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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1901)
Stnto UUt Librarian Hooletj VOL. XIX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JANUARY 3 , 1901-EIGHT PAGES , NO 29 , Lay down the ctiBtoranry resolution * and 1st the old world etnlle. You'll break iome and keep some. HuppoEo jon make u resolution to giro I your cyea better attention during the coming year. Lot mo gnl t jon with suitable glasses , I and I'll guarantee yon greater comfort , J morn eoeeund better ejes , when another Now Tear confronts you. I With beat wliheg. of Chicago Opthalmlo College i 1 School Books , y. Tablets # AND J t School Supplies , . G. Haeberle's. * H * It Isn't tlie itixterlal tUnt Into your repaired watcti tlint ii > a peril ct l .t > , u is tue Jtou ; that does the hu ° nn < H8 , r.y bungler can buy tin- flue kit d * < > f m > Uml Mint i ujo la repairing ; but tkill i' th < mo t valuable nittcrm ! tbui mn b' n ecl in watch repairing H' d the bungler cim't buy It I ' eel ) my skill ( or what U IB worth Hud it will coat you lesa tban bundling at lower prices. F. W. HATES , Jeweler and Optician pr West Hide of square r > Pill P Pi * c 8 M U (2 ( a i CO 0 H 0H H ill 0fo H cca pq 'j = H5 fo CU3 0 n oca 2 2P. P. Vnte Jneloslntt thin ad. and [ Go and wo v llsuudyou Uii loautlful M.uirtnlino 11 / oxprius , U. O. U. subject to cxuniliia- ton. It t.u .c exactly as roprobcntud y 11 cnnpny the express HKunUHjrSl'KO 1..It C'fc PIJIt price. 00 00 lc s tbu f 0cants. 01 S" > 0 uud oxuresg charees. Tills la a ii"ulur $15.00 instrumentsolid rosewood v4U > l.vtanoy pearl and ebony chcckured } utlo. buautlfui oearl luttcrQy gunrd \ p > t.iro9ewcodlliforiioardDndnlcVeltail 1 > 1 co. You caabuvocither a Maudolino , Un tnr.liani'iorVlollnnntuenninotorma. r'lo for VKiSB musical Cat ilOK" " . w.'iss. Allosiiii , Omuha , Neb T = H MARKET REPORT. Wheat Mr llarley , _ . * , . . , 83c O ts. . . . . . , . 3r Com 83 Rye _ . S4- liutter _ _ SO. KRM S" Poutoet- . , 60 * Onlona $1. 0 Chicken i ! CC d'zen Hogs < . 20 Gown 275 Steers . . . . _ _ . ,4.00 Tarkeji 60 Btr&w. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .XOc cwj BAJ aJTJTJTJTJTJ-LrLTLn. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED -FOR I JOHN & KNERR , Successors to Peale , John & Bushnel 1. Business Pointers. Dr. T. WBasa , dentist , Broken Bow. Cannon City coal at Dierkn Lumber Co. Lubricating oils of all kinds at Wilkins' drug store. Money to loan on choice farms. d20 3t W. B. EABTUAM. Cosmopolitan patterns ten cents. No more. SNYDER BROS. Pepsin Gum , two packages tor a nickel at WILKINS' PHABMACT. Write Hayden Bros. , Omaha. Wholesale Supply House for pricet and samples. 2 8 lyr. 'Best stock farm in Cuater county for sale , at $8 00 per acre. JEBSB GANDY. Abstracts compiled promptly and accurately by the Broken Bow Ab stract Co E Royae , Abstractor Two good quartets .of land for sale oheapeight miles south of town , do tf A. T. SEYHOLT. Call on or write Broken Bow Ab stract Co. when in need of an abs - s rrtot of title. $ K y8PAbstraoter. For Male. A pair of young draft horses. Inquire at Lee's barn. For Bale. Twenty acres of well improved land within a mile of Broken Bowler lor $700 Inquire at thin offiut- xtttce to Xluutern. Piutlep ar > - tnrbiddeti to bant on my prmnisth and land under my control , under penalty of the law. d 0-1 in WH. FUANKLIN FOB SA.I.B A one story cottage with six large rooms , pleasant yard , ami surroundings. Price (900. Call on L. J. Gandy or at this office. 7 19tf ClilcUeu * For Bute. Very fine Blue Barred Plymouth Rock obit'kons for sale , 2 miles went of city. W. M. YAJSNICB. d20 am Bang's galleries at Broken Bow and Ansley , are both open all the time , cabinets at $3 00 and $3 50 , and fine oravon pictures ohoan. Satisfaction guaranteed. Farms for sale and lands for rent. Now is the time to get a farm cheap. as iho cheap farms are all going , and prices are advancing rapidly. J. G. BBBNIZKB. W. U. Farrer has opened up a lunch counter in the building east of Ledwioh's law office. Oysters horved in first olass order. Meals or lunch aerved from (1 ( , a. m. to 11 pm. Patronage solicited. Uoruea 'Wanted. I will be at the Globe livery barn , in Broken Bow , on Saturday , Janu ary 5th , 1001 , to buy mules and horses. Bring draft horses , from 3 to 7 yeais of age , and good mules , and I will pay good prices for good animals. W. I. STEPHEN. Wnjinffer pain and dtath CANCERS from cancerf UKDJU Da T. O'CONNOR cam cinceri , tumors met went ; no knife , blood or platter Addreu I30 ( 0 ittMt , Lincoln , Nebr. ( Mw.Uon tal p p r. ) ji * Wtt Local Monition. Job printing at this office. Miss Millie Warrington is visit ing in Mason City this week. A. C. Towle , of Merna , was a welcome caller at thih uftioo Monday , Mayor Koyso wint to Lincoln Tuesday night on political business. A. T. Seybolt returned Friday of last week from a week's visit al Lincoln. This office acknowledges a friendly call Tuesday from Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Miller , of the Ttforna Sun. Sun.J. J. D. Ream wont to Lincoln Sunday night to be ready for the convening of the legislature .Tues day. I.A. Roneau was at Lincoln in the interest of Senitor Currio's candi dacy for the United States senate last week. Chris Eopp , of Klump , kindly remembered this office yesterday Mr. Kopp raised over 0,000 bushels of corn last season. Cbas. Penn is at Lincoln this week looking after his chances tor ap pointment to the superintendenoy of the soldier's home at Milford. Supt J. J Tooley was honored by ihe State Teachers' Association , beld at Lincoln last week with the office of treasurer of the association. Editor T. A. Miller and wife , of Merna , spent New Year's day in the oity and ate their turkey at the Commercial hotel , where an ehib orate menu was served. L. J. Gandy won't to Lincoln Mon day to witness the organization of a republican legislature , and tuo inauguration of a republican gov ernor , which is booked for today. Dean Holoomb has accepted a position of book keeper with the Broken Bow State Bank , vice S. II. Hoyt , who resigned to accept a position with the Firht National bank at Lincoln. Thus far Broken Bow's pest house has bad no occupants , and the chances are there will be no subjects for it. No now cases of smallpox have developed , and the case reported is well , but still quar antined. Mr. Frank Sohneringor , of York , accompanied by his son Carl , ucro in the oity last week , visiting with his brother , M. E. Sohueringer , Cuetor county's efficient treasurer. This office acknowledges a friendly call. Mrs A. F. Elliott , of Bridgeport , is visiting in the oity this week with friendb. She has boon attend ing the Peru Normal with the view of engaging in teaching again. Mr. Elliott io station agent at Bridgeport. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coon , of Mau ley , Nebr. , came up Christmas to pend a week visiting with relatives of this place. Their arrival on Chrirtmas morning , was a happy surprise to Mrs. Coon's parents , Mi. and Mrs. Kelsey , as they wore not expecting them The/returned home Tuesday night , New Line of Buggies , Surreys , Spring Wagons and Farm. Wagons. G. W , Apple. T , C. II. Bayerhoffor loft last night for Normal , Nebraako , where ho expects to visit a month or two. All those interested in the Viavi treatment should flee Mrs. Yauney , at Commercial llotol until Jan. 81. Suott Cooper recently completed a now dwelling house for II. J , Shinn on his fatm north of West Union Among the number that visited the capital toddy , were F. M. Currio , F , H. Young and D. M. Amsborry. Senator F. M. Currio has had 44 head of cattle stolen from his Cal amus ranch in Loup county , It ie believed that several wore connect ed with the theft. The oyHter supper that the gen tlemen of the Baptist church had advertised to give last Friday night , was postponed to a more favorable dale , owing to the quarantine of the city. Mayor Royso's proclamation re questing all to be vaccinated had the desired effect , and as a result the larger portion of the residents of this vicinity have had sere arms , but arc congratulating themselves that they will not have more than varioloid. T. J.Ilarwood , of Elk Creek , kindly favored this office with a call while in the oity last week. Mr. Harwood is ono of Ouster county's substan tial farmers that does not forgot to oall occasionally and make glad the heart of the printer by contributing to his cash account. Among the number of Cuator county teachers that attended the state teachers mooting last week wore Supt. J. J. Tooloy , Profs. Macoy and Carlton , Misses Vara and Whitehead , and Fred Ream , of Broken Bow ; Irvm Potts , of War gent , and Mrs. Kate PrteBoy , ol Oconto. S II. Iloyt whofor several years has been associated with the Brokei Bow State Bank , has accepted the position as assistant receiving teller of the Firat National Bank at Lin coln. He assumed his new respon sibilities the first of the year. Mr Hoyt'a many friends hero congrat ulate him on his promotion. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Kenned ; gave an infair dinner to H. F. anc \Irs. Nannie Kennedy , at the Com mercial New Year's day. The rel atives of the families were invitee and from the number that sur rounded the table , we inferred they were all there. The spread was elaborate and a social hour was enjoyed. R L. Robinson and family , ol Grand Island , came up Saturday to visit the parents of Mr. RobitiHon a few weeks , The small pox , in Grand Island , got too close to their home for comfort , and they wisely aomluded that they would bo safer and under loss constraint to getaway away before they were exposed and put under quarantine. ' A steady advauoo in prosperity has mark'id the career of Charles M. Hayes , of St Louis. At the age ol nineteen he was a clerk in the city at the office of the Southern Pacific railroad. His salary waa then $40 a month. At the ago of fcrty-two ho has just been elected president of the Southern Pacific railroad , with a salary of $55,000 a yuar Wilson Hewitt , of Mullen , waa a friendly caller at this office Mon day. Ho is county clerk rf Hooker county , a position which ho is oap- pablo of filling most acceptably. He is also propietor of the only hotel of the town , and we under stand is doing a good buaineaa. His many frionda of this county ure pleased to know of his success , S. D. Butcher recently visitec the ranch of the late W. II. Full- han , north west of Aoaelmo , am photographed the house and sur rounding premises , which ho wil add to those historic collections o his ' Ptonoor History of Cuater County , " that ho is now having prepared for the printer. Copioi of the photograph of the Fullliar place can bo obtained at Taylor' gallery in thia oity. Clinton Hewitt , the yonnget ) son of Mr. and Mrs Wilson Hewett of Mullen , pasded through Iho oil ; westward bound , Saturday evouinj accompanied by his bride , to when he was married , Christmas , at Glen wood , Iowa. Her maiden nam was Winnie Reot.'forraorly of An Holmo. For some time past nho ha boon a toaolnr in Glonwood. The REPUBLICAN extends to Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt congratulations , Makes the food more delicious and wholesome i om OAKINO powotn co , , NEW vonx. * I ( Dropped loud. Wm. Hiroook , who resides ton miles west of hero * died very sud- ouly Inat night of heart failure , at 1:10 BB hu was about to rutiro for lie night. The funeral will take ) laoo tomorrow morning at 11 'clock. The llov. Clinton will onduot the RorviooH. Wo extend ur sympathy to the bereaved fam- ly. Morna Sun. Sunday waa one of the worat dayR wo have hud this winter. It wna not no extremely cold , but a light now wna falling moat of the day , accompanied by a strong wind , which made it disagreeable. But as the city woe quarantined , there waa no religious aervicoa hold in any of the ohurcho ? , and all that the citizens hnd to do waa to atay in leers and keep a fire. Sunday night the thermometer dropped to eight degroua below zero , and Mon day night it wont to twelve below But Now Year'a morning wna ushered - orod in with a bright sun , that made everybody feel glad that they lived in Nebraska , whore four-iiftha of the year is sunshine and pleasant. JuB.Foloy Killed by Cara. Jas Folev , of Dale , had his bond crushed and was killed almost in stantly , Inat Friday , while in the act of coupling earn , west of Al liance the fourth station. The de ceased was about twenty-four yearn old. Ho Had boon working at Al liance two weeks a witching in the yards , and this waa his first trip on the road1 He waa attempting to couple the air hose , and waa in a stooping position and aa ho raised up the back of his head was caught * between the hampers and crushed Ilia remains wore shipped to Merna Saturday morning and laid to rest in the Dale oemotary. The deceased waa the son .of Edward Foley Sr. The Junior Member of the Nor Firm of Jolm & Kuerr. Howard G. Kuerr , the junior member of the now firm of John & Enerr , successors to Poalo , John & Buahuoll , was born in Seward county , Nebraska , and has since boon & resident thoro. Ilo IB a farmer and successful business man , and is well-to-do financially. Ow ing to his business interests on the I arm , ho will not bo able to come tn the city and have personal supervision - vision of his interests in the store hero before fall. From what wo have boon able to learn of Mr. Enorr , ho will bo a desirable accession to the business , social and moral interests of our city. Until ho can come himself , his interests in the firm will bo looked after by his sister , Miss Lin- nio Enorr , and J. W. John , who is employed by him. Mr. J. W.John , who waa a member of the famous First Nebraska regiment at Manila , has been associated with the store for more than a year , and through his gentlemanly treatment of his customers , ho has made a host of frionda among them. The additional means Qwhioh Messrs. Frank John and Howard G. Kuerr have boon able 10 put into the business , not only enables them to carry one of the largest stocks of goods in Broken Bow , but puta the now firm in thapo financially to compote with the beat firms in cen tral Nebraska , Their stock If ono of the largest and best carried in the city , and the assortment is complete. The dry poods department is in charge of Jas.O-iborne , an old'experienced dry goods clerk , and the stock is neatly and tastily arranged. The entire force of this largo establiBment are experienced and accommodating men and women , with which it is a pleasure to do business. To TDK DKLY A rioh lady , cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums , gave 125,000 to his In stitute , ao that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums , may have them free , Address No. D 143 , The Nicholson Institute , 780 , Eight Avenue , New York. janS ly COME1 FOLLOW THE CROWD ; , TO TUK i > . . New Grocery. Store XT ' THE OLD STAND Ob' HNYDElt 'BROS. ' , - REALTY HLOCK. i * ' Wo are now open and ready for ' business with a full and complete line of fresh groceries and fruits. ' ' Mr. J. N. Poalo , late of the firm-1 * of Peal. John ifc Bushmill ! H at the ' ' head and ho assures his old custom ers and frionda that ho will do all > ho can for their interest and will appreciate a cull , Mr. Alviu Uurky hotter known aa "Shorty" is with ua and will be pleased to aee his old friends. , < Tim PKALB OABU GUOOKKT Co. It ia hereby diroulvd and ordered , that the terms of the District Court for the year 1001 in the County of CuHtor-Stato of.Nobraakn , be hold aa follows : , The fim term shall begin Feb. 11th , 1901. The second term shall begin the 27th day of May , 1001. The third term shall begin Sept. 23rd , 1001. lioiutu M. SULLIVAN , Judgo. 0. TOim , Clerk Dial. Court. Dan 'Barrett's son , who farmed ) in fathei's place last season , known as the Price furm , wcat of town , ' finiRhod hauling his corn to market last week that he raised on , 70 acres.- It brought him over $580. The wholu time ho put in plowing the ground , planting , cultivating , husk- lug and hauling the crop to market was 10J ! ( lays , an average of morq than $2.00 a day for each day em ployed. This shows the posaibilt-t ties for young men in Ouster county on a iarm. Geo. F. Palmer went to Alliance Thursday to visit the bed side qif his brother Fred who was quite ill. Upon George's arrival he found his brother in such a condition that it was necessary to remove him from Alliance to Broken Bow , whore ho could rrooivo every attention and care that a brother and the best medical.skill could bestow upori him. ; Fred is now at Dr. Mullin's private' ' hospital of this place and is improv ing rapidly. The populist hupps for hie speedy recovery. The Pop- uiist. Boys with hats on the back of their headu end long hair bunging down over their foreheads , and cigarotts and smutty stories in their moutha , arc cheaper than old worn- out horses. Nobody wants themat ( any price. Men will not ernoloy them and girls will not marry them. They ore not worth their keeping to anybody , and they will never bo able to keep themselves. If nny boy happens to road this who ana- worn the description let him take a good thoughtful look at him.aolf , and then dp what his conscience says is the best thing to do. Ex. FAIIM KOU SALU At UptonNeb. . 1GO acres of good farm land , BO ' acres in cultivation , and the. rest fenced in pasture , with three wiles Good four room sod house ; cora crib and granary , each 12x10 'feet , connected ; stable and , chicken house , etc. For particulars call on J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow-or Stephen Wilcor , on promises. tfglO Cjoo.oo FOR LETTERS ABOUT NEBRASKA. The Burlington Haute offers twenty prizes , nKKregiiting 8600 ( or tatter * which can bu used in enouuraglu immigration to Nebraska The first prize ! a n round trip ticket from uny BurllDRton llouio station In Nebraska to Yellowstone Park , and a complete trip through the park. Includ ing stage transportation and live and a halt days' accomodatloh at the hotels of the Yellowstone Park Association value 8100 The second prize is a ticket to Denver , thenou to thu Hlaok Hllla , and 035 in cash value 875. . Particulars can bo obtained by address ing , ! . Frauds , U. P. A. , Burlington Route , Omaha , Nobr ,