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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1907)
_ . . . .r. . . . . ' . \ uHer t , l \ t i epubl can . . . . . 1. - ) ' . . . J . , . \.i )0. . . ' . - . " . . litH" H 1"1" , R.\'rtls. Wlltra ! tHlu'r 1'1 ! I t or WIIUel to ' _ "I'\foclroIYllcR & Ihllce oC 12Y CClltKJJ r hICh. IlIvl"clllulUn , for "M II " , "cl1IolI. IWO or OIllrfl IIIcrtlllnll. 1tcl"'l ' , ,0.1'11I11. 1IIIIIIt" 11I8.'rll.II. 15 Ct'llt. . Jh r loell. M t\1 b/illa l'/'clr08. / tlHror PlOro tllul'lI. 10 tellper Incll. l'MYlnnllt 10 I' " nlade 1111 of ucb : IIonlll. LuclhcrllllIi : S CnIR per line each Inar. tlnn. tlnn.Card ! ! on thaI pallR 60 centll IJer Illch pcr lIIonlll. .Nolle" of churcl , blrK , tloclablf111 and cnler. lalnmenl" whtrc mlllo ) ' II cbarlled , one-l.aU i rAle" . I nc"lh nOI1cf'l . frec , half I..hfor . t'ubllahlnll . , . ollllu\l : ) nl.lllc CArli ul 'tbank. . . 50 c 01. 1.1"11':11 : IIvllc , " M fa'nvhlul by "tatutu IIf Ii uhm'Ic.\ . . ; c'totv ' nOIIr : ' ' ' ' : -n' " , ulutllln . ell -hJ . . .ell wt-t1liu\Cllutke. hll : , 11I.1f : ulce Cor ut : 0 . .r .onu. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1ntorell at Droken Dow. Nebra8ka , for tran. . 111111'1lnn In tile l1/1ltt'd Rlllle. l11allR at lIecolld clala r..lue. D. M AMSD RRY , - PulJ1iuber CUAS. K. UASSRTT , - - Editor - - Thursday , Nov. 21 , 1907. . . . . . . . . There is a disposition 'to have tbe womcn va } ' more attention to cooking &nd household dutics and 1\:55 Gfforts to earn a living in comprtition with men. Tb W01. t trIuule is UMbous'hold work is re rded ag l' 1l1t"uittl . duty and many wom'n hun it more for that reason than bc- causc of a dislike for it. 'If there was a more. general rec gnition of the importanc. . of the work- r. and n greater apprcciation of its -possi bl ! it I.'s-t htrc would be more jA women en'1envnring to master1the mysteries of h ( ) m e mllldng. Women llhturally prefer to be the , quel1 ! of their homes to the hlts- I I tie and unplel1san tntss of arning ; I , their liV1l1g by 'long hours of I lahorin uncongenial { , utploJlnent. ! , If thc.v wuulIl ( mploy. thcns'lves ! 'I ' j. as slrenuou ly to hec. mlng ex- I ! perts in home m'\king as they I : do at learning stenography , bookkeeping - i " keeping , and dr ssmakit1g they [ I would et better results. Both I r ; th y and their .men folks would i be less dyspeptic. \ \ j , f i If the doctors were consisten1 ? about their ethical ideas the ) should insist on newgpapers omit. n tinlf the "Dr. " W. en publishin ! W their na.m s , 'I'h.\l's a form 0 : ! I advertising. The objection 0 i J ( physicians to uuethi al adverLis I . . ! ing { s one hf the stancling piecel ( t of huinur of the medical profes' ' } "j sion. The doctors pretend te ! 1 wisclom and vr gres" but. pre r serve their met1l1 val and rielicu ' 10us opposition to lcgitimale ad I vertismg. Etbics-witb m 0 s , doctors-means opposition to ad ' ! ertising. that requires th ir bav h'l IT ) lng to. dIvorce 'tLJemielves fror. t , . any of thdr.mawmo . = h _ fees. t. . Ii A r porL of the causualties i1 1 railroad pccidents { rom June 3C . i I 1906 , to June 30 , 1907 , has beel ' } I published and shows tbe numbe . : \ ' ! of injured during thp twelv } ct1 months to bave been 76,286. Th 1" incr ase in the number of killel over the prcceding twelvc montb } " ] , . was 18 pe r c nt. Thcse figure : do not include people struck 0 "It t crossiugs or on the ngbt-of-waj , This shows why the accidcn 1 ' i insurance compLnies do a goo \I \ business and gives an insight it h to the prosperity of the un del i M takers. H There should be no permanet i t reaction to busine5s as a result c itJ the financial flurry. The countJ ' was never more prosperous in 'tn material things and confielenc . i bas not received the rude jol Hi tbat it experienced in some forti Hi er financial disturbances. t , p , A man 10 a. down town rest au I' . ant the other day hollered h It' ' bead off because the waiter taxc 1\ \ : I bim a nickel for a quarter of pic and said that he was fro iij \ Callaway and must tl , n whole chunk for 5c. The wait .m ex.used him. I Not satisfied wit-b- her unfe I tunate experience wit h 0 n Frenchman , Anna Gould is I II 11 ( ported to ha. ve marritd another. . \ this time a Prince instead of I' t count. I it Some people are kicking 1 cause the words , "In God j Trust" are omitted from tbe nE coinage-and others are wondE ing why they were ever p there. . The trouble of these men w die from diseases contracted wi cou"tingmoney is that the heirs usually kick because t mon y ueongs ) to someone else. Some of his fricnds in5\st t1 the cckttil is no worse { or Fa banl , tban the silver fizz : Bryan. If the price of meat was red ed as is predicted there should \11 \ "growl" about the boloj { . . . . . . . . , . . ' ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' - - - - - - - - - - ' - ' ' 'I 'f ---W---'T- . li\.r tn.t 'y ct..utUric9 the bc ' I mlnels have t rccd-at timel I lOtervals-that bettcr mor Is ar J1otlJruuJht about by legislation M ( nand WOlUl'n jrow beth'f lhrough wielcnillg influcncjs fu. decency. 'rhey un not to bl whIpped nor yolwd into improved ways of living' , J very law thal assumes to drive normal buman beings IUtO the ways of anothcr man's conception of righteousness - ness is but an invitation to battle -a defiance of fixed , unaltt'ra tlle tradition. The R PUDLICAN he- lieves in the law and that la ws once on the statutc books should b uforccc1 ; hut it p1cads .for t.'r la vi ! : ; fllr saner laws Dnd fur a closer regard for the nature ally advancing tcndencics of all right.mindcd peoplc. It ( locs not believe tbat men should be made to fall into the ways of other men without consent and carefully graduated training , . Some people arc astonished tbat babies don't swear with the first words they utter-considcr- ing the kind of jargon parents talk to them and the appearance of some of the faces th\ : poor kids have to kiss. . . - - - - - There has always been a lot of talk aboul color-blindness. Now someone has startcd a .new kind of defecti ve vision and refers to it as crime-blindness. It would be better for the republican - publican party baq it fewer available presidential candidates and far bettcr' for tbe democratic party if It had more 'than one. It having b -c1eclded' by the suprl'me court of Mississippi that "Go to hades" is not profane langua'ge , why should anybodJ now car to sa.v it ? Is Bryan a candIdate for presi. dent ? You knew it al1 the time , : So did he. but it was so suddcr he could not find words enoug\ to say "yes" . . . There are some peoplc who in sist that Root 5hould sprout ; presidential movement. . . . . - - - - - Thinltsgiving Proclamation. GQvcrnor dheldon in his pro s clamation , designating Thur day , Novemb r , 28 , 1907 , as ; J day" of 'rh.\nksgivi"g said _ among otber things , the follow ing : _ " ' 1'his , bas'been a busy and fruii ful year. Our granaries and ou _ storehouses are filled witb th _ products of our farm .and ou [ J factories , Our pastures and ou fecdlots contain cattlc , hogs an sbeep without number. Ou ommerical and businC'ss institl : tions arc solvent. Our. peopl realizing that they must go u or down togeti1er , havc full conf dence in each other's honest and integrity. The industriou and frugal for a decade have bee well rewarded for tbeir label This has enabled tbeta to provid :5 their families with the comfor1 n and build beautiful homes in Ol r. cities and througbout the countr' " ( i'or all things that have pr ; meted our peace , prosperity at ] happiness ; it is filting that thanl should be rendered unto Hi whose invisible hand controls 01 it destiny. ) f "No business will be transac y ed on that day in any depatme : of tbe state. Ie 'c hThe people of this state a ts earnestly urged to refrain fro n- unnecessary labor on that d , and to assemble in their hem and in public places of worsh . to render thanks unto the Su reme Ruler of the Universe f J the blessings we have receiveo a state and nation , and to i : a plorc Him to give U9 inspirati m and wisdom to do nobly the wo le that lies before us. 'Let us COI er before His presence with than1 ' ' the Lord is giving'-'For got his mercy is everlasting ; and 1 Ir- truth endureth to aU genel e tions. ' " - e- _ Marriage Licenses Issued. a Ray B , Harley , Berwyn. . . . . { Mary P nisto , tierwyn. . . . . Arthur Bruce , B. B. . . . . . . . . - { Laura Smith , B. B. . . . . . . . . . Ernie G. Gray , Thedfore. . . . : r- { Elsi Ernst , Thedford. . . . . . t J Dennis Meehan , Brownlee. . . 1 Ida Shores , Comstock . . . . . ' Jesse E , Keyser , Miller. . . . . ho { Lola DavIs Princeton , Mo. . , ti j A. R Seward , St. Paul. . . . be 1 Maud Dreyfus , St. Paul. . . . j R , A. Pattelson , Or.onto. . . l Ethel M. May04 Oconto. . . . lat .ir- Sched..l. of BrokeD Dow Mall. . for Scbeduleof arrhal and dellUnure of . 11 from l1roken Dow POlt ollice Pouche. for f.a.t clou a. follow. : Train No. 40 , 8 a mt No. 4Z.1:0J p ml Kc 441.7:30 P. m. uc'oucbe. . for weat clo. . a. followlI Train No. 43 , 7.30 P. m.1 No. 41 , 7130 a. 111. b e gmc. bourl. 1 a. III.0 1f3O 1) , III. ice open Bund.a ) . from 9:80 to 10:80 : a. 1 I1t U. U. JawzTT , P. I . of . ' . . . . . . ' . , . . . . _ _ . . . . _ . . . _ _ . . - " _ _ " - - - - , , When the Hair Falls - . Then It's time to act ! No time to study , to read , to experiment - ment I You want to save your hair , and save It quickly , tool So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use A yer's Hair Vleor. : It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannoE db anything - thing else. It's nature's woy. 'rho best kind of a tootimoDfl\l- to Bold for ever slxty : " " . . .J.O. Arnl' : 00. . Lowen , raNI. . & .110 mtUlutaolul'ue or AM.d. ' SARSAPARILLA. /7J 1f PILLS. s lJIV " K I CUERRY PECTORAL. New Lines Drawn for County Division A Small Bunch of Agitators Assembled in Merna Last Saturday and Drew New . Division Lines - ONLY SEVEN TOWNSHIPS RESPOND I Enthusiasm Which Leaders Supposed Would Be Aroused Failed to Put in Its Appearance A call bavtng been is.ued for a meeting to be held at Merna last , Saturday for the purpose oj drawing and agreeing upon ne.\\ hnes for dividmg' th\ . county jU1 twenty-two citizens were prcScI11 . and responded as repres"'ntative when the name of townshIps wa called-only seven townships , rc. prt'sented as follows : Kllfuit , 5 ; Ddigbt , ( Callaway ) 7 ; Sargent , 3 ; Ansley , 2 ; Alger. non , 2 ; Tri'umph , 1 ; Elim , I Brant , 1. When it was discovered tha' ' only this little bunch were pres' ' ent to undo a great county 1i1cc Custer , it was evidcnt the rea , - estate dealers and town lot own 1 ers in prospective count\ ' sea , towns 'n th proposed new coun r. ties were very much disgrunllec but they hal their chegrin a ! much as possible andproceede ( to t.ct for fivc thousand voters il Custar counyt. ir Just think of the nerve dis r played. d ' fellows fix 'twenty-two up ; Ir dose which they would cran I- down th ( ' throats of five thousand . sand voters. After It was found who werl presevt and wherefrom , as statci above , a committee on creden tials was appointed to draw nc\ lines upon which to divide th county , part -of the committe being Richard E. Brega , H. H Hyatt , John Davis and Marsha' Eddy. During the twentv minutes th committec were o t cxt'rci5in their brains ( ? ) in an dIoft t make good for tbe town lot OWl ers in Sargent , Ansley and Ca I a way-especially for R. : E Brega-the other representativt : congregated in twos an.d threE nt and dis"cussed as to what kind ( a wild animal the county wou ! , re look like with tbe new lint 1m drawn through it , and when , th ( I1Y reportcd and prcs nted a map f4 s inspcction it certainly proved lP ventahle "What Is Itb" Ip- It is as rank gerrymander1t or in an effort to get votes as w , as ever pepetrated. The Jines drawn at the Mer ! on meeting for the proposcd ne rk counties l1re somewhat simil ne to those shown by a map puS { S'lished ' in the RSPUDLICAN , exce ) d ; that by making scveral hoe 1is and crooks Broken Bow is takl ra- into the northwest quarter a : the southeart quarter is nam Monroe. 25 Coal Docks to be Built Here. ,21 It is given out authoritativE : ,22 that the B. & . Railroad co : ,22 pany have decided to remove t 34 coal sheds'at botb Ansley on t ' east aud Anselmo on the we : , 21 and combine them in Brok . Bow , work on the project to \ . gin in the early spring. .28 While this may see a mat1 .21 of but little importance-at fil .28 blush-it is an addition to t .24 city of considcra ble n I gnitu as a number of men wIll be e 19 .16 ployed. day and night , there lncrcas1l1g tbe compallY pay r several "checks" each month. 111.11. The machinery of the g plant is today being moved to ,43 , , location in the basement of t : new building and to'night gas I your lights will be furnish : from the new location. - - - l po _ . _ . . . . Flour Shipments ( rom Broken Bow. Many 01 our citizcn do not rCdhze the importance of the UroJcn Bow Milling' company to thl' city bnd it is probable but that very few ftsidents arc a"'arc -perhaps never thougbt-th"t "lvcral carlo ds of flour ar shipped - ped out hy the mill every week. And these shipmentg' 110t made to nl'arhy or small cities in the statc , but c1elJr across the Unte S1ate5 where flour manu- fltctured by His mill is u5ed in prelcr'nc 10 t he far-famed pru- ucts of Ihe Minneapolis mill. . . " . 1IinE ! in (11Tt'ct ccmpetition with their flour. . As an Instance of what the' ' mill is doinl { in the war of ship- Illnf { ahroad , and which is a 'eekly occurrence , one car of flour has uc'cn shipJlC'd to Chlca o nrl two cars to San 'Fral1cis o hIs week in addition to ship. m 'nts to se\'C'ral towns in the state , in whicU.mills are loeater ) , where Broken Bow flour sell m re rapidly than their home prduct , alth ugh at. a higher pnce. The Broken Bow mill ! an institut on that is valuJ.ble to tbe city and the country adjoin- ing' aud should be fostered and aided in every way pos ible. The morc flour manufactured thc . more money put in circulation here for a ditional help dnd tor wheat. NOTIOE OF FINAl. REPOHT. Estate of Jane P I1ump , deceased. In Count ) ' COllrt , Custer county. Nebraska. . 'l'he State of Nebrask . to all persons Inter , cs eclln said ! ltate , take notlc . , that Jacot D J1ump has llIed a IInal al count and reporl of his . administration , al1l1 a petition fo : final. settlement and discharge as such which have been set for hearing before sal court on December 20,1001. at 10 o'clod. a 111. . when you Inay , apIJear and contest . the same. Dated November 21. 1001. [ Im.u ; , ] A. H. IIUr.1HIIREY. County Judge , First Pub. Nov. 21.4t , 11 . if _ d _ _ _ _ _ . _ L n , . ! It M. Train Schedule WE9T "OUND " No. 39 locnl p\I'enllcr. cx. 8nnltar. nr. 6120 p m 41 cent IJ\'IIICllller , dally , IMve.I ! ! ) : ! a m , . . . .11:55 n 111 . I : ,43 CIII'I1llKCllier. . .Ially i\ve. 4710cnl fruhfhtl\rrlvo lCO p m IT 3:10 : pm EAST 1I0UNIJ. No. 40 locallclIll'rIUI1'o. . . . . . . . . . . . .8:20 n In 41 CUR't I'RI"'nller.leavu . . . . . . . . . .1:3111/u : 44 coa"t Ila'll IIIll1r , leavc. . . . . . . . . . .6:00 : 1tit -1M 1":111 fI..Illlt ! arflvo. . . . . . . . . . . . . .ltO p m 31 RII40 dll uut rull. , . , Ct of "rnKon nuw - Laundering Collars Is a Science. - - Thcrc is nn nir of refinemcnt nbout Broken Dow lnundry work. Our sytcm of lnundcr. ing co1lnrs produccs n bl'nuti. ful sn w.while finih , with n , 'cr } ' light Ilnss. which mnkcs thcm slfedhe tlirtlonger thnn others. 'j Our system for shnping nud ftlding In.down col1ars gh'cs tbcm thc shnpe nnd nppcnrnnce Ule } ' had whcn new nnd insures n perfect fit. Standing collar ore irJned on cdges , making them round nnd CJmfortable. 'i A\'cry de. I pnrtment of this laundry is in I tbe bands of competent nnd j pninstnking people. ' 1 If ; you .nre not wearing our work , let II us send the wngon for n trinl package. i . I . . . , Broken Bow Stean1 Laundry J. A. O. THOMAS , Prop'r. Phone 202 I I t JAMES LEDWICH' .A. . 41orn.ey ; : at I. . . a , REAL ESTATE ANn LOAN BROKER FUl'In Land and City Property , bought and sold. I loney for Farm Loans at Lowest Current rates. Agent for Beatrice Building and Loan Association. - - - - _ - ' \I Dr.OALDW.ELL of CHIC aO. 1 PrActicing AJeopathy , Homeopathy , Elect. ie And General Medicine. I , Dr reQuc8\ will visIt proCesslaually . , Ga n d Central Hotel , Broken Bow , Dec. 19 ; rctnrnl/lll rvtry fonr W d'8. Con nl her wheo . thc opportunltv. 18 at balldt j ! t I I DR. CALDWELL II0111s ! Jer practice to thll IIpeclal treatment oC diseases of the Eye , Ear , Nuse. Throat. Lunlls. Female Olseasell , Disease8 of Cblldren and all Chroltlc. Nervons and Surllical Diseases ot n curable nature. EarlY consumption. Dro/lchltls. Broncllial Catnrrah , Chronic Catarrall. Uead.Acbe. Con. I sllpallol1. Stomache and lluwel Tronbles. Rb urnatllm. Neuralilla. Sclotlca. Drlllhts's 1)lsea8e. Kidney Diseasos. DIseases of tbe I.lver and Dladder. Dlulnes8. Norvou8ues9. 1I1dhrest011. ! Oboslt } ' . Interupted Nutrition. I Sluw Growlh In Children , aud all wastlnll' OIscasps In ad\lUs. Deformities. Club-fect , I Curvanturc of the Spine. Jls alles of the Drain. Paralysis. EplJepsy. IIrart Disease. Dropny. Slfellng of the I.lmbs. Strlclure , Ope II Surcs. Pain Il1llle n , ncs. GraDu1\r : : Enlarllunlcnts aud all lonll.slandll1l1' dlseascs property tremcd. - DLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. Pimples. llIutclles , Eruptlon . Llvcr 'Spots I ; 1111111f ot tllu IIalr. Dad Complexloll. Eczema. 'I'hruat Ulclrll.llonu Pains. lliadder Troublcs , Weak } jack. llurnluir Urine. Pa8s1l11l Ulluo too olleu. Tllo lffeC1S of constllutlonal sick. IICBS or tle taklnll of too much Injurious medl. cine receh'es searchlnll trealment , prompt relief aull a cllre for lICe. Dlseasell 01 'Vomen , Irrelrular Menstrallon , Fallini : ' of the Womb. nearlng Dowlt p.-Ius. \ ItllI1ale Displacements l.ack of Sexual Tone. Lcucorrhea. SI rlJlty or Darrennuss. con nJt Dr. Cal w 1I and sbo will show tllem tllo cause of thclr truu'le al1d the woy 10 become cured. CA\CERS. GOITER. FISTULA..PILES. . alld cularllcd IIlallds trcated with tile lI b.'llnjectloll method. absolutPly " 1111. ' out palu add wltllont thc loss of a drop' of' blood. Is one of lIer oIVn dlscoverlcs and Is r alJy the mO'lt scleutlfic alld certainly Furo . cure mllbod of this an vauced alCo. Dr , Cad. . . ' Wl1I has practiced It r profcssloll In somu of the largest 1I08pllale8 Ihruullhout tile country. She bas no l uperlor In treallnll and dlallnus- I1Il o ( dlse-nes , deformltles. etc. She has lalelyopened an olbco III. Omaha. Nehraska. . wltem situ will at-eud a portloll. of each week I treatlnlf lIer many patients. NO'ncurable , \ . . I cases acceptcd for treatment. Consnllaton. ! " examluallon and advIce. one dollar to thosc luterest d. Dr. Ora Caidwell & Co" , tt Omaha , Neb. Chtca ot III. Addres9 all mall to 10 , . Dee DulJdlulf , Omaha Nebraska. J - . _ , . . " " "IWII.4--b' " - 1.1 : I -A , PUBLIC SALE " . . .1" We will offer at puhlic sale at the farm , one and one-half miles south of Broken Bow , beginning at 10:00 : o'clock a. m. I T uusdav , Noyornber 26 , ' 07 . The following described stock : . . ' 4. ; 4.r r 16 'Head Horses and Mules I 16 Head Hoeses and Mules : 1 span 4-year old geldings , weight y about 1050 ; 1 bay hOI'Ae , 5-year old , weight 1200 ; 1 black borse , coming r 4'ears old , weight 900 ; 6 hend of ponies ranging from 2 to 5 years old ; a 3 span of good mules coming 3 and 4 years old. 60 Head Cattle t1a 60 Head Cattle : 35 cows , 20 of which ar good milch cows ; 12 year- w ling' heifers , 9 spring calves , 3 registered Ilereford bulls , two years old. i 100 Head Stock Hogs . . . . . en These hogs are to be sold in lots from two to five , as bidders may desire. : d Registered Hereford Oows .11 We have a nne bunch of Registered Hereford C0WS to offer at private sale ly _ = . E FREE LUNCH AT NOON st , - UI . . . . . . . . . en Je- T E' I - . Sums of $10.00 , and R M F S A L E 11 : ' 1 . under , cash ; ovpr $10 , ) ler a cred : . of 6 months will be granted [ H1l'chaser giving note with approved 1 : securit ' ; interest at rate of 10 per cent. 5 per rent discount for cash. . . . , . dl' . : - - m- mr r ; Em REYNER & CO. ras its he ALLAN REYNER , Mgr. COL. JUD KAY , Auct. \ " led for _ - - . . . . _ ttl 'N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . " . . , _ : : ! I , "