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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1901)
1111 LillJ u ' XIX , . BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JANUARY 10 , 1901-EIGHT PAGES , NO 30 , ISTOPPED I ? Well , it baa.boon a good , reliable timely friend , bus eium-d a rest. Lay it aside Secure a new one. Tbo world moves. Carry a roll II s able watcb , uul ea you wish to be behind the times and the time. Watcb your time by carrying a time-niece that 1 can guarantee. My recommendation meanA watcb that baa impned fhecxnc'ing : I observatory test before coming o me , a watob thit I know , ( mm tunn > years' ac'uitl htind ing of s flno WBtchea , to be 'be beat of ire i kind and price dor-en't 'matter wbac that puoe may be. My three grades are , good , bntte best. 5 Good watchcB , { 5 80 UP Better a'chea $7 90 up Beet watches , 817.00 up 5s s s Orfldnato of Chicago Opthftlmlo College , School Books , Tablets AND- School Supplies , . G. Haeberle's. it lBi t the iimtcrlui tUnt B eH Into your repHlred wutcli that reHuitH In a pcrft-ct ma the thut ( lo ' 8tbebu"iiiefa ( any bungler can buy tbe line klndu of material that I ueo In repairing ; but alfill is ibe moet valuable material that : an bu need In watcb repairing ; and the bungler can't buy It. 1 sell my skill ( or what It la worth and It will cost you less than bnngllng at lower prices. P. W. If AYES , Jeweler ind Optician West flido of square rf (2 ( a 0fo H ( S m fo CU3 o' a 2fi. fi. ( = 2 = ) MARKET REPORT. Wb < " t . 60 Hatley . . , . . . . . . . . Sic Oata _ _ . . . . _ ear Corn S3 Rje . . W' Hatter . . . _ . 16 Bgm 17 PoUtoM _ . . . _ . 60 * Onions SI0 CblckeiiB 0 d sen Ilogi 420 OOWH I 76 Steort - . _ 400 Tarkejri Co i w * * H y- _ AM * * : -John 3b Kneny ( SUCOBS8OB8 TO PEALR JoHN A BtTSIINBLL ) , The Big Store in the East End of Realty Block , V WWWW V W 'VWWWWWW V M Have a Complete Stook5of Groceries , Dry Goods , Queensware , Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes and Rubber Goods. Wo know we can fill yonr'order and please , ad the GOODS ARE RIGHT , and PRICES AS LOW A3 THE LOWEST W . pay the highest prices for all Country Produce . Yours for business , JOHN & KNERR. THE MEW QTOREA UUMMER X DOT 1 1 KEEB O BEKKKKKKKI ) - JKKKKKKKKH At the old stand of Suyder Bros , Realty Block. It is a strictly up to-dato Grocery and Fruit Establishment , Mr. J. N. Peal ? , who has had years of experience , 1 knows the business thoroughly and is not afraid of work , is moving things at a lively gait. No Stock can be in better unapt to suit your every desire in the w ay of Staple and Fancy Groceries , BUCKWHEAT FLOUR , CRA < KERS , PETI- JOHN'S BREAKFAST FOOD , ROLLED OATS GRAPE NfJTS AND ALL KINDS OF CANNED GuODS AND DELIJA IBS Try McCORD-BRADY'S CELEBRATED "GOLD MEDAL" AND HECKIN'S HIHG GRADE ROAS TED COFFEES , THE STANDARDS OF THE WORLD FRESH FRUITS AND OYS TERS A SPECIALTY. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOE COUNTY PRODUi E We invite you to drop in and examine our stock and get pi iocs before buying. We are always glad to Bee you , and shall < * ndee.vor to merit a share of your trade Youri for PEALE CASH GROCERY CO- Business Pointers. Dr. T. W Bass , dentist , Broken Kow. Pepsin Gum , two packages for a nickel at WILKINB' PHABUAOT. Special prices on all kinds of can ned goods at Peale'e new store in Realty Block. Write Hayden Bros. , Omaba. Wholesale Supply House for prise * and samples. a 8 lyr. Don't forget the Pt ale Gash Gro cury Co when in need of som < thing iti their hue. They can intercut jou All those interested in the Viavi treatment should 8i e Mrs. Yaunny , at Commercial Hotel until Jan. 31 Two gcod quartets of laud tor sale cheapeight miles south of town dfl tf A. T. bEYHOLT * Call on or write Broken Bow Ab- etraut Co. when in need of an ab- siraot of title. E RoyseAbBtraoter. WQ invite your attention to our him quality and ch-iap prices on all k iidn of dried and evaporated fruits THE PEALE CABU GBOCEBY Co For Hale. A pair of young draft horses Inquire at Leo's barn. Here comes "Shorty" Burk ; gire him an order It shall be filled wit" tno very bettand right prioeiby the ej-lo Cash Grocery Co. Whin in need of a tirsl-cluHd auctioneer , call on or address R. D. SULLIVAN , Broken Bow , Nebr. tf 'Ibe Peale Cash Grocery Co. are sole agents for the Knickerbocker brand of cold packed t < > mat < ) et < which they guarantee to bo vt ry tine. Fou SALE A one story cottage with six large rooms , pleasant yard , and surroundings. Price $000 Call on L. J. Gandy or , at llm oiQue. 7 Iftif Cannon City coal at Diork- Lumber Jo. Lubricating oils of all kind * at Wilkina' drug store. Cosmopolitan patten.H ten cents. No more. SNYDEB BKOB Best stock Isrm in Custer county foi sale , at $8 00 per acre. JESSE GANDY. Abstracts compiled promptly and accurately by tbo Broken Bow Ab stract Co E. Royso , Ahstraoter FiIK SALE Fre-h joung COWB in Roai- Valley , on W. 0. LUCO'H tarm , eleven miles northeast janl 031 A. MoMoRTKY. Uellol Central give UH ever ) body on the line for groceries , fresh fruits , oyeteru tto. ; at prices always the lowet-t. THE PEALE CASU GBOCBIIY Co. Bang's gallerieB at Broken Bow and Ansley , are both , open all the time , cabinets at $2 00 and $2 60 , and flue crayon pictures cheap Satisfaction guaranteed. Wo are solo agents For MuCord- Bndy's celebrated Reception brand of canned fruits * nd vegetables , none finer on earth. PEALB ( JABII GBOCBUY Co. Farms for sale and lands for rent. Now is the time to get a farm cheap. as ihe cheap farms are all going , and prices are advancing rapidly J. G. BBENIZVB. Toultrj Wanted. Wo will pay the highest market price either in cash or trade for chick ens , pigeons and turkeys. Briny them to us We will treat you right- TUB PELB CASH GTIOOEBY Co. 'V. H. Farrer has opened up a lunch counter in the building east of Ledwioh's law oflioo. Oyaters nerved m first class order. Meals or lunch served from II , a. m. to 11 pui. Patronage lolioitud. Local Mention. Job printing at this office. Alpha Morgan wont to Lincoln la t night. R. P. Scritsmier , of Lillinn , kind ly remembered this ofliuo Tuesday. John Swonson Jr , of Georgetown , marie this oflic-o a friendly call Mon day. day.J J II Chapman , of Callaway , was a city visitor Monday night aud Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. E. J. Pittaway are the proud parents ot a ten pound girl , born the 7lh of January , Judge Reoeo , A. R. Humphrey and I A Reneau went to Lincoln Sundny night. F M. Ruhlec , 0. L GuttorMon and Judge Sullivan visited the cap ital last week. It is reported that onn of Marshal Eild\'s children at Mornn is quite low with smallpox. Editors Mair of Callaway ; Tom Wrght , of Ansley ; and Arthui Barks , of Sargent , were city viuitois Tuesday. E. Moseloy , of Elton , called Mon day and ordered the REPUBLICAN sent to his brother , J E Mosely , of Wantuga , Oklahoma , D W Thompson , thi < hardware muM-lruit uf the north side , has rented the titoro room in tlu Realty block , rvoeutly vacated by W. II. Penn & Co. , where wo are informed he will move his stock of gcods thiu week. Mr. DavidRon , son-in-law of John B'ily , has rented the Walton durg store building for a mueio store. A partition has been put in i the store room and the family will , occupy the rear rooms for a resi dence. ' We understand that Stack & Boloomb recently sold Dr. W. H. Penniugton a $200 auto bicyoln , which IB run by a small gasoline motor , situated underneath the seat On Hmooth roads it will attain a Hpeed of sixty miles an hour. H. J Edington , of East Custnr , was a Iri uoly caller Monday. He reports occasional deaths among the cattle in IUH vicinity , from the corn stalk dint-ane , but says that deaths are not BO frequent as they wore earlier in the s ason. J. L Me Williams , George and Mrs. Herdh will leayo this evening for Tabor , Iowa , to visit their brother , W. G. MoWilliams , who IH n ported quite sick. Mr. and Mrs , Herat ) will go on to .Miaooun on a vim before they return. Dr Vaughn , of Alliance , died lam Thursday in the pest bouse of that place , with smallpox. There are yet twelve oases there in tbo puHt houHp , and ten in the city , Buys the Alliance Grip. Eleven oases have boon discharged from tbo doctors' care. Elmer Tl'ompson , foreman of the Thompson cattle ranch , south went of the city , was a friendly caller ypHterday. He is holding two bundled and fifty cattle on their ranch tlrs winter. Ho reports no logHufl , and that their cattle are doing nicely. New Line of Buggies , Surreys , Spring Wagons and Farm Wagons. G. W , Apple. Mayor Royae received a telegram Saturday , frain Tie Siding Wyom ing that the night before George Nelson had been killed there , and hat ho had a brother living at Broken Bow. The Mayor mude diligent inquiry , but was unable to find anyone that knew the de ceased. The executive committee of Bro ken Bow'a Commercial Club ia im proving every opportunity to secure new industries for Broken Bow , They now hrive two enterprisen in tow , wnioh , fh"Uld they Buoceeo in l.iLdiug , will bo greatly appreciated by not only the citizens of Broken Bow , but by the whole of Custor county. It has boon nearly three weeks oince we have heard of any cattle dying from corn stalk dinoaao in thif- vicinity , and it ib to be hoped no more will * The last we heard of were : three for J. O Taylor and throe for Mra Jane Taylor , three for 8. W. Kellenbarger and five for Eugene Cbrisman , about three weeki ago , &AKIN6 ABSOLUTELY "PURE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL OAKINO POWOIR CO. , NEW YORK. School opened again Wednesday with a fair attendance. S.K. Warriok ban been appointed city treasurer in place of Hoyt resigned. Wo are pleased to loam tbnt Jas Lindloy , of Aneulino , who has been very sick , is reported better. The child of M. S. Eddy , of Merna , who was reported very low with small pox , is reported greatly improved. J. M. Bolts is with us , and as he haa n chiokou oar hero every two weuks , we can pay you the top prides for chickens , turkoyo , ducks and pipeons , and take them at any time , You cannot overload us with poultry , butter or eggs. It IB just as good as the money to ua , and makes John Belts smile whenever over he , BOOH them come. JOHN & KNEIUI. SI. HA. Meeting. An adjourned meeting of the M B. A. will bo hold Friday , at 2:30 : p , m. D M AMSBBRUY , Sou'y. ( Quarantine liaised. At the moctiug of the city coun cil last night it waa moved and oar- rind , that quarantine established against public gatherings , ' business houses etc. ; be maintained only against individuals and residence where contagious diseases existed. A there are no capos of small pox developed in any now families , the general opinion was that there is DO further danger of it spreading and that it would only bo necessary to maintain the quarantine , in tbo future , whore the disease exists. Peim and lloyse both Dot tbo I'luius. Two appointments have come to Custor county citizens during the week from the present republican state administration Charles Ponu ha boon appointed as superintend ent of the soldiers' homo at Milford. Mr. Penn has all these yearn been a loyal and active worker in the republican ranks , and his recognition - tion by tbo administration is a well merited recognition for faithful ness. Koyse has boon soleotod secretary on the state banking board , with tioadquarters at Lincoln. The selection of Mr. Royoo is especially satisfactory to republicans bore. For three years he has been chair man of the county oommittao , and has conducted our campaigns. The fact that in this time the fusion majority has boon reduced from 1,010 in ' 00 , to 11 in 1000 , speaks well for the character of bis work. HIP appointment comes aa a reward of merit for well directed , earnest and energetic work , and the REPUB LICAN congratulates both Mensrs. Koyse and Punn on their appoint ments. Church Serrices. BAPTIST OUUBOII. Services will be held Sunday both morning and evening as form erly. Sunday sohool at 10 a. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. cuuaon. At the Christian church , Sunday , Jan. 18tb. Bible sohool at 10 a. m. Sermon at 11 a. m. ; subject , "Jo HU. < the Way. " Endeavor meeting at 0:30 : p. m , A stereoptioon lee turo on the life of Christ will be given at 7:30. Special music A solo by Miss Pinkaton , which will be illustrated by stereoptioon slides. All are cordially invited. M. E. OIIUBOU. Regular services will be resumed at the Methodist church next Sun day. The subject ot the morning sermon will be , "What of the New Century ? " Evening theme , ' -Les- HoriH from the Transformation. " Epworth League at 0:30. : Mr. Loraax leader. Subject , "Youthful ConHeoration. " 'I hero will be preaching at Sunny Dell church in the afternoon at 8 o'clock. EUNBST A. KNIGHT , Pastor For Hae. Twenty acres of well improved land within a mile of Broken Bow for 1700. Inquire at this oflioo , Cattle Thieves Arrested The Central Nebraska block Grower * Association Did Effective Work * In Short Time. Last Wednesday , Jan. 2 , at 4 p. m. L. II. Jewctt , vice president of the Central rJobradka Stock Growers Association , received a metisagu from Senator F. M. Currie that 44 head of hia cattle , in Loup county , wore reported stolen. Mr. Juwott at once notified W. A. George , president of the Association , by telephone , and under bin instruc tions Sheriff Armstrong was on the graundu next day , accompanied by J. 11. Carrie , of Bradshaw , brother of Senator Currio , and another gentleman of Sarguut. Thur investigation proved the bunch of cuttlu had not been stolen , but strayed and one Bluer hid been shot down and butchered. J. L. RittonhotiBO and W. W. McCul- louou of Loup county , were believed to bo the guilty parties. Before making the arrest the aheriff wont to ihe homo of RtllouhouBe , and tiudiuu no one there , instituted a search , and found part of a beef buried m a box near the house. They also found a hide and throe feet of the uuiuial that had been killed. When airesled , Uittonhouso de clared that ho had not had any buof tor six weeks , but on being informed by the thonil of the discovery on ua premises , ho did not further per sist m his boot story , The men wore brought to Broken Bow for safe keeping. Monday Attorney Kirkpatriok put thorn through the sweat box , and they ooufcButd to uaving killed ouo animal for beef , jut duniod stealing the other 43 .load that were midsiug. They told of the cattle 8tampnding when they were in pursuit of the ono they ullod. It is now thought that most of the other missing oattlo can bo found from the information gained , but several milen from , ho range on which they were being hold. lioy Cole , of Blaiue , was also arroi.ted and brought to the city , but wlnn Kit- IcuhouHo plead guilty , ho exoner ated Cold , stating that ho had nothing to do with the mealing. Cole was released. Monday ovon. tig Uutenhouso and MuCullouoh wore taken to Dunning , in Blaitie county , where the crime was al- oged to have boon committed , and taken before Justice of the Peace Cline , where the plea of guilty was entered against them. Tlioj were thou brought back to Broken Bow , wheto they await the convening of the district court in Blainu county. The success of this , the first ef fort of the Automation to run down cattle rustlers prove * the value of the organization to the titock raise of Central Nebraska , and should induce every one interested in htook growing to become a member of the association. The membership fro is only $5 00. Similar associa tions exist in the western part of the state , Wyoming anil Colorado , and the vigor with which they have prosecuted cattle thieves , has re sulted in them almost charing their territory of thorn. Notice of Howard. A reward ot $5.00 will be given for information leading to convic tion of any ouo tampering or ined- liug with any line , or shooting in sulators or doing any damage inten. tionally on any line belonging to the Broken Bow Telephone Exchange. Warning is hereby given that any persons so offending will bo prose cuted to the full extent of the law. BUOKKN Bow TELEPHONE Excn , ClilcUciin Ifor Hale. Very Quo Blue Barred Plymouth Rook chickens for sale , 2 miles west of city. W. M. d20 3m Wbr "flerP ln "ddMU CANCERS from cancer ! UKLU u T. O'CONNOK cant cuiHtri , tumors and weui ; no knlfo , blood or plaster. AUdreu 1304 O itieet , Lincoln , Kebr , ( iletUon thU paper. ) Jan 3-Wt