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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1897)
- KTWSS TT - SUCCESSOR TO CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT ROBERT B GOOD - JSditok PoP VALENTINE NEBRASKA Times are never good enough to Jus tify pneumatic banking The Kentucky authorities seem dis posed to grant too many belligerent rights to the lj nching bees It costs this country 100000000 a year to support its criminals This of course includes those in jail only nor those in office The persistence of the Maceo life ru mor is enough to make one believe that perhaps John Browns Body also has been sprung prematurely A writer in an English review asserts that only 10 per cent of the worlds population ever sit down That must account for the prevalence of that tired feeling White Ghost the Sioux chief is In Washington to get 200000 from the treasury for his tribe It is a safe bet that the Sioux chieftain is the only ghost that will walk however The Bradford Pa Star says We visited Dr Holts office yesterday and saw some astonishing things among them a silver dollar This is a great year for the editorial profession every where It is noted that Kentucky recently scored six lynchings in six days and a blue grass contemporary remarks It Is presumed that the lynchers rested on Sunday It is certain that the lynched did According to scientists a typical loaf of bread contains 3S per cent of water 10 per cent of protein 2 per cent of fat and 49 per cent of sugar and some other carbo hydrates To this must ba added 1 per cent of ash and perhaps more if the oven is too hot Influenza seems to have its grip on the life insurance companies of Eng land At a recent meeting of the direc tors of one large company it was shown that it had paid out more than 600000 on account of deaths from that ailment alone A scientist declares that the ele ments entering into the cornstalk can be made to produce alcohol cellulose paper matting smokeless powder and condition powders for cattle It may be added that alcohol alone can pro duce a much greater variety of ob jects There were employed in the South Ar rican gold mines during the latter part of 1S96 more than 75000 men of whom 85jer cent were in the Rand and of whom only 13 per cent were white men The number of tons mined and milled was 1199592 and the total gold product was -622000 crude ounces of which tho Rand produced 554159 A man tco modest to let liis name lie known went to the Boston postoffice Christmas eve and paid out of his own purse all the postage on letters and packages which otherwise would haves been delayed in transmission or not de livered at all by reason of insufficient stamps That was a very original and thoughtful act not to call it charity Boston Spiritualists are in a state of mingled rage and grief because the City Assessors have decided that thehf temple is not a place of worship and Ihave fixed its taxable value -at 24000ol This decision the believers in spools think is outrageous and they intend to make a fierce fight against it in tee courts As a carpenter is generally conceded to know more about carpentry thai a druggist and a blacksmith more about shoeing a horse than a candlestick maker so perhaps a man who has not only made a study ofbanks in general but whose duties have led him jo make a special study of the banks that have recently failed may be expjcted to have views on these failures that are entitled to a very respectfuljiearing Sioux City Journal We bare been going tbrough a period of far reaching liquidation During the last three or four years business adjustments which had been in process of development for years and -even for decades were wound up destroyed There have been a good many failures but in all cases as in that of file recent bank failure in Chi cago you will find a vicious condition of credit Inevery one of them there is unsoundness and the tap root of lit is vicious credit Prince Charles Egon of Fuesteaberg who died recently at Berlin won some fame by remarking that Emperor Wil liam was a snob although he lost some social prestige thereby J3e also re marked on one occasion that his majes ty gave him that tired feeling in his assamption of the divine right to ran the globe These remarks eame very soon of course to Williams ear and from that time on it Is said that his im perial majesty took special care to pre sent his dorsal aspect for view when ever he and Prince Charles met Recently the Attorney General of Bel gium in he course of an eloquent speech paid the following curious com pliment to the soporifle power of the Belgian press In the evening wheo S UfelfeIH4I Mt V such as many a high toned journal en riches its columns with Under Its soothing Influence a salutary repose closes In upon us and the enchanted cup of the queen of night pours down upon us Its treasures in obedience to the mysterious power of the press After many years vain search by scientists in Europe and South America for the yellow fever microbe the an nouncement is made that an Italian physician has discovered the germ and that the chances favor the miti gation of that disease by the utilization of the results of the discovery The physician Dr Gaccarelli of Rome con tracted the malady during a residence in South America It may be only a year or two before science has turned the dreaded yellow jack upon itself as it has done in the case of diphtheria and smallpox Few people realize the magnitude to which the electrical industry has grown in the United States In electric light ing alone there are more than 10000 plants in operation and the combined capital employed is more than half a billion dollars At least 100000000 is invested in electrical appliances used in mining and about 15000000 in elec tric elevators One of the most impor tant developments in this branch of science has been in the direction of electric railways in which nearly a billion dollars capital is employed Al together the combined capital invested in all electrical enterprises in the Unit ed States is 1500000000 exclusive of that employed in the manufacture of electrical machinery which is at least half a billion more There is a barber in Kensington says the Philadelphia Record who has trained a number of common sparrows from the street to fly in and out of his shop at will The birds are never molested by the barbers customers who have grown as fond of them as the barber himself The sparrows simply own the shop whenever they want to and they have learned some very amus ing tricks under the tutelage of their friend Sometimes when the room is pretty well filled with the chirping lit tle fellows the barber will make a sweep with his hand and pretend to catch a fly Immediately all the birds will flutter to him and perch upon his arms shoulders or knees and watch the hand In which the fly is supposed to be imprisoned The barber opens his hand gradually one finger at a time while the birds sit with heads cocked to one side expectantly waiting for the prize If there should happen to be a fly there which is seldom the case this weather there is a grand rush and a scramble of chirping rivals James Duffy a Boston pugilist never regained consciousness after a ring contest in the Broadway Athletic Club in New York This unfortunate having adopted the practices of brutes and semi savages as a profession has come to a logical end and his loss will not be much of a blow to the community but there ought to be some way to make his confederates share the punishment Every thug present whether a thug by profession or instinct and that means all who witnessed the combat should be put behind the bars for a time until they tame down so that their freedom may not be such a men ace to peaceful and law abiding citi zens Little distinction should be made between the principals and spectators in such an affair for those who are not actually fighting are deterred chief ly by physical limitations and are re ally responsible for all that occurs It would not be so bad if the pugilists would meet and pommel each other to death except that the spectacle is de moralizing and revolting to the com munity at large It is time for the authorities to make laws so drastic that such contests will be practically impossible These brutes must be sup Dressed Some opponents of the bicycle hae based their objections to it on the score of morality and there have been se rious discussions of the subject Is bicycling immoral The premises of their argument have dealt with the influence of wheeling costumes and the association of bicyclers on the sex es But it appears that the bicycle may be proved an immoral agent on other grounds A man in a Philadel phia court charged with forging his employers name said that he had com mitted the crime in order to buy a wheel The judge in passing sentence took occasion to say that an astonish ing amount of crime had grown out of the bicycle trade and that at least one third of the business of the court was made up by persons who were led astray in some way by the bicycle Whereupon the complainant in the case said I can sit in my front win dow and count dozens of persons rid ing merrily past who owe me grocery bills Certainly during the summer and fall the criminial courts of the large cities have many cases relating to bicycles mostly thefts Men and women alike are charged with stealing wheels sometimes to sell again but oftener for their own use The police of New York are kept busy hunting up stolen wheels and there are several insurance companies whieh do a fine business by guaranteeing owners against thefts There are many lock devices and safety chains for wheels left exposed while the riders are other Vise engaged but none of these seems to prevent the thieves from making way -with the attractive vehicle Early Wasbehes Wfiiche were first caHed Nuremburg sleep flies ren our agitated eyelids j ggs 6ome of them were Jive and six dear to on our ayipeais reiraetory to J mcnes in aiameier as urge as tne our wishes wh st minenge assistance email sized cheap clocks now exhibited we derive from tii attentive reading of 4a store wJudows They wbtb first made JtiSMPg gJQT9 dev tooting article i la 144 I UNITED STATES SENATOR SHERMAN Ohio Statesman Chosen for Secretary of State in President McKinleys Cabinet Yfts It vw vfrcu WM mWi iUm Warn iMWi0PjmwWk Mm DOES AWAY WITH WAR The Arbitration Treaty Between Un cle Sam and Queen Vic The second week of the new year has gone down as one of the most eventful in the history of the United States sig nalizing the greatest stride of the century in the direction of the progress of civil ization By the treaty of arbitration to which Secretary of State Richard OIney and Sir Julian Pauncefote ambassador of Great Britain and Ireland to the Unit ed States placed their signatures war fare between this country and the king dom over which Queen Victoria holds sway is made virtually impossible An event of so happy a nature should be made the occasion of public rejoicing throughout the land and in Great Britain While this treaty has nothing to do with the settlement of the boundary Tlis pute between Great Britain and Venezue la it is really a result of the conferences which were held by the members of the commission which was appointed by Pres ident Cleveland in that connection with prominent members of the British Gov ernment It is in a measure experimental It is the first treaty of the kind which has ever been made between this country and any other and in fact is the first of the kind in the history of the world The manner in which it will work will be watched with the greatest interest by the civilized world Its importance in the line of progress cannot be overestimated The treaty which is for a term of five years provides for the arbitration of all questions in difference between the two contracting parties which have failed of solution by diplomatic negotiation All claims of a pecuniary nature amounting to less than 100000 500000 and which do not involve the determination of territorial claims are to be submitted to an arbitration commission of three mem bers one of them appointed by each of the parties to the treaty and the third to be elected by the two thus appointed or if they cannot agree in a manner provided The award of a majority of such commis sion shall be final All pecuniary claims which shall ex ceed 100000 500000 and all other matters in difference in respect to which either of the high contracting parties shall award made by less than the prescribed majority the award shall also be final unless either power within three months after the award has been reported pro test that the same is erroneous in which case the award shall be of no validity In such a case or when the members shall be equally divided there shall be no re course to hostile measures of any descrip tion until the mediation of one or more friendly powers has been invited by one or both of the high contracting parties Territorial claims include all other Haims involving questions of servitude rights of navigation and access fisheries and all rights and interests necessary to he control and enjoyment of the ory claimed by either of the parties of the treaty If in any case the nominated bodies designated to decide upon questions which do not involve territorial disputes shall fail to agree upon any umpire as provided in the treaty the umpire shall be appoint ed by the King of Norway and Sweden Either of the high contracting parties however may give notice to the other that by reason of material changes in constitutions as existing at the date of the treaty it is of the opinion that a sub stitute for his majesty shall be chosen The high contracting parties shall at once proceed to nominate a substitute for the King of Sweden and Norway and the same shall hold good in the event that he at any time desires that a substitute shall incapacity to serve ot any bitrator or umpire another arbitrator or umpire shall immediately be appointed in his place in the manner provided for the original appointment THEY CALL IT A MURDER Indiana Farmers in a Frenzy Over Brntal Acts of Gamekeepers Lake County Indiana has been greatly stirred by the shooting of four farmers by the gamekeepers of the Tolleston Gun Club In Hammond Whiting Tolleston and Crown Point the farmers gathered and threats were not only freely made against the men who were concerned in the shooting but against the property of the gun club as well Threats of organ izing to clean out the gamekeepers sack PRINC1PALS IN THE GREAT TREATY have rights against the other provided that such matters do not involve territo rial claims shall be dealt with and de cided by a commission of five members two of whom shall be appointed by each of the high contracting parties and the fifth in the same manner as in the commission first mentioned A controversy which shall involve the determination of the territorial claims shall be submitted to a tribunal consist ing of six members three of whom shall be judges of the Supreme Court of the United States or judges of the Circuit Courts to be named by the President of the United States and three of them judges of the British Supreme Court of Adjudicature or members of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council to be nominated by the Queen It is provided in this connection that in case the ques tion involves the territorial rights or boundary of one of the States of the United States or one of the provinces of Great Britain a judicial official of said State or province may be substituted for one of the judges The award of such a commission by a vote of not less than five to one shall be final In case of an the property and blow up the dam of the gun club were not infrequent On one point the farmers were agreed and that was that if there was to be any more shooting about the gun clubs grounds they would not be the only ones who were carried from the battlefield to the hos pitals Poaching on the club grounds had given its caretakers much trouble of late and seven gamekeepers well armed with shot guns and pistols were on duty when the fourteen young men members of the fam ilies of neighboring farmers invaded a duck swamp and prepared for a days sport The watchmen bore down on the boys in a body and hailing them from a considerable distance ordered them off the clubs grounds When the poachers did not comply the gamekeepers opened fire at three rods range and five young men fell to the marsh ice riddled with shot two mortally wounded The sheriff arrested Barney Whitlock the Blackburn brothers and Alfred Taylor and lodged them in jail You miserable davil where did yoo get the notion that yon iUe smart MASON IS YICTOKIQUS GETS SENATORIAL TOGA FROM ILLINOIS Wins After a Short hut Stern Contest Nominated by Acclamation After Other Candidates Had Withdrawn Sketch of His Career Will Succeed Palmer William Ernest Mason ex-Congressman of Chicago was nominated by ac clamation the Republican Senatorial caucus at Springfield 111 Tuesday night to succeed John M Palmer The fight was comparatively short but it was des perate Martin B Madden an alderman from Chicago was the first man to show formidable strength and he was backed by the party organization of Cook County Outside influences however were so strong that his nomination was impossi ble The press of both Chicago and the State opposed him bitterly and almost unanimously advocated the cause of Mr WIILTAM ERNEST MA SOX Mason The forces back of Mr Madden then sought to have him withdraw in fa vor of William Lorimer a Congressman from Chicago Instead Mr Madden withdrew in favor of Mr Mason Cook Countys strength was concentrated upon T Mr Lorimer but the country legislators favored Mr Mason largely though a few supported Congressman Hitt S W Aller ton Congressman Uopkins Clark E Caxr and others By Tuesday afternoon however it be came apparent to the Lorimer forces that there was soon to be a wholesale j pede from the country districts to Ma- sons banner and they discreetly surren dered There were the usual scenes of en- thusiasm when this action became known i and Mr Masons nomination was made by acclamation lie was brought in to make a speech but contented himself with a few remarks of thanks and then the defeated candidates were called upon Congratulatory telegrams soon began to President elect McKinley Mr Mason was surrounded by a crowd of enthusias tic friends and the scene was inspiriting in the highest degree The name of Billy Mason is well be appointed In the case of the death i iwu Sou me lengrn ana oreaatn absence or ot the Sucker State and almost equally as well all over the country He enjoys the recognized distinction of being the champion campaigner of Illinois During the past eight years he in all probability has addressed more people in Illinois than any other man during that time It is said that the German Emperor is very careful about what he eats and drinks M Nobel the inventor of dvnamite B who has just died was a singularly gen tle and mild mannered man Gen Boulanger is to become a stage hero in Paris in a political drama entitled A la Vie A la Mort The Princess of Wales is a great lover of dogs and at the last dog show carried off an armful of prizes In the course of two days shooting at Buckeburg recently the German Emperor killed twenty nine stags Rossinis original manuscript of Will iam Tell bound in four volumes was sold for 4700 francs recently in Paris Cardinal Gibbons is a believer in the Kneipp cure and frequently proved his faith last summer by taking early morn ing walks barefooted The widow of Calliar Bey formerly Mrs P T Barnum expects to return to her former home in Bridgeport Conn and take up her residence there again Mr Trentanove the sculptor is on his way to this country from Florence with the finished bust of Tames G Blaine which he modeled in Washington last win ter Surprise is expressed in England that the estate of the late archbishop of Can terbury is only 230000 His salary which he had enjoyed for several years was 75000 A son of the Duke of Cambridge sign ing himself G Fitzgeorge contributed the amount of 5 to the Daily Telegraphs fund for the Bayard present which has come to naught It is usually dawn before the sultan goes to bed and at S oclock he is stirring again He has no confidence in those around him and his life appears to be worth hardly a days purchase During his entire career Stradivarius made from 0000 to 7000 violins Few of rhese were sold for more than 25 during his life Now some of them com mand 10000 each The woman tennis champion of New Zealand has but one hand and that is the left one but she can serve a ball that is exceedingly difficult to return Canon Fleming of St Michaels Church London has had a large tele phone transmitter placed in his pulpit so that his sermons may be heard in a num ber of hospitals and other institutions Emperor William is probably the only European monarch who carries a revol ver Firmly convinced that he is going to die by the bullet of an anarchist he is determined to fight for his life if nec essary tfjwaswUwrtLBfflMif JACKETS OR NO JACKETS This la Not a Fashion Article but Tntercatinjr to Womankind It is rarely in this that pofi toes are boiled before they are peeled or in the old fashioned way of express ing it in their jackets and yet in Ireland the very headquarters of this vegetable such a thing is scarcely known as pre peeling them Those who have never tried tlieui in this way are advised to do so some day when they can make sure they are Drought to the table the moment they are done and not allowed to stand any length of time before they are eaten Select those of equal size allow them after washing and scrubbing thoroughly to stand covered with cold water for half an hour then throw into plenty of boiling water and after boiling twenty min utes prick to the heart with a two pronged fork if not soft cook a little longer drain sprinkle with salt return to the range and when the saucepan is hot toss them to allow the salt to shake evenly through and to dry well place in a warm napkin on a red hot plate and serve with good sweet but ter The flavor of the snowy fleecy morsels taken from the jackets and buttered as they are iaten will be found to be much better than if peeled before boiling indeed epicures declare they can detect tho difference at once and as the most nutritions part of a po tato is next to the skin none of this is lost Potatoes in their jackets make a suit able adjunct to oj sters baked aud served in the shell Wash and scib the oysters put them in a large baking pan in a hot oven and in five minutes or less they will begin to open anil must be sent to the table at once six apiece1 on hot plates It is well to have a small red doiley at each plate with which to grasp the oyster while open ing Grilled sardines are also particu larly good with these same potatoes they are very savory yet easily pre pared Grilling is merely another name tor broiling and unless one possesses a perforated broiler not expensive how ever shaped like a wallle iron which comes on purpose to cook articles that would slip through the ordinary grid iron or broiler they may be cooked easily quickly and satisfactorily by proceeding as follows Make the frying pan or chafing dish sizzling hot drop in a teaspoonful of sweet butter or use the oil in which the sardines are pack ed as preferred The pan must be kept very hot when the fish will brown al most instantly on one side then turn ed browned on the other and they are ready to be served on toasted crackers or squares of toast softened with bouill ion The butcher will supply marrow bones on purpose for grilling and they too fit in excellently with potatoes in pour in upon the successful candidate and j their jackets as would scallops done none was more welcome than that from to a colden brown in boilinsr olive oil fried shrimps roasted crabs and the like People who have an open grate with a glowing fire of hard coal possess the means with the addition of a chafing dish that make possible the most say- i ory suppers imaginable and may de light their friends by novel invitations to sup with the words potatoes in their jackets added instead of danc ing cards or what not No Idea of Music Colonel Burr of Virginia was a mighty fox hunter and loved the sport beyond wTords He owned a fine pack of hounds and during the season thought of nothing but his hunters his dogs and the weather He was once entertaining an army friend from Tex as whose ideas of hunting any animal involved the use of fire arms and who had never seen a fox hound He had been with difficulty persuaded to go forth one morning with the colonel and some friends to a meet and they were waiting impatiently for the hounds to take the scent Presently there burst upon their listening ears the din of thir ty canine voices in full cry The col onels eyes gleamed and as he settled Ins feet in the stirrups and stretched Iris arm toward the yelping pack hev cried Major listen to tliat heavenly music The major pricked up his ears for a second or two and then re plied I cant hear a thing Those dogs are making such a noise The colonel put his spur savagely Into his horses side and dashed away leav ing his guest to his own devices For Advertising Purposes Experiments have lately been maae in Switzerland with a view to putting the beautiful lakes of that country to some practical account Hitherto these waters have been ad- v mired merely because of their natural beauty but now some enterprising business men have devised a scheme by which they may be made useful for advertising purposes The plan is to paint the words of the advertisement in big white letters on a black background When sunk and securely held at the bottom of the lake the advertisement is perfectly legible the reflection of the light on passing through the water bringing the words near the surface It is announced that hitherto the ex periments that have been made have been very successful Slept a Year In Blanchets curious book Comptes Rendu mention is made of a girl who at the age of 18 had a peculiar spell which the physicians pronounc ed constitutional lethargic slumber which lasted for forty days Again at the age of 20 she slept for fifty days Her last recorded long aleep lasted almost a year from April 20 1862 un til March 1863 A lobsters skin when shedding splits down the back and come3 off In two equal parts The tail slips out of the shell like a finger out of a glove 4L 4c