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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1895)
Memingfa "- For Waichas, Clocks, (Repairing done and satisfaction guarant'tl at the ' City Jewelry St6re and Jewelry aoTojrnE City Jewelry Store VOL 1. HEMINGFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA, VRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1895. NO. 23. mflh i l V 1 tl L j.. J- Offloin.1 Direatory. cotmr (Jas. Harry, 1st DIM. Coromlflaloncra-iJnK. lliillinrako. 2nd Dlst. tt t v a ((jeo.W.Duncau.IrdDlst. Judca D. K. Hpncht. Clurk-J. K. Nonl. Sheriff-;. A. Hall Tnw orer -8. . Libby. , Attorney U. F. Oilman. Coroner P. It. DriecoII. Hiirvoyor- J. 1'. Hazard. Sunt. ofSoboola-lt. i Fillmore. VILLAGE-! , J. T. Plnkorton, Chairman. S.I.Wright, Trustees A Sherwood, Frank Iltiutt. . , . J; H; It. Orecn. Clerk A. Triplct. Attorney W. M. lodenre. Street 8upt.-T. 0. Taylor Ciiiiirpli Directory. "lONGKEOATJONAL. Preaching each nltor VVnato Sunday, bciniilng January. 1, JK)4. at 11 o'clock n. in., nnd at 7 p.m. Siiiidar School nt 10 a. m. rruyer Meeting ench Wednesday nt 7 p. m. CI HUMAN LUTHEltAN: -Services at the Al'onrt House. Uov. Schmedor, pastor. lATIIOLIU:-ltov. Charles Zak Pastor. MrTIIODIST:-Hev J.W. Kendall Pastor I'reiichliiff the second and tonrth Sunday In each month ut 11 a. id., ami 7 p. m. EPlSCOPAL:-Sorvlces In tho Coiifrreeat lonul Church, llov. Pastor. Services on tho third Thursday In each month at 7 p. m. MW. A. Ilosebush Camp No. 2640. Meets . second ami fourth TuesdaV iiiatit of each month. Vlsitlns Neighbors cordially invited. W. M. Iouknce, Clerk. ,f. JIuot, V. C. ,New Short Line ' olenft, Butto Spokane, Seatfc'e ind Taconia. C3-. X. & "W. O. Time OftrU. rabt noufon No. . paisnnRor urrlviws ill " ir.treliilit ' 1 " " 48 trelKiit nrrtvon at? ll:2."tp. m, 6:00 p. in. lo:io a. tn, WEST DOOSD; No, 41 pnscenKernrrlvueut ;2l a.m. " 45frolcht 'i H:5U p. m. " 47 freldit nrrivoa 'at 3:35 p. m. All trainn cufry pieRonKcrs. iqv. WnKATi.2y. .Agent. mail iintujcToay., .. ,... If JlmiNaronrj postofHco. On week dsyi door upeun ai i a. in., general aeuvery opens ai n a. m. and closes at U4i. m. Open Sundays 0 to 10 p. in. r Heminokobd and Jlox Butte stagodaily except Sunday. i IlEMiNoronu A-'" Dcsup stage, Monday Wednesday and, Friday. Business Cards, ytt. illTCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ,,.' Alliance, -:- Nebraska. rSrOflice in Fletcher Block. TUTTJE & TAS3I a Attorneys - at - Law, HEMINGFORD, NEBRASKA. f. A. Blackburn, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Office oyer Wildy's store. IIEMINaFOItD. NEBItABKA. W. G. SIMONSON, Attorney at Law, Alliance, Nebraska. Tncticcs In all the courts and be fore U. S. Land Olllce. E. E. BARR, H. D. Surgeon -AND- A Laryngologist. State University of Iowa 1887. Chicago Polkolinio 1804. suhqkhy and the medical AND SUItOICAL PlSEASES OF the Nose and Thiioat a Rl'ECIALTY. Alliance, - - - Nebraska Standard Liquor Co. 614 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo, Established by II. B, Patterson, 1868. Bour bon and Bye whiskey, brandy, wines, sin, Kum rnel alchol, and rum. Correspondence sollolted wlth'dealers or other Ll3irliiK80xd whildet at reasonablo ; prices Roods tecurely packed and sbipod anywhere u rip eoarantee purity, measure and satisfaction W Jo larpst stoeUB: ,oI old whlckey In Kansas it THE CITY. Mr. Gacldis and wifo visited in tho city Tuesday and Wednesday. Posvar Bros, have invested in a new header and will begin har vesting at once. Geo. E. Zimmerman of Libor ty was doing business in Hem ingfprd, yesterday. D. A. Paul dropped in "Wed nesday and."insisted" with &L 50 for the Herald. Postmaster 0. H. Irion of Lawn, was shaking hands with county seat friends yesterday. Mrs. S. J. Wootton of Mars land visited in Homingford Tues day, the guest of Mrs. H. B. Aus tin. Martin Mjihony and Pat Col lins were in town Thursday. Thoy made this sanctum a pleas ant call. Charley Brennan and Mr. Bal longee, pitcher and catcher for tho Alliance nine, staid in town Tuesday night and attended the entertainment. E. E. Ford, one of tho sound democrats of Lawn pre cinct was in town Monday. Ho informs us that Ford and Wal rod have engaged to cut 500 acres of grain. Mrs. M. E. Hammond called Saturday and subscribed for this "ladies democratic journal". Mi'. Hammond is a republican but says she must have a home paper. Conductor C. B. Dodgo laid over a few "minute's " in 'Homing ford last Monday and found time to call on fho Herald. Mr. Dodge was formorly a member of the "art preservative." Misses Maggie and Mary, and Masters Johnny and Michael Elmore of Alliance, are spending a week with their aunt, Mrs. Lemon. Thoy spent "Wednesday and Thursday in Homingford visiting Mr. and Mrs. O'Keofe. Tho water has been turnod on in tho Mirago Flats irrigation ditch at Dunlap, and several hundred acres of land are being irrigated. It is too late in tho season to do much good but there will be 10,000 acres undor tho ditch next year. Tho cheese makers over atDum lap, will doubtless have a nation al reputation as ball players soon. Last Saturday thoy played a game with Wanatah, playing seven men to their opponents nine, and winning by a score of 55 to 27. Homingford would liko 'to use them just as wo do their cheese. Tho two year girl old of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cpllins of Box Butto precinct died Wednesday of cholera infantum, The fun eral services took place Friday forenoon, interment Homingford cemetery. The bereaved parents have tho sympathy of a largo number of friends. The ball amo Tuesday between Alliance and Homingford was quite interesting. The score stood 9 to 10, favor of Homingford. A big dance was given in the evening and an enjoyable tirao was had by all. The success of tho dance was largely due to tho efforts of Ilarvo and Geo. Goodonough. B. F. Gilman and his brother S. G. left Monday morning for quite an extended western trip. They go tg Hot Springs for a few days and will then ride through Yellowstone Park on bicycles and afterwards visit relatives at Great Falls, Montana. Tho boys are novices with wheels and wo predict for them a worse time than Carl Smith, the World Her ald's correspondent is having at Jackson's hole, Mrs. Gilman was as near to bo ing angry, last Tuesday, as sho over gets. B. F. had chopped her enough wood to last during his absonco, but during tho night somo enterprising neighbor, who doubtless boloivos in a moro equal division of property botween tho rich and tho poor, appropriated tho lion's share of tho pile. Mrs. Gilman says sho wouldn't caro if tho wood had not boon cut but tho idea that somo other good woman, will cook hor broad by tho sweat of Benjamin's hon est brow, worries her. At a mooting of tho directors of thoBoxButto Co. Agricultural Society held at tho court house July 81st it was decided to mako an exhibit at tho State Fair to bo hold at Omaha, Sept. 18 to 20. Tho Directors of tho different precincts wero requested to mako a special effort to collect tho best samples of products in their vi cinities and in as largo quanti ties as possible. Messrs Olds, Tash, Winton and Shei'wood wore olected as a committee to interview tho county commis sioners and ask their assistance in making the exhibit a success. Tho people in general are re quested to bring in samples of tho best products and deliyor to I. E. Tasli who will receive and care for them. Berea Soraplngs. Tho Misses Lillio and Edna Johnson are attending tho institute this week. The section- gangs all along the line aro cutting down and destroy ing the Russian thistle according .to law Quito a deal was made botween W. II. Jewott and a Mr. Scott last .week, tho former buying 24 hoad q cattle of the latter. Several of tho farmers around here arc thinking of going down on the Yankton reservation to take up land. Bettor Blay whoro you aro hoys, if you know when you well off. Wo understand that May Davis of Alliance, is ongaged to teach the next term of school in district No. 12. She is reputed to he a first class scholar and an accom plished lady. Wo all smoke No 5 cigar. Representative McMillan, of Ten ncsseo, is enthusiastic over the dem ocratic outlook, in his state as well as in tho country at large. He says: "The people of Tennessee aro in the best of good humor over the magnifi cent crop and the improved condition of business. Our iron furnaces are in active operation, and that Is about the best evidence of business revival. I feel confident that a new era of in dustrial prosperity is about to set In, and twelve months from wv we will have forgotten all about tho great panic. In fact, it will be surprising if 1890 doesn't turn out to be a regu lar boom year. Tho good times will be a powerful ally of tho democratic party in next year's struggle. With the nation enjoying a high degree of prosperity It will be dlfllcult to rob the party In power of the credit. The democrats will go Into tho campaign with the confidence born of popular approval, while the republicans will have lost the effective cry of hard times." NOTICE. The Central Committee, of tho peoples' party of Box Butto coun ty will meet at tho court house Saturday, Aug. 10th, at 2 o'clock p. m., to fix tirao and placo for a convention to elect delegates to tho judicial and state conventions, to bo hold on tho 26th and 28th of August 1895. G. W. Waihneh, Chairman Co. Com. Shoes of all kinds, styles and prices. Can fit any foot and pocket book, W, K. Hebxoall. Alliance News. Rogister Wehn started Sunday night for Wilbor, Neb., on busi ness of importance. Frank Landers of Lincoln, an old Illinois friend of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Smyser paid thorn a visit last Friday. All of Mr. and Mrs. MikoEl mot'o's children aro rusticating with their aunt Mrs. John Lcm- orisjnoar Homingford. Mrs. Coutant returned homo last week accompanied by hor sister Miss Mosor who will ro main during tho summer. Mrs. W, G. Simonson ontor taincd a number of hor lady friends at hor homo on Tuesday afternoon in n vory pleasant manner. Mrs, Ed Molloriug, and her sister "Mrs. Root arrived in tho city Sunday morning, Mrs. Mol loring roturning from hor visit to Nebraska City and Mrs. Root to TesMo hero, her husband hav ing accepted a position with Field's Pharmacy. Street Commissioner Kennedy is having Russian thistles romov ed from all tho streets. Peoplo should now havo prido enough about them to remove tho weeds from around their promises. For general' neatness and cleanlinoss, Alliance can easily take front ranks with any town in tho stato. A written request from tho Al liance Artisan Band will bo pre sented to tho Council at their next regular mooting asking for permission to erect a band stand on the public square. Should it bo determined to reserve this lo cation for a public fountain, a good location for tho boys would bo on tho vacant lot south of tho opera house. Tho city council will bo called upon at tho noxti'egular meeting to pass an ordinance levying an occupation tax on all non-resi-donts selling goods in opposition to our merchants from houso to houso by sample, also an occupa tion tax upon all travel ing-theatrical troupes and other shows and performances exhibiting horo for tho purpose of taking monoy away from the town. The City may just as well mako two or three hundred dollars in a year in this way as to havo tho monoy taken out of town. Un less our merchants aro protected in somo way, they must necessar ily charge moro for their goods in order to meet expenses, which causes dissatisfaction among tho people, resulting in a genoral de moralization of business. Attorney R. C. Noleman loft for Omaha Sunday night as At torney for tho Dawson family in tho hearing ordered by Governor Holcomb beginning on Monday. Last year while this family wore traveling ovorland enrouto for Tacoma, Wash., thoy camped for a night on tho road a short dis tance from South Omaha. While thus encamped thoy wero sot up on by tho Vic McCarthy gang, a band of notorious toughs, and robbed and beaten in a shameful manner. Tho authorities in those parts either through fear of tho gang or being in cahoots with them, quioted the matter and hustled tho family on to Al liance, whoro thoy havo since been located part of the time in a destitute condition. Tho mat ter being laid boforo tho British government of which govern ment tho Dawsons aro subjects, an investigation has been order ed, when, if tho statements of tho Dawsons can bo proven, a demand will be made by the British govornmont for repara tion. Mr. Noleman has an on viable roputation in this state as a persistent fighter in logal mat ters, and if thero is any show at all of sustaining his clients ho is tho man that can do it. Further dovolopmonts will bo awaited with interest. LAWN ULtJANINOS. 0. II. Irion nnd wifo spont Sun at their ranch on tho llunning watcr. B. F. Mooro passed through Lawn, enrouto to tho county soat Tuesday. 0. A. Lockwootl postmaster at Canton, had business at Lawn, Tuesday. 0. L. Hall and wifo, of upper Snako Crook woro trading at tho burg Saturday. Quito a'numbcr of our young" people aro attondidg tho institute; among whom aro Dora Rohdor, Pearl Broshar and Fred n. Ruhlcr. Farraors aro busy with their crops in tho vicinity of Lawn, and a much hotter yield of small grain will bo harvested, than was ex pected. Mr. Ilonry Clark and Miss Squibbs woro married by Squiro Johnson of this placo, last weok. May thoir lives bo happy and prosperous. There aro throo headers in this neighborhood this year aud all of thorn will havo plenty to do. Tho farmer having found out that head ing is a saving of both time and grain. Wo are glad to noto the fact that Win. Ruhtor who was so dis abled last spring that ho could do no work for throo montliB is now so fully recovered as to bo doin g all liis work about tho farm. Mrs. C. H. Irion says, if the parties who visited her collar Sun day, whilo she was away, will ro- turn tho crocks and plato that con tained tho buttor and cakes she will say nothing more about tho matter. Mr. A. II. McLaughlin called in Lawn, yostorday. Mac is a candidato for sheriff and is well liked by all who know him. He is an old residont of this coun ty, having sottled on his present ranch boforo there was anv settle ment in Box Butto county.- If ho succeeds in getting tho nomination as ho doubtless will, ho will got a hearty support from Lawn prociuct regardless of politics. Burlington Route 3IALK HATES TO 1IOSTON August 10th to 24th, Uurllngton Route agents in Nebraska and Kan sas will sell round trip tickets to Bos ton at the one way rate. Return limit Oct. 10th, The train to tuke: Tho Knights Templar Official Train, having on board Grand Commander Pinch and Escort will leave Omaha Via tho Uurllngton Routo at 4:45 p. m., Thursday Aug. 22nd, after arrival of all trains from the west. Through Jto Boston Without Change. Seven hours stopover at Niagara Palls. Tickets and sleeping car reservations on applicotion to any agent of this or auy connecting line, Send for free folder giving full In formation. J. FltANCIS, G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. Reduced Kates to Hot Springs, S. D., are offered by the Burlington Route, May 24, Juno 7 and 10, July :$ and 10, August 2 aud 23. One fare for the round trip. Tickets good for 30 days. In addition, low round trip rates to Hot Springs are in effect tho year round. For information about rates and trains, via the Burlington Routo, to Hot Springs, apply to the local agent. For illustrated folder, descriptlvoof this famous resorts, write to J. Fraucis G. P. iSc T. A., Omaha. Nob. A seven foot Piano Biuder in good repair, for salo or trade. Anton Uhrio Business Pointers, Amoricau Queen is smoked by overyono. Mowor and rako for Balo. Price 8-10. Seo W. 0. Mounts. Machino OUb at Grcon'tf. Try a No. 5 cigar. Smoko No. Scigar, Paints of nil kinds nt Greon'd. SHOES! Shokb!! Shoos 11 1 at McLood'a. GOODS MARKED DOWN! All trminod goods go at one fourth off from former prices at tho MiLLiNnuY Stoiik, beginning July Oth, 1895. Miss L. Adams. California canned goods 1G cents a can at W. K. Ilcrncall's. HATS THAT II HATS, AT MoLEOD'S. New lino of Shirts this wook at MoLoo.d'B, Good goods, low prices. Smoko American Queen, ' Security School Shoes at Mc Leod's. A now lot of Hhoes just rccol ved4ijy W. K. Ilcrncall. " - FOR SALE-Tho Northwest) quarter soc. 1-1, twp. 27, rg 49, 3 milctt east of Homingford. Cheap and on easy torniB. Mils. O. Rubsell, Eau Claire, Wis, For Sale. 5 cows, 2 to 7 years old. 1 helfur, 10 mouths old, with cnlff 2 heifers 0 iiionthn old. listcora 0 " 1 bull 0 ' FltANK PoKOHNY.a Sec. 7'20-51; ' rLnwnNebr ADVERTISED LETTERS. The following lotters remain un called for in tho post-office at Ilom ford, Neb., for tho month ending, Juno 30, 1895: Charley Laudan, Norrls Ogle, (2) Amelia Johnson, llcrlie Y. Smith, Mrs, Huldah Strawn. When calling for tho nbovo pleaso say "advertised." John O'Kkefe, P. M. In the District Court at Qox Uutto County. Helivill Btovk Wobrb, Plaintiff, ) vs. Maiunus DEGnAPP, Defendant. ) Marions DeOraft defendant will taVo notice that on the 17th day or July, 1893, Ilollvllle HUitu Works, a corporation duly onranized and exist Intr nnderand by vlrtuoof tho laws ot thottato ' ot Illinois, plaintiff heroin, filed its petition In tho district court of Hox Butto county. Nebras ka, asalnst said defendant, tho ohjoet nnd , pravor of which aro to recover a Judgment aealnst said dofendant for Urn sum ot rjKU7 upon an account for Roods sold and delivered liy Uie plalntift to Uio defendant at the request of said defendant. And that said plalntllt ban caused an order of attachment to do Issued In said action and levied on real property ot said defendant in Box Butto County, Nebraska, to vrit: Lot 18 in Block 20, in the vlllasq of Hem- innford, according to tho recorded plat of Bald village, which property the plaintiff socks to have sold according to law and the proceeds thereof annlied tn the liavmentof tta claim against tho dofondant and costs of suit, Von uro required to answer said ix'titlon on or before the Suil day ot September, 1W3. Bemvillk Stove Wobkh, Plaintiff. By W. M. Iodixok, its Attorney. Slaerift'a Foroolosuf Sale By virtue of an order of sale issue out of the dlstr ct court ot Box Butte county, Nebraska, upon n iudttmtot and a decreo of foreclosure therein in favor of Michigan Havings and Loan Association as plaintiff and against James W. lloberts, W. J. Earnest, HelunK. Earnest, Ho rationN. Earnest, and Amy A. Earnest as de fendants; 1 will on Uio 2Utu day of Auk. A. D. IK)."), at ten o'clock in the forenoon at tho west front door ot tho court houso in tho village ot llerntngtordln said county, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to tho highest bidder for cash in hand the following described mortgaged premises and real estate, situate in said county to-wlt: Lots one (1) and two i'i) in block twelve (l'J) of tho town (now village) ot Hem ingord, in said county. E. A. Haja, ShorlfT. A. W Crites, Attorney for Plaintiff. first publication July ID, ISM. PHOTOS ! TiwVtaiiWMtliiifHiitiriMH For tho next 10 days. Cabinets $2.50 per dozen, G roups, 15 cts for each Additional person. Gallery south of tho Farmers Homo. Welch & Santee. l i i I