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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1904)
. : . , . . : - ' . . Jr. . Royal Baking Powder Saves liealth al1d Sa VieS Money _ - - . kOYAL BAKINQ J - POWDER - - . . . . _ CO'I NEW - YORK. - - - - - - - , The Underground Railroad. ( DJ' Dr. C. Plckott , : . . . .CHAPl'UR Xl. . . . Notwithstanding the dense ig- norence of the slave they had l pretty good idea of astronomy or p'arts of that scicnce. As an lllustra tion : In the J'ear of 1833 there ac- cured that won erful phenomena -th great metroroligical shuw- er which lasted the greater part of the night on which it occured. 'rhis was of course viewed by most people as falling stars and hence the apprehensions of real danger was extreme especially to tbe more supersticious and both white and black were partakers of that fear. One old slave holder - er in one of thf Carolina's was so overcome with dread that instead , f praying himself as many others were doing he sought out one of his old slaves whom he knew to be very devout and-trem- bling besouht him to "pra ) ? without ceas1t1g" until the thing stopped or something happened some way for their relief. .rhe old darkie said : "Come out heah massa , " pointing to the north star , "you ee dat are , as long as you see dat you all right , when dat goes you better be hidden you head I tcll you. " . - - - - - - - - The north star was known by every "niggy" in the south who ever thought of running away. One of those fellows going to Canada stopped at my uncles a few days to rest knowing that uucle was all right. My uncle , I . who was of a rather inquiring turn of mind plied the darJdc . with many question . Among which was : "How do you fellows know how to keep the right course ? " "We 1:0 tode ! > de norf star massa. " My uncle said "that h all right but how do you do when its cloudy and you can't see the stars ? " "Oh den we jess feel the trees to 1 nd de way.II "How's that ? " "Why we feel all around de tree and always on de norf side de moss is de thickest and so we go on from one tree to another. " "But if you get in a field what ! then ? " I "Den we go from de norf side of tree to de fence and keep along de fence dat runs away from de tree then we know we all right till we come to de next tree on tottlcr side of de field. " He said when he started out to run away there was no stream of water near so he could throw the blood hounds off of his trail by - - , II I I , I . " HICKS' PREDICTIONS. " ' .1'he : Jccond : Jtonn period in February will be ccntral on the Mh,7th IIn th. Owing to the pressure of the Mercury disturbance , the \'cr ) ' low barometer and general - eral storm conditions prevailing pre\'lolIs , or first storm periotI , ma ) ' not disapenr at the normal time , but run into the reactionar ) ' period. In such event , violent storms of min , sleet and snow will develope unl run their course about the 6th , 7th and 8th. One of the most general RllIl scven' cold waves of the winter neetI not be u . , urprise , as a scqucl to the storms alii } U vCilry low barometer at this time. At hoth the storm periods within the 1\1ereur ) ' bl-Ice aU proper viHgance should be practiced against the probabilities of disagreeable if not dangerous stonns. Third Storll1 PeriotI Regular.-This period extends from the luth to the 16th. the time being extended beyond the ordinary limits of a storm period for obviou5 reasons. The cause bearinK on this period are the Vulcan disturbances , the 1\10011 at apogee and at new , antI the bcginning of the earth's vernal equinox. The uS\Ia1 change to warmer will set in to the west , about the 11th the barometer will full m winds sbift to easterul } ' and southernly , cloudiness will gather in the low baroUletel urea and stornls of rain turning to snow at last will tuke their course ea' t across tht country during the 12th to 16th. 'fhe 1\1oon in apogee on the 15th antI ut new 011 the 16th , will tend to draw the perturbations of this periotI a day or two later.It Fourth Storm Period.-Thi. . period is central on the 18tn and 19th. The dis , turbing elemcnts will be the Vulcan reactionar > ' , the 1\1oon on the celestial equatol and approachinK vernul equinox : of earth. Tins is one of tbe periods we put dowl : us protilematieal. Should tbe low haronll'ter antI the higher temperature , which u ! u rule attends the New Moon , not tIisappear about the 15th to 17 , the 18th und 19th will be culminating days of a very decided stQrms. Ouand touching the 19th win. . ter lIghning and thunder storms bordering on the tropical in the south will be quite probable and natural. Such storms should they appear in the south will have I : , counterpart in the way of boreal storms and blizzards down out of tb northwest. . followed by very hi h baromuter and u co1tI wuve . . I. \ . . , . . , wading , so he went a mile or two twd then rubbed the bottom of his old shoe wIth an onion he bad in his pocket thcn aftcr he had gone n mile or so farther he rubbcd his feet with some asofoctida he also had it ! is pocket. IIe said : "I fooled de dogs urc dat time and so got a way. " There was a slave running away at one timc who came through our country and was so closely pursued by his masters hired gang that it becamc imperative - perative for his friends to find him a hiding place quick , and it being thought unsafe to try to hide him in the house or barn he was taken out into n stubble field an depm.ited in a large hollow stump from which the tree had been cutlongbef re. Thestump was about as high as a man's arms and the hollow being large he was not uncomfortable there for awhile. He was takcn there just before daylight and the weather being as cool as it gener- all , ) is in Indiana summer , ail thIngs seemed lovely , but just as daylight was begining to c1ear the gang of hunters rode up to the house and dcmanded the op- portunityof searching the premises - mises , which was granted. 'l'hey were pretty sure he was close there if not on that farm and so they made a thorough examination - tion of the house , cellar , out houses , barn , cow shed and indeed - deed every where they could think of. All this the darJde in the stump could sec by pecring up just a little above the top of the stump it being about 150 yards from the house. At last in sbuf11ing around in the stump with his feet , he stirred up something - thing that caused him to ha\'e a vcr ) ' kecn pain in enc of his legs. Sambo took this for the bite of 1 rattlesnake , although there had been none in that part of the country for a long time. But he had been used to the little black rattlcrs in Carolina and he was sure he was bitten by onc. So without thinking of his pursuers h straightened himself up at full length , but on bethinking himself and seeing the hunters in thc yard at the house , down again he bobbed for snaJ < es. Just then he got another touch and raised up a little again and ag-ain he got another bite when up he come again and by this time he was about half the timc in the stump and half out. Things went on that way a few minutes when he reached down to see if he could not throw the snake out of the stump. But whatever the thing' was that was biting him seemed to have the right of "Eminent domain" and when he reached down the second - end time he caught an insect in- stcad of a snake between his thumb and finger. 'Vhen he brought It to light it was ringed all round like Jacobs cattle , and was what was known as a yellow jacket. When he found that it was not a snal < e he felt 1il < e a bag of shot had been lifted off of his stomach. He thought he could stand that for the things were not poisionous and he could wait till the hunters were gone. But just now the jackets were begining to get warmed up and ha ving an eye to busines began to pour hot shot into him in ambush - bush on all sides. Pretty soon hc made up his mind that master , or no master , he was going to emigrate from that particular spot , and as he arose he thought the men had g-one and he hopped out and ran like . \ quarter-horse for the cdge of a cornfield about fift ) ' yards away , sevcral of the jackets pouring their farewell 5hot5 into him as he ran. Fortunately - tunately for Sambo the men had just left the place beforc he made double-quick march to the corn- field. Soon after the coa5t was clear at the house the fellow that put him in the stump came hunting - ing for his colored brother and just as he peeped over into the stump a yellow jacJ < ct , who was standing on guard gave him a shot which so hurt and scared him that he also fell back as a dead man , but on recovcring a little he called mournfully for Sambo , who hearing' his \'oice from the cornt eld answered Hhere I am.II 1 t is needless to say that he was toatcd to the house and made ready for his , trip to Canada. He said afterwards - wards he would not have staid in that stump any longer if nil the blood hounds in Kcntucky had bten after him. h is a fact that a nest of yellow jackets attend111g strictly to business would empt ) ' any hollow stump of a darlde OI white man either for that matter. When General 'rom Brown 01 Winchester , Indiana , Clune home he broug-ht home with him .1 , liberated slave , who was enc 01 the most faithful fellows in the world. He , Brown gave him all I education and he was ahva ) 'I called 'rom Brown's nigger , bu1 , . . . . ' , ' . - ' F/f' " " . - It was not in diorespcct , for he was rcspected cverywhere. If you wish to Jmow am' more about this Ilarlde ask M jor Skelton when he comes home for he e- longed to Bmwn's regi Illent the 7th Indiana Cavalry and there is littlc doubt that ' 1'011I and thc Major oftcn ate chicJ < en togcther that they got somc how. ( ' 1'0 lIU CONTINURD. ) Are "UII It e"tI' I4 u t N Iiht and harassed by a bad cough ? Use .Ballard's Horehound Syrup , it wl11 secure you sound sleep and effect a prompt and radical cure. 25c , 50c and S1.00. Sold by Ed. McComasBroken Bow and Merna. - . . ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - ( ! BUSINESS POINTERS. i ? _ . - - - J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2t1 . . - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - " - - - - - - - J , G. Leonard bonded abstrac- ter. 39tf . - - - - - - - - FOR SALH-One span of High Grade Hameltonian driv111g horses - ses , 6 years old ; enc good secondhand - hand buggy and one set driving harncss. ' 1. A. Cor.mIAN , 33tf. North side , BroJ < en Bow. J. G. Leonard bonded abstrac- tcr. 39th - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MUle. A few of my best family milch cows for sale-will be resh in about two weeks. Do you wanl. some choice Durham milch cows. If so , see me ill Hr l < en Bow or at my place north of town L3 miles , or 'phone 3 in town. I also - so have somc good work horses and mares to sell. 33-3& 'V. P. ROGIU < s. W AN'rIm-Men with families. Fair price and good houses. 'VES' ! ' UNION MILLING Co. 34tf West Union , Neb. . - - - - - - - - - - - FOR'rOW-1 lots and a few five acre lots in this city. -Allen Reyner. - - - - - H11111Ulcr NOriliul HellooJ. A summer normal will be held in Brokcn Bow , Nebraska , June 6th to July 15th'-six weeks. A most excellent opportunity will be offered teachers and all others interested , to take up any branchcs for teacher's certificate. 'rhc school will be thoroughly up-to-date and will be under the directorship of Mr. H. O. Sutton of the Grand Island High School and Mr. L.V. . 'Vlmberly , principal - cipal of the Ansley schools. Plan to be with us.Vatch further - ther allnoltncemen ts. Rhode Island Reds , the general - al purpose fowl , and Silver Lace Wyandottc roosters for sale. 34tf Mm. . G. E. CADWEI.L. Sec Kay for furniture of aU kinds , stoves , tinware , granit- ware , queensware , stove pipe , dampers , coal buckets , shovels , pictures framcs , frames made to order. JUD KAY. South Side of Square. When in need of an Auctioneer see or write him. . _ - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . .llerd Ilel1rlcd By. . . . . . . . . Crimson licott. No. 171,035. . - - - - - - - . . . , " I . J. ( ; . BRENIZER , Breeder of I'lIre Scolch n" Hrotoh Topp,1 I'ort Hnrn Cllt , tll' , I v herd "Ulllbrrtt o COIVI ! . Will COml'JU 'II IIrl' . ' < 110111 1111I1 qnlllltV1t1.lIn ) ' we8t of ( hlct\o. . Iy I'XllerllJllc , ' ha tuJht IDn Ihllt 10 l'h'o IOO lIlt fIlCllrm. hr "llIn Clltt'O IUIISt ho rnlsed In this altitude. 1 expect 10 raise them here till ! eQual of IIII'thlll' : rllhlld III Ibt U , : I , I II W h.\ . " , ) 111I118 IIU1\lIl > lo for thl. . IIn 1I'xt yrllr' or\'lc ( ) . Mv CO"alh ! frolll 1400 'e ' 20 ( ) ( ) IIOlltlll , t'lllll" 811,1 pee Ihelll. . _ . . u . . . . . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Legal Notices. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I.EOJI.nVlatTJSIM , " ' 'I'S. . . .11 mlvllr' ' IIndrr1I1 he 1I will UI I'hllr e,1 ror IIIIN'III rlllr . 'l'lz : $ I.OOI'"r riqoan fnr Ilr"t In-ruloll. 111111 Oc p"r iqullTO for fillet lIh e'llIot In.crlllln. _ . \ _ "Mlllllrl ! " I 101111110. or fr/lcllull tIlMt' ' ' ' . - - " - - - - - - - - - 1'111111 FlIIIII'R ( " "lfl Olllc" . , IIrllkrr 1101Nr'Ior. . l ' < "buflr ) ' 1901 i Nnllr" , . , . " ' , Iv" " tll t Ihe to\1owluJ..lIrun. \ ; , , ' 1 . "lth'r h. . 1I11'IIIIolico or h's Intrl1tlon tn 11I11101 . 110111 . r'loflll"l'Il'Iort of h's clulm Nn , 112.1 , 1111' ' 111'\1 I\ \lr"or \ will h m\dtJ ! l'for HI'IRtur : " " 1 : lI'I'eh" . lit IIrok , , " 1101rdlr.sllll. . no ' ' 'uel ' ! 11 \ " 01,1 , . , oU. . w f'T l'rrl HO ! ' : , W.I , l'III ( " " " , . , h' .k > \ IN 1110 Swlt 11\\1. nw . R\\I. Ho.'tI , , , , , ' 'I'owwllll' lJ , "nTlt. ICIIIII , ( " 1'1 \ \ , ot nl tll' I II , ' 1I01l1f' Ih" Inlloh'l ' ( witn.otlr. t. IoInvp Io'R " , , " 'IIU0110 ro lllellcu " 1'011 111111 cultll. . IIn' , nf IIII' ' IlInll. vlt : \ . .e'la ltt'aO ( r . .f W"ril r'I''n , " 'h. 'I" , rrhlu E. l < ' , ) (1 ( of Gale. . "I'hm.l.lI , Johll P. l'rollllloreof110'11. . , "c. I > ra..II ; J..lill Wlnl'\"r or Unlnn N'u IH.J4-H JA.\II : . . WII.TKIIF.AD. 1I1'1o1.lor . . . . _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Itu.1I1'1 : 1 'I'n "I. . . III 11111) ' Cl1l1eorn. . \ \Il'III" " ' " 1I\'lnl : IIIJ"11 , lItJllllI tuu ullJto . .f 1111 C'HIIII'I''rl , , lIklllll' Ihta roall III' .Iahll.hl" ! , CO'III1"IICIII\ Lelller uf 'cllun tJ. l'II\\'II.hlo III. 1\1 ( " I , 1111" runlllnl : "ollih olle half IUIlI I II ! . 'dll' " 1111 ubJCI'lun. tLllelo. or chlllll"11' . IIIll1t U. . IIle&1 III tb. . C.HIIII , ( 'Ierk' , onlct ) un or b..ror. . . noon of thn SOli. I' ' ) ' of ltlfch , I , ' . or .UI h rua&1wllllJll eatllblldlwd'Ilhout Ie f"III' ' ' Ibtralo , In \ \ hne' \ \ hbreoF. I 1111bl'lenfo jet IU lIulIlI a'1 " ' 111 of uhl"oullty. Ihls 22nd till ) ' ul JUllullr ) , 1'1 UIIOJ\D ! . : W UewIIT ; , I 3 : i711 , : ; KALJ eouut ) ' I t'rlo . . - . . . . , , " ) , . , . " - , . . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ' _ _ ' _ _ ' _ _ _ A. . _ . - , THE RACKET STORE Ha , > just rccl'i'cd a larg stock of. , , . . . . , . . . . . , . Men's 11ndenrear , Eiderdown , Outing Flannels and Hosiery Foradics and gentlcmen that arc bcing sold at bar- . gains. Our stock of ribbons , velvets , vclvcti ncs , laces and embroidery will just suit you. ; ; ee our S'H.OES ND OVERSe.OES : : I. or men , wOlllcn and childrcn before purchasing , ( anr1 let us save you money.Ve have a linc lith : I , [ uf glovc < ; and mittcns , lined and unlined , for men r and boys at pricc , > that arc right. Our. . , . . , . . . ] j11 { lJlli L1Hlffi } : ! ! L\l1b ! ID > : lli1.u : ] 1JE { i arc beauties , arlfl th bcst in the cit\ . ' for the , money. Sec them , , ' . . . . , . . " . . . . . . . . . . . E [ J Rayner Co" _ l:3rok : . n Bo'N brask.a. . . lIIIItC'rlm. : : Dil.'tDJlml1rm : ; , , , . . . . _ . " " "r- " ' = " 'n"4"'i.r ! IoWuJ"aJ tl' Slm - " " 1I0\D r-,1I1'IC/ / < . 1' . . \ \ 1)1,11I , I' mQS' conN'ru. Tbe ( ) o' ml.slollcrlPI' .lnt" I 'OJJew ' II roMI I'CH 111"11' d f r ty A , I..ody. el.J , u roa,1 , com. menrlu/ / tUl : : .ccrlo" line betw"11I SCCtiODH 11 fInd 14. Townohll' 19. HRr RO 21 , nt IIl'ollt ' , nbont 60 ro.Pftst \ of . hI ! YoI'ctlu" cor"H lJehH'l'Il I'clll'ln 11 IInll 14 r""nlnl ! .Ollth nn1l'Mtn ! IIIIlI I II oug II e nYt)1I r."nUI w ro.l. . " , uth "f 1111.1 t' ( . tlon J1Io , a' d no ! ll'lIr )111'81'1'110 ) .nltl ppr\lon 11111' A8 uear on p'ne Icnb1n uud I'ulerln. : rend runnlllO ( nnrlh I od tonU'1i IIelWel'n 1.1 ullll 14 IIt..r " "Rr Iho corller of 11 12 , 13 "lid 14 In , ' , Id Township lIId 1It1l1glJ , IInd vllcatlr'g tll'IlIlIt flf 110ad No , 03 on nl'o Ion .1I1t' betwf' ' ' " See"Jn 11 lIud 14 en.t of the l.ollll . "hrr lllll wall 1)ltlllon.,1 ) tor , 'II'er. ' . II'II ' rllOlI nO. . Iwur .he coraer IIbov UIIIDl'1l hdft rOllor14'd I' , ta\'or "f110 l' : tuu ! I "ml'nt III , r. of , HUll ull ot'j"r\loIlN tht'rolo , or clul\ll" for 1111111dloe8 : , mnnt bo Olrd In the ! 'UUIIly O1erk' o1Uce nu 0 : hefore IInOll' f the 7th d y of : llllIch. 190 or Hnch roulIl11I1o"lftlllul1 htll wllhout reference Ihereill. J n Wltnl8. . Wherl'u' , 1 have h''unto I ! t illY hllnd 1111.1 BCIII of uid couutv , Ihtn I'Ih , Iltl ) ' nr .1".I1RrY. . 19iH I 1:0. \ \ D'WKY ' , 3Z.3'- ; ; [ It . .AL ] Lount ) . Clerk. _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unlltd State. . Lalld 0111 t ) , North 1'luUe , NlJb , . .F..u ) J. I'IIH. ' f Nollra 's hereby Jotl\'cn tl.\t the followln'II"lned PI'I tier ha tiled I olc' , ! ot' h.e Intl'ntion to IUllkn Onnl ploof III 8upport of hi. clullll , I\Jel tlut ft III pront \ \ III b lit " 'IJ ' befort' th" " l'llJtk . .C thl' Ills. trlct Uourt ot ( ' ' 'Slur e'nnty. lit Brnll11 I\I'W. Sl'urullf\ MllrrlJ 2'2 , 19tH'Iz : \ \ JLV 11 : It , T. IIEADLl < : Y , who Illude hllllll'.lea,1 No. IfJW3. ror th" S , It : ; \ , , lot , I. @cCtlOIi JI. 101'l'1I U I' I : , runlto I. We.t. lIe lIalne ! ' the 10110wlnJ ; \\I/Io. ! . s"s to pro\'e his C"lItllllloo re IdlDce upon lId culllvn'lflll ot Mid 11\011 , v.yo : Jolin W. ' " " 11' ) ' of oc litO. Nehut < IIUr'ov ! ; Uwrn : ! of oconto. No. bfliBkll , U. Chas CbumlJl Y of Oconto r-oelJrsk - ; Uly'cs nweu ot OcolltO. r-.ebrusk8 3t 311-111 OED g. FlE CII. It'ghtl'r. ! Unltcd States 1.111I1 o III Cl > . I Lincoln , NlJh" I"ebrullr ) ' 3 1IJ L \ I\ollro 18 herebY gl\'on that fllo t\JllowJII.n : m. cd potller h.s , llel1 lIoilcu , [ her Illtentioll 10 make Ilnllllrol't \ In nl'po , t of lIer claim , IItllllh/lt s , Id pr < Jor will bl' 11111.1" bcforr J A. Armollr. CUll' tt JUdg' Itt rOliclI 1I0w , Nebrl1Bka , 011 Ua ch21st lOOt vlz : OUo\l M 11110\\ : , tormor Iy Orc. ' lcCanclles , for till' I < : t t3e'1j of 81'clloll I" . IInd RY. NeH flf Stcllon JI ) , Hongt ! ! ltJ urlh. TOWn.h'p 10 \ \ e t lIu IIl1mes tbe follo\\'I" " . : wltlle. t'll ' 0 I' OVP IIIJ' COIt1lIlIOU" r'sltellcJ " 1'011 ' and rul Ivnll..n of Hsltl Il\utl. 'l'lz Ileol/o O. Wlltc , . . of tlro en 1I0w , Nt'hr. . U"nry lI. I.elle ) ' of Broken Uow , NebrI.t.a ; Uunry Cublo of Ih'r. wyn , NrbrnBka : Jobn 0 ' 1'a Illr ot lIerwYlI , Nl b. 34.39-12 \ \ ' , A. Gn&ls. ll'gl..ter. : The HtlllO ot Nehruka , lPt ! Cn8ter Couuty. f' III connty conrt , Ldnre , J. A. Arllwllr. ! 'olllltV Judre. III 1 he mutlor of Ibo etllto uf Juhll D. Ihde , now deceu- , To Ih" c'l'dll'l/i : ftud holr ! ' , IInd to 'III wllo 11r0 Interc"led III Iho "SI"1IJ Df , Inhn n Hyde : Tllko nullce. thnt Gee ( jre"owlIlJereLotort \ ! guardlllll of 'Ua ' IIforc lIld f'.tf' , hils tlt lI /I re. port 01 bl tlolngs Uti nch. 1\11I1 118108 th\t ( II" I\mu he II' provo J , anlllll..t . be. lot ! dl-chll'/o&1lrolll / further Obll ! : llolI therein , IInd to gra"t Ruch oth r rOllct n mav b. , ( Icemed necc .urr III 'ho final et lemont of Mid rstlltH , AI. " th t .RIII Uoo , W OrcenlVult btiS 11 011 hi. pelltloll In lItll mUrt IIRktlll ! tllII ho O' (1mo other ull"bll , pt'r- Oll n1"Y be \oln\l'd admlnhtrator nl the epUUu of 6"111 J .111I . U BYI" " ' . now , lccl' " " 8111 > 1U lIcrR have U'PII et t , r h"lIrll' ' 011 tau : ' : 'Ith IIIiY , r Feuruary , 19iJ.1 , lit 10 , o'clock Ii ! II , lit 1111' "oulty CoUrl Ruom , lu IIrokllI Uow. lit whlctl droo anI pillco lill parltes Intl'estld uay " 1'1''lIr J\ud 1J0 bellrd coneornlul : thl ! slime. J.AIUIOUII. . LRJALI ennUly Judge. IWAD N ) ' 1'1011 : . To wham It rny concert ! : The Com'DI. IDnor IIppolnted 10 vew ; II roatl polllioned for by Alf ! "chreYlr Oltll. II rO II com. m nolnjlnt Ihe north IJllllt c rner ot the IIW ! ( toeLlon O , Town hlp lb. HutJK6 : ! thence eUBt oU clIId one 1I 1f mllo" to . .outh lest COUll' , : -eetiou I , thenc , ' nortl1 OliO half 111110 toJ lIorih WyBtC mer ot : i\\ of ald dcctlool5 , thence Ollst .bout 140 , od , t. , Crlll ) on. Iheme 1I0rih ell.t folloWllJ ! ! e3nyol1 to Dortn lIu ! ! ofI.ellon / : 15. thellce 1'8St OU eect\OlIlI. 0 about 100 rodll Inter 8cctlo .01l111 < t nOlth east corocr Seclloll 15 th"lIlo lIorih "n road 1 mile. . thence ells : ll : mllu \ 01Ilolnt IIel\r C'IIler ot lIe 1 II"ctloll 1. \III'IICII norlh , bout 40 rJtl thtlllu ea.t IIhont o rotla to I'aht IIno "t Grctlon 1 , Ihollco ubout 10 rotl thl'.ce . norlh etl.l tollowlng canyon nh"ut O rod8 Il1Ier e.tltJ Mc\tu'try r01i11 In S"Ctloli b , 'rowllPhlp lb. Hllngu , IInll to vllcal. . 1111' rollo"lnpUhlle / rOIl,1 to.wh : ( Oinmoll > in.-t tlw ! < Ooth Wl' t corllrr < : ectilln : ! , I n\l'npllip 1tJ. HIIIJIO ; 23. tbl'ucO rll8t IIllut I , mil. . tll 811'11 ' l'1I8tcorucrofsjec 2. l'owlI.hll' 110 ) (1t1ll(0 23 , AIm Ihut : 'nrt of loa" " knO\l'1I M 1111 : Ilor loud. commtl/cllll ) ou 80ulh line ( If eY. , of .1' II ecl1on I , 'rown tll 10 , RanglJ 3 , thellc" / Olin I'IIt III IIorlh CIIRt crllnr ot .IoII'IIH hlllf cr B IIlh I'Mt qnuter of 811hl " "cllon I. 'l'ol'lll.hlp 1" , IIUIle : 2 , tilt. reportl'd In fnTor of Ibe csl..lJltphmenl tlll're. ot and all ot Jecllone thartH ! ' , or clllln.e fl'r dam. n 1'8 , moat bo IIlelllli thl' Connty Uerk'R ! "mcl ! , ) n or hetoru 110011 of thfl21J11I d\ ' ut'IIrh ' , WO . or Buch rand w.11 bo " .tll"hed ' ! without reteran ee th'rato. JII'IUne..s W hHCOr. 1 hll\'l' h"rellnln SHt my hand IIntl Bt'ltl of eald counlY , lIiI IIId8Y / nt JnnIl r ) ' , lOC4 OIW , IV , U&WKY. J3.3IJ-.S lSEALl 'ounly ( 'Ierk . . - - - - - - - - - - - - Ullitell . .tI\Io' 1.1 Olllc , ' , , North 1'11111 , ' , Nchrll8kn. JU'l\Iury SLh. IljH f 01 ! . ' I8burnlJ ) ' IlvOn that Ih tul u\VIO 110111. . "ll Rl'lller hu I1lell nOllro of uls hltentlu.1 . to III II k. . l1unl t.ronf In Bupporl of his Cld im , UI d 1I1"t lilll poet wll. be lOall" beleru ( h'rk of the Dlslri t COllrt at Broken IInw. 1''l1rll-a. ' 011 Inrch 1 h. I O v'z : I J\lII.E\ It 11Y1I. ! : . W 0 malle II , It 194 , f.Jr thu.w 1. ( RP\4 , 8"0 Iou ' . 'I'uwlI phlp 15 : .onrlh lIaDKIJ 21 , IVI"t b P M HJ lIamL8 tb" 10110IlIg WIIJ1I1 . " to prov" hip COoIIII001l8 rt'Sldencu IIpOIl ! nd cuhlvntwlI of oald 1111 d. vlt : Ocor . HOrrlck of hrkclI Uow , Nell n.kll , Shermllu IInrge of IIrokoD 1I0w , Nehrll@kl1 , JOhn ThomllB of tlwkon 1I0w. Nebrasku , arl Lllndn Ih of IIrokelillow. NobuRka. 33 33-9 10. E. FIIRlCII , HoI.u . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unlled IlIte LnlJlI I 'lUct' . ( Norlh I'n\l : e. , IIIUU8r ) ' 11 , 1'1U1. , N utlee b heeh ) ' r.1\'l'n Illath. . . tollo11 Itl 110m _ f'l , " \ller h sf11ellllotlco 01 hi. 1II\I'niluliio IIIlIk. . flnal proof III .1I1'\lort of hll rlll'lII HUll Ilat 'd proof \ \ III Lo luoll" beror" CII.k of , ho 11I 1r1"1 Court lit IIrokell lIuw. N. br-.III , on Fl'uu r } ' 61h. lfjO'IZ : WI.I.fA\I ' 1' It\NHr , : Y who \Uode 11 E. IjOI t'r the i 11J. J. ! : Iec , .e ! . " , 'll 1111I1 Lot . 5 , Twp. 15 ! 'tort'l Hllngl' 21\\1'8t : Ih. IIllllles tllo folloIng wllneSt.s 10 I'rovl'J18 ' \ continuous resUelll' ' ' upou IIn'l cul'hullun ' 0' ' nltl Itud. T Z C1lTeIJCU : n l1u1l'of II/u o. . lIow. , Nt'bsHII' . ullrew J , UUllld 01 lIr , kc" IInw. Nl'br @kll ; Albert II. BUlliS uf IIru ! ; " " Unw , vrhr , Jume8 I..IUog ot IIrok"n Billr brftbkll. JI Jb- l > EO. H. , HewlRler , . - - - - - - - - " - l'UIH.Iu L.\ND M.\I. NolIl'o I hrrebv thbllu I'UU1I1I1'I1" " uf lu.trllc , lion. . ! roon the OOlUmhalonl'r or th. . Ol'lIe'al 1.111111 . IUco rlllier Ruthol'efled In hllll hI' S. ctillu .511 U. S ! lev. "Iat . aR IIlIIen-It',1 hI' 1 h. . BCt of ( ' ! llIlIre . II"Plovmll'obrnllry \ o , 11)1 < ; , u e \\111 procl'utl 10' IIH lit public alu 011 Iho Ijlh d v of Febrnllry 101 . tIBxt..t . Ihls onte. . , lit : , : o'clock 'IIC followl112 Ir.CIC of IlIl'Id tll'Wit. I Nel , ( aw. . . . of 81'1'1Ion : . - . : , ' 1'ow(18hll' 15 Norlh of 1111111:1' . ' 0 \ \ cat 0 I' M. ny , nilIII 1" r-o. , . elalmlnlllvor ely 1110 nUov dr'crlhelllau&1 are Hd'l ed to110 Ihelr cll1l1110 In thl8 ontc IIn or tJe. the day abo\'o C"llgu8It&1 for 'h ' , ' eOmnlell"lIm'lIt ohalet I\IU 0111 rw.te t 0. . rlihts will hll fu. fl'lI. ed. Vllted Jannllry 1 191H. W A , Gnrtol , Rp l8\er. \ 3135-2 ALVA. E. &KHI"II D. lIeceh'er , ' _ " ' : O : - I'ulled Stntl'lI IIIT1t ! Of1CtJ ] , , Broken Uo\\ ' . Neb , 'I'I.rrIlUr 2 , 19u , I NolICfJ 18 hell : ! > " gtVl'1I tbal 1110 ftllowlng'lIalL _ er ! @tlll'f tll ! 11ell ! Hllke 01 IjPf Inlellllon III \ make 1111111 proot In . .upport of ( ' dllim No. I Ib91II II thtt 8 lu proof \\111 b , tr 0.11' heforo It. IAtcr uIIII n"celver at TIm' ell Boehrupka , on MR'ch 11. Ilj . vb1IO : A 1.ILI f. fOI merl ) ' HnsII"IUII' , fllr till' " , cloll : :1. : ' 1'0" mhll' Ij North. 1I0nllO 3 We" , 016 P M. SI1" 1I'.m , B the 'ollwlop ' wltnl' A't < h' I'ro\11 ' hl rOlltlnunu" re."tetll' " IIplln IInd "ultlvatlon Iof palol IOllel. \ ' z : ( IIrhltftll K III ) ! lt Klump.o.ebr18k" , Wl1lhlllll.aupp 1' ( 1'/lIIII\\o ) , . , : l'lIarloR ! loxle of UllllltwOebrulill Ur.nlel Troyo'r of f"nIIR'IINl'brA 'n 3 3'1-10 J. " " . . . . W lTEmA1J , Hegl ler. NO'1'lOto. OF ISC HI'OHA'I'IO . Not'ee ' IR horehy gl\'ol1 th'ot. Ihe I1nllHAI\lhJ hll\'o A.ROclal'll them elvo logo'iher for the pur- I'llee of b..comlu n corpomtlllil under the la\\1:1 oUhl ! 81111e of : OeUrllskll , The IlIlme of II" . corJlolntlon I. 11 T IIl11ce.i : " ' y. Thu , me" , . or 1111' corporlltloo are II Pre. , Iont. 1ecr"'nry : ! ' IInd 'i'II'II'urer onr ! tbe bUHlne-s of till ! , 'orpOr'ltlUu IIhllll 110 IIIRnrged by n b01i1l1 of thrl'p. dirt'rlMs 'I'ho undN.Ito"lJ : : phal1 con@tllutu till' II.r I of , JI , ( > ClOfll until Ihulr ! ur. . censors nre , .jpet'l'\ . Thp call1lllit"ck Ilt tbe corl'orllti"u ' sllllll b. . ton tho1Jllllllol ! Inr. ill ph'IIP ' _ 01 0118 hundred dollllls eacll Slt thol168n,1 d..lll1r8 111 snll , etook hllB bl'cli fully I'nlllUI ) 8' ' d the rellllloltilic r PhRII bu pub.crtbl'lI , 11 ld tor ! Iud I IH I ) " 8 rr IlulrelllJy th" lIaanlmou \ 0111 or 11,1' 'Incl ; 1101I1e , " 'fhl ! 1' % ' 1.lom : ! ! otlho eJrpor.lllou81'ull c"mlll"nce on the 4th d8 ' 01 Jalluir : ) ' . 1'101 , uml ehJ II e"othul' for u perl 011 01 t\\'CII'Y ' ) 'par. , 'I hn bl'nces of th" corporlllloll ellRIl he to own IInd opcrnto lumhe. ' uDd coul yur1l8 und In drHI In Iumbet , l ulldlnlC lIIalerlal "ad COlI. : 'l'he vrlDcipnl plnce 01 bu@1 lIe9S IIf Ihe corporll infl .hll I h Urolloll Uow , Nobrll-kll , Th , hlllhe t II\nOlillt of 1'deblerlIl8Se to wI leh Ih corpor ,11011 p 'UIlUt ' IIU } ' time Bl\bject It olr &h1l1l U. , the PUI11 of Inur tIlOUR < tIIl do. lard. Dll : lllt.l bill da ) ' of J"'l1Il1r ) ' , 190 1I0M&II'I' UIIUOr. . Bllln CItITCtlrItr.IJ , 31.H-I : , 1.01C I. lInUcE. rW'IICI > ' 1'0 IJHEOITOR'i. III Uounty Court. wllhln 111111 for Ougter Couuty. Nobrll.ku ! II the Uliltter ot Ibo CSIIIIO IIf Enghert 0111011 , deccn'ed. To the cr dltor-1\1Il1 htJlrB ofpll olJ.ta' , , : Yon II' " h reb , IIOlltlcd , 'fhllt I will sit . . Ihd Cnunty Court rooll1 1n Ulohrn lIow , III lIroken tlow. Iu Bald ( 'ount ! ' , on .hl . ! 2 th 11"01 l < 'eurllnry. Iho )13th dllv of "Inti , nnll tll' ' . ! I/IIY / 01 Joly , 1 01. e.eb at II ) o'clork " , m. of each day to re- e Ivo IIn" , 'x..m\rwlll . \ cl'llm. 11glllllYt , ,11111 elll , , ' \\lth 1\ \'io\\ ' ' 0 Ibtlr ndj'ls'ruclI' allll f\lIo\\'slJce. The ! Imp. IlJlIlICri tllr tllo IlreRelltation of Cllllwd " llInt sllill , "to' " I. . I. " I/IOlllh. . from Iht ! 15th I' ' y f r Juuul\ry. I'Jl , IInd Ihe tlloo Ihnltod tor 1'\'lIIellt of .1b.R I Olle ) 'ellr froll1 alll dale. The I'"thlnll . , \\Id.w . /llJowonce , homl ! ' Rlcml , I'trnoptlous : : und pllllut01' rlaltls will IJD hoortl on II , . , IIh'\8. n'IIt..1 Jlllluary ' 1.1901 31- -1 LBI'At. ] .1 A. AmloUH , Connty Judge , 110.\0 oT1r.I ; < : , Tn \ \ hem 1 t 11I11 v cOllcnru : 'rhl ! Commle@lon r ftpllOinlel1 10'Iew II ru"11 " \ ' JleUtloll.11 fm hy C . \ Snyder etlll , " ro d COUI. IOI'I/clr.g / lit Ihn w. 8t IIno nf SeClloli IJ , TOlfmllll' 20. 11f1l ! o I..t II lJUInt whno Lh. . Ii NI'dcr rO"II'III'o"III' 11111111 Jrll/lU"1I , Dltl'h , lheue" ! ollllih UIIII. . , . , , , 1"11 1J10 t prAmlcu " ' 1110 to .11 ter. , ct 111" Ii" . " , , I Iprrlll rolld , .1 Iho Norlh "Il@ ! I " 'It , . , " , " I 'j. . 1" ' 1' 'W".hll' I" f1I11 ' 1. l1a "I'I"d" " I . 'nt. " ! I" " . : . . .h\l.l1ml'lIt \ tlll'ro- of. . " , ,1 "I . .hJ"I'llo . , , I h..r lo. or " .lIlm . for d-I/II.It / , . . . mu-t be IIlc-1 III Iho Connty Ulork'H , Jl1w fill fl. her.o 1'JllII ot 1e 2jlh dll ) ' at "lIrch. 19.H , or .nch r' adVIII he "Rlllhllehfd wltbout ref , . " " c. thorOlo III IV I'.s ' \ \ hor. . . f , I huv. . herelllllo . .0111Ih""d u..1 ' ' ' ' ! l1 ur 88111 e uuty , 'hI1' ' ' ) h Ihv If " . .nutry : , 1904 31 ; 15-6 [ Of/ALl Ow , W , IIMVf.Oounl } ' Clerk. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C 'UI"J1' ; FOlt " ' 0\.1,1\ . 'l'he l..adie Aid Society of thl' . Bapti"t church ha\'c twenty I'l' I yards of rag carpet for sale at 35 ccnh a yard. The carpet can bll seen at Sny < 1C'r Bl'og. store. . 2tf . . - - - - - - - - - - - \V ANT D-A ) 'Ollug woman uf pleasing appearance for offic work. Address , Box 38 , Aurora , Neb. Respt. Yours , Aurora Business Colleg , I 3-1-35 W. E , Stoner , Pres. _ .n _ _ _ . _ . _ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : r.Q"oIOf.OO : : : : : ) ? ure Food Products . What you eat IS the most important thing' i'\ YOU buy. T 1e Cash Grocery , J. R. HUMPHREY , : -uecessor to J. B. Osbourn X mal < es a specialty of the purest and m st wholt' . ' 3ome food products. New York Apples Sweet P tatoei > h CranberrIes Bulk Oysters Bannanas , Celery White Grapes Pancake Flour' X Old Manse laple 'rup Strained Honey dIrect 8 from California Gold Medal Coffec , 'rhe Reception line 1 Canned Good . And a thousand other choice "brands of Groceries and I' oed products. You may know it is Pun' and i\ Fresh if you get it at 'rUE CASU GROCERY , j Healty Block , Broken Be-w. I bcO"t.X'Q ; ) O"OC " , oo-