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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1948)
_y It's an automatic RADIO-PHONOGRAPH... that plays 50 minutes of uninter rupted recorded music by pressing the single-button control. But you can LIFT OUT the radio and plug it in anywhere. It’s a real 2 in 1 instrument! Stunning air-stream cabinet in rich, dark mahogany or toasted blond mahogany finish. This sensational set will bring them home for their ' j after school fun..f' $99.85 . — 1 ^ student wants a 1TT| t lEWtlT Westinghouse UTTLt JtWtL Here', a console beUevef Sryled on M ( I sides, If b,s a " 21 . aces. Green and B».d A WESTINGHOUSE , LIBRARY MODEL _ Small, smart and powerful . . . the ideal radio for bookshelf, mantel or table . . . rich mahogany veneer cabinet . . . easy-to-see, easy-to-tune dial . . . big radio performance that will wow the whole dormitory, at a small radio price that won’t upset the budget. $39.95 . r \ /kter> ..(WtfyOl///6U./ Westinghouse1 . _ -— PHILIPS APPLIANCE AND HOUSEWARE ANNEX SOUTH OMAHA_24th and “O” Streets ouucs oi lomorrow Air conditioned shoes are now available for industrial footwear for workers who have athlete’s feet or blisters. The insole is made of fine plastic meshlike material. Every atep pumps air into the shoes. An Austrian shoemaker has announced electrically warmed shoes. A small battery fits into a cavity in the heel and keeps the shoe constantly warm. Eighty-five per cent of all the 20 million cattle hides consumed annually in the United States are used in the manufacture of shoes. 0 Plow Under Cornstalks Plow under those cornstalks, Is the advice of soil experts. Like other crop residues, cornstalks are im portant in helping rebuild organic matter. A ton of cornstalks is esti mated to be as effective as three quarters of a ton of fresh manure for organic matter. Cornstalks also are a source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash. Returning crop residues should be a part of every good soil management plan. Liming and use of fertilizer are other vital prac tices. New Oyster Stuffing Oysters long have been trading their shells for the protection of a tin can so they might move into the markets of the world. Now they’re teaming up with bread and season ing to make their bow as a stuffing lor use with fowl, meat or fish. The ■ meal planner merely has to empty the contents into a bowl, fluff with a fork and the stuffing is ready. Be sides oyster slices, this dressing contains bread crumbs, salt, butter, nut meats, ham and bacon fat, suet, sage, onions, curry and pepper. Add Tears to Life Proper oiling of electric motors will add years to their lives. Now is a good time to make a check on the alignment of the bolts and to clean dirt and dust away from the ventilation holes of the motor. If you don’t have a delayed-action fuse to protect the motor against overloads, it might be a good idea to install one. All in all, a motor theckup right now may save you hours of time and trouble later on. I ■ ST. JOHN’S A.M.E. CHURCH 22nd Willis Ave. Reverend E. B. Childress Mason M. Devereaux Jr.—reporter Presiding Elder John Adams in his quarterly message to St. John’s on Sunday February 22, 1948 said, “He that places a bearer in front of his brother isn’t in harmony with God’s prdferam. The program the church must reach the innermost boundaries of the earth, No man helps his pastor or any other man when he tries to make the pastor ^narrow, closing with the following impressive thought That their is more peaiousy, envy, greed, ! lack of community spirit in our com ' munity and city than any other com munity or city similar in size. visitors: Miss T. Berry, 1840 N. St. Lincoln, Nebr., Miss M. Mclean, 908 Matherisn Wichita, Kans., Miss E. Edwards, 2420 P. St. Lincoln, Nebr., Mr. D. Hayes Valentine, Nebr., Mrs. M. C. Coggs 2052 You St. Lincoln, Nebr., Mrs. T. Hancock 2402 No. 27 Ave. City, Mrs. K. Shonas, City, Miss J. Miller, 2212 Ohio St. City, Miss C. Dudley, 2902 No. 25 St. City, Miss F. Perry, 958 No. 26 St. City, Miss M. Franklin, 2625 Decatur St. City, Miss Della Mae Jones, 2207 No. 25 St. City, Miss E. P. Brown, 2924 No. 24 St. City, Miss J. Goodlett, 2726 Bin ney St. City, Mrs. G. B. Lennox, 2527 Patrick St. City, Mrs. L. P. Skinner, 2207 Wirt St. and Mrs. A. M. Mc Millan, 2892 Miami St. Let us pray for the sick throughout the week whoever they may. be wherever they may be. Give now and give generously and graciously won’t you? Our Building Fund Victory Drive Rally closes Sun day February 29th. Your contribution will mean a bigger, better, and great er St. John’s serving all the peoples of the community. Let your conscience be your gj^ide and give liberally.. Mr. L. L^McVey and the Good will Choir are to be congratulated for the splendid 6th Annual Goodwill Spring Musical Choir Service Sunday Febr. 22nd. The excellent response in attendance and support we are sure made you all very happy and pleased, for we enjoyed the service and espe cially the address by Reverend E. B. Childress. The Sunday School is now holding its Easter rehearsal under the direc tion of Mrs. E. B. Childress Saturday afternoon at 1 p. m. The Allen Christian Endeavor is pelading for additions members from our Young Peoples group. All the members of St. John’s are urged to come out and hear Dr. E. Booker Tenor from Philadelphia, Pa. on Friday February 27th at 8 p. m. at the church. Rivers of Milk Used More than 60 million quarts of fresh milk and cream now are be ing used daily by American con sumers. Pointing for Service Rapid service at your fingertips soon will be available by newly de veloped vending machines. The de vices are equipped with an electric eye which enables the customer to get delivery merely by inserting coin and pointing finger at the product he desires. Young Go First Many young birds, including those of the Red-Wing, migrate south before their parents, thus dis proving the old adage that the adults guide the young on their first south ward flight. In other species the mi grating young and adults remain in family groups. Canada geese fol low this patter, the families com bining into large flocks but retain ing their unity. With no calendar or compass to guide them, birds set forth along ancestral routes each fall at much the same time for their southern wintering grounds and re turn as punctually each spring. CLEAVES TEMPLE C.M.E. CHURCH 25th and Decatur Streets C. P. Raines, Pastor Jeanie English, Reporter Rev. Raines and Choir exchanged pulpits and choir stands with Rev. J. C. Wade and choir, of Salem Baptist church, this morning. We heard some inspirational singing and enjoyed a fine sermon by Rev. Wade and choir. His sermon was taken from St. Mat thew 22:42. Jesus is more than a community boy. He is the first and last of all that is noble and sublime. Without Christ there is no Christian ity. The word of God will stand for ever. Jesus is the word of God. Jesus is more than a psychiatrist, more than an oculist, and more than a philanthro pist. He is the last word in oratory. Jhe spirit w’as really with us. All | the pews were filled and I hardly think there was one present who did not feel the presence of God. There were several visitors present, please return. Let us remember to pray for and visit the shut-ins. You and your friends are invited and urged to attend the Leap Year Supper sponsored by the Pastor Pride Board on Friday, February 27, 1948. Hrs. 8-10 p. m. Plan to attend a Pre-Easter Tea given by the Forward Step Club, Sun day, March 21, 1948. Hrs. 3-7 p. m. in the church dining room. Need Running Water Running water still is lacking in 75 per cent of the farm homes of the nation. Only 5 per cent of city homes lack running water. A farm family of five with a fair amount of live stock uses about 300 tons of water in a year if they have to pump and carry it by hand. If the farm had running water and electric pumps the same family would use probably twice as much water and have none of the effort of transporting tons of water by hand. McDonald reporting Broadway Appliance, 3562 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. We sell gas and electric stoves, all kinds of electrical appliances, radios, clocks, irons, toasters, washing machines. We service all kinds of electrical appli ances. Phone 3-6311. Mrs. Hazel Chinn Black, who oper ates a beauty parlor on 24th and Charles, wishes to inform her many patrons and the public that she will be in charge of the business after the first of March. Mrs. Black asks her friends to continue to see her when you are looking for beauty. 1408 No. 24th street. Furnace Co., 1502 North 24 street, are prepared to do anything for your j furnace and would be glad to sell you j a new one. You are always welcome in j his place, and he is glad to see you j! always. Give him your furnace trou- | bles. Call any time. You are welcome. | Oh, Boy, when you need anything | in the janitor line, it will pay you to jf see him. He can furnish you with any- | thing you need. Chemical Product Co., {' 3016 North 24 street. He is a fine | limn IU incci ctuu. iaiK iu, anu lias ttr * cittvt/'tavt tv - . - evemhing you want. ^public tax nation hiiTby «”oK o“fe wM-^b'^oyS! 1 Mr. Emil Ceimak, th eold reliablende a presidential veto. Shown here, after the bill waTnaJIl0 IL 1 druggist, 1264 South 13th street, isJ*f« to ***& Charles A. Halleck, (R) Ind., BouJe Majority still doing business and is prepared tojn~ coneTa^ilntoH°h!r*lnuts°n- (£) Minn., who sponsored the Mil, be* , 1 c J ,,,U congratulated by Speaker of the House Joseph W Marti* /in take care of your needs. When youMass It .3 estimated that the bill will cut income £xes six Ind <i»! 1 need anything in the line of drugs,'la^ billion dollars in 1948. j see You are always | CROSSWORD PUZZLE j Horizontal 1 Coquette 6 Instrument used to de compose light 1 Shrewd .2 Trojan hero .4 Molten lava .3 Verily I J Youth 17 Artificial language |8 To stain tO Energetic 13 To exist 15 Pronoun 16 Skill 17 Complicated state of affairs 12 Unit of resistance , 14 Egyptian deity 15 Difficulty 16 Assistance 18 Faroe Islands windstorm 19 Deed II Agitated ' 14 Young goat 16 55 47 To leave 18 To disown • 52 To seize 55 Symbol for iridium 56 Prefix: not 57 Latin: haill 59 Compass point 80 One who sells small wares 82 Ambassador 54 Slang suspicious 65 To eat away Vertical 1 To criticize mercilessly 2 French article 3 Evergreen climbing plant 4 Tall grass 5 Shallow container 6 Magnificent 7 20 quires 8 Country in Asia Solution In Next leant. ? 1 I ■ No. 29 ' 9 Symbol for selenium 10 Where the Athenians defeated the Persians 11 Rude fellow 13 The sun 19 To recede 21 Nothing 22 Ancient Scottish tax 24 Period of time 27 Man’s name 28 Common food fish 29 Poem 30 Mischievous doings 31 To lubricate 33 Convened 37 To excavate 40 Gratuity 42 Indehiscem legume 43 Vast e • 45 Stupid person 48 Edge 49 Agent 50 Enumeration 51 At any time 53 Poker stake 54 Industrious jf insect 58 The self * 61 Note of seals 63 Colloquial: ] paid notics ^ i <£ I I Answer to Pnxsto Number £f m|i|l|e[ IaIbIeItI |d|o|nI ! QUA R VERA E K|81 i 0 mMr 0 0 DBBn A B ‘ a Tbi i a mbth I c|aD ' etc hBBd q a lBSt o n N. 0. M. B_ AMb R _0 wIBn _I J 2 _R E N C[>Mc ARDS 0 y’ R. I ■31 |M AVIS AIR PE S M ~p|T eBBdIi|a|lBBa _t i v i n nMs i v aW~r ;; [i|A _D !R IR L eTh jJ | ir|rIe| |b|o|n|e| 1l1a1t1«1 Series H-41 j j ‘ i i .■■■■■ '«? Tax Slash Bill Passed New 6-Tube Automatic Radio-Phonograph i^Sr /^V/with MIRACLE tone arm m ' -*'■■. ' rf'.-J-SSj} A new thrill in record listening, made possible by •ifflMyjgMwBAQ'liwHBPWBAHfiABliHBUBiMij^g Admiral s Miracle Tone Arm. Uses no coil, no special tube. Even aHQH rx J \ J7^FTTTTTr^. oldest records come to life with vivid brilliance \ | V*!' L| ^X I 1 I'M j j* j unmarred by needle scratch, “talk-back,” or other -. Sh. disturbing surface noise. §Pf • Automatically changes records in 3>/2 seconds • New, improved changer plays up to 12 records KJ A | T T I wm B JHA * 6-tube Admiral perfected superhet radio „ ” $:'■ ■ A A JB • Automatic bass compensation for tone balance • Stunning cabinet with French Gold grille rv //* PHILIPS APPLIANCE AND HOUSEWARE ANNEX - J SOUTH OMAH/ 24th and Streetg