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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1904)
. . , . , , ' . . . . . . _ . . _ . _ _ . . - - - - - - # - - - - - = = . : linT ! ! 0 , . Onll'l , ( 'ITT 1'1" Tonno. ! ; . t.4 I' ( > I'IITY ( 8 1'IIA/l1' : .1. C'IICHma1ce oalh that h la lentat' parlner of tlJolrlll of J' , .J , t IIItIlE' . . \ : : CO'I dulnll' "u.lue III Iho I Ity of "plcd" . ( . , nnly an , Slale Rfur ulI , , And Ihot oahl nrm " ' 1111'4) ' Iho Hum of , ( lSI ; IIl''IIII.:1I : IHJI.I.AWI : { lOr c.dl a",1 ner , . c'a.o of I'ATAIII\II thaI calmul bo curcllJr tbo ule ot \ HALL's C4T4ttkJl Cunr. , FHAST , I. CmSEY : , 8IVorn to brforo , " 0 anl 'ulJrrlhc,1 In tny pre. . ' euce , thl. 111 dB ) ' of lcccUllJrr , , \ , II , IHl 6. i - " - A , " , U UASOS : , , J l I 1 _ 'RAL , _ r SOTAnl'UDLro. . Hall'a Catarrh Cnro I. taken IntrrnallY And actl dlrecllyon the IIluUlI all,1 I1Il1con _ lurfacCi of tb. , , , , , tCUI , l'en,1 for Icolllll"lIlal. , frer , r , , J , clIImy : & co , . Toledo. O. Fohl by all tJrn ; ! I" " r c , 'lako lIall's } < 'uUllly I'lII for constll'allon. - - - - - - Example Is the best nI'gument. Schemers get Into office when hon. cst mCIl fall to do their 'dnt ) . . A R:1ro Good Thing. " ICAm l1sltl AUT1N'S : } "OOl'-It\SE. ; : : nnd can trlllr sa ) ' I wOllld not huvo been without it 80 Ion ! ; , . had Ilmown the relleC It wOllld Ivo my nchlnr ! fl'et , 1 t.hlnk It n rare Kood thing for nnyono ha'lng sere or tlrcd fcot- Mrs , 1Intl1llHoltwert. . Provldl'nee. It. I. " Bold by all Druggl3ts , 25c. .Lt.1k to-day. It's hnposslble to defeat an ignorant man in an argument. . ' .Inslow'/I flonthllll : Syrup. 1"Of'cblllln'n tcctblrlK. soflens the ! tutus , reduces fD. Il.unmatlon , allays I'atn. cure , wind collu. : . : : > c a botUo. lllows from the bellows of rldlculo leave no bmlses. Sme-kers 111111 LC"I"filligle Dlndl'r" stmlght fie clgllr better qlllLlIt.y . t.hlln most 10c bmn s. J.ow18' Factor ) ' . Peoria , 111. Common sense Is sometimes talten In by uncommon shrewdl1esu. Try One Pack 1ge. If "Defianco Starch" docs not please you , return It to your ealer. Ir It does you got ono-third morc for the same money. It w11l give you satisfaction. and will not sUck to the tron. It is the lItt1e things of life that make the mighty wheels go round. P SO'8 Cure cnnnot bo too blJhly npoken of as ocouRh curoJ.V. . O'lImEN , 322 Third Avo. . . . AUnncapolis , AUnn. , JII.n. 0. ! ! XXI. - - - - 'rht're al'e two sdes ! to en ry star ) ' . The , 'Iclory you win means defeat Cor the othcr fellow. Try me just once anll [ am sure to come again , Denance Starch , Hnman l1atnrt > pxhlhlts the same frn1l ! ' in all languages. - - - - - - - - - - - f j . arc founll en every Americnn farm where there i3 n live boy. New Club 10adcd with blnc1 : powder. Nitro Club and Arrow loaded with tI:1Y slT1okeleso powder. They arc II DueL : } ( illers. " Catalogue free. . Thc Union Metallic Cartridge CO. DRIDUEPORT. CONN. I Alcnc ' . 313 8relldw&y , . . . , cw YorL. , , - - _ _ J- _ . r - - , , \ ) _ , _ . . , _ . . . . . - " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' = , ' - - - ' - ' : : r . it , ; . MEXICAN Ma.5stang Liniment cnrcs Spl'uimJ : uu Strains. 00000000000000000000000000 g mf LINCOLN 1 1POlnINj ( IIORS [ (0 g g Lincoln. "otJraslHI g g ; 'IJ 1.1German CO ch. g g , f J $ ! h ; ; $ 1gt. per herons , g o o ; 1.1 : t' ; , ; I" [ nl1l1sll ' Shire 0 0 g J" : " 'dY' 1 " J ; ' " , .t : , french Drdlt g o / ; g t 'Yi" ; , . l. } Y1 r/ , " ' 0 o . , , , , , , , , rA : ; nd Belgians. 0 o 0 o The LARGEST Impcr1tf3 of FIRST0 o CLASS . , , , ! Io , , . of ,1IY : COliC' " , i" aU the 0 0 o Westl OVER 50 HEAD TO SELECT 0 o FROM , 00 urtviog 11\ Lincoln tak. the 0 o SI..t. Folfm Ktrott car wllch runs directly to 0 b . Come , Ind . . . o our trn. st. us or wrft. o LR" Dsl. , Tel , 575 A , I. . ullln , ngr , 0 0 00000000000000000000000000 KA TY SAYS : You cannot elect a mora dellahllol trip at Ihis &eaOIl Ihan the trip 10 Old Mellco , rellllll an,1 In\'iaoIUlillll rbanae of cllmale : scener , and sky Ihul vi" with uch olh r in es- quishe beauty ; the oUI-o-(100r life and Ihe pecllliar charm founcl oillyin Ihe Iropic-ull cornlnno to Ihis a slIPf'rb Wlnlcr trip , Old Mel co Is qllalnlly torelKn-a cOlllllry of plctllreb'1Ue si hn ntHI Icelll'S ; a" tlianpse of a new world , In Kaly s Ihrouth : Pllllmon sleepers tbe trip can be made frolll St , Louib 10 Melico Ch , comfortably onll wllhoul chal1 e en roule , Ouraltra"tlvo ho"klel , "To 01 < 1 Me lr" , " IIIns. Irale. plare. of lulerclt ( . .1 he .ren ell route anll cUlertalnlnqly , Ie.rrlhes the CllololII. luul c'lIaroe. If'rlf. . . . . of 1110 people. 1I0n'I Ihlilk of'I4111nl ( ) lesh'II without relllllnl ( It MI'I ' "Tbe ! : itar ) ' of San Antoulll , heo leal"s "ltenl or write GEORGE MORTON. ( \ . P. A. , St. Loul ! ! , Mo. . SICK WOMEN , r.IY CURE FREE. I wllllond my marvelouo remedy which hnscurcd thou8l\ndK at womenof Leucor. rhoea Dlsplacoments , Fnllln ot Womb t Hot Flashes , UlceratlonK , Tumors and all Female Troubles Free to an ) ' l.ndy requiring - quiring It , o money. no C , 0 , D , All I sk Is to toll rOllr trfl'nds. Expectant mothers , It brings nbout childbirth without ap- parcnt palu or dln ! pr , Write to-dllY , MRS. M. MERKLE , 1:30UUl : Dend , Tnd. + t PORTRAIT AGENTS : : OurjIJUd. lIe I" " " I'rl , ' , ' . the I" " r. . , I'r"'l1plohlp- , luelllM. lIen.rv ! ! or III ! . i''rlrllih u.raOlrt't ! , Elr.ont . urnI'll' . Dn,1 r"llo Ir , ' " . . . .IHI fur. . 'al"'III" ' AloIr. : ' . . ADAU J , KIWLL-CO. . Ne , . , 1DUlldlng , Cblcago , It.I I ' 1 " ' It. : , , ThompsOn'3 Eya Water , BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cure coughs nnd colds. , . . . , . . , . , ' - . , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . _ _ _ " _ _ " _ _ _ _ _ A.n. . ' ' ' ' _ _ , " " ' ' ' , , , _ _ , _ . _ , _ _ w _ _ . . - - - . . . . . - . . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I > - . . . . . . . . . 1 LITTLE HEADWAY MADE IN SOLUTION : L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . : . _ : : . . . . : : . . . . . : .t . : j I I Yl'11 HII1III'IOII\I ' hy 0111 111111 ' ( IIII of the \'l11agl' of Urtlford , IlId" 1'\1'1' ' Olll' of whom ImOWN hllll fl1l11llllll'ly. .Imwph I1l.It < 'I' , I hl' IIlIh'Cl'NII ' Hltull'lIt IIl1d ) 'OUIIg' IIthll'tl' . wlllltH the HlrectM III till' hlll'l'lhle AUHpl'lIl'O of UI\l' whoRe nalllc hns hl'l'1I l'OIlIll'C'll'11 with 011 ( ' of the WOI'Ht crlllll' ! : ! III thl' hilltnl' ) ' of I 1Ic1lalllt. III the ml'lIlItlllll' thl' Plllltt'I'tOIl Ilc. tl'l'tI\'es. 811m1ll0lll'11 frUlII Chlca o , t'Ollt 111110 t 1ll'1I' WOI't ] of collt'ollll ! ; 0\1. Ilt'lIro of 81\'h \ wol ht thllt 110 clouht shllll I'elllllill 01' I hI' Itlelltlty 01' thc IIIlIrderl'l' of hss 811rah C , Schafer. No 1II'I'I'sl. they Hay , will be mndt' IIl1tll that hoIIl'COlllllllshed. . Such circum- slllntlal e\'ItIl'lIl'O a ! : ! hns nlrl'ntly IICOII ( 'ol1ocled tlwr l'l' nI'll IlN I IUlllfIlcl ell t gro\lllll 1'01' 1111 11lIlIcIIIII'lIl. This IJollcy 01' clt > lc ' mules 11 1':1111- : c/ll / challge 01' ta'tlcs lIoceSSIU'Y Oil the I\rl ) [ of the 1IIl'1I I'hllrgl'l ( with Hol\'llIg t hl' mYHtll'r ! , TIll' ehllngo WIIS 1IIIIIIc lit thc " , JAh 01' till''lI1a e Illlthorlt1t.s , who lII't' IIlIcerlaln of the COIISt'lIl'IICP of hUHt ) ' 1Il'llolI , 111111 lIot IIl1tll thc lie- tt'l'tI\H rllll flll'lIiAh SlIch11l1lenllhle / 111'001'of 1I111lH 10 malw 11 cOllfer 'lon llOsHlhlt. will II warrnnt he ISHIIl'II , Hert > aftl'1' III ( > clcll'ctln'H will work wlthollt till ! usslHtnllce of the lorlll : JOlice 01' speclnl hourI ! ot Inlllliry IIp- i 1)011111'11 ) hy the { lty ( , ollllcil. At their I'CIIIII'8t l'Illl'tJI' Smith w11l Ipa\ " ( . ' his olllce whllt' wltlllJHI5C" ' ' hclll ' " ; 11I't' ! ; l'xalll- hH'tI. It hu ! ! eell agl't ed that e\'ery lIight the ma 'tshlllI \ he furlllslll'd with a sn\llmary of the lIa"s Ilroceed. Ir . Holtger hl : frel' tu II whl'I"P. he Illem-lCH , He lIIa ' It'a\'lJ the city IC he l'hooses , thongh It Is IIlItlel'stooll that ho hn' ! heclI luh'lscd to remain in the l'Jty till' Ihl' ' ' " III'eSt'lIt "for thl' salte or IIllpcaranccs. " The Ht'nsllllollal I'e- 1I0rts that he Is Hhlulllwetl or that his home \\'lItchell al'l''Ithollt fOIllla- 1Ion. "W < , hn"e snch l'eSlInrCeA thnt It IA almost 1\IIIIOHllIlp ! 1'111' all ' olle to es- t'ave liS. " sultl Dl'tecllvlJ Het > d of the PIIII\Cl'lolI agcn'y. : Ulll1l1g that he In- Il'nllt'd 110 1'C'fl'I'ell'e tll leltgct' [ . HolJNt Cam ) l11ell. : II elllIIIIlYt' of thc Al1ll'l'lcnn Expl'ess COl1lpallY , has stat- t > tI tlint 11l' SllIleitget' In the aller \\1.1'1' ( ' the ItI lII'd 1'1' was cII11I1111tted t\\'o hOl\l'H ane'I' the IlUd ' was dlsco\- C'I'I'II. ' . " 11..ltg" ! ' stood jllRI olltsille the cah ! 'h11 anfl lall,11 with me allollt the IIII1t'dl'l' , " saltl CUlllphel1. "He all- Iwan'll 110 mor ( ' excltcII than wns nat- III'al foI' Olll' who Imew the dp1 girl. 'Vhllc w'crt' t1ll'l'e II lIttle lIegro hllY showed \lie a IIdel , hlJ had fOllnd . . . . . . . . . . .r- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of Railroadl.lg. 'W1I11am J I. Ballcmft. till' Ill'cn - ( ' \\1 \ [ mallager of the Ullloll Pacltlc H'btC''I , Iw j hecm II l'IIlIwuy man slncc 1 Sj , Hc ha'well \ service Oil the : \llchl- IWII Cllltlil'rll. till' EI'Il' , tht > Kansas Pa'lfj ( ' , the Hunta 10'1' , thp ; 'IlIssolIl'l. - - -.r > .r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / c : : I I InJi.m.t Univcroity l'I1tn who has , been questioned by the pollee as to his I knowlcdgc of cvents connected with the Schafer murder. In the cah shell. 'What's thnt ? ' uHlwI1 Hl'ltgm' . I examlnoll Ihe hl'icl , nllil I'lIlIntl a stalll Oil olle cm'nl'I' of It thnt 100hl'II lIw ! II hloollslalll , I IIslwd lIelt- gcr whal hI' Ihollght ahollt It. 111lt- 1'1' 1001 , thc hrlcl , IIl1d looll'(1 ( at It clmely. : ; 'It looliS IIlw hlool ! . hilt I couldn't Hay IJOIIt\'t'I ! ) ' nnll'sH I t'xam- Ined It Illlllcl' Il mlcl'OSCOII' ! , ' WIIH his . . . IlIIHW\ ! . Ileltg-f'1' IA l'C'pol'tl'd to h'\\"l' a'l\Cd ! IJPrmlHson ! 10 atlend tht' I1IltollH ' , ex. 1IIIIhlllll ; Ihut he wus talllIg Il few I111'111cal stll(1es ( ! III his COIII'HI' lit the' ' hll1alla ! Stale ulIl\l'slty. Four tletl'cll\'ps I'mlll a detcctl\'o agpnl'Y hI Inll1l1l1alo1s ) ! IIl'e III Betlfm1 wot'Ilng Intlelll'nlent1y ! or the Plnlwr- ton mell on the theory that all In. r _ - . . - - - - . . . . - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - . . . . . . . . . /AUMED MAN RIDES FOR MILES t--------- ----.J _ _ ? : : : : : : ! : ? ? : ! . E I Tcrrible Ride en Cow catcher of an Enclnc. -\i , . , . 11'1111)1' ) ( ' 1':111'Y : illl'hlPIII f\ \ . . cJ/l'I'lIlt'rJ IJ ' poilu ! 111111 wltllcSSS , ) - - "mOc ] , t he limited , Tlwl'e's / lIlan Oil till ! cwca tchel' , " This 11IeHsagl' , Uushed ulollr ; the Pelllls'I\'allh" " , told tlte HhI' ' of II mll. road accl ent which II ca 1'1) ' cot : II mun's IIfl' 11\111 which trainmen say waH 1\111I0st unlll'ccetlelltell III tholl' I'xpel'lellce , .Ioltll [ lnllcrow. 70fHj HhodeH 1I\'I'II\\C' , Chkago , " , hllc ! ( , I'oss , Ing th ( ' tracioj ! , wus cllllght fmm his fect. hlll'led In the 1111' . I'ecnll ht III thl' cowcnlchpl' , ulIIl whlll' the train ! \ : Oil IIcal' ! ) ' a mlle u 11I1nlltl' , hI ) wus 1'0 I'C ( > 11 to sa\'o hlnuH'lI' hTall' Ilhg : Itls 1I1'11IS 111'0\11111 the ll'On hell iUS In front ul' tht' engille. Two of hlH rlhs unll 01\C \ of his le s WI'I'e hl'oltcll. Yl't In spite of a ( l'Qodng : temlll'ratlll'e 1\1) dllllg 1'01' fOllr mlll'lI , ullahle tu gC't silwal 10 Ihe png-Inel' ! ' IIl1d finmwlI , who W\'r ( > olll a fl'w l'elt Iwhlnd him , hlSldl' the C'ullchoK l'ullowlng I ! C'u rf > ref \ of IHlt'Hl'luel't ! l' C'lInt'1 ! 11IUXllllolls \ chall's , Tht' train waH cal1r > d. t he "flying lH'uuty. " hounll out of C'hlca- go un a I'Rst licl\l'dllio fur Now Yorl. IIl1d oes 1I0t l11alw 1Mtup until seven. tyth'I111es Ollt of Chicll/&O / : , Not uu. t 11 t ell'phono mOilMlllICIl were l > nL IIIH'ntl nutl the train was 8to11IJocl . slglllil lit the RlYCI' lIne stn.tOIl18 ! \ the man nm'uoII. Kllnsas ami Texas :11111 thc Dell\'er r.nll Hlo Grane ! , an ! ! has IlCon receiveI' llll ! ! gcncral superlntenllcnt of the U11l1\'el' : \1111 Hlo Ol'Sllldo Westel'll. Since 18J7 ! hl' hall IICCII g ( > lIpral IIlllllager of the Oregon Rhwt UncT : r , Bancroft was h01'1I al N/.hmg. 0" Oct. : W. 1840. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . - " " All this tlmo the Penllsylvanla 11m. Itt'tI wns contln\llng 011 ItH jourlloy , I anti the ellgllleOflrlnall untl Ilassell' gers wprIl1nWllI'O that IIn'thln hatl happenl ! . 111 frollt of the ellgille. ellllglllg to the cowealclwr , was 11 nil- CI'OW , flghtlllg tlrt > utellcll cloath III t\\'o fOI'\I1s-frO'zlllg or f.1lllllg he- lIeath the whr > els of thl' clIgIIP ! , The tmln Ilafoosl'd sevPl'ul statlolls , hilt no one III tilOIH HIl W Hancrllw. Several tIIlWH. In splto 01' his IlIjurll'B :11111 tile hltlllg c oltl , ho h'loll to WIUII himself I , I ahollt thl' Pllgillc 10 a III ace within ' hearing of the t'lIghwel' , hilt his volco wu Il'Owlled In the rlll11hlo of the train , As till' e : > JloSII\'e \ colltlnllecl ! the IIIUII' ! ! 111'11111 aud ) Pgs Irew 1\101'0 nll\l1h 1'\0111 \ llH' ( 'ohl. the tllllfol'lng from his Injllrletl IIIC'rouIIl'II. ullcl It was 1.111) ' 1110 inN ! ! uhUIICl ! thut 11111 reet t1lld I hantls wpre wp ged Illto t no gratu ! I . of llt C'owcatclltH' that Iwpt hll\1 frol\1 I'olllng l'ul'\\'t1rd UpllU thu tl't1ckll. , "I thollJht lilt ! { 'nglul ! lIe\er wUlIltl stull , " gnsJlt > d Hancruw , whou ho was I'oscne , "I yellotl as Wo [ 1I1.&st > ( } every iltatlou nud no uut' Rnw mo nnd 1 cuultl not l1Jalw the onslneer bear. " Then ho II\IJ80tl Into uncot\8clousPcs8 finel WtlS htll'j'letl tu the 1I0llpltal. 11e ' ' ' ' , IIIU ) t'ocm'et' ' I ) IIlhllapolls man an ! ! a ) 'OII1Igwomlln f\"lond of ; 'I1IsH Schafcr call sol\'e the mYRt er ) ' . Shel'l IT Smith hng gOllc 10 Pnoll to ! tn'csUg-lItt' an IIIClllollt cOIlnected with thl' hallll't 1.HI1l game Illa 'l'cI t hl'l'l' two Wl'l'ltH ao IJltwoon ! thl' lrlH' teallls of lIellfoI'cI [ 1)111 I'll ell , ; \\lHS \ Sl'hllfer Ilccoll1J1lmell ! till' I1I1lfol'll ! team allcl Oil thl' t 1'111 lIIet a IlrOl1llllent BclflJl'I1 111 all , This IIInll , with IlIIot her Bl'cI- 1'01'(1 ( mllIl Is halll 10 lIa11111111' r\- marlts while III Paoll ahout. a YOIIl11 : womall. A secolld 11I1111 IA 1'l'Iortl1 ) ! to havc halll that h ( ' hllliI HWI'I'tllCarl. II school tplIl'ltcl' , whose hOll1e waH III I lIdl.lI't , ' 1'hiH mllll's lIam ( ' IR 11I1'11- tlonell morfl'PCJuently In cOIwecton ! wltlt the case thaIl herelofore. - - - WHY HE CHANGED STUDIES. Boyhood Advcnture of the Mayor of Indlan:1polls. John " ' , Ilolliman , lIIayol' of Illdlu. 'nnll1I8. / . III his 1I0)'hood dars hllli IIn Inclination to Ill' 11 doctOl' and I1cl'ol'\l , IlIgly elltercll the ollleu of a prtlclltlon , er In his lIativo vllage ! III lIorthOl'1I In- dlalla , The doclor was II IIl11n of vlo , lent temlel" ) . Onc tllIY he WIIS cnlled to sce a putlent. n thort. dlslance out of towlI allll ) 'Ollng Holtzman wellt a IongOn the way I hey wCl'e chased hy a hllll. The ho ) ' IInd hlR lIIentol' madc 1'01' a dllch nel1l' hy and the rUI'mel' leall ( > cI It CllslI ) ' , Not so thc 1I0CtOl' , who fell fairly III the middle , where tlwre1111 IIhout two feet of \"atl'l' allll 1111111. 1I1H aplel\ranco ) us hI' scmmhll'd Into sllfot ' was too 1I1uch 1'01' the ) ! , who rOIlI'HI with IlIlIgh. 11'1' , ThcreujJon the Iloelor Ihuscd ! hl1l1 halt Il mile , meaIlwltllu cll'lI\'Il'ln" ! him. spit'of volle ' IIftcr " 011 e ) ' or cnss wOI'IIR. 1I0ltZ11IIIII n 1)\0 I' wellt hncle to thl' 1I0ctOl"s ol1lce , hnt wellt In for la \ \ " - - - - - - - - AMERICA AHEAD , AS USUAL. En lIh Astronomcr P < 1Ys Compliment to American Confrercs. ' 1'ho ast I"OnOlllcr royal at th ( > allnnlll II illncr of the BI.tIHh ! oclety of Ellgi. n'erA ( Raid that llH' Amel'lcall aHtron- Ollll'rs rCIIII ' sCl'mcd to mOnolollzc ) I he wltoll' 01' the science , ' 1'he ) ' 111\11 ono a I 1l':11 I , Ito WIIS ! : iO\'l' ' to say , c\'en of English list 1'0 no 111 lI'U ! , The Ilmg. I''ss tllo ) ' had 1111l10 ! WIIS ItW. ! aH much as 10 unythlng else , to the fllct that ther IIntl IlCen ablc to et Inr ! er fnnlls fOl' the conlltrncllon of their tele- RcolieH. As It advancC'd the sclenco of onlneerlng ! Involvetl cost1r worits , and. unfortnnately , In EnglaIlll It wafl \'l'I'y difficult to get snfllc1ellt mOIll'y to pro\'llIo these cORtlr works that \\"l're essl'ntlal to the lid vanccment of : ct'lcc. ! Insular Trade. The "alne of the mercllllndiso hl'ollght Illto the cOlin try dnrhlg the year from Islands which ha\1' I'ocently ( ' 01110 uncl'r the AlIIl'rlcall fla ; : ; was : Porto Hlco , $1IU 1lJ ! ; Phlllpplrll'H. $11.72.f : ! S4 ; HawaII. $2r.24,8fiJ-a : ? ! to. tal of $ .18IJtjGGIS. agalnfjt $20,2fi2,1ir,3 r III 1SJ7. ! The shipments of mel'chall- dlao to thoHo IslundH during the ) 'C'ar wm'o : Phl1pplnes ! $ I,038.o9 ! ; lIa , willi. $10842,272 ; Porto IlIeo. $12" : HG,22a totul of $27,12fiOUG , agalllHt $ G. 7t : , GO 111 18')7 , - - - - - - - - - Were Bound to Secede. Senatol' 'fllImm : tellll IL RtOl'r of DOleD , 11 little town 111 Suuth Carolhm. with just about ( 'nuuch Ill'ulllu III fill a slIJnlI Hclll..olhoul e , At tlw IJPHln- /lins of the cl\'l1 W I' ItH 110(11 ( ( ' hl'- came n'lJatly oxclted over He'l'HhiO/l and 111'111 n I11I\HtI moetlng at which these resolutions wt > ro IJUitle ; ! ! : "He- tlulvOI ] , } "II'Ht , thAt South Cal'olilla shoultl Iwcado. Hosolvod , Secon ! ! , thllt It South CarolllltIlou't , damncd If IJolm tlon't. " _ _ .1-- . _ _ . _ . > . _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . --r _ _ . . . . . . . . . - ' - - - - - - - - _ . . - - - MEDICAL EXAMINER Of the United States Treasury Rccol11mends Pc."ruana. Other Prominent hyslotans Usa and Endorse Dtt , UJEWELrYN .TORDO , : : o.fl'llIc/\1 1' XIUIIII\Ir of till ) U. H , 'l'rc'uslI'lJo - I1l\rtllll'lIt , gl'millulo of C0111111blll'oll'W' \ , 1\1111 who t\r\'l'll three ) l'UI'S lit " 'est.l'olut , hus the following to 81of Perlln/\ : IIAllow me to express my grntl. tude to J'ou for tllC benefit derb'cd from your wonderful remedJ" One sllOrt montilllS brougllt fortll 11 WISt cllllngo and I now consider myself a well man after montlls of suffering , Fellow suf. ferers , PcrUllll will cure you. " .A constnnth'lncrl'nqlll/ot / nllmher of phy- . .lclllns1I\'e I'r bo l'el'ltIm III Ilwlr Jlrucllco. It hmi 111'0\1'11 Its merltl ! HO I hnl'olllthir t hilt ' ' t 110 1100 IOI''i hll0 ' 0\1 C\'I'1I \0 II l'ereOI\lO \ ( r llreJlIllIco nltnlll\t o enlll'11 Imlt'nt medl. cines 1\1111 rec'olU IIIPIIlIIt , tot hell' 1111 tlenUl. l't'fllllU occlIJ1le 1\ \II1IrlIO ) JI ( ) lIlon In ml'dlclIl Scll'lIce , It. If ! the only illlonll\l 8 'fh'lIIlo culnrrh l'ell\,11 ' knll\\'u to the ml'lllenl profm.lou totillL'ntnrrh , I\R m'c'r'ollo will I\tllllit III t 1111 tllll O of ono. hnlf the tllt-I'nst ! which nl11lclH Jllllllkll\l. Cnlnrrh 1\1\(1 ( elltnrrl\ll1 111 ! < I'II ! < l'Rl\l11lct ouc- hulC or t.ho Ileoplo oC the Unltl'll 8tntef ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Bohert It. Hohert. ! ! , l\ [ . n.19h. . Inlton , D. C , . wrllcI : "Throtlgl , my on-n erperlencc liS " , elas tlmt of mallY of my friends lInd acqlln/ntances " , ho Im'o been cured or rel/eved of c. , . tnrrh bJ' tlro ust' of lIartmnn's Perunn , 1 un conf/dentl ) ' recom. lIIend It to those slIffer/ng from slIcl , dIsorders , Dnd lln , ' " no hesltntlon prescr/blng It to my pat/ents. " - Robert R. Roberts. . . Dr. It. Hobbins , l\1uskogco , I. T. , wrltc ! ! : "PernIl Is the 1 > cst ml'dlclne I know offer for cOIIJthl/\nll ! to IItenHthell wellk 8tom. nch nI\l to I\'o nJlllctlce. Bel < ! , lel 1lro- fcrllllnH ; it for cntllrrh , 1 hM"1 ortlt'r'll It Cor wl'nk nntl deh1ltat ! 'd reolllr , mill hl\\'o lIot I\/Id pntll'lIt but Anle it hell'l'll him , I t Is excellcut ml'lllcluo 1\1\(1 t fitll 110 mnnr ca\cs , "I ha\'o 1Inrgo - prl\Ctlcl1 , IInll } \I\\o II cll1\llcO to I'rl'scl'lho ) 'Ollt. l'ermm. 1 hope you mar 11\0 IOllg to O goml to the IIlck nutl the suITt'rlll/ / { . Dr , 1G. [ . Gee writes from ! 'ita Jones St" Sail Frnncl1co ! ' , CIII. : "T'crulla hils IwrCormcd so many wonderful - derful cureR lu HI\II 1'I'l\IwIHCO ! thnt 111m com'lnced t hilt it Is \1I1I1IIh10 romclly. I hll\'o frequentlr ncl\'II < t'11 UH ' 11 < 0 Cor womcn. IIf ! I 11t1l1 It hlll\lrl'f ! rt'/lIlnr / IInll plllnlesH mellstrunt1on. cureR 10ueorrhwI\ Dr. Llewellyn Jordan , Medical EX:1mlner United States Treasury. /\1\(1 ovnrlnn troub1cl1. and 111I11118 up the clltlrn A'stem. I nll < o eonsl er It one 01 : the tlnl'sl , cntllrrh remedies I know ot.- M. C. Gee. 1\1. n. Cntnrrh Is 1Y8temlo dlllellRo cnrl\blo only hy A'I < temlc trent.mont. A remedy t./\/It / / cllres cnlnrrh mllst nhn dln'cUy lit the leprl'\Icll ! ! : nerve centen ! . ' 1'hIIl19 wbll I'crlllm Iloc . Perlin" hnmNlIl\tcly Invhtornt tba tlorvo centers which glvo vltlll1ty to the mueous 1\1l1mbmlll'I < . 'L'lllm catnrrh Ills- IITljll'nrs. 'l'ltell c"tllrrh ill porlllUucntly en rl'l. If you Ilo not Ilerlvo promTltn11 Mtlf , . fnclory romlt : from the \ISO of Pllrllnn , nllo lit once t.o Dr Hllrtmnn , Hiving " Cull Rtntenwnt of ) 'our en o , 1\\1(1 ho wll1 ho } l11'1t4I'11 ! to glvo ) ' 011 ! lh , "l\ll1nblo .o vlco mt.1s. .I\lldress Dr. IInrtmllll , Prcslc1cnt , of 'Jho ; IIl\rtmu.n Su.nltllrium , Columbuli. Ohio. 'NEW RIVAL" BLACK POWDE SHEllS. It'o the thorotTrhly modern nnd scientific system of Io\d. In nnd the use of only the best materials which make Winchester Fnetory Loadcd U New Rival" Shells ive better - ter pattern , pcnetration nnd more uniform rcsults generally - ally than nny other shells. The spccial paper and the Winchester - chester patent corrugtted head used in mnking "N ew Hival" shells Itive them stren th to withstand reloading. BE SURE TO GET WINCHESTER MAIE OF SHELLS. 1\lanr thIngs we filII to see hecauso they 11\0 constantly In 01\1' sight. . - - - - - - A man 8l'lIlom thlllla ! ho sees 1IlCr. . fact mun without the IIld or IL minor , Lt'wls' "SI-oglo Binder , " 'rho rlchl'lIt ! } Uulitr clgnl':1II the mllrket nt IItl'lll ht lic. AlwlI'fi rellublt. , YOIl 111I ) ' IOc for clKUrR not 110 goud , Lowl , ' Fuctorr. PeOl'ln , Ill. Once lhero was a mlm who feU In 10\0 with 11. womun's voice ! she sol- om used It. The man of delJ s has IIltlo lime to waste on WOl' s. You never hear any ono complain abollt "Del1anco Starch. " 'rltero is Ilono to ( ) { IUal It In quaIltr n.Il lIunn. tit ) ' . IG ouncen. 10 cenls. 'l'r ) ' it n w un S1\'O ! 'our mOllcy. 'rhe hl'st cum of a hlld huhlt Is the culture of a gooll one. What a grand IIIHI glo\'loufl world this woulll Ito If e\'ery man would fol' low the udvlC'o ho gives to others. The v. jj. IlIltt. of Arlcultllro Gives 10 Sulzc\1i Outll Its hel.rtlcst endorsement. Salzer's New NlI.tlonal Oat ! ! 'Ieldecl In 1903 Crom 10 [ to 300 lH1 , lit ! ! ' nere In 30 dlffcrcnt StI cR , nnd ) ' 011. : III' , I"armer. enn bcnt thlR In 1904 , H 'ou will.'li : Nceds lire pe l rce fceds ; , bred till through careful selee. tlon to blS ) 'lcldl ! . Per Acro. Salzer's Denl'dlcs ! ! Dnrley ylcltll'll . . , . . , . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . ] 21 bu. Snlzl'\"s Home Bulldcl' Corn. 300 bu , Speltz and Mnctlronl 'Vhent. 80 bu.'s Vletorla Hape" . . . . CO.OOO Ibs. Salzcr's 'J'e08IntCJ , the qulc1.- ro\\'ln fohlel' wond'r , . " ] COOOO Ibs. SnZl'I"f\ ( Billion Iollnl' Grnss. 50,000Ibs. 81117.I'\"H Pt'dl I'l'e Potntoes. . 1,000 1m. Now Hue-h ylelrll ! puy nnd ) 'OU cnn have them , MI' . Fllrmer , In 1904. B ! ' : D 100 I BTAMI'3 nnll thll ! notice to the Juhn A , Salz"r SCl'd co , . 1.11 CrORIp. ! , 'VIH" unll 'ou wlI ! et tlll'lr hlr catulo nnll lots of Carm seed ! : illmilles Crce , ( W. N. 1 ! . ) - - No OI'llInar ' mUll can 10\0 n woman ns mill'll liS Rhe thllll > s ho ought to anll nttpntl to his work ut tlte same tlmo , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CAPSICUM VASELINE ( I'I'T I' . ' I ( , " " ,41' > 11\1 \ II Tl'IlIS ) substilule lor IInd > UI"'I.r . 10 lIIuualll or IIn , I olher.I.I''r , RIIlI " ,111 II..t .'f the most delicate bhlO , 'rh" pain a'ldyln ' nncl CUrall\1J qualities of Ihls a"ido alu wOIIlt'rflll , It will I Mo ! , Ihe 1Jtharlie at onru. nlld , I'IICVO h..a < l- lI"h6 nllll SCI. ' " u , " 'e r"c"lnllll'ucl 11 lib Iho I.eot I , < II saft'st lIelllal , OIl\II'r'rrlLunt known , aho ' as an ellf'rual rell.dy , 'or I'ain In Iho chest awl.ornal h anti nil I ! lellmalic , IIeural ic 1111I1 'I ( Juty cO"II.I.IIIIS , trial \\II\lrO\o , . .hnl wu cl.m lur II , anll It will " 0 fOllntl 10110 invalu- nlolo In Iw ! I"ub holol , Many l'I''l'lu suv "il i. Ihe be , ! uf ilil ) , , "r " , ( ' ! IUralull ; > , " Plko 1/\ / I cent _ , at nil cI , ' ' ' I\I. or OIher clealr , . , or ' " I 'er"III Ih , " 11U1l.tllll to us in l'o'I , ' "slam ! . WI ! I willclul " 'II Q 1111" , b. mdil. N a II' licld shoo' hI I be ncrepte,1 ' " Ih" 111110110 IIlIle. " Ih" SOllie i canh : , uur lah"I , I" 01 h"rwl > o it I. not , "IIUllle , CIIBSIJIIROUOII I't\FO. CO. . . . 17 Stata Stre . w You J ; It In hotter to he a stron ! ; dofendnn2 t1UlIl to bo 1wealt plalutlff. AIUt YlItlIt CJ.OTIIE9 FADCD' URO Itc'll CroHfI Bl l Uluo nnel mnko them' whlto ugnln. Largo 2 oz. } > ookl1gl' , 5 CCDUI. Do not lot the stream of your lito bo a lI1urlllurlu ! ; stream. PU'rNAM I"ADI I..ESS DYES nro fast to light an washing , - - - - - - - No mnn thlnlts of his lito as grlnt'J ' who has any grist worth grinding. . WE DEMANO YOUR A TfENTIOtit. - If i1nyom , orrmd you I g 'dollar ' ror an impurecl o I would you take It1 I II anyone orrmd you one go cJ1 . . dollar ror 75 cents or bad moQ.e.y 'would you take it 1 , . I We orru you 10 ounctS oT t" vfry but starch madt. for IOc. ; I No other brand Is so , good. yt all olhm cost 1Oe. ror 12 ounccJ Ours is a bu inm proposition. . DEFIANCE STARCI1 J the.ut . and cheapr.sL We. guarantet it sattsrattotjj AsJc. YOUf grocer. . The DEFIANCe STARCII CO. . Omaha. . Neb ; When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. - W. N. U" Omaha. No. 1904 - - - - - - - -