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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1948)
Westinghouse Ektfuo Comforter with the Automatic Watchman Control Why? Because they’re snugly covered with a lush* •oft, lightweight Westinghouse Electric Comforter : the bedcovering for warmth without weight; This one Comforter is all that’s ever needed even on the coldest night. Once the Automatic Watch man Control has been set it maintains the selected H I warmth the whole night through regardless of changes in room temperature; Top is of quilted rayon satin, in Rose, Blue or Green with matching underside of nonslip spun rayon faille that anchors Comforter to the bed! I Outer cover dry-cleans beautifully::: Inner warm* l ing sheet of preshrunk muslin is eerily feaaorable j for washing. Approved by Underwriters' Labors- 1 tones, Inc. W- g •?/. attew fet gSBfif bAokhaeasA SMS i , * *» -- —' Dainty “powder box” control automatically compensates rbr chances la room temperature! Won’t (Hp off the bed. Tha underside of spun rayon f»*8» clings to the sheet. ITT ***»■<• *49.85 '' -- “ SOUTH OMAHA ELECTRIC SHOP ' % • t 5021 SO. 24th MA.3600 WMxm^Twomns with f CROSSBAR-PROPELLED By FEE7.~ IMPROVE!) TO BUILD 1818 'DANDY-HORSE- too costly for ORDiHARy folk... \%5.*BQM^&mstmm cmhk. tkeh-WE ORDINARY with himfroHt wheel,.. 1876-h.j. lawjon PATENTED m-men bicycle/ W7-MIL BEARIH6S.. .1889-Mfl/AMW TIRES... " 1894- FREE-WHEEUH6... 1899- YAMBLE 6EW... I xhbL xRK x1 l W'jVjia a xmMM dJJ INDUSTRY LAUNCHED IN 1877*/ COL. A. A. POPE... US BfCmSEXPORTEDTO worn BY\m... MOTORS added in]885-started MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY* 60,00Q000SICKLES IN WORLD... 12,000,000 IH U.S.! 'ABOUT 1Q000 EMPLOYED IN NATION'S BICYCLE AND MOTORCYCLE PLANTS PRODUCE NEARLY # $SOtOOO. OOOANNUALLY' I' PnepaAed OtfTUdiancU Patent Council_ ^ THE DISAPPOINTED WAR BRIDE S sur I *PU TtXD ME THIS I WAS ttiElAHP or ^-::——-5T—; toiirtMy Institute for American Democracy. Inc. I f Spray Mosquito Swamps Mosquitoes are effectively con trolled by DDT. According to a de partment of agriculture report, “the most reliable method of apply ing larvicides over a wide range of conditions is by means of spray ers.” The wet, swampy mosquito breeding areas should be sprayed. Much relief can be obtained around the home by spraying screens, trees and shrubs where the mosquitoes light. Any good sprayer can be used depending upon the amount of spraying to be done. The same sprayer also may be used for ether purposes. Divorce for Gabbiness An old penal code of China pro vided that a man could obtain a divorce if his wife was too talkative, or if she disregarded his parents, according to Encyclopaedia Britan aica. He also could obtain a di vorce, the code held, if his wife had an envious or suspicious temper. Oriental Rng Colors The colors and forms of nature have been the inspiration of weav ers of Oriental rugs through the ages. Because of this the basic colors and fundamental designs of Oriental rugs have a fresh feeling which, as one decorator points out, imparts a touch of warmth and hominess to modem interiors. “New Look” for Dinihg Room, Too TOP PHOTO—This drab, dull dining room with its dingy wall* paper and dark furniture demanded a “new look” which could be provided by a thorough paint-up, clean-up job. LOWER PHOTO— After a few days work, the same room with same furnishings looked like this. A single coat of cheerful Kem-Tope covered the old, dingy Wall-paper and two coats of enamel paint added new life and smart* ness to the old fashioned furniture. CLIP CURLING IRON with spnn* S? 291 in handle. Complete-full price ■ I ■IWINfflKIIIIMfWlnfflH “Euraka" Typa 7ft | BRASS COMB—straight teeth * I BRASS COMB— $ | S» I Curved Teeth. Wood or wire handle “ I MARCEL IRON — Plain or Rolling $■ 75 Handles. Price__ FREE 9 « PRESSING COMPOUND Wltb Ordei SEND NO MONEY Pay Postman Full Amount on Delivery H. K. COMPANY i BOX SI 63 DEPT. 97 RICHMOND. VA. OIL STOVE burns kerosene *22» _ -■ Millions of Maps When the United Nations invaded occupied Europe they took with them 125 ftilllion maps, the result of a “combined operations” job by the corps of engineers, the army air forces and the best brains of mili tary intelligence and thousands of enlisted personnel in the army. Aerial photographs have com pletely taken away the "mystery” of the Pacific islands, and the loca tion of every hut and palm tree. More original maps of France were produced by the Allies in 2 years than by France herself in 2,000 years. Entertaining New Fork There are in New York City 2,320 amusements places, il,438 places to eat and 5,201 places to drink as well as 522 hotels. Plants Discover Minerals A possibility that certain types of plant growth may come to be more widely used as clues to mineral de posits has been suggested by Uni versity of Wyoming workers. They point out that selenium indicator and accumulator plants are now commonly relied upon as guides to rocks and soils which carry that element. They suggest that vegeta tion also may be used as a guide to other minerals. Certain toxic vege tation is known to carry relatively high rare-metal values, molybde num being one example. ALL FORMAL, ALL WASHABLE I Miss America of 1947 (center), Barbara Jo Walker of Memphis, and other models show a completely washable wardrobe of formal attire at a recent convention of laundry owners. Miss America’s evening gown is of white chintz. The model at her right wears an evening gown of striped cotton. Other gowns', left to right, are a jacket-and-dress set of cotton, a bridal gown of cot ton pique, an evening suit of cotton velvet and an evening gown of cot ton velveteen. The style show at which this photo was taken wa( part of a demonstration of how manufacturers are working with the laundry industry to produce new washable fabric marvels. Fresh Produce Markets Faneuil Hall market in Boston is 200 years old and the French mar ket in New Orleans is 150 years old. Other markets, handling fresh fruits and vegetables that are more than 100 years old include Pearl street market in Cincinnati, Dock street market and Callowhill street market in Philadelphia, and the Roanoke avenue market at Norfolk. Many others have been operating for more than 50 years. When these markets were built the produce was hauled by horse and wagon, or brought in by water. Most of the produce now arrives by rail. FHEYLL NEVERDIE SUCCESSFUL MERCHANT OF PHILADELPHIA. PA ontinenttl Pwtnw 4 THIS VETERAM OF THE CIVIL WAR WAS BORN 99 YEARS AGO INPHILADEL PH IA PA . IN ies9 MR-HALL ORGAN IZED THE PIONEER BLDG AND LOAN ASSOCIATION AND FOR 25 YEARS VUAS ITS ONLY PRESIDENT- IT IS SAID THATTHE ASSOCIA TION DID A LARGE VOLUME ©F BUSINESS WITHOUT A SINGLE REVERSE/ MR. HALL IS BEST REMEM BERED for his successful BUTTER,EGC, and POULTRY retail business inphila. BECAUSE OF THE HIGH QUAL ITY OF HIS GOOD 5 MR HALL'S CUSTOMERS WERE OFTEN AMONG THE WEALTHIEST CITIZENS OF THAT CITY' MIS MANY CIVIC ACTIVITIES ARE WELL REMEMBERED . I \ BY PHILADELPHIANS- //■!/ Leap Year Salvage An extra day this year means , three extra meals and an added opportunity to save used cook-j lng fat. The American Fat Sal-1 vage Committee points »outl .Your meat dealer will buy everyJ [pound, you Jum.ln/' Check Your Skirt Too Dark ? QPimples, Blemishes? USfo'n Rough, Harsh? U/aults externallycaused? 3-Way Skin Treatment Often Works Miracles Don’t give up hope for a lighter, dearer, smoother skin until you see what thin amazing Dr. FRED Palmer’s 3-way treatment may do for you. It’s easy and economical. Just do this 7 days ... (1) Wash only with Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Delight Soap (2) Spread on Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener... leave on all night (3) Daytimes protect skin with Dr. FRED Palmer's Vanishing Cream You can get all 3 Dr. FRED Palmer’s at drug stores, 25c each. Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener also in 50c size. Full Directions on packages ... Caution —Use only as directed. Be delighted with results on 7 days’ trial or money back. Ask for Dr. FRED Palmer’s. FREE — Trial size SKIN WHITSNCK. Sand 10c for postage, handling to * Or. FRED Palmer’s. Bor 264, Dept. S. Atlanta, Ga. areyoulettinb' KILL ROMANCE? Gray, drab hair can make you look older— discourage invitations to have a good time be* cause men think you're too old. Don't take a chance with your romance. Give your hair rich, natural looking color and beauty with Larieuse. Your friends will approve. I look years younger Color'Your Hair This Easy Way To give your hair new, rich, natural lookingcolor(blaclc, brown, blonde)start using Godefroy's Larieuse HairColor Ing NOW... acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily — won t rub oft or wash out—unaffected by heat -“Permits permanents and stylish hairdos . . . known and used for over 50 years. Your dealer will give your money back if you're not 100% satisfied. Have an easy, professional application at your favorite beauty shop or buy Laneusc at any cosmetic department or drugstore. .. 1/ . W your dealer does not have larieute,* »®nd $1.25 plus 25^ Fod. tax direct to •EIROn Cautiom eui£ COLORING §■ IabeL GODEFROY MFG. CO.* 3510 OLIVE ST.*ST.LOUIS 3,MQ EDGE CURLING, riEE iron .WITH • ORDER V-ROLL $3,50 CHIGNON 1 $3.50 mu ... PAGE BOY $3.50 CLUSTER $4.00 Why pay mors tor soft lovely looking fine quality human hair that glamour izes your hair-do and yet Is so nat ural looking and so easily attached? State color or send sample ot your hair no WO.tET—Poy postman on delivery plus chgrges. H. K. COMPANY, Dept. 1 - Box 2163,, Virgnio j —- » HOME HOURS WILL BE HAPPY HOURS WITH A WONDERFUL Wkstindiouse y^—^ Radio-Phonograph XT' Ja THE MAGIC OF FINE MUSIC IS YOURS WITH THE 169 Has Plenti-power, Rainbow Tone FM, two ^ wave bands, the amazing Electronic Feather, the Automix Record. Changer which plays 10 and 12-inch records intermixed, Signal Light ControL twin record compartments, two speakers , . . .; exquisite bow-front cabinet in matched w - veneers — a magnificent possession! 4 MORE THAN YOU DREAMED POSSIBLE AT SUCH LOW COST ...THE 166 .You’ll marvel at true-to-Iife Plentl-power reception . Rainbow Tone FM, the quietest, most sensitive FM ever made for home use . .. the amazing Electronic Feather tone arm which eliminates needle scratch without loss of musical Ihighs . . . the new Automix ri ujj | Ills i ■ 10 and 12-inch records intermixed. ^379 9o $600.00 m l li im ...i THE PERFECT EXTRA RADIO..THE 12$ THE CONSOLE RADIO IN CAPSULE FOP.M Only 9VS x 6" x 6"—ideal for crowded table top* J • • • P?wef “d tone you’ll have to hear to believe. ' §36.95 Completely enclosed on all sides . . . retractable, disappearing handle that makes it easy to carry from room to room. Ivory and gold, green and gold. .ask ABOUT OUR EASY TERMS®:* « j ..‘ V SOUTH OMAHA ELECTRIC SHOP OIAlRKEOT 3600 5021 SO. 24TH.