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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1897)
V fet i J 4 v J A i r f if N - THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT VOL XII THIS AND THAT Cemitia Eventa Farmers Institute Jan 30 Groundhog Day Feb i School House Bond Election Feb 5 Hi Valontines Day Feb 14 A O V W Supper Feb 22 Washingtons Blrthday Feb 22 School bond electioa February 5 B O Goodrich of Cody waB in town Saturday John Steinbrecher was down from Ripley Monday 8aiurday night Frank Zerung of Norden ws on our streets last Friday Joseph McCloud of Simeon was town Monday on business Hans of Georgia was town on business last Friday The brick work on the ndianschool buildings is about completed A vote for school bonds is vote give employment to home labor Wanted Fresh milch cow bnce Enquire at The Dohoher Tas Rav is once more able to at be around Uwn without assistance L Geldfaammer of Rushville regis tered at the City Hotel Saturday R T Fauver of south of Wood Lake was in town Monday night David McConaha was up from Brown county ou business Tuesday John Brown came over from the agency Tuesday and will return today C E Glover spent last week in Aurora Lincoln and -other eastern cities E W Blakey sheriff f Falls River -county South DaKota Maras in town Tuesday t Dr J J Evans has been laid up for several days with a severe attack of neuralgia The Presbyterian church at Gordon was formally dedicated one week - ago ilast Sunday - t - Detmtv Sheriff Henry Razey was in Nenzel ind vicinity Tuesday on official business Maggie Herring who has been ill of typhoid fever at Rev Moores is im provingrapidiy John Neiss and U OBryan were over from the reservation several days during the last week Mrs John Keif of southof Arabia has been quite ill but is now -en thd high road to recovery R F McCauiey of Fort Niobrara is staying in this week having having some dental work done A home talent minstrel show was given by some of the boys at Fort Niobrara Tuesday night Rev J M Bates stopped off -here yesterday while on his way home to Longpiue from Crawford Lew A Webb of Norden was in town Tnesdav He will travel for a grocery house in the future Geo H Hornby has commenced building a new dwelling house on the site of the old M E church Mrs Jas Finnegan of Chadronand her sister Mrs Skinner of Terry -are expected here in the morning The citizens of Brown county -are organizing for an immense grand round up wolf hunt on Feb 22 Will all the gentlemen who said we were going to have an open winter please stand up and be counted Rev Jas F Cross and little daugh ter returned from Ohio Tuesday and went over to Rosebud on the stage Rev J C Sloan of Alliance is in town and will preach at the Presby terian church tomorrow Friday even ing F Fischer and Stetter Bros filled their ice houses with crystallized aqua pura from Lake iinnechaduza this week dD S Efner who has been on the aick list for the last week or two is meandering around the streets once mre Miss Fannie Clark of Ainsworth -assisting Cora Giileito in the is dress- making department 2 her roilHRcry Sam Parry has recovered from his recent illneL s sufficiently to return to his home m the river and will soon be as well as usual Miss Wren Donoher returned feom her visit to Chadron yesterday morn ing and the Donoher oflBce ha re gained its cheerful look - Ta8 Wellford resigned his position as driver on the iicscbud stage and F C Thompson commenced work in his place Saturday morning Alvin Thayer was down from Gor C II Cornell returned from Chicago dan gamay as a witness for contest- in in to ant in the contest case of Beamer vs Jorgensen He returned home day Next Tuesday is ground hog day and the sporting editor of this highly moral newspaper is betting barrels of ducats that the beast will see his shadow County Clerk Elliott has received a certificate from the secretary of state shewing hat 3100J acres of land were added to the Cherry county tax list during the past year From Tuesdays papers we learn that Mrs Mary J Donoher has at last been granted a pension This will be good news to her many friends here at Gordon and elsewhere Born To Mr and Mrs Win Ack ley of Thacher Friday morning January 22 a ten pound boy Dr W D Donoher officiating All parties concerned are doing well County Treasurer Crabb went to Lincoln Monday morning to make his annual settlement with the state editor He will probably Omaha fend other places while sgoue It is authentically reported that in the thermometer registered 25 degrees be low zero Monday while on the outside it was only 16 degrees below John G Maher of Chadron haB been appointed as a colonel on Govern or Holcombs staff Johnny will bear iaionorswithdignUyaud graceand yore Sheriff Strong went to Omdha Sun day andlast night returned with Den Collins one of the men whoibroke jail here about a year ago Coliins is wan ted for -stealing harness from Capt Archer Geo McMillan who came from CrippleCreek Colo to act as foreman of the brick construction at the Indian schools returned to his home in Wil mington Ohio Tuesday bis labors here being completed Uncle Sams weather bureau is a very useful and generally reliably ad junct of the government but the Chicago man has made several bad breaks iately However we will for give him on account of his past truth fulness One of the queer things to be seen around town is the sigu of McKinley Club Headquarters in letters a foot aud a half high stretched over the entrance-to the county court room The judge it will be remembered is a Bryan demociat Owingto the inclement weather of last Saturday the farmers meeting 1 which was to have been held was post poned to Saturday January 30 when a large attendance is expected Turn out everybody and keep the good work moving on Col W W Thompson slipped ami fell on the sidewalk Tuesday night while on his way home from K of P lodge injuring his left wrist and severely straining back Though confined to his bed his in j dries are not considered serious Dr C E McChesney Iudian agent and Maj J Geo Wright U S Indian inspector came over from the agency Tuesday and left on yesterday mornings passenger Maj -Wright being bound for Fort Hall Idaho and Dr McChesney for Wash ington D C Those who are working for school house bonds are doing so becanse they know that a substantial warm well ventilated and well lighted school house is needed Two thirds of all those who oppose the bonds concede thict wo need a aew buildinz vet thev don t eeem willing to try to get what they stfmit weougbt to har Publiskefor Jftmr Years as CHERRY COUNTY5 INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY OCX NEBRASKA THURSDAY JANUARY 28 1897 Wanted A ttehool Hawe Editor of The Democrat A boDd of 10000 at 6 pel ent will require 600 annually to pay the in terest and would require a levy of five mills It would also requires levy of four mills for the sinking fund thus making a total 9 mills necessary to be levied for both principal and inter est providing ia sinking fund is created from the start -and providing there should be no increase in the amount of taxable property n the district during the twenty year s the bonds would run It is not necessary to create a sink ing fund from the start and the amount of taxable property will sure ly increase The taxable property -of the district 315 Store bldnj 350 100 240 US 175 900 360 il0 200 189 2 ID GO 144 i0 1WU 560 210 1 32 120 very oppresr sivels 7 Every laboring man in town that wants work will get it and many of them will earrl as much in a week as their whole bond tax will amount to in the twenty years The building will undoubtedly be built of stone and at -least 7000 will be paid to vhB laboring ud busjnessmen of our town The merchants of out town wilbin tne nd get practically all of this 7000 ThV profit on the goods sold for this amount of money will be more than the mer chants of the town will pay on the bonds in the twenty years If we get the new school house we will save 400 a year in rent and repairs The building of a new school house is cer tainly the proper thing to do from a business standpoint to say nothing about the health and comfort of the children of our town New School House Death of H Ct -Barnes The news of the death of Samue1 G Barnes at Wood Lake last Friday was a sad -shock to his many friends here though it was not entirely unexpected he having been ill for over a year The funeral was held at Ainsworth Sunday morning under the auspices of the Odd Fellows and Masonic lodges services being held in the ME -church R6V C F Smith of Stuart preached thef uneral sermon to a large concourse of friends 15of whom came from Val entine and 23 from Wood Lake rThose who attended the funeral from here were M H Hopkins W W Thompson G H Hornby John Neiss AlexCharbonrreau W T Kin- caid brother Masons and Frank Bray iton J H Yeast F M Walcott Robt Robinson G H Q Smith E J Dav enport D H Thurston A H Fergu son and J A Hitt Odd Fellows This part was given aone and one third fare rate by the railroad company and returned on the Evening freight Samuel G Barnes was born at Ev ans Erie county N Y May IS 1836 and died at Wood Lake January 22 1897 aged 0 years 8 months 7 days Dpceased was married to Elizabeth Rosebud I Biggart December 16 1853 -at delphia In 1870 the couple moved to Dayton Ohio and in 1882 came west locating in Brown county where they remained until 1888 when they came to Wood Lake which place has been their home ever since Mr Barnes was a consistent member of the Evan gelical Lutheran church Wood Lake Lodge No 205 A F A M E D Fancher Post No 259 G A R Johns town Nebr and Valentine Lodge fco 205 1 0 O F He enlisted in the late war as a private in Co F 21st Reg O V I Aug 1861 re enlisted in ApriK 1864 and was discharged at Philadel phia Nov 21 1865 having attaiued the rank of seargeant under Capt J P Reynolds His wife and two children C A Barnes and hirz U G Steven Son eurviyo hiin he school rooms were so cold this weak that many of the scholars were compelled to wear their wraps and overshoes while studying 183 Bertha Childe is now located in A T Whites bouse on Cherry street and will remain here for several months doing the duties of a deacon ess in the Episcopal church holding services every Sunday night when Rev Bates is not present E E Moberly senior member of the firm of E E Moberly Co of Chicago was in town the first of the week se curing needed information in regard -to the aesoant character etc of the subplies which will be issued to- the has nre than doubled during the past liindiatjs thi3 spring with a view -to v nine years The larger pare or tne iny crease has been during the last six years at a time when we have had three crop failures and the worst financial panic the country has ever seen We believe it reasonable to pre sume that the taxable property of this district will more than double during the next twenty years If so it would make an average assessed valuation of very near 190000 Then it would re- quire an aveiage levy of about six mills to raise the principaland interest A five mill levy could be made during the first ten years and a larger one if necessary during the last ten NAMR rROiKRTV VALUATION TAX W K Haley Kesldence 2 gj35 u G Dunn Fred Milter K McDonald M ChJisteusen Clias Maxwell A Lewis W T Hullis Kobt Eobinson K J Davenport u J M Carpenter PWCi awson Barber rest 8myser Vincent Barn This does not look so nrn - no - 20 l2U securing the contract for furnishing same He is a nephew of the com missioner of Indian affairs and is a very pleasant gentleman in conversa tibn To the ChriNlinn Homo Tuesday morning Rev O T Moore went to Council Bluffs with Mrs Henry Nearpass and children leaving the latter at the Christian Home in in that place while the mother went on to Missouri Valley where sho has relatives The boy and girl are about 8 and 6 years old respectively and compared to what they were compelled to endure here life at the Home will be paradise Rev O T Moore will visit relatives in University Place Lincoln before returning home tomorrow Williamson Towne At the residence of the brides par entson Cherry street je3terday after- noon at 4 oclock John M s ana ieiia u J owne were Williamson ioined in hoMv matrimony Rev Saml Holsclaw officiating The bride is a daughter of County Judge W R Towno and the groom is a sergeant in one of the com panies of Uncle Sams infantry sta tioned at Fort Niobrara The cere mony and subsequent dinner was par- ticinated in by a few of the intimate tneir School Funds County Treasurer Crabb last week received 851 89 from the state treas urer as Cherry countys share of the school moneys up to December 30 1896 This amount together with 132 received from fines imposed in this county has been apportioned among the various districts as follows DT8 AMT DIS AM DI8 AMT DIS AMT 1 S1S9 05 19 18 39 3G 17 23 58 815 50 2 24 15 0 17 81 33 10 32 53 15 50 3 137 21 13 77 89 14 35 61 17 23 4 15 50 22 20G8 42 6 8C C5 19 89 B 18 96 24 13 77 45 13 20 67 13 20 G 8 59 25 16 08 47 20 69 70 29 45 7 2819 27 16 08 48 14 93 71 9 16 8 12 05 28 16 08 49 18 96 74 22 42 10 1839 30 3453 50 1320 75 916 12 14 93 31 18 39 52 14 93 80 12 62 13 916 32 25 88 53 1C66 81 9 73 16 18 96 33 916 55 9 74 82 14 93 17 1147 34 17 23 56 18 33 83 9 74 IS 12 3 The Waehlpl lub A dancing club bus been organized among society folks of Valentine with the ahove name Dr C A Wells T C Hornby and C H Cornell being the promotre8 The first dance under the auspices of the club will be given to morrow evening and thereafter on the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month These dates will not conflict with any of the lodges The name of the club is Indian for dan cing and the pronunciation is easy It Is not pronounced WachipZe nor Wacitppie but as if twere spelled with the accent on the second syllable The club dances will commence at 830 prompt and end at 12 p m without supper unless you want it A Difficult Operation Saturday Aug Weltke of Wood Lake was brought to Valentine to be treated for appendicitis and Sunday an operation was performed upon the man by Drs Dwyer and Donoher assisted by Dr C A Wells The operation was exceeding difficult a calculus or stony formation having odged at the mouth of the vermiform appendix and worked clear through the stomach This obstruction togeth er with the diseased appendix were re moved and at present writing the pa tient is improving rapidly This oper ation is one that under the most favor aole circumstances even is attended with great danger and in the present case the success of tho operation speaks volumes for the ekill of out local eurgeoos NO i THE BEST As well as the Cheapest of ev erything in the Grocery Drf Goods Boot or Shoe Hat or Cap line can always be had of Davenport Thacher Good Goods Fair Treatment Low Prices are a few of the ckaracterists of our store New Goods are constantly arriving DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best plaee in town to buy fre3h fruits and vegetables is at Pettycrews DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best place in town to buy gro ceries and confectionery is at Pettyerews DIDNT YOU KNOW friends of- the contracting parties and ffl Jtl9t TOO SfclO innnlullaffliiH home at Foit Niobrara Where we are - flOB That the highest price for butter aud egg3 is always paid at Petty crews If you didnt try him and you wiH Who we are CITY DRUG STORE JH QUJGLEY PROP DEALER IN TOILET SUNDRIES MAIN STREET VALENTINE - NEBRASKA HE HAS TO GO LADIES 16 -GOLD -16 WATCH O W MOREY JEWELER And in that respect he is like our line of TOYS DOLLS FANCY GOODS ETC ETC Out of the immense stock we carried before Christmas there are a number of choice articles left arilbthey must go though prices havev to be reduced to cost Ev erythin is up-to-date Come in and see Some excellent bargains in toilet goods Another thing worth noting is the fact that we carry a full line of drugs and proprietary medicines and yon need not TRY AN EXPERIMENT When you wish to get rid of that simple ailment of yours A complete line of all the standard remedies constantly on hand It is a matter of pride as well as bus iness with us to always have what you want WW C R WATSON - THE ELKHORN RAILROAD Itfbrth Western Line is to best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD NORTH ASKJL if