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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1899)
\ -v -I # * > / S FERN EMOCRAT.v rs , VOLUME XIV VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , NOVEMBER 10 , 1809. NITMBEB 42. Metzger Bros. , 4 Pullman Neb Cherry Co. Brand on IrfiMe iio thigh harmark , * q.rare [ crop right ear riouUiernbranded L. caltle\ have but one k haU-Mlamond E" on [ leftside Native cattle have throat wattle nance on ( Jordon andSnako Creeks Horses have .same brand on left thigh A llotranl of $25O will be paid to any person for information leading to the airest and final conviction of any person or peisous steal Ing cattle with above brand KDWAKD BAD 1JAIU Postofllce address Allen 8 D On left shoulder and baron side ; horses same on thigh Range-Bear T J I'ostoflice addrcs Valentino , Neb Branded on right side ; horses same Kange-lumilea eist ; of Valentino on the Niobrara Joseph W. .Bownet P. ( ) . address Merninan , Nebr. RIghr ear cropped Hole in center of left ear Kange Lake creek a. D Parker & Son P ( ) Address L. W. Parker , Beige. Neb Brand same as cut. Also ZP Raima on Niobrara south of Crookston Jt. A. McQuade. Valentine. Neb Branded on either side Kango between fhauherund Swan Lake Charles C. Tackett " Rosebirl , 5.1 > . Range head oE An telope near -5t , Marv - mission Horses brandoO on left thigh Peter Yloudray- Ilosehud. S. D. Left side. Left car jropped. Horses branded VB. VB.Range Range Little White River , at mouth of Dedar r.reek. Louis J. liichards Merriman. Neb Gorsuch Bros. & * Newton , Nebrnka Cattle braiiued as ou cut cutSome Some ft side or hip ] Range on Gordon Oreek Louis F. Hicliards Memman Neb Ilciiry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side HorM-h s : iine on left sboiildi'r Dtviliuru clip on souii : eat llc- DcCory Rosebud , S. I ) , Some branded ID 417 on left side IIoi > csJl ) on left hip Kange in Meyer Co on A metope Urrck Thomas Fan-en Rosebud. SD. ID 1183 either left luleorhip Range head of M * . \V. AXDKIISON' . ' .T. C. KOUXUS Anderson & Hounds. Himeon. Nebraska Cittle branded on left hid * * a * on ' 'lit : also 1C on left side with on left hip of some cuttle ; aiso S4G on right side Hor-e brand , rake and 1C on left shoulder or hip Home ranch-on Dewev I ike. Itange on Niobrara lUver. eabt efFort Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake Kivcr ana Simeon , known as the Felch range , all in Cherry County. Nebraska. Marshall & Wolfenden Kennedy , Neb. Some s on the left ] Horses s on left shoulder Jlrand Is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Itange Lone Tree Lake I. T. llichardson. Perch , Nebr Some on left hip Horses on left shoulder William M. Dunbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger Cody. Neb DUfi Either side I low Also | Oil right Left ear oTcattle Split Range head of Hay Creek Amelia Young. Cody , Nebraska On right side. A-Y Right ear split Range , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Gordon. Nebraska On right sideT on right hip. c horse brand and T on right shoulder Alee cattle branded I , S on leftside Range , fowl i south of Irwin Ilenrv Yonnjr , Cody. Nebraska Horse brand HY on leit shoulder Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river , S. D. Stotts & Stetter. Cody."ebr.islci JJranded on If ft sidc tt-ing \ Tin < ' "t ) Lake and Morgan Flats - D. C. Kelson. Cody , Nebraska. On right hip. Range , Medicine lake to the Snake river IJutt Brothers. Gordon , Nebraska Kaiijre.l4 miles north of Gordon. P. C. Duerfellt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle also bninded , 9O on right hip Horses and mules j Branded same as cut I on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Gordon , Nebraska Oni * bunch branded , as on cut on left side One luinrli branded C I , on left hip Hordes J on left shoulder Range. 10 miles sonrlmeslof Gallop , between Niobium and Snake rivers George F Damon Albnnyr-Xeb Cattle bninded FI > on leit ribs or right shoulder ; W I > sso FD on right hip jtnd left ribs ; 6 on left hip ? i Horses FD or SI ) on right shoulder . 7 mi north I - Range * 1111 U\Jt Lift Lvf.1 t cast of Albany Neb v Kt 3 Agent for I'astwir " " ' " * Blaelc Leg Vaccine Jospph Fickel \ & ' brand F on lett shoulder Kange 10 miles northeast ol Gordou IT JSNT MUCH , but we have downed Le\vivs , Burge , * Tate and Dewej- . THE DEMOCRATIC DONKEY is still in the harness. EVERYBODY is astonished at the aggregation. PETTIJOHN "Kissed and made up' ' with those he formerly opposed. THE LONG AND THE SHORT of it is that the democrats and pops made fools of themselves. A thief in llarper county , Kansas , recently came to grief when he tried to , sell stolen cattle to their owner. The sheep pens at Kansas City stock yards were destro3ed by fire Saturday night. Over d'lO sheep were killed by the fire. The pens covered an entire block. At the big Hereford cattle salewhich , was recently held in Kansas City , Mof , John Sparksof RenOj.Nev. , paid$2,500 for the Hereford heifer. Armour Rose , which was the highest price ever paid for a heifer. - - f The regular annual meeting of the lied Polled Cattle Club of America will be held Tit the Sherman House. Chicago , ill. , on Tuesday. November 21 , at 10 o'clock a. m. J. McLarn SmithDayton Ohio , is secretary of the association. W. II. Corbin shipped four car load of steers the fore part of the week to Rosenbaum & Co , South Omaha. According to information furnished they were the finest bunch of steers ever loaded onto cars out of Alliance. They averaged in weight 1520 Ibs. and top ped the market at 4.80. Alliance Grip. In the immense range country to the north of Montana , known as the * * i * Northwest Territory , the best stock growers propogate the finest strains of "black cattle" as the Angus and Gallo way cattle are called. These polled , black coated cattle are hardy , docile yet fainoHiTrustlers and take on lleslx easily not only , but they put on extra flesh where the high priced cuts lie and thus it is that the Angus cattle "kill well" as the butchers say. Bull calves of these breeds sell well on this side of the line where high grade Gall wayjs have been tried and have proved themselves to be all that ever has been claimed for them. Montana Journal. "While the auctioneer was selling Bonnie Prince , the Hereford calf which reverted to Mrs. Crois after the death of her husband , C. S. Cross ( founder of the Sunny Slope , Kansas , stock farm- ) at the great Hereford sale in Kansas City , recently , the first bid was $500 and a spirited contest was kept up till it was sold to Marshall i < ield.of Chicago. Just at this "juncture Col. Slaughter of Fort Worth , Texas , stepped into the ring and cast a , silver dollar in ihe saw dust near Bernie Prince , call ing on the rest of the stockmen present to make up a gift for the biave little woman. Dollars rained in the ring until an even peck measure of dollars was gathered up. riie government experiments in dip ping southern cattle to dtvtroy ihe ticks on them , and thus lender it .safe to shin them north at nil .seasons of the. year without quarantine ic&triclions to pre vent the spread of splenic fever , do not seem to have been attended with success although it was announced some time ago that they were successful and the quarantine regulations of a number of states are based upon the theory tat ! the results of dipping are satisfactory. At the recent convention of sanitary live stock boards , held at Chicago , Dr. Salmon , chief of the buieau of anim 1 industry , made an uddivss in which he said tiie experiments of last year had been so unsuccessful that the bureau was unwilling to make any recommend ations fnr dipping during the coming year. It is probable , however , that the bureau will continue its experiments , in the hope of finding a dip that will be efficient for the destruction of the ticks , and at the same time safe for the cattle. The Homestead. STRAYED From Mill Pasture , one bay pony mare , four white feet , bald face , not branded. One bay pony horse branded A on left shoulder and hip One sorrel horse branded f on left shoulder and -f o\right shoulder. Any information leading to the recovery of same will be rewarded. DR. ALFRED LKWIS. WE AEE AGENTS . . . . A Busby Gloves. Douglas Shoes , Henderson Shoes , Cordette. Cordette is thc ts the ? Jffonins ! ! Cordette We are Agents for . - . Rose & Co. for Custom Made Clothnig Fit always guaranteed. We pay the Highest Price . . . For butter aud eggs , and charge the lowest price for our goods GENEBAL MERCHANTS Having just received a large shipment of GENERAL HARDWARE and STOVES , we are sell at prices that cannot be beaten. Large sales and small profits ia what we want. People in need of anything in our line should call and see our goods. ial attention given to orders for Bed Springs. Mattresses and Other Furniture. K. ANDERSON. DREYFUS HAD TWO TRIALS WE ONLY WANT ONE N To convince you beyond a doubt that the best line of : . LIQUORS , WINES AND CIGARS . Can be had at THE STOCK EXCHANGE . WALTER F , A , MELTENDORFF. PROPRIETOR OUR MOTTO lloucst Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment n GB Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fur Coats , Ladies' and Children's Felt and warm-Lined Shoes. Boots and Shoes and Furnishings of all kinds. Practical Tailoring ourvork guaranteed. D. Stinard , Clothier. Alex Marrivall Tine Ridge , S D Caitle branded as on cut and below on eitht'rsideEernik swallmv fork on lett and crop right I rands as below on left tliish or hip Eorses Wheeler Bros. Cody Neb Also 35 on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake Kiver Newman Bros. & Nations. Codj , Nebraska On point left shoul der. Also O > on point left shoulder Also Q U left shoulder Same on left hiu Left side J. A. Adamsou. Valentine. Neb On left side or hip A3- left side or Lip On left side Rangoon Niobrara Marquardt & Bowlus OTTOSTHUBE. Manager. Merriman. Neb Cattle brand OM OB leftjjhoulder. Home of cattle have various older brands. O S on left hip. Horse bra'd A on Jeff shotildei. Kange Formerly Gee W Monnler ranch 5-miles east ol IMerriman , f rom , F JJ. V. J { . It. south to Leander Creek. Jlar- fc Kowliis. Seribner.Nfbraska. J. C. Trowbridge Merriman , Neb JIange between Ir win and Merriman , south of railroad Hugh Bovill , Manager MerrlraiH Xeb Al o All on left side or hip Eange north of El Charlotte E. Bovill Merriman Neb Left Bide or hip liaugc north of Eli Taken up , at my place about 4 miles east efFort Fort Niobrara. May lie. one sorrel bald-fa < v l gelding , . " years old , and one bay nureS 2 years old , both branded oa left shoulder ] EUXEST SEAKS