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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1907)
\ The State C pital Alntters of Gcncral Interest . rRoM . Nebraska's Sent of Oo\'cranlcnt The Supremc Judgcshlp. -Up to thIs wrlt'ng returnn from the Jalo , elecUon. on Rupremc judge shuw thaL In flCty.fiyo counties Judge Heeso ia shown to have 1,4CG ! ) , and LoomIs 62,709. Two years ago Judge Letton \ , \ } } Qlled GOlHi ! to lIastlns' : GJ,700. : In the t.J.blo : followIng the vote of 190G Is " compared with that of thIs year. The , . 'ConnUcs cnumeratod are thosa most I densely populated and embmco more . than half or the state : 1.00't - Hnlt- County. P.ccsc. ml ! . tOil. Inl" ' . Antelope . . . . 1.3411 882 1.:113 : 1,47 : : Adams . . . . . . " : :14. : . . . . 1.blJ : ! 1.47:1 : nurt . , . . . . . . . 1,311 G5G 1,118 CII : : nrown . . . . . . 4:10 : 2 ! , 401 2JJ : Uoyd' . . . . . . . . . 7GO GwO 880 li1 ! ! Dox DuUo (1 ( pet. mlss'g ) 1i6G 347 45 : : :126 : 11Qono" . , . . . . . 1,313 IJrtS 1,2SG ! /J. / : ! Butlet' . ; . . . . 1:121) 1G18 1,2S0 1,401 > Chc'cnno . . . . 7n 4ti' ljjj : ( :1:17 : : Cumln " . . . ,0' . 97G 1,197 1\021 1:1:1 : : : Cia , . (1 IJot. mI99Iu ( ; ' ) . . 1G21 1,328 1,600 1,37G Douglas . . . . . 9,9rt4 G.J14 ! 10206 G,42 ] nlxon . . . . , . . 1.03 ; 730 IOG5 GH Dakota. . . . . . . liliO 302 G73 1i23 Dodge . . . . . . . 1.GiG 2.0'10 1.81i : ! l.lifH ) ) Mnon . . . . . . 1,396 9lil 1,246 807 I1'rl\nltlln . . . . 1181 91 ; ; 8G [ ) 7:11 : < 1l1rflel . . . . . :132 : 11 > 5 323 ll1 Orant . . . . . . . 90 50 107 ti3 QroclcT . . . . . 421 649 6ft1 781 GO&'per . . . . . . 379 3G ! ! 296 327 Gage . . . . . . . . . : iiOG 1.5.,8 , 2.111 - ,1an Ha.e. . . . . . . . 330 lS1 289 : , nti < < fall . . . . . . . . 1,531 1.H 1.010 1,223 Jowarll . . . . . 841 1.01i7 808 no Hltchcoclc. . . r- ; 4 1 4'70 41' , . .Tohn.lou . . . . . 1,249 702 1,16S 791 . Kayo. Pallo. . . 2,0 : 'lUlI . .tI 2:1 : Keith . . . . . . . :117 : 217 23lUtl ! / LuU'aBlCI' : . . . 4.813 ! 2,340 4,128 2,016 , 1.lnooln500 . . . . 1.C25 " ' 43 . ) { eniclc' . . . . 1.0Q7 7liO 940 Gl ! ! Ncmnhl1.2G : ; 1.0:0 : : lliOO 90 ! ! Nuckolls . . . . . 1,240 8:14 : I , : ! ! ! : ! 1.0U\ \ $ Manc : ! . . . . . . . S : ; 514 1120 Ii 11 OtOIl . . . . . . . . . 1.771i 1.53 : 1.7:1 ; : IHJI ! l ollc . . . . . ; . . 9S1 1.0GO 1i:4 : : SfG rll'lree . . . . . . . 84 ; S14 S1 : : 7:11 : J > 1lltte . . . . . . . ' 1,291 1,86 1,341,6j. ! / . . Pa.wnt'o . . . . . 1.318 6 7 1.2'11 (18 RodWlllow.-1.0G9 6:1 : : 74:1 : 3'/7 Richardson . . 1.700 IG86 1.9:17 : 1.811 SeWl11'd . . . . . . 1Ji0 : 1.187 lr 48 1,311 Unumlers . . . . 2,021 2.017' 1.875 1,7:6 : : eottll Dluft. . ( .58 : : ; } 2 4u7 : ! : : Jhennan . . . . 713 6:11 : GIJI tiU Stanton (0110 pet. mlss'g ) 498 377 61G 6'/9 : : Iallnc . . . . . . . 1.i88 1.Ii' ; ! ) 1.IS : : IG'O Thurston . . . . ti34 2G lifI : 418 ! " 'hnycr . . : . . . ] ,411 ! 1.005 t.4:1f : , 1.0111 " 'Bahlngton . 1.354 0:13 : 1,23 ! ) ! /UI / : Torte . . . . . , . 1,90 : ; ] ,347 ] .S2 : ! 1,1f/ ! / - - - - Totl11s . . . . . G9,488 52.700 GO.G02 : ; 2.72 . : Jajorlty. : Socl < llst ! St < lte Officer. W. C. nodgers , of Waterloo , sochl. 1M. having been the only candIdate on the state tlcleet for regent of the universIty to fill VaC1nC ) ' , will re. . eoh" . a certificate of electIon Novem. , her 5 , when the state canvassing board meets unle 3 It should turn out I tht'IJ. enou h votor& ' wrote In some I IIthor man's name on the ballot and . . boat. hIm out of his plum. He w II "enD until the first of January , If ho . qnn1lfies for the office , or a period of IJtx weoles. Then he wilt he succeeded by oue of the two republican candl. dntOO elected for fIlII terms. No c"n. dldate3 filed nomination papers at the JtTlmarles for the office of railway com missIoner to fill a vacancy. As there , . W S' no ful1 term to fill there was noth- 1ng but It vaeanc ) ' to rUll for and all the candIdates I1omlnat'd ! according to'tbe tetms of the primary hw were placed Qn th ! ) ballot as cmdldatos : to nil n vacancy , In the C'lse of r cnts of th6 ! lnlyerslty there was a vacancy f nnd also t\yo full terms to fill. Western Cl ) c ifictlon Goes , ' ! 'h6 State nail way comml ! on made Ilubllc the fact that It h'1d adopt l1 the woster\n classification of freht ! ! : raten . "hlclIt ref'l ! > ed to adopt Fomo weeles : \gO. It authorlz3s the rallroaelr. of Ne. hraska to put the rates Into effe t No "omber IG. The cammls < ; lon chanel ; ( the rat6 In the clar.sUication on tHIar ; 110 t.hat a car should bo 30,000 Instead of , OOO pounds : chanrm ) the rate on Du"ery stoc1t bacl , to the old class : oh3n cd the cll : slfi"atlon of rrl'serves 'm. pails h1c1e to the old clas . The WCRtnch"sftcatlou ! of rat's was put into c1l'ect by tl nthI' ' ' rt'1t"q " , n . " Chicago ! tome weeles ago and a request was mnde of the ! -ebraslia com.nlsson . to vet the me rrite Into effect hero. but tlmo was tawn ) by the loc'11 com. missIon to Stlld ) ' the matte . with the rC 1U1t that the request WrL3 grnTltevl. Tn tbo meantime tariffs of the ra'lroadll II YO been recolvcd In Nebraslm ' stamped Not applicable In I"ebraslm. " 1 _ KennIson Murder Case Submmed. The I < : : ennl"on murder case WaS are gued and subm'tted to the supreme court on error , Judfo F. G , Ha'l1er and hIs con represeutlng the defend111t and Grant Martn ! , asslst:1I\t : attornt'y ncral , reJresentlng the state. Ken- nIson WPR convlctcd of the murder of 811m D. Cox at l\lInatare. The 'verdict wtlJJ murder In the second delree : , The defendant argued that the trIal jud o WI1II rcsonslhle , for reverslblo error In instructions to the jur ) ' . The frtate contends that the defendant was for t.Dnntc In 'gettln a vordct : for murder 'I In the second degree. Intcrn 1tlonal Will Contcct. An Intol'1 tlonal will contest , In. Yolvln ! ; n fortune of $ .OOO , wa : : ! hrourht to the ! lUIITCr.10 court from , / " : Hoono count ) ' . The 8ult Involvefl the . O'Juto of Nil : : ! O. NIlEOn , who ! ed lear , AlbIon two ) 'ears aso , lea vln ! ; no wlto or children. A few relatIves In Nor. way were left smlill hequmts. : but the 1ml" of the property wafl left to .1 ( 'Olipo ] of chuch parishes In Nor\lay l " , ' - t ) na trustees for charitable IHlrro.1es. : , , Relatlvcs cf Nilson contested the Hili nnd the cuunty and district court ot 1oono count ) ' c1ctldod In their i'avor. Whlto Plagu Hospl\a' ' . The Nobrnskn ntnto board of bonrth would buy the ohl Western Normal buildIng near Lincoln and c nhlIsb there a hospltnl to comlmt. the whlto plague. The sehomo hns beCQ evolved by Dr. Sward ot Ol1ltlnud. "Tho amount of tuborculosls In the slums of Omnha. nnd South Omaha is terrlblo to contemplate , " saId Dr. Sward. "Thousnnda of people there are living wIth uffllctod pertwns breath. Ing In the germs or the great whltG plnguo and thotDsohos 111 tlmo mint. Ing the aIr , , 'Ith the dlS'enso. All thIs can be reme led nnd the tl1no will como when tubercular patlellts w111 110 placed b ) ' themselves the nawo 309 the mentally aflilcted. 'rho state ot Nebraslm wilt have to como to th:9 : and the Eoonol' she prepares by purchasing - chasing a suitable location for such a hospital the better It will be. " " ' ' ' " rnnort of Dr. Sward , who haJ complied the vital statlstlcll from Jan' uary 1 to October 1. shawl ! thnt the total - tal numbor' f deaths In the state WlliJ 7,462 the greatest number beln , ; Horn Infants' dleascB. ! Heart dlseaso ranIcd second as the destroyer , 659 vlotmn : beIng recorded. Old ago 'wlth 41)1 vIe- thm ; and tuberculosIs with 453 ranked next M the destroj'ert of manl\lud In NfbraIJI : : < a. March was the most tnto'\l m.Juth wIth .Tanu ry second. ' 1'ho num. I.JIr of males dng ! In the first tcn month ot thIs yenr was 4,048 and the l'u n er of femalcs 3 , 14 , ' 1'ho do. Cpp.d personS' were dlvldcll amoDg Awprlcan and foreln , born In th6 ra- llu r ! ,6S7 to 1,775. Thc ICluance oi War"ant ! : . State Auditor Searlo , who was out of the cltj' , wrolo hIS' deputy , II. L. Coole , suggesting the fJosslbIlty : of refraInIng - fraInIng from ISBuing sto'\to wnrrants durIng the IJreScnt financIal flurry. Mr. Senrlo's Idea. was that the money ot t.ho state wquld thereby ho lort In t116 hanlen. The law' 011 thIs courno was In ve tlgatcd b.r Mr. Ooolt as soon a the suggestion was receIved and he declareel It ImpossIble to t ke such acton. : Mr. Searlo was conl7.ant : of the po" , _ mandamus suIt beln ; eirectlvo a'alnst him , but hl'l thought the general sentIment of th..l people of Nebrulm : : : woulJ bacl , him. It WilS found that too many manhtory : provlslon are hedged about the Issuance - suance of warrants to make lho plan feasIble. Any any rate , under exi3t1nr ; condltlo:1Q l1tc 'rreaurer IJr'an pr./9 warrants by checle nnd lho pa , 1 ut lhAn restfl wIth the bmlers : who have organized for mutual protection. ' Internal Revenue Collector. , Detall1i' of a mootln between Ro ! ) : ) Hammoll of Fremont , W. B. ness or I.oncoln , hoth candldatos for allpolnt. reeot as Internal revenue e lloctor of Nnllraslca , end Un'ted St1tes Senntor Elmer J. Durlett were made Imown. The three men wore closeted for a long time and discussed the situation In all Its etalls and It 111 the under- standln : ; ' that a strong effort waS' made on the part of Senator IJurltott nnd " 11' . Hammond to ImllrQRIl the dept1t attorney general wIth the hellef tlL.\t lIP .dld not want the col ectorsllip at [ nIt. It Is 1I0t Imown what other posl- tlon wns offered Mr , nose or whether any definto : place was paced ) w Itl1ln his reach. SllIce the meeting , how. ever , It bas boell m11c1o plaIn by Ir. Hose and hIs frlendfl that ho Is Irtlll after the' , ! ) l\ce : a :1 : has not ) 'lclc1ed a rartlclo In his deslro to secure the p- polntmellt _ Sir Horace Meets Mr. Bryan. SIr Horare Phmlwlt areut a cloy In LIncoln. He came to call ul10n Ulian. celor E. Denj\1u'n : Andrews of No- brnslm111I'er : lty. 'rho trip to Lln. coIn was made In ompany with Stat" Senators Thomas and Saunders , of Omaha , who Introduced him to the chnnceIIor , It halJI1ened tbat GoVOI" nor I o lt of 1\1t3sourl was passing throllgh Lincoln a11d had 8tolJI(3d ) of ! for lunch with Mr , Oryan Sir Horace Plunleett met both gentlemen. - . Dlck on SUlrenJcrs Pa&L n. n. Dlcltson , of O'Neill , Ig 110 longer a passholder of the Northwest. ren railroad. He used to boo A Itltter was receIved from Don. 'I' . WhIte , gen- ral c9'1115el or t:1O : Northwestern , by the railway commission say'n Mr. OIcltson had returned his pass and should not 1I0W 110 carried on the lt ; : : of passholders. Order for Hunaarlan P < lrtrldges. ChIef Game Wardoll Carter has placed an order for 12.1 paIrs of lIun. garlnn partrdges : , to be dIstributed to cItizens who contrIbuted money for theIr purch'1se. The hlrds cost $4.50 a paIr In New Yorlc. D ) ' Mr. Cartor's order the birdS' will be dIstrIbuted at towns on the Northwestern rallrou. . Editors arc Concratulated. A congratulatory letter has been sent O'lt ( rom ropubllcan state head. quarters to newspaler edItors of , the state for p'lbllc'ltlon In tholr columns. In this It Is annoullcod that the head. quarters will remain open without In. terruptlon 111'vlow of the comIng n ; ) . ' Conal cam aln. : : : Ptclfic Epres : Protests. SuperIntendent Pattf\rson of the Pa. clflc xpross comrnny called on the rllilway ommlsslon to ) protest against the order of the commr. ! 'on ' relating to cream rates or that part of the or. del' which has been eonstl'Ued to mea\ that the rallroad mllst way.blll empty cream cans , Mr. Patterson doslred to 11I\\0 the commls ! ) ou understand that it Is dIfferent from a railroad compnny and that the recolltln ; of empty cant : wll1 ca'lso a hardship. This IS' the oul7 express company In the state thh' , carries cream. ' " . , , . . ' - TIED ' 1'0 CHAIR. Unable to MoVt ) About On Account 01 Klein y Troublec. - Ur . Annlcebo , RIver IUld 1\Ionroo Sta. . Anoka , lIUuu. , oaY9 : "I hntl to sIt In chaIr dny nIter day unable to mOTO about on account - count at rhoumntlc paIns In my back , hllS an lcgg. 1 wns shol.t of brootl1 and my heart would Out. lor after the least oxortlou. I had dIzzy u1 > OIIs und bearln : ; down pl lns Bnd tbo kldnoy secretions wore much dIsordered. I thought I would not lIve long , but I1lnco usIng Doan's Kldnoy P11Is I am n. dUIoront WOIlUln , call do wy own \York nud hUVI ! no 1011.1' of thol1o troubles roturnlng. " Sold by all druggists. IiO cants n bOt. Foster-Milburn Co , . lluffnlo , N. Y. i . . . - - - - - HERIZ'S A NEW DEFINITION. And Many There Are . Will S < lY Soni1tor Platt Waa. RIUht. A rather c1nlcal joke h:1s boon ro- cooUr credited to Senator Platt , 'rh senator , on his laot to the Mnnbattlua D03ch hotel , nllowoll a pratt , ' llttl alrl , n woo torn mUlloD' Blro'e 4n tor ; to bo presented t him. him.Tho The HUl rlrI , In the course at one .r her many chatn with th nIod : ot\toomnn. I.d : "Toll mo , 1f011't you. senntor. whnt political economy 151" HPolltical economy , my door ch1ld. " Soontor Plntt Is said to hnvo roplJod , His the art of nOTer buyln more rotc thaa fOU actually necd. " BABY'S ECZEMA GREW WORSE. Hospltala i1nd Doctors Could Not Ra- 'Uovo Him-But Cu lcura RemodleG Speedy , Permanent Curo. . "Icn m appeared when our baby wns throe months old. Wo applied to several dnctor:3 : and hospitals. each of which raTO ns somothlng dllTorent evary tlnlo , but nothln ; brought rolicr. At last. ono or our frlcnl1s rocommend. cd to U3 CuUcurn Soap and Cutlcura. OIntment. A few days afterwards 1m. proYemoo could ba noted. SInc6 then wo hnvo used nothing but Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment , nnd now the baby fa six months old and Is quite cured. All that 'We used WIl3 DUO cake at Cntlcur3. Soap and two boxes Cut ! . carll. Ointment. coating In all $1.25. C. F. KanSZ East 65th Street. New York. JJ.anh M , 1906. . Mnrtlna' R von [ } . A CMrospoDdent tells the story at two house martina' nests built nra.lnst u.n AtUc wtndo , " , of a. fann. to which t.l1o blrdD cluno for several sucoosslvo LaDt Qprlug. however , botore tUGY n'l"hod. sparrow teok up her nbodo in ono at the 'nests. SJlOrUy after the martins returned a ! ] usunJ , ao.d one day the fo.rm people noticed that the hole of the noot which the sparrow occupIed had been blocked "p. Next morning n oy ollmbed up to ascertain the meaning 'Of thIs. aud not finding any outlet broke way part of the nest , to find the poor Ut e sparrow dead on her eggs. 'J. bo house martins had walled her up for darln ! ; to take possession of their houso.--Country Lire. Shy One Farc. InoJloctor Johnson. of the ColumbUJ Railway COI:1rany , tolls the following story of one of his now conductora : The Inspector had boardell n. car on ono of the East Side lInelJ and glanc. ing at the l'Clstor , notlood that there wore nIne t\SDcngers on and only eight fares. He touched the conductor on the' shoulder , n freen man from the country , and sah ! : "You are ally ono fare. There IU'O nine licoP1e on the car nntI only eIght . . farca c01100ted. . , "Dr ro hH IlIlJd the conductor , Hlttat'S rlglat , " nd hastily grab bins the bell cord. ho topped the car and yell. ing at th .p R6enf6rS ordered one at thoo1 to HsIt ofr.H-ColumbulJ D sputa - . . - WONJO and Wor ' "The Into Atlmlrl11 Walker , " said A nl1val 'ofUoor In Washluton ! , "ballovoo beartilr In wl\rrlage tor anHorn. He nl. W\1J urged 2.11101'9 to wed. Nautical bacbelors were held up to ccom ) ; 1 him. "Strollln ! : with him I ; : NoW' York ono day wa mot n YOUI1G ship-broker. Admiral Walker hallod the ) 'oung maD doUghtedl7. He clapped hIm on tha back. wrung his hand and cried : . . ' 'Cot\rat1lIntlons ! on your marrl so , my young friend. o more sowing on of buttono now , eh ? ' . . 'No , Indeed , ' said the shIp-broker sharply. 'I " , oar a belt nO\7. It keeps me ao bl1nT rnlslng money to I ) ) my wlfo's bl1ls that I have no tlmo to sow on buttous. ' II PLEASANT SUMMER. Rloht Food the Cau c. A Win. womnn Dayo : "I was rml down and weak , troubl d with norTouonOES anl , headache tor tllO last oJx yoaru , The loa.t e cltoment would malto mo nerVous and eaulSo severe hoadacbe. ' 'Thls summer I hnvo beel1 catlnl : Grapo-Nutfl regularly and tool b tter than for the &Ix past. years. "I am not troubled wUh headache anti nervomme08. and wol/h / more than lover l1ave hotore In my lifo. I galnod Ii Ibs. In ana week , " Name rlvoo U ) ' Po tnm Co. , nattlQ Crp.ok , Mich. Irott ! ! the book , "Tbe II Ronll to W.IJ\'llr. ! " In pki . " 'l'I1tro'o ! H..J. u'11. " . I , . . , " . . : . , . Saylr1J " "hllo" t : ) " ' " 1rt I' 1" . . _ . . .It Is o1\rlous \ tbltJG , " ca'tl n. . promInent - Inont Jocturor rocouty : , "hoiT some 'books ' have stroll : ; rallatlllg porson- allty , DO tht ) ' 011 tool lIke l1yln'f 'HoWdy' o\'ory ! ) 0:1 con\o ncross t.hem _ Lwit ChrIstmas I vlsllotl trlOlllla back at the 'old homo ot the farm. Wbcn the 91\1'110 ' : ' dlnhc9 111\:1 : boon put a\vaj' , the cbor u dona a.1ellbo evenIng lamp ll"htc ( wo r:1'h"lrl'd bcehlo the . orcan for n r.ood old f1\3hlouod 'sln , ' On the center table w ro otro\vu the Christmas rt'1lCUlbrnnce9 taltoll front Christmas trco 011 the ovonln ! ; hotoro. OIan'lng over thom I sUd:1only : 01 : : ' clahncd ' 1101101 InY b'Qod frIend , llello I' and as the otIlC1'9 1001eod up with surprIse. I r lelced up copy of Henrt Throbs' and ff'ael : to UH'm from Its pn"es the ' 1lleco' I IIfJoleo In school' 40 yonr ! ] nro. ; "Tbatvas onou h to sot In motIon the frlo:1llly cnt'rttll1hl' srll'lt of IIo.1rt Throbo , and the music was tor. J ; : > tten ns Wo look turnl reading th humorous nnll pathotlc bit ! ) of 11rose 1\1)(1 verse UItt 11:1\0 boou' preserved In tI s wonderful , volu-no. Some books ) mvo grc t lIterary \'alno , rome ha\'o hIstorIcal slnlficrnlco ! , but I1out : ' 1'hl'Ob9 la U\O only book I lenO\T' that slaps you on the baclt In n. friendly soft of way. Sllltlll 1t:301f : to j'our moods Ilntl Irovlng fnltht'ul to every omollon. Next to my love of the Dlblo I loyo Hnnrt ' ' 1'l1rf\IH. rt In the moat . notnblo book or tbo tlmcs , " Mary l ncVl. UtU MarTa fnthel' had bccu teau4 In hef' to walk prollory. ! "WIlI1- alowty and turn out your loco , " h ad monIshed ber. WhIle abu wus undorgoln ! : thb too hll1t : she nttondod Sunday scbool OM day. The golden text W1\0 , "Tooch mo to wallt honestly. " ACtor roclUna It sevcml limea. tllO toochcr wed : HWbo nO\T9 whnt Ulat moans ! " "I do , " ropllell 1Ittl6 Mary. "Walk 310wly nnd turn out your toO't" With n mooth Iron Do : meo Starch , you can launder your flhlrl- waist JUflt ns well Ilt homo ( J the otOilm Jl\undry c.1n : It will lmvo the proper stiffness nud finish , there will bo i03S wear and t nr of the goods. and It will o n. Ilosltlvo pieaslIro to UBO 11 Staroh thnt doo.q not sUclt to th ( ' Iron. An Estlmato and Q Hope. , "You'vo heard her , you nay ? ' ro- mnrked Mr. Dubloy. "Ah ! She certainly - tainly haa the gift of 30ng , " "Well. I hope that'l ) what it Ig , " re- pllod Mias Knox. "I Rl10uld hate to thl:1lc aho VnId anythlnr ; COl' It. " Give D3fiMco Starch 1\ faIr trlaJ- t17 It for both hot and cold ntarel1lng. . and'If you Ilon't think 'OU do better work , in leB9 tlmo nnd at Dmallor cost. return tt and you : " grocer "Ill alro you back rour nQuey. ThoS RAilway Cro < lkera. "res , tbat's the J r l\t ralh7 Y mlm. " "Why dOC3 ho look 50 gloomy ? " HFlo'o tryln1 : to maIm hlmooJt tblD ) ; tbat hard thneD are comluS'-Clov- land PlaIn DoaJor. Hldc , PoHs < lnd Wool. TO _ ot full value , "hip to the 0111 rclitlll : N. W. lIi o ( : 1'w'Cu. , . Millncapoli3 , : UJ The heart iliat CCO ! J on prftlo rout : ht : vo many un nClo III ItI1 nlomach. Y 011 alITli'll get full \'alu in T..owi. SinJlc ! lliUller bll'ni ht lic cig r. Y 011 denlol' or Lcwii' ! , Fuotury , Pcoria , m. Some PhlllpplIW cigar : ) are Do foot and n. . half in lenGth. _ . . - - - - - But why ! : Celc or , vasto time on some- , . thing' just 1\9 g'ooll" when you cm get co.1uh\O Washburn Pinno ut the lowcst price and on the most liberal tcrrnn eve : offered on 11 high-grade Instrument. It In UIO mnrk.t 1'111'1phlno , m11thl \ , nliTcr. tI.'lCmffit hKlay : wIth ) ' 0\11' \ 1\IUIO alai ndllrc ! < ' 1 Rill ! rlX"ch'c CfI tolln ; : 11011 1m me of lo'ul IHall ! ) dealer. nut ! six plccc.ooautlful new planu lI1uslc. t4 : ; : ; ; ( : : . : . : . j - - - - - - . . - - - " ' . . . . . . ' . , . . . . - - _ . . - - . - I Pay Salary check fail' by weekly-the only way. None of the "deduct- f Om-collections" business for mc. $3.00 er day is the rate. 1 mean business ; lct me send detail ! ; . ATKlNSON , 10 : : ; Race St. , Phlladc. ' ; > hl < \ . ' " ' " , STOP WOP 1Ar AND CONSIDER ; ; ; , FirAt , t'hnt nlmoo ovcry opcmtlon I" anI' bOltJltalH , pcrtonn . d npon r women , becomes nCCC&'Iur , lHCau.'iO of neJ'leet : ot Il\1eh ymptomIJ rut Bne1cl\Ch , In-egulnrltle" , DlllplltOO < mouu. } 'nln In the 1lc ( , DI"11/rltins / : Son93t.ionn , DlZ2lncsB anil t31coplooa- aQ6.'I. aQ6.'I.Secon < l , t'hnt 'lU E. Pinkham' , . VOlot.ublo Compound. mudo fl'Otn I l1 tiyC roots nnlt hoa curc\ morc CMC of remule U 0 thlUl n01 other ouo nwcllclno Imown. It rOJr- t11l\tc IItren the1\I nUll l'CSto1' < ' ! 1 women'Q hl" 1Lh n.ul 1'1 'n ' lu 'blQ' In propulng : WOlUeu for childbIrthud durwll t.ho l rjol of O1l1UlgO of Li to. , Third , t110 rrl'nt volume ot uoool1cltcd nnl ! grntcfnl tc'ltlmoni\lrJ ! ' on file o.t the 1'1111 < 1l1\m Lubomtory nt Lyun , Mn93. lIH\l1Y of whSch uro lrorn tIme to time bcluir pnbllslll' hy flpcol l pormiG.'Ilon , Iive nHolnto evi- , deuce ot the "Blu of Lydlu. U. l'iuldlluu's Vcgot.a.bloC01UpOun(1 a.ud Urn. 1 , Piulchnw's n vlcc. Lydia E. . Pinlduun's VegetabJe COt1 pound For moro Hum no yeurs hM lc n e\trlutC FCJUI\lo Complu\nttl \ , mlcl\ Dr1\t : ' lug Sensntions. Wcalc Hnck , lr'IL11lulf nnd Dwpll\ccmo\t8. : In- fin.mtunUon ntHI Ulcer:1tlon : , null Orgnnla DlscUlio& , " , .4 I dksohts : : uud oapcls : Tumors nt. LUourly otago. , Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women rmft'cring from I\11Y ! orln of fewnl ' .t' \ocn5 IU in\"ltc to writ.o Mr . T'ln1chBU1. Lj'nn. 'bhun orlwvloo. hu 1 < 1 t.ho MrlPhl1chtrtn w'ho ba/J boeD dvlslng DIck wowon tree of cibnt'go for Mora Urun twenty yet\rs. anl before tlm\ oho lUH\stcd \ her 111othcr-II\-1In . LlI E. 'PI 11 - hl1su in Qdvialng. 'l'hus Rho b c. D cln\\y well qunllf1c\ rrcs1c1o sick ' \VOIDon baclt to health. Wrlto todo.y , .oD 'T&i' nntU bltr. . , . f ' . . . . . , . , . . . , , OBS" AltT . ElEn OB , , warm-benrMd , wbo1elloma book CO fn 1S' the fBlt\ . . ravoi10 oo.ocliona . ol.50OQt J'Ct'lpTc , Lh.drng : rcil : n. OQ VO , tI. : R009ovOIt , AdQlral Dewey Rnd the JohnHn.1' . . _ 'U Itvo17 tcnobel IIbouId bnw . copr : , , the G 1Wo.t.- . . o room ; 9' "i' pl'O < lcher Ibr tb pnlflt ; 1Tt:1'1 ; tfn'O bId ' OU , for tbo mOlnorl03 it brlngsj every be , . 01 citl ( I" , tbo Q neD : ! an optimbw It toacnell ; a unlvenult b"o'k " , tHat tlUllrC or emol1on creater lbaa 1Ib1'l ; iu t8mlItI'tt OCCOM ol ) to the Bible. i 00 wheN you bJ1 your b001n sad ten the m\l ( . order ) "Out Reltrl Tbro 8 for X-MAS GIFTS or teu thIs a.d o t and mc 1 with $ .J..cct o CHAPPLE PUBLISHING COMPAN'Y , 1S Dorchcnter venue , DOS"rON , s _ . , . , , KC : . lAKING POWDER . 25 Oi E9Ce:3 faa' 2 $ tI:0nm The original 25 DUlzea cano Others have copied the aID. but K ! C quality has never been eg ed . at any pnce. ' . . JAQUErn FG. co. C1'cofo , - , - , _ . , - _ . _ . _ . _ . _ , , - - _ . . . _ - - _ . _ - _ . NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER 1 ; ( I 'J ' EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE r : = PEPPER PLANT TAKEN I ! I DlR CTL Y .v ASEUNE : : . = = h f _ . = : : - II D N T WAIT TILL THE PAXN . COMES-UEEP Jl TUEE UANDY A euICKI URE.SAFE AND ALWAYS RRADY CURE FOR . - ' \ -nlf COLI..AI'Sl lE TUDErs 1 A.Dr ! 01- PURE TIN-AT ALL rAm.-P1fm m I EJ..ums. OR lIY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 150. 1M rOSTACE $ T J ; ( 5. A : mbtltule for and perlor to Il1IUlard or anI Qther pl2S : r , anti . . . : i1 zt' J bltater the mott dellrote IIkln. 11lc p:1la-nUaylnr and e\lr ' ( ye qunliUCJ 0' ' tile I nrUale are " /onderlul. It will ' p the otl t.c "I once. And rell = ve Hcad- uhe I1nd SclatlaWe reoommond It I13lhc bett and afCt ex1ernal co.nle Irrilant known , nl o a an uternal romdy for paiD : ! In ilio ehellt And lItomacb SUlci 1111 Rheurootlc , Neur:1Jclc cmd CoYly complaints , A trial TJI ! prOTc I wo claim for It , and It will bo found be Invnlunb In the h01a ehold and for ohUdten. Once used " 0 family will be wilhClut It. M.m1 people 00.1 "It ts thc st of all your prc' ( Accepl no preparAllon cf cHne nnk3.3 the um'c cmlLG our Iabel : , IUJ olhcrwl30 It Is not gcnlo nc. Scnd your oddrollo and w. , will mall our VOllollno Dooklc-t de rtbrnD . our prcpamliofl8 whlah wIU Intort you. . _ I ? Sb : - : ! ! : . ' ; : & O. . Yor ' : : _ i . VJ Jm Lm DOUtalAS 53.0D & . $3.50 SHOES TBJ LD SHOE8 Fen EVEnV MEMBER OF . . . . . . THg FAMilY , AT All PRIOEG. "UIbI 1 . : n : : If } fli11111 To Dny enD wllO can I > > 'Otro t'V.1. . tioI pf.fJa. riJJ DOUtflDlI does Rol m ! cn II ! eaJJ lJiJtflf -.o InO Men'o $3 & GS. O t1OOD 1If1W1iI' \ U t4JloIJ a.n.y 0I1Jo" m:1nu:2clu..a. . . . ! I1 ; 1tEAfO W. TJ. Uou lL3 611 allroTurn 1Iy Illore ) ( In all "alii I of . lIfo &llI\n uIIY otller J akl. u Ixx'IUO II tbele' mlooll : < 'n' it.I , c\I ! .lIttllia. alld .uloerl "caring qUlIlItlos. 'bo I t'ctloll of the IcnthorH nu < 1"tlJcr m"ter'LaL1 ' fllrcuc.1J pint al 'be .boe , em(1 everv detull of tllO lURk hlilLs I.ookod I1fLer 1Iy tlUJ " ) O.t COlnl'llJ"mri'IllIZltlon of III"'rllitcud"lItJJ.forIII""lIlIiI . , ,1.11I011 ,1 1U lJrp , will ) rf' ( ' , IV8 tbe hjhl' ! t 11'111/00 . .aid In t.4a elto" IndD.try , AII.I " ' 1101"0 worknlnllllhll' CUlllot ( lIu 'fJlQcUcd. HI cOll1tl , , ko yon IlItlt my largo fnelorlcs lit Dro.'l.t : ll.'tIMJ. : , . " 1I11./'ho" , YOI1 hllw ru"'ully W.I. ] JOII/IIIIS lIor/l"ru 1U1ll1o. Y/m ' 21' . . " Willi ) . thco uIIII < lrI.\1I1 ' why they hoht tllcLr lIl1alu ( , tit loetwr \Vc. nr Qn\r 111I1111r1J lit Irentor'lIluo 11I1mulY / utllor 1\1'1'1:01 Ittu' $ ' 1(11. l. " [ ,1'1,00 II" " $11.00 nft EIIDO Sheen cumnat ( JtJ Dtt1J1I1ct.l at " ' ' . UAUTONI ' 1110 clJllullte hu.vlJ WI. 1)0 WI I. . . . IJI1I1UI IIUII nrr.t"'n. . i fI" ' l"U'fl'lca. n ; . tI ; ; ' ltit ! . kl 'r-I1' i r ovL.l : ; u : : i-8i : : , { 'rr ' ; i : ; ; ; ; n'l ; : ; ; It : i I diL'OO $ tu Illc'ul'Y. / . lwllli ut uVClrywhuo by WAIl. ( ) ul luu Iroo.V .L.DOQ ' . Brochw , Io11U1o . Dr Collowln ( ; tno directions , whlcL al'O plaInly prlntod on each paclmso of Dollluco Starch , Mcu'o Collars nnd Cuffs clln bc made just liS stiff as de- aired , \vtth cltlltJI' t-los3 ; or dome3tc ! finish. - Tr ) ' It. 10 oz. for 10c , Bold bj' ell good r.rocera. It .ftJ : ! ; ThomplOn'i : : Eye \'later ' . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - tf J ! lPl ! I 1 t J W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO , 4 , 1907. - . - - - - _ . - - - - - PUTNAM FA DELESS D11ES eelcr rnorn Gonda brlohtlJr uti rut'r r.n10U than a'l olh r ( ' 10 , 1):11f : 1 D3ekc" , "olon all fibcrs. The , de In ccJ.f waler bette ttrJn a" , ulhi" l. You CondIe g rlUtnt " 1lIIullt ! : . . , , : . .1. WmJ : Il.1f 111111 tUQ1'Jut-l ell 11.1 LlI . CJ : CII ioDl1 r.u Cc.tlHS , r 0I ROE D II U 0 GO. . QuIncy. l1Uuol. . _ T < _ , , . " , , , . . .l _ -1& I _ . , ' . . . . _ _ . : : .