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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1895)
5SgEZxBBSTrX --'' -j-4sftjiiit&3S3 .r?7JS!KS! x DAJJRY AND P0ULT11Y. INTERESTING CHAPTERS FOR OUR RURAL READERS. on," ns It IIott EnccfMfnl 1' Ojernte The Department of tlio Fnrm A Vmvr Hints n to the Cnro of I.lvo 6tock ft nil Poultry. How to llarultr) l'lttron. OW TO HANDLE patrons Just right Is somctlmcn a Bcrloua question, writes A. Schoon mnn In tho Ameri can Cheesemaker. It Is well known My-K itf tnnt n cneescmuK- i VJ-J' or, to bo Bucccss- f J) ful, must have abil ity to handle pat rons with "gloves wnrn. Tho ClieOBO- makcr who simply oxamlnes tho milk nnil accepts or rejects without cere mony has much to learn. When I was tenchlng school and attending teachers' Institutes, conducted by our best stato Institute conductor, his nd vlse, first, last and n.l tho tlrao. was: "Study your pupils. Each pupil Is n law unto himself and must bo studied, If you would got tho bast results." Just so, I claim, Is It with chocno factory patrons. Tho cheesemaker must Btmly each patron and handlo him accordingly. Tho cheesemaker who can make flrst-claBS cnocso in every respect, but who frequently gots Into a Janglo with his patrons, cannot command tho highest wages. Hand ling tho patrons Just right Is a most Important part of tho cheesemaker a business. I will tell you how I handled a cranky patron, this spring, where many a quiolc-tempcrcd chcesomaker would hnvo failed Early In April I received a vat cf milk with n strong taint of rotten po tatoes in fact, I hardly know whether tho product would bo potatoes or cheese. Tho next day I took pains to discover tho rotten potato man, which wna cnslly done, but I was at sea Just what to do, ns ho was a valuable but cranky pntron: and I know I stood in danger of losing his cimtom If I should Bay: "This milk you must tako back; It is way off." I said to my helper, "Run this milk into a can by itself nnd, If wo can't make choeso of It, wo will mako potato dumpllngB. Wo must visit our patron this evening, and wo'll havo to handlo him with 'gloves on. " Promptly nt C p. m., we visited his home. Wo found him at tho barn and casually and pleasantly nsked him to nhow us his cows. Wo talked cows nnd milk and tcstB for somo tlmo. Ho scorned pleased to havo us take an In terest In him and was, accordingly, In good humor. I said to him, "Did you over hear ot potatoes) tainting milk?" "No," said ho. I said, "Rotten pota toes glvo milk a worso taint than nny thlug on God's green enrthl" "Is that bo? Sayl I havo my morning's milk In tho cellar now, and there aro po tatoes down there nnd some of them nro rotten." "Well," said I, "It that is no, won't you plcaso put your collar milk In a sepnrato can from tho rest?" "Yes," said he, "I will." Tho milk was brought aa promised and was "way off" bad enough to sicken anyone I gave him a sip and ho made a wry face. "Of courso," said I, "that milk I can't take." And ho willingly took It homo, n humbler aad a wiser man. would only be $12 n year. How man? businesses nro paying 12 per cont7 Poultry will, but $42 not being enough for a living, tho capital must bo In crensod. "How much of n honhouso can bo built for $100? At $2 a running foot, It Is easy to figure out a DO-foot hennry. Dlvldo this Into flvo pens, and put ten fowls in each pen, and thcro will bo quarters for JuBt forty-flvo hons nnd flvo cockerels. "Ono hundred hens nt $2 profit each would glvo but $200 a year clear money on tho entire collection. Could ono llvo on thnt amount? "But them aro more who only mnko $1 a head profit than that double tho amount. It requires experience to bring out big results, JuBfllko any other business. "Now, If our inqulror has somo other occupation for a living and will start ns wo suggest ho can gradually build up n paying business. "Moral Begin small; go Blow: don't oxpect too much with little. Rather revcrso It." BIRTHPLACE OF POTATO. of I'ckln Duck, Thcro Is nrobnblv no branch of tho poultry business moro profltnblo than duck raising, yet but comparatively fow fnrmors will admit these big white beauties to their premises. Tho wives would like to keep them, for their feathers nro light and clastic, nnd ovory wny as desirable nil gooso feath ers, and whllo tho goose InyB but fow eggs tho duck lays a groat many. Tho great objection raised against ducks 13 that they foul tho horse troughs, and tho majority of tho eggs nro lost, for It is of no use to glvo a Pokln duck nost or nest eggs. Sho lays wherover it hnppcns. To keep ducks successfully and with out annoyance about watering troughs n Bmall pen Is necessnry. Their house need not bo a flno affair nor tho yard oxponslvo. A fonco two feet high will hold them, nnd twelvo feet squaro is amplo for n dozen or fifteen ducks. In side tho yard may bo placed a trough. An Inexpensive trough may bo mado by taking two pieces ot 2x10 scantling four foot long. Round them up nt each end llko sled runners. Tako a pleco of galvanized Iron two feet wldo nnd nail It to tho rounding Bides of tho scant ling. To mako It Btronger nail pluces of 2x4s across each end. This makes a very convenient trough to clean, for It can bo rocked back and forth to clean It. A plpo from tho windmill Buppltcs ours with water. Our trough hnB boon in constant uso for six years and looks good for eovornl years moro. Ducks soon become accustomed to their home, and after their gato Is opened In tho morning It ought not bo opened beforo 10 o'clock during tho haying season they will' go forth In Benrch or bugs, etc., but frequent return visits will bo mado to that trough. Tho eggs should bo gathered beforo they aro given their liberty, and they should nlways bo glv on breakfast In tholr pen. Tho best food for laying ducks Is scalded bran and tho table scraps. En allago will bo eaten greedily by thef ducks. Raw carrots aro good food. Very Uttlo grain will bo consumed If green food nnd table scraps aro fur nished. Ducklings nro very easy to mojingo, but n mistake sometimes costs tho Iobb of n largo flock. They nro best raised In brooders oven if hatched under hens. For years wo have an ar tificial heat for ducks, but wo would do so If we raised them In largo numbers. They can stand moro cold than a chick en, but wo cover ours when tho weather is bad, only lotting them out of their box to cat. Wo food them ovory two hours until they nro several weeks old. Open water dishes nro disastrous to Milklnc uuciuings. xnoy get wet, run aver on Under tho head of milking may bo tholr backs and dlo. Wo havo never comprised tho cleanliness of tho anl- been very particular what wo fed the mols and the manner and tlmo of milk- ducklings brend crumbs, cold pota ing. Tho introduction of separators toes, scalded corn chop nnd table scraps; TN FASHION'S GLASS. practically revealed tho necessity for cloanllness In a cow stnblo. At tho ter mination of tho process of separating, a peculiar sllmo is to be found adher ing to tho sides of tho separator. Its color varloe from gray to green, brown nnd oven black. When examined un dor tho microscope, germs, portions of plants, hair, soot, linen, havo boon dis covered, nnd when exposed to tho air for a short tlmo it putrlfles rapidly. It consists In reality of dirt, and us such must Injure tho quality of milk and butter. In order to keep tho milk as frco from tho dirt as possible, the cows ought to bo rubbed down with a straw whisk on their right hindquarters and udders boforo they nro milked In tho morning. During tho nay It la neces sary to currycomb and brush each ani mal. Tho best kind of brush to bo used is the ono rather moro open than nn ordinary horse brush, but of the best hog bristle. Tho animals aro first Bcraped over with the currycomb and then brushed. In addition tho udders of nil cows ought to bo washed and dried beforo milking, and the milkers ought to dip their hands In cold water boforo milking each animal. Caro must bo taken to completely empty tho udder when tho cow Is milked. In largo estab lishments whero several milkers aro employed it io advisable to select ono or two ot tho moro careful persona to strip tho cows after they have been milked. By this means tho carelessness of Bomo of tho milkers may be correct ed. Each milker should havo hlo own stool nnd pall marked and numbered, and should bo held responsible for tho cleanliness of the same. Tho milk ought to bo poured from tho pail Into the milk can through n doublo hair Btralncr, and the milk cans ought, It possible, to bo placed outside tho cowhouse. R. II. Beamish in Connecticut Farmer. only feed often nnd keep them clean L,lco is suro death to ducklings. If hatched under hons oil their heads ns soon as hatched. Inbreeding Is a great cause of falluro in duck raising. Vou may Inbrced chickens nnd hnvo fair Buccess. but ducks novcr. They talio fits and die. It Is poor economy to try io get on with tho stock on hand to Bave expense Betsy Trotwood In Western Stock Journal. A aiUtonrl Town Claims ihe Honor Tint I'roiluclns It. j Jackson county promises to bo famous in history ns tho birthplace of tho Irish potato. Somo of tho local botanists of Indcpcndcnco havo dis covered this fact, and hnvo traced the lineage of tho vegetable, which is now known to ovory tnblo In the world as tho "Irish potato," baok to Its birth place, Llttlo Santa Fo, in tho southern part of this county, says Kansas City Star, Tho botanists give the name of tho plant from which tho potato grow aa "dloscoroa batata," and feel con fident in their assertion that tho his tory of tho potato can bo traced back to tho town of Llttlo Santa Fe. Dr. Bal lard, a well-known botanist and geol ogist, had In his possession yesterday a plant which ho claimed to bo a speci men of tho "dloscorca batata," found at Llttlo Santa Fo. By trnclng tho plant back somo 300 years tho doctor says that undoubtedly tho dloscorea batata was tho progenitor of tho so called Irish potato. It appears that tho aborigines of this section know the art of propagation of plants by cultivation from their wild state, and by Buch knowledgo produced tho tuber now so generally in uso and found on every table. "It is a mattqr of history," said the doctor, "that tho potato was first used aB an cdlblo by tho Indians near what is now known ns Little Santa Fo, Jack son county, Mo. From there it became an article of barter. Tho edible was so palatable that Its use spread rapidly and became common among tho Indians in Virginia. Tho potato foil Into tho hands of Sir Walter Raleigh In Vir ginia, who recognized a good thing whon ho saw It. Sir Walter took It on ono of his trips to Europe, and by reason of tho soil and climate of Ire land It at onco became a staplo article of food, henco tho name Irish potato." BIO VESSELS FOR THE LAKES. Thoy Will, Kro I.on&, Do tho Groat Hulk of tho Currying Trsulr. Plans already formed settle tho ques tion whether lake stoamshlps 400 feet long or upward, with a capacity of car rying G.000 tons of freight nt a load, will bo common after tho opening of tho channels twenty feet deep through all tho shallows between Duluth and Chi , ago, and tho port3 of Lake Erie. There Is no longer a doubt that such monster vesaols will rapidly multiply within tho next few years, and thoy are certain to do a great part of the carry lug trado of tho lakes, perhaps most of It, beforo the end of the century. Tho steamships already contracted for and those which nro certain to bo built beforo next spring will undoubtedly so far surpass all vessels now In use In nblllty to mako money at low rates for freight that other vessel owners will bo forced to follow tho pioneers in this latest Btep forward In the con struction of splendid lnko carriers. Even an over-supply of tonnage such as is vory likely to be tho result, will not provont tho work of roplaclns small craft with steamers ot the larg est slzo from going on steadily. In one sense It will hasten the change, says Cleveland Leader. Only tho blgge3t vcssols can mnko money In such sea sonB of general over-compotltlou for cargoes, and In ordor to continue the business the owners of old boats muat let them go and put In commission steamships equal to any on the great lakes. THE LATEST NOVELTIES WOMAN'S WEAR. IN fjlv Character to the Hoillco The Iow-Nocked Bummer Dresses Have Not Yet Tat In tin Appearance A Model for Your Gown. ITH most women It is safer to give chnractor to the bodice by some unique accessory or novel cut than to shorten its top rashly, and there is now a fine selection from which to choose. Here Is one in tnis picture, a fancy waist of dark bluo crepon, furnished with a yoke of white guipure underlaid with pale blue surah nnd finished with a stock collar of blue satin ribbon, ornamented with pale blue chiffon rosettes. At either side of the front are bretelles of folded pale bluo surah fastened with biff bluo satin bows, the latter repeated at tho waist. Between bretelles and shoulders are Jet bands which end In fringes at back nnd front. The sleeves have bis puffs of tho pale blue stuff. l.ow-Neckctl Dreaars. The low-necked dresses that June promised for July's outdoor wear havo not appeared as yet In numbers suffi ciently large to make them seem alto gether pleasing at first glance. Tho slight V Is well enough for those who like it and where throats can bear the display, but the occasional cases of overdoing the cut are nothing less than dreadful. Low neck, except for elab orate functions, Is not in good taste, and dresses for afternoon wear or for evening home use should bo cut out but a wee bit. Truth to tell, this is a trying cut, for often a neck that makes a good showing If exposed well toward the shoulders is a little awkward about tho rise of the throat and the portion that includes "salt cellars" and "col- edge is a tiny little frill of yellow old 1 lace. The new butterfly sleeve comes to the elbow and is full yellow tissue , heavily weighted with tiny spangles in bronze, dull green, copper, gray nnd black, mixed sparingly with gold and sliver. About the neck goes a trlplo ruche, tho inner one of closely plaited yellow thread lace, the next pleating of tho spangled tulle, and tho last a series of pale dull rose ribbon loops. So wide Is the ruche that It sets away out on the shoulders, and here Is a knot of tho ribbon that falls In long loops over the sleeves. A similar knot Is under the chin, the spangled tulle falling in fluted plaits to below the bust line. The en tire effect Is so harmonious that the de tails noted are all blended Into an ex quisite crush of cashmere coloring and glint of barbaric glitter. Such a wrap will serve to good purpose In topping off a conventional gown, but It would Vr -A"" wmwi zm J"" 4zt-jh'vZ X40 $ hardly do for the dress shown here, whose novelty is all In the arrangement of its upper part. Made of. white satin; It is trimmed front and back: with three plaits, and whenever the satin shows between the plaits, it Is garnished with sequins. The blue collar is finished with a turned down one of white satin, and the sleeves are trimmed at the top with six white loops and with scqulned bands at the wrists. ranch nnd Orflw Tat. Yea hal un i otlt. I'von If you riro a slnb mded. pallid, woi-besuite (Ijspoi'tic If you H'lnforretllEDstlnn. lnnrothoentivprlon f food Into rich nnd nourMhlnir I) ood, untl ro ovor appetite and sleep by iho Kstcnmtlc uo ot the pretit roi ovatnr or honlth. Mruncth nnd lioh. IloMoUer'Ftomaph Hit tor. which nUo remedies iniilnWnl. kidney nnd rheumatic trouiile, noivousnesi, con stipation nnrt bMloutncx. A Oruelal Tet. "You say j'ou can select a set of cho rus girls by mall? Get out!" "Oh, it is easy enough. I just ask her opinion on ono subject If sho says that it Is Improper to wear knicker bockers on the blcyclo, I know that sho is not Intended by nature for chorus exhibition." Indianapolis Journal. Indian oak, ono of tho hardest of woods, will sink in water. Impure Blood Manifests Itself in hives, pimples, bolls and other eruptions which disfigure tho face and cause pain and annoyance. By purifying tho blood Hood's SarsapnriHa completely cures these troubles and clears the skin. Hood's Sarsnparllta overcomes that tired, drowsy feeling bo general at this season and gives strength aud vigor. Hood's Sarsaparilla Ts the only true blood purifier prominently in the public eye today. $1 ; six for $5. Hood's Pills tSSZ DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS Combined Separator. Feed Cooker, Mid Churn Power. .V I - IT. -n. A. "VftVi?Aj( n j"wt. BimDBi rftKUTitA Hm. . ( jw Dvunelftlll- Effective Durable Cheap amtQood. Complete Dairy la Its tit. Bare Time, Labor mux Money Book Mailed Free, vt rite for it. OTAOESTS WASTED. .DAVIS &. RAOKIH Chicago!!!.. -AVr.iuaVvnBI pni,.js,y, V w On I ife $& vw JfeSazS m tilit .wft mam 7wJm' JtdflBt W wm&zwm vi yp , m&s. z q&t H --aci ?-.-..-z-'f.i. . m-riHri. r: - .-jdtx . -3"iflTv ufJBvt'i v., w dw W Iwm (El IWw iihsimKHL6i i-tri jr fa if Wik. Vv 3r vramk m iji imcbbbv Meta Wheel for TOBJP Wagons Any size yon want, 29 to 68 Inol.el h ltrh. Tlrej 1 to N In. chu wide- hum to r.tany axle. Hnrra Coat many times In a tea- eon to baveret ot low wheel! to fit Tour wagon for h ault ns CraIn,fodJer, man ure host. Ac No. wetting of tire Catl'Krf. AdJrcs KmplroSIfir. Co, I'. O. Box 33, Qulncj I1U L ANATOMISTS ARE PUZZLED. EW!S' 98 LYE rOWSEBZD A'JD rEETTOID IVAXZSTSU) Tho itronont and vurtrt Era mado. Unlike other Eye, It being ii flno powder and packed In a con iwltti removable lid, tho contents aro always rrailr tor no. Will mako the bt ij perfumed Hard Heap In 20 minutes trtlhout boUlno. It la tho beat for clonnslncrwasto pipes, dlslnfectlntt sinks, cluaets, Trashin? bottles, paints, trees, etc PENNA.SALTM'FGC0V Gen. Accnts., rbllaFa. iUkeffhUtal WtMMMiiMiEIMi Dairy Form. Ono point must always bo kept prominently In mind. Wo may not know exactly how milk Is produced, but wo do know that It comes, some how, from tho food. Tho great dairy cow must bo able and willing to eat, digest and assimilate lnrgo quantities ot food. A largo abdomen Is important, as it Is nn Indication ot health, vigor, vitality. Thia suggests tho danger of going to extremes in Insistence on "dairy form." Tho cow must bo a good animal first, that is she must have nbll lty to well perform all tho functions necessary to preservation of life and health. Fineness of bono or goncral delicacy of structure may fc? carried too for. Another common -complica tion in judging puro bred cows Is tho difficulty In properly apportioning tho relative lmportanco of breed character istics nnd general dairy characteristics. There Is no reason to believe thnt color, or tho bUo, shape or abujiqo of horns materially affect tho ability to give milk, but such things aro taken into account by tho breeder. Thcro must bo a considerable modification of definition of terms in judging different breeds. That which would bo called small or flno lu ono might bo called largo or coarso In another breed. Ex. Hero's n Colored Man Wlioio Vital Orxnna Aro Kvorywhoro They Ought Not to He. Herbert Place, a negro, 27 years old, ! walked Into Bellevue hospital, Now York, n recent morning and said ho would llko to bo examined, as his heart was on tho.wrong sldo of his body. Tho clerks wero incredulous, but, finding that Placo was In earnest, ho was re ferred to the house surgeon. After ward, In tho presence of the entire sur gical staff, a thorough examination was mado of him. It was found that not only was his heart on his right sldo, but that his right lung was on his left side, and tho left lung on tho right side, the liver was on tho left side, and tho Bpleen on tho right side. Place is ot medium height, strongly' built, and has never been seriously 111 for a day In his life. Last fall his wlfo urged him to havo his life Insured, and he underwent a medical examination. The insurance doctor discovered the mis placeraont of his vital organs and re fused to pass him. lar bone." This fact merely constitutes a greater Inducement for n women who has a pretty upper throat and she may safely adopt the cut If she wishes to. A Slodol for Your Ootvn of I.lncn. A Jaunty dress of pale blue grass linen Is shown below and Is an exceed ingly tasteful model for outing wear, being at once serviceable and dressy. Its godet skirt has a panel of white pique, embroidered with dark blue linen, while the fitted bodice Includes a gathered yoke of blue stuff and girdle like portions of the lighter material, besides embroidered straps of the lat ter. Narrow galloon edges the girdle and the puffed elbow sleeves are com pleted by embroidered bands, but the Cross-Bred Fowls. In England qulto a demand is annually created for cross breds by tho poultrymen thero adver tising such, Bhowing that thoy are or a moro hardy naturo. and that as meat Cost to Htart. In sham contrast to tho columns of rot which aro published la tho ngrlcul- and egg producers they excel tho bird Ml iia )'.., . ' tural press regarding tho largo profits to bo roallzed from a few dollars In vested In tho poultry business, is tho following from Farm Poultry, In an swer to a question from a correspond ent, in which tho editor clearly points out what margin of profit may reason ably be looked for; "Gan the poultry business be started with $350?" "Yes, it can be started, but wo imag lno vo can read between tho lines that In that start and for that amount of in vestment our friend oxpects to bo sup ported, and of course, wants all the other expenses met. It cannot bo done. Three hundred and fifty dollars is no money at all to Invest in any business unless the operator ex pects to 'find himself.' Three hundred and fifty dollars at C per cent interest would earn $21 a year. "Is it not a good business that would Jve 12 per cent interest? Yet that Until a fow yeaiH ago. on account of fanciers sacrificing tho utility points of tho breeds to gain high scoring fowls, It looked as If a Blmllar step hud to bo taken In this country. But the fanciers aro moro careful now, and wo bellovo that bettor and hardier stock Is being grown. Wo prefer p.ire bred poultry, but want them profitable. Wo do not care for high scores when wo aio aiming at supplying a market for table poultry and eggs, and for that reason tho cross-bred question was raised. But let tho fanciers continue to aim at utility and hardiness, and the bottom will drop out of tho idea of crossing for profit, Iowa Homestead Tho government reservation Mack inaw Island, which was presented to Michigan by the last congress, has been formally accepted by th stato and Gov. Klch has appointed commis sioners to have charge ot it. Cllmblnc Mont lllune. It Is an expensive as well as a very tiresome undertaking to ascend Mont Blanc. It costs at least $50 per person, for by tho law of tho Communo of Chamounl each strauger Is obliged to havo two guides and a porter. So far as tho danger Is concerned. It Is now reduced to a minimum, but almost overy year tho mountain claims a victim. Bad weather Is tho chief thing feared by the guides, and so swiftly does It como that a cloudless sky may In fiftoon mlnutea turn to a blinding snow-storm which beats you to tho ground. Thu3 It wa3 that some years ago a party of eleven persons perished. Flvo wero found frozen stiff In tho snow; tho other six still Ho burled In the Glacier desjBolssons. Forty years is tho 'time allowed for the glacier to yield them up In tho valley below, A French Iilca. In tho French market and at tjio family grocery stores of New Orleans housekeepers doslrlng to make vege table soup can, with 5 cents, obtain what is known as a ,fsoup set," consist ing of a section of cabbage, a few sprays ot parsley, ono largo potato, carrot and onion. V life WW yiiiw Moluilr In I'm or. Mohair Is another stuff that has ntrong current liking and It is shown In linen color with tiny colored stripes. Outing rigs are made with facings and linings to match the stripe and with charming effect. Blnck mohair or brll Hantlne is also much In vogue. It is being made up with all the elaboration proper to silk, which seems very bad taste, but, on the other hand, a black mohair made with full plain skirt that clears the ground, a loose front bodice, with a high collar finished with a pair of Jet buttons and with Jet buttons down the middle box plait. Is a most suitable gown for traveling wear. Black always looks well If It can be kept free from dust, and brllllantlne "wlpea oft Just like a china plate." as ono enthu siastic admirer expresses it. Regulates the bowels: aunts dentition;.cures dla rhea and dysentery In the wont forms; cure canker sore throat; Is a certain preventive of diph theria; quiets and soothes all pain; Invigorates tho stomach and bowel; corrocts all acidity; will cure griping in the bowels and wind colic. Mothers, try this good safe Syrup. Prepared by the EfvfMERT PROPRIETARY CO. CHICAGO. FREE FARMS If you want KUBE F AUM nlontf tho lino of raltwav In MANITOllA, AMIEKTA or the SASKAT CHEWAN, apply for particulars to L. A. HARfiaLTON, Land. CommUnloner, IVlItXU'EQ. Immenso vruojt nurutt assured ibis hcason. TUtX IHTUNJUXY WO USED tOCAUY WITH InsuffJutor, r cared v Jthe Dr. to IIH.A nat cured thoun-vl fandt fines and will V IjCureyou. Srndl l for free book, and symptom blank. II Y,l'ktr by mall. Af standing collar Is plain. Llnons of many kinds aro found In the host of summer fabrics and gowns from them dot the summer promenade, but few of thorn aro as attractive as this esajnple, which Is woll worth keeping In mind. Silk Lining. Plaid silk lining still makes th( de mure rig dazzling In unexpected places. To be Just right the silk petticoat should be of tho same plaid. That you may be proved above the economy of one eton Jacket dress that Is to be worn with a change of shirt waists- you may have the eton lined, with silk to match that of the silk shirt waist. But you won't do that if you are wise, and It Is much nicer to be wise than to be- rich. Cook's Cups. With costumes of white duck and linen the summer girl will don cooks' caps and Tarn O'Shanters of the dress stuff. The advantage of thoso over the visor stylo of cap Is that they can so to the wash with the dress. Wraps That Aro Men' lie pair. Summer wraps are for the most part mere nufierles of frill with foundation of delicate silk or a bit of rich brocade. When they aro oft they resolve them selves Into a bewildering frou-frou that is tho despair of the unfortunate man, who has to adjust the wrap on tho pret ty shoulders waiting for it. Once on the shoulders it takes shape, though the outline Is none too severe. A favorite model showB a bolero, cut very long, the nolnts coming below the waist in I exquisite brocade, traced with cash l mere colors. All around the bolero's llruiltlrs. Tho gout 13 a lame excuse for pro fanity. Women are said to be always look ing In the glass. Men seldom do unleoa there Is something tc drink In It. Men are very much Inclined to ac cept a pretty woman at her face valu. The young man's resolutions to qjlt using tobneco usually end In smoke. The principal reason why thoso thin wafors you get at a church supper are called oyster fritters Is because you fritter away so much time looking for the oyster. Girls who wish to have small, pretty shaped mouths, should repeat at fre quent Intervals during the day: "Fan ny Finch fried floundering fish for Frances Forbes' father." Tho frequent repetition of "stewed prunes" Is Bald to bo likewise effective. A married woman's description of an Ideal man Is a picture of the kind sua didn't geULAURA. CI. EUCS SUHt CUSE CO.. n CUT5N ELE3.. CWCJXJ. bold It alldiUSKl ts. I i H ii 'lil The lest nerve regulator known. It cures nervous prostration, restore nerro-vltal and sexual powers. BMII Vila lllmi i uercer's.) soiu uy luen- nrdson Drug Co. and E. E. Bruce & Lo., Omaha, Xfob., nnd nil druggists. The best known combination to build I un weak people. 1111 Amuiulc 1 H'iiisc lAiercers.l csoia uy iucuaru-i son urug fo. nntt ts. is. uruce a lq., Omaha, Neb., and all druggists. EDUCATIONAL. ACADEMY ofthe SflGRED HEART Th course of lmtim tlon In tbt Academy. conducted by the Itcllglouiot Ibe bacied Unit, embrace lb hole lanire ot subject owes aty tocon.tltulea.ulU and retlne d education. 1'roprUty of depot t.KBt. per. roiialreitnejeand tba principles of morality am ob. iecttot uim lt attention KitriMe ground af. lord the put llvery facllltv tor ulul bodlyexer eUei tbelc health I. an ob.e't if ounetanl toMWUde, nl In lrknei tliey arealttn .! with meternal cara. Veil tetut opera Tuesday, 8eH Si r luitberp&r. ilcular., addiM 1'"K Nl'I'rlllOlt, Academy unrrril Heart, ht. Joarph, 31o. i PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clcatuei and Ututine the bslr. l'romotes a luxunent growth. Neecr xii!2 to Beit ore Gray Xlair to lta Youtbtul Color. Ctuce ecaip ilitetus u bslr tallies. focindtlXOtt DrurrliU Patents, Trade-Marks. Examination and Advice as to Patentability ot InvrutlO.0 bend for "Inventors' Guide, or How touts sTraunl" FATSC! 0 TiSZZ'JL. T7ASHiaaTOf. P. 0. XV. N. IJ., Oninltn-aa, 1803. Whou answering adertUemenU kindly mention tlifi paper. SnR BestCoush in tuna. WntBt Alt tlbt ia-9 .1 i Syrup. Twtouood. Use a. Bold by droejrteta. I rSagBiSj-a T$ j..i. vsf&Bim .w...wiir. , 5,'itak.. l;r3UJiBi.atia; AT&Kssa .MBCW Tt. ; ! r M ! ri T A l M w i 1