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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1900)
Btr.tollK't . VOL , XIX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 27 , 1900-EIGHT PAGES , NO , 28 "HOW MUCH AM I BID ? " Tbat'a jnit how I feel about my prcicnt I jewelry Block How mnoh m I bid on \ HD ; article In my ft' ro ? I feel I can bet ter nilotd to take Youn price , rather than insist npon getting mine during the next I 80day . J While tny holiday trade was excellent , I have a lurplus stock of floe goodi.that I cnnnot iffort to carry Into the corning I pprlng. A lew vtocki will end these prlcoe. 1 Ciradvate of Chicaeo Opthalmlo College. e School Books , Tablets AND School Supplies , AT J , G. Haeberle's. fcfC h It isn't tue mnterlNl tu t tfotH Into vour repaired wutcti that In a pcrlt ct , It latlie flo\U tbuUlotatbobuelnees , nuy bungler can buy the fine kinds of material that I U"o in repairing ; but ekill IB the most valuable material that : an bo need In watch repairing : and the buntileroan't buy it. I sell ray skill ( or what It IB worth uud ll will cost you leas than bungling at lower prloee. F. W. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician. West Bide , of square. rf § &Q COQ Q > 0 H W 0 = 3 03 fHH 03tf fHGJ tf 0fi FOR SALE , MY IlLACKHMI I H HHOP , OX4O , New wood ebop In Nek part , all floored ; front flnorc I wltli 2-Inch plank ; nl o im TOill.b AND bToiK , KrcrythlnK complete and new : Rood trade ; reason ( oi selling pour bo' ' lib. Will sell for raili cir bankable no en For particular * . In. quip' ot or td < lrc SM DAVIS. P. O lloi 637 , Broken Bow , Nebr dIStt PENN 4 DORIU8 , f , DLAOK81IITH8. All < lnda of work In our line done * promptly and In flrit-olaea order. Red Sbjp on the corner , west of the bosp house. Qlve na a trial. MARKET REPORT. Wheat . _ . M ISarley . . , . . . . . . . . . . Sic Oats . . . . . _ _ . . . 25r Corn . . . 23 Kye . . . U Batter . . . SO. EgKS . } Potatoes- . . - . CO * Onions . . . . . $1.0 Chickens . , . SIX d'len DOBS . , .4.20 COWS . 375 I B Users r Tarkejs . 60 Straw . . . _ . IDc ew ( Business Pointers. Take your eggs to the Racket Store. Lubricating oils of all kinds at Wilkine' drug store. Money to loan on choice farms. d20 3t W. B. EAOTHAM. Dr. T. W. Baas , dentist , Broken Bow. Cosmopolitan patterns ton cents. No more. SNYDER Duos 3,000 pounds of Xmas candy just received at Collom'd Grocery. Sealing wax good for canning purposes at Wilkins'drug fltoro. Old iron not wanted after Duo 37 Dierks Lumber & Coal Oo. lee uream soda 6 cents a glass it Wilkms' drug store. Cannon Oity coal at Dierkn Lumber Jo. Pepsin Gum , two packages tor a nickel at WILKINS' PHABUAOT. Go to Mike Scan Ion's restaurant for ibo btst lunch and confection ery in town. Write Httyden Bros. , Omaha. Wholesale Supply House for prxset nnd sample * . 3 8 lyr. Beet block tarm in Ouster county for nale , at $8 00 per acre JES K GAKDT Abstracts compiled promptly and accurately by the Broken Bow Ab' stract Oo. E. Royso , Abatraoter Get my prices on > andy and nuts for your Christmas tree. A. A. COLLOM. Two good quartets of laud for nalo cheapeight miles south of town do tf A. T. SBYHOLT. Call on or write Broken Bow Ab- utraot Oo. when in need of an ab- struut of title. E.KoyBiiAbalraotor. Ladies interested in the Viavi home treatment should consult Mrs. Ed. Royce at her home. 11 1 tf For Hole Fifteen nice thrifty pig ? . Call on 112 tf DB. O. PtOKETT. A full line of holiday goods , such as toys , phovo albums , toilet MctB , drums and hand sleds at the Racket Store. For Bae. | Twenty acres of well improved land within a mile of Broken Bow for $700. Inquire at thia office. The Racket Stole baa the finest lijo of chiuaware , in the city , at prices awpy below competition. Call and got our prices. Notice to HanterH. Parties are forbidden to hunt on my premises and land tinder my control , under penalty of the law. d8-lin WM. FKANKUK FO&SALB A one story cottage with six large rooms , pleasant yard , and surroundings. Price (000. Call on L. J. Gandy or at this office. 7 19tf CblcStens For Hale. Very fine BIuo Barred Plymouth Rook chickens for sale , 9 miles west of city. W. M. VANNIOE. d20 3m Bang's galleries at Broken Bow and Ansley , are both open all the time , cabinets at $3.00 and $2.60 and fine crtfyon pictures ohoap. Hatisfaction guaranteed. Fnrmn for nalu and lands for rent Now ir * the time to get a farm cheap H the cheap farms are all going and price * are advancing rapidly J. G. Auctioneer. Sales cried in Ouster and adjoining - ing counties. Terms reasonable. JUD KAY. Broken Bow Nebr. W. 11. Farror has opened up a lunch counter in the building eas of Ledwioh's law office. Oyster rerved in first olais order. Meal or lunch served from 0 , a. m. to 1 pm. Patronage solicited. For auitt or Trude. A span of horses , harness , a goot Moline wagon , riding cultivator "The Boy , " a walking lister.with th latest attached drills. Will sell o trade for bogs or cattle. HSNET MOORK , One and a half miles northeast o Broken Bow , Nobr. dO-4w Local Mention. Job printing at this office. Small pox is reported at Ausloy , tlorna and Ansclmo. E D Glace went to Iloldrodgo aet Saturday morning. The city council is building n > pst houdo a mile south west of th < ) city. city.W. W. D. Blaokwell and wife are aking a few days vacation at Omaha this week. A. T. Soybolt accompanied hia mother to Lincoln Saturday , where IP will visit for a few days. Minor Taylor was among those who took advantage ot the holiday ates to make a trip east Saturday morning. 0. H. and J D. Stoero , of Iowa ? alls , arrived in the city last week on a visit with their mother Mrs. H Walton. Edwin end Arthur Mjors , and losooo Baldwin are at homo this week from Lincoln , whore they are attending the State University It is an ill wind that blows needy ) ody good. The doctors have eaped a rich harvest in the past wo weeks in vaccinating the many who apply. V. 0-Talbot and wife , of Dun ning came down tha first of the week from their ranch to spend Christmas with their reiativts and riends of this vicinity , Doc Trout of Merna , who had his ury trial Monday , before Judge Armour , on the charge of disturb * ug a religious meeting at Morna eoeutly , waa found not guilty. Miss Mary Barrott , who has boon visiting nith Mr. and Mrn. Nine tlcComas the fore part of the week , oturned to her home in Broken Sow yesterday. Merna Sun. B. O. Swoazy , of Clarinda Iowa , was in the city last week looking after hip hotel , the Commercial. rVh'lo here ho leased the hotel or another year to 0 H Kennedy Jr/rot. Jtt. D. 1'iokott , ot ( Jontral 3ity , was a friendly caller today , lo and his wfie are up spending heir vacation with Mrs. Pioketl's > arents , Mr. and Mrs. David Hilton of Weissert. The fair hold bv the Episcopal church on the 12th and 13th of this month , was quite a success ( inan oially. The receipts for the two meals and sale of fancy articles the adios had prepared amounted to 8140. The Ouster Co. Teachers Aesoois- ion met nt the school house in ilerua lost Saturday and a full at- endanco is reported. The program was an unusaly good one and was ap * irooiatod by all. Mies Honne pro tided at the meeting. Merna Sun. New Line of Buggies , Surreys , Spring Wagons and Farm Wagons. G. W. Apple. A genuine case of small per ap peared in the city Christmas. The city council took prompt action in establishing a strict quarantine to prevent it from spreading. The patient is Ray Gadd , who recently returned from Alliance. Ho has it in a very mild form. A fortnight ago a very serious accident happened to a Mr. Biroh , of Cliff table. He was handling a gun in some way when it exploded , injuring his face terribly an 1 put ting out one oye. He refused to secure medical aid for it till Satur day , when ho came in and had Dr. Robinson dress his wounds. Ar nold items in Callaway Courier. The several Sunday schools of the city appropistly observed Christ' mas eve , by providing entertain ment tor the little folks. The Bap tist had a sleigh instead of the true and the exercises consisted of reoi tatione , songs and a cantata entitl d "Who is Santa Olaus. , , The ME church bad a manger insead of a tree T. A. Miller , editor of the Morna Sun was a friendly caller at this , office ypsterdayr Ho cxpcots to dispose of his business soon ant move back to Omaha , where lie will accept a position as compositor in one of the city offices. Parties wishing to engage in the news paper business can secure a plant choaj by seeing Mr. Miller before he sells Judge Holoomb oi Lincoln is in the city visiting , with friends and rela lives , Leslie McWilliama , foreman of a B & M. bridge gauge ot Edgdmont is nt homo upending the holidays with rohtives. J. N. Pcalo and Clias BuBhuoll ImvH opened up a grocery store in the room in the Realty block re cently vacated by Snyder Bros. Alex Poruio , of Wfissurt , was a welcome caller at this office Monday. Ho availed himself of the oppor tunity of our clubbing list prices. John H. Ilutohinson , who lives north of town received the sad ujws fiom his old homo in Iowa tint his mother's house was burned , and his , mother , brother and sister were btirnod to death last week. George Troyer , and Miss Maude MoCondless worn united in marriage at the homo of the bride's parents on Cliff table , on Wednesday ot last week , Rov. Ransom , of this place officiating. Callaway Courier J. J. Douglas , post master at CaU away , who submitted to a eurgioal operation on hia arm recently , by having part of the bone removed , wo are pleased to hear ie gaining strength , and his oranoes for re covery are flattering. The Callaway Courier is authority for the statement , that Governor Poyntor ha11 revoked the requiei- tion granted the Kansas Sheriff for the arrest and removal of J. II. Worloy , who w s wanted in the Sunflower state , on the change of rape. We understand that Worloy laas since married ono of Ouster county's girls. At the mid week meeting of the M E church last week , the attund- inco wan largo , especially in the evening , when Bishop MoOabe was advertised to tpoak. The object of the meeting was to rally their "oroos , and provide moans for clear ing the indebtedness of the church , [ ti this they were quito successful , over $1500.00 was pledged. Fred Baisob , oldest ion of J. S. 3aiscb. who for the east thrco rears ias been employed in J.G.Haeborlo's drug store , has accepted a position in George Ereisheimer's drug store it Missoula Montana , on a salary of $50 per month. Mr. Froishoimor was formerly a resident of this oity and was engaged in the drug btni- Hs'with Mr. Ilaeborlo , Fred is ono of Broken Bow's most esti mable young men , strictly moral , lonest and temperate and it is with > lcasuro the RBPUULTOAN notes his iromotion. Fred's success is the csultof his faithfullnosB and should > o a lesson to ether Brakon Bow ) oys. He will leave Saturday eve. MBA. Regular mooting of the M. B. A. will not bo hold Friday owing to hi ) oity quarantine. A Cure For Small Pox. "A correspondent of the Liver- joel Mercury writes ; I am willing o risk my reputation as a public man if , the worst case of small pox cannot bo effectually cured in three days simply by croum of tartar , this is the sure nnd never failing remedy. One ounce oi cream of tartar dis solved in a pint of boiling water , to bo drunk when cold , at short intervals. It can be taken at any time and is a provenativo as well as a curative. It is known to have cured in thousands of cases without a failure It never leaves a mark , never causes blindness and always prevents tedious lingering. " Prof. J. E Adauson bus greatly simplified the work in tbo telephone office of the oity , by placing in it a power generator , which removes the necessity of turning the wheel to ring the call boll for patrons. It not only lessons the work of the operator , but enables her to render much more efficient service. At boat the operator at the central has very tedious and constant employ ment , and the now attachment greatly aids her in the performance of her work. The power generator was put in last Friday night , The maobinery is enclosed in a fine glues case , to protect from dust Prof. Adamson's efforts to render the boat possible service to the pat rons of his telephone system , is com mendablr , as ho spares neither pains nor expense when ho sees where , by an additional expense , he can better the service. This is clear gain to tbo public , as bo does not increase his rates of toll , CREAM BatKing Powder In Use the most Economical Greater in leavening strength , a spoonful raises more dough , or goes further. Working uniformly and perfectly , it makes the bread and cake always light and beautiful , and there is never a waste of good flour , sugar , butter and eggs. With' finer food and a saving of money comes the saving of the health of the family , and that is the greatest economy of all. AK.NO . . .OWDIIt Oa. . SaW CHICAGO. * ° 'd ' cheap , but are dear , at any price , because . - cause they contain alum corruMve pouon. Married. i U tbo residence of the brlde'e parent * . In llerwyn , Canter county , NeUr. , Duo. fcth , 1900 , bjr Her. It. Uollli , Mr. Herbert A. Cuinralna , of Aneloy , nnd Mlta Ada A. lotl ) , of Borwyn. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful preHontB , the gift of her many admiring friends , and in common with thorn , wo heartily wish thorn a long and iroaporous voyage on the ocean of ifu. K Dlauor At the reildenco of tbo officiat ing ralnletor , near Berwyn , Caitor county , De cember 8 < th. IflOO by UtT.H.llollli , Mr. Edward L. Allen and Mlu Ueulo Hlstiop , both often ton , Nebr. The groom is the son of Mrs John Moore , formerly of Castor county , but now of Oklahoma. Ho a a pushing , energetic young far mer , and with his accomplished wife will rent a farm near Kingston. 3ur prayers and best wishes go with them. A c PaHBT At the reildenco of the bride's porent , three mllea ai > t of Mntna , Cuetor county , Nebr. , D. comber 20th , 1000. Mr. Ooorpe W. Luce , of Murray , Iowa , and UUi Barnh 1) . 1'erry. ot Merna , Nebr. , Her. 8. W. Ulcuards olliclaitnf. The bride is tbo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E L. Ferry , highly respect ed citicuna near Merna. oho is a most estimable young lady , and enjoys the esteem of a largo circle of young friends. The groom is a stranger to us , and we know nothing personally about him except that ho is a young man of splendid reputation , and lives near Murray , Iowa. The wedding ouroraony was wit. ncssed by a largo number of invited guests , ana a royal wedding supper was served , which was * enjoyed by all. 'Iho contracting parties were the recipients of a largo number of uoful and valuable presents. They will leavfl soon for Murray , whore they will make their home. The RurimuoAN joins their many friends in extending congratula tions and wish thorn the full limit of happiness and prosperity. KINMKDT TALX > V At the reildenoe .of tbo brlde'n parent * , ObrlitniBBnlpht , at 8 o'clock , Lieut. 11. K. KenumJy and Miw Hannlo Talbot , Her. Goo. n. Itoomer ufflctttlng. The bride is the only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. 11. 0. Talbot. She is a native of Ouster county having been born OD the Talbot ranch near Berwyn in 1880. Since 1864 she , with her parents have been residents of Broken Bow. She was a member of tt.o graduat ing class of the Broken Bow high school in 1807 and enjoys the es teem of a large circle of rdmiring friends. I The groom is the elder son of Mr , and Mrs. 0. 11. Kennedy of this city and is an industrious young man of excellent business qualifi cations. Ho was a member of Oo. M of the fatuous first Nobr. regi ment that did such valiant service in the Philippine Islands. Ho waa severely wounded in the battle in which Colonel Stotsonburg was killedijhaving been shot through , the lungs with a mnuHcr bullet. From the rank of first sergeant he wan promoted to 2nd Lieutenant , flo onjoyB the respect of a host of friends. The wedding was a quiet affair , there being only two besides the immediate relatives invited , The guests , who numbered about twenty-five , wore served an ologaut supper that was very much relished by all the participants. The con tracting parties wore the recipients of a number of valuable and otuc- mental presents. The Riti'unLiOAN extends to Mr. and Mrs.Kennedy its bent wishes and hopes their matrimonial career maybe bo one of perpetual bliss and 'bat prosperity may crown their lifo'j efforts. COME ! FOLLOW THE CROWD TO TUB New Grocery Store AT THE OLD STAND OF SNYDER BROS. , HEALTH BLOCK. Wo are now open and ready for business with a full and complete line of fresh groceries and fruits. Mr. J. N. Poale , late of the firm of Peal , John & Butihuell in ut the head and ho assures his old custom ers and friends that ho will do all ho can for their interest and will appreciate a call , Mr. Alvin Burk , belter known as "Shorty" is with us and will bo pleased to see his old friends , TUB PBALU OABII QUJOBUY Co. Mrs. F. 11. Young returned the first of last \f ok from Now York , whore she wont in charge of the Nebraska booth lor the State Equal ity Club , of whiuh she is president , Several states were represented at thobazir hold in Now York , com mencing on the 2d of Deoemberaud Nebraska won the credit ot having one of the finest exhibits there.