Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1901)
r ! ! HARRY DAY AHE BHOB1Y1NO NEW DRY GOODS Constantly , and have a Large Stock of 'the LATEST PATTERNS of DRESS GOODS. Their new Goods include Shoes , of the Best Quality and Latest Designs. For comfort and durability. They have added a fresh and complete line of STAPLE AND FANOY GROCERIES , Which they are selling nt prices that defy competition. They have just received a car of Which they are retriling at a bargain. Remember their new location , Northeast Corner of Public Square. p w ! . THE- m 1 Commercial Hotel 1 C. H. KENNEDY , Prop'r. > Southwest corner Square , * BROKEN BOW , - - NEBRASKA. l te The Hotel has been refitted and refurnished $3 throughout. Sample rooms for Commerical men. Bath | ' ! * . ! rooms in connection. Free Bus to and from all trains. 1 LIVERY IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOTEL , Try us once and you will come again , © S .3 $ $ ? $ fc $ E. L. BUNCH , Headquarters for Board and Locking. BEST $1.00 A DAY HOUSE IN THE CITY. Groceries , Confectioneries and Fruits , AT LOWEST PRICES "North Side of Public Square , - Broken Bow , Nebraska GOAL | We are Out for I GOAL MONEY. We want to fill jour With our famous NIGGERHEAD and CANON CITY Coal. We know our coal will satisfy the most skeptical. Our prices , our quality and onr weights are in your favor. We will not bo UNDERBID BY OUR COMPETITORS. Foster & Smith Lumber Go , 70. WILL RULE , Manager. Get Our Prices on Eastern Hard. GOAL It Once Was Lost , but How I Have Found it. 'Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam- iiiK'th. stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever hoard of. The Eugle has been reading the papers and keep * ni , pested on what was being offered for sale. They don't say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. Everybody is invited to call and get my prices. Remember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First National Bank. W. S. SWAN , Proprietor. Dr. Chas. L. Mullins , PllYHlOIAN AND SUHGKON. 2d stairway from woht endin Realty block ; residence , 3rd west M. E. church , BO mo aide of street. Any one wishing a now watch movement in an old case , call on J. M. SIMONSON , l.EADINO SnOKMAKEB * WATCH KEFAIIIER Ot the city , located in Kycrgon's grocery store. Dr. E. M. Hogan , Graduate Dentist Office over W. B.Swan's Grocery store. Broken Bow , - Neb. A. THey \SON. OONTIUOTOK AND B0ILUEB. and ostlmatea on abort no * tleo. Broken Bow , Neb. Lunch Counter , EC * . Malioy , Prop'r. All kinds if soft drinks. Best brand of cigars. 1st building cant of Farmort bank. Clinton Day , PUYBICIAK AMI * HURGEON , Broken Bow , Neb. Office lot door north of A. VV. Drake's second band atoro , west side squftro.Real denco ( Kb bouee west of Baptist church. Wm. F. Efopkins , CO/VTRACTOll AlHn nUILDS n Finns and Specifications on abort notice. Ma torlal (01 ntshed and buildings completed cheapoi ban any nnn In the state. Satisfaction gunrai ocd at to pltns ana specifications. J , J , SNYDER , - Notary Public and Jnetlco of the Peace. Special attention civ en to collections , Depositions taken , pension vouchers neatly executed and all kinds or legal papers writen. Office west side square , Broken Kow , Neb. J M Scott Attorney at Law BROKEN Bow , - NEBR. CAMERON &REKSK , ATTOHNEVS & COUNSELLORS AT l.AVi Rooms 6 9 licalty block , Broken How , N"h. $2,500 , Oash Prizes. First Prize $1,000 Second Prize . , 500 Five Prizen of $100 each. . . . 500 Fiver Prizes of $00 each. . . . 2CO Ten Prizes of $25 each 250 Total $2,500 TWENTIETH CENTURY THE PAUMEIl offers the above prices to Its agents , tbu money lo bo awarded when tne eum total of ordure received from ngnntB reaches 10,000. In addition to these prize * , agents are allowed n commiPtrion of 30 cents on each new or der , and 20 cents on renewals. Tuo agent sending In the most orders la entitled to iirat prize. $1,000 ; the next largest etB second prize , and BO on down the list. The more agents enter ing , tbe sooner the number 10,000 will be reached. The Twentieth Century Farmer , OMAHA , NEB. (120 4t U , S. Land Office. JAMKS WIllTKHKAD K. II. YOUNG . Hccelver Lund Oillce nt Lincoln. Nobr. , NOT.20 , 1000. Notice Is hereby given thnt the following- named settler ban tiled notice of bur Intention to makoflnM proof In support of herr'jun. ' and tbst jatd proof will bo made before Jndson 0. Porlur , y. 8 , Coram. at Mason City , Ncbr. , on Tuesday. Janu ry8tb , 1001 , viz : , MARY 11. liANNAl'OItl ) , for the mvtf of Sec. IB. Twp. 13 , KRo 17V. . Slip names the following wlttir * ca to provo her continuous reMdenca upon , ntut cnltlritlon of , said land viz ; Hubert F. llcmpUn , Lowl * 11. Thomas , Thos. V. llumpklu aud lllrU K. Cla > - pool , all of Lllcbdeld. Nobr. noT8 Ct J. w. JOHNSON , Kogletor. Land Offloo at Ir ! < en Dow Nobr , , I ' . ' 8 , IPOO. Ij j Notice Is horobr clven that the following- nairn-d settler linn died tmtlc * of his Intention u > make ruml proof In enuport of Ms claim , mid that said proof will bo made before RocUtor and JcrclviTnt llrohculJow NtUr.DO January 4th , luuii VIE * KDWARl ) r. HARNK8. of Bound Valley , Ncbr. , lor tbe H. K. No. 4BO , w ive * . ami now nwH , See. 17 Twp. 18 , Hue. 18. llu names the following wltno-Vcen to provo his continuous residence npon and .cultlTatJon of said land , vlr. : Jesse L. Wcsttirook , John IT. Klobt > . Oeorgo tare- mid Earnest Klubti. nil of ) tonnd Valley , Ncbr. JAMKS WIHTIIUEAD , Itogljtter. Land Ofllcu at llrokcn ICow , Nebr. , I NOT. ttitb , 1000. f Notice Is hereby Riven that tin- following named pettier haa fllcti uotlco nf hie Intention lo make llnal proof In support of Ills claim , wid that said pruof ulll bu made bvforu Hcglstor and Heco vor , at llrokon How , Neb. , on January < , 1001 , viz : JKSSK L. WK3THKOOOK , of Round Valley. Ncbr. , for II K. No. < WI. o j ucM , Buc. 17 , uH y , Stc 8 , Twp 18. M'to. 1U. llu i ami's Ihu following witnesses to prove his continuous reuldunco upon and cultivation of said laud , \lz : Kdwnrd V. Dameo. Jobu U. Klobb , Earnest Klubb , of Round Valley , Nobr. , and Krauk H , , Kultilit , of t'omeiford , Nehr. ! u20-0t JAMKS W111TE1IKAD , ROKister. U.S. Land Ofllco , Uroxnn How , Nobr. , i Doc. 15 , 1000 I Notice Li hereby Riven thnt tin following- nnuiud settler haa tiled notlco of bit Intention to innKo Him proof in support of his claim , and that uld proof \vill bo inndo before Itcglslur nnil Re eiver , nt Urokcn How , Nobr. , on Jan. M , 19U1 , vlr i Gordon K. VauEvery , of MtUmrn , Nebraska , for lnB2,3und I , ni ! nw . See. 3. Twp. 'JO N , Rge. W. Ho nsmus tbo following wltnoseos to provo bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land , rlz : William Alllburn , Robert Farley , Fred Girding nnilVllllntu Glndsnn , all of Mllburn. Nubr. dilOtl JAMES WH1TKUKA1) , Register. Land Office at Lincoln , Nobr. , Nor. 27,1000. filotlco Is hereby given that the followlng- nameil settler bus Ulou notice of bis Intention to n.iko Unal proof In support of tils claim , nnd tbnt aid proof will bu made before J. A Armonr. county judge , In Itroltuu How , Nobr. , on January 8tb. 1001. viz : QEOHOK . TKUEUAN , for the noVj of See. 33. Twp. 13 , HBO. Ill W. He names the following witnesses to prove bin continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lui'd , viz- Wm T. CIouso , John Hnurr , Fred Nobles nnd Lclgbton Flock , all ct Sumner , Ncbr. nov20 Gw J. W. JOIINSON , Register. In the Dlitrlct Court of Cuiter County , Ncbr- Ilarvuy I ) . Andrews , Flaiutm , ) vs. } A. J. Pearl , Dufcndaut. ) To A. J. 1'carl , nonresident defendant : Ton will tnkonoiIce trial on the SOt'j diy of September - bor , 1000 , Hiuvoy II. Andrown. tbo above named plaintiff , Illcd hl petition in the district court of Caster county , Nebraska , ag.ilnst yon , the object and prayer of w'nlcb said petition nro to recover JuilL-incntoKalnft yon for tlm sura of S2M60. \vlilcb Is a batancu due upon & note , executed and delivered by the n ld plnlutllT , Harvey H , AiulrowH , oated on March l&tli , 1803 , and wulcli note was originally for the num. of $15000 , and which wan duo on tbe 15th day of March , 1HD8 , and \vuicb eald note drawn interoit at tbe rate of 1O per cent per annum from date until pa'd. You will further take notlcu that on tin said iiOtli day of So , tembcr , 10CO. im order of attnchrocnt was Insiicd in said attlon out of sn'd district court agiilnnt > our property , and that on tbo " 1st day of September , IWJO , tbo SMIIO WHB duly executed by levying upon and attaching us your property tlio n1 , ol the nwi ! , mid lotu oC tioc. S2 , and lot 8 of Suction 15 , all In Twp. BO , Rge. 21 , situated in Ouster county. Nebraska That thuro la duo upon tahl ooto a balance of $220 60 , with Interest on snld eum from tbe 20lh day of September , 1000 , a d plalntlil aaks that judgment bo rendered , against yon fur Bald sum and interest , and that an order bo made by tbu court Vi&t snld real es tate and property levied uponondf attached under eald order of attachment , mny bo Hold by tbo sheriff of Custor couulyand the proceeds thereof applied to the payment of iho amount duo npon said note , together with intercut ml the costs of thin suit. You are required to ttnmver laid peti tion on or before Monday , tbo Slat day of FebrUary ary , 1000. IIAIIVKYJI. A.KURBWH , " " ' dl" - Hy C. L. Oattcraou. FOR SALE , IV III ACKHMITH HIIOI % 20x40 , Now wood hbop iti back part , till floored ; front floored with g-inch plunk ; also my TOOLS AND UTOC'K , Krcrythlnir coinpletq and now ; good trade ; reason for soiling , poor boaltlx. Will sell frr cash or bankable notes , For particulars , 111' qnlre of or addrOfm Wkt. UAVI8. 1' . O. Uox 937 , llroken How , Nebr diatf PENN & DOKK1S , HLAOKSMITU3. All itluda of work in our UfiO dent promptly und In flrat-olaaa order. Itcd Shop on tbe corner , west of tbe boao bouao. Glvo us , trial. trial.&c. &c. Anyone soiifllni n dkofrh nnd description nmr quickly uscertHiix onr opmlmi fiuo wliother un inruntlori li proluljly jutontahlo. ( loiiAHtrlctlyoontlUoiitlal. HunabooUon 1'iitcnti sent free ( Hdeet uecncv fov Ri > curlnir pntcnts. I'utiiiits taken tbrouu'b .Munn .V Co. receive ) ipectut notice , wlkli'.ut cbiirt'C , littbn Almndinnicljlllaiirntml wpnklv. 1-irjicst rlr culatlun nf liny Hi-u-ntillt * lounmi. 'IVrins. M M year ! f' < ur inoutlis , tl. ticudbyall nu llranch UlBto. Ert W St . uihiiiLtr < n Jj 0. t's ensy to mill u big oad up < IK bill if xi "rcase unwnt oti ivhcclsvitb TIME TABLE , BUOKEN BOW , NEB , Lincoln , Denver , Omaha , llolona , Chicago , llntte , St. Joseph , 1'ortland , Kansas City , Bait Lake City , St. Louis , and all Han Francisco , potnti coil and south. and all points weet , No. 49 VeMlouled cxprcf s dally , Lincoln , ha , St. Joseph. Ktn AsUltr , St. Louti , Chicago cage and All pilau onstlandsonth 11 44pm No. 44 Local express nMly , Lincoln , Omaha , tit. Joseph , Eatisos Cltv St , Lonlt , Chicago and nil points east nnd south . . . . . . . . . .0 2'Jnm No. 48 P.clght dally , lUvonnn , Grand Inland , Aurora , Sovard And Lincoln , 000am No. 48 Freight , dally except Sunday , llavonna and intermediate points. . . . . . .1 C5pm No. 41 Vestlbtilod express dally , llolona , Heat- tie. Brtto , Portland and all 1'nclflc Coait points 414am No. 43 Local express dally , lllnck llllli and Interuivdlal0 points B'J&ptn No , 45 Freight dally , Anielmo Soueca\VhlliuMi and Alliance 10&8 otn No. 47 Freight , dally except Huuday , Siuoca and Intermediate polnU lSbpm : Sleeping , dlLlng and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tlckos sold and bag * g KO checked to any point In th < United States and Canada. No. 48 has morolundlso cars Tuesdays , Thurs days And Saturdays. No. 40 nil ! carry pastergers ( or Uavenns Grand Island , Seward and Lincoln , Information , maps , time tablet md ticket call on or write to 11. L. Ormsby , agent , or J Franch , Q. F. A. , Omnhv. Nebraska. II. L. OHMsnr , Ai/imt. 80HEDULE OF BROKEN DOW MAILS. Vouch for west will close nt 8 p. ra. , except Sunday when It will close at 7 p in. Pouch , cast for train No. 4'j closes at B.80 n m < * .nd foi No. 44 closes nt , 11 a m. Mall for Anslev , rjid points east of Qraud Island oirrlcd on tralif , Ko. 44. < Oconto via of Ityuo and Tuckorvlllo , dully ex- flp * Sunday closes , at 7 H m : returning same day CalUtvay via , Mc'Kluley dally except Sunday clo o * A't 7 a m , returning same day. Round Valley via Green and Klton cloto M 7 * m , Konioy , Weduoidy and Fridays , returning same drgr. Sttmner via flurnscy. Ueorgetown and Upton arrrlvcs atil.SO , Tuesday Thursday Bud Satur day , roturJiliK IC-AVOS nt 18,30 laino any. OOloj hours from B.OOn into 8.00 n m. Sunday - day 8.30 to 9.8 * a. in. Lobby open week days from 7amto.8piu L. 11. J W TT , l'M. tlie CouUltlou TOE Bank of Commerce , Charter No. 60 , atllraiMia Don , In the sUte of Nebraska , at the close .of business , leoember 14Ui , 1VUO : Loans and discounts . Sia,05.'J 32 Overdrafts , oecnrod aud UDseotirnd . 70442 Stockj , poou-ltles , judgment * , clajuif.uto TOO (10 Live stoct and grain on hand . 7IHt42 Hanking house , furulturo nd fixtures. . . 4riOt ) 00 Other real oattito . 6 , * 00 Ourrent oxpmiBea and taxed paid. . . . . . . . , OM GO Chucks and other ceeh Item * . . . . . t& Due from national , eUito and private banks and bankers . . . 3,07089 Total cash on hand . . a.LtO 45 Total . 4 : , J73 < Capital stock paid In . $15,00000 Undivided pronts . - a , 108 7.4 llndlvldual deposit * subject to check . $11.15433 [ Demand cortlflcal'a of deposit 77U 00 Time certificates of deposit. . 800 00 Juo to state and private banks aud bankers. . . 7008 18 04 8fi iillls payable . 2.5QU 00 Tolnl . _ . , 3y,47a 9 ETA.T2 or NKllIlASKi , ) . County of Cuntor , fnDl I , F. M. Kubloc , president of the abovu nuuiod bank , do solemnly swear that the above BtiUo- tneiit la correct anil a true copy of tue repoit uiudo to tbo state banking board. Attest : F. M. liuautu , 1'res. F. M.IlUDtiB , ( .niraotnrg ° rs. B. U. THOMPSON , fDlr80t Subscrlhid und sworn to before me , this 27th day ol December , 1000. 0. 11. lloivcotin , [ SEAL. ] Notary 1'ubllc. The Imbroglio of Life - A imin'ri lifo ia full of oroaaeu and temptationH. Ho comes into' ' this world without his ooiiHont , goon out agaiiiat bia will , and the trip butwoon the two oxtromitiou , JH ( jxoeedingly rooky. The mlo of ooutrariutj IB ouo of the important features of the trip. When hefis little the big girls kiss him , aud whom iho is big the .little qirls kieti him. If ho raises n largo family be is n. chump , but if ho raises a small o'hook ho is a thief and fraud and is raiiuiinod like a Chinaman with tbe.covon year itub. If bo > s poor ho in .a bad manager ; il lae'a riob ha'fl diflhoneat ; if ho don't giro to charity..he's a stingy UUBH and lives o-nlytfor himtelf ; if ho dies young , thorp was a great future ahead of him , ; , f ho lives to an old e , ho baa minced bia calling. Ho a introduced tinto this world by a doctor , and to < the next world by the Hama proooilB. The roud ib rooky , but man likes ito 'travel it Myrtle Point Enterprise. To Calllornlu In a&ourut Sleeper. ID no other way can you go to Califor nia en quickly , BI > comfortable , nnd yur. BU economical , an lu u tourist elooplng : car. car.Tbo tourist core used for tbo .Burling * ton Overland Excursions are models of comfort and oonvenionco , high back eeats and double Windows They are lighted by Kits. The beating arrangmcnt are admirable and tbe bed furnishings are clean und of good quality- Tbu Burlington Exoiareioae.leavu . OmiiUa every Tuesday and Thursday and go tbrougb to San Francisco find LOH- Angeles without changes or dolayea of anv kind. You can | oln tuem at Lin coln , Hustings , Oxfotd , or any other elation tit which tbu train stops. Tbe route is througb Denver and Salt JLake City , pant the lineal Boonery visible from cur windows any wlmre on tbo globe. An experienced excursion manager 4s in charge ol each excursion purty and H tin * Ifonuid porter uccompuriiee each -car. Folder giving full information uiniled on request beautiful illustrated 72 page hook about California Bent on receipt of Biz cents in stampd. J.FBANCiH , General FaesoDger Agent , Omaha.Neb. novS Ot. A Good Thing. Our Great-Grandmother's garret containing the satno herbs of all healing found in Earl's Clover root tea. Tlu y gave our ancestor strength , kept the blood puio , encl will do the sarao for you if you say BO. Price 25 ots. and 50 ots , 'Sold by J. G. llaoberlo. A Social EronU Monday night , at the residence of M , M. Parkhurat and wife , in Koie Valley , guests to the number of forty aflsomblod , all propaiod for a good time , the ocoaaion for the oTont being the departure of their i < on The ma1 ; for Oklahoma , Tbo evening was agreeably spent in tnusiu , singing and agreeable oon- vorsatiou. At midnight a grand oyetor supper - per was tiorvcd by Mrs. Parkhurst , n sidled by Mrs. Mary O'Brien. Af- tir supper all repaired to the parlora for the final greeting * , Which wore indulged in both to Mr. and Mrs. Parkhurat and their son. Thomas IH a model young man , having boon * reared in this neighborhood from boyhood , lie took with him aa a partner in the enterprise E M. iMonoly , a sober Hir.l industrious young man. While wu n-grot the IOHH to our community of suoli citi zens , yet wo have never doubted the wimlom of Father Abraham. Go went , yiung man. Boiimu , * t The Howard of Truth. During his aeuond nuocosful oam- pnign on the rapublioan ticket for governor of Michigan the late John J. Bageley spoke onu evening at Kalamazoo. lie was a good busi ness man , but a poor public speaker. At thq beginnini ; of his remarks on this occasion ho alluded to his lack of oratorical gifts. After ho bad finished a in in pushed forward , i ! urnsped his hand warmly and s.iid : "Governor , I have boon a lifo long domourat , but at iho coming elec tion I shall vote for you. " 1 Thank you , " replied the qovor- nor much gratified. "May I ask the particular reason for your change ? " "Because you are the first speaker on either sulo in the campaign that I have hoard toll the truth. You said when you began you couldn't maku much of a spcoch'.ind by jinks you can't. ILirpor's Magazine. CLERICAL PUKM1T8 1901. Applications for clergymen's half faro permits for 1001 should be filed at the oailiost possible date with thu local agent of the B. & M. R.R. J. KUVNCIB , Gen. Paas'r. Agent. When in need of a first-class Auctioneer , call on or address 11. D. SULLIVAN , Bro kpn Bow , Nebr. tf Wo will furnish the Kansas city Journal aud'JLlEt't/m.iOAN for 11.25 per year. $25,000 Our Grand , $ 5,000 Ornithological .Contest , Something entirely nmv and Intorcithifr. .Uond whittyouaro to do. You may get 81,000. Onr conteit li to eeo who can ninkc the laiccnt Ifat of names ( or kinds ) of birds from tbo following ) lqt < of letters : vV D O O 0 O C K Q U L I A P PV K T A K I D G E S P N I E L V E B B .D 1 M W A D O U T L We will recognize as a bird anything belonging to thu feathered tribe , wliutlicr It bu a lien , Crow , Singer or any other kind. Yon can u u any letter as many n name HH It appears In tbu Hit of letters alioro ; Woodcock , Plover , tin CUT lllrd , etc. To any , pcrious who can make a llet of ! i5 or more different name of birds , we will glvo absoluUly fliliK a beautiful prl/.o , vuluo (1,000 or lees. TJlfl PuiKRft AWAEDKD DAILY. When you hfiTOinado out your llet fill out the line on tue bottom of this advertisement , and Mod to us with a Humped addressed envelope , itaoip of your country , wlll do , then If yon are awarded a prUo you can If you. doelro not the prlie by becoming a tnbicrlber to Jhe Woman'a World , Wo atiall uwaid a prize to ovcry noraou who sends the irnino of US birds , and onr elite will be M follows > Vor the belt Hit , rocclvcd each day , u Hold Watch ; for the second best solution 4iicb'aay , u lietutlfnl Impelled Tea Set ; for Ibo wjveu next bosi solutions * ach day , a Konrah Ba. kill Diamond and Buby Itlnu ; for tbo next boil solution , a Gold 1'leco ; and lornll other correct solutions , prlzei of K ° ° d vuluo. Thvie pilzei * vflll bo forwarded dully , you will not have tp wait a lone tlmu In uncertainty before you know thu remit. There Is no clement of lottery In our plan , It makes no ( inference whether we nil your notation late or early in the day. All you ucud Ute to mall this Advt. to nn.und on the dor It roaches no. If your list Is the best , you tibalt have tbo "Wotoli , or If incond beat , the beautiful Tos Set , and fu on. Wo cnaruntuo that wo will award you a prlzo , There is absolutely no oppor tunity for deception on our part wo cannot afford It. Wo want to ct 1,000,000 well satl > fled sub scribers , and for that rvarou wo don't want you to tend any money until yon knuw exactly what ftlza you havu gained by nniwerlnjj the puzzles As soon after 4 p , m. each day in porMble , the examiners will Judgn the ll > ts to iho best of their ability , aud will dcslirimtc tbo prl/.e T Wo will write to you at once notifying you what prize lias been award' d you , then If you tire natlelltd , you can oml yonr subscription to ThaVotuan'n World , and your prize will go by return of mull carriage paid. To a person of narrow Ideas It ucenmlmuoeslblo that wu should bo ubla to make such a rb/uutlc oiler , tint we Imvu thu money , brain * and reputation , wo know exactly what wo are doing , Jiid If wo can Jeiiltlmutuly gain u mil lion subscribers by thU grand Idea , we know that thla million of well pleated subicrlbcra can be Induced to recommund The Woman's World to all friends , thereby buildini ; up our circulation still further. Wo are wllllug to upend S'J&.COOln Uila contest In building up u blKDUbscrlpllon list , uiid when this money is up ul wu reserve tbo right to publish a notlQcatluu that the contect ban bouiidlscuLtlnued. Don't delay until It U lee late , Tbo content will continue uutll July 1st , 1901. 1901.Wo give a bonus prlzo of gttU Independent of all others , to the perion who suudu In tuo Ills gotten up In the best und handnomeat nmunrr. Our committee will decide und award prUo dailybnt tlumptclul f.'Suprliu will bu uwardvu In tieptem- ber , 1901. Auy bird's natuu found In the diction- urlej acu i > ted. \Vlio > Vc Are The "woman's World ' la a thuronghly reliable concern , wu aru known to Uo exactly as wo adver tise. As tooanullablllty we refer to any adver tising aont ( [ or bnuluoin.uiaii of London or Nuw York. Name. Street. To mi Country K. I ) . Uo careful and prepay jeer lett r&c , as MO do not receive underpaid letters. Address ; TBK "WOMAN'S WOULD , " lliuxnrow ) , Lowuow , i W.