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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1896)
"V f :' "i r .--, If V jy ' JL : cirf-sr 7 t1K .i iffV 3 : LP V. .---- ?M$ VOJ,. 2. HEMINGFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. iNEBJUSKA, EIUUAY, OCT. 9. ), . i fo. NO 33 V. ins u J? B KK H N H H 45 fesg y (Kf x -; r.v Ifc- c . fl'-", t m tsS ;, J t Rr 13"" i" If:, . "5- k'45i ' jjy l.$. W"f:fir' . SPEECH "Was -tho One Mode by lloirC. J. " jmytho in lleiuingford i .1 . Wednesday. No speaker who 1ms been in this county this full bus spoken more forcefully or reasoned more logically, or plead more oarnes tly for tho cause of tho common people than did tho Hon. C. J. Smythe democratic and populist candiddate for attorney general, at tho court houso last Wednes day afternoon. It is evident upon first tight that Mr. Smytho is a "born" gentleman, and it needs but one speech to convince reason able men that ho is a scholar and a logician. No man has given tho people of Hemingford a talk so convincing an I therefore wo ex pect to hear his argument "lam basted" and the man himself ridiculed and abused more than any speaker who has been among us this year. Mr. Cady has beon tho only man the opposition have had in the county who has loft an impression other than disgust even in tho minds of the most nrdent "Hannacrats" and Mr. Smyth so completely riddled every proposition made by Cady that we really feel sorry for tho depression that now prevails among our republican brethern in this vicinity. There is no long er any question of doubt about Nebraska being for Bryan, Hoi comb and tho balance of the state ticket and The Heiiauj lakes apardonablo pride as well as pleasuro in asking every voter who believes in good government by honest capible men, to give their support to this ticket, and especially do vj aivocate the merits of tho talented ctndidate for Attorney General. ' Mr. Smyth addressed'the most enthusiastic, successful,' political meeting at Alliance that has boon hold there this year in tho even ing of tho samo day, and made a strong talk to tho railroad inon tmany of whom wei'o present. Our republican friends are wearing anxious faces and ar rangements are already being made to bring Mr. Cady back as woll as to .secure tho services of other noted spaakera to counter act tho in finance sat to work by Mr. Smyth's address. The gap in tho fence is too broad to bj mended atd tho g. o, p. will- find that it wi1 take more argument .than "confidence" and "boodle" to whip the voters of Box Butto county into line. Iho county is county without doubt strong fqr freo stronger silver and every day. Alliance, Neb., Oct G, 1S9G. Editoii Heiiau: The Guide in its last issue, says, "Big Pete, Erh, and others o their party are (nnablo to find any republican who will accept their challenges to de bato tho ponding political question. Mr. Editor, this is tho becond time the Guide has told tho truth in this campaign. Tlio fact is that nil republicans have beon for bidden to engage in joint discus sions of the political issues of tho day. The other time tho Gnido told tho truth vas in itp paper of Sept 2. It said "we inciting tho republican party) have made a couple of thousand millionaires and a few million "thousandairea" but that does'nt count." Now Mr. Editor I ask tho Guide to print in tho next issue, tho following truths, viz: Wo tho republican party, during the last 30 yonrs, by the protective tariff have enabled tho.c .couple of thousand protected plu tocrats, to obsorb and "secure, to W rob by force of Jaw their enormous amount of untold wealth, created by tho hard, earnest toil of tho millions of unprotected toilers of this country. Tho Guide may dif fer from tho above, but tho unmis takable and indisputable facts staro us in tho faco, that tho lion's Bharo ftp U'mitfll lirrwlllmirl It,' tit mnlilt is in tho hands of tho few. Now what aro wo going to do about it? What u lessson ! " What fools wo mortals be!" Tho Guide will prob ably say, "what would America ho without tho manufacluivrdV" But history tolls us that American gon uis should have placed America and tho houd of the manufacturing world, long beforo tho rotten policy of protection was resorted .o, tho samo as she now stands at tho head of tho agricultural world. I ask the Guido in its next issue to ay, that wo the republican party brought into existonoo and nursed ln7 trusts and monopoliniictjdmbi nations backed by n billiohlnnd a half of dollars. ' That, wo itho re publican party are backed by nil the stock gamblers of, this nation, backed by ho 14,500 'mill owners, backed by all tho trus and cor porations, by all the political rene gades of this natioijthat wo, tho republican party are going to cram this gold btandurd down the un willing throats of tho American popple; and that wo tho republican party are doing and have done all this because wo love tho American people bo. L'it th'o Guide tell us how long it will bo before these millionaires, trusts, corporations and mill owners will ask us to pay their sharo of state and county taxes as they now compel us to pay their national taxes. &fr. Bryan the candidate of the common people says "If I am elected the chief executive of this nation I shall uso all the power I have .to drive all tho trusts and corporations out of existenco as soon as possible." Now lot the Guido show us where McKiuloy has said any word against these tru&ts, tho robbors of tho producers of all wealth. Lot the Guido prove to us that it dosen't take non-porspiriug law yers, non-producing bankers, and political tricksters to defend the caii'so of the common people. I hereby challenge J. S. Paradise to a jojut discussion of 'any or all tho political issues of the day be tween now and election any where in the county, Alliance nut except ed, WILLIAM MATJ5AT. The Heiiald is in receipt of a letter from J. H, Johnson who loft Lawn precinct n few weeks ago. Mr. Johnson says, "I arrjved at my now headquartors for tho Win ter; I can't call it home for Box Butte is my homo. I don't liko Seward county, there is no room hero for a poor man; I have my horses in a garden potato patch of about half an acre and that is all tho range they have. Tho country is all fencoc up and farmers uro feeding their stock and thoro is no pasture to bo had for love or mon ey. Suill grain was a partial fail ure; wheat went as low as throe bushels to tho acre and lots of tho oats was burned up. Corn is gooil but tho renters lmvo to give two-fifths and deliver ;t any whore in the county tho land owner do siros. Toll my friends in old Box Butto to stay whore thoy are. I was down at Lincoln to hear tho "bovon generals" toll tho far mers how to voto. They tool; up tho nmo telling tales and failed to givo a reason why wo bhould voto for tho gold standard. Gold bu's horo aro loiuj lots of work but Billy Bryan will carry the btate by n haiuhv.n.a nmihritv i3 . tl.n ., v. .... Mention. Deputy Shoriff Martin is in town. Attorney Noloman of Alliance is in town to-day. .Tamos Ilollinrako returned to Edgomont yesterday. , - Charloy Johnson lias another attack of rheumatism. Mrs. II. P. Fillmore roturnctl Saturday from her extended visit in Iowa. Postmaster 0. A. Lockwood of, Canton, was transacting business. in town Monday. Mrs. Millio Garner of Whtney is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith. Marshal P. Bird and Miss Let tio M. Harris woro married by Judge Howett Monday. John Eisler came in from tho west this week. Ho says that Box Butte is good enough for him. Mrs. Phil. Tiornoy, of Rapjd City. S. D., is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ilollin rako. Word lias reached hero that all but ono of O. B. Runyan's children wore poisoned recently at Bozeman. Mont. Tho pound social at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ilazelton Mon day evening was woll attondod and all report a pleasant time. Miss Florence Edwards arrived from Fj-omont last weak and is now teaching school in the Clay ton district southwest of town. Tho miny friends of Miss Mary Collins will be pained to hear of her death, which oecurett last Friday at her'in Mo" tello. Wis. Mrs. Wnv Friol returned Tues day from Sioux" City, Iav whore she has been visitng since fcojj.t. 1st. She was accompanied liomo by lmr youngest daughter. Henry Win ton spont a couple of days in Sioux county this week "prospecting for gold." Henry says they are all Bryan up there and won't liston to anything else. R. McLeod arrived from Omaha Wednesday and has ac cepted a position with C. A. Burlew. Mao's friends aro glad to sod him return to Hemingford. C. C. Hucko, Rev. T. J. Hazel on andM. Butler aro now sub scribel't. and John Jelinok, G. E.' Zimmerman and.E. R. Summers renewed for tho Herald this week. Anton Hoffman, Sr., died last Sunday at tho advanced ago of eighty years. The funeral took placo on Tuesday from the Cath olic church. Rev. E, S. Muonich officiating. Mrs. M. L. Miller departed Thursday morning for Martinton, 111., whero her husband is now located. Sho was accompanied by Mrs. A. M. Miller who will visit for some time. D. A. Paul, nephew of D. A. Paul of Liberty, arrived from New York Tuesday. Ho is well pleased with tho country and will probably remain horo and engage in tho sheep industry , vith his uncle. Board Proceedings. Hemingford, Nol., Oct. blS9G. Board of commissioners mot pursuant to statute. Members present James Ilollin rako chairman, Goo. W. Duncan and James Berry. Reports of ovorsoord for road districts Nos. 1G and 23 examined and approved. It appearing to tho board that M. Shindlor, an old soldier, through tho exponco of a long sickles has ?.V""ZV ', V". B ,B uosire mat no be Bent to thp Personal 'Soldiers1 Home at Grand Island hud tho clerk is instructed to cor. Voapond with tho ooinmaudaul of lmt homo with tho view of obtain ing such arrangement. Warrant No. Mi) for 8120, is sued to B.F. Oilman, agent for Hartford Insurance Co., covering 'insurance on the co.urt house, hav ing beon returned tothocouuty and tho policy ordered caucellod by the company, this warrant is hereby ordered caucellod. On motion board adjoined till i 1 p. in. Afternoon Rejission. ' Full board present. Samuel Nauglo o (tared to deliver (hreo cords stovo wood, split and ono foot long for $18. Contract vas made with him, payment to ho made by county warrants. Petition was tiled signed by Nelson Bearss and thirty-two others asking that a public road bo opened on rongo lino botwoon raugoB -19 and 50, commencing at tho corner common to Mictions 1 nndl2twp. 2G n, rango 50 west (tho southeast corner of section 1 and northeast corner of section 12) and running thonco west along section lines to the West lino of Box Butte county Objections thereto woro filed signed by Sam uel T. Wright and lifty other. After considering potition and objections and listening to argu ments in person by various peti tioners and objectors, it appears to tho board that it will not bo a benefit to a majority of tho peo ple rosiding within five miles of said proposed road, theroforo tho board denies said petition. Complaint boing niado that road No. IS was obstructed be tween sections 8 and 17 township 2(5 range 52, tho elork was in structed to notify (ho road over seer to remove audi obstructions and causae tho road to be worked as a public highway. James Uollinralce, Chr'mn Board County Commis.-ioners. Attest: F. M. Phelps, Co. Clerk. Oct. 7, 189(5. Board met as per adjoin nment All members present. Resignation of L. II. Moshor, J. P. Lako precinct was read and accepted. Comity treasurer was authorized to transfer S90 from the bridge fund to county general fund. T"fc I I ill J n-w x-ouuon was presented oy u. v. Erb and fifty others asking that a public road be opened commenc ing at range lino between ranges 47 and 48 at tho southwest cor ner of section G township 25n, range 47, and running thonco east six miles and terminating on tho county line at tho outhpat corner of section 1 township 25n, ranee 47 west. After duo ex amination the board considers that tho public good requires the opening of such lino and as auth orized by section 3G chapter 78, compiled statutes of Nebraska for year 1895, thay declare such lino to bo open for public travel. Tho clerk is instructed to notify tho road oversee r accordingly, nnd also publish for four consecutive ; weeks a notico to land owners along such lino requiring them to filp claims if any for damages within sixty days. j W. C. Mounts was appointed i constable for first ward precinct, , Allianco. Bond of W. C. Mounts as constable was also examined and approved. T i.., Report of Supt a. j'j. nneinnn, i A. 33. .Tlllin 1 fn fnK 1 nvnnn'nn,! and approved. Hoard ordered warrant drawn on poneral fund for S-I2 in favor of George Y. Duncjin to paj' premium duo insurance company of Nortli America on policy covor iiifj court liouso ana furniture. Hoard adjourned for dinner. Afternoon session. All mem bers proent. Hoard ordered warrant drawn on general fund for $50 in favor of Geo. V. Duncan to pay trans portation of Mrs. Moudry and family to Manitowac, Wis., tlioy being paupors and it boin; their desire to ro to that placo wliore the- have rolativaa. Calvin 'J. Wildly NEW STORE! :: NEW GOODS I New Prices! . New Everything! Always Leads and Never Follows ! A TON PIONEER- Hardware and TlIK U1.DK9T JiSTAnMMniKNT IN Till! COUNTY ' Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoyes, Paints, Oils, Glass, tn. Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth. Fred frog CABINET BOTTLED BEER A High Grade Lager:;Beer, Purest in the Market- PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Oflicc 1007 Jatskson Strcot, Omalin, Nob, Claim iJOUo J rank blumelc, rcprs for poor 8001 .A. ouiiiiuiiiuurir, uvsr uibu xo l Ci ..I. - I. . . Jl ! . 11 C0G5 Goo II Lee, elk election 9-i 3000 It Abbott, supplies poor houso yoo? 1H)GS Siinonson Bros., coal for paupers, IJ009 J A Bull, wood for court hausu, 3070 Siinonson Bros., coal for poor, :072 A E Woodbury, mattress. 1 25 307.' JHII Howett.eosts.ntato vs Alex'nd9r4 50 3074 Ant Monwa, ovsr (list C 30 3075 G W Rugnw, ovsr dist 30 27 75 3070 P H Zobol, sup't poor farm 170 9,0 3077 C "W Sisley. iudiro election 1895 4 i 3079 Boll & Achoson, sup'ls for pau)ors 13089 GO Bell, 3062 Siinonson Bros.. co:ll. n -..m i' o i U' .""ma! , N.iay 0W Jjruu 3080 A Sherwood, haulins: coal 1 3087 A E Neeland, co sup't 279 85 30S8 Thos O'Koofo, printing, 55 09 ,309 " 10 3090 II H Piorce, livory, 2 50 3092 W D Rumor, supplies for poor 10 75 3093 Millor & Wildy, car hard coal 21o 05 3094 H II Pierce, stato vs Alexander 5 80 , 3094 Clark Olds, ' 4 50 3095 Janios Ilollinrako, srves as com'r 12 10 13090 James Barry, " 19 3097 G W Duncan, supplies for poor, - 3 25 3098 G W Duncan, services as com'r 22 i nnd on county bridge fund tho following: 3031 Thos Botobonnor, lumber, 9 3085 Clark Olds, iron, 1 50 On motion board adjourned JAMES IIOLLINRAKE, Olmirmuu Board Co. Atlogt: F. M. PHELPS, County UHRIG, Saddlery. T-A,-BrJ'i Company nfai rm ' Amt Al'd . 5 2 94 4 3 50 5 75 170 3 5p 4 45 12J 4 50 27 50 Tax 5 W'nt frra s o 4'Ot 2 94: 4 H 50 5 75 170 3 50 4 45 125 4 50 27 50 27 75 10190 4 5 90 10 45 75 102 50 7 40 279 85 55 09 10 2 50 10 75 215 05 5 80 4 50 12 10 19 3 25 22 9 4 3 50 5 (u 170 3 50 .4.45 'J. 75 J01 90 4 5 90 10 45 75 1G2 50 7 40 279 85 55 09 10 2 50 10 75 215 05 5 80 4 50 12.10 19 3 25 -oo 9 150 5 90 10 45 75 it- U.y 102 5' 7 41 150 to moot at 9 a. m Dec. 3, 18G0. Coro'rs, Olork. Brewing