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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1902)
' 0 " c . , I r fi ' " . , I , " . ' . , \ ' icwstor County Republican I - fJ' . . . . , AMSnDluty. dlt"t'nll' l'nh\ , t < . ; . . . . I " . ' Do" ' - - NmmABKA 'JhoJOU ( " , . . . ' . . , , ' j' " \ I Thnt DOW IInrdwllro t\'lIst Is right nt. ; t. I tcr the IUnn with the 11111' . . . I Whnt Is a , WOlllnll tu 1.1111 hl'r 11I\'orced ' ! IUH1J1l i17 1'hllt 11I1111 , of COUl'dU. Ono ot Bocllt "A hll1'Llcst tnslcH Is to' ' knG. k the hottom out uf thu buckot. . .shop. .AD ngn < , nhlo mnll I s 0110 W I. con. I ) Ont8 to bellig tll\llhl things , , 'hlcih ho : , lrendy Imows , ' . The 1'1'1111.0 ot Wnlos mny do the ' , .ervOtlB Ilrotrntton ! I\ct , tor which , \ ' -'rlnco 110llry IIOW holds the re orl1. - Bo far as thnt th'ell feullul ; 11:1 : con. teml'll there nro peoilio whu feel ILH -thDugh thu ' ' ) . It were Hprln 'onr IlI'OUlII 'Tho chorus I1'ls 11I1\'e fOl'lI1el1 Il lnilon. They thlllie the ' nro II ! ! lII\1ch , tnUUcd to Ol'gnllizo ns olhul' ullholtltcr. am. . II I I 'Profuso dlnmonl1 oxhlhltR 011 the 11Cr. I .on 'aro not now conslLlorCll Iu Joorl k < < o. It Is a rule wo lul\'o IlIWIlJ'S ob. .crvod. The avorngo mounu\'or full ' rcnllc ; : ; Jbo.tnlth of the ndnge Ilhout Il fool nnd k1 money until lifter he hnH hUlnlJUd p ngalnst 8011I0 other mnll's gllmu , t Tllo ouccess of MllrcolIl's wireless .1clegmpllY lIystem Is n11l111 ' ntteste < 1 , by the fnct thnt ho hus Hold his . \11Im'l. 1Jl rIghts ot his pntel1ts for $ O , OO , ' wo. ! . ICcntucltlll1l Hhot at a mlln nnd : ct1pplell a blooded colt the othol" < 1nr. I 1rhlB will be sure to stm't nl1otllol' IIIHt. .Int : foUl } If tIlO owner ot the colt Is a 'l ' : Kentucklan. The wIre or ono of Nuw Yorlc's pro. t lcsslonnl be sorH hnd hm' dln11l0nds ' 'Itolcn. It Is IlIl1'IlIy neCCHnl' ! ! ' to Htnte I , lhat tIlls Is not n cnso of ha'IIIS them t tolo tor nd\'ertlslng ImrpOHes , , 1tev. TholUIIS B. 1I 'de , of New Yorlt , any" womell ought to ho nllowed to \ propOBO marrlnge , A Sil'l who CIlI1't , ! tnnko her wishes Imown ullder the ! ' rescnt , conditions hnrdly deserves the i Tellow nnywl1Y. I Tl10 Now Yorle Supreme Court hns ! ha.nded down n declsloll that no mnttel' , 1vllllt n wlfo choos08 to buy , the hus , , band must pay the bills. Althuugh the . dccls1011 : Is rather length ' , It rlllls to : aay , how hUbby Is to get the whm'o' . 'WJth. , . 'What 11:1s hecoll1o of the ohl.fllsh. .JonCll 'Woman who used to tell her Illla. lband to save hlH 11IOUIt1l1t ! slle dill not nel'l n ncw bonnet ? " nslts the 1Vasblngton l'ost. Oh , she IH Htlll II1 l\l1blUng the realms of IIction where 'sho wus b01'1l nml l' m'N1. ' nlgh.mlUllellneHs 111111 1'1 ht.1IIIndell. 'nCS8 mny 111'otltllbly ho supplemcllted , by . .two.lllll1dmlnc8s , " which has been . .Deflned ns the 11IIbit of tuleln ! ; Intu nc. unt whnt Is urled on both Hhh ! ! ! , aUll Jrrlng to cQ11Ibino thu essentllli 1IIII'ts nf the two Ollloslll ( IIl'gulIHmts Illto .Dne hIgher truth , Iagnanlllllty , hOll' WIt 1' , breal1th-a trio of Iluulltles worth p08sC slllg , IIUll the Inst b ' no moallS the lst. . . TJlOmns Carl 'lo wrote 011 ono oecl\ . J1ou : : 'Whllt Is It thnt thou 1\1' ( rl'oUIlI ! ; a.nd ttUnlJIIlIg IInd InlUulltlllg 1I11d self. lormelltlug on IICCOUlIt of'l IR It 1I0t lhnt thou IIl't 1I0t hl1llllr'l l001l8h mOl" 1n1 ; what net of leglHII1t1ol1la there thnt 11lou wouhlst ho hl1J1J1 ' I1t'l 'l'hol'o Is Ii hlghor tillllg III 1111111 thl1l1 hn1111lness ; he run do without hnpphll'ss , 111111 luatlJllll thereof 11nd blessetlnesH. " But Oarl 'I 'coucenled his Iden hehlllll CI'lIgS nllll .crannIes. TIJO signs m'o nJlJlellrlllg thllt the III' 'evltnlJh. ' battle o\'el' wlrelcss tl'le 1'II1Ih 18 ubom to begin. 1' o 111'11\ \ 1111 lonlll ! ! ' Marconi , or at lel1st thl ! lt\l'colIl eom . ( > Q.D ) ' . 18 nh'cl\l1y \ 1111ItllI \ 1I101le ' Crou . .It. . nnd mouer Is the sign III t'ol' \\111' 'Who h1\'Olllc < l wlrelcl1s tcll'gl'nJlhr' ' Mnrconl or ltl1ly ClllllllH It. Hlll ' 0 ; German ) ' cll11111S It. Another Gurmnll Jr rather AIsntll1l1 , H I'll111 , clnlms I Xcala or .Amcrlcl1 clilims It , 111111 doub leu man ) ' other < 1xJlerts will IIPllel1r At } Ir sent the cOlltet-lt Is In the news JH11)ers , bnt It IUUSt soon bo trllusfor1'ol 10 tllo courts. ' 1'he oWllel'Hhl\l \ or wire le s tele ntllh ' I 111'17.0 f such 1111.111 : u1able "nlue thl1t the suIt fOl' It wll : be olle of the lIIost melUol'lIblo eye i.1\own to llOtellt ll1w. : Uulque condltlolls IIl'e\'I1Jl III the Stnt , Normul School or Gl'OI'glll , whC'l'u Ill" , athc.rcd more thlln six hUlll1l'cll )11I1111 ) : whoso ages l'IIngo Crolll SOyoutt cu t , Ibty : y rs. YOllr before 111st more Hit\ ! Torty of the atuLlents were o\'er fOI't ' and 11 hnlt-d9i'.cn o\'er fiftr 'cl\rs ol 1.Vldow cQllle brluglng tLlClr ! chlllll'en 1he Confederate solllier hobbles In 01 uutchef ; there IIl'e old Imcl1l'lol's IInl gra.tulmothl'I'I ! , .holl1'.lnlll rr lor Imowl tdgc. 'UltiOlI Is ( I'el' , Inlt the tlllo 0 Ih.ll1l' ' ; eXIHmses conI'1lI1l1 / ' 11 trllgell ) A parn.lyzed mlln hils Illowed with 011 band YOUl' atter ) 'ellr .thl1t his 'OUII ; 'lister ' might attend the school , lUlll sh , , 'orks with Ilothetic d Spel'lItion to h ( TonIe In turJl blK 8ul1llorter. 'ersons II flln < IJ to rumhlo lIeclluRo cOl'tlll1I cdl .ratlonal lh1IU6 1111 n not fullon thul . ) Jra ) may wcll dnlw II pllrnllol of cOllll tJo . ? 'J1I question or the lrOperty rlghtR C " .IW1ve . haR beeu "cr } ' ubi } ' set ( ol'th I ) , . . . . - - . - - . . . . \ , n \ t v. . . . . . ; - , - _ _ . . . . _ - , . I' ' " . ' . . . . , " , . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' - " \ ' \ ' - - . . . . - ' ' - . . - . . . ' I- , . . . . ' . . . - ; I Mrs. Cntll'rillo Wnugh 'McCulloch In a goodtclIIJlered nddresH. 1I0Coro Ii WOIJ\ ' club. MI'H. McCulloch sees the 111- JUHtlCO so OftOIl Wrought to wlvcs hy IICIIUl'IoU8 ntllt fj'elllHh lIusb/1I1l1s / , IHlI\ \ she dl'ptores the ( act thnt "woIIl ( > n nro Corced to 1'CllOrt to UIUllI'h1l1ld mellns 111 ol'del' to olHnl1l their I'lghtH. " 111 short , WI\'l'H lire oftell l'clllJced to such 110sllor. I1to Htrll1ts thllt " 1II1111 ' wives 111'0 IIchl' lI11y cOlllpullell HU1'l'ulltltloURly to ex , trllct mOlle ' from their 11\lablllllls' Ilocle. etH to ( 'IllIhlo thelll to COli tribute tawilI'll some chorlt ' of which thl'y 1I11111'OVO hut their hilshl1ll1ldo 1I0t. " Irs. Ic' CUlloch'R 1I111J1le lnowledgo of the Inw COll1llelH Iwl' , < < louhtleRR , to USflUllt to thli : tlIIIU.SIIVIIlJ ; oJlerlltlon , It Is tl'1I0 thut the wlfo IJ1I ht tlll\O le 111 lIIeasures to force her hUHhllllll to Ivc hel' the Hum re1tulrec1 fOl' her chll1'ltl1l1lo Illtellt , But hf'1'o WOllhl heglll'exlltlOlR IllllIya , ' 1'he CIIIW whulll ho 1I0HtpOlHd fl'OI1l tlmo to tlmo , If It went 11Jl1ll1st tlw husbllld : he would npJlelll to the SIIII1'CIIIO Comt , with the result thnt two 01' thl'oo YOl\1's would hc dl'nggcd out III IIlIlIOylllg IItI. glltlon. Iellll\\'hllo the ell/u'lty / WOllld Innguish IInd dlo , nnd the OIIlOl'tlmlty ( to bOlleflt 1II11111c1l1d woulel ho 100 t fOI' . e\'er , Ulldel' theHo COllllltlollH lovuly wOlllnn II ! absolutely forced to tnlco tIIu III w Into her own hlll1lls nllil to dig 111 to thu gl'ntllHnnll's poclcots , I1S ho tllulII' hel's , for the hOllol1t of hunll1nlty. No III 11'1'1 ell lIIall In these chllrltllblo times sllollid ho without n portnble snrety do. posit hox. Olle dny AmorlcnuH 111'0 told by some 1HIII : of siul thllngH thllt there Is 110 1011 gel' IIny challcu In thlH country for the 'oullg mlln , Auother dn ' It Is prol'llIlmml thot there IH 110 chl1l1cO for 'the old 1II11n , Anothcr dllY the gloolllY lIews Is 1II1111e puhllc thllt there hi no longer nll ' chnnco fOl' n WOI'Iellll1n who Is o"er 3 ; . If nil tIese ) stntemellts 111'0 true thol'e Is 110 10llgor II ehnllco for I1I1Y' hOdy ulliess he shl111 hn\'e beoll born n 11I11110111111'0 , Bllt the 'lot of these who 111'0 fed frolll goldoll 81100ns nnd reeked In HIl\'er crlldles \llIen\'ll1hle , for nc. cording to BOIIIO lIuthorltles they 110"01' nmoullt to 1\I1 .thlllg , 1'hoy lIever hl1 vo a chllllce , It IH Sl1ld , hecl1\1se they 111'0 loaded dowll with rlchos , As nobod ' hils 11 chllnce It IH I\bout tllIIO for thu IIPIUllr IICO of the IIngol spoleen of In Ho\'cIIlUon , who Is to cry out , "Woo , woe , woe , to the 11Ihl1bltants or the oll1'th. " ' 1'hls docllll'l1t1on thl\t there Is 110 101l e1' nny chllllce for thu lUeehllllle or III borer who Is In the prime of life Is hllsol1 011 whllt Is Rnlll to bo the presellt prnctlce of 1'lIllrollds 1\11 < 1 Home Inrso IIIl111ulIcturlug corl01'lltlons ( 1I0t to hll'O 1II0n who nre o\'er 35 , Onl ' two 1'1111. rOllds hll\'e beoll mentlonol1 Hpecificlllly nnd 110 IIInllllfncturlng corll01'l1t1on hils he on melltloned. 'rhcre Is 110 ncell1'l1to Infol'mlltloll ns to the oxtellt to which thu olllortunlUes ( for emplo 'mellt of the I lIIell who I1re ovm' : m have beell limited lI ' this lIew lrI\CUco. UlltIl these op. 1I00't\lnltles shllll nppear to hl1'e been renll ' IImltol1 there Is 110 rensoll wh ' the wOl'lemclI or 40 'eol'S of ngo HhOllhl I feel Hel'louHly IIlnl'll\)11 nR to tholr fu. tme. Blllplo 'erH hl10 wlllllls alHl 110. tlons ! tOlJlotlllles , It IIIny Heom to ono ' thllt ho ' hottm' emplo 'or CIlII get mol'O or worle O\lt of mochanles who 111'0 1ll111er : m thnn out of these who 111'0 0\01' that age , Stich IIU IIRHllmptlon woul < 1 he COl' . roc'liS : to sOllie worltmell n1ll1111C0l'1'oct ns to othorR , 1'ho elllclency or n 1111111 Clll11l0t bo IIIcllsurel1 IIccll1'ntol ' lI ' his IlIge , 'rho IlrSIIIIIIIUOll ! Is thll t most m. , I plo 'erflI'm 1I0t estllhllsh 1\11 IIge 1I1111t , , hut will hh'e 1\1I ' 11I1111 who Is nhlo to do I good worle , 'l'he meehllllics who 1\1'0 I , ( wel' : m should . 1I0t 110 < 1IRhellrtullel1 111111 fllllCY thllt there Is 110 relief rOl' them I except 111 the grln-o , NOl' should thu ' ( Jlmg mell ho I1lscourased , 'rhol'o IH 1\ chnnce for thom , - There Is challco 1I1t10 for th sons oC Illl1tocrnts , 'rhuro Is still a chl\lIce for eve1' 'bod ' who Is deservillg , lUlllnrd Conceit UmlucOl ( , An Alball ' 11W ' ' with \ W 'o1' a IICUchl\lIt , fOl' blllll\rd8 , had occnsloll recl'nt1 ' to \'Islt 11 Hlllall tOWlI. While tilel' ! ! , Heel , . lug to pass his tillie , ho fO\lll'l 11 now : a1ll1 excelhmt b1\1hu'd \ tnble , Upon hlR In1luh'IIIg Ir thel'e was 1\1I'bol1y abollt who eoulll Illn ' , the 1I\II11t rd r I'OI'I'ell him to olle of the 1Intl\'es , who 11I11 ' ho callCll .Tohll JOllOS , he < ' ' 1luse thnt Isn't his J\l\lIIe , , 'rhl' ; " pln 'e < l 8U\'I'nl games. hut the , rmmlt WIIS 1\l1lnst the . \lhanv In WVCI' . 'j'I' ' I\S hQ ml ht , the co\ml1' \ ' ; nl1l1 \ 'lIl1 , " h. . Tolles , " ho 1'1'11111 1'1 : ed , "I 1110 l1ulto rClmtlltioll at 1,01110 , , The : . ' COli- shIm' mo n gool1 111111111'11 plll'el" but 1'11\ 1I0t III 'om' ell\ss. [ II ' , I IIII1ulro how , 10111 ; ) 'OU ha0 11111'el1 ; ? " , " 011 , Co I' a spoIl lIlIcl , : , " 1'11 11 ell the Jltl'e.I'Sn ' , strnll er , 1 dOIl't want to hurt ' feellll's but 'OU'fO yom' , ) , the rust telloI' 1 eyer ben U" " 'orlh Il11hntin . All Illterestlng plllll hils ' hoell 1\l101)tell III ll\NgOW b ) ' cortl\llI 1111111lol'llt ; who , ho\'III 11111)1'0\ much of their Nll1l1i , lrOllort ) ' , hl1n been 1II1turnll ' I1l'sh'om to keel ) It In good COllllltloll. 'l'he 1111111 cOlIslsts In otTerlng l)1' to tellnllt who hohl1ve tll'ms 'I\'s well 111111 Ila tholr relit Ilromptl11 h'IUlllt8 whe fl1111\1 \ these cOllllltlOI\S \ I\re nllllwell II' s\llllmor to 11"0 rent free for II flll.tnl/ht / so thllt If ther tlll < o a holh1n ' thc ' II Ul'I' ' 1I0t III\ ' two rCl\ts. 'l'ho Illnll hilt ! work ( ' (1 well M fill' , and 0\1' no 1101' cent 01 the tenllllts hn"o cllllll\l'll the lIrl7.o. - Atilln' 060. - Attll"t the IIun IIlId n IIOHO so shari thnt from the frollt It Ilr < , s'lItl'll till o 1I1111'llI'1I11CO of two 1I01 < , s III the mhll111 o ! his eoulltenllncc , 5111'1I10Ullto < l b ) ' I smnll w1\rt. I' - 'l'hero IHwm' WIIS n fnrllll.1' HO bl 11111 nel'co 10olcluI ; thnt he ( Ulll1't Wl'I' ! I mel lt eXIlI'esllolI ! whl'1I h ( ' tJtaUlls hJ I' 111\11 hel\l's his wlro 11111':11111 , : with thl grocel' III H011lU : ; her Imttcr.lll11t cs. : , , [ t's ; - ; ; , " snh { I : 811'alluI of a bmss band , tIns the thlnl banl . ! 11 11 Ircus llal'n \ ) , " \ - ' " - , . . . - . . . . . . - - . - - . . . . , . , . . . . . . ' I - - - - - - - 1'ho 22 shll'YlmlH of Gel'mnllY em. ploy lIOOOO III ell. More thnll HOOOO mell are engaged In IInthruclto conI mlllillg , Vlctorln , AlIsh'lIl1n , shipli to T..olll1on cnch y nr nbout $8,000,000 worth . of bu tter. A 1:1'01\1 fortulle hl1R been IIIl1de from the wlro < < IO\'Jco 11I111 rubber corle for beer bottles. , 'l'lIerolI'O / ( Jom : ostllhllllhl1lOlIts III the Ulllted StatoH , with ncl' s , Whlre ! 1l0WCl'I ! nlld l'lIlIlI1elltl\l pllllltH nro cuI. tlvntel1. Shortbond was Brat tnught by1. . de. In Vnlde 111 :1 trentlso olltltled "l1'1'ellch 1'achnrnphy , " Il1'llItcd In ljj.J ; 111 It 400 chllructers we1'O usell. The lelldln Industries or C/llICornl11 / nre In close 1'1\'nll'y aR to 1111111101 prod. uct. Sugllr 111111 SIIlI1 hte1'l1l ench pro. duce nbout $ l , OOOOJO ( , whllu lumber , tl ur nlld f1'\Ilts each . Hhow I1bout $ ta , . 000,000 , 'l'he ullloll or jUlllor mnchlllists 1'0' celJtI fOl'lI1ed III OhlclI o Is pI'o\ng ! n lIuccess , 1II0l'e thllll 100 bCJ ' ! I I1I1\'lng Ill. ready Joined. Shnlhll' ulllolIS hll"o beelJ orgllnlzed III Now Yorl : , Plttslllll'g , 1\1\1. \ waultee , I\l1nSI1S : Clt . , St , r.ouls , 011I11. hll , Snn Ii'rl1l1clsco , Clo\'ell1l1d I1l1d Phil. ndelphla , Boys of nllY ngO who 1111\0 worlced six months lit the trndo are ell. glble. 'l'ho dll1g clm'les of Chlcngo , who tor SOIllO time hl1\'e hlld nn O1'gllnl7.ntlon ot' tholr own , but hl1"o not boell I1blo to accolllpllsh lUuch , IIllvo unltel1 wIth the retl111 clO1'les , 111111 ha0 ellrolled nR Lo. cnl No. { j . ' 1'hls stell Is 1II0st slgnlfi. caut. 11'01' sOll1e tlllle the drug clol'les hesitated to tl1lee It. The ) ' felt that a dru tltoro was a IIttlo bit dlll'm'ent from a dry goods store , I1nd thl1t a ml1n who WIIS omplored In the ono mURt 'bo a lIttle bit dlll'erent from 11 IUnn who wns emplo 'ed In the other , ActulII econolllic forces , however , pro\'od strollgm' thnn nrtl1lcllll social bllrrlers , B ' thelllHoh'eH the drug clerks wore doing 1I0thlllg. United with the retnll eI01'I'H : the ' felt they cou1II do a gl'cat deal. 'rho two orgallizatlous wore 1II1t 1I1'a I IIl1d Illeyltilble nllles. Now the 11ll1anco : s COIIHUlIllllllted nnd In It there will be str < : ngth. 'ro.dn ' the retl1l1 elm'lts , I\llll , with them the drug clerl's : , lire lIIembers of the Chi. Cll O Foderntlon of Lnbor\ and Bond delesntes to the f01'tnlghtly 1II0etings of that bed ' . 1'ho ' 111'e completely IdellUliod with union Inhor. They hl1ve plcLlged thelllHOlYcs to lIuy only union. made goods nnd to ur o upon their employers the URO of the union lubel. 'l'he ' nre n 11111'1 of unionism as much ns the CII\'llell m's. the plumhorR , or the cl/al'lIl1llwl's / , alld theh' ahs\II'ption \ 111 to the union s 'stem Is 1111 Illstru\tlvc \ e\'ont. ' .rhe ' lun'e shmtened theh' hOUl'S of Illbor , hll\'e hlld tholr wages rilised nlld othm' cOllllltlons Improyed , and 111'0 now ellthuslastlc trn e union , Ists , HE H S 47 LIVING CHILDREN. Now UaB a Sixth 'ViCc 111111 18 Onh' 102 Yenrs of Ale , 011 the fl1'l1of , Tasoll Glhbs , In Cllr. roll COUlltJ" 'l'ellll. . IInH a remarlmhle old negro , Ills 1I11111e Is Gem'ge GWIIlIl , nnd Ill' 18 one of the few centellIl'llIlIfI III CI1I'l'oll Couut ' , bolllg 102 'ellrs of a e , But the 1II0st rellul'lmble rel\tmo In cOllnectloll with this 0111 dorlQ' Is the cxtlJlI.lye Itst of hili IIl1eal duscollll. UlltS , 'l'he ' lIumbm' mo1'O thnn : ! OO , I . Gwllll1'wns b01'll In 1800 on GWIIlIlS Creolc , Canoll Couut . . .Whllo 'et n youllg mllll Gcol'ge WI\S married. nnd hy lils tl1'st WICl' IIIHI foul' chlldl'Ull. IIo Is 1I0W IIYlug with his sixth wife , nud by the olltlro six Is the fnther of fort ' . : suyell chlllll'en. All of thu fOl't ' .seYcu I\re still 1I\11I/ / ; ; 1111 01'0 1IIH'l"Id : ! , 111111 hnvo hl1d 11I1 \'el'n < ' of thl'eo chlllll'en ench , 11I111:1111 : ; 1010 g1'\udehlhh',11 : Hnl thl'uo ' . . ' . ' ' gl'ea t.j.I'ell t.g1'll1ll1chll < 1I'en. GWlllll'S tll'st wife' WI1S tlll\OlI CI'OIl\ \ him 11101'0 thllll Rlxt ' 'l'IIl'S II O , 80\11 \ 11Ito ShlYCl'Y 111111 canll'll to 1.1t1l0 Heel , : , 110 1I0\'l'r KII w hel' 11/-11111 / , lIe thell 111111' . 1'1 < ' 11 Iris Dlelsoll : , 1111 11111111n womllll. 110 then took lInto hllmwlC Chat'lottu 'l'hoIllIlS. l : 'la nlthlns , IIl1d [ Jnel'\11 Halllllo. Gwlnll Is rl1111er 1I\'ob' , l ollsldorlllg his oxtrOluo a e , Althollgh cOIIIIICIled to go IIhout with the 11111 of n Cl1l1e , ho ( :1111 : stm wOl'le sOllie I1l1d'm' ' of tell docs 11 fllh'l ' ooll hl " ' < "s wOI'k. lIe uses neither IIquol' 1101 ; tohacco , avlug quit hoth seyeral yel1l'S a o hecauso ho I thought the ' wel'oIIlllOl'llllllln his cOIIKtltUtlOll , 11 Is 11111111 IK HUll , : oed I I1l1d he dollghts to gl1ther uUout hllll 11 , I cl" < " ' : d 11\111 tl1l1. : of events of l'oursc01'e I yeara I1go , I ' , . A Nl"V [ 4enttJII J.ntorlnlnllwnt : , A " } ulrue.KllltReh" 01" being IlItel" I ( Iretcd , "COR'l'O nllli Chattur , " Is II,111'1 , I 11t1011 of the IIfte1'II0011 tell , Hl'lnof / GerllJlIII 01'1111 , , with the col1''e should I , bu Nervell the vurlous Idulls of enlw allli brelld Ilecullllr to thnt Ileollll'-zwiu. r bacl : , III'ot7.l'18. NIHIlI wlches 11111110 fl'OIll hr < ! wu brcllli with Ct\1'n wo ' Needs. end the 8111all cnles : whloh the Ue1'lIIon hlll'cI's : tnvc 111 II'C\1 : mrlot . . 'rill' cor , fee shonld 110 ot the best I\lId SI'I'\'cli with whlPIlld ! cream. It shoulIl ho ,111. I 11 < ! I'Itoo < l thnt lit "KlIll'eo" the gUl'sts I bring their worl , : IImllInlw \ 1111 nCtor , nOOll of It. " 11I\'lfl' tllllII ! at hillf lifter a 11I11. . scr\'e the I'efl'eslullellttl II t 5 , A HUle lI\uslc IH 111 ( mlor. or till ! ellt'r- tlllllll\lIt would Incl , Its Gorllllln cllnr , lI'h'"holll'I ' " 'illUNlc , ' that CII'OUl" lIJl'S otherll to contrlbu ( ' whnt thC ! ' hn\'e to gl" . It Is gl'eat mlstilito t { ] I tIe thlll i t'O wcll-Lndlos' lIomo Jour , ' . , lIul - - A' . . . .u. . . ttl"-- " , , . . - - - IT WAS A LOA' OF H w Y . . . . , . . .1 . . . . , . , . . .fI " J. I ITS PAS GE THROUGHlCITY RECALLED - CALLED OLD TIMES ! ' ' Sweet Ilc eetloll1t CUl1Ie to the 'VcRrlctl 1\Iull 'Vhn HUll Once neen n Bure- I'ootecl Country UO ) ' , li"llI" Ncar to Nntllrc' " JcRrl , ' It \'nr ; ol1lv 11 load of loose hllY 11lnt IJI\ed ! ! ! thrul ; h tllC It ' 'Rtl''lJt , hut It IIlIl'll the IItmosllllPru with sweet Jler. ' ' ' with du- fllllle IIlul tJoodl'll thu lIIeIllOI' lI ht. The < 1n ' WIlS I'll W 111111 dllmp ; l'lle of 11Jl't ' snow lined the sldewl\lIes hel' ( ! I1nll there 1\1111 1II1111.stnlllol1 Ice co- e1'ed thu Htrel'ts to 1"Il1' 'lng < 1elth. ( 'l'he 1\11' WIIS hen'y with CI\l'bonlc gllR. 'tho HI , : ' WI1S O\'OrcIIHt , the chill or 11\\'fh \ penotl'l1tCll the 8 'St IlI , the trces were blacle IIlId colli liS thu h life hll < 1 COI'SlIleell th m , the chirp O\'ell of the Hllllrl'ow soemell stilled. Along ImsRod the land of llI1 ' nnd nil WIIS trt111SrOI'mell. Vllnlshed were the I1l'ell1'J' 81ll'rolllllllngs of IIInn's prlHon , like city ; forgotten the dlHturblllg con. sclousness of the 8telld ' grind o ( hrulll 01' mnsele , or hOUI , extelldlllg down the 'ears fr01ll the llOlleful dllYs of youth thl'ollgh the dlscou1'llg'emonts of man. hood towl1rl1 the only reHt of life-tho g1'll"el The pott ' cnros ot' life , too In. Hlgnltlcnnt to crush , but HO presslll IIIIlI 80 COIItllnt ! that the ' cOl'rode the milld , dellden selltllllellt , cruRh out jO 'OIlIl' : ness , kUl the sph'lt of trlle hopplncss , create lllHl1'lIst I\nd IIIKgllst nnd rulse dOllbts I1S to the whole Chrlstlall Hchellle of mnn's desthl ' , ceased. 'rhe scent or the hll ' wns 111 the 1111' ; It pene- trntod the Illngs like n reYI"l1'ylllg brellth to the d 'llIg IInd lIIee nil nngellc lIIeHsenger summoned mOll1or ' to the green Helds or summer , "ocill with the /Songs of birds I\nd the mUHlc of the III. sect world , ' Aoo"e , the sun wns shllllllg bright nnd wllrm nnl1 the blue slQ' In Its cnlm repose nnl1 InYlting m 'stery cnlled fr011l Its depths to the splrltuol heart. Around , nil nllturc wns jubllnnt , ' 1'he green.y'sted trees thl'ew their gratorul shade IIcross the grnss . lIIend ; the rl\'er glllll'l 011 Its course to the sen- the s 'lUhol of the 80ul's sellrch for Its Uncrelltol1 Bnd ; the dl8tllnt fnrmhouse looked hrlght nUll peaceful ; cnttle IIrowNed In the pllstm'e 1I11l1 mon were ot work In the lIIelldows curing the newmown hl\Y 1I11l1 1 , eNng time to the tUlloful hlll'mollles of n/l / turo 111 sonl ; IInd whistle. Nature's hem't WIIS l1enr , Alld ngnlll clime UI ) the thou hts thnt so mllny of us , count1' ' .rearod , Indul odlll III chlld. hooLl-the IOllglngs , the desires , the an. tlclpatlons , the hopC I1nl1 d lhhts nnd jo 's 1\11 < 1 Illonsures thnt filled our IIIll1ds ! AmI fllCes , tob , cnme up-dear , Yl\lIlHho < l fl\ces , some long sillce cold anl1 III II 1'hlo.1I:0 \ : , now restlllg beneath the ' t1'eos In the rlll'l11 . ' ' 'ew'e 'nrd ; ttl"w ; . ert ! Htlll , 11I.0 our own , 11110 < 1 with life's vexntlollR I1l1d trill Is nlld ullcertalntles , theh' bl'l htllosS "I\ulshell nllli their hlo01ll decl1 'cd ! WUH there n Plll'Uoulllr face-ono of oSleclnl ) brlghtlloss nnd loyelllwHs , of \lhllllllg \ jo ' nllll of ex. Iulslte d < ! lI ht , the sight of which lUudo : 0111' bolng thrill , the thought of which I lilled 0\11' 1II1Illls I1J1l1 soothed our soul 111':0 : n cool SIJl'I : ' fnlllng , oyer a fe\'ered hrow , nud t e suggestIolI of. holng ! \'or parted fr.olll which wus like A denth sOlltellcl'-well , who Wl1nts to t ll'l Yet hl1lllY Is the IIInu who call dwell upou thot fnco to.lla ' without , confusion nlld without cOlllpunctlou , I Allll fl'01ll the spot whore wo oall SCQ the 1IIl'U em'lng the rln ' wo CIlII look to the church olld the Rt'hool , Ule dltltallt \'lUnge IUlll the slQ'.ldsHed hill hC 'O\Il1 which Iu ' ' once our gl'ent IInlmowlI worll1. 'l'hl're wu drel1l11od om' drell1llS nllll built our costles 111111 fOl'lIIed om' lI1enls , How the futme glowed with till ; ! lI ht of 0111' hope nnd cOlllhll'nce Ulld how ensll ' wo hewed om' wn ' to IIInn's faitH } Idelll of fllmel 'l'he lend or hnr has mo\'ed 011 Its Wl\ ' , Its sweet scellt doc : ! 1I0t long 1l1l l'I' III n cl'owded olty. " 1'hu heaY ' I1t1llosphuro uguln assnllH us , 0111' e 'es I'est on the 1II1Hl'co"0l'ed Ice mill the bleak u'eR 111\11 the pllos of brick anll 11101':1\.1' : Whl'l' IWlltllllellt Is Ill'lul IUIlI tl'l\l \ Is Idll'et we uro the better for this little excmslon of 1II01ll0r ' , Yct nrl' we 11101"0 ) lmltlol1 III slll1'lt f r the lit tie 1'111 : hlo where the new.mowlI hey Is ( ' \I1'ell , AlIll eYl'r ' U1IIO III futufo ' wlll'lI WI' Ree 1\ lend or 'hll ' we wIU thllnk G < ) ( l for Us 1m'sonco I\lId pity thnt IIInll from 0\11' hellrt , 1J\'ell If ho WNO 100 tllllos a millionaire , who C/1II' / 1I0t I'lso hlgll'r thull to asle Its ) ll'lce , STORY ABOUT EDWARD CLARK , l nmOIlB Cl\lIltol Architect' ! ! l xtreme Cnrc in BlcllCliul : PuhUc 1 lIucts. " 'l'hl lull' gdwllrd ClUI'Ie , the urehl. lect of Iho cupltol for so 1IInn ' 'em'R , tlllwlI ull III ull wnR tile 1II0St cureful 11\111I hI the WI1 ' ot eXIOlllllll Il\Iblle lIIlIe ' thl1t 1 e'er Imuw , " l'e1llarlod : UII lx\el'll'"ced \ trcaHllr ' oUlelnl I'ecellt. I ' , " 111111 hili nccounts , rUlllllng"a ' up Illto the mllllollR , 'were I\lwa 's well wlthlll the Inw amlapproprlutJolI , llu wou1l1 lIot expend n 1)01111) ' t hn t WIlN lIot ullIll'ollrluted III distinct terms IUlll tool IIU l'll a lIl'l'Ii , "I l'ellll'lII beL" 011 Olle occa lon , hlYlng hushll'tlH 111 his otllce , whclI U w < , ll , Imown III II n , a lIeWSpl1J1OI' wr1t01' , hy thl'113' , cnme III 1U1I1I1' cll hl1ll t < l IIn0 a "I II pnlllto < l with the word 'To the 1)011111' 011 It 1\1111 Jllaced 011 th IluOI' Inullllg to the dome. It WIIS dur. III ! ; the centolllllill ' + I1r , whell the 1.111)1. tnl WI\R 11\01"1'1111 with "Isltors. h' , CIIII'I mlmltted thut the BI II wOllh1 I : ' 11 r < ' : \'OIl\'CIII'nro to visitors nlll1 " h t'i : , hut Hilill ho could not hu0 II 1lIllut < ,11 II < 'cll\lRe t1lero IUld heell no dls t lIl't 11JIliroprlllt10Il"Ulu < 10 Cor It , ' 1'her ( I " , .IU UII upprollrlatoll'l1Il1to } / th it ' ( , IU I' r 'Ialntlll the dOlllt ! ' I\ml tlw IIOWH l\t11'or ' Ulal' 1\1'IIIed that n 5111Ull UlUw I , . I . " - , tASILY-MADE ; TOY STEAMBOAT. . . ' ; : ' :1' . I. ' , . , I "i , _ , ' I ; " , , : , : . ' . , I \ . 1 \ j \ , " 'rr \ t Y' , 1 ! " I ( 1 \ ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' - ' . ; ' : . . . - _ . Vj' ' 1 - - . . . l I Mnko a boat oC strong cardbot\nl , as shown In figure , The rudder , tur'I n8 ' . 1 nbout II pin as axle , Is conlll'ctcd with tllC sldos oC t'lte bent b ' two Illeces of' : thrcad oC uneven length , , ; ivlllg the rudder nn nngulnr position , tub ot water II the oeonn 011 which our 1Itt10 oont will steam nbout. ; I ' 1'0 pieces ot wire , hent nl5 SltoWII III figure and fnstened to the sldos ot.the the contents oC which 'ou 11I1VO sucled : ou4 : boat like hooks , 110ld an egsholl ! , 1I1vlng a 1Itt10 hole on ono side , as ho'vn In figure , 1'he shell Is Iilloo with 1 the boiler placed on the two pieces ot , wnter up to the little hole and rellrosents , ' wire , with the hole to the rear somewhat abo"e the rear wlI.II of th. : ! hoat. To heat the boiler wo use hnle oC nn eggshell placed on a Vioco at 'cork und < , rneath the bollor , with a small piece oC cotton In the centor. Pour some nlcohol on ! ' the cotton and set fire to It. .rhe water will begin to boil In 11 Cow minutes and I a fine stream oC steam will leave tbe hole oC the eg shell , 1"ho prl's ure oC , the 1 ! ltoam ou the nit' will move the little heat In the ollposlte dlrectlon-thnt is , tor- ward-and we have a steamboat stoamlng witItout'heols or screw. 1I 1 I , , I ot' thnt approprilltlon , sny GO cents , surely oulll bo usel1 to ha"o the sign IJ/llnted / , but Mr. Clarlc would not yield , "Tho newspaper man determlnml to enrry out his Idon for the accommoda. tlon of the public nnd WCllt up to Chllrley Armor , 11 sign pnlnter on D street , nnd hnd the slSIl pnlnt d , pnr. Ing for It out of his own poclet. : He then put the sign on the dool' hlmselt' earl ' olle morning nnLl It remailled there for oyer twont ' 'ollrs , ' ' 'ren 'ol1rs aferwnrd I hllppened to be In 1\11' . Clarlt's otllco nt the capitol when the snme newspnper writer came In , The subject of the sign came up I\nd thl ) newspnper mnn SlI.ld ho thought ho woull1 put In a claim to Congress Cor the GO cents he hnd pold to hll"o the sign patnted.11' , Clnrle ocknowledged thllt the sign hl1d been n rent con"enlence , but that It " ns n the door without Iluthorlty of Inw nlld hnd been Jor 'enrs , " 'I hl1 ve orten thought of 1.ln "Ing It tllken ( } own , ' sllid Ir , Clurk , 'nnd hl1"e frequently spolwn to Senl1tororrlll and otheriJ who br publle consent fire lookcd upon I1S gunrdlnlls of the bund. IlIg , bu find that they thllll , It hils done and Is dolllg moro gooLl thlln hnrm apd hayo consented to let It re- 1IIaln there , but I nm not 8uro It Is there properl ) ' , ' "Why don't 'ou take It down , then ' nsked the newHllllper 111111.11' . Clarlc thought 11 moment for /In / nnswor l1ud then gn"e the old one , 'Thero Is 110 IlpprOprllltioll for _ the worlt. ' " " .AIIlI. , this reminds < j1Ie ngnln , " said' tile .0l1lclnl , nccordlng to the Washillg. tOil Still' , "that If some public-spirited cltl1.en cnros to expelld allothor hnlf dollllr-tho continued absellce ot the npllroprlntlon , ndilltlonlll olle , I UJenll- 011 11 slml1l11' sign , It will be welcome < 1 hy the Ylsltlng lIubllo , for the sign ot' which I SIlOIlI , : rusted out nud feB otr SO\'el'lIl. 'ellrs ngo nnd there hns been 1I0ne there slnco , " TEACHING LEADS TO INSANITY , Grl1ve 'Varnin" to " 'omcn frol l n Ger- mun Scientist , ACC01' < lIl1g to Prof. Zlmm of lIerllll , women' 1\.1'0 pecullllrl ' unlltted to holl1 the post of p'rofesslollal teacher. 'rhl'o\1gh an exhnustlve series oC eXllel'l. melltR cOllducted nmollg Oel'ml1n wom. ell school teaehe ! , & the Borlln scientist comes to the cOllclus011 ! thnt womcn who tonch school ultlllllltely wInd up In .I1U Institution for the Insl\IIe , Up tq thIs time It has been thoug-ht that school tOllchlng was 11 Ullllr1 ' Illlupte1 ; to womCl1 , It W\H polntcd out thllt It' womim had to worl , : , that WIIS the best brunch of' lull us try fOl' them-tile ono I\ttt:1I11el1 with the least eXlwsuro to harllshlp and the leaHt stmln on the IIh 'slcal helng. After examining I\B occuplltlons In which women UJuleo a lI\'lng , suoh us telellhone gll'ls , saleswomen - . women , ' dOlllestlc SOI'\"lIl1tS , go"C1'U' essos , fnctol' ' el1lllo 'es , sccI'ctnl'los , nlll'so IInd tile lIIe : , the cOllcluslon hos hoon l'ellehed h ' the G01'lIIl1n Invostl l1. tor thllt thlJI'o Is 1II01'e pl'emlenec to. wl1l'd Inslllllty 1\1II01lg' wOlllon , teneIlel'S thlln limon ! ; wOlllen engagell In IIl1r other wOI'I . WhUu no statistics fOl' Amerlcn hllye hoen cnrefully cOlllplled on this partlc.1 ulapoillt , nn exnlllillation of the lu. : UlU : ' I'CIIOl'tS for e\'en olle S.atc--iew. . . YOI'I-hl'lllgs out sOlUe stlll'JlIllg :11111 : slulllcnut ; fllCtS , ' 1'he pOl'lol1 conwcd h ' the stntlstlcs extends f1"01II 1880 to thc tJ1'esent time , ' 1'he State hosJlltal I'ellorts for : - iew01'1 , fOl' I\nllU1l1 pe- 1'lolIa slllco 1880'Rhow gl'UlUIlI lu. ( 'rellSU amou IIlsl\lle 81'hool tel1ehel's ' ' ' ' ' , 'l'aleltl ' . fI'olll 't I1I' to 'eal' two t 'pl. ( 'nl ) 'l'nl1l-J88S n\lll lSSG lt 1\1111I\1'S ' thnt < 1I11'lng the fOl'lIIOl' 'l'l1r there were StHU lusane woml'n , elllplo 'I1I In elluclltlonlll life. WOlllell olllJllo 'ell III I ( ' 0 III III ( ' 1'clnl lifo , such ns stenogl'tlphel's , clerls : 111111 the II Ice , nUlllbered but : . ! I 11 SII Ill' , while saleswomen nnLl shOll. k < 'epl'l's 1Iumhored : ! j 11I8nne , Rl'nl1l. stres8es I1Ull fllctOl'J' workers lIulllllul'ell . JIi : . ! Insllno WOlllcn , while WOlllell doc. tor : ! , IIrtlsts 111111 othcl's lIulllbel'c < l IIbt tlj , 111 I&)7 thel'o were 1,15-1 WOlllell elllllo'ed In higher e.luclltlolWho , be. . cnlllo 111111\ lie , as nj.allllt ! non 110UICstic ! Sel'\'lInts , 14 111'I1SH , , : m t'IOwI'ltcl's 111111 clcrl s 1\11 < 1 1HD fnctol' ) ' hllUll , 'l'ho Borllu doctor does not stnuLl I110no In his conclusions , lie Is sup. . - . - . . . - porletl by nearly allmedlcI11 l1utborltles' who hl1YO gOlle oxhausth'ely lute thu- subject of women's occuplltlons , ENORMOUS FEES. Royalty Rml Rich People Pny DcnrlJ : for l\let/ieal / Treatment. j In the modlenl world sOllie enormous1 , foes ha"e been pold from tlmo to tim In 1762 the fnmous I el'tfordshlre phy , . ' \'Lot slclnn , Thomns Dlmsdnlc. wus sum "U moned to St. PctorslH1l'g to YIlcelno.ta the Empress Cntherlno II. He WhB I the city less tIlnn n wee 1 but so successfully - ; cossfully 1Iid he accompllsh his taslcJ thllt he was pl\1l1 n eonsl erntlon or. 1:12,000 : , In addition to 11 llfo pension or ; 1:500 : n 'enr , Another costlr vnccllll1- tlng oporatloll WI1S 'thnt performed a1. ' . I I few years IIgo by Dr , Uu t1 er upon B I X ; , , Indlnn Hnjohs , nnd frolU each of his pntlellts hc received ilOOOO for lese. . ' tlIUl ! n d"s ! worle. ' " I' . . . . . 'When King Edwnrd , or the Prince of " ' /\Jos / , as he wns then , 111 ' nt denth'g' door with typhoid fever , the fn010U8 WUllnm Jenller wns calletl III for a porlod of four weeks , nnd In return h . WI\S pnlll at the rl1te of 1:2 : , OO n weelt . nnd gl\'en n bl\rolletoy Into the bnrgaln. Nor wns It by un ' menns .unusul11 fol" ' . him to recolve n fee of ; [ OO for 1\1) hour's consultation with les ! ? celebrnted pa tlcuts. , , , But royal y InYnrlnbl ' pn ' their mod : ' ICl11 nttendnnts hlghlr , 1'he late SIr- Iorell Il\clwnzle joul'no 'ed , to B rUn to rclleye the sutrerlngs or the Emperorr I'red rlck during his last Illness , I1nd . . . sccured n fee of f20OOO , whUe Pro ! : , , Zech rlne < < of Ioscow , w.ho wns cnned" to Llvndln wbon tIle Czar , Alexllllder " In. In ' d 'lng , was presented with B : chocle for il , OOO , In nddltlon to a11 ox- peuses , for 11 two < 1n "s nttelldllnce UpOD his Ulustrlous pntlent. Dr. YowslI , the' fomoUH oculist. poeleted : n fee of iiOO ( ) ' for nttelllllng the Shnh's SOli 11 t 1'ebcrun 1'1011I0 ' 'ears IIgO , n fil'ure cOlllplotely put Illto tile shllde br thnt capt\ red br nn , En lIsh army surgeon , who } Jllid aecn- I slonnl visits to the Hojnh of Hompur. . India , when thnt potontnto was sutrer- Inl ; from nn oeute nttllclc of rheumatism - tism , 1'110 pntient did not wnlt for him. ' to send In his bUl , findIng his t1'cntment beneficlnl nml rewarding him with I llmet for flOOOO , The highest metllenl fee eYer paid. , however , beennlt' the Jl1'OIJCrt ' of n ; blind pllyslclnn , Dr. Gnle , of Bristol , : . who cured n Wel1lUl ' pntlent ot' Il illS- : eosed Imee br elcctrlc tl'catment , andt In return found his hl1nkln nccount. richer by f50OOO-Pellrson's . 'VN'lIly. : , I , " ; The "Po\'crty Luncheon" [ s Populnr.1 ' : ' . "Povertr Luncheons" offer n oed . . ' i ' , wnr of comblnlllg pleasute Ilnd phl1l1n. . . , ' : ; { thl'opy. IInlf a dozen grls ! n1'lJe ! ( ) , ' \ r , " meet I\t the hOlllo of e1h : , In tui'n , 0111.0' " , , : , a weele , or once a fortnight , for 1III\cb- . " , , I ; \f' : . ' . . eon , At e\'er ' meeting < ' /leh guest , ; \ : i , hrln s tlft ' cents , which Is given to , " i , J ! ' : ome charJt . , 1111 < 1 cJoh hC/stess / JlleLlge . ; . herself not to excooll three d l1l1rs 1n . ' . ' ; lrCll11 'lug hOl' elltt'rtqlument , ' 1'hosB' : ' Ill'lces 111111 contrllmtlons mur , ' or- ' : co Ul'S e' bo YI1 rled n t pleasure , At tho. . . . . t CIORC . of the IIINil the. hostess IUUSt toll , ' . \ the ) lrlee lJald for eneh article or food , - . . . . which the uest8 note Up011 theh' menu. . . . ' . cnrlls , A sl\mple lI1enu wonll1 be : Can- . ' ( " . , lied bouillon ( Hi cents ) ; crealllt'd codfish - . . ! ' : * ' fish , sel'\'etlln gl'een } Iellpers (40 ( cents ) ; . ' " two l\I1IIJS of chops (1 ( 0 cOlltS ) ; with . 11\1roe hf l'rcllC'h clll'Stnuts ( Hi cents ) ; . . , slll\d : of ehoJlJll'd 1I11J110 IInd celer ' with 1II11 'onnnlsl' , 81'ed In red npilles (35 ( ceuts ) ; IlhlenlJlle Ice sm'ved In tho. whole 1'11111 (4l ( ccnl8) ) ; coffee (8 ( cents ) ; . . hrl'Hl : alld hnttor ( l ccnts ) . 1'otllJ , , 2,23-Ladles' IIolllo Jonl'llill. 8lnl1llo. . DoUned. . You caunot slamler n 1II0n who losc nt 1101wr. You can ollir 81111er tho- IlIn who wins , . \t least thllt Is whnt the SUIH'cllle Court ofiew York said leCl'llt ' In throwing ou tht tt\UOUS Flle1o Club cnse , In which the pll1ln- 11 IISI'l'l.for : $ UOOO dl1llges bccn USI the dcfellant said he hld chalOI. It Is 10 sllndCI' to Sll ' n : 1IIal CII\ed at cl1rds , hut Is Il I : lllIller t sa ' ho won 1011 ' h ' chl'atlI , You < allnot' chel t unll lose 'j'lt court \'leWd thatl. \ . ) / In the ht of l a pnradox. . A prIH tunl IrnIIJ" , "So ho wries Iloetr ' for a 1"lng ? " " "No , for a < 1el\d , III sPeln1l II , ) , " - eplnlhs-PhlaLltlplln Bulleti. I , - - - . . . . . - . . . - . . . . - . - - " . . . - - - . ' - ' . . - I I _ " I" . >