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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1902)
II I I , . U : " l U' nt\r.l1 \ Soc t air ao ! llh"o 1 G " , , . , . . . , , " - ; ; USTER OUNTY Ep.UBLICIN. . ' i ! . ' . , ' , . . : I ' . : : . ESTABLISHED 1882. 'l'HE OFFICI L PAPER OF CUS'l'ER COUNTY. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN 'I'IIE COUN'l'Y. . I't : . ; . VOL. XX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JUNE 5 , 1902.--EIGHT PAGES. . NO. 51 , " 1 , _ ) ( : 1 . . " " " " ' .I : , r : ' " I - - - - ' J ' I ; . - : s ! , :1 : : : ' i. . . . . J . . ' " , " ' J ki' f . ; ' , . ' ; I Ji- : , I ' ' 'I , - . . < . " - i j . \Z. \ SOle watches run whc.n' . ' . , 1 hall1I1g ) up , but slop on theIr . ' . " . " \.v' \ backs. Some watches "run in Lt. ; , any position , but k'cep time ill T ' 1101le. Some watchcs are like J - some pcoplyou . must humor . " fi\ ' thcm. Such pepple an watches - ' $ . I " ' , : es are not c1es1rable compan. > " . $ . ' " ions. A watch that is not reli- abte , consistcnt , fllithfut and ' timely at a11 timcs , undcr aU I ' - : . , . ' conditions , iu every climate alld . : in all nceds positions , treat- menl. Let me see the face of t your walcl.l. The hands may . , ' bc on a strike becausc of ovcr- . ; work. . . , " , - . , ; ; < v' ! I ( ( 'f.JJt. , , ' " " \ ' -'Y : ' * ' \ . . : ' , " . Iradunte ot'Chlcsco OPthnlmlo collose6 : " " ' . . " " . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . \ - - - - - - ' : , ; * S C h 00 1 B 00 k S , : : j1 . . iI , . . . ; 1i' . ' , < , $1 ' Tablets " 1j ! ! . ' ' . " : ; . ; , I f , 2' 1 , } f . . -AND- ; , , ' . ' -SCh OI uP hes , t . , , , ' > " . . . . . : . " : ; ; i' - " " \ : , . . .1 , . , T- \ . ' ' . ' " y . . 1..1. . . . . . : , I r. . . " - : ' u : ' ; { - i J. . . a. . ' berle'S ; . . . . .1 , . } . ! " ' . , . fJ'I' . . . , . . -y- . " . " ' 11" . " ' 1' ' 1' 'I' Ie' ' . . 'Lt- . - .0 . I ' ' ( DR. Pelle E1izah th Fields , . ; , . " ; ; - ' j . m " . , ' p. t : : > , } , . ' ' . . , f' ' : i " , . . . , IJ ! ; ! JBn'J3J ) : ! ) lr' ' l1J1 tJ : amt 'h t. ; ' , , . . . I ' : . 1.\ . \ ' ' . . . . , OFl IC lIouns : . i. , . . ' 9' a. n1. t 0 1" n1. 1:30 : to 4 p. 111. Or by appointment. . t - .cE r'Office over And rson's Jcwelry Store iil Realty mock , llroken llow , Nebraska. -q - - . - HAil ! HAil ! The old reliable 8t , Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co. , of St. Pal.ll , Minn."vith over $3,000,000 cash assets - sets , offers the' , farm- ers.of Custer county absolute indemnIty against loss by Bail. . Low rates , Honorable adj l1stment and Spot cash settlelnents. II- sure : your crop against hail. J. A. HAlRIS , . . Agent. ( Office , Opposite P. 0. , Broken BowNeb. CplUornla S47.40 and nelurn. , - . Tickcts on salc April 21st to 27th , 1\Ia ) , 27th to June 8th , August 2nd to 8th. I.iheral stop-ovcr arrangemenL ; find rc turn limits. For ndditional infonnnti01 ask. the ncarcst a cnt , Burlington Rout. . or write for a Cahfornia folcIer to . . J. FRANCIS , , Gcneral Pnsscngcr Agcnt , Durlington . Route , 39-51 Omaha , Nebr. Burket lIeport fur T daJl" : " . . Wblla\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .e } Jule ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Oata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t Oorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @ .e UfO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e Uutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 } ( It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 J'otatoc. . I'er bnlbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 f Onlon . per bnabcl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Cblcken. . pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Uog : . , . . . . . . per . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . 6.1 Cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3.26 @ 4.1 814'4111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.50 @ 6.\ . 'l'nrke , . . per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ( traw.I'or . cw\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 na , . Now. per ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,1 sagar. per ow , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,1 . I : : ; : : : : : : I li'rank Fortic of Box Elder , was in the cit ) . Monday. Scnator Currie madc this o ce a friendly call 'l'ue day morning. J. G. Brown and wife of Cat Creek , were visiting in the city Monday. U. J. Shinn of 'Vest Uniori , was transacting business in our city thc first of the week. Hm.s Armour returned Saturday - day night- from Ansley , whore he has been visiting relatives. Mr. Esley of Dunning , made this ofi ce a friendly call ) 'ester- dar : in company with Rev. Myers. The summcr school will convene - vene at "the south side school building , Monday , June , 9 , at 9 o'clock. Miss V crda Thorpe completed her school in the Downer district at Georgetown last week and is again at home. S.V. . Leep of Milburn , was a city visitor Monday and Tues- day. He reports the crops as looking elegant. At. Govier \Vesten'ille , was one of the young republicans that represented \Vesterville township 111 the , county convention - tion 'rucsday. 'V alter Cox of Grant township , made this office a friendly call yesterday. , Mr. Cox was one of the delegates to the county con- vention'from Grant. MARRIED-At : the M. E. par- sonagc in this city , May 31 , 1902 , Mr. John G. Lanum and Miss Mary A. Kaelin , both of Ansley. Rev. Geo. P. 'l'rites officiating. . This ofi ce ac1mowledges , a fricndly call Tuesday morning' ' from Governor Savage , who was up from 1-4incoln to watch the" prgc edings of. . . tl1e republican county cOllveIifion. 'rhe Glaze Marble \V orks of tbis city recently got out a very tine monument for Walt George , which he Bad erectcd " " at the grave of his father and mother at Gibbon , Nebraslca. " J. A. Amsberry and wife ; of Mason City , spent Tuesday and 'Vedllcsday visiting in the city. John was one of the delegates of Algernon township to the republican - publican county convention. IIenr ) ' Mill'er ' of Over , cal1ed with J. B. Gilmore last 'rhursday evening , and had his name en- rol1ed for the RI PUULICAN. Both gentlemen carried home with them a copy of the McKinley boole. Dr. B. ] . Robinson of Arnold , cal1ed 'l'uesday while in the city and had his name enrolled for the onl.y paper in Broken Bow that represents the p rty f progress and the present I11gh tlde of pros- perity. ' H. II. Andrews of Callaway , who had reached Lincoln on his way to the meeting of the Masonic - sonic Grand Lodge at Omaha was called back yestcrday by telegram as a witness in the Bu tler case. 'l'his office ac1mowlMges a friendly call 'ruesday from Tom Wright and J.V. . Comstock of Ansley , and S. L. Cannon am } \V. B. Moody \Vesterville , and D. C. Konkle and J.V. . McRae of'Veissert. S. H. Reed left Saturday morn. , ing for an overland trip to Yel. lowstone Park. ' 1'his will be his fifth trip to the park , which he , has made by wagon. He expects - pects to be home about Octobel l.-\Vcstern Round-Up. , A. J. Elliott , who recentl ) bougtit the Grand Central Hote' - of Mrs. T. E. Wheeler , assumeC : 1 control of the business last week Mr. Elliott is an experiencc ( hotel man and comes very highlJ endorsed as a man of publi spirit and enterprise. He is i man of genial manners and c1ur ing his short residence in th city has made a very favorabll impression upon those who hav had the pleasure of his acquaint ancl' . He's a man who will notonl' court the patronage of the pubH but will endeavor to mcrrit th X ) good will of his patrons. Th R PUDLICAN speaks for MI Elliott a liberal share of you 50 patronage. , 'l'he RJtl'tjm.lcAN amI Itl cr Ocean , $1.50. " t ' ' ' ' 1'om'l'nrnbull of Dunning"is in the cil ) ' this week. j E. N. Uishop of Gates was a fricndly caller at this oO cc vcsterday. STHAYItD-POUy , a partc . A liberal rcward wiiI be paid for her return to this o cc. R. E. Brega of Callawa ) , is transacting l1si ncss bcfore the court in our city this week. Dr. Pickett , who has bcen c n- fincd to his home under qnaran- tine for the smalt-pox , is again able to be out. \VC understand that \Vm. Dre- fus of Mason City , has leased .the Globe Hotel and will take charge in a short time. Lewis Iimberling and daugh- ter" Eva , of Arnold , are in the city. Mr. Kimberling is assessor for Arnold township , and brought ovcr his books. Thc summcr school for teachers - ers will commence in this cit , next Monday.Vith two weel s institute that will follow , the session will continue eight weeks. Ed. Royse aud family of Lincoln - coln , are in the city. 'l'hey camc up Sunday night. Mr. Royse is here as witnt : s in the caSC9 of the state against J. A. Harris. The names of A. H. Copsey of \Vesterville , ' 1' . C. H. Bayeroffer of Ryno , A. L. Mathew5 of Callaway and S. C.Valdron of Over are being prominently men- tioncd as candidates for thc state legislature. ' 1'he county hoard is iitting this wcek in adjourned session. Up to the date of going t1 > press the principle work that has bcen donc has bcen considering road petitions of which thev . ha\'e a fult brrist to dispose of. The populist convention of Custcr county is to be lleld in this city Sa tfllaYtJunc 1 , wilen delegates will be clccted to the fusion convention of the state , congressional , s natorial and representative - resentative conventions in compliance - . pliance with the edicts of .th\ ) machine dictators. C. 1\1. Shinn returned ycsterday morning from Mont Rose , Colorado - ado , with bis bride , -Miss Maudc , the eldest daughtcr of cx-Con- gress\nan O. M. KemVe have been unable to leam the particulars - lars of the wedding festivitics , but join their many friends in , this \'icittity in ext nding con- i brratulations. : A number of the mcmbers of' ' the Baptist church of this city attendee } the basket meeting held in Cover's Grove by the Ba tist , church of Mason City last uni i day. After the afternoon preaching - ing services , the ordinance of baptism was administered to about fifty recent cOIl\'erts. Hev. J. R.Voods , the pastor , ofi ciat- ing. ' 1'he exact numher wc are informed were 49 , the majority of whom were men and boys. The day was vcry fine for the occasion and several hundred people were prescnt to witness the baptising. Rev.Voods preached in the morntng and Rev. S. W. Richards of this city preached in the afternoon and cvcning. It is a clay long to be remembered with pleasure by the people of the Mason City church and vicinity. Mrs. T. E.Vhecler and her husband C. E. lcft here Monday morning on a trip east where tlley v.ill spend their summer vaca- tion. They have been closely can fined to business in tbie city for a number of years and the RI PUDLICANis , pleased to knO\v that in their declining years they have accumulated a sufficiency to cnjoy the rest of thcir day without fear of being a burdet to their friends or socicty. Mrs , Wheeler had accomplished ; : grand work in building up tIH Grand Central to its present higl - standard and " 'material worth. \Vhcn she took control of thl house a few years ago it had rut down and was but of little value - Shc has contrivcd to build it uJ and improve the building unb to-day It is enc of the begt ar e ranged , substantial buil < 1fngs i1 e Central Ncbraska. May she bl ' able to enjoy the fruits of he r labor to a ripe old age is the wisl of the RnPUDLICAN. II. n. Andrews of Anselmo , is in the city to-day. Gco. MulvaneJ' of Mason City , was a social callcr at this omcc 'rnc day. Mrs.Villiam Gillings arrivcd in the cit.y the first of the week from Chkago , R. K. filler , the Nash ) ' ot Mmmn C l ) ' , made this ofilce a friendly call Tuesday. ' ! 'he city council has becn in session cvcr > ' day this weck sitting - ting as a board of equalization. P. M. Rublee wcnt to Omaha this morning to attend the meeting - ing of the Grand I-.4odge of Ma- SOilS. l . II. Young and Alphd Morgan - gan arc at Omaha attending the mceting of the Masonic Grand Lodge. J as. C. Baker and E. Mycrs of Mason City , have rccently had their names added to our sub- . I scription list. I Geo. B. Mair of Callaway went to Omaha from hcre yesterday to attend tIle Masonic Grand Lodge meeting , now in session. Heavy hogs brings 56.60 on the Broken Bow market and the farmers continue to rejoice in that class of republican pros- perity. Misses Libbie Brenizcr and Fannie Drake returncU last night from Lincoln whcre they have been attenditg the state Univer- sitY' the . past year. I \V. D. Blackwel1 of Cordova , . is in the city as a witness in he case of the statc against J. A. I Harris , one of those cases cases will be tricd to-day. 'l'hc wintcr wheat and ryc ncver lookcd bettcr in this county - ty at this season of the year. I 'l'hc growth of the r'c straw is. . larger . Ulan e\'er before. ' 1'he members of the Alumni of the llrollen Bow IIigh Schools will hold their annual anqu ( t thc 11 at tIle Granll C ntral when they will initiate t1IC , new members. ' The supreme court has reversed - ed the decision in thc case of the state against Bartley's honds- men holding that the. bondsmen are liable for the shortage and remands the case back to the district court for a new trial. ' 1'he vicinit > ' southwest of Arnold - nold was visited with a se"ere. hail and wind storm a week ago last Sunday. It is rcported that on Thursday following hail was still on the ground in sufficient quanities to gathcr to use in making ice cream. Mr. Delosh on the the South Table had all his builc1i1gs hut house and wind mill destroyed by the wind. Mlnlsternlul A 880 ( lattou. A meeting of this association will be held at the ChristiU1 church , Monda ) ' , June 9 , at 10:30 : a. m. A full attendance is de- sired. C. V. ALLISON . , Sec'y - - - - - Stricken WUh larraI111111. Last Thursday night John Decker , father of Mrs. G. H. 'l'horpc , after lie had left the auditorom of the M. E. church whcre he had attended prayer meeting was suddenly stricken with parralysis , while standing in the door of the vestibule and rcndered helpless and speechlcss. He was immediatly removed to his home. Medical skill and kind care wcre unable to bring relief. He died from the effech of the strQkc Tuesday , about 1:30 p. m. without , regaining power to speak , bu1 , was able to recognize his friend ! about him. The deceased was < native of Germany , having im migrated to t1lis country in 1841 He served his adoptcd country it 1 the civil war and was a mcmbe . of Company G. 83rc1 Indiana In fantry. He had been a residen of Nebraslm since 1869 , nea1 Nebraska City. A funeral ser vice was held at the residence 0 - Mr. Thorpe Tuesday night. Rev Tritcs officiating. 'Vednesday Mrs. Thorpe accompanied his re mains to Nebraska City for ill terment. He was 78 years old. A Corrl'cUolt. - - In the report of the rcpuhtican county convcntion in the list of delegatcH to thc , representative convention , the name of J. E. Coonc } ' appears , where it shouhl be J. J . Ca vcnec. It was a' typographical - pographical crror that wc missed - ed in proof reading and di < i not discover it until we had run the inside of the paper , which contains - tains the report. Whllng IJcll . Sj\n'rII-GHIHl1Ll Yesterday at 11 o'clock , Albcrt Smith amI Miss Minnie Gireblc of 'Val- worth were marricd at the home of the brides parcnts , Mr. and Mrs. llcuj. Grieble , ncar 'Val- worth , Father ] i'lanigan of Dale o ciuting. 'rhe bride had for a number of years lived iu this city and was very popular among her acquaintances. A number of the citizens of Brokc11 Bow went out ycsterday morning to witncss the solemizing of the marriage : Among t hosc that attended the wedding were Mr. I and Mrs. G.V. . Apple , Mr. and Mrs.Harry Day , Mr. & Mrs. R. 'V. 'Villdnson , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mol1yncau , Prcd Baisch , Miss Pilbert 'l'ierl1ey , C. Ii' . 'l'icrney , A. E. A ndersol1 , Mrs. and Miss Farrc11 , and Miss Maude Potts. li'red Baisch was the. bridegroom and Miss li'ilbert Vierncy the bridel11aid. At this writing nOtic of the parties have returned - ed , but it is safe to predict that they enjoyed l plcasant trip , and that the high contracting parties were thc recipients of a numbcrI I of valuablc prescnts.f'hc HIt- 1'UIILlCAN extcnds congratulations to thc happy couple. Cla"rcla HervlcCH. . ' I' - \ JlA1''fJS'l' ClIU CH. J ' Preacl ing III II a. III. and 'Ii p. III. Snnda ) ' School lit 10 II. III. ] lIIl or ] . ' . Y. P. U. lit 3 p. 111. Scnior H. Y. 1' . lI. lit 7 IP. III. All who clo not IItlCl1ct scrvlccs -.y where else IIfC cOl'lllnl1y invill.'tl to worship with ns. S. W. RICUARUS , l' litor. 11. 11. CHURCH. Scrvices at regular hours. ' 1'he paslor prcllches. l\t\rnlltg \ Suhjccl , " 'l'he practicability oflhe Goldcll Rulc' " 'l'he evcning scrmon , "Christ greater thlln Moscs. " Chilclrcns Day Services at Custer Ccntcr at 3 o'clock. ' A conlinl welcome to aU. II. I . MVIUtS , paslor. 1\1. I . CHURCH. Chilclrcns' Day excrciscs wilt , he heM in the M. H. church Sultllny lIIornlng. A program cntltled " 'l'he COlull\crin \ Christ , " wilt he renllcrccl. l\lrs. Cco. M lI e or Olllnhn , wilt sing III ; crcIl solo. The thinl qUllrlerly 1IleelinJ { or thc Hro- kcn Bow church wilt he he1c1 in lhc cvcnin . Rcn. . W. Crane , presidillg chlcr , wilt preach 111111 aclminislcr lhc SlIcrlltncnl of the Iorc1'H Snpper , Miss Hannah I.ycU will sing at this service. Quartcrly confcrcnce will IIIcet ill the church MOl1l1ay lIIorning , lit 9:30. : An intcrcslcelarc cordially invilce } lo thesc scrvices. GHO. P. 'l'IUTJS , l'Llslor. A' J JUt. - . 'Ve learn f 1'0111 Hev. 140 J. Keenc of Oconto , that the infant - fant child of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith , who reside seven milcs west of Oconto died May 31 and was burried Sunday June I 11 in the Oconto Celtlcery. Services conducted by Rev. Kecne. I 8'1'OP19 Tun covall A l'C 'V)1U K OFF TUIt COI.O. Lantlvo : lIroano-Qolnlno 'l'all\tt. core II cold Ix . ' . I'rlca 2 CIIIlt. . ono dilY. No Cn" " tiu l'IlY. .A fjlJlelulid lI.e..aed\ . i Neuralgic pains , rheumatism , lumbago a11 < l sciatic pains yieltl _ to the penetrating influcnce oj Ballard's Snow Liniment. Ii . penetrates to the nerves a11 < ! bone , and bcing absorbed inte the blood , its healing propertie ! are conveyed to every part of tIt < body and effect some wonderfn cures. Mr. D. F. Moore , Agcnt r Illinois Central Railway , Milan ' - 'l'enn. , states : III have use ( Ballard's Snow Liniment fo rheumatism , backache , etc. , it : my family. It is a sple11 < 1i ( , I rcmcdy. 'Ve could not do with : - , out it. " 25c , 50c and $1.00 a 1Ed. . McComas' Broken Bow anI , Merna. - : -i ; , l ' t' ' I\ \ Paih ts , . : ( ' , Oils and . ' . Wall Paper , . -SLt. . ' Ed" McComas' Drug Store. . . , ' , _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . . " . _ , , -L' ' : M : l f BUSINESS l'OINT D mm M K. . 'Mouey loaned on improved farms. J A1\IHS T-4U9WICn , 18 tf Broltcn Bow , Ne . . Dr. ' 1' . 'V. Bass , dentist , office uorthwest corner of Healty Block. 8-1 U. For insnrance aud real estate goo to Moore & Taylor , in Realty Block. ' , - - . - . Money to loan on chattel . ( ) r real cstate secudty. 51-52 J. H. Sl\INI ; , AU ) . Dr. Seymour's date here at the Grand Central hotel is Friday , J UHC ( " ' [ 'be splcndid opportull- it ) ' of free consultutioll offcred by I hUll on that ltIatc shoKlc1 not be overlooked. Boardcrs wanted at Mrs. Eva Martin's. li'anns for sale and lands for rent. Now is the time to get a farrit cheap , as the chcap farms are all goin , and priccs are advancing - vancing rapully.-J. G. , - - ' ' ' ' ' li'oR SAT n OR 'l'HADyt-'l'oWll lots and a fcw five acre , lots in this city , for cattle , hO\S S or farm Ian d.-Allen Hcyner. , . W Sevcral good farms for sale at a bargain , inc1ud t1g m ) ' own.- IJtsslt GANDY. 44 tf l'tlone to loan on improved farms.-Moore & Taylor , l ea1ty Ulock. 1-23 tf Lubricating oils of aU kinds at W l1dn's < 1rng store. Dr. Seymour , the eye specialist - ist , has decided to malee onr cit3' a visit at rClular intervals. His next visit wll1'be 011 Friday , June ( ) , at the Grand Central IJotel. ' 1'hose wishing to consult him houl < 1 call carl ) ' . FOH SAI.u-One : top buggy , nearly ncw ; one lumber wagon , 'at my farm 12-16-20.-Frank Norton : 46tf Fen HItNT-A : double room on econd 11001' of the Custe bloct , . Enquire at this o ce. Pepgin GUill , two packages for it nickel at Willeins' Pharmacy. li'oR SAI.It-Five acres of laud in good state of cultivation adjoining - joining Broen ] Bow for $200. fnquiro , at this ofi ce. 3-27 tf Dr. Se'll1ouwill be in the city Friday , June ( ) , at the Grand Ceiltral Hotel. 'l'his opportun- itv of consultiug him should not b missed by those needing tha services of an tyc , nose and throat specialist. Dierks Lumber Co. has in stock a car load of fine cedar post5 for the trade. Shallow gravel wclls ma e and I guaranteed by Frank Kclsey. 47-4 Dr. Seymour will a in favor Broken Bow with a visn on Friday - day , June 6. 47-51 FOil SALu-Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 , block 5 , in Jewctt's addition to Broken Bow. Enquire at this office. 11-21 tf If you intend to build call at Dierks Lumber Co. and get prices. Prlzetl ror Pictures. , - I ' 1'0 advcrtise Nchraskn the nurliugton ' Routc wauLIi photographs of Nebraska l' fann LlJ1(1 stock I\cencs. 111111 tots of thcm. 1 Prizes rouging fr01l1 $5.00 to $25,00 in 1 cnsh amI includin trips to Chicago , St. _ Louis , Dcnver and throuJh the mack t Hills have been annotUlccll by J. Francis , Generall'LlS5en er Agent , Omaha , who d wl1l Heml addittollal infonulltion to auy- " oue interested. 51-3