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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1896)
llrfalb ol. & HEMINGFORD, BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. SEPT, 25, 1896. NO- 31 V ib" Ambtotle said: "Money oxista by law, not by nature." Tho Custor County Chtof has Como out flat '.footed for Bryan ,aud Bismarck said iu 1891: "I havo always boon in favor of an intern a tional agreement for the restora tion of silver as a money njetal, uud if it cannot bo had without England's help, then wo ought to restore silver without her." Mn. Heed, of Maine, said, refer ring to tho closing of the Indian mints, "wo havo learned from that object lesson that the yellow man using white money holds at his mercy tho industry of the white man using yellow money" McKinley talks to about as many strangers at his home every day as Bryan does by chasing after them from city to city with a special train charted at the ex pensoof the silver' kings. Alli ance Guide. Now Bro. Paradis you know as vffiW as anybody that Mr. Bryan has not and nover did have a special train at his disposal. 'Tis true he has a special car which is attached to regular trains and it is necessary that he should have. You also know that those "many strangers" are rounded up and carried to "visit" McKinley on a special train and everything is as free as water. Yes, why don't McKinley chaso ,the people ground a while? Is it because those "many strangers" and special trains keep him at home or is it because he is afraid to meet 3x1 honest, liberal-minded man like W. J. Bryan in joint de bate.' McKinley is afaid to como out of his hole und the, people lmow it Is This a Free Country? Colxlen, III., Sept. 18. James Davis, William Wiker, Thomas Smith and Charles Fuller, resi dence of this place, employed as truck-layers by the contractors lay ing tho steel of the new double truck of the Illinos Central between Makunda and Dongolu, were noti fied this morning by their foreman, McCoy, to report to him und re ceive checks for their time. Twelve non-resident laborers re ceived tho same notice. McCoy informed them that the only rea son that he could give for their dis missal was that fbey wore advocat ing the cause of Bryan and free silver too freely. Their places wore promptly filled by Italians. Ab soon as the news reached this place the Bryan followers became very angry and excitement is at fever heat to-night. "If any man dare say that 371 grains of pure silvei are not a dol lar's worth, let him be challenged with the question whether that amount of uncoined silver will not purchase as much as the average of twenty-five of the great staples of the Americai market, including real estate and labor, as the samo silver would havo purchased twenty five years ago? Let him answer that truly, ,or 'forever afterward hold his peace. As n, matter of fact the uncoined silver in the American dollar will buy more of the average of our great staples than tho same would havo bought in 1875. The claim that gold coin is the 'sound monoy,' the 'honest money,' of the world, and that sil verreal, primary silver money, of our old statutory ratio is dis honest and unsound money, is the most false, us it is tho most adroit, proposition over put forth by in terested parties to defraud tho peo ple of tho great nation.'' John Clark Jlidpajn. T THE SILVER ELCfOnAOl VOTE. PllODUCTION OP 8ILVE II Gold States ((.haded ).'.... 151 STATES. BUvor States (black) 22t 100 per cont ot all the Gold. 100 por cent of all tho Silver. Doubtful (white) 70 100 per cent of all t!ie Cotton. blDTporcentof &U tho Corn. Total 447 jf, ga por cent of all U10 Wheat. Nocewar, for election 224 M per cent of all the Bar ley. ' 87 per cent of all tho Oats, THE HERALD BULLETIN. Carlisle on Parity. Travels in Mexico. The trado situation Britain backs down. Kerns visits McKinley. What women talk about. A short financial cateohism. Connecticut gold men resign. Pennsylvania miners cut their pay. Labor's wages and monomet allism. Protecting embassies and other news. Personal Mention. Coote Mulloy was up from Alli ance Tuesday. Miss Anna Wohlers spent Sun day in Alliance. Tho young folks had a dance at Phil Michaels Friday evening. Mrs. Tash and daughter Em ma visited Allianqo friends Sun day. Mrs. Lchr has been suffering with heart trouble for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Book of Girard visited Hemingford friends Sunday. Dr. Miller was in town Sunday Ho was on his way to his ranch in Sioux county. Harry Mollring, of Craword, tarried in town Tuesday night on his way to Alliance. Mrs. Switzerand Miss Jessie Sweeney returned from their outing in the hills Friday. Agent Copeland wishes to dispose of "his" pntire stock of laundried shirts, collars, cuffs, etc., at cost. Chairman 1. E. Tash wpnt to Lincoln this morning to attend a meeting of tho republican state central committee. The Ladies Aid of tho Congre gational church will meet at the hjme of Mrs. Gilman Thursday afternoon Sept. 1st. Mrs. A. 0 Tytler arrived, from Great Falls' Mont., this morning and will visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Friel . Frank Mrachek, of Edgemont, W. H. Roberts, Stockton, 111., and E. W, Hawley renewed for pin: Heiialu this week. DOQ WITH THE GOLDEN TAIL. P SILVER ' Q DOUBTFU. B GOLD. Will the Tail Wag the Dog or the Dog tle Tail ? Amonnt of mortgago debt on farms ., Amount of public debt... Amonnt of money in the , United States Including gold, Bllror Mrs. W. D. Johnson gave a quilting party to her many friends last Saturday. A very pleasant time is reported. Mrs. Johanna Katen, aged 72 years, was buried at Dunlap cemetery "Wednesday, Sept. 23, Rev. Edw. S. Muenich officiatincr. :uy - JU Dr. Blanchard returned from Lusk Tuesday and will remain for ten days only. All who do sire dental work done should see him at onco. Orville Kidwoll has concluded that Box Butto is good enough for him and will remain here. Ho purchased tho O'Keefe farm south of town last week. Rev. T. J. Huzelton and wife arrived from Bassott "Wednesday to remain permanently. Mr. Hazelton is Rev. Kendall's suc cessor in the M. E. church. Rev. E. E. Preston, who is Roa. Coolidge's successor in tho Congregational church, preached his first sermon in Hemingford Sunday. Afr. Preston is from Topeka, Kan. Bushnell & Sherwood's dray toain ran away Saturday, wreck ing the wagon quite badly. Mr. Sherwood injured himself while runing after the team and is now using crutches.' Dean, tho 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Alexander died on Friday Sept. 25th, of mem braneous croup after a short ill ness. Dean was a bright little follow and tho bereaved parents have tho sympathy of a largo number of friends. Messrs. Cady. McColl and Tefft, republican candidates for Congress, governor and lieuten ant governor respectively, will speak at tho court house next Monday at 2 p. m. Everybody should turn out and hear their argument (?) and critory. Judge Neville, of Lincoln, can didate for judge of the supremo court will speak in Hemingford Friday, Oct. 2nd at2p. m. Judge Neville is one of the best known and ablest men in the state and all should como and hoar the "anarchist." Wo esiwcially in vite our goldbug friends and as sure thorn that it will not require a pass to got in and Jhat they will bo welcome, VALUE OK FARM raobucrs. Gold State. .. . ... $ 418,300,0Co SUver State 3,011,703,488 8 fl,0l9,70,085 17,174 ,870,00) $23,104,550,1175 $ 1,004,131,00-3 and paper. -The Utahtan. State Elections Thus Far. Pluralities. Gains. 1891. 1896. 1890. Oregon.. 15,000,r. 2,300,r. 12,000,cl. Alabama 27,G00,d. 40.000,d. 10,000,d. Vermont 28,000,r. 30,0Q0,r. ll,000,r. Arkansas 48,000,d. 7i),U00,d. 22,000,d. Mtilno... 38,000.r, 45,000,r. 7,000,rj Total democratic gains to cjato 63,000 Tocal rep ublican gains to date 18,000 The Herald received a letter from W. H. Roberts, a former citizen of this county, who is now residing near Galena., 111. Mr. Roberts asks "will Bryan carry Nebraska and Kansas" and adds ' here ho has gained some silver republicans and lost some gold democrats, but I think ho has gained two for every one ho has lost in $s county." This news is from tho old home of General Grant. "We informed Mr. Roberts that Bryan would carry Box Butte county by 150 and Ne braska by at least 50,000. After tho Palmer speaking at Alliance a prominent McKinley republican of this city was hoard to remark, "By George, I've at tended a great many republican rallies but that was the 'rattiest' one I over saw; if they can't send out a man who can produce more argument and make a bettor im pression than Palmer dicj; they better not send any." And just then an old soldier chipped in "Yes' Johny Bull ought to send out good orators anyhow because it takes a 'dandy' to cram his argument down tho throats of Americans." Box Butte Items. Mr. Blair was in Hemingford Monday. Clarence Snedekor is working in the Alliance grocpry. Rev. Glasnor wus visiting friends in this vicinity last week. Mrs. Will Johnson gave a quilt ing last Saturday and all report a pleasant time. Mrs. Atkin drove to Hay Springs Saturday and was accom panied home by Mr. Atkin who has been away for several months. Rev. Gammon who has been tho pastor of tho M. E. church for tho past year has boon sent to Alliauco and Rev. Conuoll is to take charge of tho work at tljitj place. Calvin J. Wildy NEW STORE I :: NEW GOODS ! New Prices! . New Everything! Always Leads and Never Follows ! T ANTON UHRIG, PIONEER Hardware and Saddery, Till! ULD1C8T JiSTABMSHMKNT IN TUB COUNTY Charter. Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Bar Wire the Best on Earth. - if t Fred Krug Brewing CABINET BOTTLED BEER A High Grade Lager jBeer, Purest in the Mf ket. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Offico 1007 fycluon Street, Omaha, Neb. EVERYTHING... That a Woman's Heart Can Desire to be Found in my Stock cf Goods. Call and see the iramonse variety of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods Shoes, Notions, Groceries, Brand Now and CHEAP. C, A BURLEW. TO RENT. The undersigned will rent his farm in Sec, 12-B0-48, at Wauatah nostofficc, Dawes county, for the year 1897. Will furnish seed, teams and machinery if required. TlIEO. GlBBINS, Wanatah, Neb. Bring in potatoes on subscrip tion. All parties desiring to make final proof canhayG their papers mado out at The Hehald office, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to the land offico. MNaNKiftk i jayt ".' ' . TUTTLE & TASH Attorneys - at - Law, HfJUJHGFORD. NEBRASKA. L. W. BOWflAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms and rcsidenco in Draver block, up Btaijrs. Speciol attention; given to dis eases of children . Now fehort Line to Helena, Butte Spokane, Seattle and Taconia. C3t.-3L.8a "W. O. Tltxio Octrd. Xo, 41, pRwntHr arrives uV l-Xi a. in, " nireiKni " 4R freluht nrrlvijs at a; lu p.m. 10.-2S a. ni. No. 41 paseenger arrives at :W a. m. wfnlKht " ll:Wp. in. ' 4T frHKht urrlves ai s:li . in All TfKuUr traiu irry pneer. W. M. CowttiAND, Agen' MAIL DIllKOTOltY. HrMlhOFORD poatotlieo. On week dj door owns at 7 a. m.. ueneral deHrerjr opens at H a. ni. and cloous at 8 p. m. Open Sundays 0 tu JUa. w. llEMiNoroiiD asu Box llCTTii stagedallr eiwpt Sunday. ItcMiNoroBD asd Dutcn stag., Menda YUaday ana Friday. ' wvciv wrttivn Company