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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1907)
, ; " j ; 1 ? ' ) _ " . , . . . :3oote'1 : . ' ' L\btl\dan Lata t Q 'll. - . , . ' . USTER. : OUNTY EPUBLICAN. ' . . . . , VOL. XXVI. BROKEM BOW , CUS'FER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , NOVEMBER 28 , 1907. NO. 25 - and watch , the. calendar - Christmas is coming. . Less than thirty days' intervene-me . nncholy days , saddest of the year , when man must go down into the innermost recesses of his pocket- must open his purse and his heart. My holiday stock is daily arriving nd SOOIl lilY store will be fu1l of things practical all1l things ornalllentalj things for dOUll'stic use and things for personal nrl01l11UEnt : thnt bc t answer the questiou now uppermost in ) 'our thoughts : 'What shall I g \ e ? ' Watch my ads and my stock. t I I I I - . - - - - YOURS FOR THE BEST DRUGS , We're not running any- body's business but our own. That occupies all of our time. If done properly it requires increasmg watchfulnes to keep up the stock so that when a prescription comes in for no matter what , we have it right on the shelf waiting { or just such a pre- scri ption. We take care of our prescription - scription stock of drugs in that waY. It's worth knowing - ing , wh n you really want the best drugs and medicines J.8. & J.F.Baisch DRUGGISTS. Brokeu Bow , - - Neb. - - . . . & . - - - - I . . i . ! ! " " . ! " , , , tI : ! " " . : t' ' ' ' ' ' 'IIlc. ' : : ' ' ' ! ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ! Jlh'uIbu : : : rltJJjJl : : : &uIb : : : : : : ! . ! : ! ! " " " < " , , , , ! : tJ. , _ 1 1ID " rIh" _ . ) I i SPECIAL LAMP' AND SHADE SALE . account or for goods purchased. . \ . & , GROCERIES t I GREEN AND ) . . . . . . . = - - = II DRIED FRUiTS The Blue Belle P as at 15c per can. Better than fresh peas : Pride.of . Michigan Pea.r , 2 f r 2 c. Very tender and sweet ) All kmds of Stove Pohsh-ltquld and dry-3 for 25c \ I 11 Husking Pegs , 5c. 10c , 25c , JSc. Gloves and Mitts , ! JOc doz - Un vcrsal Bread Mixer-the best kind-two sizes ! Bread and Cake Boxes , 70c , 80 , 90c and Sl sizes f _ . True I.1bbard Squa5 es , fin.e eating. 20c and 25c each r i Sweeping Bropms , fau qualny , 25c 30c and 35c each } : A few Food Choppers left at 50c each. Buy one. \ . The finest of Breakfast Bacon at 20c a pound . ' { Our Tea Leaf Tea at 50c per pound. Is worth 60c. i f Tbe finest can Pumpkins at 15c a can. Better tban fresh i' ; . J . C JI \ B oYien & , j . 'l'nAD1 \ . Pure Old Cider Vinegar . i . . MARK ' - . . . . . . . , , , . . . , . . . . . . . J'- I" " ' 1r'I' : : : ; " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'iJj.11 ' " : ; : -r : ' : : > r. ' II1 : : ' . ' ' ' . ' .m"l . . ; ; ' ' rtrp",4P'r. ' ' : ' ' ' l P."Ip'"I1J1iI'IHI.lii.I.jJf.IJI'I" : ] ' ! : ! ' 'I. ' " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . - . . . . . , . - . . . . . . . . . . . ' .h . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . r. i I ! i Tt-tROUGH i . ) . . . S : ! I AN ERROR I i I of a shipping clerk I A OAR LOAD O.B' I i I W A (3 O'N S I i I i was Sf.\nt us th t were ordered s ! for dplivery next ummeJ' , ' so i we al'e now loslllg. out at t I i ACTUAL COST I . j I J This means 810 less than I ) 'OU can buy on next fall j I j I I Geo. Apple i - - . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . When First ; We Gave Thanks I - I Tile Original Proclamation Was Issued in 1677 and Copy of It Still In Existence. Thc' first Thanksgiving proclamation - clamation issued was in 1677 nttd a copy is said to be preserved iu the Massachusetts State Historical - cal Society. - . . . Dunng the revoluhnary tunes many thanksgiving days were J ordered , and congress always ac1journed on the day set. Gen. Washington issued a Thanksgiving - giving proclamation to the continental - tinental army Th rsday.Dec. . 18 , 1777 , and again at Valley [ ! 'orgc , on May 7 , 1778. Eleven years later-as presidcnt of the United States-he issued the first national - tional Thanksgiving procla- mation. Congress discusRed , with the seriousness of the timcs , the ad- visibility of requesting the president - dent to issue such a proc1ama- tbn and many wr the objections raised. However. in spite of objection - jection , the presidcnt was request cd to issue the national proclamation - mation dnd did so , appinting as T'lanksgiving ' Day , Thursday , Nov. 26 , 1789. : ' The book of Common Prayer , revis d in 1789 for the use of the Protestant Episcopai church in America , directed a 'Iform of prayer and thanksgiving t 0 Ah iJrhty God for thc fruits of the earth , and aU other blessings of His mlrclful pruidence ; to be used yearly on he first Thursday in November. r on such other day as shall be appointed by the civil authority. " From Washington's time to Lincoln the issuance of a proclamation - lamation was of an intermittent cha racter. Sometimes a - president - dent thought of it , but more ofleu he did not. Quit fre.quent- . ly governors of' states issued 'a request for thl' general observance - ance of some one day in the year as one of thanksgiving and prayer in their particular commonwealths - monwealths , but it was not until - til 1863 that such prac1am ion becam a settled national teature. President Lincoln-after 'the battle of Gettvsburgo-is5ued a ' proclamation r 'commendiug the p ople to set apart Aug. 6th , to be observed as a day of national thanksgiving , praise land prayer I to Almighty God. " The next year he issued another proclamation - - tion , and since then -president has neglected to issue an annual 'fhanksgiving proclamation. . - - - - - - Repressing Federal Office Holders. Pr sldent l ooevelt's Jetter. to members of his cabinet. req sting - ing them to inform federal employes under their jurisdiction - tion to restrain irom political activity - tivity with the object of his re nomination is in keeping with the policy of non-inferference in politics by the federal brigade which has been enforced Ihore vigorously nnder Mr. Roosevelt than under any former chief ex- ecutive. It is notice , in effect , that whatever the outcome of the next republican national convention - vention , the charge cannot be successfully made that bYlpassive permission- president has set his renomination. The part in point of the president's letter to members of his cabinet follows : "I am informed that certain officeholders in your department holding various positionsthrough- out the country contemplate attending - tending republican conventions m their respective states and nrging the indorsement of myself - self for the presidential uomlna- tion. I wish that you would direct fe eral officeholders in your , department who have such a tl1ing in view that I would regard - gard it as an act of official im- porpriety and discourtesy. " 'fhe letter , it is understood. was provoked because of the report - port that federal officeholders in the south have been using their influence either to be sent themselves or to nave delegates ! sent to the republican convention - ! tion instructed for Mr. Hoosevelt. ! By making it plain that this proce Jurc would constitute "an ! I act of official impropriety and l discourtesy" the president has gone as far as he could in self- I protection against unscrupulous . critics. It will be noticed , ho" , . - - - - - - . - . . - - - . - - . - - . - - . - - McCOMAS' aUIDE to . CHRISTMAS BUYINC One hnlf the plenstlre . of giving It ChriRtmns Present is in knowing that one's gift is the best of its kind , and the other half is in knowing that it is bsolutey ] sure to please he receiver. 'Ve call Slecial . attention to our 1907 stoek of Ohristmas Goods being . striet.1y , lIigh Grade , Best Quality and I.wld at n J'nir ! Prien. . Buy here and you cnn know your gift will he t.he best f its kind nnd absolutely sure of its being npprecinted. I Don't Let Another Day go by before yon ha\'e secured your share of McComas' Stock of Christmas things in Perfumes. Brushes. Fancy Goods , Leather Goods , Boolts and Gamcs. The month is well started. A few more weclts to Christmas and how the weeks wi111ly . Bn t we are prepared more largely than ever before with 5uch a stocIe of goods that it would take : a catalogue to list them. We have space only to mcntion the leac1tng lines we show. BOO I S An endless variety in every binding , title and author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . .26c to $2 We arc especially prepared to get together any quantity of bools for Sunday school , pubHc school or private library 011 an honr's notice. Try us. A PARTIAL LIST of the goods we can show Von. . ID\'er'linc is stocked. . complete for early hnj'erf. Perfumes , Brushes l4cather Goods Bools l 'anc ) ' Goods 'roile t Cascs , Stationcry Fountain Pcns Games Jewelry \Vatch s China ' , Cut Glm ; ' Bi bles Prayer Books . Alhums Teddy Bears Collar and CulT Boxes N cItic Boxes Glo\'e and H'dk'f Boxes Manicure Set Hand Painted Chiua lIa1aud China Water Sets Vases - - - - . , " . : Bd. : , . . I : PHONE 87 BROKEN 80NEBRASKA. . I . . . - - - - - - - - - ever , that the president places no bar in the way of activity on the part of federal oO ceholders who may desire to stipport other aspirants - pirants for the nomination , although - though it is clear that he would prefer that such holders of government - ' ment , positions keep themselves free from "olTensive partisanship" in the work of selecting convention - tion delegates. THe president's determi na lion tel discourage otliceholders from seeking to dominate the nouuna- tion convention is worthy of all approbation , as tending to the good of the federal service and to make the ticket as finally constituted - tuted truly representative of the sentiment of the republican rank and file when it shall have been more completely crystalized.- Omaha Bee. Hog Cholera Yes , there is some hog choler61 in the . "An of coulltry. ounce prevention - vention is worth n pO\ll1l1 of cure" is truc , Imt in hog cholera , "nu ounce of prevention h worth fiC\'C- ral poun ! > of curc. I have uo cure but I have II good Ireventh'e in Great Western lIog Remedy. This hn remedy is It combinlltion of the Government lIe RemelJ } ' nUll the Great Western Worm Kil- ler. ' ! 'hiR hog remedy when fell to hogs nets as [ \ tonic , n conlH- tioner. nn appetizer , unli will thoroughly - oughly renooate tile i r system. The Government sn's their hog remedy is the hcst hJool1medicilic for hO ! 1-nnd doesn't that mean something ? Worms kill 111 0 r c hogs than n11 other causcs comhin- cd nnll for that reason this hog rt'med\ comhincil with n worm ktJJer. " Did ) ' 011 evcr fcel } a hog remelY ? If so , what d lI ) ' 011 pay for it ? This is worth $7 per cwt , S. R. Lee "The BUIY rugg t" - - - - - - - - . . . . . . - - . - . A CAR Of APPLES JUSTIN f1'hey are fine ones and the price is just right. Don't purchase before seeing them Sheppard & Burk Phone 125. , South Side Square . - - . . . . - - - . ' . - - - - - - . - . ffi r oen ! Bow I I Abstract- ! , CO 8onded. . . . I I. u. : : I. c y - . --.u -A-.u _ . Elegut Christmas Gifts New , beautiful and perfect gifts : 'J'cal1lload after team load has been received. 'l'ake advantage of the : best assortments while the stock is complete. Presents That Last A Watch , a l ing , a piece of Cut Gluss. China , Art \Vare or 'roilet Case is nlwuYB ltcpt and reutelL.- b red by the receiver long after u3cless ! thIngs arc worn . out , \ brolten or thrown away. Our stock in this line is the best . to be found anrwhere. : . ' SIL V.lfI"V A..r E in such variety it is inlpossible to de cribe here ancL impossible for you to appreciate the si1.e and completeness of this stock unless you come and 5ce. We nc\'er befor had so large an assortmcnt of DOLf-4S as at thc timc. present . . . - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - ' 1'0 avoill disappointment , do not delay in making l.Htrchases - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 'I" It I os J' Jxanllne d . . . - Abst.racts . Furnished. Taxes Paia for non-res. He 1l state bought. " I Brit ! E tntl for 'Sf ! Ie. . . \ Hea I I" 1 S to 1\ .Ioa.m ; . Fire [ l1sllJ'ance. N tal'Y Pllblie. - - - - . . . . . . . . - . - . . . - . . - . - - . . . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - . . - - - - - - . - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - II'JAMEii II' ' - tED iQgCH1 , A. . -torn..ey : BlJt Jr. . . . a""VV , I REAL ESTATE At O LOAN BROKER 1 = - Fnrm Lund and Oity Property bought and sold. : Money for H'arm Loans at Lowest Ourrent rates. Agent for Beatrice Build ing and Loan Associatipll. . - -