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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1899)
' If * TERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT. V VOLUME XIV VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , NOVEMBElfftf , 899. NUMBER 43. Mctzger Bros. , Pullman Neb Cherry Co. Brand on left hide and thigh I Earmark , square crop right ear 1 Southern branded . cattle have but one hair-diamond E" on Heft side Native cattle have throat wattle ,3 It an EC on Gordon andiSnakc Creeks , Horses have same brand on left thigh A Itt'irtit' l of # ASo will be paid to any person for Information leading to the arrest and final conviction-of any person or persona steal ing cattle with above brand EDWAItD BAD HAIR. rostofllce address Allen S D Of- Kit" On left shoulder and baron side ; horses same on thigh Range-Boar deck ' 3- J ASHUUUN Tos office addres Valentine , Neb Branded on right side ; horses same llange-io miles east of Valentino on the Niobrara Joseph "W. Bownet P. O. address Mcrriman , Nebr. Right ear cropped Flole iu center of left ear llange Lake creek S. U. Parker & Son P 0 Address L.V. . Pjirki-r f Iteige. Xeli Krand same-as cut. Also ZP Ranee on Niobrara south of Crookston It. A. McQuade. Valentine. Neb Ur.mded on cither side Range between .Timelier and Swan Lake fc Charles C. Tackett KostttiiH , * . I ) . llange head of An telope near St. Marys mission florses branded on It-ft thigh 'rr ' j [ \ Peter Yloiidray t Rosebud , S. D. Left side. Left car Cropped. Horses branded VIJ. VIJ.Range Range Little White River , at mouth of Dedar rreek. Louis J. Kicliards Merriman , Neb Gorsuch Bros. Newton. Nebraka Cattle branded as on cut cutKoine Koine ft- side or hi ] Kan.ue on ( JoruoiT Creek Louis F. Kicliards Meirhnan Neb Ilenry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side Horses same on left shoulder Overborn Hip on some cattle John DeQory Rosebud. S. D , Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hipKange Kange in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Thomas Farren Rosebud , S. D. TD 11R3 either left' side or hip : - Range head of : "i:2 Antelope ? K W. W. ANDERSON. J. C. BOUNDS Anderson & Hounds. Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also 10 on left side with on left hip of some eattle ; also S4G on right side Horse brawl , rake and 1C | on left" shoulder or [ hip Home ranch-on newey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , cant efFort Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake River and Simeon , known as the Felch range , all In Cherry Countv. Nebraska. Marshall & "Wolfenden Kennedy , Neb. Some R on the left hipHorses Horses S on left shoulder Brand is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake I. T. Richardson. Perch , Nebr Some on left hip Horses on left shoulder William JM. Dnnbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger ' Cody. Neb DUn Either side jlow Alsoi ( Oil right Left ear ol cattle Split Range head of Hay Creek Amelia Young. Cody , Nebraska On right side. Right ear split Range , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Gordon , Nebraska On right sideT on right hip. c horse brand and Ton , right shoulder Also cattle branded I ; S on leftside Range , fowl miles south of Irwin Ilenry Young , Cody , Nebraska Horse brand IIY on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river , S. D. Stotts & Stetter. Cody , y Branded on leftside Range. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats D. C. Nelson. Cody , Nebraska. On right hip. Range , Medicine l.ake to the Snake river Uutt Brothers. Gordon. Nebraska Kange.Uir.iles north of Gordon. F. C. Duerfeldt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle also branded DO on right hip Horses and mules branded same as cut on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Gordon , Nebraska One bunch branded as on cut on left side One bunch branded C It on left hip Horses ! on left shonKler Range. 10 miles southwest of Gallop , between Niobrara and Snake rivers George F Damon Albany. Neb Cattl < ? branded FI > on left ribs or right shoulder ; WI > on right hip ami left ribs ; Con left hip Horses FJ ) or SD on right shoulder Range 7 nn north cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine Jospph Fickel Gordon Neb Also Horse brand F on left shoulder Jtonge 10 miles northeast of Gordon HOW IT HAPPENED. Last wcelcve promised our reader * that we vrould tell them how it hap pened , but the more we examine the returns the madder we get.Ve have talked with numbers of our people froir various parts of the county , and they , one and all , agree that the result wai caused by traitors in our own ranks. It is hard to say it , but we are con vinced that this is the true explanation of republican success. Let us take the figures for a minute and see how this explanation is arrived at : Ilolcomb earned the county by 6 , al though about 200 fusionists failed to vote on the head of the ticket , and yel Donoher was defeated by 01 votes , Ilahn by 68 , and Skirving by 283. In Woodlake , Ilolcomb had 1 majority , and yet .Uonoher was 34 behind , Skirv ing 1 , and Mrs. Crawford 4. This was the precinct where the republicans promised to skin Thackrey , yet Ilahn only received 11 majority , indicating that but five republicans voted their con victions. In Dewey Lake , another of the same sort , Ilahn received 2 more votes than Ilolcomb , and Thackrey ot 4 more than lleese , while Donoher tvas 9 behind Daniels , although the precinct is populist on the head of the ticket. In Gillaspie precinct the vote was 26 to 11 for Ilolcomb , yet Donoher had only 10 majority. Halm had but 3 , Crawford 4 and Skirving was skinned by 12. German precinct gave Holcomb 13 ma jority , yet gave the republicans 12 foi clerk , 1 for treasurer and 10 for sheriff. And so it went all over the count- , the only bright spots being Irwin , Sctilegel , Table , and Valentine , these precincts giving the county ticket a larger vote than they did the state ticket. Having stated in tne foregoing that our local defeat was due to traitors in our own ranks , the intelligent reader will of course want to know what caused our people to turn traitor , and that question is not easy to answer , butte to the best of our knowledge the fol lowing reasons had weight.f Skirving suffered his overwhelming defe-it through three jniine ; causes , to- wit : ( l ) He is a comparative stranger to the people of the count } * . (2) ( ) His personality is such that he doesn't make friends readily. (3) ( ) lie signed , while in towna , paper pledging himself to not support an } political party which did not have a prohibition plank in its platform next year. When we consider that Lee Layporte has been a resident of this county for many years , that he is a pleasant , affable and common man , and that he is an ex-saloonkeeper .and all the saloons in the county are run by either democrats or populists , the w eight of these arguments can be ap preciated. Add to this the fact that a few politicians were sore over Skirving's nomination , and it is easily seen why his defeat was certain. Ilahn was reported to be an oflicu seeker , was charged with incompetency and all but accused of crime , and at the eleventh hour , in violation of all agreements made between leading poli ticians , had to contend against a circu lar signed by llobt. S. Lee and sent over the county. To the credit of the republican chairman , Chas. Ileece , be it said that he refused to be a party to the infamous woik , and Avottld not al low his name to be signed to the paper , as was intended. "We learn this from Mr. Keece himself , hence it is authori tative. In addition to this Hahn was accused of being a Valentine man and in connivance with court house , bond and anti-division "schemes , " which argument was to many voters the same as a red rag is to a bull. According to almost all prophets , Pete Donoher was to have been elected , but tlie week before election a few sanctimonious sous of Satan , in com bination with certain degenerated di-i ciples of Dives , circulated a slanderous statement against him which accom plished his downfall. This story needs no repeating in this paper. Suffice it to say that it was false from beginning to end , and had we known of its cir culation in time we would have proven its falsity. > ot content with circulating this story by word of mouth one of the flatulent , fatuous factotums of the republican party even descended to the point of degradation where he wrote to various parties throughout the county , peddling the falsehood thus to many who would not otherwise have believed it. Not content with this. this same back biting , blaggard buzzer must needs give as authority for his story a man whenever never even heard of it until after election. This is one of the means used to defeat ( CONTINUED ON 5xii PAGE. ) STOCK NOTES. We firmty believe that if our range horses were kept growing throughout the winter by the addition of a little grain they could be made to weigh more than now when four yeais of age. They would then make the best cavalry mounts in the world. At present it can be said that they have the best feet , legs , vitality and lungs of any horses in the world ; but they are not quite heavy enough. It. is entirely practic able for range people to increase the weights to suit the requirements of those who buy such animals extensive ly. Denver Jbield and Farm. Goat culture in the United States is enjoying a boom. The hardy , thrifty nature of these animals has made them well adapted to the cliirate and con ditions of the southwest , where great herds of them are raised. It is estimated that there are 300.000 Angora goats in this country. The average ileece weighs about three pounds , though some exceptional clips have reached eiglfteen pounds. There is a good mark et for the fleece and skins , and the carcass , when fat. is not a bad substitute for mutton. Chicago Drov ers Journal. The West Texas Stockman says of cattle dipping : The federal government has announced th-it there will be no more of the cattle dipping foolishness this season. The cattle tlip was a the.- or } * evolved by an embryo horse doctor , who parted his hair in the middle , ate big stock yard dinners free of charge and stood in with the push trying to mulct stockmen in the sum of 2.5 cents per head on the number of cattle they were obliged to handle. It was a great scheme and one of the most damnable outrages upon the great stock industry ever eqncocteL Every cattleman who can possibly dose so should feedj hiji' stock enough this Avinter to carry them through until spring in at leasjbas good condition as they are in itow. 'Too many inalTe tluT mistake of putting off feeding too long , and permit their cattle to become weak and thin before the feeding is com menced. To accomplish satisfactory results it must be begun early in the season. After the animals have lost flesh and become weakened by expos ure they cannot resist the damaging in fluence of the later storms without fur ther injury , no matter how liberal the feeding then may be. To keep them vigorous and in good flesh from the stait should be the rule. Such a method economizes feed while produc ing the best results. Will We Have Cheap Ucef Again in the United States ? ( William Adams , Jeffersonvillc , Ind. . in the Cincinnati Price Current. ) The following are figures from the United States agricultural reports : Cattle other than Value milch cows , per head 1ST7 17,956,000 $ . . . 1SSU 21,231,000 1(5.10 ( 1892 37,051,000 15.10 1899 U7.994.00 < > 2:2.79 : The above figurcs-should be of inter est to all farmers and stock raisers. The fifteen years previous to 1892 our beef cattle more than doubled with an average of 14,000,000 cows to breed from and a declining price , with every thing unfavorable for an increase in number.3. Since 1892 our loss on beef cattle is 10,000,000 , decreasing fem 37,000,000 to 27,000,000 , yet we had 16.000,000 of cows to breed from , and an increase in price of almost $8 per head and every thing favorable for an increase. Even if we are able only to arrest the decrease , in 1910 our population would be 90,000,000 and our beef cattle 27.- 000,000 , we would have only 300 cattle for each 1,000 persons , against "i.lO in 1892. Should our population be 90,000- 000 in 1910. Ave should have 50,000,000 of beef cattle to be in proportion to * 1892. The probabilities are that our popu lation Avill reach 9o or 100 million in 1910. Five years of a continued annual loss of 1.200,000 and Ave will be on a basis of France and ( Tcrraauy on cattle. We can offer no satisfactory theory for this annual loss of cattle. In our own state ( Indiana ) AVC have more acres of grass , an increase of price , and yet AVC have 349,000 less cattle than in 1890 , while wheat and corn , with a declining * O price , have increased their average. Corn has increased 700,01)0 ) acres in In diana since 1890. WE ABE AGENTS . . . . . Busby Gloves , Douglas Shoes , Henderson Shoes , Cordette , is the best dress stiffening ooiaeTte , h m the worm & f e are Agents for . , . / Eose & Co. for Custom Made Clothnig Fit always guaranteed. We pay the Highest Price . . . . , For butter and eggs , and charge the lowest price for our goods T G-ENEKAL MEEGHANTS STOVES Having just received a large shipment of GENERAL HARDWARE and STOVES , we are sell at prices that cannot be beaten. * Large sales and small profits is what' ' l > AVC Avant. People in need of anything in our line should call and see our goods. ial attention given to orders for Bed Springs. Mattresses and Other Furniture. ' - E. ANDEESON. DREYFUS HAD TWO TRIALS WE ONLY WANT ONE . - - _ . . To convince-you beyond a doubkthat the best lineof , , . , J LIQUORS , WINES AND CIGAFJ& Can be had at THE STOCK-EXCHANGE WALTER F , A. MELTENDORFF. PROPRIETOR OUH MOTTO Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment. LIZ ; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fur Coats , Ladies' and Children's Felt and Warm-Lined Shoes. Boots and Shoes and Furnishings of all kinds. Practical Tailoring JCjF'All our work guaranteed. D. Stinard , Clothier. Alex Marrivall Tine Kidjre , S U Cuttle branded as on ent and helmv on eill 'r side F.ermk swallow fork on lext and crop ri lit Horse 1 rands as helow on left or hip Eorses Wheeler Lros. Cody Xeb Also 15 on rJR side Ranee Chaniherlain Flats and Snake Kiver Xewman Bros. & Xations. Codv , Nebraska On point left shoul der. Also O on point left shoulder Also 5 on left shoulder Same on left hip Left side J. A. Adamson. Valentine. Neb On left side or hip A4 leftside or hip On left side Kangpon NiobnuzT Marquardt & Bowlus OTTO STUUBK. Manager. Merriman.Neb Cattle bnind OM on left bhonlder. Some of cattle have various otter brands. OS on left hip. Horse bra'd A on left shouldet. Hancw Formerly Gee \V Monnier ranch 5-miles cast of E3Merrinianrroni F.E. & 3L V. R. R. south to Leander Creek. Mar- Bowlns. Scribner.Nebraska. J. C. Trowbridge * Merrlman , Neb llange between Ir win and Merriinan , south of railroad Hugh Bovill , Manager oMerriman Neb Also All on left aide or hip llange north of El Charlotte E. Bovill Merrir.iau Neb Left side or hip llange north of Eli Taken up , at my place about 4 miles cast efFort Fort Niobrara , ilay 2G. one sorrel bald gelding , 5 yearold. and one bay marp 2 years old , both bnindeJ on left shoulder EliNEST SEAiis