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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1904)
' . ' - , - - - - - - - - - - " , - - , _ . - . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ARKANS.S RAVELEn nESPONDED. - Got Dack In Rhyme ot MlsGourl p" . elflc's General Passel1Jer [ AJcnt , H , C , Townsend , gC'nornl ImSSungcr nnd tlcltot ngcnt or the 1\JlBKourl Pacific - cific wllh honllllullrlerB at Sl. Louis , sent out a novel holldll ) ' greeting to 'pl1tron9 ' of the road and wns 9urprl1Cd to recolvo n. response In rh'mo from n mnn In Arknnana , 1I0ro la the greet. Ing followed by the nnswor : ThIll II ! the train that rllnA 10 fOClt .Acrosq th. , plain ! ! to m01l1ltR11I1I'ILst : 'rhlu Is th truln thltl'A lIovor lale , , nd Itt'1'8 ItA AI.r\'I ( ' 1111 to ntr , J'hln III the trnln that rlln' ! Ollt Wept , l1 tnll,11 YOII there for work or rr/t : 'rh1 ! III the trnln tha t rlln4 ! to the 11111I1 OC mOllnllJlll1t 1I1/-h / anI ! cllnon. & ; mIllJ : Thl8 III n true hutI'I 1.11 whcnl/ ! , Jt lIerVOA to ) ' 1111 the 1Il'lIt oC mrnll ! : 'rhla 18 thr trnln with lu\\'ellt rulo- At , Loull ! to .tho OllhJrn GIlle. H you /lholllt ] wlllh to JO that war , 8eo II , e , 'l'oWI1Sellt ! , G , p , A , Thla Is what lho Arlcnnsns traveler wrolo In reBponBO : II , C , To \ \ ' 11 Ill' III ] , a. p , A- : I rclv't ! YOllr cnrll to.dllY , , AIIII ] 'm wrlUnK IIUW to sny 'l'hat your traln'l ! A-O , K , J'm 1\ r l'lar pnsscl1 or AnI ! .I'm horll to toll YOIIlir ) t'n n. corlll'r-Burll rIHltlloh ( ; (1'Ic\I' " dOll't tlikA thla n9 :1 plltr- All 'our tmlnl ! nre UII to RIiUrr- Slrlctly III II-Just the Bluitt' MAlICmo rltll'l1 whell I renlt O ( the corn fori ( lnd thc 1111cl"d- ' \'lIlIt to Imcll my clothcs IUlIIllIp ; n lhnt traln-Geo ! What u trlpl Fc ! ' ( ' 'Oll 11110 n mllllonnlrt'- ro h ! ' Just rOlld thAt hill-ot-Clrr.\ \ 'l'eondf'r IItNl ! < I ! , wcll dona or rllre ; Garno and thillga trom e\'crywlwro\ \ RAIAds , , 'ollrrts , 1'0rrl'n , ( , AIIO- 'Vowl It malws my slollllLch ache I Ani' the mtM-I'1I 1I\\'cnr to } 'OU t3amo aA cutting nlUlJht In twu ! ( Hhnlllu to tlll\O such Icrvlce cheap-- Ought to make ua pay n heapl' Gill'S ! ' ! t've 11/1111 nhout enoll h , ( J''ory word /ltrai/ht-llo r.nrr , ) Ho I'lll1tn ! m'sclt , with cnre ; 'l'ruly yours , A , PASS NJAIHrn. Of COIII'SO , ! \ wlso mlUl never maltPs 't lho Emmo mlslalw lwlco , If he 1111\1' . rlOB 11 second tlmo that's unolher mls. talt . , \ To Ollro 1oola III 0110 ( Iny. Take [ , nxntlvo Drolllo Qulnll10 'J'ablo l , All drugglstsrofuud money 1 ! itCnilli to cura , 2 c. When nn Il1lllvldual mlnl1s hi ! ! own huslness ho Is ono Itlnd of monopllst. Llttlo whllo Iles lIve 10n1 ; ant : IlroS' per , Defiance Starch Is put up 1G ouncc In pnclUlgo , 10 cenls , OnoUllrd moro 6tnr h tor the umo money , 'I'ho world will forglvo a man al. most un'thlng except falluro , Teoulnto anf ! nllIion I > o1lDr Ornu. The two .r-reatl'ft ! fod.ter plantll on nrth , nne ootI fOl' H tonn 1m } ' nnl ! tilt ! oth I' 80 tonH r-I'eell fmIdel' lIer ncre , Gro" , , , e\'l'ry"herl' , so doef ! Vletorln Rnpl' , ) 'leltIln { : GOOOO Ius , sheep nntI owllw food lieI' aCI'C , JUST SI > D 100 IN STA lrS ' 1'0 'I'lln .Tnhn A , Snlz'r Sl'f'd Cu" La CI'OSIIC1 , . . . 'VI.R" nnll rl'l'f'I\'I ! In return theh' hlg ; .1.01 , . . , ( 'atnloA' Cine ) 10t 01 : tnI'm Iced tjltnplu : . W. .N. U , ) A womnn's Illea of a comlll1ment Is to numo her lJal > y uflor a rich ro a- tlon , It jon Ilon't get the hlggest n.nd best , It' : ) your own fault , DeftlUlco Sturch Is for sale o\'erywhoro IUld lhero IB Iloslllvely nothing to eqlU1.1 It In Qualll ) ' or quuntlty. When looltlng for faulls that n ell I COITO'UOU use n. mirror , and not a telescollo , J quR1 to 11 Stntt ! JI'alr. The nnnulll Importation of the Lincoln - coln , NiJh" Importln ! ; Horse Co" ar- ( 'Iv d' ' alJout slxt ) ' 1111Y ago , conBlslln , ; of two cnr loal1s , 'l'\wy \ mUlto the run froll1 New York. to J.lncoln In fort- four hour ! ' landing their horses In most excellent cOI1lllllon , 'I'hl Im- Ilorlation conBlsts of German COlleh , 1'ercheroll , English Shire , Prench Dr\ft nnd llelgillns They now hnve In their harnB' fifty hend. or Imported stallions , nil In excellent condltlun , The ) ' have 11eell III the business for seventeen yeam at thin location , Considering the largo numlJer of horses nnd h6l1utlful barn" Ills almost equal to n. StJtt I'alr eulertalnmont to visit their \iarn HOOl their all In tills paper , Prldo shows many lUelt how to 1.eep In the IJlrnlght Imlh , 50,000 AMERICANS WERE WELCOMED TO Western Canada . : DURING LAST VEAR. hI1.BlO . setlll\ \ all < 1 setllin on Iho ( ; ' 3In MId " ( , lalIOP LIIII < lS , IIlul are properou. IInohlll..r'ld. . ) SI ! WlUrel Laurler s.ud : " new star I laas rl ell on the ho.llon. anll tis towa.II Ihat cyery Inulli lallt who leaves thu lallllof his all. . . . . ' . ( all to come . . snd seek a home for himself IN" I turns hli Iaz.-Canada. 'rhclo I ( /Room / for Millions. JltJ l , 111I11I(1IitO"\l11I I : h' . ' 11 . "va ) ' . Sehollh . Church ( ' " , 'nlhuI'II , : I1nrl"t , Cllumtu cH"urythllll : to ho d'lIlrct1. For 11 descrilllive Alias and olhlr Intormallon apply 10 SUPulIlIlendell1 Imllli , ulI"lI. Olla. . . . . . . I an ada , 01 aUlhollzed l allalhall ( "O\'eIllOlelll A ell\ \V , V. lIollllell , 1O1 ! New \011 ( Life lJulld'lI " Omaha , Neb. Salzer's I National Oats Oree.tI'1It oat or the N'nturT. Yll'lllerl In 1M ilL Ohio IK7 , In loUch , : : .It , In MI , ) , . and In N , 1 > , ,1:0111 310 hus. 'er ncrl' You C&U beut tbat neon ! In loot I we nl/III fOU tree Iota at farm Ifl'd eaml'les allit our big 'IIIIIII' : . t.lI. , Inl.11 , , ! lout tbla oat wonder allll tbousaurls of other I'I'Ils , . JO ! j A. SALZER SEED CO , La Crone , WI. . . - . _ " " . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ M"- : : : I I LAS1 NG I 1 J. W ( ; lIs , SlIpcr. Intendcllt of of Lebanon , Ky" say ! ! : "My nhhU : ) ' rest waR hrol(1l1 , owln ! ; to Irrpglllarilies or lho IIldnoYR. I sutl'r'd Intellsl'ly from Bovoro Ilnlns In the fHnaU of m ) ' back and lhl'Ough lho IlIdn'Y1 nnd wna annoyed lJy pain. ful passagC's of nbnormal IIOCl'cUolla , Doctors fallet ! lo relieve tile , I lOl\n ( laldn ! ; Doall's Kldlloy Pills anfl I ex. pcrJencPll qulclt IInd laBUn , ; relict. DOlln'a Kldnoy Pills will provo a hloss. Ins to RII lJufrerors from ItldnlY dlsor. ders who will give them a fnlr trlnl. " Fosler.l\tI1hurn Co. , Buffalo , N , y" Ilroprielora , For sale by nil dl'ugglsls , IIr1co 1i0 conls per bet , Would Conf/seote / the Hat3 , Bnlhuslastlc mmnhers of L0I1I10n'f1 AIHIllhon socloly I'mpose ' 11 law to nu- I thorlzo thl' cOlillsc'alion or nll hltts clpc , i oraled with the slllnB of song IJlrds , 10,000 I'lautil Cor lao , This IH IL relllnrlmhle offer lha John A , Salzer Seed Co" Ln. CI'OSW ! , 'Vi : ! " maltell , 'l'hey will sPllIl you lhplr big . 1IIILllt nnd Repel catalug , togelher w1l11 enough seed to En'OW 1,000 line , folltI Cahbages. , OOO delicious Carl'Ols , : ! , OOO blunchlllH' , nully Celery. 2,000 rich , hu llery Lettuce. 1,00n fplrmdld OnlollH , 1,000 l'al'l' , lusclol1 ! HlulllJhl's , 1,000 gloriously ! .JI'lIl1unt Flowers. Thill great offel' Is ma e In order to Inlm'c ! you to try their warrulIlr > 1l seetIH -fol' when ) 'OU once Illant tltem you will grl > w no olhN'S , anll At.f. 1'011 nUT lOt : 1'OSTAOl : , pro\'hlIr11 you will I'durn thin nollca , unll If you wlU Bend them : ! Oc In Pllllt. nR'I' , they will a d to the above Ii puclt- ll C oC the tumous Berliner Cuullliower. ( W. N , U. ) " ' 0 somotlmes oll'n ollr moulhs ho , fore we gel our minds ellen , Ur1'd 0111 , hut WIIS Insured In lho STATE li'ARl\lIm's l\1U'I'UAI INSUR. ANCE CO , of Soulh Omaha , X-ehl' " whh h IJIPans lhul he got his money , JIns some agent ll'lell lo callcel your Mullllll PolI'y' { 'relllng you all so I'll ! of lhlngs , almosl ( 'rylng for ) ' 011 , Why ? llecauso ho needs the money ho wOllld malw out ofOU , wallted pay for lho lalk ho gave , Don't ho fooled , Keep ) 'our 1\llltual Insurnnce , and gel mol'o If ) 'OU noml It. Wrllo lo D. It. Sloll1Ter , Secretary , South Omaha , X-olJr , Life III a gocHI dOlll lI\.e \ a meal In a cheap restauranl. 'fho thlags YOIl want fall lo ahow up on lhe bills or furo , ! .tother Om"l ! S\vc't I'mv.crll tor Chndrrlo SIICCl'R flllly llSl'd hyfothcl' : Omv , IIUrs/ ) In tl1ll Uhlhlren'H HOlllo 111 Ncw York , CUI'II UouHtlpn.tlon , Fe"erl.llIll'I < H , BIII1 Slomnl'h , 'l'cethlu ] ) IRol'lorn ( , TIIOVO IIWIIl'gllluto the I1oweluwl : Desll'OWorlllR , OvcrlOtHIII't : ) ( ! . tlmouln1R , .At nil 'Dr1Iggi tI , 2 ; > < : , umplo } , 'lml < ; , Ad ress A , S , Olmste , Lenoy , N , Y. X-ovor slrllw a lJor smnllor than ) 'oul'Solf ; ho may grow , - - - - - - It JOUVIAh heautiful , clear , whlto clothO ! ! UMe ltel CrO'jH DaU Dluo , LargoJ : 0 : : ' ( lUckugo , Ci centll , I You ( 'annot whitewash j'ours lf lJy , , blachenlng othora , Lert.Handed People. Prof. Lombroso. na the result . : his ohsOl'vatlons on lefl-hnnded and left- sided 11poplo finds that nmong 1,000 soldiers nnd opemllves lho pl"Oportion or leCl-handell people Is 4 per cent nmong men and f ) lo 8 Iler cent among women , Among crlmlnuls the quola of lefl-hanlled was found to ho moro than tripled In lUen nnd moro thun quinluiliod among women. Camelback Riding , Lord Kltchenor of Khnrtoum Is credllell with the hest description of camelback riding Ural la 100own , 'fho soldier ga\'o thlB description at clln. ner llfirty In London which some Americans atlendol1 , "When we uBI. . ed Lord KlIl'honer , " one of the Amer. Icans snhl , "to tell us whnt It fe1t lIIto to rldo n canH'I , ho twisted hlB mUSt tacho and snld : 'You Imow the gnme of c'up nnd hull ? You huvo a hall allli n ( 'UII , ami ) 'OU throw the llfill In lho nit' IlIIII tr. . . tl , catch It In the ( 'UII , then hounl'o It up and try to catch Il n aln 'fVel1. . when ) 'Ou rhlo a ( 'am. el. the brute 111a'B cup and bnll wit h ) 'ou. missing YOU nearly ever ) ' time. ' ' ' A Dcntl&t's Advice. Toledo. Ohio , , Jan , : ! fithIr , Harry I. . Lewis , Dentist , G07 Sumlt strC'et , this city , says : "I cel'talnly advlsu nn 'Onlno matter how Revere tlwy may have Kidney 'I'rouhlo to tultc Dodd's Kltl\ler I'l\Is \ , "I WIlS trouhled with Kidney Dill ease for se"eral ) 'enrs IInd Dodd'B Kltl , 11l1) ' Pills I'ured mo , I hnd uSl'd , m\nY sO'I'alled remldles wllhout nny bono/It / , Four months ao , I was lIa1 on my hack wllh this plIlnful trou.Jh ! , and must SII ) ' thnt I almoRt gn\'o UI ' of ' ' ' hC'lter horlC's I'\'r getting any - TI'rourh a frlend'H advl'o I llUr'ltasCl six 110xI's of lJOlIcI's Khlney PIIIR , "At 1\rRt \ I l'oulll SI'O but 1I1l1e bene ftt , but after two weoltB , I coulll Bel an Improvement , I hnd heon gottlnl lip BC\tral IImC's lit night nnd pr.lnl in my bael. were \'or ) ' severe , 'Vhol I hlld tak 1n six IHIXlS I rC'lt lJetto lhan I hud for ) 'eal'H , 'I'ho Imln hal nIl ono nUll I didn't have to get u durin ! ; the night at all , I continue , thl' In'atlllcnt until I hfill need sevorv mom lJoxes. ( Lnd now I am glad l sa ) ' that I Itln COllllllolel ) ' cnred , " _ . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - , A ( ' 0111 Is ono of the very ! tw nl : menla the Ulod'rn Ilh'sl'lan wl1111 ' to CUI'O without a surgical 01 l.R t ! crutlon _ . . . _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . . _ _ _ . - . . . _ _ _ A- _ _ _ . _ - - - . - _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BRHDGHNG l N NLA1\1JI ) SJEAo . One of the rl10st Stupendous and Difficult Feats of lRa.ilroad Engineering Successfully Accoinplished. II I I 'Vo h"\'I' In tllllOS lJUsl hoon told. . much \\'onderflll fenls III rallrc > ad bulldlnJ. ; , Hnrl lIIuch hn ! ! hecn wrillon Dr lho ollgltlC'I'I'11I1 ; flklll 111\11 dal'lng thal . rilt'cctl'll the course of the Iron horsu II.Cl'OHS thC' 1IIIIIIIs and 1II0lllltnlllH that lie hot \\1'1'11 the " 1Islourl l'h'lr ulld lho 1'IIl'Ilie ClC1I II , "III lhn gI'alldellr ( Inri 1I11lJ.IIIlU O of the 1IIHIl'rtaltlll : ; , thl ! 1lIlun : Paclllc.Contml Pacille hns nn"r hpl'lI 1'ClIa lOll , 'I' 1n cIIl'rJ.Y 111111 \C'I'RP\'nrnnco \ ! wllh which lhe wOI'I , waR urged forwarrl 111111 lho rllpldlly wllh I\'hl'h Il was nXl'ellled , 1Il'U wllhollt a uomllol III hlllory" wel'l ] lho Htnte. r I Ion of the lise , or lhose elllllIe3 will meall the HII\'llig of nt leaHt $ t , OO n day In Olol'llllllg : expenses IIn nlso n su\'llIg of Hoverlll hours III running tlmo. 'rho 'orl lnnl scello of lhe cutocr Willi conceived hy the IMe Col , W , .r. IIl1l1l1ngtoll , 'rho IIIan \\'pre Ilerreet. I'll uflm' lho lnle Col. Hlllltington'A ( ) c'al h allfl nllpro\'I'(1 ( hy " 'I' ' , Hurrlmnll I Wltl'lI he USl.IIlUeri ! ehlll'go or the lillO , I "ellv ! ' wOI'I , " 'IIH COlUlUolI'ell III I no : ! , 111111 thUH the almost 1rl1110sslble I toJ. ! was cOlllplotld ! III nhollt 22 lIIonlhs , 'fheIl \ : ! IIIII ! was dl'l\'en d1ll" - - - - I " 1'hl' worl ; In\'oh'C'll In this ptnn ha3 I \JOI' \ ; ' ) HUIIOI'\'lwd ! h ) ' l\1 HRrR , Hnrrlman alii' ' rullschnllt of lhe Southern Pa. I cine , UIIII "Io srs , Burt : \1111 BNry ot lhl' ( 'nlon Pa If\l' \ , alld t'\'o rail. rO:1f : ! hn\'e Bpent 111 the last thran yeml Homowhor tll':1.r : $ ltOOOOOoO : 111 relllll'fI ! allll Improvemlnts Ilsldo front I hI' 1"IJensen of Ollp.ratlon fJI' malnton. ancc , " - - - - - - - - - - - Coloscal Crowds , In nn IlItnlllC'tlolI ( lo hl5 : "Dltpst : ( 'If thC' ! lesllltH of thl' CI'IISUII of 1 lIglanl1 111111 Wail's 111 1J0 ! ! . " : \Ir , William San. : : : : - . - - - . I . The Lucln "Cut.orr" Acress the Great Salt Lake , I mlIls of Ihe spoclal govol'lIt1lent earn. Illsslolll.l'S ! lo lho Secretal' ) ' of. the 1ntorlor , 'l'llirt-lIv y'ars ago there was no tlmo to spolIll Oil WOl'lt sllullal' to that which haH just heell cOlllllleted , 'I'hen till' worlll wns watchlllg whllo the hulldl'rs or lho Unloll Pacific nnd Cent lral Pacillc rucell rot' SUIlI'ellHlCj' , It WIIS a II1l1gnlllcl'lIt conll'st , but nowa- lIays the OWIIC'I'8 of the road 1111\0 IJCell hrought to cOllslllel' othel' Irohlollls. 0110 of lhoso necoRsllateli the solutloll of lho grallo ClUl'slon ! allu the stmlghl. e ' .ng of the tracl\ . vuo of the most Interesting anll dlf. \ , - I III I he last w'el. or Octohl'r , ' 1'hls gl'oat work hils cust O\'CI' $4,200,000 , Till' cul.olt runs Irom Ugdenest r.nC''n mllmJ OVlJl' Il'vl'l eOllntl'Y bl'- fol'C rctl'hhll : the lalpl'OllOl' , then UI'O'1S : till ! ( 'lIs1 ; .1'111 of the Inle nine mill's to Promotol'Y. Then fiye mllm ; ( If Rolill l'Oud h,11 an. ! thcn nhlltccu ml10l'C'st : 01' the wC'st arm oC the lall' towarll LIIChl anll thpII'e across lItl' Gl''at a1t ) Ilesl'rl 10 LIIChl , : \cnlllu , Across Iho cast arm of the lal\ ( ' , il will Ill' almosl a conllntlons 1111,111 8t11'\1orlC'd ' \ hy tl''Stll ! , ( 'aT' till' mldlilp of thlf ! will hl' a gap of tWO fC'f't I of open trl'stlo wOl'k left for the Boar . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - - - - - < , , , . . ' . . . ' . , : , " , . . . .5 ' : ' ; ' \ : ( ; : . ' : " . , . . ' \ " , : ; : , ' : l ; , - : . . . . . f , < " . : . t\ " ' . " : \ . . . - View of the TrLlck Acrees the Great S 1lt Lake , flcult feats or mlll'oal ; englncl'rln : ; 1 cver IIn ortnlwn hns just hll n eom- : Illoted-the building oC n. hrldgo across' ' thu lIl'ent Salt Lake between Ogden , I Utnh , and Luchl , Novadll , I ' 1'ho work Iwlng practically I'om. plelod , the JlOW tmclt was formally I opelled last ' 1'hanksglvlll ! day who:1 I UI' , B , JI , Harriman , hond or "nll.lns"l' I rllt'au lilies , allll It hlg Jal'ty ! or I'allroall magnat os lJart 001. of 'fhr.nlts-I ! : g i day dinner In the middle of Great Salt i I.nlto , I ' ] 'ho Ogllen-Lucln "Cul.Off" Is t O 1111l0s In length , 72 miles on Innll amI I ZO mllol : of tl'estlo worl. and "nll.lns" l' YI'I' . "hlch 1mn ! ; Into lho arm oC the 1:11\ ( ' , A'roHs Promotory Point runs fi vo mlll'of : solill mad hed. find hero dim- ( 'u\1 \ worl , wal ! I'nl'OIlIltered , a cut of :1.0011 : I'PN lon III sand allli rOI'I , of h:1I'I'C'u : hluff being' necess:1t' : ' , At this Ilolnt , the mosl hcautlful on this In. lanl ! e.l , ! lll'Vl ! 'f' 11fl\'O heC'n made fOl' IIn Immense summel' resort. Al'rosfJ the WI'st arm of III ( ' lale IR plp\'n miles or trestle worlc with It /1I1-ln / npllronl'h of rOlli' miles at enc h l'nd , In completln lho work oC SPl11' nln the lalw one gl'cat dlll1lllt ) ' wns I'ncountcred across the cast arm lJy deI's : ; ( v's lhp ! ollowln : : ; curious sta. tlstles : "If nil the J'ople ! of I < : ngland and 'Vales had to JItSS ! tbrough Lon. don In proC' ! slon , ( our nhreast , ami ( ' \I'Y facllll ) ' were a1Tordl'll for their I'rl'c alld unlnt C'rrupt d pl\.SSahe , durIng - Ingtwcl , , hOllrs dnlly , Sundays ex. cOlltC'cI , It would lake nearly four i months and a ha\ \ { for the population to tile Ihrouh ! at quick march , rour .1C'pl1 , 'I'ho IC'nlth of this vast co1- II ulnn w0111t1 hc : : ,78G miles , 'ro comt tlwm Hlngh' at the rail ! of ono a soc. I ontl would talH' IIl'arly two years antI a half , assuming- that lhe sarno num- I ICJl' ) of hours dally were occupied. and that Sundays also wore excopted. " Savge Coul'tship. Amen till' Ona Indians of Tlerrn. Ilpl Fuego C'ourt.Rhlp 1 < ; not precisely 1\ tellder affair' , Wnl'n lh ( ' rlrl is from It 1'I'It'IIIIIy group tlw allnnt prescnts hl'l' with Ills Inlnting ! .Jow , Ii the girl rptuns it h" ht'r own band It is a. I Hi n of ll'celtauC'I'Jut ; \ IC hy the hand 01 a rnl'Hscngl'l' It Is a I''fusal. llut I'pfusals nl'l' not ( 'ommon , 'fho I1prse- yprlng hl'U\1) wnt < 'lws fol' an 011110r- ; tl1l1lty whll'h hrlngs him alone wilh ' oJjpC't ! 01' his afff'etious , Ho then ( 'on1l1111111Is her to follow him with all 8pft'd ti1l'Ou h the lJuFh to his own camp , The ! ; Irls are pl'One to 'reld I pl'ompl oboclll'nl' , for a dlBappolnted FllItOI' may omphaslze his dlslJleasuro I h an anew IIlreetlll IIghUr at the : thi h 01' at hl'l' calvps-lIw eSlleial i \'anlty or all Olla lJello , - i Educatio ; Expre lon , I F.vcry person has IIU iuborn desire fol' pxpl'psslon , 1l1ll this lIeslro Is yield. OIl to only 1Ir ehHllrC'n 01' savagos. Allults school thomsl'lvos In ropres. slou , which I , ; callell cultUI'O , says ; \t'F ! , Stebhlns In the New YOl'k Tri. I HUll' , She " , put on lo oxplaln that when 11 ( > : ' 80IlS thrill aull'Il > rate to the Houml or granll music , or at the sight of a BUPlI'1I picture , il Is the re- S\HItIHI' \ oi t11P tC1ul to lJeaut ) ' , l\1rs , Stohhln8 ad"ocatpd the stutIy or the I tl'chlllqufJ : of expl'l'sslou as a channel through which It becomes posslhle to : ; :1 : vo out Imll1'CstiloTls , Expression , to hOl' mlnll , Is to ! .Je a largely doter. mining factor in the fulure progress I RallroLld Olliclals at Form1 Opening of the Ogden-Lucln "Cut.Off , " lover the wntc'I's of GrC'at SUit Lal\l > . It 11 prl'sonts a IlI'al'tkally lI'n'l trnd , px- l' e011t fOl' a uhol'l dlblllucl' on Ihl' west 1I I'nll 1I0ar I.uclll , Ncvada , whel'O It \3111ht gl'lulo Is encountered , II p The US } of lhls wl\1 \ throw II out the I : alls-eontillontal tt'ullover \ ! 0111 11110 from Oglloll to Luclll. o / Nlvadn , II rou 11 II the lilia' , ' 1'IIIs sll'lp lrack hi ono of lho lIlost l'xIWnslYo I" of Iho Hanlmnn systclIl , the 1II1lxlmlllU l' smdo oVlr the lOll ! ; PromoIIT ! 1'111 Ig ' 10.1 fl'l'l to the mill. ' alld h ( > 11.I'I' I'ugiul's 'i IIlwll S lIe'cssan' . 'rho c-m'IHI ' : , ' , , " 111mof 1 1111l8 IUlII trl'stll' worlc I I ' 1'1118 wa" ( ' .IIISI'II lJy the salt of thc /lIIW / IIf till'Jeal' \ 1'1"1'1' haYIII : ; : colll'ctl'll fot' ( ' ( In I urlcM ever the bottolll or the 131anll ha viII ! ; f01'l11011 It snIt wall of too fl'ct , It tool. 1OUO tons of mclt pl10a which (1)IIOU' : 10 h0 reached till' bottolll of the Illito llroller nUll wl'l'lt has I'osullod In u t1rm nntl B1Jlend Itl road boll , I In n. SIWI''h whleh ho mollo at the \11a ( ' 11111. t1I1t ; 1.111,1' ( 'lty. on tH' ! C\'O I of 11 ; ( ' . . \ ( 'lln of tllO " ( 'lIt.OIY.11' : . I 1\ \ " , : -1\.1. , " . . of tlr , ' worl. ! . ' \0 \ 1I11IHtmto hl'r suh. Jl'I'I. : \lrH , Sh'bhlu8 ga\'o 11 selcction from "ltI 'ls of the Kln , " . - - - - - - - - - Curtails Work. In an IlIstll'anco oll1co where It wa. fot'lIIol'I ) ' nocessar ) ' fOl' a force or ( 'Iorlw to Call ) ' nnmus on reference canis to ho lIIell III "al'lou places , 0110 clorJt nuw writes the name on 11 single card wllh lIIetullle Inl. , clamps It In hollll'r wllh It numbel' of lJlank ( 'arlls und IInshl's an X-ray throult tl.l' II a < : . , ' . , . . \ ' . . , . . . I. . . ' I * " ' - - - - - - - II , i , , ( . ' Dctroit Miss Gannon , Sce'y Amateur Art Association , tells young women what to do to avoid pain and suffering caused by female troubles. " DEAR MRs , PI Jt AM : - I cnn conscientiously - scientiously rl'commend J..ydln. E. l > in1thum's : YCHctablc Compound to these or my sisters suffcring'ith female wcakness and the trouhles which 50 ellen beaU women. I sul- { ered for months with Ijl'ner.l wcnle- ness , and felt so wearv that I had hard worlc to lecep up , I hall shooting' pains , nnd was uttcrly miserable. In my distress - tress I WaR ndvired to use Lydia B. Pinkham's Y cgctablo Compound - pound , nnd it was n. red let r day to me when I took the first do.e , { or nt thut time my rcstoratlon begnn , In six wcells I was n changed womnn , perfectly weU in every respect. I { ell. 60 elated and happy that I want nIl women who suffer to getweU an I did , " - 1I11S0 GUlLA. GANNON , 35D , Toncs St" Detroit , .MIch. , Secretary Amtlteur Art Association , - $5000 forfeit If original of abou. litter proulng gonu/none's / oannot b produced , 'WI1Cn ono cOllshlc > rs that 1\llss Gannon's lcttcr is enl ' ono of the countlcss hundrcds which wo arc continually pulJlishing in the news. papers of this country , the greatvirtuo or Mrs , Pinhham'/I : medicine must bQ admitted lJyall. Few men are appre laled unlll they talw up lhelr resldonco In cemetor ) ' . If n. . man who falls In 10\0 at sight Is wiEe he wl\1 \ talw lL second look before - fore proposing , Vellanco Ulrcn IS guaranteed bIg. gest and best or money retunded , 16 ounces , 10 cents , 'l'ry It now. It Is Impossible to patch up a ropu- tatlon so that the patches won't show. Chaffee's Shoulder Straps. The first shoulder slraps with the three stars of lhe lIeulenant general that General Charfeo wl\1 \ wear aCter the senate confirms him In his now grade wll1 be a Imlr presonled lo him by Lleulenant General Young' , who relred ! reconl1v With the slraps General Youn sent this nole : "Prl. yate Young , Company K , TwcClh ! POI1l.s 'I"unla volunleer Infanlry , pre. senls his compliments to Prlvale Chaffoo , 'froop K , Sixth United Slates cavalry , and as1.s him lo nceellt hls pair of lIeutellnnt g neral'B shoulder slraps , " FInancier and M irthmaker , American finan lers who , when In London , have had occasion lo meet the url ano , 'et extremely business- 111:0 secretary or lhe Ban ! . or Engll1nd , Were sUfllrlsed lo learn the olher day thnt In his 1elsure ho wrole lorloB that fairly hulJlJled ever wllh the spirit of childhood , Between Mr , K , Grn- harno. Important fuetor In the manago. mont of "Tho Old Lady of Thread- needle ittreot. " anll Kennlh Grahame , aulhor of "Tho Goden ! Age" ancl "Dream Days , " lhore would seem lo be lhe wide gulf existing between poet and banlwr-alwnys excepting myoId frlcnd , Edmund Clarence Stedman , Ir the attempt of'n hmatlc to assasslnnlo lho bank secrolary bnd not drawn whlo attention to that financial faclolum , wllh consequcnt publication or his bl- ogrnlhy , , lhe rael that mirthmn1tOr and money hnndler were ono perBon would hayo been Imown anI ) ' lo a chosen few , DR , FED HIMSELF. Found the Food that Saved H : o Lifo. ' I A good old family ph'slclan wllh IICclimc oxporleuco In Ea vlng people finally founll himself sick unto dealh , 1\1edlclnes and let \ fnlled - - hut him tell his own slory. "I or the Ilrst time In my lIfo or slxt.ono yC'ars I am Impelled to pub. Ilcly tf' tiCy to the yalue of largely ndvl'rtlsC'd urllclo and I certnlnly wotlltI not IIPn those lines except that , what sl'ems to mc n. direct nct of ProIdL'ncc , sayed m ) ' IIfo and I am ImIH'8sl'd that It Is a bounden du\ \ . } ' to mul\e It known. "For 3 ) 'ears I ! tCpt fal1ln with fltomnl'11 antI liver dlsorl1ol's until I wa ! ' ; reduced 70 Ibs , from m ) ' nor. mal wplght. When I got too low to trl'at m'self , 3 of m ) ' assoclato ph'sl. dans all\'lell ! ' mo to 'put m ) ' house In onll'r' for I would lJo qulckl ) ' going the way of ull manl\lnd. Just alJout lhat tlm ( ' I wns 1111l on a diet or Gra1le. lJts 11redlgested food , Curlollsly C'notH h It qulckl ' hegan lo lJulld mo liP. appetlle relurned anll In 15 da ) ' I galncll G Ibs , That sturted m ) ' re. turn to health and really saved my mo , " . . ; r- "A Ih'slclan Is naluralprejudlccd \ 'iolnst.wriling . such a letter , lJut In hls case I am wl\1ln \ , ; to 11eclnro It from the homclops that the multi. . II1Ied thousands who are now sUfferln ! ; 1 as I did cnn find rellof nnd heolth liS casll ) ' and IIt'om1111) ' h ) ' Grape'Nuts , lC j they enl ' imow what to tIe , Sincerely I I\n(1 ( FI'llt'rnnlly ) 'OUr8 , " X-amo or this I prolnlnont Ilhlcl\n : ( furnished lJ ) ' Pos , tum Co" Battle ( 'rer.I" lIch , 1.ook In each paclmge for a copy ot thl' famous 1Iltle boole. "Tho no d to WolI\'lI1o , "