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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1899)
r"f < "f WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT. F arm ana stocR .Journal. 4 VOLUME XIV VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , NOVEMBER 30 , 1899. NUMBER 45 , B * Mctzger Bros. , Pullman Neb Cherry Co. Brandon left bide | and thigh Earmark , square crop right ear 1 Southern .branded L cattle have but one "half-diamond E" . - on lief t side Native cattle have throat wattle > Ranee on Kordon andjSnake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Iteicard of $2bO will be paid to any nenwui for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealIng - Ing cattle'with above brand EDWARD BAD HAIR. 1'ostofllce address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side ; horses ame on thigh Range-Dear T J ASHKUKN X. Postofflce addres Valentine , Neb Hranded on right side ; horses same Range-lOmileaeust of valentine on the Niobrara Joseph W. Bownet P. ( ) . address Merrimaii , Nebr. Right ear cropped Hole in center of lei t ear Range Lake creek S. D. Parker & Son P O Address J. . W. Parker Reige. Neb Brand same as cut. Also Zl ? Ramre on Niobrara south of Crookston 11. A. McQuade. Valentine , Neb Branded on either side Range between Phacher and Swan Lake Charles 0. Tackett Rosebud , . IX Range head of An telot > e near St. Marv * . mission Horses branded Peter Vlondray Rosebud. S. I ) . Lcfr. side. Left car ; ropped. Horses branded VB. VB.Range Range Little White River , at mouth of Dedar Creek. Louis J. Itichards Merriman. Neb ff Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka Cattle branued as ou cut cutSome Some ft sideorliij ! Itange on Gordon Cree'k Louis F. Richards Merriman Neb Henry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side llorses same on [ eft shoulder Deerhnrti clip on some cattle John DeCory Rosebud. S. D. Some branded 11) 417 on left side Horses JD ou left hip itan ge in Meyer Co on Ange Creek Thomas Farren Rosebud. S. D. ID 1183 either left' ide or hip _ , , iiv'on Ieft - Horses _ sllliulller Range head of Antelope ? W. W. ANDKH8ON. J. C. KOO > 'DS Anderson & Hounds. Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also iti on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also S4G on right side Horse brand , rake and 1C on left shoulder or binHome Home ranch on ttewev Lake. Range on Niobrara River , past efFort Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake River and Simeon , known as the Felch range , all In Cherry County , Nebraska. Marshall & Wolfenden Kennedy , Neb. Some s on the left hip Horses H on left shoulder Brand Is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake I. T. Richardson. Perch , Nebr Some on left hip Horses on left shoulder William M. Dnnbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger Cody. Neb DUn Either side I low Alsr Ion right Left ear oi cattle Split Range head o' Hav Creek Amelia Young. Cody , Nebraska On right side. Right ear split Range , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Gordon , Nebraska On right sideT on right hip. v horse brand and Ton , right shoulder Also cattle branded Ij S on lefu'side Range , fowl miles south of Irwin Henry Young , > Cody. Nebraska Horse Urand JIY on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river. S. D. Stotts & Stetter. Cody. N Branded on Mtsido Range. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats D. C. Nelson. Cody , Nebraska. On right hip. Range , Medicine l.aketo the Snake river Hutt Brothers. Gordon. Nebraska Range.14 miles north of Gordon. F. G. Dueri'elir , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle also branded SO on right hip Horses and mules oranded same as cut ou left shoulder J. C. Jordan Gordon , Nebraska One bunch branded as on cut on left side One bunch branded C I * on left hip Hordes J on left shoulder Range. 10 miles soiuh west of Gallop , between Niobrara and Snake rivers George F Damon Albany. Neb Cattle branded FJ > qnleft ribs or right shoulder ; J4I > FD on right hip and left ribs ; Con left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder - ' If Range 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur ' Black Leg Vaccine Jospph Fickel Gordon Neb Also Horse brand F on left shoulder Itau e 10 miles northeast of Gordon \ yvvvvvvv r v vv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv STOCK NOTES , The stock shipment came to a close last Saturday and seven crews have been pulled off of train service. The F. E. has had a splendid run of stock shipments this fall and this paper takes a grain of satisfaction in that fact. Chadron > ews. Dr. II P. MeKnight has disposed of the remainder of his cattle , except a bunch of calves , to J 13. Cox , a cattle man living in the Bloody Valley , and has sold his feed to W. E. Root. Dr. MeKnight is still a firm believer in the money ma Ing qualities of good cattle , but has decided that keeping a ranch with hired help is not profitable. Longpine Journal. Ft. Pierre (5. ( P. ) Stock Journal. Bunches .of stock cattle are still going out on the range almost daily. Nev r before in the memory of the oldest in habitants has there been such a contin uation of fine fall weather. No snow to cover up the grass , and no freezing weather to close up the water holes. The nights have been just cold enough to make cattle hold their fat and take on more and to induce the growth of a good winter coat of hair. If cattle on this range were ever in shape to go through a hard winter they certainly are now. D. T. Taylor and Dave Phillips ac companied three car loads of cattle , be longing to the former , to the Omaha market the fore part of last week. Af ter disposing of the stock they took a trip over into Iowa and visited friends a few days. From his comparatively small ranch Mr. Taylor has disposed of over § 12,000 worth of stock during the past four months. The secret of D. T's success is the fact that he believes in breeding up lie is making arrange ments to dispose of his grade cattle and raise nothing but thoroughbreds. Hay Springs Leader. It is announced that an attempt is to be made cm a large scale to , grow cattle on the abandoned farms in Maine. It is hard to see why such an undertaking should not j5e made remunerative. Any use of the land in question ought to be an improvement on its abandonment , and the cattle that could be grown on these abandoned farms would at least have the advantage of being produced close to the demand of a strong , nearby market Leading business men , it is said , have secured from the state an option on 28,000 acres of land for the purpose of inaugurating the undertak ing and finding out whether it can be made commercially profitable. ( Jlay Robinson's Report says that during the past two weeks there has been a very heavy run of warmed-up steers to this market cattle that should t have been fed 90 to 120 days longer. This was doubtless occasioned by feed ers being under the impression that be- canse the western rangers were about through coming it would be a good time to market their cattle and avoid the rush to come later. . As events proved , however , a very large number of feeders took the same view of the situation and with almost disastrous results , as during the past two weeks values on the above class of cattle have declined 75 cents to $1.00. i One of the largest , if not the largest , real estate deals ever consumated in ihis county was the sale of the Circle Arrow ranch , six miles east of town. This valuable ranch , which consists of 5,800 acres , has just been purchased from the Bay State Live Stock Com pany by Robert Deal and Mr. Ilagger- ty. The latter is Mr. Deal's partner in a copper mine in Wyoming. The ranch has about twenty-five miles of fence and a good meadow from wliich 500 or COO tons of fine hay is cut every year. The purchasers get this year's hay crop. We understand they will stock it up with cattle or sheep in the near future and Mr. Deal will look after this ranch in connection with his own. Kim ball Observer. Since so much interest is being taken in stock circles regarding goatsthe edi tor has been looking up the matter a little. From his investigations lie is convinced that Angoras would prove to be paying property in this country. Their meat is by many preferred to mutton , and their fleece will prove fa- more profitable than wovl. They are early breeders , breeding sometimes at as early an age as seven months , and as their period of gestation is only five months it is not infrequent to find goats giving birth to young at the age of one year. It is said , however , that the best results are obtained when breeding is done at the age of ten or twelve months. The best strains of Angoras are obtained from Asia Minor and South Africa , though the more promi nent breeders are inclined to favor the stock from the latter country. The secretary of the National Live Stock Association has been engaged collecting and analyzing the market statistics on live stock from western points where they are obtainable. The most important feature noticed is the great increase in slaughter com pared to the increase in receipts. Re ceipts of cattie from all sources show MI increase of about 75,000 head while the increase in slaughter is oyer 220,000 head. In connection with these figures , rc- i orts coming to this office indicate that the shortage on the ranges of the west is becoming accentuated rather than relieved. The terrible experience of last winter has made rangemen timor ous , and this , with the high prices that have prevailed , has encouraged shipping to 'an unusual extent. As a result hundreds of range stockmen have reduced their herds to the lowest pos sible point , some clearing up every thing , while others have shipped down to their breeding stock , even sending their yearlings to market. Many of these shippers are figuring on buying stock cattle in the spring to replenish their ranges , arguing that it is safer to sell now. and avoid all risk of winter loss and then buy back in the spring even if they do have to pay nearly as much as at present for cattle. With all the efforts of the range ship pers to clean up their herds , however , shipments from the ranges fall far be hind last year's movement. Tins is only another indication that the greatly discussed shortage is real , not imagin ary. It is also remarkable that with the high prices and strong demand so few s'tpskers and feeders have been .sent to the country. This is explained on the part of sheep in the demand for wool , but the only explanation as re gards cattle u the shortage and high prices. With a demand for consumption in creasing at a much greater ratio than the supply , fewer stackers and feeders going to the country , ranges shorter than ever before in their history , there seems to be reason to anticipate a con tinuance of present high prices. Cattle are continuing to concentrate in the big corn states of the Mississippi and Mis souri valleys , and it is possible that next season will witness something of a retrograde movement , for it is 1 kely to be a difficult matter to find the stock cattle which will be needed in the range country , from usual sources. In a'ny event , it is feared that tne situation will put prices to a point that will make the free movement difficult. The Ainsworth Star-Journal says that in every slate Avhere Bryan made speeches this year the republicans made large gains in the vote If our esteemed contemporary down the road will only look up the records he will find that he narrowly escaped telling a falsehood when he said it. The latest fashion is for girls to wear a belt which contains a plate on which their name is engraved. If you see a pretty girl on the streets and wonder who she is , step behind her , and you may read on the plate that she is Edythe G-leddowynne Carruthers , the same as you may read on a dog's col lar that his name is Curly. Not the least unwise proposition in support of the United States retaining the Philippines is that they are not capable of self government. It is a de- lucive theory. The glorious sun of heavea never shone upon & race of men incapable of self-government. What ever the condition in life of a class of people may be , so will their govern ment , if left to themselves , be suited to them ; and the less intelligence the simpler the government. O'Neill In dependent. Subscribe for THE NEWS-DEMOCRAT and get all the news local and for eign § 1.00 per year. In Job Work we are unexc lied. Our prices are right , our Boon's are right and our " workmanship . I. * 49 49 CHRISTMAS 49 , 49 K 49 4 ? 49 * 9 49 49 49 49 49 49 9Uu 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Our Attractive Holiday Display 49 49 Awaits your Inspection. , , , y ? 49 > v * * _ 49 49 49 DAVENPORT & THACHER 49 49 General Merchants 49 STOVE TALK. TALK ABOUT STOVES a great deal ; but that's our business. Stoves are a specialty of ours. By the way , we have just received a few of those B Unexcelled Heating Stoves The MAGIC ESTATE HOT BLAST. Remember we are also dealers in J3ED SPRINGS , MATTRESoES , PICTURE FRAMES , Etc. : : : : : : " ' R ANDERSON , j Ji J J M' J - iriirsirx'jf f DREYFUSHADTWO TRiAfc8 * ' * * > ' WE ONLY WANT ONE . . : M KHBHHB MiM KMK B lHHa KKi HnMKM HBM l KMIBMBMaHMBainBHiHMi f ft To convince you beyond a doubt that the best line of " LIQUORS , WINES AND CIGARS * * ' Can be had at THE STOCK EXCHANGE ' . ' WALTER F. A. MELTENDORFF. PROPRIETOR OUR MOTTO Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment. LIZZA Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fur Coats , Ladies' and Children's Felt and Warm-Lined Shoes. Boots and Shoes and Furnishings of all kinds. Practical "Tailoring 85IPA11 our work guaranteed. D. Stinard , Clothier. Alex Marrivall Tine Kidge , S D Cuttle branded as on cut and below on either side1. Kermk swallow Tork on leit and crop right Horse Lnindfl as below on left tlilyh or hip Horses Wheeler Bros. Cody Neb Also B on right side * Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River Xewman Bros. & Nations. Cody , Nebraska On point left shoul der. Also O < on point left shoulder Also JjTon left shoulder Same onleftliip J. A. Adamson. Valent'ne. Neb On left side or hip A4 left side or Lip On left side Uangpou Niobnua Marquardt & Bowlus OTTO STKUBK. Manager. Merriman. Neb Cattle brand OM oa lef l shoulder. Sonm .of cattle have various older brands. OS on left hip. Horse bra'd A on left shotildei. Ranite Formerly [ Gee W Mnnnler nch 5-miles east of lerriinan. from F.E. & M. V. R. R. south to Leander Creek. Mar- quarrlr & Rowlus. SnribnPr.Nebraska. J. C. Trowbridge Merriman , Neb Range between Ir- wiu and Merriman , south of railroad Hugh JJovill , Manager Merriman Neb Also All on left aide or hip Range north of El Charlotte E. Bovill Merriman Neb Left side or hip Range north of Eli Taken up , at my place about 4 miles east efFort Fort Niobrara , May I2G. one sorrel hald-fa"Pd gelding. 5 years old , and one ba mar-f 2 years old."both branded ou left s Eraaut BEAKS