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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1948)
TWENTY FIRST ANNIVERSARY EDITION ~ Congratulations to j C.C. Galloway | and (The Omaha Guide | on their 21 si Anniversary \ ■S° quality Beer Since 1864 tmmjg' srr 0gr? / ///ytejrm I ... ■——j r'T'HII = Glide through your cleaning with this new -* -w v- ^ ” --*r LIGHTWEIGHT ; j / >. . m •* 1 j CLEANER $64.95 MODEL AVF17-S ' Complete set of •4above-the-floor’* cleaning tools I for just a little extra. . _ • CAST TO usei The powerful ( | beating and sweeping action j [ coaxes out dirt and grit— quickly, easily, and thor oughly. Exclusive toe-tip nozzle regulator adjusts the cleaner to any rug thickness, with the tip of your toe. t * * EASY ON YOUI Made of handsome aluminum. It’s lightweight — streamlined — easy to guide around. Accor dion-top bag is dustprool— easy to empty. i ->■ ’ EASILY YOUR BEST BUYI Everything you want for cleaning convenience— * perfected by years of C-E research . and experience! ^ EASY TO SEEI Stop in today and try this new G-E Cleaner. Compare be fore you buy!' f ~44 i a PHILIP S STORE APPLIANCE ANNEX 24TH.& O SO.OMAHA A Speech Was Mac1? By GEORGE S. BENSON President of Harding College Searcy. Arkansas 4 A LETTER came to my desk a few weeks ago containing one paragraph that astonished me. It read: "At the-church con ference held in this southern dis trict a speech was made against the profit motive.” That any American group, particularly a religious group, should tp' •*■; voice against ,the profit . struck me as amazing. To get rid of the profit motive, you '.vcold have to find some sub stitute for economics in modern civilization. You would have to eliminate all trading and market Puving and selling. You wot ait have to get rid of money and other mediums of exchange. Ycu would have to cease barter ing And swapping. In fact, you would have to reduce your mod ern civilization to self-sufficiency of the individual. A modern and complicated civilization like our own could not do without trade, exchange, manufacturing, raw materials and production. You just have to ask more than it cost you ' t is i . . i i i*s. Just Two THERE ARE only two Systems ways that an economy may operate. In Amer ica individuals own farms, stores, factories, and run them for the chief purpose of making enough profit to live on. The other way is for government to own every thing, operating all production merely for the purpose of feed ing the people and supplying what it thinks are their needs. The profit motive is the very foundation of our American way of life. It is the Constitutional way in our country. It has pro duced more enthusiasm, finer co operation, and a greater abund ance of clothing, food, housing, and transportation than the EEraaoK:-;.,’?. «--— - masses of the people have ever known in any other country. The other kind of economy, owned and operated by the gov ernment, attempts to do away with the profit motive. Actually, it does away with incentives, indi vidual initiative, and efficiency. This kind of economy soon set tles down to a “what's-the-nse” status, offering only the I-. at necessities to its people. Advance RUSSIA is a good ex- < Agents? ample of this. Russia has attempted to sub stitute other enthusiasms for those of owning property and making profit, but she has found that whenever she wanted in creased industrial output, she had to imitate some of the incentives that are so common in America. The very conet- ts of freedom of the individual spring from the Bible. Therein you will find the foundation for the freedoms and liberties that America has built upon. I am unable to explain why church leaders are willing to attack the profit motive. To do so indicates tremendous misun derstanding of the Amer'cnr, way of life, of our ernment, and o ' individual. | Let us not confuse greed and sin with the profit motive. There is nothing un-Ghristian, nor anti social in fair and honest buying and selling and trading. One who is against the profit motive is in reality opposed to ownership of property, for when the profit mo tive is taken away the right to own things must go with it. It is high time for some of our re ligious people to start thinking through these things. Doing this, perhaps they would refuse to be used as advance agents of social ism and communism. Eats Up Coal Lighting the average home for a year eats up 600 pounds of coal at the powerhouse. Home Demonstration Start The home demonstration program Ln the United States began with passage of the Smith-Lever act in 1914. COUNCIL BLUFF NEWS J. Vince Crowe Was Picked By Democrats Mr. J. Vince Crowe, present City Assessor, was picked by the Democrats to be their candidate for Mayor in the City Election Monday. He will be opposed in the finals, March 29, by Mr. George B. Sparks, the Republian standard bearer and aa life-long friend and business associate ot Mr. Crowe. Mr. Crowe’s pluralh w as better than 3 to 1. He is .a resident of Council Bluffs, having served 16 years in his present position. He commands and holds the loyalty and respect of the colored people of the city. Mr. Crowe has been active in local politics for 40 years. He was de puty County Recorder and was in the leal Estate business before becoming City .Assessor in 1933. In an intterview today with Mr. Davis of the Omaha Guide, Mr. Crowe wants all his friends to listen to his broadcast over Radio Station KSW'I, Friday afternoon at 5:40. At that time he will re veal his plans for he Children’s recreation in Council Bluffs. He is honestt, capable and just the type of man who will give good government and prosperity to our city. EDITORIALS When Will We See The Light? This is election year. It is the year that that that we can express our rue feelings with the ballot. Mos of us have never fully real ized what it has cost the gener ations before us for this right, or we could not, unless bedridden, fail to vote. And yet many of our community, tthe community that holds the balance of power for all local elections and somi past, failed to exercise this cher ished right. When will we sea the light? There are those amoungst us that have lived in the city for years and have not established residence, therefore we are un able toy vote. There are those that take so' little interest in any elec tion, but will yell to the sky if the man thaata represents their disrict does not ook out for their righs. And there are those that are just living, without a purpose, without an objective; hoping and praying that God will make life a little more bearable for them, but not ttrying o help Nim do it i When will we see the light? We fully realize that in some states the only way that a mem ber of our race dare vote, if he could, is by television. Many of us are hese today because we could no longer live under the strain, and there are those amoungst us that have often said we would rather be dead! than re turn to such a life. Are we doing anything to help our brother that must remain in these condi tions if he wishes to survive? j When will we see the light? This is an election year. A here in this part of the United States we are not questioned abount our color when we enter the booth to mark our ballot. That is, if we enter. And if we fail t enter we should remain sil ent about anything happening in our district, in our city, or county, or our state. When will we see the light? HOPE LUTHERN CHURCH 30th & Corby St. Sunday service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Lenten services every Wednes day evening at 8 p.m. Special Lenten music by the Children’s and Senior choirs. Welcome! On Sunday, February 29, from 4 to 8 p.m. Hope Lutheran is ob serving its second anniversary with a Tea sponsored by the choir of Hope Lutheran. The public is invited to attend this Tea. — MILLMAN FURNITURE CO. Get Acquainted Sale Complete furnishings for the House Mr. Joe B. Hornstein, manager of the Millman Furniture Com pany, located at 2610-12 Leaven worth street, extends his best wishes to the Omaha Guide on their 21st Anniversary; and ex tends a cordial invitation to all his friends o drop in antd take advantage of the special prices being offered on household fur nishings. Mr. Hornstein is well known to the North Omaha residents, having spent most of his life among our colored people. He atttended Long school and re members hundreds of -colored people as his friends. He would I appreciate your trade. See the large home furnishing and on the inside of this edition. Heap’s Appliance Service Dis plays 1948 Lines Heap’s Appliance Company, lo I cated at 142 West Broadway, in vittes you to come in and see the new 1948 line of Radios, Stoves, Sweepers, Freezers and many i other useful household appli ances. Heap’s Appliance has a Com plete service department, and y can be sure of courteous treatment and prompt service. You are cord ially invited to drop in as they appreciate your trade. HEAP'S APPLIANCE 142. W BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS VOTE FOR J V. CROWE FOR MAYOR I A — __ *- .,* * ‘ . W' " ’ TRAIN SCHEDULE *fV/t CHANGES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 29 Changes in arrival and departure times will affect these daily trains— LOS ANGELES LIMITED SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND Streamliner "CITY OF PORTLAND" Streamliner "CITY OF DENVER" COLUMBINE TRAIN NUMBER 13 # For detailed information, please see or phone-* « CITY TICKET OFFICE PHONE JAckson 5S22 \ Corner 15th and Dodge Sts. and 1614 Farnam St. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Road of the Gaily Streamliners Forgotten Inventor 00l - 1IS2*SEsg^i !22*2£$*2S5?** I C.C.GALLOWAY SEEKS YOUR SUPPORT The following .map herein be low is the 5th Legislative; District of the State of Nebraska. This is for your information on voting for your choice to represent you in the 1949 Legislative at the Sttate Capital, Lincln, Nebr. If you live in the boundaries of said outlined, map and if you are a registtered voter, you are elig ible to vote in the primary elec tion on April 13, 1948. I. C. C. Galloway, sincerel I solicit your earnest consideration j at the ballot box on the above said date. I have lived in the 5th District 45 years. Have been ac tive in civic, political, religious, and fraternal matters to make your district a better community in which o live. If I am nominated and elect-1 ed, I will honestly represent the people of the 5th District. I. here by, make a solemn pledge to take the rep tape out of the Old Age Assistance Act without any in crease in ieRal Estate Taxes.. If you are interested in help ing to elect a representative to represent you, I am asking you to stop at my headquarters, 2420 Grant street, and regiser in he Galloway for Senator Club. Show the strength and power of your ballot in the areaa in which you live. Don’t fail to vote in the Primbary election, on April 13, 1948. 3 O • 0>* 05 §1 SO ST || w r— ■ "East side #- 4. 49 ST <4 to f EASE SIOE gt2 I x 40 ST « EAST SIDE ® S 3 S - „ 53 I =Q ; g i S> 5 > * **™ST |* MR. C C GALLOWAY HAS m\Z {Lii!?.s,Dt» •S'5 ANNOUNCED HIS CANOI. *3st v DACY FOR THE LEGISLA- fASTS,“ r TURE AND HAS ISSUED THE FOLLOWING PLATFORM. v l. Make an ALL-OUT effort to win the Peace. r--.. — 2. Safeguard our theory of individual Liberty stmstsmw j Continue to give labor a square deal. 3« 4. Protect, defend and promote Agriculture. lu 5- Help Little Business as well as Big Business. J £ !Q m C. No new taxes and no Increase in old ones. ^ JO'THWKTST 7* ProvWe ASSISTANCE FOR THE AGED. 5S L“ i ' 8. Be prepared to meet the problems of the Post $ |* War Years. || A VOTE FOR GALLOWAY IS A VdTE FOR Is YOUR WELFARE. P whst. 2 * || 5™ LEGISLATIVE pi • DISTRICT INCLUDES EAsr side I—-g"g™°e . BEACHWOOD DIST. “ST S- LOCUST ?I PERSHING " • 3" « - > * 5 o m > • o c ; a* > ’"r I-!|!-1 m MILLMAN FURNITURE CO. < Here’s a SENSATIONAL Offer! 00 FOR YOUR OLD LIVING ROOM SUITE! . . . WHEN TRADED IN ON ANY 2-PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE WE HAVE IN STOCK! A special purchase enables us to bring up this tre mendous offer. Beautify your home NOW while this _ unusual sale is in effect, and while our stocks are complete. Choose Your Style From:— Lawsons, Modern, Seclional and French Design. ^BBHBBBBBB^ Choose Your — —————— Mohair, Frieze, Tapestry, Veiour, in Blue and Green. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL Wine, Gray, Rose, Turquoise HOLD YOUR SELECTION ... „ . _ . FREE Delivery Up to 200 Miles