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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1899)
w Wearying , ceaseless backache. Dull , exhausting and constant pain. i No comfort by day. No rest at night. Aches in the small of the back , pain low down in the side. No spirit for any taslc , no hope for relief. Great numbers of women are not free from backache from one year's end to another. Among Mrs. Pinkham's victories there is none more complete than that over backache , and the evi dence of thousands of women prove that she is its conqueror. Mrs. C. Klenk , of Wells , Minn. ( Box 151) , writes : DEAR MRS. PINKHAM I suffered for years- with a long list of troubles , and I want to thank you for my complete recovery. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a wonderful medicine for women. 4I had severe female complaints , causing terrible backache and nervous pros tration ; was dizzy most o > the time , had headache and such a tired feeling. I now have taken seven bottles of your Compound and have also used the Sanative Wash and feel like a new woman. I must say I never had any thing help me so much. I have better health than I ever had in my life. I sleep well at night , and can work all clay without feeling tired. I give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound all the credit , for I know it has cured me of all my troubles. I would not do without your remedies for anything. " When a woman has severe back ache she has some serious trouble that will sooner or later declare itself. Mrs. E. Furton , of H Hich. , found that her I ache v/as caused by a tumor , which ] three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound expelled. This is Mrs. Furton's ' letter : DEAR MRS. PINKHAM Two years ago I was troubled with constant backache and headache , and was very nervous. ieade , back //I / i resolved to try your medicine and took two bottles ' R ( / of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and on ' \ * taking the third a tumor was expelled. I was a little frightened and sent for the doctor ; and he said that it was fortunate for me that it came away. I got quite well after that and have your Compound alone to thank for my ' " recovery. The safe way to guard against trouble is to get Mrs. Pinkham's advice when the back ache first appears. A letter to her at Lynn , Mass. , describing your case fully will receive a prompt reply without charge. fe DEAR MRS. PINKHAM I wish to tell you the great good your medicine has done me. I do not feel like the same woman. I hare suffered terribly. Had womb and kindey trouble , leucorrhcea , very severe pains in hips and sides of abdomen , headache , was nervous , menses were irregular. ( I have now taken four bottles of your Vegetable Compound , and the backache has left me , menses are regular , can sleep a well , and awake in the morning feeling much rested. Your medicine is indeed a friend to women. I wish that I could tell every woman what a wonderful medicine it ; s. I cannot praise it enough , " firs. Anna J. Fenstermaker Pine 5 u mm it. Pa. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound A Woman's Remedy * * _ _ - j is jv .re .re.a Get Your Pension .a CHlSMira Washington , J ) . c PENSIONS B Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Lta PrlnolD .I.Bx < iailn r EJ.B. Pen ton Bnraaa. rralnclTllww JiftdjiidlcftUiic claim * , ftttjral&ca Write 6 jt , O'FABSELL , Pension Ageat ttWtyjtca , D.C , sial \ OPPOSED THE STAGE-COACH. An Ancient Economist Who It Would Ruin the Country. The New York Telegram notes that the lirst stage coach seen in England was about the year 1533 , and another 120 years passed before stage coaches began to run ; they were not received with much favor. In 1G73 a treatise was published in London by "A. Lover of His Country , and Well Wisher to the Prosperity Both of the King and Kingdoms , " in which were used many elaborate arguments and violent ti rades against them. "These coaches and caravans , " said the writer , "are one of the greatest mis chiefs that hath happened of late years to the kingdom , mischievous to the pub lic , destructive to trade and prejudicial to lauds. " lie laments the decay of good horse manship , which would follow if every body rode to London in a coach. He calculates that a coach from York , Chester or Exeter would have forty horses on the journey to the capital and carry eighteen passengers a week. In the whole year it would carry about 1,872. Suppose there were returning passengers there Avould be 93G , and for these forty horses would be sufficient ; but if people traveled in the good , old- fashioned way , then at least 500 horses would be required for the work. The use of so many horses would give em ployment to many who were by the stage coach thrown out of work , such as cloth workers , drapers , tailors , sad dlers , tanners , curriers , shoemakers , spurriers , lorimers and fellmakers. The inns would also suffer , for the stage coach stops only at a few , but when gentlemen traveled on horseback , ac companied , as they usually were , by two or three servants , they stopped at any and a.s often as they liked , and thus encouraged trade. Farmers will be ruined , lie says , by the stage coach ; for how can they dis pose of their buy , straw and horse corn ? Moreover , the influence on health would be bad ; men called out of their beds before daylight , hurried from place to place until far on into the night , in the summer stilled with heat and choked with dust , in the win ter starving and freezing with cold or choked with liltliy fog , obliged to ride all day with strangurs and with sick , ancient and diseased persons and with children crying , poisoned with fetid breaths and crippled by the crowd of boxes and bundles. Besides all these troubles there were accidents arising from the rotten coaches and foul roads. In short , the writer is fully convinced that if stage-coach traveling becomes popular the country will go to ruin. Had he lived to see the railway he would have been bereft of his senses. TRUMPET CALLS. Ram'3 IJorii Sounds n Warning Note to the Unredeemed. turns duty LOVE delight. Bigotry is not ! \ f i peculiar to r e - .Meditation is a tonic for poor memory. Some little men love to iive in the cloiuls' When you take jif"- your burdens to ' Christ , 'leave thorn there. Virtue is liner than any of the arts. Half-heartc'd service is always hard , Neglect bolts the door of opportunity. Trials melt the brass out of characti Small boats should keep near the shore. In order to do right , it is necessary to be right. The pulpit rail may become a wall of partition. Some Christians do more whining than shining. Keeping your eye on Christ keeps it off the world. The wings of riches are poor aids to heavenly flight. The dews of grace fall during the night of sorrow. While the saloon exists , your own sou is never safe. More souls are saved through service than by sermons. The more perfect the trust , the more perfect the peace. Dress does not make character , but it h often proclaims it. si Faith gives unlimited backing for the business of living. Kind words , like fragrant flowers , are admired 1 > 3all. . God will do as much for us as we will submit to have done. gi Policy .sits on the fence while princi ple fights the battle. pn An iceberg in the pulpit cannot kin- c. die i a lire in the pews. Make your trials stepping stones to fo hiirher Christian life. , hl The man who confesses his ignorance is on the road to wisdom. \V Modern theology teaches that man AY falls up instead of down. Fidelity in little things is one of the , ill sure t tests of character. ji Those who know when to speak know wheii to be silent. Love is like a convex mirror 1 * broadens what we see lii it. a The only safe place to hide your sins w under the blood of Christ. fc Don't use religious stilts when you fcai visit : a strange prayer meeting. ai aiw The man who reaohes Chrlstward for w refreshing will reach worldward with fr blessing. w There is a vast difference between ( speaking "one to another" aid one * " " * ibout anqthcr. § 00,000 FAMILIES RELY ON PE-RU-NA MK. w. u. B. WILLIAMS. COLUJIHUS , OHIO. W. H. B. Williams , publisher of The Farmers' Industrial Union , in a recent letter to Dr. Ilartman says : "I have used Pe-ru-na as a family medicine for several years. I tind it of especial use for my- self. I have had several tedious spells with systemic catarrh and before using Pe-ru-na I had tried several other rem edies with little or no success. But in Pe-ru-na I found a prompt and sure cure , I always keep the remedy which promptly relieves any attack of the same malady. My wife also uses Fe-ru-na. She finds it of especial use for severe spells , to winch she is subject. We always keep it in the houve as a family medicine. We think it an excellent remedy for the vari ous ills to which children are subject , especially - pecially climatic diseases. " Address Dr. Ilartman , Columbus , Ohio , fora free book on family medicine. Coflias JKciitetl in ? * Ie.vico. The Mexicans have a queer way of burying the dead. The corpse is tightly wrapped in matting a Ml placed in a coliiu hired for about a shilling. One or two natives , as the case may be , place the coffin on their heads and go at a trot to the grave , where the body is interred and the coffin is then returned. An Opinion from St. Lionis. The St. Louis Republic says that Alalo bastiue bids fair to give Grand Itapids , Mich. , even more fame than her huge furniture factories. This is a covering for walls and ceilings , and takes the place of kalsomines , which are very objectionable and even dangerous on account of the constantly decaying auiw mal and vegetable matter which they contain. Alabastiue makes a pure and permanent covering , that can be re- coated. It sets on the wall , growing hard with age. Now JBxperirncc. "Now , Patrick Muldoon , " said the magistrate to the evidently alarmed witness on the stand in a case of burg- lary , "bear in mind that you have sworn to tell the truth , the whoft ? truth and nothing but the truth. " "Yis , yer honor , " stammered Mr. Mul doon , his eyes wavering from the judge to the jury , and back again ; "it's inesilf that'll do the very best I can ; but I hopu the gentlemen will be a trifle aisy on me at the shrart , for it's little u ed I am to that sort av thing , yer honor. " Youth's Companion. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-EaKj. a powder for the feet. It ; cures painful , swollen , smarting , nervous feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort dis covery < of the age. Allen'b Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new slwes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating , callous and hot. tired , aching feet. Try it to-ilny. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c , in j stamps. Trial package FKEE. Address , Allen S. Olmsted. Le Koy. X. Y. "Not the General's Cow. " "Tommy Atkins" the slang name of the British private is not noted for his politeness , but for his obedience to orders. Years ago in a seaport town in En gland a general and an admiral were neighbors. The general's house was fronted by a grass-plot , on which he pastured ; a cow. One day his wife com plained to him that the supply of milk was falling short. The sentinel accounted for the defi ciency the public trod down the pas ture. , Thereupon the general gave or ders tba-t no human or other animal ex cept his cow should be allowed on the grass-plot. He added that if this rule was infringed the sentinel should be flogged. Soon after , the admiral's wife , in haste ; to keep an engagement , took a short cut over the piot , disregarding the sentinel's order to keep off the jrrass. "Common soldier , don't you know who I am ? " ejaculated the offended lady. "All I knovr is that you're not the general's cow. " How's This ! "We ofler One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Props. . Toledo , O' We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years , and belie\e him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obligation made by their Oriii. WI.ST & TKUA x , Wholesale Druggists. Toledo , O. WALDING. KJXNAX & MAKVIX , Wholesale Druggists. ' Toledo , O. HaU'K Catarrh Cure is taken internally , acting directl > upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the iyntein. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druugiits Testimonials free. Remarkable Feat of Penmanship. To write a long chapter of Genesis on post card , in addition to selections ' from Shakspeare and Dickens , and the whole of "Home , Sweet Home , " is a feat of penmanship of which anyone might be proud. This was some time ago accomplished by a bank clerk , with a fine steel pen and with HO aid from magnifying glasses. In all , there were more than 10,000 words , while BO beautifully was the work done that many people have been able to read the writing with the naked eye.A i Traffic Over London Bridge. It is computed that about 200,000 pe destrians aud 20,000 vehicles cross Lon don bridge every day. Each leaves be hind a little shoe leather or a little iron just a tritle. But when litter and dust are added to these minute losses the whole tills between three and four carts. The most surprising fact of all , however , is that the incessant tratlic across the bridge reduces to powder about twenty-five .cubic yards of gran ite every year. Vacation Tours. The Grand Trunk Railway System and immediate connections form the great highway of Tourist Travel to the famous resorts in Northern Michigan , Muskoka Lakes , Lake of Buys ( Highlands of On- tarioj , Niagara Falls , St. Lawrence Kiver , TVhite Mountains , Saguenay River and the seashore. Also \Yatkins Glen , Glen Summit , Atlantic City. Asbury Park and other popular resorts on and reached by the Lehigh Valley R. R. Probably no line of railroad on the American continent embraces in its route so great a variety of scenery or reaches directly so many popular and famous re sorts. Vestibule -Train Service. Full particulars as to rates and copies of tourist literature on application to J. II. Burgis , City Passenger and Ticket Auent , 249 Clark street , corner Jackson boulevard , Chicago. A Remarkable Crnnation. A most remarkable cremation will take place when Joaquiu Miller , "the poet of the Sierras. " dies. lie has built a great funeral pyre oil his property at Oakland , Cal. , in the form of a cube , nearly ten feet each way , made of , bowlders set in cement. On the top of this body will be placed and burned , and the ashes will then be .lung to all points of the compass , if the provisions of his will are carried out. Tlie World's .Record for Outjmt. . . Adding together the actual number of the diQerent kinds of harvesting ma chines ] made in a single day during Ib'JS at the works of the Dot-ring Harvester Company of Chicago gives the enormous total of l,3Ji ) , or more than two complete machines for each working minute. Auction Sale ol' Jewels. The glittering adornments of one of London's "splendid paupers" were dis persed < the other day at a sale by auc tion. The owner of the eighty-three lots of "court jewels of unusual splen dor"was merely described as a "lady ol title. " There were rings and brooches and earrings and bracelets galore , the collection selling for a trifle under $ SO- 000. ( The gem of the sale vras a cluster necklace < of sapphires and brilliants , which realized § = 7.130 , while the other more costly articles included a corsage decoration < of ( liamowls and pearls ( $4- 900) ) , a brilliant and pearl collar ( ? 4.025) ) , ' another brilliant collar (92.12 ( , " } ) , a neckI I lace of brilliants , cabochon , emeralds ! and rubies , sapphires , and pearls , and | yet another of pearls and brilliants , which sold for 1,775 each , and a fourth similar gew-gaw , which went for $25 less. _ To California for Half Kate. Account National Educational Associa tion meeting at Los Angeles June 25 to July 8. Choice of routes going and re turning. For puiticulars call at North western oflice , Security Bank Building , or address , II. C. Ciiuv-XKY , General Agent , Sioux City , la. Verily , this is a strange world. Some live butjodieandothersd3'e _ _ to live. Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a family medicine with us since 1SG5. J. R. I Madison , 2409 42d ave. , Chicago , 111. , If a man is lucky he never speaks of the proverbial luck of fools. Mrs. "Window's SOOTHINO SYKCP Tor Children I tcetlunK : Koltens the cums , reances inflammation allays pain , cures wind colic. 23 cents a bottle WANTED. Case of hart health thatR-I'P-A- not bersflt. Send 5 cents to Ripnns Chemical Co. , Hew York , for 10 fmmnles and 1.000 testimonials. Nothing is so infectious as example. Kingsley. For Infants and Children , The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of J j So the falling of the hair tells of the approach of age and declining p ver. No matter how barren the tree nor how leafless it may seem , you confidently expect leaves again. And why ? Because there is life at the roots. So you need not worry about the falling of your hair , the threatened departure of youth and beauty. And why ? Because if there is a spark of life remaining in the roots of the hair will arouse it into healthy activ ity. The hair ceases to come out : it begins to grow : and the glory of your youth is restored to you. We have a book on the Hair and its Diseases. It is free. Hho Bast AeJv/co FPCQ. If you < Io not obtain all the benefits you expected from the tne of the Vip > r -write the doctor about H. 1'robalny there Is some dlfflculty with your gen eral system -which may be caaily removotl. Addrf"J DR. J. C. AVER. Lowell. Mass. "Iliavo been uslnir CASCAKE'JTS for Insomnia , with which 1 have been afflicted forever over twenty years , and I can say that CascaretB- have given me moro relief than any other reme dy I have ever tried. I shall certainH recom mend them to my friends as belnfr all thev ar&- represented. " Tnos. GILLAHD , SiRln , I1L CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant. Palatab'e. Patent. Taste Good Good , Never Sicken. Weaken or Gnpe lOc 2oc OOo , . . . CURE COriSTJPATJON. . . . Sterling Rpnrdj I'ompanj , Chicago , Tlontrral , Hew Tori. Sit Mfi Tf SJflp cold and Kuarantpe-1 by all dnag- KU" S U ° OftU Kists to CUICK Tobacco UaWtf In the Great Grain and Grazing Belts of V.'et- era Canada and information mation as to how to 39- oiirs them can be had ocr application to the De partment of the Iiterior , U'tawa , Canada , or to N. Hartholomexv 306 5th Street , Des Moinei , Iowa , for the Go\ermneutof Canada. S. C. N. U. - 21-99 CUHETWHEKE ALL ELSE FAILS. Eest CoaKh Syrup. Tastes Good. Use la time. Sold by druggists. YOU KEEP 5T An old proverb says : "IIV receives mo-t favorlio know * Low to return them. " This : - , the ' -ecret of th > great popularity of Ieerin : cram and grass cutting machinery. The confidence placed in them by the farmers of the world is never 7/us-placed. Deering Binders , Reapers , Mowers , Rakes and Corn Harvesters retnrn the favor of popularity hy steady , reliable , satisfactory work in the harvest. In-erine made the first successful application of ball and roller beirin s to harvesting machinery , and the decided advantage in lightness of draft heid by Ueerin : machine- , today over all other makes ) ehoTrj conclusively that there i ? one right way of doitc it and thai there are several wrong v.ays. The Dcerlag way is the common sense vray. DEERIMG HARVESTER CO. , CHJCAGCL 'Say Aye 'No' and Yell Ne'er Be Mar ried. " Don't Refuse All Our Advice to Use APOLIO VT *