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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1895)
H IN & 4 h A Sta From Boyhood. ' (From ho ItcU Wing. Minn., Itorutllcan.) "I am now twenty-four years old," Bald Edward Rwnnnn. of Will to Hock, Goodhue County, Minn., to a Republican representative, "and ns you can see I am not very large of stature When I was eleven years old 1 became afflicted with n sickness which baffled the ilk VI I j anu Knowledge or the physician, i was not taken suddenly 111 but on the con trary I can hardly state the exact time when It began. The first symptoms were pains In my "back and restless Mights. The disease -did not trouble ma much ut first, but It seemed to have Bettlcd In my body to stay and my bitter experience during the last thirteen years p. oved that to be the ease, I was of course a child and never dreamed of the sufferings In store for me. I complained to my parents and they concluded that In Ume I would outgrow my trouble, but When they heard me groaning during ny sleep they became Thoroughly alarmed. Medical advice -whs sought but to no avail, I grew rapidly worse and was Boon unable to move about and finally became confined continually to my bed. The bust doctors that could be liad were consulted, but Hid nothing for me. I 'tried various kinds of extensively advertised patent medicines with but the ame result. "For twelve long years I was thus a iifferer In .constant agony without re spite, abscesses farmed on my body In :rapld succession and .the world Indeed looked very dark ito mo. About this 'time when all hope was gone and noth ing 'Seemed left 'but tto resign myself to my mo3t 'bitter fate my attention wan 'called to Br. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Like a drowning man ;grasplng at a straw. In sheer despera tion I concluded to make one more at temptnot to regain my health (I dare 'not to hope so 'much) but If possible to ease my pain. "I bought a box of the pills and they Beemed to do me good. I felt encour aged and continued their use. After taking six boxes I was up and able to walk around the house. I have not felt Bd well for thirteen years as during the past year. Only one year have I taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I am able now to do chores and attend to light duties. "Doll hesitate to let you publish what I have said? No. Why should I? It Is the truth and I nm only too glad to let other sufferers know my experience. It may help "those whose cup of misery Is as full to-day as mine was In the past." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, In a condensed form, all the elements neces- sary to give new life and richness to the bloo'd and restore shattered nerves. 'They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. Pink Pills are sold In boxes (never in loose bulk) at 60 cents a box Or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all drug gists, or direct by mall from Dr. Wil liams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, 'N.-Y Wlmt 11 (Should Take. A magistrate of Edinburgh, contem porary with "Lang Sandy Wood," emi nent 'physician, planned how to get from the latter n prescription wltliouia fee. Taking advantage of a custom of the time, he invited bandy to take his meridian with him in a "change house" near the Cross. Over tlio wine he pave a Ion? accountof his ailments, to which Wood listened in grim.silence. At last he nut the direct question: "Doctor, what do you. think I should talc'V ' ,'Tak!" exclaimed Sandy, "why? if ye're as ill as ye say, I think yo should take medical advice." . The Tditest Sonatlon. The surprisingly low rates offered by the Nickel Plate rond to Boston and re turn account. Knights Templar con clave and a choice of forty routes. Tickets on sale Aug. 19th to 25th Inclu sive; longest return limit; service strict ly first-class, bleeping car space re served In ndvance. For further Infor mation address J. Y. Calahan, General Agent. Ill Adams street, Chicago. All Obtdleto CuRtnm. The old-time custom oftho clergy man who performed the marriage cere mony saluting the bride with a kiss lias gone entirely out of favor and fash ion. Ladies' Home Journal. ' Clmlro of ltoutes. To, Knights Temp'ar conclave, lioston, via tuoXiciel P.ato road, embracing Clmutau cmu La'.c, .iagara Fals, 'lhouhnud Is. anils, ltar Id ot the St. Lawrence, Saratoza, IV Uailcrf of tlio Hudson, Hoosae 'funnel, and ride through the Borkuhlro HiV.s by day light. 'I icotn on sale Aug. 10th to 25tli in clusive. Lowest rates, quick tinio and tervii-o nnexiollcd, including palace slcep- in and dining ears. Address J, Y. Ca a .linu, Gcnernl Atent, 111 Adams street, Chit-ago, lor further information. Dr. Max Nordnu writes a "Reply to My Critics" in the August number of ;.the Century. His book on "Degcnern tion'lluis called out a lnrge amount of simply abusive criticism, and while he pays his respects to such writers, he gives serious answers to several objec tions.which have been urged ngainst his theories. Dr. Xordon thinks that the-prascnt epidemic of hysteria and degeneration is due to the over-exertion of ithe last sixty years: and that, while it is not the first .phenomenon of its kind, :it is more dangerous than the previous. ones because it has gained a far greater headway. Pllliard tab.e, second-hand, for sale cheap. .Apply to or address, H. C. Akix, till 8. l'.th St.,Oninba, Nob. Theso JtKsomuthlng tlio hort of the man who t,ets mail at the truth. The cultivation of tolaccotis prohibited in Eypt. flafll Kxeuralen t lioaton. The Knights Templar conclave will be held in Boston from Axtg. 2fith to 30th dnclustve. Tickets will be on sale via the Nickel Plate road ixcan Aug. 19th o 25th Inclusive. Rates -always the lowest: through trains; dm wing-room eleeplng-cans; unexcelled UnIng-cars; side trips to -Chautauqua. Lake, Niag ara Falls, aivd Saratoga without addi tional expense. For additional infor mation rntl nn .or nrldrpR -T. V. Pala- ban, General Acsnt, 111 Adax&n street, H -.lil.o,-n Til 1 W,.40V, . Tlio August Atlantic Monthly con tains several articles which are calcu lated to create widespread interest. One of the most striking contributions is by Jacob D. Cox on iiow Judge 11 car Ceased to bo Attorney-General. Mr. Cox was a member of Grant's cabinet with Judge Hoar, and this paper is an important ehapter in our recent polit ical history. Percival Lowell, in his fourth paper on Mars, tries to answer the question, la Mars Inhabited, and, if bo, by what kind of people? Tlio second of Mr. I'cabody'a papers. is on French and English Churches. Jlough too, Nifllin & Co., Boston. JACK TOAVNER'S debt. HAT debt was an affair of lone stand ing, for It had been mad" years before Jack Towner's birth, so that It could not be looked upon as a strictly personal m a 1 1 er with himself. His father, and Park Wright's had had trouble years ago over a piece of land down near the swamps upon the flats below. The stream, which had been used as a boundary line was really the Innocent prime cause of the mischievous burden, If they had looked at It In that light; but they did not.'nnd when, after a big flood, the fickle stream forsook Its old bed for a new one on the Towner side, the wrath of Jack's father knew no bounds, because Park's father took ad vantage of Its shifting, and laid claim to the fertile corner which had thus been transferred to his side. Of course Jack's father had felt him self wronged, and he went to law about It; but Park's father won the suit, and the costs, as well as the loss, fell upon Mr. Towner. The bit of land was not worth the quarrel and the hard feelings, but Mr. Towner considered his n righteous In dignation, and he nursed It a Ufe-tlme. It grew, as such things will, until each family, feeling sure It was the ag grieved party, held only bitterness and hate for the other. Jack's father had declared he would pay Jason Wright back for the theft, ns he termed It, nnd so every opportunity for suits for damages was Indulged In, sometimes with success upon one side, sometimes upon the other, but In each case with a growth of 'the bitter feel ings; and the debt, In Mr. Towner's heart, had a heavy weight of Interest added to it. It was too heavy, In fact, for two boys to shoulder, as did Park and Jack when their fathers died and they took up the cudgels of the old light. Jack was thinking over It one lnte September morning, ns he saw Park Saunter by contemptuously. Hinging a stone at his dog. "Poor Bruno!" said Jack. "Every thing he does only adds to the debt. He thinks he can push me aside even In boating and base ball; but I'll be square with him yet," he ended, fiercely, stalk ing gloomily back to the bouse. "It would "be better If we did not live JTJI SET THE EXAMPLTS BT WAD ING OFF. here," said his mother, anxiously look ing nt him; ".this old trouble has made you so cross and bitter. I wish you would let the matter go." "Let It go, as If it were nil right?" he exclaimed. "Never! When 1 have paid him back for it, 1 will let It drop, not be fore." "When you 'have done a -wrong. It will not make it right," she wearily an swered. "I wish It were settled." "Well, -when I get a good chance, It will be," he replied, determinedly, as he left the room. A minute later he looked In again. "I am going down to the flat hunting snipe. Won't be home till late," 'he said, and disappeared again. Neither he .nor his companion, Jim Peters, had bagged a 'bird, after a couple of hours' wading about over the marshy land, whlch.Jtae stream, swollen by late rains, had ovorilowji until It was a miniature lake. The only bird hit "by them hod fallen beyond reach and was sailing down the current, "Gone" down io ilodge In that old wil low, I suppose," imuttered Jack. "We may as well go home." Bang! went a -gun just then -from the opposite side of the marsh, as It seemed. "Most likely irt Js Park. He never hears my gun without getting out his. He's down toy the gorge, I expect. That has drifted right down to him. Every thing seems to go straight Into his hands now tout It won't always be so." Bang! The gnn was fired again. "Game's lively," remarked Jim, "But whoever It la, he had 'bettor "be getting back. The water Is rising mighty fast. Let's be going." Bang! bang! The reports followed each other In quick succession. "Can't be he's killing anything. Some thing must be up," Jack remarked. "Yes: water's up. and It's going to be higher. We'd better be getting out of this before we have to swim," Jim set the example by wading oft toward the mainland, holding his gun out of the water. "Current Is setting In strong, too," he observed, as he stemmed along. Jack In his wake. "Those pieces coming down look as If there had been a fresh flood above," Jack said, as some fence boards were seen on the surface of the stream. Bang! bang! "Say, Jim. do you suppose anybody's down the fiats alone?" Jack queried, stopping abruptly. "He'd better not be, the flood's going to be much higher to-night. Come on," Jack moved slowly. He knew these flats what they were In slight floods, crossed as they were by a net work of ditches for drainage. If anybody was down there and did not know how to swim, It would be a pretty tough matter getting back to the mainland. Bang! bang! "Look here, Jim, you take my gun with you. I'm going back. I don't be leve anybody's foolish enough to hang about the marsh Just for fun." "And get caught yourself? We're out none too soon, I think. Father says Chester dam is leaking, and I don't want to be In Its way if it breaks. If that's Park, I should think you'd Jet him look out for hjmself. He would you. Pay him back In Ills own coin." Jack hesitated. It must be Park, and here wa a iliance to pay him back. iSgP- w . i He took n few steps, stopped again, thrust his Rim Into Jim's hands, and turned back. "I'm curious to sec who It Is, any how," he said, nfl ho waded off. "Well, if that lstft a foolish thing to do!" was Jim's comment, ns he hurried off the marsh. Jack knew his ground, nnd, carefully avoiding the deep ditches, he struck the logs which nt Intervals crossed them. It was quite a distance down the flat thnt ho had gone, and the water was waist deep. Then bang! went the gun again, nnd tho flash showed him where the gunner was In the low crotch of the old Wil low, beyond what was known as the "Deep Hole." "Halloal" Jack called. "Halloa!" came back, quickly. "Who Is It?" "Park Wright," was the answer. ". am treed by the water. I don't know my way out. Who Is it?" he asked, in return. There was no reply for a moment. Jnck stood on a submerged stump, looking at the willow and Its occupant. He knew that Park could not swim, and here the fellow was, afraid to try and find his way out because of the holes and ditches he must cross. "Hurry up. If you can help a fellow out," cried Park. "It's Jack Townerl" Jack replied, In a half-exultant shout. "He heard a despairing "Oh," fol lowed by "I needn't expect help, then." Of course Pnrk needn t expect help. Jack was master now, and Park might get out by himself If he wasn't such a coward. Here was a chance to pay "Bo-o-o-m!" What was that noise? Wns it Ches ter dam? It was a mile away; but that big pond would soon be down there. "Hold on! I'm coming!" cried Jnck, making a rapid circuit to the tree. "Climb down here. It Isn't over your head. Do Just as I say, and don't lose your senses. Hurry!" "The dam has broken," Park said, faintly, as he stood trembling by Jack's side. "Never mind. Come on!" It was not far across the marsh, which narrowed here to what was called the gorge, but It was deep nnd the dull, rushing roar was growing louder. Grasping Park's hand, Jnck struggled on, slipping, but Instinctively finding the old farm bridge across the first deep ditch. The current was Increasing, but they scrambled on, now Into another ditch, but up again, to flounder Into new holes. The water was growing shnllower, but Just then It heaved suddenly nbout them, and almost threw them off their feet as they struck a bank. To struggle up It and on to a rocky terrace above was a task, but Jack did It, dragging Park after him, Just as the widening, deepening torrent swept by with a mass of trees and boards upon Its surface. "Good for you!" Jack exclaimed, above the roar, as they clambered up higher out of Its reach. "You kept right along at my heels flrst-rate," he added, as a vent to his excitement. "Yes, with you holding me up," Park stammered. "It Isn't such a sweeping big flood as some, but we'd stood a poor chance If It had caught us," Jack continued. "Say, Jack Towner, what made you help me out?" suddenly asked Park. 'I-I'm not cne to let any fellow drown. If 1 can prevent It," was the evasive re ply. "We'd better be getting home ward. Folks will be worried if they hear the dam Is gone." "All right; but I won't forget this," was Park's brief answer. And the two found the road around the bluff, across the "bridge and to their homes. In complete silence. The next morning Jack was giving his mother the details of his adventure, ns they stood looking over the mud cov ered flat, when they heard Park Wright call excitedly: "Jack Towner, come down to the flat; I've something to show you." Jack -slowly obeyed, and followed him down across the marsh. An hour afterward he dashed Into the room, followed by Park. "What do you think, mother?" he cried. "The stream hns gone back into the old bed. The flood cut a channel Just deep enough-to stay there now." "And -whether It does or not, I'm going to have papers drawn up to-day, bo that the stream won't make any more trouble hereafter," Park added, eagerly. -"I'd made Tip my mind to that last night, but it got ahead of me. We're going to drop the old trouble though, here." . The two hoys clasped the each other's hand for a sea! to the decision, "So It is settled, and I am so glad," said Jack's mother, as Park left them. "If only your father and his could have thought so long ago that It would he easier to drop It than to hold on to It." "Yes," mused Jack; "and I'm think ing, suppose I had paid him back Inst night." "I think you did," was her simple re ply. Wlmt All ShPipanl? Medical skill 1b baffled by an affile tlon which has befallen George Shop pard, a McKeesport, Pa., mill mar. Last Thursday night Sheppard retire 1 in good health. Late In the night he was aroused by a stinging sensation in tho neck, under the right ear. Ho thought a mosquito had bitten him, but the pain in his neck Increased, and he arose and lighted the lamp. He felt dizzy and faint and thought he would arouse his wife, but, to his hor ror, he discovered he had been bereft of the power of speech. Doctors havr been in constant attendance since. bu'k admit the case puzzles them.. JThey call it paralysis of the vocal muscles. Sheppard has recovered bis general health, hut little knots have formed on either side of hia neck. It is feared his speech and hearing are forever lost Will Walk Around the Ilurtli. O. T. Swanson and H. P. Oidley have started from Kansas City on a novel trip around the world. They expect to walk every foot of tho Journey, ex cept when water interferes, and will start out penniless. They will eat and sleep In a tent and expect to defray a portion of the expenses of the trip from advertisements of prominent American firms to be riJppJuyed on the outside ul the tent. A HOUSTON SENSATION. the l'lrst Pair Woinun HlryclUt Been Upon the: filroMs. Lightly sho trippod down tho stairs, almost as noiselessly ns If unshod, nnd stood upon the Inst step watching a man movo a bicyclo from tho entrance of n staircase nnd place another within her reach, says n Houston special. Sho glided to tho edge of tho sidewalk, mounted her wheel, nnd ho followed. Just then a volco from n group of mon said, "Look at that!" All turned their eyes in tho direction Indicated and be hold a young womnn woarlng bloomors, n cap, blousa waist closely fitting, black stockings, nnd a pair of whoollng slip pers. It was 8:30 o'clock p. m. and Bho had come down from above a Main street store, and with her escort start ed toward tho auditorium, out Main street. As Bho led tho way nnd passed along men stepped out from tho curb ing onto tho driveway nnd with their Btnring eyes followed her along tho street as far as the electric light gavo any satisfaction of seeing. It wob tho first of her box Been on tho Btrcota of Houston In bloomers riding a bicyclo, and to Bay it created a sensation 1b drawing it mildly. From both sides of tho street mon stepped out and looked and exclaimed, "Weill" But nobody had a chnnco to tell of it ns news on tho streets afterward, becatiBo every body seemed to have seen it. No sooner would ono start out by saying, "I saw something JiiBt now that" when tho other fellow would break in, "Yes, I Baw it, too." It croated a gonuino sen sation along tho street and was tho talk of tho gosslpB moBt of tho evening, and many watched for tho lady'B return, hut 8omo hnd to give it up, as thay hadn't tho lime. HE KISSED HER. A Street Set-no That lliitortnlui'il tlio CriMTil. Thcro was a llttlo comedy enacted at tho corner of Ninth and Walnut streets shortly beforo 8 o'clock last evening which was hugely enjoyed by a small but select audience, cays Phila delphia Record. A pretty young lady, with black hair and big brown eyes, had Just left an ndjacont restaurant with a bashful looking young man. Tho latter seemed eager to got away from his fair companion, lint didn't seem to know Just how to go about It. Several people Who were waiting for a car wero startled to hear tho young woman ex claim: "Well, you can't go until you IcIbb me!" Of course, everybody turned to look. Tho bashful looking young man grew very red in tho face, but the dark eyed maiden put up a pair of tempt ing red lips' and wnited for tho oscilla tory salute. "Ah! kiss her!" remarked one of tho bystanders. The bashful youth seemed undetermined whether to take the proffered advico or to take io his heels. Ho finally decided upon tho former course, and stooped over tho patient, upturned face. Then there wa3 a Bound ing smack, a suppressed scream, and tho young man disappeared hastily up Ninth street, while the young woman strolled leisurely out Walnut. Tho Mnn with the .Mink. Men called him saint; they could not sec That with a cloak of virtue, ho Concealed an impure heart, tho while Ho smiled; they know not ho was vile Ono night Death camo and toro tho mask From off his countenance. Friends ask: "Who is it?" shrinking as they traco Tho devil's likeness in his face. Ram's Horn. MORE OR LESS HUMOROUS. A man Is "not a candldnto for presi dent" In the same sense that a woman never expects to marry. Detroit Tribune. 1 "Whnt are you printing there on your lawn mower?" "A motto." "What is it?" "It's a good thing. Push it along." Boston Courier. He (consulting tea cup): "Ah! You are to be married soon." "Mercy me! To whom?" "To me; I came to-day on pur pose to tell you." Life. "I hear you have bought tho farm where you spent the summer. You must have become enamored of the upot." "Not at all. I couldn't afford to pay tho board they charged." Town Topics. , Mudge: "A fellow called me a blamed idiot last night. Would you challenge him If you were I?" Ynbsley: "No. You couldn't be a blamed Idiot, because an Idiot Is not blamable. Therefore, his ntntement Is not worth contending over." Indianapolis Journal. "The Blufllngton trolley road Isn't doing the business thnt It ought to," raid one Investor. "Why, It's paying dividends right along," returned the other. "I know It. Dut that's a .blind. Business must, be very light. They haven't killed anybody for threa weeks." Washington Star. The visitor "I gather that the Bap tists and Methodists are not on the best pf terms here." The native "You bet they ain't. You see, mister, doorln' the dry spell the Baptists allowed they would give a picnic to break the drought. As soon as the Methodists heerd of that they begun prayln' fer rain, an' when It rained on the day of the picnic they tuk and claimed the credit." Cincinnati Tribune. Crook No. 1 "Stealln earrings Is dead easy, but I believe In doln' things In a nice, gentlemanly way. It ma"kes me sick the way some o' these amateur crooks goes to work an' snips off the lobe o a woman's ear -to git the dl'mon', whan they could Just as well snip tho earrln' below the ear." Crook No. 2 "Does seem like unnecessary cruelty." Crook No. 1 .'iCourso It Is, an' that ain't tho worst of It. It hurts the busi ness. Why, when a woman's ears has been cut once, she can't never wear earrings again an' there won't be no i falo Express. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Rcftfad Baking ABSOLUTELY PUBE A Twilight Interview. Twns tho first twilight interview, she swinging in tho hammock on the sido veranda, and he sitting subtnis slroly at her feot with his logs dangling oiT tho boards. "How re freshing at tho closing hour of day," ho gently remarked, "to thus in Bwect companionship nwnit the rising of the stars that will soon fleck tho cerulean dome of heaven with spangles of silver! I would over thus, with thou nt my side, revel in tho glories of the azure azuro as sure as" "What exquisite language," Raid Bho, with a sigh. "How can you alTord it on 80 n week?" Tlio young man was not quite "as suro" ns he was and slid down into tho yard, scaled tho fence and wns seen no more thereabouts forever. Texas Sift lugs. W. it. OKIKFIN. Jotkson. Mlchtaw. writes-. "Suffered whuuittirrh lor fifteen jenrs. Hull's Cnturrh Cure cured niu.'1 Sola by DruiadBis.TSc. Wlirn Iliiilirnlilrrlng l'liimlcd. It is best when working small pan bIcb, not to employ too many colors on ono ilower. For working the two bade petals uro dark rich purple Bhadcs, and tho three lower ones a light yellow, with dark voinings of tho purplo shades; n rich deep maroon or copper color cuu bo substituted for tho purple in another one, which will give an en tirely different effect to tho llowcr. FIT8 AllFltMtortWMlfrrpbyflr.Kllnr'nfltTnt Jvurvo licniorcr. .KoKIUnUi-r itieiirinay'tj,o, MarvWouacuren. TrratUaunilSSirlnltiotlli'h-v'-ti kltcuM.-. btoatoLir.Kllni-,uatArcUbti'lillii.,l'u. As you learu, tench: ns you get, glvo; as you receive, distribute. for Knight Templar. ftvniirulnn In Ttoston Via Nickel Plate rond. Tickets on sale Aug. lDth to 25th Inclusive. Lowest rates; through trains; pnlace Bleeplng-cara; unexcelled service, Including dlnlng cars and colored porters In charge of day coaches. For particulars address J. Y. Calnhan, General Agent, 111 Adams street, Chicago, 111. Tbcro will not to another transit o! Venus until '.'00 1. "Hanson's Wajrlo Corn Salve." Wftrmntnl tp i-uie or motitjr ictumlcd, Ak joar drugfftiit fur It. 1'ilco ISctiiU. An e'oplmnt'B skin, when tannod, is over an itii'h titled. Fruit firnuorft null Hiuull Former. Head what is said ntout a. sreclal num ber of the Urent Northern Itulletln, devoted to tho ii-ult bUMlhesH in the Pacific North west. "lho Fruit Bulletin is a storehouse of facts iutcretiting to our grow em. It is ntao rnlcu'ated to Miow oastorn eoplo that tho Pacific Northwest in 'Htrlctlv In It' as n pro ducer of (itaulo fruits." J, U. Holt, Mnn ntierSnawo Hlver Fruit Association, Wn wawal, Wnnh. "I um tlcightcd with tho Hultatin. I do uot think 1 ever saw auythlnt; more com I rohemdvo on the fruit business. Jly he ilet that the country out hero Is tho best part of tho country for homcseelierH is stronger than ever." H. II. Spalding, 'Irenmiror Htnto Hoard of Horticulture, Almotn, WrhIi This valuable pub'ication will bo rent to any address, together with "Facts About a ti root Country," containing lnreo map, for four cents in postnKe, llv F. I. Whitnky, U. P. &T. A., Great Northern Hallway, St. Paul, Minn. Women hnvo usuallytotter eyesight than men. It tho Ilaby I Cutting Tenth. Seiurti unci un that old (nil wtll-trlod icmxlr, Mm. WikiLoW SOoTiuxa Srnvr for Children Teething. Try to count your mercies, nnd your troubles will boon bo forgotten. A Wise Precaution, Mrs. X. Why, Otto, what aro you doing thcro? You are actually burn ing all tlio iovo letters yon sent me during tho period of our courtship! Mr.'X. I just took up tho letters nnd was reading them through when it occurred to mo that anybody who cared to dispute my will after my dentil would find it quito an easy matter to provo my insanity on tlio basis of these mibhives. Tngllch Itundschuu, i , I. To Clransn tho System Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood Is Impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habltunl constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without lr rltutlng or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds or fevers use Syrup of Figs. Sunflower stalks aro now converted parer. into is made from the best leaf, in the best way, and by the best skill that's why IT'S MUCH THE BEST. Sold everywhere. Made only by the Oldest Tobacco Mfir's in America, and the largest in the world the P. LORILLARD CO. r -j r r r r r T r F T f I f r f ? 1 1 dp niiwii.i ifrlp aa Mil A . L. J I Cabled Field andCab,el,Poll,r''Gar,,enan-Rafcli, , Hog Fence, llcnIUtlc. Figg I should think you would! find it a tcrrlblo bore to shave yourself. Fopjr Ontho contrary. I enjoy it. All I hnvo to do is to ask myself if I will have a hair cut or a aca foam and a shampoo, whether I'll have my mus taeho dyed or curled, and whether I hnvo a razor that wants to be put In order, and then I fill in tho rest of tho time in an interesting conversation with myself in regard to all kinds of things which I know nothintr about. Why, I ntsuro you, I hardly know tho difference from" being in a barber shop. Uoston Transcript. Don't Drag Your Feet, Many men do because tho norvo centers, wci.icncd by tlio long-continued uio of tobacco, become so uficcted that they nro wenk. tired, llfelcs, listless, etc. All tills cun easily ba otcrcomo II the tobacco liter wants to quit nnd Bnin manhood, nerve rower, nnd enjoy vigor ously the good thlnRs of life. Toko No-To-llac, Uunrnntccrt to euro or money rctundod by DrucglstB everywhere Hook free. Address the hiermig KcuicUy Co.,Now York City or Chicago, Atnrrylng On SBO n l.ontli. Yesterday a young man asked mo it it would bo Bafo for him to marry on fivo hundred dollars nnd a salary of fifty dollars per month. I told him I could tell better when I saw the girl. Thcro uro girls who hnvo grown up in enso and who havo kicked great black nnd blue welts in the lap of luxury, yet who aro more ready nnd willing to accept u llttlo rough weather than tho poor girl who ban stood for eighteen years looking out through tho soiled window of life waiting for the rain to rinse it oft nnd let the sunlight through that she might bco her approaching lord.1 Ladies' Homo Journal. win: at, 48 uyi:. oo hush- ELS. Those are good yields, but a lot of farmers have had them this year. You can have them In 1890 by sowing Balser'a lied Cro.-H of the North Winter Wheat, Monster Ryo and Grasses. Sow nowl John A. Balzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wlfl. send catalogue and samples of above free, if you send this notice to them. (W.N.U.) Waste ot time aud words aro tho two greatest expenses in life. I'lso's Cure for Consumption is nn A No. 1 Asthma modielne, W. It. Williams, An tloch, Ills., Arrll u, ISM. Tho millennium would be hero now if we all lived up to Mbnt wo demand from others. Co'i Cough Italiam U tho oldi-nt and bekt, II will break up a Cold qulelb r ion any ttilog else. ltlalways reliable. Try It. Illotting paper is made ot cotton rags boiled in soda. Mathrr npnreelnte thn goad work of rnrkor's Ulngur Tonic, with Its rurlrlnit qunlttle a boon to tho paln-trlckcn,elecplos and nurroux. If your friend don't troat yoa right, eat onlous. .. When you came la reallce Out your corn as-rtgunj, ami no mure pain, how erut ful you feci. All tbmoiltot llludcixiru. lie IIouieokr. Wo desiro to direct your attention to the (Julf Const of Alatama. Our motto; "If you Hiitlol ato a thanRo In location or for iuvcKtmcnt, why not got tho testt Wo have it," nnd in ordor to verify our statement mo aro making extremely low rate -to liomesecken) and Investors that they may make a personal investigation. For par ticular nnd low railroad rates address Tho Union Land Co., Mobile, Ala , or Major T. S. O arkson, Northwestern Agent, Omaha, Netr. GREAT BOOK FREE. When Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., published the first edition of his work, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, be announced that after 680,000 copies had been sold at the regular price, $1.50 per copy, the profit on which would repay him for the great amount of labor and money expended iu producing it, he would dis tribute the next half million free. As this number of copies has already been sold, he is now distributing, absolutely free, 500,000 copies 01 mis a most com- plete, interest uablc common uuui'un ing anu vai No.lll I sense med- ical work ever published the recipient only being required to mall to him, at the above address, this little coupon with twenty-one (ai) cents in one cent stamps to pay for postage and pack ing only, and the book will be sent by mail. It is a veritable medical library, complete in one volume. It contains over 1000 pages and more than 300 illustrations. The Free Edition is precisely the same as those sold at $1.50 except only that the books arc bound in strong manllla paper covers in stead of cloth. Send now before all are given away, They are going off rapidly. StP! h Pfrlrot T nwn V.n. ... -- " ! iw mmmmmm Urstclnis. PltlCESLOW. Catalogue FltK De Kalb Fence Co., 121 High St., DeKalb, II