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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1907)
. , ( U5IfR COUNJ' ( RtPU8UCAN - ' - - - I Dy D. M. AMSaERRV , I ! BROKEN now , - . NEDR.ABIc.A. - . Gonitis has thu'hIl \ m oC ago In 118 10util. Poaca h ta ilcr ; : l i rfiJII 110 Icss tbnn 'War-nml Lhcn thoro's footbllli. U\lIoonlll : l tS OIlU thrlTIlng ) ) hnHC. Thera are no sliced ordlllnnces to bo 'Vlolaled. wm thll ci ujlo ; " 'Iio ' . .oro mnrricll In lho\O 1':1'10 : lighthouse do lIShtho-Jlo , sa ' It ) 'otll'solt. ' 1'ho hriv , a ) ' , l'IIC1'OUS aud light. heartCl1 11Oal' the aLrolccH IIr faLo with cQlIIU1hnIL ) ' a 11I1 IlldomHnhlo courago. It Is Il1'olJillj y 'I on - ro"t.rllo that till 80ldl0l's muko fightcl's or IJO 's limn It Is thnt 'J'cdd ' hcnrs mul\O growlel'H ot 111'19 , The cln li at jirt 1 ( m cnuso hal < t. IItartod h ' doctor who neBS WOf' : ) some 'Wali lrylng t1 > maleo trol1hlo for 1I1g Jnntllad ) ' . I A 'Harl ) Ilrofe 1 i. fll8 aversion to worl < IR reullY Illness. Here Is where nn huleflnlto Is going to bo nstteH. An nasoclatlon hM huen orgMlze In Now York to Imlld ulrahlps. Dut notwl1hstnnd1ng Its objecL , It wUl not use Inflated cnpltal. Dalloon travel Is rrtphll ) ' bceomlns mora BU1'O mu ) clentlfic. Wo mny nIl I I l1y yet , O\'en If soma of liB never got a chance to wear wings. Jinrthb' : fnme , weulUl nnd- glory are as evnncscent 3S the cI1I'dinai rU ) " or the : setting slIn Lhnt drops Into dark. est atorms nnd etornnl night. A swnnll of Mc lit. on n Phllndel- phla potlccman. The fuct. lhut. one JOBn wol.o liP mudo n nlco lIttle picco or news for U10 10cl\I palJOrs. DlogcneR wus not IIko n. modern muck.raltC" or invostlgator. Ho dM . not. go orolllld looltlng for dlnhonest . . Ho knew It waR a1\\'n's th01'O. . Sevornl men have been convicted n11tl sent to prison in Now York for sWilling olectric1t ' . ' 1'hln naturnlly comes under Lho hend of shocking crlmcs. They nro putting monttOys In jail. In New Jersoy. Thin looks as lhoug : , the law of thut atnto wns mnldn , ] 10n.humnn cUorts to gottlng Itself I cnforced. i l\tarconl has hanlessetl Ulnt nlr , but wholhel' ho can drive It us ho plea5Cs remains to bo seon. 110 is , however , ono of UIO dreamers that Doyle O'Reilly suys lIve forover. The body Is qulcltly hmled and lost Sn the dust at centut'ios , b\1t the spirit of thought , lbnt moves \1S every nlo , mcnt for gOOll or 111 , hns Immortal Uncage amI cnnnot bo tlcstl'O'od. A wlelmll consclenco Is the most dovillsh companion thnt mortata can ha..t'1)or , for OVOll In the 8ucceas of its villainy It is tortured with uncortaln. ty , nnxlct ) . , drcnd and Iltutonlc ra. morao. . , ' 1'ho womon's lIterary clubs o ( l\lIehl. eM bavo startetl n no\'ol contoat us to , vblch club shall add the most chll. dren to the stnto'o pOllUlation next , yenr. Race aulcldo will have to take the count , A Wisconsin court has decided that 8 clgaretto with n tobacco wrapper Is not n clgaretto , and does not vlolato the nntl.clgarotlo law. 'fhls Is an easy road to IIborty. 'fho tobacco wrappers arc bettor lhan the 111le I' ones , an ) ' , w ny. ny.Now Now a vessel Is to bo built to out. cass the Lusltanlu. . Porhnls In U10 fu. turo seagoing vessels ot any Idnd will bo dlspcns"ml with entlrcly und speed. ookors will bo simply hurled ncross the ocenn through pnoumatlo lubca nt tclegrnphlc veloclt ) . . Ensllsh experts who have boon In. vcstlguUng report thnt Lho gold BUn to bo dug out ot the mlnos In the Rand dlslrlct of SO\1th Africa may bo estimated at $ GOOOOOOOOOOOO. With that much gold In clrculntlon lhe world would have Cunntlt ) ' as woli ns quality. Drazll , distinguished 111 the merry corned ) ' , "Chal'lo"s Aunt , " ns thence ] nco "whoro the nuls como tram , " Is alGO distinguished ns 11 plnco whore Idens srow. 'fhlrLy Brnzlllnn mor. chants nnd profosslonal men 111'0 visit. Ing this country , In obedlonco to the advice which Secretnr ) ' Root cnVo to aU the Americas to "get 11cqunlnted. " Mrs , Russell Sngo , hnvlng ] atoly learned ttmt n dpbt ot $2,000 , can. tracted by her tathor In 1844 , bud never been paid , has Corwardell a check for the nmount to the heirs ot the creditor. It she bud Ilaid interest on the sum for the 63 yenrs U10 cheek would have been huger , but probnbly ttlO holrs nro thnnktul to got the prlncllal. When a mnn hIlS done his work shall he stop nnd pIny ? RoDr. . Scot ! ot Worcester , Mass. , who has roslgnelJ trom his pulpit after 30 ) 'el\r8 oC 8Orvlco In order to IJovoto hhnsolt to golt , tlllnits ho has ol1nled thlll play. tlmo , and ho doubtlcss hl\s. The trouble Is that when a mUll worlm for :10 years without giving any time to plcusuro ho commonly does not know how to play. A duo amount ot diversion - sion at Intuvuls along tlU ) n atl 10 UIO sater nnd more satisfactory plan. It 'V9uld tend to postpone the ay when a mlln must retire trom acth'o work. ' . , . " . " p The State Capital Mattcrs of Ocncralln'crcRt , , ' . _ . . . . . . tr.2c"1I ! : ; rROM L- = = = Ncbr skn's Scat of Oo\'crnmcnt . . . IJ - Appropriation May Lapse. 'rho ' 9riOO npIH'oprlatcd lIy Iho late Ic/Ialaturo / lot' hullillng Il hrlcle 11I1dl. tlon to the hospItal I\t the Sohllt'rs' hOlllo nt Orand Mallil III 1II1blo to 1\11:10 : hnek Into the Htnto t\'IlRur ' . 'rho state 1I0nrd of 1'lIhll < : Lands and Buildings II ! IIOt gulng to IIInlw : UI ' more hnpro\'cml1ut.'J n ( . the homo u:1tll : the tltlo to the prolorty IH Culeted } In the state. The hl1 IIro\'lrlea thnt this npprolH'iuton ! shal hocmno uvalJublo (111) ' IlCter the tltlo la vcuted In the stute. When the homt made an effort I to get the tangle titrnlghtonert out Rome of the orbln.111 ; fllgnerR I'cfused I to nl6n the doe < 1 ulltli thuy hnd heon I I paid $2,000. 'rhlu the board had no I authori ' to pa ) ' . AttorJIoy Oenoral 'fhomllflon : then hrought mllt to quiet title III the state. Should the uiato 1060 t110 milt. then tll board will not muleo nny mora furmancnt Improve. menta. Should the stntu win the sull. t11cro will be nothing to prevent the legislature trom removing the hOI11 to Mlllord should It desire. lIerotoforo It h"u hoon the cuatom ror the ndherents ot Grand IHland to urge that it wm : provided In the dc 1 thnt the homo ahould not bo removed from the Hall county town. Inasmuch as the orders of the hOIlI'cl have hecn dl obeyed I1t Orand Islancl I1nd the bonrd has lln ( ] consldorablo trouble managing the home , tho1'o Is a dls position on the part ot the individual membcrn to assist 1n nny mO\'Cl11ont tontIlng to move the homo to 1IIIIfOl' < I. CIi1rke to H.ave a Hcarlng. ] fm'lson Clnrlc will have a hoarlng betoro Governol' Sheldon December 9 , at which lImu the chlot mlOcuUvo wJ11 decldo whuthcr he Is entitled (0 a commutation of f'Olitonco. ; 110 renews the charge made after his trln ] In Omnha that his law'ers were Relected for him 11) ' Judge Sutton ot Douglas county In the fnco ot a request tt r : , hun his own coumml and that the ILt , tornoyn conButtod him but once pre. vlous to trial und that In ofr ( ct hs ! cnso WtiR "railroaded" Ulrough the trial ( : ourt. Ho aulu ; the govorn1Jr to cont1nulo Jlla clonUl ucntellco , to one for IIfc . or "If OIJ rondlS ! , ; the record , the governor shaH oonc111110 that l o Is no moro g\lllt . tbun CnUI1'lght , al. ready aontenccd to fUtccn yeul. " to mnke the term of the sarno 10ngth. A letter containing his request wns received h ) Gornur sheldon , who , on reading IL , Oxed Decomhel' ! ) as the Umo tor lhet ring. 'rhe clato of execution tll18 nJrcully been fixed hy ( be 8upI'omo CQurt nt Decembcl' ] 3. Law Reaches Farmers Too. A cltlzcn of Dralnl1rd complaIns tbat ho bought two dozen egg's from a farmer tor which he Il1llct the high. cst warlet price for frcsh eggs nnd tbnt out at the two dozen only seven were fit for \1RO. 'fho theory nd vlwecd is that the fnrmers pnclt theh egga cnrler ! In lho flensqn , holding lhem for the higher prlte , nnd then market them at the highest price without reference to tllelr condition. When oyhlence can bo obtained b ) ' the rood conllnlHsloucr that II : definite nnd certain as to this bad. egg \-heut prosecution wilt ho l11stILUtol ugalnst farmcI'S os well as G'l'oceJ'ymen nnd others who s01l had egga. 'fho tom. missioner hold ! > that the farmers wlto porslstent ! ) ' aell hnd eggs , bad cream and low b'l'ado mlllt to the townspeople - plo a1'O deservin the lIenal tieR pro- villod 'In the p\lJ'O teed law nnll there will bo 110 10uI0l\0) shown to the sel. ler bccau30 he Is n furmor. - Governor Endorses President's Ideas. 'iprealdent Hoosovelt Is Intensely In. tcrostct1 In Rnvlng U10 naturat re. t."Ources of the country , " snld Gover- itor Sheldon , In dl cusslng hl6 Invlta , tlon lo meet tllo president and oLher govomors in Wn&hlngton next May to discuss the quesLlon of the salvu" . tlon of the cO\1ntr"s rosourceS' . "I10 la going to. do nil ho can to get the most good out of the rlvors nnd ut ! . the sarno time protect lito forests. I. may bo able to ullond Lho meeLlng , hough I bullevo the conb'ressmen Imow Uta wlahos of the people about as well as the govcrnorlJ' nnd could get along , 'cry well without suggcstons : from the governors. " Pac.keNl nnd the Food Lnw. TI10 cnse ngnlnst Armour & Co. for not branding theIr meat pac1mges hnR been conth1tl9d by County Attorne ) ' T'IToll to Dcccmhor 10. I'll eonn c' tlon viltb 1I11s case L , W. McCandle8s ot Chicago , nttorney { or Armour & Co. , writes the food commissioner thnt 110 Is endenvorln ! ; to have the pac1tcrs como to an agreement whorc. by they will comp ) : . ' with the Inw In which cuso the pendln ! ; sulta will plolmbly bo dlstJJttsed. ! To Get Guard In f .hape. Adjutunt Gorenal Schwarz hns 1'0 coJ\'Qd nn ardor trom UIO war deparL. ment showing the rules applyhg to tbe organization of the National OunrIJ to bo ertcctlvo JanuIlI' ' I ) , 1908. The ndjutnnt gencI'al Is urged , It his guard Is ; "ot already orgnnzed : along the linea indlcntcd , to secure such logls , Intlan us will bu nocesamry to meet the rcqulromcnla. With the exception of a few detnlls , .thu guurd is now organized - ganized nlone the lines Dot out. nnd prders wl1 bo iSSUQd to meet demunda or the departmont. Olg Money In Alfalfa. "Ihlllning wlil ovC'r the mark or $11 , . : OOOOO , tllo , 'uillo o ( the nUnlfa 1'aIHl'd In 1907 sl1l1\\/4 IIl'OUy conelu. slvely that the 1'111'1111'1 : ot Nohmalm are fully nwnlw to the imllurtlmco fit this. KrPoat. "rosJltcr crop , " onltl Labor. : c' inrnl ( o t .ir Hydor. "Tho fb'lJre9 on the "t.'lto IUOIlllcton ! of nUnlfn lll1v" , JUHt heen cOlnllletlHl , uud glvo n total Jlrcluctlon ( or liriO,7GU ton6. FI l\r tl al n very conllervtlth'o'alunllon , thlf ; 16 worlh $ l1GOfi,072. , } 'ho tutnl .nereltga ' ' H. ' : OI)011.e ! } " afJ 4 , t 92lncl the n\'m'ngu yIeld Is 3.lll tonS' JWI' nm'c , which fiJi' , ll3'dcr In. 18ts Is UWIW within the fllcta , nud re. from ' bUill' out his Iorb ) oth\JI' \ sCJnrcul'I jm1gmcnt. . Dawsoll CJountr lculs In neronge , . wllh 27,3113 , hut Buffalo Is In the 10n(1 ( 011 llroclucLlon , wlLh lIa,810 tOIlR , whUo Dawson totnls 0:1,132. : Huffnlo' ! : nerc. ago II ! 26,803. ' 1'1101'0 1I'0 four t'.oun , tiel ! rOl1orllng an ncrmgo 9r over 20- GOO , ton counties l'cllOl'l UI1 aet'ence or from 10,000 to 17,000. Only six coun. tier. nre jlvcn 11 millo of less t h:1.I 1O:000 : : fo'r the l'OlI. _ Truot Must Obey Ltw. ' 1'ho n.lleged cl'llcltor trullt ( oulld a:1 : eloquent advocate In thu Ileroon oi United states Scnator A , J. lIopld116 ot IIlnols. : In cOlllll11ny with At. lornoy Jj. lInbsl or Now Yor ] < ho en-lied on GO"ul1\or Sheldon fUld nslwd that the Natlonnl BIscuit com , llI1ny Iw relievel flUtn.lho , burden t , Illaclng not weight hands on ) Iael , . ageR , nahat IH thu Now Yorle nt. . torney who cord lull ) ' Invited Food Commissioner .Johnson to come to Chicago to 'tail , mnttlrH over , the cracker concern to IIaY nIl expenseD. Johnson refusoll und gave Dabst's let , leI' to the neWS1JallOrs. Bnbat , I'cln. forced by Senator 1I011ldns , pleaded with Sheldon to set usldo the pro' vlalona at the Jlure teed la.w. Shol < 10n declared that ho must entorce the statutes nnd the craclwr concC11J must obey the In01' su1rcr the couso. cluenccs. Ro&dc Report on Traffic. 'fho rallroud commlaslon has om. plied the aggregate hualnoss of the ralll'oads of the state for August from. reports thut'Jlun-e , ' hCn suhmltted , to" them. 'fhe Lotal state nml Interstate frelgllt huslness for August wns $ GOO- ; 000 moro than In .July , and the total reculpts tOJ' passenger' buslncsS' , both from stnto mlll Interstate tlclwt sates , wns over $100,000 moro for the mlil. nummer monUI. )1'lgures fot. utate huslneZ's uro as fol. tows : Juh' . AUg'ust. , ] , 'I' lghl I'ccol\'o . $ Gr k866.10 $ ! l38.123.2 I.'rt. torwnrded. . . r.8R.7227ri 880.401,94 l'ldtot HaleH. . . . . . 430.0 : : : : GG 4G3..18 .fJ Flgllres ror InterstaLo business are : , Tul ) ' . AUg'UIIL I 'I't , rooolved. . . $411.327.39 $1234,139.60 1 'I't. torwarded. fl3t.r81.00 ; 1,312935.28 ' ! 'Icltct sllles. . . . 30 .tI30 6G 307 840.47 ' 1'be totnl freight business , stnto und Interstate , for July was $2,723,186.10 nnd for August wus $3,386,198.08. 'fho total tlclwt sales for Jul ) ' , frtate nnJ ] Interstnte , were $ fi34,964.ri2 nad for August were $711,826.02. State MUit Pay In January. Remittances from counlles Is In- crcaslng and in n short tlmo It Is believed - lieved the treasury will be In good condition to meet lho seml.annual IOchool apportionment. 'l'hls fund now amounts to $2GG,327 and collections will not ceaae until ' In the carty part or Decomher. 1'1'ho utnte tremmr r must then cerLity to the state super. Intendent the amount avallahle for the allpdrllonment. Last ) 'car $251" 000 wns apportioned In December. 1'ho stute uudlLor draws wanants later and receipts are aent to the var. lous counUc1to be returned and slgnell nnd when these are returned Lho warrants are sent to the coun. tics. All thlH " ,111 require until the first of the ) 'em' aud by thut time It I I believed the financlat situation wllJ bo normal. Union Pacific Wnlves. Attorney General Thompson Ims been Informed by Attol'ney Edson Utch for the Union Pacific that the road will , valve oxnJnlnation In the matter or the Douol count ) . complaint charging the road with dscrlmlnutlon ! In supplylns Hhlppers with cars for IIvo stoele. This menns that the road will 110 bound over to the dlrltrlct court nnd the nttorney EcneraT will 1110 an Informntlon In the district court. His first Intormatlon wns f11ed before In\glstratc ! , the jud o or the county court. The maximum penalty Is n fine of $ GOOO. HODS' Dying of CholC'rn. Hog cholera Is l'I1"IIlg In the south. ern counties of Nobrnslm nnd ll\ln. llreda ot anlmnts nro d'lns dally. Stnto VoterlnarlanlcKlm is busy vlsltlug' the varlollq furmli 01111 recommending - ommending 8allltnl' ) ' 11Iel\sures Cor toPlllIg tlto Olldl'mlc. Big Attend"nce nt School. The second wO < 'l , of the University School of ArlculLuro ! Is n flurprlao In the number of attondnnco to the or- fiduls of the school. 'fho attendance nt this Ume Is ! i9 , At the snmo tlmo 1'ear ago the attendlUlco was 190. --L- - - - A fire compauy ha9 heen organized at the atato house for tlw pUl'1Oso at IJrotectln , ; the building In cnso of n epontaneous combustion duo to the excess of hot air which Ilall ) ' per- mentes the hulllllnl ; , 'fho wnter plpas hove been connel'tOll Ul } ntul at Intel' "nls on each flool' Is a reel 'ot hoFtd for use at any moment. The sto.tutes multC the Inl1l1 commlllsioner roe sllonslhle tor the bulldlns and Its con. duct amI l\Ir Eaton Is anxious Umt n cClmpnu } ' bo orgunlzod mill cnch mem. hbr } drlll d , In I'olllng the } ipso oft ot the rec ] in case Qt cmcrgenc ' . STILL AHEAD AUDIENCI ! . Comedian Made Humor of Whn ( Wnr ; Approaching Tragedy. - "WlIIlo" Collier , the' comcdlan , WM 'M im1I1'c1Urlblo n en1bor of n barn. storming combination wblch , fJomo ten yenrs nJo , did tbo "tnnk" towns of the mhJdlo WOHt. 'rho compnny hud bccu olng a floor bustncslJ for Aovefnl , , , eeks when n cerlnln .town in JiUnois was 1'o:1chod. JURt lJcforo the ct1l'laln went lil > that night , < Jolllel' wns fltn Hlln at the cur. taln "pecpholo , " sizing up the ! ludl. ence' . "How' the houst' , WHlIe ! " Mkcll another ' ' . IllJ'ct' " 'Vol ] , " answered CoUler. "thol'o are some out thero. But , " he adde , im. IJre8Slvch' . "wc're HLIH In ttlO ma. 'orlt ' ) . , old bo ) ' , stili In the mnjorltyl" ' WectI ] ' . -lIntper's ) Starch , 111 < 0 ever .thlng ( ' ] se , i3 he , Ing conntantly improved , t1l0 patent StarchotJ 11llt on the marJct 25 . } 'cars ! \IliO are , 'cry < lJ'tot'mt ! nnd inrorlor to these of the lresent dt ' . In the lat. cst discoyDellunco Suncll-nll In. 3urlm18 chomlculs are omlttetl , whllo the ntldltion of another ingredient , In. vented hy us , gl\'os' to the Starch n streDgtJl nnd smoothness neycr :1I > - Vl'O ched by otber brunds. . - - Mechnnically. , Tudr.C-J1ud. . t Illd the prl no ! . . . . Bay 'Wlten ' uJtold him that you would have h1m arrested ? COInplalnant-lIo Answered r.1ecbaDictIl . . : rer llonor _ Jnctgc-I < : xllaln. Complainant-lIo hil mo on the hOHl with a hammer.- Everybo ) y's l\faglZine. : Ughtnlng Photographed Vase. During a thnnder'Jtol'lu a l'emarlm- blo Incident hnppened at It house near Dcal , Enllnnd ; , the lightning ImprintIng - Ing a IlCrreet p11OtOW'.1ph of n flower . , .ase on a mirror hefore which It stoo . To pl'c\"cnt that Uretl feeUng on Ironing < ' 133'-Uso Defiance Stnrch- sllves timoaC.'J laboJ'-a\'es nnnor. nnc.e will not stlel to the iron. 1.'ho big liJ oz. IJ:1CkngO { o10c , at 'our tc : r's. ! AtUe tWns ' , , are lItile." but to , "Ji r it.hrilf 'hi little things 1J : to bo ! great.-st. AuguslJne. I J.ewil' Single Bin er rtraight lie cigar JI1ulle of lich , 1I1t'1l0\\ l blC'Co. Your deal. er or Lcwls' Fnclor ' . i'corin , Ill. z\1Dong otllet' l1il10 dreams are those of Lho churQh organist _ . One of the ' & .s ntial.s of t happy homes of io n vnst fund of information ns to t.he best mctho .q of promoting health : md happiness and right Ihin : ; and knowledge of the world's best produe . , Iroducls of actual cxcellcnco an relsonnblo claims truthfully Ilrcsentcd nn which have nttained to world-wide acceptance through the approval of the Well-Informed of the WorM ; not or indi- , 'i unls only , but of the trony who have the hnpp - fnculty of seJectinG and obtaining - ing the best the wodd nffords. One of the products of that claS ! ! , of . known component parts , n . .thical . rcm ly , appro-c : by lhysi , ians anl\ \ commended - mended by the Wcll-Infonncd of the Worldnsn\'atunble and wholCBomo family mxrtivo : is the well.known Syrup of Figs amI Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial elTects always buy the genuine , manufactured - factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. , OJ ) . , and for role by t llcadlng druggists. rry ; ' . .L = ; ; : : : :1 YOU CAN GE1' A GnNUJNI LYON & UE.\LY Washburn Piano at the ] owcst Chica o price and on Ule most liberal tcnns of mOllUlly paywcntn. This Is the piano that Is kno'm 118 "America's Ilome l'l no" , IJccIIUSC It 111\11 the true Binglng tOM Bnd 19 D1lanmtct'dJor life by L'on < < lIenlv , who nJIC Ulo world's lnrlreBt music house. The Washburn cntalo { : expIlWs ! evcrything. It In the mu'kp.t for B pl4no , mall this ndver- tlsement today \\ith your nlmo Bud nddrc s MId reedvc C'l\talog Bnd I13me of local piano dencr , 1111I' 8Jx pieces ot beautiful new pl no music. Adcres" LYON ( J DEALY , C IOAG I J .w and Ltb < < tr 1 HOn\e tea Relul Uona in WESTERN CANADA New Districts Huv Opened lor Settlement Some at the cholc05' lands In Ihe Ilraln Ilrow. lolt belts of Saslalr. lo- wan and Alberla "ave I rc : < : ently . . e e n CPt'lIcd for settleulenl II , . .I cr Iho Revis"llIomestead I RCllulaliollS ot Canada. Tboulllnds of home- . slead s of 160 neres eacb Are now nvailablo. The new rClllllatlons make It I \ > 05slblo for elllQ' to be made by pi OIY. II. . oppor. 'unllJ' Ihal many In Ihe United Sates have bel'n . . .altlng fOI. l\nr member of a family IIIUY make elltry for anr other memblr of Ihe famil ) ' . who may be enthled 10 malto enlry for h mlel ! or ! Ienel ! nutry may now be made l > eforelhe ARf'1I1 or Sub Allcnt of tile District by prOI ) ' , Ion crrlaln cO'1I11 lions ) by Ihe In olher , son , dauRlucr. brothel or lister of InlenllinR homcsleader , "An , . . " , "n DU1Ilben > d . ( ' ( 'lIon of O"mlnJ . , , " Lando IJllIanllo a or lli. Nurlll.W..1 l..vln't. . . ClI\'tIpUII1 : ' . . , id UI , 1101 rt'Ot'Irv . ' ' 'a" t" , I"'III . by & 11"1"011 the .olft'b..d of a fallllly , or 10..hI . 0TfI "yC' & " , of"lle. to 1I.e . I'llt"t 01 . . 0111 > - I qurler . .c lon , of Ita acre. , IUD" , or I" . . . . The tee in each cas. , will be OID.O'Chnrrhe - : . .chool anll markets ccn1'enlent , lIeahhy climate , I sVlendkt cropS I\lId Iood l.\s. Gra1u""rowiul . : and cat fIItdult rorlncipalinoillstrles" " I I'or 'urther , , 'ullculans ' lIS 10 r le. , roules , bClt . time 10 : D and "hero to locate. apply II ) I. W. V. DENNETT , . . . In ' 1,11 LU ; lI Jldl , Oad. . Ntbn.i1a. , fSj . " . , . ' \ . , , I. , ) . \ ' - , v' WI111' ' : n' - : . - : " UNU : B\ ' ' Coprrlhl : 1lj ! : b ) ' nyrOn WI1Uun" . I Unrequited. 4.lf- : ; f - - - ' ' ' " 'lV'/ / 1 ' " J' ! lcr In the b"Oldcn 1I'a1l , nn ( ] she was pick III ! : :1l1plcs ! The SUIIIIht , filt'rln : , : through UJO trec : ! , WIUI HecklnA' hel' with ( ] appJcn ; An ( ] 1111 abont hcr ( eel were 1I11ct ! the Ica'ol1 or Anllllnn's sowing , " Upon wh so wOluh'OuII ra ot tJOUUo1 'the playf \\'In,18 were lJlowlnr . Hcr o 'es were lIIw Ole Bummer 1I1t1c , when 80ft the blue II ! 1IJ1t1ns ; : IIer lip : ; . the color ot the Jel\t upon the fmmM mlntlns ! She hud hcr I\llron fille,1 , wllb frult . , 1\ "ltodlcs9 of the orchar - To JlIm her nit at once my ] } ( 'aTl by Rhrinlclng fellr wau torturel1 , At Inst I wutchet ! m ' honoyC1 ] cumC > J when applcs fillet ! her fingerll And catchln ! ; her , I stole Ids5-tIO clinging Idno1. .lhat Ihl/ors , ! Upon her breath I caucht tIlO Hwcets of nectar brewed from laugohtOT Anl1 In my heart there duns ; , the bUS9 I pllfcnxl. : over utter ! , Dut now. alns ! I'm ; trowing : ohI ! B r love Is mlno 110 lon cr. From what 1 heur I foal" the minx ha1l won afCcetllln Htrongcr- The 11alnty maltl of fivt' I Itlssc4J-an ( ] Idsslll ! : . stili 1"el11.111111.1l' , , , , 'm wcd IL 11l ( ] I tuught to' waU ; : , tho' elghteonth ot Dccemhcr ! Foibles. When a man 111oetot11 a womnn amI teUeth his wlCe what 5ho were , verily the bettor hatf need have no fear , but if hc meeteth one and Imowcth not what she were , It Is written 'bewaro ' ! The nau .In .tbe flrst"\lnstnnco Uket.h I IlQt't110 woman u dur ] : nd ho f1Ul'VCY' : k " I cth her clothes , hut In the second , he I . hath become so ennmored of llCr face thnt be cou1l1 not , for the Ufo of him , tell whathor sh were a WorLh gown or n callco runabout ! In Now Yorl < they are teaching "snwed-off" girls to be tatl. 'fho secret - cret of the transformation ) g elroteh. ing. If 'our girl Is dumpy have Iler stretched lo a willowy sylpll ! "Whllt WUB the harp that once through ' 1'errenco HaJJ's the soul ot music Blted ? " asks a correslondent ) to a New Yorl newspaper. It wus a jow's.harp. dearie. "For wocl\S afterward a newly mur- rled couple cannot Ioolc rico in the face without feotlng IU1comforlallo , " sn's an exchange. Nor In the hcclH without getting Idckad , llrobably. " 'rho ottlest love-letter in UlO world is 1n the llritlsh museum. It i n pro- posa.l of marriage for tllO , 1mnd of an Egyptian lrlncess and it was made : JGOO yenrs o.go. , It Is In the fonn ot an Inscribed brick , " says au o."ehnnge. Now wo Imow the Identity of tbo original goltl.hrlck mun. Gone. Oh , oot1 0111 apple cider , I 1m ow Inlays ono hy , o ml'o your "elus" Is soundln ! : : \\'Ilh mollow. beadct ! cyo I Oh. sweet. swnct apple elder , . I Itnew In da 'H ot .orol Old ' 1'lino has drained your ) ! ect.'U'- ' 1'hcy haln't none noW no more ! No moro wo ( lrlnle thy potlon. With dash ot ce t\jy , No moro wo smacle and puclCr Our lips at sight ot thee ! Oh , fine ol upplo cider , Dlstillct ! tl'om water core , Olel Tlmo hn8 loft 'ou 1I1ln lcss- Thcy Imln't no no now no more ! A Joke on the Wife _ . Bpcaldng ot Entowooo1 ! men llelng wlso , hcro Is ono that cumo to JIIO this wcole : A lInrvnrd avenue man brought two ot his frIends homo to dinner , nnd aCtor n dollclollll repast rotlre to the library tOl' .a IHnolto when the hubby IItarted In on n story : "I must tell you u. ! ; oed olle 1111 m ' wlte , " ho said , "She's been r01\stlng mo bccauI ( ) I Jook at the Jlcadllnes In the papcrs once In II. whllo to SCiJ If an .thlng Important Is happcn- Inlt In the bnsebllll world. Well , the oUler afternoon , while the elrl was away , 111\6 I rJUt a Ian of biscuits In the oven to hakCr : , amI whllo she was wattln she plclted up [ a paper and ooal1 ! to reall the oturt her- ! l)1t , She got HO Intercsted in It tbat she let the bscultsAt ! this moment the wlto came Inlo the IIbrory for u. book. "And the jolo ot It wa. ! , " continued l1ubby , without n momcnt's paullo. "that they fOURd the cow next morfllng tn a. torty-acro lot. " "Ua , ha , hal" TOllI'ul'I "tho cuests. laulhlnA' till the team MUod OOWII their eheelts-but not at the story.- Gerold Sullivan. Jostling Uncle Frank. While IlI81\ln corn A'round tor wheat Tuesday , at Hull Goodrich's , Uncle FrlUlk tIam wus josllet ort hl8 perch on the 111111 ; allli soverE'ly bruI3cd-Hlnr.kJfY ( Mo , ) Tribune. The Test. Now comes the tntnl limo ot Ylmr \Vh < , n murrle , } men are In a hout . Shall wllio have thollo oOHlI } ' tll Or hubby have un overcoat ? Queen of the May. tIn , call 1110 enrl ) ' , molhtr , IraI' , . \n' don't tenlt tuw chitter. 'Twoultl be n sin tow 1111/111 them cllllclI- I H'cn yewr lUcltwhcat hatter ! . YY\J \ r. r- / . . - - SENTENCE SERMONS. Killing hope ; ; ; ; ; eulcid . R Sow hnPllht s nul rea { } hcn.4 n. . . . } t\'er ) ' " mon "in nia o up ot UlaJI1 11\'JI. \ 11'JI.You You r1atl no\'cr 11m } rest by retrc : - IlIg' fr)111 ( lut , Ion arc not \Iplt lcd wit.hout lli" , . lever of love. Ij\'ery ] time you servo supcrstltlon . .Otl onaht.\'o your 8oul , 'foo maltY , of UIJ \blamhitrato \ COr' . tbo frulwpo ; of our rears. Coffee Crop of Brazil. Pittal u lclal figures for the cotrCft crOll or BmzlJ far the year endlnZ ! : .hmo 30 show tJmt the total cntruJs In all 11I'n7.11 roncJled 20,409.t80 baga , f(1ll. l''selltlng nn Increase over the pro''l. ous : ) 'ear of D,3G3S02 bagn or 84.-G p4 : ' ! ' ' ccnt. nnd an amount over the nvcra 1.t for the last four yroTS of 8,048JlDi bags , mill ( > xceol1ll1g tlle proviou ! : ban. nor crol ) of 1501.2 by 4,132,716 bass. or .1 11m' cent. ' Will BegIn Lecturing Tour. Roalll Armunl1scn , the arUc rx' 11101'01' , who recently made h18 war . , . . .r. ' through the Northwcrt. ! ptssngo , h1\ij teft Cltrlstlnnln fQr New YOTk cllY. where ho will begin a mcturlng tout' undolIto ausll es 01 the Ocograp l- ical 50clot- . . - , Saved. Once at a dinner nt wllieh Llszt wus lIresElnt the hostess sUddenly ux. J clahnell III alarm that theTe were 'J-a at lable. "Don't Jot tl1l1t distress you. J. . m 1I1am : ' said Li&t , w1lh n reaBsl1dUI : 'I ' nlIfUc , "I'll eat tor two.'I-Dewocratio 'l\11cgram. Omaha Directory iI I i Protect Y -Estaf with : I1'wcntloth Century PoUcy : \ of the . BANKERS RESERVE LIFE no. of Omaha , Nebraska. Liberal Options. Guaranleoc ! r - nual DI'tldends. I AGEUTS WANTED. WRITE FOR 1'EnI\1J. B. H. ROBJS0N , PRESIDENT. > - - ' \ I.DOk ( Or' thl9 brand on H rness. Collar. , S ddles. lSi nkets , up Ilobcs. Whips. Ut. ABk yonr-dealer tl1 show YOIl jllods Wlill UII brnllrt befuro you bay. Maullftcturcd by flARPflAM BROS. CO. . W COLN. NEBR. Cut this ollt. mal ) to "IIf ] "c'lIscud you & 01I\'eQ I r " . .7 Western ElectrIcal cornpan : Wo cart'T A complete Itne ot tel.pbone. line ! , Laj. . I phoneronetrucUon maloral. ! Alee moto..Il'.u.m.or. ! InCl\ndOJlC nt lampel 1n fact. EVERYTfilNG nL' l I TR1CAL , from doof\b6Us to Otrer plallts cor : > pl te , WrlLe tar eataloll:1o. WESTERN ELECT fAL J COMPA"Y , 411-413 GOU1h Tenth frect. . Omaha , Nebroaha. . . rg to MAK MORE' rnONEY YA1 ' LIVE STDC'K. Ship to ALEX G. BUCHANAN & SON Live Stock Commloslon. 15 + 156 EICchnnre. Dl , So. Omaha , Neb. 32 Ye U In 'bo nu.ln u. Wo malto ( 'Jl'l.ert TELEGbAPHV ' &jlcgraph ( jP4JN1 tor . l'oHIUun , . nbaolutely J"unrnnCcc.t or tuition refunded. U. P. R. ll. 1)i. . . pl\tchcr's Wire in school. Btatiim } )1J1nks rurnislHld l nEE. t 1I,1l1 ; bcst scllool fn country. OYer : ! [ } ! r srnduat.cs. W lt.o today tor fiuctirer Information. At lroo8 Omntm Co1wnrr- elu. Collt' . Onuhn. Nebr. WE WANT CREAM You Want More Money \ If we have no agents in your to ! , ship dircr.t or write us. We nlso DUY BUTTER AND EGGS KIRCUBRAUN CII. ! SONS OMAlI rltu. 10 lJeautirul An C < < Td. 100. T CARDS . . . . ' . P U" t IDhu..ed < 'anlo fOl'tJhrju. . ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I&nd N"w Yeau harmiue new lac. 26 Cromo , po Art Card. . l > euuUluL taml. wbJocu. th Centul' ) ' Olrl : iOO 20 1'0.1 caTl1.Ctn brae/nlr corpI < - . l'lctorlllll.lmnllnlr u'ene. . .Ialfll lAtal' tlee , land1I011 , , I < 1It't. eall , JnarulI , h'w. . elorlr. nJ" flower. , frull. , , 'hlltJ aludw. . , elC..50. / . Tb& t. , . . rorlm llt or carda on Ute . . .arl" , ( , . . .all",1 " " " , tailS < m. rt'Ce11" or pr I , Fl.l ( 'atalol/ue. Alf61M'Janw. . ! . fOADA UtlS. & Ca. , ' 218 HARNEY STRUT , OUKA. : IIU. m Ir.r. : : DENTIST . . . , , . . ) I , IInohnum BJoek , 1't.1" . : : I.n O..uIIa lI1earti Jii'b..tOOIll . corner lOll > allt. ! GoOd . . .t , U.I " ' 0111 CTOwn..U.Olbrldlllte.llh lUG. AmaliQ1II IUlln ' ' .C > Ooo , . . . , IIl1il1Jr8. al 11I1 " , 'HIIU 'i'iVj. . , .Uyftr nllhlll 71. "old " "I' . . A'rIKU 10 rUIII ! . IIrlnltlote . .dv.rt''m ' lIt wllh , , , ' . . Grain , Stocks and Bonds Ol.UI A ( .o mr8\lnN Co. . 201 , N. Y . 1MI' ! mdM'.om Ita : , corrolO ttcDle nt 1Ilorohea < 1 & CII. (1n ( , ) , tmln11A\.t , 01110 ; tlut' "Ire f.enlQe. Wo euU'lt : fOllr I1I1fJlO ; ' . 107 rvi1.l1 Of "lrt ! . DYEING AND CLEANING Write tor our rll'J ! U.\ and Intor\llllUon ( ) n.CW41'txI nu < 1 < 1Jolnllot k\nde of " , 'arl" . : uJpu : l. Du Tt , \ tmrn tmslnm , & ro.ot1'1:1I : pnllllpL 01111 tl/fnU t ptl n , 'J'hu J.1ultodum , 161i ! Juntlfl : fjlr ot , OmauNe.IJ. . 1111111l st mnrkt.tP1c. . RAW FURS paid. s.-rhl for pn " and lIuJllplntr tJJ : . We nul : " n tlpeclalty of L'INB COATS. ANn SCARl"tot . ' 01 { I.ADI . AULABAUaH (608 Douglas St. . Omaha. Do You Drink Coffee WUl Ilut the' , 1' ' ' ' ' ' ' . loIH.rna"Jro"tJ'COII In whftn , 'ure GERMAN.AMIRlOA' . CO F FEE " "aU. no mo. . . , Inalsl : on hA\'tlJW it. YOllr or can ( l'lItit. I ArN ! ESfJ ! ! ! ! \ CRANE CO. OMAHA. , CHICAGO PICTURE a-FAAME CO. \ , - a.oufactur n anll Whol..rI . of PIQt'\1rea. Fromes , Ponralt1l , Art NowoltiOll , and Q , . . . 1I\a "antll1 n"J"luw to4l , 12111 sr. , DIUU , ft' , - \ I" , . - .