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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1907)
, . " . . . . . . _ ' ' . . . . . . USTER' OUNTY' . . . \ , . ' . . . . . I . VOL. XXVI. BROKEN I BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , , THURD8AY , DECEMBER 5 , 1907. NO. 26' - - - - J . . - I - - - : - . . . . r-r-- Tl1e . Prince of . Christmas Prasen t ! ; . ill The Cold Watch We are showing beautiful selections of Solid Gold and High-Grade Gold Flied Cases in all sizes. ; Not a stale pattern among one the special 1 product of the manufacturer for the Holiday season of 1907 8. , Our Filled cases are as beautiful as solid goold , and , are guarante d to 'wear for 25 year . Any Movement . please. t . . . you . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' \ Lowest Price for t d ! . , -t : I . ; : : : : i = - : = - = : ( . f s : T..C ri't6 ; ; ; ; ; .fi9 7' ' i. . . , Ittnn.IJ""tllIl."tI . : ! . . , . . . , . . , , , . , . . , , , , . , . , . , . . " ! ! : " " ! ! : " < : IIi.'tlt1Il"I : ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ' ' ' ' " ' ! ! ! ! J'III''II'.IIlJ''ilJl'.b ! : ! ' ! ! ! IJ' ! ' " ' ' ! ! I ! ! " ' ' ' ' ' ! I : ' ' " ' ' : ! AT J. C. BO EN'S . . Oandies , Nuts , Fr.uits , Etc. , ysters . " Cbristmas . Trees Navel Oranges - 11 Cranberries Bananas' . " , 01lve\-bol , le and bulk Fancy H. Y. Apples' Cream Candy i- 1 Plum P ? llDg Chocolate Candy Frcbh Coco muls Huts. Huts. Nuts. Nut Cups . . . Comb Honey Fudge . Al mon d s II razi , " Extracted Honey Jelly Drops - - Lcttuce P ecans . i ' TIme Gums r F'lb ers W a I nu s New York"Chtcse . P eanu ' s , l3al1s , , - 1 iuc k w h eat FI our Tnlbies 1 and Persian Dales Canadian Kisse'i' i 'Maple Sy.rup Fancy Smyrna Figs Velvet Candy f " . are beavII ) ' luaded witb Men. and Ijuy. POcket KnIves which we wi1sen \ at a heavv rNluction for Christ mas. - ) Our:62 : l .lz"r . lor Chrlslm IS pr..s nts. " at. . . . . . . , $ ' 49 i- r Tpn per cent Reduction on Lamps and Extra Shade9 : ! CA UY-Al1 klOds oi Candy , In.1 < 1t : fr , m .Pur : : ) ugar. guar- " ) an teed under the Pure /'ood / laws. S P E C I ALP R ICES given to undav schools. Have your committee call 'here f" This Store Will Close at 12 Christmas Day \ J. o. : EJ rQ""Vir . .t ! . > > - . ] : PHONE No.5. NOH1'H SIDE. HROKEH hOW NEBR. TRADE Pure Old. Cider Vinegar L , , , . . . MARK . . . . . . . J " " " " " " ' ' ' I ' : : : " ' "lrmll""I111""II1 . ! ' .IIr.rrn.mIJ1""II1IIII"IJr.I'"IIIJr.I''q ; ' ' ' " II''JIi'IIlI ' ' ' ! ' III' ' ' " ' I " I" , I _ . _ . . . _ " _ . . . . . . " . . . . . . " " . . . . _ . . . . _ . _ . . . -'O.- - . . . . . . . . I ! . ' . I THROUGH " . ' 1" i ' : I IAN ER'ROR I ' of a shipping clerk A CAR LOAD OF I I WAGO.NS . . I was Sl'nt us that were ordered ! for df'livory next sn III mer , so I we are . now closing out at r : i AC TUAL COST . \ . : I 'fhis means $10 less than . - i' you c n buy one next full . Ii Geo. Apple . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ - - . . - " .M" " ' .u..ty" " " ' .U" ' " ' " . . , " - . " . : - . - " 'U . " . . ' . . _ t . . ' , . Notcd Chemist Condemns Blcach. . ed Flour. It is interesting to note at this tiple that as long as May , 1903 , Dr Ed ward Gudeman , of Chic'lfO , a chcmist of recognized abihty and standing , and not employed by anv ' food department , but a comm'crcial chemist working for the interest of manufacturers in general , stated in an artcle in the Modern Miller , his view3 with regard to the bleaching of flour by means of thc { Jeroxide of nitro- gen. Gu'deman'3 conclusion is'of particular interest at this tiwe I and reads as follows : "The fact that such reagents as per oxides of nibogen or nitric acid should not in any form or quantity be brought into the humau system , except in medicines - cines , is enough to ausoutclY , condem this process. In my estimation - mation no miller can afford to dart' to use the chemicals necessary - sary for this process any more than he could use arsenic acid. which will bleach the flour fully as well as the per oxide of nitro- gen. As to the merits of the process , the miller would quickly Hnd out that the handling of nitric acid is not as simple or as free from danger as the description - tion of the process would in- dIcate. " . Custer County Boys and Girls Contests. My special r qucst oW the. officers of the Farmers' Institute the time for enrollment in th girls contest is again extended. Any gIrl who will yet enter the cooking or needle-work compe- tion are requested to send their names to the county superinten- dent. They will be listed and furnished with the maferial for the needle-work , tbe same as those previously enrolled. Remember - member the date for the _ county meeting , December 21. Deputy State Supt. Bishop will be present - ent , with other interesting speakers - ers especially for the boys and girls. ' Particular attention is directed to the spcdal prizes offered by Mr. Alpha Morgan , a first prize of three' dollars and a second prize of two dollars , to be award- d to the girls under 15 years of age who receive the highest awards in the cooking contest. This will be an inducement for each girl to suppl.V specimens of both kinds of breads , l1S the standing will be reckoned by the ! joint awards in the two classes. H. M. PINCKNIty. Zumbrota Zephyrs. ' } 'he Cole young people attended - ed a party last''l''hursday evening given at their uncle's home in the "Snake Run" neighborhood. W. W. Bishop and family took "Thanksgiving : dinner" wit h their old friend.I'Grandma" Metcalf , near West Union. Corn husking , will soon be a ! thing of the past in this locality. Miss Glen Rector .closed her school Tuesday evening to attend her sisters wedding and have the usual holiday. School was resumed - sumed on Monday-of thIs week. Mr. and Mrs. Gillings of the "Bow" were entertained at the home of Mr. Nine McComas' last Sunday. J. L. loozer left Monday for Dunning and Brewster. Neb. , on a business trip. . Frank Callen of Spring Creek spent a day last week with his brother M. D. Mr. Koozer's enjoyed a visit from Friday until Monday with the r friends , Mr. and Mrs ; Emspahr , who were enroute from Kenesaw Neb. , to their home in Brown Co. Co.Dry Dry Valley Doings. Charley Melham informs us th2re is no money made in growing - ing of hogs and cattle and he in- tcnd going out of it instanter , also intends abandoning the growing of small Jran and will here after put all his farm into corn. Ben Manning has had charge of the road work in the northern part of the district. The part of th work we saw was alright. 'l'hal fellow having charge of the road work west of the bridge at Comstock has started in to do the work alright , but he must have gotten tired before the .work was completed. He ought to ll in and get the road in ffood shape bef're it freezes up. rhis is very important as all the travel . . McCOMAS' CUIDE to . CHRISTMAS BUYINC I I One hulf the pleasure of giving a Christmas Present is in knowing that . one's gift is the best of its kind , and the other half is in knowing that it is absolutely sure to please the receivcr. We call special attention to our 1907 stock of Christmas Goods being strictly l-Iigh Grade , Best Quality and sold a't u ] 'ai. . Price. Bu.y here and you Cllll know your gift. will be the best. of its kind ulld absolutely sure of its being appreciated. Don't Let Another Day go by before yon have secured your share of McComaS' Stock of Christmas things in Perfumes , Brushes , Fancy Goods , Leather Goods , . Bools and Games. The month is well started. A few wore wecls to Christmas and how the weeks will fly . But we are prepared more largely than ever before with such a stock of goods that it would take a catalogue to list them. We have space only to mention the leading lines we show. BOO IC S An endless variety iq ever.y binding , title and author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .260 to $2 We are , especially pr.epared to get together any quantity of books for Sunday school , public school or private library on an hour's notice. Try us. I EJd. 1" : , I PHON 37 BROKEN BOW , NEBRASKA. ; . - - - - from the west must cross over this part of the road going to Comstock. Sam Scott , staried for thl Sand Hills country last wcek and intends - tends putting a roof o'n his house I bef"re returning. The stock market . .is not as high as some of the farmers would like to see. Christmas will be the next noli- day and in all probality some are beginning their stockings al- ready. S. L. Scott , lost a fine cow last week , the cause we did not learn. For Sale or Trade. Six nearly new iron bed steads , springs , maxtresses , four suits furniture , carpets , stands , tables , lamps. and etc. Enquire of J. E. IszARD. Commc.rcial Hotel , Broken Bow , Nebr. Holiday Cards , Books and Stationery If you want Christmas or New Year Cards , or any other kind of Holiday - day Stationery. why not examine our large and very choice selection ? They are all in the best of condition- Clean and ( . Unmussed by Handling. We have them display'd in such a way that you can see the entire stock without baving to turn them over and rummage through them. All the best Holiday Book . J.S , & J.F.Baisch DRUGGISTS. Broken Bo.w . . . . . , . - Neb. - - . . A' P ARTIAt LIST of the goods we can show you. Ever , } ' linc is stocled complcte for early bnyer . Perfu mcs Brushes Leather Goods Books. I Fancy Goods Toile t Cases Stationer , } ' Fountain Pens Gamcs . Jewclrv Watch s China Cut Glass Bibles Prayer Bools AI hums Teddy Dears Collar and Cuff Boxes Necktie Boxes Glove and H'dk'f Boxcs Manicure Sets Hand Painted China Haviland China Water Sets Vases Elega t Christmas Gifts New , beauliful and perfect gifts. ' } 'cam load after team load has been received. 'l'ake advantage I of th best assortments while the stock is complete. . ' , Presents That Last A Watch , a Hing , a pi ce of Cut Glass. China , Art Ware or Toilet Case is always lept and relDeIL.- u red by the receiver long after useless things arc worn out , broken or thrown away. Our stock in this line is the I . .best to be found anywher . SIL V I I-\LV l-\.RE in s ch variety it is impossible to de cribc here and impossible : for you to appreciate the size I and completeness of this stock . I unless you come and sec. I ' \Ve never uefore had so large . I an assortmcnl of DOLLS as at the present time. II . ' " - To avoi'd disappointment do 1 not delay in making purchases . - . Oh , sny , are you ready (01' . Christmas ? We have an unprecedented large stock of . CANDY. NUTS , ] 'RUrrS , DA'l'lJS ! , FIGS , - 1'HEES AN D , 'rHEE 'rRll\l\fIN GS. . Sunday Schoo ] Comm ttess should get our prices before purchasing. Sheppard & Bur ] { Phone 125. South' Side Square RO KINl I R KING I S. P. Great & Co. , have a very large assortment of Rocking Ohairs . ; ' jf 'ji. in innumerable styles.Vhy not ' : ' get one-or morc-or t hcse chairs " : . For Ohristmas ? " . A pr sent "of one of thes chairs . , would' be a lastiug benefit. : ; : " Our stock of Dining' Boom : Chairs is the largest and best in the county. We have a lot of that heavy , Steel Wire , the best thing for curn cribs. A number of sewing machines . on which we give Specia1 : E3arga n.s - , ' " _ . . . . - - . " - . . . . . . . . - . . . . > ' , - " - - . . . . . . . . . . . , . " ' . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - '