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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1902)
: , \ , n . . u . . .j . . , . . - USTER O.UNTY EPUBLICAN. . " i' ESTABI4ISHED 1882 : TIlE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUS'l'ER COUN'l'Y. LARGES' ! ' CIHCUI4A'J'rON Oli' ANY PAPER IN ' ! 'JIE COUN'ry. VOL XX. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JUNE l1J.1902--EIGHT PAGES , NO. 52 , ! 'T' . - . , . . . . . . . . . . . . I ' 'T'J . .ings and BingS ( 1. . I . " YOII can ha\'c thcm either plain , or wilh sets , clahorately car\cIl or no CUI vingt nll. Onc thitif { is ccrtain , they arc nil hcaultflll 1\1111 will fit any I hand or nllY , i eas. BritW in ) 'our finger and let liS lit It for YOI1. ; - : I Chl:1l0 : COllcge.1 \ or OpthalmIc . . . . . . , . . . " . . . , . . / \ : Tablets , , -ANn- , - School Supplies , ! , - -AT- J. G. Haeberle's. I DR. P rle. El.izabtth Fields , : m m ) 1l llil3 ! ID n ] mb . OFFICE HOURS : 9 a. m. to 12 m. 1:30 : to 4 p. m. , Or by appointment. . r S'Officc O\'cr An cr'on' Jcwclry Storc in Rcalty mock , Brokcn Bow , Ncbraska. . . - - - - HAil ! HAil ! . The old reliable St , Paul Fire & Marine \ Insurance Co. , of St. Pa1A : . . : ) , Minn. ' , "rith . . over $3,000,000 cash assets - sets , offers" the fal'ln- ers of Custer county absolute indemnIty against loss by Hail. Lov rates , Honorable adjustment and Spot cash settlements. Insure - . sure ) our crop agaInst hail. J. A _ HAlRIS , Agent. Office , Opposite P. 0. , Bl'olren BowN cb. - - - - - - - i'rlzl'S fill' P/clllr's. / . ' \lvcrlise Nchraska the nur1in tou. . . . ROlllc wauts photog-raphs of Ne raska fnrm atlll stock SCCUCS , ntlll lots of thcm. . } 'rizcs ranging fmm 1-5,00 to $25.00 in cllsh mill inchllling' trips to Chicago , Sl. Louis. Dcnvcr 11I\(1 through the HInck Hills hl\'e : hcen nttllounccil hy J. Francis , Gcncra ] Passcnger Ag-cnt , Oll1l1hll , who will scmI LUltlitional information to any- enc intercstcd. , 51-3 Childrcn's nay Exerclscs. Chi1dren's Day exercises will , be observed by the Baptist Sunday - day School next Sunday night. A fine program has been arranged - ed and an interesting time is anticipated. 'l'he public is cor- dially.inyited. . 1Unrket IIcport for Today. Wheat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 .00 Uarlcy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 0.11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ro COIn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 @ .f > : ! Ryo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , M Uotlur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I K i8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 PotatoclI , per hUBhcl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I fIJ . On'on ' . per lIoallol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1.5C f' Cblckon. . ' pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) ( 110gB , . . . : . . pill' . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. ' ; ( COWl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3.2t'1 @ 4.0 : Stroll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 5.50 @ 6. . pOllnd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n Turkera. 8tr. . .per per cwt. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J ( n.J. ew. per ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.tI sugar , per cw' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " : ' . . l .fI < , ' _ . , . , , 'J , . . -1 , _ I : : : : ; : : : : : : : : : : I \Vm. Gillings took charge of t.he Cit ) . Dakery last Saturday. P. M. Case \Veisscrt , was a. friendly caller at thisofficc Tucs- day. day.G. G. R. Gorsage \Vesten'i11e , was a friendly caller at this o ce Monday. J. C. Maulick of Seneca , Kan- sag , spent several days in the city last week. 1\1rs. 'r.V. . Dean and daughter - ter , Mrs. Montgomery , were visiting - iting in the city Friday. Peter H'erson is assisting in McComas' drug store during the abscnce of Mr. McComas. Mrs. MichellI Morrisey , and her grandson , Carl Dean , went to Alliance Monday morning. Miss Laura and Fanny Perkins - ins came over from Taylor Saturday - urday to attend the U111mer school. Mrs. V. C. Talbot came down from Dunning Sundaj' morning .11H is visiting in this city with relatives. J as. Lindley came down Monday - day morning with three of his daughter , ho arc attending the summcr school. Ed. Myer returncd Friday night from TAncoln , where he ' has been attending' State University the past year. Ray Armour arrived home Saturday - urday night from Lincoln , where he has been in attendance at the State University the past year. At. Johnson , who has been prospecting in the west for several - eral months , has returned to Broken Bow , and will centinuc in business with L. E. Kirkpat- rick. . . Roy Thompson and wife , of Callavay , were in the , city 'Fri- day , the guests of Roy's parents. Roy reports business good at Cal- laway. R. D. Campbell of Weissert , was.a welcome caller at this office Friday. Hc reports having - ing as fine a field of winter wheatas he ever saw grow. Mrs.J.E.Logan of Arnold , has recently located in this city with thc view of having her children , two boys and one girl , attend the Broken Bow Business and Normal College. T. J. Arthur of Coburg , was one of several of. his neighbors before the county board in , opposition - sition to a road that was being peti tioned for from Dry Valley to Sarg nt Monday. " 1. A. Johanson was at Lincoln last wcek taking examination before - fore the Nebraska Board of Rharmacy. He now holds aerti- ficates from the the state boards of Iowa and Nebraska. Miss Navy Pierson , who for several has been stenographer - i grapher 'for C. 14. Gutterson , went to Lincoln Sunday morning - ing , with the view of remaining permanently. Rumor has it that she is to be married soon. Ed. McComas and wife , and L. W.Vilson and wife , of Merna , left Sunday morning for the Pacific - cific coast. The ) ' expect to visit uiper and lower California , Oregon - gen \Vashington , and attend ! the launching of the battleship Nebraska at Seattle on July 4th. 'V. E. Baker has moved his bi11iarcl tables to the room of N. Gliem's tailor shop , recently va- catcd. Mr. Gliem has moved his shop to rooms on the second floor of tl1e same huilc1ing , and the room \cated by Mr. Baker is being fitted up for a bowling alley by Mr. Huff. Fred Rinne , city clerk , has collected 5400 of the city occupation - tion tax , which leaves only about S100'yet to collect , besides 55.00 from each of the insurance com- rranies doing business in the city. rhe latter tax goes to the fire companies of the city. All the business men of the city havc : been given an opportunity to pay their occupa ion tax , but it appears - pears that they are a few who I hope to stand the' matter off as I several have done in previous : years. Mr. Rinne informs us that he intends to collect the I amount r maining if he has t ( ] : , resort to the law to do it. Boarders wanted at Mrs. Eva Martin's. The Rl l'UDL1CAN and Inter Ocean , $1.50. John \Velsh \Vesterville , was a city visitor Monda ) ' . Dr. H. B. Mullins , Dentist. Officc in Broken Bow State Bank Building. M. K. 'Hagadorn attended the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge at Omaha last week. 14clan Lewis , who .has bccn attending the Grand Islalul College - lege the past : rear , arrivcd home Saturday. Mrs. N. L. He'nolds and chil- \lren are visiting atVest Unio 1 I with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. : ' 1'V. . Dean. ' 1'he countv board convcned ' 1'ues ay mOrJ ing as a board of equaliz tion. 'l'he session ig lil ( ( ly to last a week or longcr. Consult Dr. l\1ullins about'our dental work b fore going else- where. 'York up to date and warranted. Prices away < 1own. Hugh Kenno'cr rcports having - ing .a mess of potatoes Sunday , out of his garden as large as hen eggs. ' 1'here were a number in each hill. Roscoe Baldwin and Arthur Myers came up from Lincoln Saturday night , where they have ! been attending he State University - ! sity thc past year. ' S. 14. and II. ] . Glover , of Dr Valley , were city visitors.Mon . - day. S. L. came o\'eron lU5 way to Crawford to attend the congressional - gressional c nvention. , Geo. and 'Gene Adams : , left f r Lexington , Saturda.y , wherc George and his father has a bakery , they having soM their bakery here toVm. . Gillings. G. vr. Run'an of Mason Cit.Y , . came up Monday'night on busi ; ness in connection with the county - ty treasurer's office. He returned - ed Tuesday on the noon train. Dr. R. B. Mullins has fixed up offices in the rear rooms , on the second floor , over Haeberle's drug store , He has finc quarters. He will make dental work a specialty. Miss Clede Holcomb of Fort Branch , Indiana , who was on her way to Portland , stopped off Monday ni ht to attend the funeral - eral of her cousin , 'Vilbur Hol- comb. Rev. J. R.V oods of Mason City , was a friendly caller at this officc ' 1'uesday. He came up to assist in he funeral services of \Vilbur Holcomb , of .whom hc is a cousin. Judge Holcomb came up Sitn- day night on receipt of telegram of the death of his brother. His family came up Monday night. They rcmained over to attend the funeral. The district court adjourned Saturday afternoon. 'I'he Harris case was continued until the next term of court fpr want of time , as the Judge had to be at exil1gton Monday ' 1'he jury 111 the Rayles case chsagreed. Heavy rains are reported in the southeast part of the county the latter part of last week. Several - eral rods of railroad track was washe < 1 out Thursclay night ne lr 1.1 itch field , delaying thc trains several hours before a temporary track could be laicl to let trains pass. It is safc to say that few abler addresses wou1 < 1 be list ned to in the large cities , than the one gi vcn by Hon. James \Vhitehead of Broken Bow , a vetcran of the Civil \Var. lIe was able to draw on his pwn tr 'ing experiences - ences for telling incIdents. 'rhc causes leading up to the war ; the struggle itself , and the final results - sults 'were eloquently described. Many important lessons were enforced - forced in the choicest language. -Taylor Clarion. The Holcomb funeral 'ruesday afternoon was the largest attended - ed that has been held in this city in a long while. No one has passed away since the organization - tion of the cit.y that had been as greatly adm1red by so many people. His strength of mind , I force of character and sublime i and Christian patients , hopeful I and cheerful disposition so mani- : fest during bis long years of I I suffering doubley endeared him to all who knew him. HeHaney of Anselmo , was in the city \Vednesday. Small house to rcntt \VIII.IS CADwm.I. . C. M. Blowers of Antold , was a city visitor . 'rucsdar ; night. : Ncw Hc.lena will. . ccleurate the Fourth in old-fashioned style. RcCeo. . ' ! 'ritcs made' a trip to KearJlc ) ' the first of the week. Ruemont Pigman is spending the school \'acation at Havcnna. ' 1' . C. II. BayerhotTer of Hyo , made this ol1icc a fricmlly . caB Wcdnes ay. Joel Maupin of Merna , made i this omce a plcasant call white i in thc city \Vednesda ) ' , HeD. . \V. Cmne of Kearney , occupied thc pulpit of the 1. I g. church Sunday night. John Dccius , who has spent sc\'cralmon ths at Lemly on the ranch ofV. . \VoOls ! , is in the 'tity. Children'g Day exercises next Sunda ) ' night -at the Baptist church. Comc out and hcar the hildren. to i Mrs. 14. E. Kirkpatrick , accompanied - panied by hcr cousin , wcre pas- scngers n this morning's train \Vashington. . Joseph \Vrigley and Miss Fan- nic 1 . Sutton oPeoria , Illinois , are in thc city the guests of A. 'Y. Sutton and fami1y. Geo. B. Mair came over from .Callaway Tuesday e"ening . )11 his wa ) ' to the congressional convention at' Crawford. 'l'hc 14 ulies , Society of the Presb.terian church will hold a lawn social at the home of Mrs. Hunter Tuesday evening , June 17th , 1902. MAlmnm-At the U. , B. par- sQuage , Junc 11 , 1902 , Mr. Norva % iuuncrl1lan of Anslcy" and- MIss Gertie B. Grim of Brokcn , Bow. Rev. H. E. Myers officiating. I. A. Reneau , A. R. Humph- rcyValt George and D. M. Amsberry left hcre Tuesday night on the mid-night train for Crawford to attend the congressional - sional convention. Geo. 'Vhite of Alliance , who recent1 ' married one of Custer county s ladies , was visiting friends in this city last weeJi. j Hc and his wife rchuUled Sunday I nigh t. MAUHIIw-At thc U. B. parsonage - sonage in Brolrell ; Bow , 'rlmrs- day , June 5 , 1902 , Mr. Iuman 'l'riplet and Mrs. Rosa Brasier , hoth of Broken Bow. Rev. H. E. Myers officiating. Your attention is called to the "Add" of E. C. Housc , insurance a cnt , elsewhere in this paper. Mr. House represents a number of companies. He is writing fire , lightning and tornado in- surance. Jules Haumont of Elton , came in 'l'uesday afternoon. He with T4. H. Jewett , Geo. B. Mair , 11' . II. Young , S. L. Glover and several - eral others lcft here Wednlsday ; morning for Crawford to attend thc congressional convention. . ( 'hlhlron' nay ExerclscfI. 'l'he following is the program to be rendercd in the Baptist church next Sunday , June ] 5 : ROllI.Iv the HCll\lol. . I'ra'cr. 11I lrulIlCllla' ' MiIHlc. , . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrll. Callwcll Hu u Garlautl. . . . . , . . . . .MrK. Arull\.lerry'K Cia" . ' 1'11 < 1 Quarrel of tile ) )01111. . . . . . . . I.ucy' JcffurdH SUIIII' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LuUle H Jcllanlll ClaKM MullluJin Sulo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harr''y l'owcrH R'cllallulI. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dcwll'hl ' 1 > a ) ' SUIIIl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to. , . to. . . . Thr"u Iltllu Illrls HceHa IlulI. . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J ' : Hlde AI' IIncl. . . . . .MIHsw. I.ultle aud Jo'iorclle" HlchardH Till ! 1 > c\l1 lIulI. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .A'I" " Arruour HtIIl" . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . MallJ QuarltUc lIarl' Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l va C.\llwcll Volcuol Ihe FlowcrH. . . . . . . .MCI. . SruHII'IiCla. . . SUIlIl. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Hulh Harrill Jcellallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I'lIa I.uwl" ! : ionlo ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , J"ranclH I"oliler Violin Solu. . . . . . . ' . . . . . . ' . . . Charl"y HoIJlnHQn AccolUJ : > anh'd.Iy Miss ElUma Luce. SOUIl.Iy the Choir. LeUcr 1.11" , - . The following is the dead letter list for the week ending June 10 , 1902 : Jessie Benson , \Vm. Bcver , Clarence Brown , Alva C. Gully , Laura Kellogg , Ella McDonald , Alma Learsoll , J.V. . Scott , \V. D. StocleV. . Stark , (2) ) ; W. H , 'rhompson , Att ) , . Parties calling for the abovt w111 please say advertised. L. H. Jmvu'l"l' , P. 1\1. HTOI-as ' .I'II COU ( II A.1'CD 'VOIUC" UJ1'I" "II COLO. La.Uve UrolDo-Qulnlno Tablet. cnre "cold II ono doll ) ' . No Cure , Nu 1'111. ldo. . 2. } eenu. IU nn. ' HOI.COlIII-Sllnday : , Jllne H , 190 at 10 a. m. Wilbur W. Holcomh of ttlber ulsis , age 3fl 'ears , 5 months am ! t5lays. . rhe dcceased was born ill 111- tliallia , October 23 , 1865. III 1Hie ) he with his mother's famil\ ' movcd to Hamilton cOllnty thi'1 ! state. In 1883 the fumil ) ' mo\'cII to Custer COllllty. Aftcr homc steading nnct 'farming a fcw Jear the deceascd stuctiel law with law firm of KirkpatricJe and Holcomh , his brothcr S. A. being the Junior membcr of the I firm. 011 heing admitted to the practice of law he and his brothe\ ' C. H. Holcomb entcred into the practice of law and col1eclion hllsi neS1 ! IInder the firm namc of Holcomb Bros. in this city. In July t81)3 , thc subject of this sleelch visited his uld hume in Indiana.Thite there roaming - ing lwer the , hills , he slipped and fell , stightty injur'illg one of hig knees. Not suspectiilg thc injury - jury was in anyway sc1' ous , he stoppcd ovcr at Chicago on his rcturn and visited the \Vorld's li'air , thcn in progrcss in that i ' , Afte reaching homc the 111Jury conhnued to grow worse and medical assistunce provcd of no avail. For it fcw months he wa abte to attc1Ul to hU : ine s uy going about on crutchcs , but for the past se\'cn ycars he has been confincd to hi1 ! hed. 'l'uberculosis of the joints set in an cfTuctcd evcry joint in his hody , so that he has hecn entirety helplcss for or four yearSevcn his jaws being partiali ) ' sct. so that his food had to he spccially prepared in order that he might' masticate it. . For somc time he had been deprivcd of his cycsight and his hcaring was so elTected that it was neccssary to use car trumpcts to converse with him. Notwithstanding - standing his sore anIiction 1w kcpt himself postcd on. current. evcnts by having him. Fortunately hc did not loose his' powcr of specch nor rcasOlling faculties until within a few hours of hig death. 'l'hrough aU this trying ordc'al he was patient and hopefut and had a chcerful word for his 11\Ullerous and frequcnt callers. His mother who has been his constan t atend- ant through all , has bcen to him all that the word mothcr can imply and hm' care was fully appreciated by him. In hcalth he was an acti ve Christian and Sunday School workcr , and was superintendent of the Baptist s.chool of this city , vhcn he was takcn sick. Hts friends have the consolation that his faith in his Saviour never wealeened and lilee Jouc , his misfortune only strcngthencd his faith in him "who doth all things well. " HIT was a man llpiversally respected by all who kncw hha ill health , and thus had the sinccrc consolation - solation of an in his long siege of sickncss. He lcavcs a mothcr , sister and two hrothcrs , several half-brothers and a host of lIear rclativcs and fricnds to mourn his sad ending' . 'L'h funeral services were condudcll 'l'nesday afternoon in the M. I . Church by Hev. Geo. P. 'l'l' tCH , assistcd hy Hev. J. R.Voods of Mason Chy. His remains w r ( > accom- paniell to the ccmctery hJ' a large concourse of pcoplc , the funcral being' largIJ' attcnded. ' ' ' extends to t'lis 'l'he Hl I'UnrICAN mot.her , brothcrs , sisters and rclatives the s\'lnlathy } of .the cn tire communi ty i 11 t hci r g-rca t ber a "cmcn t. Church HervlccH. 1- M. H. CHURCH. 'j'hcrc will hc thc Icgular l cf\'iccs ill thc .M. H. church H III11 u ) ' . , : 'lr. Prank Slephclis of Crclc , Ncbr. wilt HIli , , hoLlI lIIorning IUtel c\'cniul { . Wc invile 1111 tn thcsc serviccs. Ho. 1' . ' 1'JU'fHS , I'a tor . 1I.\p.rI51' CJJUHcn. Sunday School at 10 a. III. ; Prcachilll { at 11 a. III. ; Junior H. V. P. U. at 3 p. nt. ; Senior n. Y. P. U. lit 7 p. 111. ; Chilelrcns DIlY ExcrciscH at 8 p. III. 'I'here will hc spccial IIIlIsic in cOllllcctinll wit,11 thc cvclling progralll , H\'cr'holly cunlinlly invitcd to allclIll thcl c scrviccs. S. W. RICH\JUlS , Pastor. ' 1'110 SlIlIIlIwr Schllot. - 'l'he summer school convened Monday lllorning with County Superintcndent f-.lewis as conductor - ductor , with Miss f it1ic Henne , A. P. Vannice , L. D. George in- structors. 'l'he eurollment .Mon- day was 48 , which is considered 11 goocl the first day. " . : i I . Paints , Oils and , Wall Paper --at-- Ed. lVIcGomas' : Drug Store. , . . . . . J - - - - - - - - - : & ! i ; a m : & BUSINESS m&mJ m mmu & ! _ . Job pl' nting' at this oflicc. M n'ey loaned 011 improvel farms. J A1\IUS LItDWICU , 7 18 tf ' Brokcn Bow , N u. Dr. ' 1' . 'V. Bass , dentist , oflice northwest CO'1'ner of Realty BlocJr. , 8-1 H. \Ve can sell ) 'our farUl or ranch. \V ri te or call on us for particu- lars. 'VII.I.IS CADWItI.I. . li'or insurance and real estate g'0 to Moore & 'l'aylor , in Rcalty Block. , Moncy to loan on chattel or real estate sccurity. 51-52 J. B. 8.1\11'1'11 , Atty. \V cst Union , Nebraska- cs , we will pay a purt cash for butter - . ter anc1 eggs. RUltlTS G. CARn. - li'arms for sale ar.c1 lands for rent , W is the timc t get , a farm cheap , as the cheap farms a c , a.l , g.oin , nd , prices ar ad- vauc1l1g' - rapul1.r.-J G. Dre11l1.l'r. . l1'OIt SAL1 OR 'rRADIt-ToWll lots and a 'few five acre lots jtt this city , for cattle , horses or farm land.-Allen Reyner. Several good farms for sale at a bargain , including my oWU-- JHssn GANDV , 44 t Money to loan on improved farms..Moore & 'raylor , l ea1ty Block. 1-23 tf , u ricating.oi1s of allldn s at \Vll1c1l1's drug store. . - - - ] i'OIt SALlt-Onc : top buggy , ncarl ) ' new ; one lumuer wagon , at my farm 121C120.Frank Norton. 46tf li'oJ { RHN'1'-A : ouule room on econcl floor of the Custer block. Enquire at this oflicc. , , - - - Pepsin Gum , two pa ( kages for a nickel at Willdns' Pharmacy. , FOR SAI.H-Five acres f land in good state of cultivation ad- joiuing Broken Bow for $200. . Incuire at this fiol < e. 3-27 tf Dierks J.lumher Co. has in stock a car lOtul of finc cedar posts for thc trade. How often do you have the opportunity to buy goods at' wholesalc prices right here at hOl11e ? huy just what you want. 'l'hat is what you can do at thc } i'amous Milburn Stw-c. Wc are closing out everything and arc g'oing to quit the country for bctter health , so new' is your chancc to scrvc ) 'ourself with plcnty of good thing's at and he- low cost.Vc have evcrything , and cverything is first-c1 $ s. Anything not first-class you can have at yonr own price. Don't all comc at ollce. Produce taken. vi. l . SWINGrU. , 52-1 l\1ilhurn , Nebraska. Shallow gravel wells made an l guaranteed by Frank Kelsey. 47-4 li'oH SAl.n-Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and B , block 5 , in Jewett's addition to Broken Bow. Enquirc at this ollice. 11-21 tf If you intend to build call at Dierks Lumber Co. and get pric s. blCC. . . . Chuuc . 'l'hc Mi1hurn store is : for sale , nice clean stock and store furni- tnr ' ; and builc1ings , well established - shed business in a fine location. Annual'sales $7,000 , stock will , invoice about $2,000 , Bui1ding 'and fixtures ahout $700. Addrcss , \V. E. SWRNGJU. , 52-tf Milburn , Neb.