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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1902)
I , II . , J . . " \ . , I ' USTER. OUNTY' EPUBLICIN. . . ' , . ES'l'ABLISHED . . 1882. 'l'JIE OFFICIAJ4 PAPER OF CUS'l'ER OUN'J'Y. LARGEST CIRCULATION or. ' ANY PAPER IN' TIlE COUN'l'Y. ' . " " , - - . VOL. XX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER C0UNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY m _ _ _ _ , _ MAY _ _ . _ _ _ _ 29 , 1902.uEIGHT PAGES. NO. 50. , y . _ _ _ _ .1 . . i . , ' , n Snowy Ponthouao . . For His Hollow Eyos. " ' ' ' " ' ' " 'l'Cllnyson's "Father 'l'imc" is J not the only man 'Of ' agc or ot YOllth , "who elrags his eyehrow . hrushes ,10wl1. " wc u11 ohscrve : thesc SatllC dragg'd cyelJrows 011 faces inllumerable. A s'mp- tOI11 of cyc cfcct-au indication - tion of gIns ! ! lIeed. Evcry S'l11ptom mcalls 11 cattse. I , l1 npt glasses to cvery defect of , 'ision , by the latest cye.testing . appliances , allli prescrihc thcm ncconlallcc with thc teach. tin of the hest authoritics , on I the eyc. ' -'JMd r 0 I : ClIlIOCC.J of Cb'C ' IrO OPt 81 I . , . . . . . , . . . . . .48 e. . Tablets . -AND- . ' , " , School SuppJies , - -AT- . _ , . ' . , -r. ; . . _ . , . . . . f . J. G. Haeberle : . I i . - . - - ; . Per Ie Elizab th Fields , , : DK , . ' . .A'ti' ; f ' zJ ! ) ! l : h B ID ln 1B DDa OI 'lICH HOURS : ' . . 9 a. m. to 12 111. IZ . 1:30 : to 4 p. m. : : j. , . : " Or by app intment. j ' Alulerson's Storc Il r'omcc over Jewclry in Rcally lllock , Broken 110w , Nebraska. . " I : to HAIl ! HAIl ! , , The old reliable St. . , Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co. , of St. I Paul , Minn. , with over $3,000,000 cash as. sets , offEn's the farm- el'S of Custer county absolute indemnity against loss by Hail. Low l'ates , Honorahle n justment and Spot c sh settlelnents. Insure - . sure your crop against hail. J. A. HAlRIS , Agent. Office , Opposite P. 0. , Broken BowNeb. \ City Council , At the meeting of the ci ty council last night the proposed ordinance granting a gas light. and fuel franchise to Honts , Rublee and Dean was indefinitely postponed. A committee of three was appointed to investigate - gate with the .view of purchasing the water works plant. . DIIIIY Bee Social , 'l'he Busy Bees will hold adime social at the home of Mrs. D. M. Amsberry , ] s ay l ight June 5. lUnrket Iteport for Today. " 'hAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .60 lJarlof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1\ : Oat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r.O Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 @ . & 3 Ityn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M liQUor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 R L1' " ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 PotatoCJI. per bnabel , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I r.o Onlon . per bushol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.W Cbloken. . 'lOr pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 UO < < d , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50 ( 'OWl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3,25 @ . .00 8t1'C' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ SW @ 6.25 Torkor' , per POund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0 tltra.percwt. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 lIAr. lIICW. per tOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f.r.o SUBar , per cw , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1,60 I : : : : : : : : : : II A. G. Huffman of Arnold , was [ 1 city visitor Monday. P. A. Carlson of : Mason City , was attending court Monday. A. M ore and R. E. llrega , of Callaway' are attending conrt in thi city this wcek. , J. C. Porter of Ansley , wa1 ! ' looldng after matters ill the district - trict court Monda ) " . E. E. 'Vi1t1mer , junior editor of lhc Beacon , went to Omaha' the first of the week. He returned Tnesday morning. . J. Burkett , congressman for th.e first district , was rcnominat.- ed Jor congress Tuesda ) " night at Lincolu. His 1I0miuntion was unanimous. Senator Currie passed through here l riday afternoon on his way to Callaway , where he delivered the address to the graduating class that evening. 'l'lw Mason Cit ) ' Transcript has slarted on its sixteenth year. Fo'r several years it. has been the 0111) ' paper published in Mason City. It has alwa ys enjoyed a libcral share of the public pat- ronage. lIon. 'V. J. Ta'lor of Mernu , was in the city Saturdaypresum- ably to see to the fixing of the dates by the fusion county central - tral conunfttee for holding the county , senat.orialand represen- tati'e conventions. James J. Hill , president of the Northern Securities Company , the merger , passed through this citv last Friday on a special train of Jive coaches , inspecting the road. It was his first trip over his new possession. 'l'he ll emorml services at the G. , : A. . R. hall last Sunday afternoon - - " 'ttc . 'l'he noon was larg-eW" ded. . H dress by Hon. James .White- head was unusually good and was highly appreciated by the large audience that. was present. Rev. S.V. . Richards will attend - tend the special services at Mason - son City Sunday , where he has been engaged to preach in the morning a d afternoon. 'l'he services will be held in Cover's Grove , where a basket dinner will be served. Dr. and Mrs. q. W. IIakes , and son , L.ynn , left here last 'l'hurs- day moming for Afton , New York , where the Dr. will have charge of an ofiice with a good , busincss established. lIe had been at Merna since leaving the county clerk's ofiice. J as. osner , who has been serving - ing 011 the federal jury at. Omaha for two weeks ret.urned home Sat- urda ' night. He c01Hiders himself - self In ! , rreat. luck in being excused - ed in so short time , as the session - sion of the court. will last , in all probahility , to Jul ) " . A. P. Vannice returned'l'ues- day from York , where he has been attending college the past t.wo years. He is to be one of the Jnstructors in the summer school , and came home a few days before the college term was out in order to get ready for the work. 'l'he memorial services at the Baptist church last Sunday morning - ing , was largel > ' attended and was of unusual 1t1ferest. In ad. dition to the special music , the addresses by Supt. Lewis , Judge Armour , Jos. Pigman and Judge Cowles , were splendid and very much enjoyed by all. ' R. H. Sargent , proprietor of the 'Val worth Roller Mills writes that crops of all kinds are doing fine in his vicinity. He saJ they have more grass for thh time of ycar than he has seen it1 the past twelve years. The acreage of small grain is ligh1 but that it is doing nicely. Judge H. M. Grimes of NorU Platte , was a city visitor'l'hurs , day of last week , on a tour 01 inspection. 'Ve understand h ( went from h ( > re to Ord. Th ( Judge is a genial fellow , and hm a host of friends in the big Sixtl con6rressional district , but thcJ do not all conceed that this i his year to go to congress. Sen ator Currie is the choice of tlu majority of farmers and stock men , and tIley constitute th. . pcople of this district. I 'l'he Rm'UI1J.1cAN amI. Inter Ocean , $1.50. \ Judge 'Vall of Lou } ) City , is attending court herc this , vcck. ' ' ' . A S'1'HA\'Hn-Pollv , a partot. libcrat.reward wi 1 be paid for hcr rcturn to this offic . ' ' 1' . 'V. Dean and daughtcr , Mrs. Mabel Mauuel , was in the city Ji'riday aud Saturda.r. John Gilmore and Mr. , Bendt- e .ler of Over , were fnc1Ully' callers - ers at. this omce yestcrday. It is repprted that C. M. Shinu , who is now visiting in , Mont Rose , Colorado , will return with a bride. 'l'he school will summer convene - vene at. the south side school building , Monda ) ' , June 9 , at. 9 o'clock. A. J. 1 l1iott of I4ead City , , vho recently purchased 'the ' Grand Central hotel , arrived in thi ! city last Saturday. HarrCoffman of the graduating - ating c ass of the Mason' ' City high school' ' , has tJle honor of ranking first in his class for which he rcceives free scholarship - ship from Doane Collegc , Delvue College and Cotner Universit ) ' . Carl Anderson second is awarded free scholarship in the Cotner Universit ) . . , Supt. Lewis has employed as instructors in thc 'l'eachcrs' Institute - titute , which is held following I the summer school , Jul.r 21st to August 2nd , 1902 , Charles For- dyce , Dean of the 'Vesleyn University - versity ; James E. Debell ; superintendent - intendent 'of Lexington public schools ; 'Vatter W. Walters , superintendent - erintendent of Valley pubhc . schools ; Miss Susi E. Fraser , of Holdrege , and J. J. 'l'ooleyof Btokcn Bow. .j \Villiam Gillings a former . citizen of this city who has b.een in England for fhe past three ycars arrivcd in.' 'Ja t irllUrsday night with the vicw of relocatiug. He is in nc'gotia- tion .with the Ada lIs bo's for , the Cay Bakcry , Ius old sta1U } I whcre he wiIi resumc. Mr. I Gillings has many friends here who are plcascd to see him re- turn. IIis wife st.opped at Chicago where she will visit. a , few days while he is , getting settled. Clell Sharpe , who recently re. . turned from Kearney , where he has spent some thrc ) 'ears in th industrial school , is making an cffort to make an hononible liv- ing. 'Vhile at the school he learned t.he tailor's trade. He has established himself in busi- ncss in the room just north of the pm t office , where he is already - ready receiving a ver ) liberal patronage. Cleaning , prcssing and tailoring of all kinds he ad- vcrtises to do neatly and proml , > l- ly. Help the boy along' by giving - ing him your " ; vork. Killed By 1.lghtclIllIg. 'l'hos. Tehon , who lives some ten miles south west of Anselmo had a boy killed Sunday evening by lightening. Sllcel , , ' Sermoll. 1'0 be preached to the children - dren next Lord's Day morning - ing at the Christian church. Subject , "I4ittle Foxes. " .At OICl'1UOUBO JUliO Ii "A'Day in a Railroad Union Depot , " given by the Ladies Library Association , 'l'hnrsda ) ' , June 5 at Opera House. DIstrict Court. District Court convcned here Mond'lY ; with Judge II. M. Sullivan presiding. The day was spent largelv in. setting down' cases for trial , correcting the docket and hearing of minor cascs. The saloon case of Mason City was disposed by submittin'J the concceded state of facts tothe court. The court held that the petition was one short of the I legal requiremcnts of real estate - owners. The case was dismissed at the costof thedefendant. 'Vc understand that Mr. Carlson has , circulated anothcr petitition and will tr ) ' it again. 1 Tuesday was the first day set for jury cases , : ; The case set for hearing 011 this date was the case of the State against Scriber , a salool1 - keeper of Sargent. 'l'he case was in a short time brought to iJ stand by the attorney for the . defendant , 'Vall and Gadd who filled a demurr to thc petition. 'l'he state was given an opportunity - tunity to ammend but as thc case was brought under the wrong scction for the chargeR set up in the complaint , the state cou1 < 1 not procced with the case with au ) ' hopes of success , so thecouuty attorncy had Mr. Scribcr ar- raigncd on tHe charge of allowing canl playing in his saloon. ' 1'0 this chargc hc plead gnilty and the court imlQscd n fine o'f $75 , and cost which witt 1\1I10uut to bet. ween 5300 and $400. Wednesday morning the first jur ' of thc session was impannell- ed 111 the case of the state against Burhop , who is charged with stcaliug thirtcen head of hogs. 'l'he tl'ial of the case occupied all da ) 'Vednesc1ay and a we go to press it. is sL l ill progress. 'l'he state has sixtecn witnesses and the defense thirtecn. Sllulrls for tbo City lnrk. J. L. 1\Ic\Villiams , who recently - cently returned from iL visit .at 'l'abor , Iowa with his brothcr Wills brought with him live fox squirrels , now about. half grown. Mr. Mc\Vitliams intcnds lixing up boxes for them in the city park. lIe says in 'l'abor the sqnirls are numerons and are protected - tected by the city , imposing a finc of $25 011 anyone who kills onc. He says many of them arc very tame and will eat nuts from a person's hand. He thinks thcse of his will continue tame if boys or others do not frighten them by throwing at them or by run- n1l1g after them. In order to protect the squirrels from harm he proposes to have the city council pass an or < 1 mmce impo - ing a fine of $25 for killing one of them. Mr. Mc\Villiams brought with him a supply of hickory nuts to last thcm un till fall and Mr. Geo. , Hersh of Missouri , , has proffered to send out several bushels ofValnuts ; for thcm to feed upon. Mr. McWillians } descrvcs great credit for the interest he has manifcst- eel in the matter and we hope he will succccd in populating our city park with a large : family . of squirrels. A ( JIlBO of MlstakeD Moult ) ' . It is not , always that things are as they secm to one whose yei ! are failin . Just what had. . come over L. B. Cole last Monday - day noon as he was going home to d 1 ner was a mystry that attracted - tracted t.he attention of his friends. Usually "Coly" has his bcttcr' judgemcnt wit.h him and no one had had an occasion before - fore to accuse him of being luna. 'Vhy he should stop on the corner at the llroken Bow State Bank and pef1istently wave his hand down the street at some apparent person when no one could he seen in that direction was a mystery difficult to explain. Finally - ally after making several attemps and receiving no salute in return he wended his way homeward , not a little char -ined that his supposed lady friend had not acknowledged his courtesy by at least. a wave of the hand. On his return he investig-ated and found that the lady still occupied the side walk in front of Wilson & Drake's store dressed in the same blue calico wrapper , but instead - stead of being the persoll he supposed , it was a dummy placed there for a sign. Hcre after if you sce him lift his hat as he passes the Indian bust or cigar sign in front of Mike Scanlon's restaurant , do not be surprised as it may be another case of mistaken - taken idenity , for which his eyc sight only is responsible. DoubJed Up. ! - Is a terse expression for the consolidation of the famous Gentry Shows. For almost a quarter of a ccntury the Gentry Bros. famous trained animal 'Shows have been the leading tented exhihitions of this country. This season finds the paradcs and performances twice the size of former years. Two heards of Baby Elephants , Two Mammoth droves of performing Ponies , Two caravans of educated Camcls , A double drove of ed- ucatcd Dogs , an augmented com- I pan > " of tJerforming Monkeys , to : say noth1t1g of thc many other I new and indescribable acts in. : troduced , since the permanent , consolidation of thesc mighty : shows. Superb inacurately de- , . . . I t - scribes the merits of the consolidated - dated pnrades of Gcntry Bros. li\amolts Shows United which will exhibit hcre li'riday Junc ( , . Cllurch MCrTICc" . ' ' ' ' ' IIAI'1'18'1' CI1URCI1. No prcAching 8crvlcc will he held ill the lIAltisl ( church SUllela ) ' . 'I'hc SUlldR ) ' Sehoolllnci n. Y. P. tI. 8e8 lolls will hc helel AI usuul. - PJUtSIlV'1'1UHAN CIIl1RCIr. Scrvices next Sahhath ulornillJ : atut e"clliu at thc usuAl hours. .i\tllrnlu ! \IIujcct , " 'the I 1t1l1l1U vs. Divine Will. ' nvenillg slIbjcct , " "hc Grenl Crlssl ! ! , " I thc scvcuth Iccture outhe book of Hsthcr. Chri8tiuu Hnc1ellvct' lit 7 p. 111 , ClIIHS'l'IAN cmmcll. Scrvices Suudu ) ' tIIornlu III the usul\l hOllr. Chilelrclls DAY exerciscs Suudny e ; cnillg. A goo < < 1. ) ro rntlt wHl he rClul- creel. Spccilli tIIUSIC Ii ) ' the choir. Y1 1' . S. C. H. at 6:45 : p , tit. Mrs. ] . R. 'I'ca- antcn leneler. l'rnycr tIIeetlng Wt.'Itucfl- lilt ) ' e'culng at S p. tII. HVCl'\lfty \ IJ ! lu- \'it d to nttcml these scrvlccs , . M. J : ; . cmmclI. Subjcct forlhe Ulorlllllg ! let1UOU lit the 1\1. H. church. "SlIppcr ) ' Phll'CR , " 'I'ext , 1'SI9:18. : . Hvcnillg scrlllon , will he de- voteel to thc ( Jucstion , "Is thc church worth whilc ? " rext I 'l'illl. 4 :8. : I 1111I Anxious that nil intcrcstecl in thc tltornl 11I111 cOllllllcrclal ul1\'l\nCClllcllt of the COllllttII1l l ) ' tni hl hcar lhlH SCt11101l. , Glto. 1' . "l'IU'1'HH , Palter ; , u. n. CIIUllClI. Sun < < 1ay Schoolnt 10 II. tit. Preaching at , II a. 111. SuhJect , "Christ in our elnily I.ire. " Clulc1reuH Day slr\'ice ill the cvcnlng ut 8 1)'c1ock. A fiuc pro. gralttc culitlcel "Amoug the trees" will he renclcrcll. 'l'he tIIusie is filIC. All urc inyited. II. H. l\1\'liIlH , 1'1stor. - - - CttrcM 'VI1CQ Doctorlt Irun , - - Mrs. Frank Chiasson , Patter- SOll , J4a. , writes June 8th , 1901 : "I had malaria' fcver in verv had form , 'was under treatmelit by doctors but as SOOI1 as I slopped taking thcir medicinc the fever would return. I used a sample bottle of IIerbine , found it. hclp- cd mc. 'l'hen bOllght two bot.tles which completely cured me. I feel grateful to YOll for fumish- ing' such a splendul medicine , and can honest11 recommenll 1t to t.hose sufTermg from malaria , as it. will surely cnre thcm. " lIer- bine , 50c bottles at } e1. McComas , Broken Bow and Merna. - - HTOl71t TUft C01JGII ' \'en 'VORICH Oltl. . " 'Ult COl. " , LUlltivo Urolllo'Julnlno ' ! 'ahlet : : cure " ' lIlIlln ono day. No Cure , Nil I'uy. l'rlc\fJ : ! cout. . - Ell PERKINS. . . . . . . . , Eli Per ins will dclh'cr a lecture - ture in thc Opera House in Broken - ken Bow , 6 'r.t1RDAYNIGHT : , HAY 3 , 902 , at 8 o'clock , on Philosophy of 'Vit , a Year in China and Japan ami Stories Around the Stove. . . . Three lectures combined in one using the choicest of each. . . . . . . . This will well be worth the price and shonl(1 ( be enjoyed bJ' every ont. . . . . Reserved scats , 35c , at the usual places. . ' l Paints , ! Oils and Wall Paper . -at.- Ed. . McComas' Drug Store. . . - ' - - ' - - - - - ? tNOOm : x [ : BUSINESS } JOINTERS. J m t l m _ _ ! Money loaned on , improved farms. J AMH8 J-lnDWIClI , 7 18 tf Br01 < en Bow , Neb. r. ' 1'V. . Dass , dcntist , o ce northwest corner of Hcalty Bloclc. 8-1 H. For insurance am } real estate , f.o to Moor & 'l'aylor , in Rcaltr Block. A royal feast of wit and humor and logic will be enjoyed by those who attemi Eli Perkin's lecture to be given ill the op r:1. house Saturday night. May 31. lIe will combine three of his bcst lectures in oue. . 49..50 Dr. Seymour's date here at the Grand Central hotcl is Friday , J 111ll ( , . 'rhe splendid opportun. . it > . of free consultation offered by hun on that date shou1 < 1 not be ovcrlooked. Boarders wanted at Mrs. Eva Martin's. Farms for sale tlnd lands -for rent. Now is the time to g t a farm Chep , as tfie cheap farms arc all goin , aud prices are ad. . vanciug rapldly.-J. . G. Brenizer. - - - - - FOil SALtt Oil 'I'nADIt-Towu lots and a few five acre lots ill this city , for cattle , horses or fa.rm land.-Allen Heyner. S vcral g'ood farms for sale at a bargain , including my OWl1.- J ] SSJ GANDV. 44 tf Mouey to loan on improvel farms.-Moore & 'l'aylor , Realty' Bfock. 1-23 tf If you want to enjoy an even. . ing of fun and logic secure a ticltet for the lecture by Eli Perkins at the opera house May 31. Reservcd eates only 35c. 49-50 Lubricating oils of all kinds at Wilkin's drug store. , - - - FOil SALJt-OJle top buggy , nearl ) ' ncw ; one lumber wagon , . at my farm Norton. 46tf So many missed seeing Dr. Se'mour on his last visit that he has endeavored to announce his coming visit in ample timc. Ii'ri- day , Junc ( " at. Grand Central Hotcl. , 'V AN'rlw-By gentlcman furnished - ished room or room and hoard. Enquire at this office 5-15 tf - - - Do not fail to hear Eli Perkins at the opera house May 31. 49-50 FOil RnN'l'-A : double room on sccond floor of t.he Custer block. Enquire at this office. Pepsin Gum , two p'ackages fOt [ ' a nickcl at WiUdns' Pharmacy. Get your tickets early for the lecturcs Saturday night , May 31 , at tha Opera Hou ! . e. 49-50 FOR SALn-Five acres f land in good state of cultivation adjoining - joining Broken , Bow for $200. Inquire at this office. 3-27 tf Dicrks Lumber Co. has in stock a car load of fine' cedar posts for the trade. Shallow gravel wells made amI guaranteed by Frank Kelsey. 47-4 - Dr. Seymour will I\ favor Broken How with a visit on Friday - day , . June 6. 47-51 FOR SAr.n-Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 , hlock 5 , in Jewett' addition to Broken Bow. Enquire at this ofiice. 11-21 tf If YOll intend to build call at Diorks Lumber Co. and get prices.