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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1907)
. . . _ r..Btato lIIRt Llbrftrlllll oolClt , . . . , - . . . . . . . . . . . t ' , - . " : , - - . ' VOL. XXVI. . BROKEN BOVJ.CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURD8AY , DECEMBER 12 , 1907. ' . NO. 27 - - - , . . . . "c.I : &r IF"'rrS" \V.hat so "gifty" as some article of Gold 01. Silver-thc two "precIous mctals. ' , 'l'here is a omfortable certainty about giving Gold or Silver things-welcome because always wantah1e. In kiud with Gold and Silvcr. jewelry lIas becn a sugg-cstive word in gift making. A comprchensive word it is these da.ys. mcaning . not 9nly jewcls for personal adornment , but articles or nccessity and uscfulncss as well , such as . Watches , Clocks , Diamonds , Cut GI ass , Fancy' China , Gold and Silver Novelties. But jew lry'is sOl11ethill you shou1l1 huy of those in wholll ) 'OU not only hnvc confidence. hut of those who , llnvc the , 11ece sary knowlcclge. to jllllge thc gOOI } frOIH the hacl. Years of expcrlence I\'e us l1us kllowlcl1gc. A glallce ovcr thc menl onings below , utay help ) 'ou solvcthe quesl on-"What Shalt I Gi\'c ? " . . ' - - - Cut Glass Water Se lIolI-Don Spoons Sih'cr Kuives 11I1/1 ltorks . . Opera GIlIss l\Iuntlc . Clock Sih'er Writing Sets Sl1ver rea Sct , China Chp Dish Silvcr Cukc Dish Jewcl Onse Child's Silvcr Set Fruit Dish Opal Ring I-ocket & Chain Omuge Spoon ! ; Gol(11I1\1111 ( Ring . II , lIow Souvcnir Spoons Sil'cr lIru'h ! 11I111 Comh Silver Shaving Mug Silvcr Novclties Fancy Sall\ll Dowl Watch Watch Chain S1erling Tca SpOOI1R Dihmond Ring 1\Iersochaull1 Pipc Breast pins Cuff Hnttons Silvcr Thilllulcs Hracelctq : Fallcy SalmI nowl Cut Glnss . Golll'cns ( - - - - - Fnncy Cup nnd Sauccl r Peppcr nnd Salt Sugar atl/l / CrCllll1Cr Foulltnin Pen' "Coat Mark . . lIat Mark . . ' 1l : rn w " " ' ' " lCl I. . . . r- IJ.I ; J"'Y' ; . _ _ _ ) - ' " - . . . . . . . , . . . . " . . - = " - _ _ .r . . . , , _ . , _ , , , . , 'I1liJ""III1""ltII ! ' : ! " 'I1liJ"'u1IIIi"JIIII1i ! ' : ! : .wlIIIUI'tJllill"'I.IJII''tIlli"IItIlli : : ! ! ' : : UtlW " " JJ.I : : " ' : : " " . . , ' 1888 J " . Christmas t . : ' 1901 'I""t . ; . . . ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " "i : i4'"C' : : B wi : i 6f. ( . . . ( ! Candies , Nut F uits , Etc. : _ Oysters Christmas Trees Navel Oranges t . tt Cranuerrics Bllnanas i' ! I , O1h'es-hot le aud hulk Fancy H. Y. Apples tream Cl1Iul ) ' > t . 1'lul11 Puddlllg Chocolatc ClIIlIly F , f Fresh Cocoanuts Nuts. Nuts. ' Huts. Nut Cups i , Comb Honey Fulg ( Almonds Hrazil I \ ; t } Extracted Hon y Pecans" Jety ! rep { i Lettuce _ Old Tilllc GUIII < ; ? . Filhcrs Walnut1 ; . New Yoxk : Cheese Peanuts' nu tc : na ls f ? ; nl1ckwhea Flour Tnlul 5 ' L ; . ' aJ\ ( Dates Callalllm : ssc < ; 1 < persian : Maple Syrup Fancy Smyrna ] tigs , Velyet Candy , : : : ' which we will s n at a heavy rcduction for Christmas : ? ' . . . - . " . j' S2 l azors. for Christmas pr sonts , go at. . , . . . . . . ' I 49 , " Ten per cent Reduction on LDmps and Extra Shades } - : - CANDY-All - kinds of Candy , l lac1e - from Pure Sugar , guart : antecd undcr the Purc li'ood laws. S P l C I A I P R ICE S ! 1 1 givcn to Sunday schools. Havc your committc call here I , This Store Will Close at 12 Christmas Day. ( 1 I : , J. O JE3 < : : : > > "VVES , \ , ; ; i. P IONE No.5. NO { 'rU SIDE. Bl OKEN BOW , Ng l . 1\ ( , 'i'ItAIm ; ' Pure Old Cider Vinegar * , i } . . . MAHI. . . . , . , , . , J I t " nllltl'I""iMI''I' : ! ! ' ' ' lIq'r" : : : : ' .r.mmr:1:1Ir.11Ir.:1IiIPn : : ; : : ! : : ; : : : : .nr.r.n''i1fI'III'ir.III'JP'"IIrpIU : ' ' : : ' mt,1j.IIIIIp"'qpI" : : ] " ' ; " , " " / . I . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ' : ; i ' THROUGH : : I AN , ERROR I i' of fi shipping clerk i It > i . A CAB LOAD Oli' j . " ' 1 W A ( ) 0 N S I : : j i w sent lIS that were ordered' ! ' 1 ! . for delivery next sl1m l1WI' , fiO i i W ( are now closing- out at i ' , : ' . : I I ACTUAL COST i ' ' ! 'l'his means $10 Jess than : i you can buy ono _ next fa II I \j 1)1 1 Geo. Apple .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 J WOULD BENEFIT WESTERN NEBR. - / A Bill Pending Before Congress Pro. vides for Establishment of Agricultural - cultural High Scbools in U. S. ' 'l'here is now pcnding before cOIlg"rcss a bill , which , if it Iasses , will affect profoundly thc entire Unitcd St3tcs and will also bc of particular moment to wcst rn Nebraska. This bill contemplates nothing less than the establishment over thc Unitcd StatcD of a scries of agricultural high schools and schools of mechanic arts and homc economics. Hon. Charles R Davis of St. Petcr , Minn. , introduced the bill in thc housc and if his mea urc becomes II a law his name .will be worthy of rank with that of Jamcs S. Merrill who was instrnmcntal in cstablishing the agricultural I collcges that we have today. Purged of lcgal phrascs , the bill providcs for the annual appropriation of a sum of money equivalent to ten cents pcr capitia which would amount in rou\1d nUt bers to $8,000,000. The bill provides that thc states shall provhle othcr tunds to pay the : : est of the ncccssary lands and buldings and of 'instruction in all general studies required to makc well.roundcd high school courses of study. It furthcr pr"- vidcs that at least half of the mOtlcy shall bc ex'pended for instruction in agricultural and homc cconomics in rural communities - munities but that the numbcl'ef such agricultural higl1 schools shall not excced enc for cach tcn countics in a state. Thc bill contemplates not only agricultural high schools : in the country but high schools in the d tics where mcchanic arts and homc cconomics shall bc taught. 'l'he agricultural high schoois may be establish cd in connection with high schools already in existence - istence , thc statc having to pro. dde mcrely thc additional site and buildings for tIle agricultural portion of thc work. Section two of thc bill providcs for the appropriation of $2,500 , anllually for cach branch cx- ! pcriment stati n alrcady estab- : l1shed and for others which may ti bc establishcd , provided that the . statc furnished the site and : appropriatcs a lilee amount. ! 'l'he rcmainder of thc bill i provides for the transfcr of thc : mone ) ' , for thc proper accounting ! for it and for thc report to bc . . i issucd. : While many bills in congrcss i fall by thc waysidc , yet it is i quitc probable that this will pass and presumably at thc pre ent i : session. Thetimes arc favorable : for legislation of this kind. I It must be borne in mind that the schools provided for in Congressman - I gressman Davis' bill are not designed : . signed to supplant the present . - : : - - - - - ' -11'- - - . . . " " " ' : " " - ' " " : : . " : : : : 1- . . - - - - . ' . . . - . . . , - _ un . . , - . . . - - - . . - - - - - McCOMAS' CUIDE to CHRISTMAS BUVINC1 . , - . . _ 1 . I I" Ono half the pleasure of giving n Ohl'iRtmns ! PI'esont iR in knowing , that ' " gift iR the hest of its kind , and the'other haIr iR jn knowing' that it is ! I absolutely , sure to please the . receivor. . , ' ' . , . if , \Ve eall special attention to OUl' 1907 stock oj ! Ohristmas G oods , "being , stl'ict.l ll gh GI'ad , Best QnuJity an sold at n jj'ni , ' , PI'lco. Buy hm'e and yon can know yOUI' gift' will be the best 'of its kind and absolutely sure of its being uppreciated. - - _ _ _ . . . . . - . . . nn - - - Don't Let Another Day go by before you have secnred your share of McCom ls' Stock of Ohristttlas things in Pcrfumcs , Brushcs , FancY. : ' Goods , Lcather Goods , Books and Gamcs. The mouth is well started. A few more wecks to Christmas and how the weeks willl1y .But we are preparcd more largely than evcr before with such a stock of goods that it would ta1ec a catalogue to list thcm. We have spacc only to mention the. lea hng lines we show. - , BOO T ( : S An endless vatiety in ever.y binding , title an author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . .25c to $2 'We arc especia11y pr j rcd to get together any quantilY < ? f books for Sunday school , p bhc school or priv'atc library on an hour'E ; noticc. Try us. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . Ed. : : : , ' " " . , , . . I PHO 3 BROJ N KOW N S A. ' - . _ _ . - - - _ _ . . _ , . _ _ ----A . high school hut to supplcmcnt thewl It is we11 lC11IWfl that only a small pcrcentage of child. ren continuc their work into the high school. With thcse industrial - dustrial high schools , it is believcd that a much larger number - ber of studcnts will be reacl d than is possible , at the prcscnt tilJe. ! . 'l'he public.spirited citi1.cns of Ncbraska , who bclieve in thc provisions of this bill , . should do what is possible to aid in the passage of the mcasure. Aid can bc rcndercd in many ways. Petitions can bc scnt to congress from difIerent lo'calities. Letters 'sent to congressmcn an t senators will be of much value. Bcfore much can bc done in th'is ' way , it will be neccssarv ' for the people to rl'ali1.e thc' importance and scopc of the measure. Inte11gent discussion in the pnblic press will do much to bring this about. L Holiday Cards , Books and. Stationery If you want Christma or 'New Year Cards , or any othcr kind of noli. c1ar Stationcry. why not examine ou\ ' large and vcry choice selection ? 'l'hcy are all in the best of condition- Clean' and " U nmussed ' , Handling. We have tl.em display'd in such a way that yon can sec thc entire stock without having to turn thcm over and rummage . . through thcm. A11 thc best Holiday Boo1c . J.8. & J.F.8aisch I l . . . . DRUGGISTS. I Broken Bow , - - N b. ' , # A PARTIAL LIST of the goods we can show JOu. ] Dver ) ' line t' $ stoc1 < cd complcte for early buycrs. Perfu1l1eH Brushes Leather Goods Booles l 'anc ) ' Goods 'l'oile t Cases , Stationery 1"ountain ! Pcng Gamcs Jewelry 'Watch s . . China Cut Glass . Bibles Pra'er BQos } Alhums 'l'eddy Bcars Collar and CulT Boxes Necktie Boxcs Glove and 11'lIe'f Boxes Manicure Setr. Hand Painted China Havilaud China Watcr Sets Vases Elegant , Christmas \ Gifts' I Ncw , uca1lt.i tul and perfcct gifts. 'ream 10:1(1 : after team load hils been received. 1'ale advantage . of tlw best assortment ! ; while the st ck is completc. , Pl'esents That Last A Watch , a Hing , a piece . of Cut " Glass. China , Art Ware or. 'l'oilet Case is always lecpt and ! - be red by the receiver long after useless things arc remei1-1 , broleen ot thrown away. Our stock in this line is the best to be found.a tywhere. , . - SIL V.l1)I\ A.l E in such variety it is impossible to de cribe here and impossible for you to appreciate th < ; si1.e and completencss of this stock ' unless you come and sec. " , Wc ncver before. had so large \ an assortmcnt of DOLLS as at ' , time. ' , the prescnt , , . . . . . , lot ' ' do 'o avoid disappointmcnt not delay in maldng purchases 0 : ' , . I " t. , , . Oh , my , are you ready for ' ' ' . . C'hristmas" ? . , . : , - . - . - = = = - _ _ o.---- : . _ " ' _ , _ _ , \Vn have nn unprecedented large Ht09k of I . ' CANDY. , NU eH , , ( i'H.UrrS , , ' U'Arr.lJB ! Li'J.GS ' , ' . " , , ' . , . ' . . ' . 'l'.lU ' ' I B AND I.'Bi ] l , ( 'RIl\rMJ.NGS. , ' , ! . ' , , ' _ II Sunday School 'Qommittess should got , om' pricoR before purchasing. . - . - . - . ' I Slepparc1 ] , . & . Burke ; . " . ' I \ , , Phone 125. South Side Square . . . " . . . - - - - . I - _ _ . ' ' - - - , ! --1ID ! - . -lIv. . , j' CONDENSED STATEMENT , to TtIE CUSTER , NATIONAL BANK , Brotcn ] Bpw , Ncbrasl < a , ' ' \ 1) T C Bl\.tl I"3l [ U 1'(1 , 1907. . , H ESOUHC . IDS : Loans and Di'Hcounts - ' . " . $147)2fi.48 ) U. H. BOlHls for Oirculation and Premiums 2 ; > ,000.00 . Banking Ho 1sc'and Ifurniture - - " Hl'dl'mption ji'und with. LJ. So I.'reasurel. ] ' ,250,00 Cash in Banl'F5 ' - - : ! O-tH2.fJ4 l ' " 71'10 . 4'5 Uash Heser\'e . - fJO,777.Ul \ . , . . ' - . $2:17H8 , , .nB . . L 1:1HI : LV pIES : . . I , , ' _ . . , Deposl ts - ' - , - " - - " , , ' . - . . , 1\ ( , D W = > D. 01 . (1apilal Stock - - - - . , - 2DOqO.OO ' . , ' 2fJOOO.OO ; turpluH - - - - - - , i UmUviclel . . ( Profits - - : . ' - B-tB1.02 I Clrcu I t. _ ' ) . : ' " , 000 . 00 a IOn - - - - . - - > I . - , 'I ' . ' $2-17HRB.HB i t n. r..Ol\TAX , Cashier. . . , . " . . . _ - - -