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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1907)
I . . ; : : ; . ' . , " , " met L\\JtM'nn \ \ ' { Ju'e' ' ' , [ Stl\to . . , - . . . . . . . . - . . - . . , . . , . . " . . . ; . . . . . , . . . , . - . OUNTY. EPUBLICAN. . . , . . . , . . I : . .f" " VOL Y.XVI , ' . ; BROKEN BOWl CUSTER COUNTY. , NEBRA.SKA. , THURDSAY , NOVEMBER 14. 190'l. . , N : 23 ' . . . \ Beautiful , Bracelets that ) ' 011 may sflcct front plain gold Rnr11\1 hl } ' ornalllcntt'd- all attrocth'c ourl rich looldn . . An ) ' one of them Ulolnificent pre ent for a lady relRtive or expected to become Otic. Here , we have a surprl1ingly ! large ns ortU1cnt of plain and fancy Jewl'lr ) ' to suit all tastes and preferments. Eolr Rings and , Watchcs , Chains , Chnrltl ; , En- J0J.tc11Ient and Wcddin Rings , Dangles , Golt1fountcd Hat. Pins , Scarf.Pins , Elc. Also , i1verwnre in great varip.ty at fair priccs. , . 1Ad : r o . . . _ U / ! YOURS FOR THE BEST DRUGS I i We're not rutHting ; any- body's busine's ! but our own. 1'bat occupies all of our time. , If done properly it requires increastng watcl1rulnes to keep up the stock so that when a prescription comes in' for no matter what , we have it right on the shelf waitin'g { or just such a pre- scription. " We take c re of our prescription - scription stock of drugs in that wave It's worth knowing - ing wh n you really want' , the best drugs ( , lnd medicines J.S , & J.F.Baisch DRUGGISTS. Brolen Bow , - - Neb. I 1- - - . . . . . . . " . ' . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . , , . ; , , . . . . .Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , , , . . . . " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . , . . . . - , r : : -1 t ) ' c ep s ra Hi : lo I } - . account or for goods purchased. ' ; I . GREEN AND ( . \ ) ) DRIED FRUITS I , _ The Blue Belle P as at 15c per carl. B tter than fresh peas \ . Pride of Michigan P ar , 2 for 25c. Very tender and sweet ' i An- kinds of Stove Polishliquid . anrl dry-3 for.25c' f\ ) , Husking Pegs , Sc , 10c , 25c , 35c. Glov s and Mitts , 90c doz- ' i Un versa I Bread Mix r-the best kind-two sizes Bread and Cake Boxes. 70c , 80 , 'JOc and $1 sizes ' True Hubbard Squashes. fine eating. 20c and 25c each J 1 : Sweeping. Brooms , ( air quality. 25c 30c and 35c each I' : A few Food Choppers left at 50c each. Buy one. ' . Tht' finest of Brea fast ' at 20c acon a pound " 1 . Our Tea Leaf Tea at 50c per pound. Is worth 60c. 1 . The finest can Pumpkins at 15 < a can. Better than fresh j I ' Ci BOYlen : :1 . \ , r. _ TRADE . , . Pure Old C.du Vi4e ar ' ! ; > . t , , ' MARK ! L , . . , , , . J , , ' ' ! " ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : : ' ' : ' ' ' " 1ili1ll. : : ! ' ' " ' ' ' ' " " ' ' " < , " " ' " " " .J ' " ) e : : " ! _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _ _ . . . . _ , _ , , _ . _ _ , . , _ I"ifI'm"'WPmt'I'I"i _ _ _ > 1"'iIP' I.rJiI""IW'W""I11 , _ . . . . _ ! , . . / . - . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . . , ' - . I - , . \ ' r- .1 I , i'l t H R 0 UGH .I , t 1 I ' : ; .I-AN ERROR , " I , i ' , 'of u shipping clerk I . . . . . . A OAR LOAD OF , , I ' I I r'WAnONS L \ ' ) ; t4 . . I ' i , . , . I I' . I I' . ' was RPnt us that. 'were ' ordered ' i , I . , , " . for ddivpry ( next summer' , so , . i ' we are no closing out at I I . , \ ACTU'A 1\ . COST I . .I I 1'his means $10 less than 'I you cun buy One next fall , 'L ' Geo. Appl J . : . - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . The Election ftermath. - I That there was an election in I . Custer county last weck is evidenced - denced b ) ' the county papers , , . most of the ditors expressing an opinion regarding it and t 1e followIng - lowIng is what they had to sn ) ' : Sargent Leader : "Now that the county division campaign has been waged we sugge t that aU take the American view of the matter and gran to each other the right to think and work for what he thinks best. We can't , . always have our way in public matters , nor is it decisive of the , 'right ' or wroLJg of an issue that one side or the other is defeated. Some of the tbi gs we most enjoy and prize today , were acquired through centuries of de- feat. What is gained by discussion - sion in open fair contest of facts is more apt to he right than where opinions arc .imposed. Ther is a1 ways a magnanimtty among tbose wbo fight with p ople who subtuit public issues to public discussion - cussion , and it is the highest attainment of good cjtizenship to "scrap" for opinion's sake , and then submit to a friendly spirit to the will of the majority until the logic of truth prevails , " Comstock News "T , : c regular - lar annual election was beld in Comstock on schedule time last Tuesdav. The day was a ! ine one and a heavy' vote was cast- 131-which probably represented about 90 per cent of the voters of thl. precinct. Everything was quiet and very little discussion indulged in. Little interest was manifested in candidates and about all the surplus talk expended - ed was over the , question of county divlsiop , which secmed to be the paramount is .ue on hand. We talked with some who seemed' ' to have a timidity and d1flidencc the way. they intended y.oting. Now , w'e vott d the straight republican - publican ticket , and against couutv divH.ion , aud have our rea o s for so doing. Now , many tbink to keep a closed mouth is aU right. Perhaps it is , how- f'ver , we' once knew a man in Chicago who : lost a fortune by keeping a closed mouth , so that's the way it goes-difference of opinion. " . - Oconto Register : "Everything went along peaceably and quiet on election day. Kennedy with 2862 showed , Richardson with his 2332 that the only tbing that a man can marry is a woman. Van Antwerp with 2849 turned Lamb with his 1432 out to greener past - t ure where he can find better lau..b.quarters. " Merna Postal Card : "The full republican ticket was elected ith tbe exception of Edward li' ley for supervisor from this district who was elected bv an overwhelming - whelming majority ver the republic - public n canuidate. Didn't Mr. Morrow make Cole go some , regardless - g-ardless of the fact that whoever had the printing of tbe ballots left the title "Dr. " off the front end of the doctor's name. " [ Yes. Cole did go some-receiv- 1 ed almost the biggest majority.of anyone on the ticket. Maybe those 2500 postal cards the "Dr. " sent out to voters had something to do with Cole's "going some" -and then some.-EDITOR. ' Ansley Chronicle : "Election passed off quietly and from pres. ent indications the vote throughout - out the county will be a record- breaker. The campaign throughout - out was a clean one. In the county the republicans get everything - thing with the exception of the board of supervisors. County division - vision was defeated by something like 1500 votes. However , as will be seen by these figures , tbe divisionists have made big gains. They should not be disheartened by the result of last Tuesdaybut , should start the foundation at on e for waging a more glres- sive campaign next year. Lack of organi ation on the part of the divisionists is' responsible to' ' a gJent extent for th ir defeat. ( n many communities no work had been done at aU , and the , 'oters were entirely ignorant of the question , even as to lines. " f Mason City Star : "Once more the-voters of Custer county have shown by their votes 'that they did not want county. div.ision. . It is very evident that the division sentiment was confined mostly to the immediate terrH ry surrouqd- , 4 the prospective county scats in the proposed new counties , and that the rural districts generally - erally did not want dh'ision. 'l'his on1\ ' shows , as we bave said on other" occasions , tbat county division was merel ) ' a county scat matter intended to boom few town at the l'xpense of the farm- ers-who are the be viest taxpayers - payers in the county. As nearly a can be learned. at the time we go to press , the majorit } . against division is about 1600. Now the ivision has been killed by the voters of this county , let us bury it deep and let it sleep forever. M lY good old Custer county always - ways remain as she is today , and reign supreme a nong the other counti s as one of the largest , best and most powerful and influential - ential counties in the state of Nebraska. , Man and Wife Wantea. Man and wife-wanted to take charge of my ranch and do { 'arm work , Gno , WILLING. - - . - , . . . . . . For Rent. . Two rooms in the Cltster block. Inquire at the RIPUDLICAN offi'ce. J Hog Cholera Yes. there is some hog cholcra iu thc country , ClAn ouncc of pre- vcntion is worth a pounl1 of cure" is true. but in hog cholcra , "on ounce of prevention h worth se\'e. ral pounds of cure. I have 110 cure but I hl\\'c a good preventive in Great Westcrn Hog Rcmedy. This hOJ { remcdy is n combination of the Govcrnmcnl Ho lemcdy and the Great Westcrn Worm Kil. ler. This hog remetlr when fed to hogs ncts as a tOIllC. a conditioner - tioner , an appetizer , and wi11 thoroughly - oughly renovate the i r Systool. 'lhe Government' says their hog remed ) ' is the best blood medicine for hog -and doesn't that mean something ? Worms kill m 0 r e hogs than all othcr canses combined - ed and for that reason this hog remedv is combined with n worm kmcr. ' Did you ever feed a hog relnedy ? If so , what did you payer { or it ? This is worth $7 pcr cwt. , S. R. Lee "The 8uay Druggi.t" . . . . . . . It Will Pay Y OU There isn't the sllghtcst usc in pa'ing morc . than we charge for } whcn we give ) ' 011 cxnctl ) what is ordcrcd by . : your p lpsiclan , au give Y\.ll1 the highest quality It is pos ible to obtain in drugs and chclllicals us cd In that prescription. YOllmoy pay more hul yOICRn't gct It any bcttcr. VOll may pny less but YOll take great chnt1ccs , It is 110 tlllle to go , . hunting for a bargain when ) ' 011 WRnt a prclcription pul up. This is not a bargain countcr drug store. We charge n fair price for the bcst possible to obtain. It 1 > a8 us. It will YOll. E d. M CeO mas " - - ' " ' " A CAR OF APPLES , , " : " JUST N " _ ' \ , " , , I , I rfJ y ure fine one& and the price , . is just right. ' J I Don't IHu'chas uefol'u Heeing them Sheppard Bnrk' Phone 125. SOllth Side Square " Titles Examined. , , B ro , en ' . . Abstracts } 'urnished. Bow 'faxes P jd ! 21' . non-re . J Real Estat bought. ' . , . A bstract Real Estate f r sale. ' " R al Estate Loans. C'O. Bonded.R . . ' . , ' } 'lre Insurance. I. A. RENE'AU , . - Secret ry. Notary PublIc. " . . , For this amount we will send you both. the HUPUDLICAN nd the AMItRI- O N L Y $1 CAN FAP.MRR for one year. This' ; applies - plies to everone who pays $1.00 in ad- ' vance. This means $2 for one. 'l'HE REPU BLICAN , BROIEN BOW. ' 'I - - ' IF - - " Don't . . fail to behare. , ' 1. . _ November : 19 to 23 , Inclusive 'J , I ! . - Demonstration of . ; .J. Moore's Ranges - ' . . , , Free Lunch ach Day " ' . . - We want to show you that a third of your present fuel bill in the ICitchen' can ' be saved if one of Moore's' Hanges are in your house. One of these ranges will be in actual operation at this iI store every day next week. and you can see for you ' - ' self that less fu l is used I . .il than has heretofore been thought possible. Miller & K nne'dy , ; Successors to w. s. n edy , . , . . . , . . . . . , . . , ' 'A f" ' I " 11'J. . .