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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1896)
'j-tryt- tic -y " ,f ' ', "jtfXrCX tx' , fLtsf Q frf VOL. 2. . lllflMliNOlUliD. BOX JiUTTlfi COUNTY. NEBMSKA. FRIDAY, OCT, 2, i)0. 4v .ii . , .".Hill 'V. ' n.iiiiihwii . -' ''i' ih......i...i . - ' I J fSXj X v jHX3l . .y , t 'fiJ 't- The oxtromo desperation to which tho "gold hugs" are driven to defend their weakening causo is shown by the doliboralo misrepre sentation of thoir organs. Silver papers all over tho coun try for the pnBt three months havo 'ben running tho following articlo from "Tho London Financial News" of April 80, lfcOl: "There is n plain moral in tha remark that if tho United States would venture to cut herself adrift from Europe and take outright to silver she would havo all America and Asia nfe her back, and would command tho markets of both Continents. "The barrier of gold ' '.'would bo more fatal than any "barriur of a custom house. Tho "bond of silver would be stronger than any bond of free "trade." There can bo no doubt about it, tfiafc if tho United States were to adopt a silver basis to- morrow, British trade would be ruined bo foro a year was out. Every Ameri can industry would be protected, not only at home but in every other market. Of course the States would suffer to a certain extent through having tb pay her obliga tions abroad in gold but tho.loso on exchange under this head would boa more drop in the bucket compared whh tho profits to be reaped from tho markets of Souh America and Asia, to say nothing of Europe. The marvel is that iheUnited States has not long ago seized the opportunity, and but for tho beleif that the way of Eng land is necessarily tho way to com mercial success and prosperity, undoubtedly it would havo been 'done long ago. Now, Americans are nwiikoulng to the faet that "so long as tlreyiiarrow their am bition to bpcoming a larger Eng land" They cannot l6at us. It has been a piece of luck for jui that it has never before occured to tho Americans to scoop us out of the world's market by going on a silver basis, and it might serve us right if, irritated by thocontemtu ous apathy of our Government to tho gravity of tho silver problem, the Americans retaliated by freez ing out goln. It could easily bo done, and wo propose shortly to sliQTr, by evidence collected from perfectly unprejudiced sources, that even now the process has be gun, and is proceeding at a rate 'that will astonish most people, and probably make this country regret that .that it did not at an earlier stage'ashion its monetary policy on principles of friondliness to 'other nationB, iuBtcadof op a basis of shortsighted selfishness." Goldbug papeis callediuto ques tion its authenticity. But the chief cleik in the office of the London paper makes' affidavit that the article appeared as above on the above date. Last week the editor of the Alliance Guide informed his readers that he had been asked to give some "light" in regards to this article and then proceeds to give tho "light" by denying that the paper ever published the article He did this knowing at the time that he was writing that ho was denying what had alread) been conclusively proven. Only a short time ago Editor Ellis of the "Times" said "If tho article were Jrue it would look very "nasty" for he republican party." Now gentle men that you know q a certainty that tho article is t?uo will yon havo the decency to eorao out honestly and acknowledge youi error? Wo don't think yon will. ircHJ-W GOODS at tlao mTT linery Score. J. C. MeCorkle shipped a ccr of cuttle to Omaha Saturday. Mac says that Bryan has cvorj thing iu onstera Nebraska. w : r HANNA'S SIDESHOW INDIANAPOLIS CONVENTION, Hanna .Walk up, gentlemen, and soo tho waxworks. This is only part of the groat McKinloy circus, but I desire all to sco tho pre cision with which tho dummies do my bidding." HON. C, J. SIY1YTHE, Democratic candidate for At torney General, will speak at Hemingford, Wednesday, Oct. 7th, at 2 p. m. Mr. Smytli6 is a good speaker and you should not fail to hear him. Thero is food for consideration for tho voters of Box Butte county in tho fact that during tho last two woeks tho McKinloy clubs at Heinhlgfordand Alliance every time there is a republican rally bond a largo delegation by way1 of tho II. R. and pa)' their faro for them. Now wc havo no objection to any one taking a fiee ride on tho cars if they can get it. But the question arises, where do the republicans in and around Hem ingford get tho money to pay 100 fares to Alliance and back, man ifestly it is not raised here. There is no question of doubt but that it is a part of Marcus Hanna's "barrel" subscribed by tho corpor ations and trusts of tho east, and in return for tlnir contributions they expect the Republican party if successful to logistate their dona tions with usury back into their pockets. Tho voters are patching these things and this year their vote can not bo purchased at the expense 6i thoir homos and thoir liberty. Our opponents must find somo moro forceful arimmcnts than free R. R. rides to got the votes In Bos Butte this year. "Wo all want prosperity, the only ques tion is, shall wo vote for tho farm er and thereby make everyone prosperous or for tho manufactur er and thereby continue our pres ent policy for which Cloveland and Hanna are standing shoulder to shoulder. A "vote for Bryan is for tho former policy and one for McKinley is to continue our pres ent policy. I have been called an anarchist because I havo opposed tho trusts and syndicates which would manage this country. I am glad to have tho opposition of these men. I am glad that if I am elected thero is not a trust or a syndicato that can come to -mo and say, "Wo put you thoro now pay us back. William .Jennings Bryan. Tho Mission announced to be- jjinhero on the 27)th ins.t.,in the Catholic church, is postponed to v later data owing to inability of '''curing all necossanos lor tho mi obion on said date. There will be airvicos at tho church Sunday Oct llth, at 10 o'clock. PUBLIC PULSE. Editoh Heiiald: it has been stated by tho re publican stump orators in this county that all wo need to make us prosperous is a high tariff If that bo true we should bo pros perous now. Tho tariff law in forco at present is the highest tariff that wo havo ever had in this qountry except the McKinloy tariff which was in offqet only about four years, and tho Mc Kinloy tariff Was loss than 5 por cent higher thanWilsou tariff now in forco. Tho McKinloy tariff provided that on all foreign goods import ed into this country the import ers should pay a tariff of 47 cents for every dollar's worth of goods, that is tho average tax on tariff was 47 cents on tho dollar; on some goods it was moro and on somo it was less, and under tho Wilson bill which is in effect now tho average tariff on imported goods is moro than 42 cents on tho dollar. Thoy say that under the Wilson bill that cattlo aro imported into this country from Mexico, sold at $U por head and that tho McKin loy law imposed a tariff on cattle of $10 por head, which oxcluded tho importation of cattlo into this country and saved our cattlo raisers hero from competing with tho Mexico cattlo markot. Now it is woll known that this country is an exporter of cattlo and it makes no difference Whether tho Mexico cattle aro first shipped from Mexico to this country and from hero to London ami Liver pool or whether thoy go direct from Mexico to thoso markets, they are brought into cqmpeti tion with our cattlo when they reach those markets anyhow. Further, cattlo feeding has grown to be a great industry in this country, corn and feed of all kind is produced so cheaply hero of lato years that there is u great profit in buying stock cattlo and feeding them for tho market. Now it is true that nearly all of tho cattlo imported into this country from Mexico aro brought as stock cattlo for the purpose of being fattened and then put on tho market. It ' is evident that cattlo ready for i market which would soil in Chicago or N'ew York for from !NJU to fcio dollars a head would not bo delivered in Texas or any whore else in the United States and sold for $0, each. Tho fact is that all tho cattlo imported from Mxico are brought to Texas and shipped north into Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska or other places whore feed is cheap and abundant whore thoy are fed until in condition for tho markot thou disposed of at a good profit. This makes a do- jnand for tho farmers grain, it gives employment to railroad employees, a,i& tho railroad is paid for transporting tho cattlo and laborers aro omployod to feed and euro for theso cattlo while Jjpre. So that is not such a bad thing after all. Wo would not caro to havo Mexico ship in a fow horses if it would havo tho samo offect tho cattlo trado has. A. Sherwood.' Personal Mention. John Shaffor returned from Terry, .'D., Tuesday. Mike and Will Elmoro wore up from Alliance Wednesday. B. P. Gilman returned from Wisconsin Wednesday morning. 0. L. Reynolds and son Bert came down form Sheridan to re 'inain. ' P. H. Ronsvold and J. C. Hawkins wore in tho city Mon day. Postmaster Kennedy and Jas. Connolly of Burbank aro in town today.' Supt. Neeland is visiting schools in the vicinity of Alliance this week. Mrs. Hammond and Marshall Gooch returned from thoir Black Hills trip this week. j Mi-i ana iurs. s-i. i. opuuti;s, ui Oilman, Iowa, are visiting their son Geo. W., tips week. Mr. and Mrs. V. Curtis aro visiting their daughter, Mrs. Bowman, at Hay Springs. Rev. A. C. Wunderlich left Sunday morning for a short visit at his former home in Missouri. DolbortLibby arrived in town from Bczeman, Mont., last week and will probably remain in this county. Tho Ladies Aid of tho Congre gational churgh will moot a't tho homo of Mrs. Carl Roberts Thurs day Oct. 8th. D. T. Mauk will have a public salo on Wednesday, Oct. 14th. Ho expects to move to Lincoln and attend school this winter. The paper is unavoidably lato thjs week owing to tho printing of the delinquent tax list and our paper not arriving from Omaha in duo time. John Sullonborgor and R. B. Gregg, of Mnrsland, Postmaster and W, P. Randolph of Box Butto were among those who at tended tho speaking Monday. Rev. Edw. S. Muenich, for merly assistant to Rev. T. P. Haley of Alliance, has been ap pointed pastor oVer all tho mis sions north of Alliance and will have his place of residence at Crawford. Tho following-named gentlo men have been selected ta sorvo as jurymen during tho coming term of tho district court which convenes on Wednesday, Novem ber 18th: A. M. Drake, II. M. Andqrson, Geo. Hendricks Chas.McKinpoy, Albert Nelson, John Kaufman, L. F. Loavitt, W.A. Hood, G. AV. Jones. S. A. Curtis, Win. Matzat, J. J. Lyon, G. H. Cluyton, Jas. Connoloy, Win. Randolph, Tobias Brown, James Robinson, Fred Pnhlow, , J. N. Clark, Ed C. Reck, Tom Bock, D, C. Majntyrq, F. W. Adair, Z.T.Cunuiuhapi, Calvin J. Wildy NEW STORE! : NEW GOODS 1 New Prices! . Nejv Everything! Always Leads and Nevef4 F61Iows ! ANTON PIONEER- ii Hardware and Tiik Oluust jsstajjmshmuot ik tub (Jovtitf Charter Oak Cook Stoves, .. -;;- Genuine; Ronnilfjltjiitoffls, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc, , j t Special Agent for B'AKEJE ;3E!J3EEOT ,Barl wire line Jtsesi on iuaruii, "V 4iJfe, rtJ6& Fred m Brewing Conray CABINS; BOTTJui;!) BEBJl , ' '1 mi . I i in ii A High 3rade Lager Beer? Pur&st iii the Market. PATKQNipF HOME INDtffET OfficSlOpT Jackson Street, Omaha, $eb5 . k That a.Wonvin's Heart Gan Desire to be Found in my Stock c f Goods. Call and seo tho immense variety of DrySaods, Ladies and 1 Gonts' Furnishing Goods Shoes, Notion Groceries, Brand Now and CHEAP. p. A BURLEy. TO RENT, Tho undersigned will rent &is farm in Sec 12'8(M8, at Wanatah postoflice, Dawes county, for the veir i897. Will furnish fleed, UtuamB and machinery if requires. Theo. uibhins, .t Wanatah, Neb. Bring in potatoes on subscript tion. - j All parties desiring to paj$ final proof can ha,yo their papers made out at The HEiiALb'ofnce, froo of charge, and ftrd'mptly' transmitted to tho land office, i ,v ,-vf- UHRIG, .- H r - t&t&&S9, Attorneys - at- - Law; HFKIMGFORDr NEMASKA, L. W. BOWHAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB, , ' Office rooms and residence 18 Drayej block, up stairs. j-jfpccial attention given to dis eases of children. New Short Lino to HoUa, BqtU Spokane, Seattlp anc(.Tacoma. O. X. Se W. CX Tirn CfariJ. KABT aOOKDr Xo.. paRsPDKor arrive At - 6frelBbt , ; t " " it IreitjUt irrlrus t WKflT BOUKP. 5frotKlit " s v -it trrlcht nfrivoA lit " ' 10:23 li.iu, Hi3 a. , b:iv p. m Ail rwuur iraww carry psswnvrp. l, , J. ,-..: ...-t , MA1I4 DIimOTOHV. HiMisaroRD ponU816e. Co iMiJ3a dr otiiM at 1 a. xa-i feenuraliiellTew ppP M hi. ua close t b p. m, Otu IteBO ' lQa.lii, ' J HEMIKOrOUD VQ JlX BOTTK t6HUjr MHfi Wrlti(Uyi'rim7. T -' r i - 0 t -, i If- s V 4 fit Si Pn t r