers will be able to attend this meeting , as it will be of great beneilt to them. A story comes from Michigan to the effect that a Ilolstein cow in that state ate three bushels of sweet apples out of a barrel in a neighbor's yard. The next time the owner of the cow churn ed he was surprised upon opening the churn to find it half full of a line qual ity of apple butter. A Chicago commission firm advises its customers that the present range in value between prime ripe beeves of good weight and short fed , partly fat stock is the widest in years , being fully § 2 00 to $2.23 per 100 pounds. This being the case it is simply throwing money away to market cattle half ripe The Red Pqlledrcattle were first imported - - ported in STS , ut no considerable number were brought over until 1882 * . It is' an old breed and originated in the county of Suffolk , .England , where Suf folk sheep and Suffolk Punch horses originated. Tl'ese cattle are not to be confounded with the Aberdeen Angus , for they differ in type as well as in color , the color being universally red. Farm Furrows. In a recent scientific publication we notice that a patent has been granted for a new branding device , which will prove very valuable to stockmen , es pecially the e whose interests are in small bunches of stock and who do not wish to spoil the hide by burning. The new device punches small holes in the ear in the form of letters or characters , and fills the holes with an indelible fluid , thus making a permanent mark. In Southwest Texas recent rains have made the best winter pasturage that has been known for years. Even the ranges that have been dryest have been benefited by the rains of about the firt > t and the twentieth of the present month. There is abundance of stock water everywhere and cattle are able to get out on portions of , the range not grazed over during the summer , and which , consequently , have a fine growth of grass. Texas Stock Journal. The last census in Venezuela states that the number of cattle there was 10,000,000 , and that country will be a formidable competitor of ours for the Cuban trade , the Cubans having taken 33,000 of them during the first six months of this year. The Cubans do not care for such lare cattle as are raised here , and us the Venezuelan product is small but hardy they prefer those of our southern neighbors. Here is a chance for Georgia , Florida and other southern states. It is not often that cattle are infested with worms , they being more free from internal parasites than any other ani mals , but when worms are noticed in the droppings we believe it woull be well to give the following remedy , pub lished by an Iowa farm paper : For tapeworms give an ounce of oil of male fern three times a day in a pint of milk for three days in succession , and on the fourth day give a pint of castor oil. For round worms ive two drains of sulphate of iron three times a day mixed in a little oats and shorts , and after ( continuing the treatment for thrcu days give a pint of castor oil. Oil of turpen tine is also good as avermifuge. . The doses given are-for mature cattle , and they should be reduced at least one- third for calves. As long as the sheepmen and cattle men pasture their flocks and herds on adjacent ranges , unfenced , tronble be tween these two classes of stockgrowers will be possible. Ilecently cattlemen slaughtered a large band of sheep in Wyoming belonging to the Geddes out fit. The sheep had ranged beyond the line circumscribed by cattlemen and i this frontier methodof administering justice was resorted to. It would seem that these stock wars might be avoided if the parties interested would try to respect each others1 rights , after such rights had been prescribed and defined. The official count gives Ilolcomb a majority for supreme judge of 15,105 ; and .Neville , for Congress , a majority of 2,3GO. "I have no way of judging the fu ture , except by the past ; I have no light to guide my feet but the light of experience. " - Secretary Gage bought § 23,000,000 worth of bonds on the open market"to , relieve the money market stringency , " but silveritcs , who believe in increasing the amount of circulation , are called ' cheap money cranks. " Gen. Wheaton , in the Philippines , captured Agumaldo's attorney general in a recent fight. It would be a god send to the people of the United States if somebody could capture our attorney general. Then we would know where ' he is at. " If every taxpayer in the county will watch the commissioners' proceedings and the treasurer's statements closely , he can see what becomes of the coun ty's money and form an intelligent opinion regarding the best way to econ omize , if economy is necessary. The price of lath has gone up from $2 a thousand to So. 10 , and other build ing material is following suit. It looks now like the sod dobie will come into style again.--Gordon Journal. This is a sample of republican pros perity. The price of lath has raised over 100 per cent. , but the producer's merchandise has not followed suit. .banners and stockmen should re member that 1900 is the rear of taking the twelfth census , that it is the crops of this year which are to furnish the figures for agriculture and stock , and in order to hel along in getting a real census and the true figures , special care should be taken to keep records this 3'ear , and thus help in this great co operative work of counting the people and industries. Do vn at Valentine there has been a wholesale arrest of saloon keepers and gamblers. These men have been brought into court for trial , charged with violation of the laws of the coun try. The only result has been the ac quittal of every defendant. Only one plead guilty , and his case was dismis sed on the ground that the section un der whicn the case was brought had been decided unconstitutional by the supreme court. What is the real result of such a war against the saloon men of a town ? We fail to see where any good can conic of it , but on the other hand much harm can be done. * * * We think the temperance people , al though they they doubtless mean well and are actuated in their work by only the purest motives , are. on the wrong track. It is useless , and worse than useless , to fight the saluon keeper , the man who sells the liquor. Strike at the fountain head ; prohibit the manufac ture of intoxicants , and the mission of temperance will have been accom plished. That's all there is to it. Crawford Gazette. There are few ailments so uncom fortable as piles , but they can easily be cured by using 'fabler's liuckeye Pile Ointment Relief follows its use , and any one suffering from piles cannot af ford to neglect to give it a trial. Price oO cents in bottles , tubes 75 cents. J. II. Quigley. Subscribe for -NEWS-DEMOCRAT and get all the news local and for eign § 1.00 per year. In Job Work we jire unexc.lled. Our prices are right , our needs are right and our workmanship AXo. 1. A * 3 CHRISTMAS , fa fafa fa fafa fa 49 fafa fa 4 ? fafa fafa fa 4 ? -v\ \ , fafa fafa 49 fa 49 fafa 49 fa 49 fafa 49 fafa S-toc- Soobs- fafa - - - fafa fa 49 fafa 49 ci/M- fafa 49 fa fafa fa 49 fafa 49 fafa 49 fafa 49 fafa 49 fa 49 fafa 49 fafa 49 Our Attractive Holiday Display fafa 49' 49 Awaits your Inspection. . , , fafa 49 fa 49 49 49 DAVENPORT & THACHER 49 49 General Merchants 49 fa STOVE TALK , E TALK ABOUT STOVES a great i deal ; but that's our business. Stoves are a specialty of ours. By the way , we have just received a few of those Unexcelled Heating Stoves The MAGIC ESTATE HOT BLAST. 1 Remember we are also dealers in BED SPRINGS , MATTRESoES , PICTURE FRAMES , Etc. : : : : : : " -s R , ANDERSON , s v s saraJttisa DREYFUS HAD TWO TRIALS WE ONLY WANT ONE To convince you beyond a doubt that the best line of " * ' LIQUORS , WINES AND CIGARS Can be had at THE STOCK EXCHANGE WALTER F. A. MELTENDORFF. PROPRIETOR OUR MOTTO Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fur Coats , Ladies' and Children's Felt and Warm-Lined Shoes. Boots and Shoes and Furnishings of all kinds. Practical Tailoring our work guaranteed. D. Stinard , Clothier. Alex Mai-rivall Pine Uidge , S D Cattle branded as on cut and belrtw on either side. Kermk bwallmv foi k on leit S M and crop right Horsu I rands as below on left thigh or hip < s. sa32&2 ! itt k Eorses Cattle $1 fe 3 Wheeler ] Jros. Cody Neb Also It on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake Kiver Newman ttros. & Nations. Cody , Nebraska On point left .shoul der. Also O O on point left .shoulder Also { J on left shoulder Same on left hip Left side J. Adamson Valenl'ne. ' Xeb On left side or hip A 4 left side or hip On left side Range on Niolmua Marquardt & Itowltis OTTO STHUIIK. Jfanager. Merriman. Neb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder. Some of cattle have various older brands. OS on left hip. Horse bra'd Aon left shouldei. Range Formerly Gee W Monnier ranch 5-miles east of Merriman. from F.E. & M. V. R. K. south to Leander Creek. Mar- Oiiarrit. & Rmvliis. J. C. Trowbridge Merriman , Neb ' Range between Irwin - win aud Merrimau , south of railroad Hugh Uovill , Manager Merriman Neb Also All on left side or hip Range north of El Charlotte E. IJo vill Merriman Neb Left eideorliip Range north of Eli Taken up , at my place about 4 miles ca t Fort Niobrara , May -JU , one sorrel bald. < gelding , . " years olcf , and one bay mir- 2 years old ; both.bramlctl on Itft shbulile ) Eitxicsi SE